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Himalaya International School

Year 2020-2021
Class:VIII Subject : SCIENCE


Multiple Choice Questions Page-34

1. (c) 2. (a)
Multiple Choice Questions Page-38
1. (b) 2. (c)
EXERCISE A. Tick (3) the correct options.
1. (b) 2. (b) 3. (c) 4. (a) 5. (d)
B. Fill in the blanks.
1. drip-dry property 2. soft 3. water pollution 4. Thermocol
C. Match the following.
1. (e) 2. (f) 3. (g) 4. (h) 5. (a) 6. (c) 7. (b) 8. (d)
D. Very Short Answer Questions.
1. Name the smallest unit of nylon.
1. Amide molecule

2. Give any two examples of thermoplastics.

2. Polythene and polyvinyl chloride

3. Give any two examples to show that plastics are non-reactive in nature.
3. Water tanks and water pipes

4. Which fiber is also called artificial silk?

4. Rayon

5. Name the monomer of polyester.

5. Ester

6. Give two examples of plastics.

6. Terylene and polyvinyl chloride

E. Short Answer Type-I Questions.

1. What are human-made or synthetic fibres?
1. Fibres obtained through different chemical processes in the industries are human-made or synthetic
2. What is a polymer?
2. Polymer is the large number of small units joined end to end to form long chains. Plastics are polymers.
3. Why is nylon used for making bristles of toothbrushes?
3. Due to the high tensile strength of the nylon fibres, these are used for making bristles of toothbrushes.
4. What is the 5-R Principle?
4. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle and Recover is called the 4-R principle. It helps to reduce pollution and keep the
environment clean.
F. Short Answer Type-II Questions.
1. (a) What are plastics?
(b) Give any two uses of plastics.

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1. (a) Plastic is a polymer made up of a very large number of small molecules joined end to end to form long
chains. It is a synthetic material which on being heated becomes soft and can be moulded into desired
shapes and then again hardened to provide durable articles.
(b) (i) Plastic (PVC) is used for making water pipes.
(ii) Plastic (Bakelite) is used for making electrical switches and plugs.

2. Give the difference between thermosetting plastics and thermoplastics.

2. Thermoplastics can be melted repeatedly by heating, hardened on cooling and can be moulded again and
again into different shapes. Example- polythene, PVC, polyesters.
but thermosetting plastics once moulded into a shape does not become soft on heating and cannot be
moulded again. Example Bakelite, Melamine and Formica

3. (a) Why is polyester used for making water hoses for firefighting operations?
(b) Why are saucepan handles , electric plugs and switch firefighting operations?
3. (a) Polyester is used for making water hoses for firefighting operations because it is light, strong, elastic,
absorbs little amount of water, dries quickly after washing and is wrinkle-free.
(b) Saucepan handles, electric plugs and switches are made of thermosetting plastics because they are more
tough and rigid and are poor conductor of heat and electricity.
4. John------------------------------------------------------------mountain.
(a.) Name the fiber that is used in making the climbing rope.
(b). What can we learn from John and his trainer?
4. (a) Nylon
(b) We learn that we can do anything by having strong will and determination. We should not be scared of
anything and should make constant efforts to achieve our goal. We should always help others in overcoming
their fears.
G. Long Answer Questions.
1. (i) Plastics do not get completely burnt and produce toxic gases that cause air pollution.
(ii) When plastics are dumped in water, they cause water pollution.
(iii) Most of the plastics dumped in land, pollute land.
(iv) Polybags, carelessly thrown here and there, clog the drains.
(v) Throwing of plastics, here and there, provides breeding ground for disease-causing microorganisms.
2. (a) Cooking pans have plastic handles because plastic is a poor conductor of heat.
(b) Burning of plastic produces toxic gases and smoke which cause air pollution.
(c) Electric wires have a plastic covering because plastic is a poor conductor of electricity.
(d) Bakelite is used for making electrical switches because Bakelite is a poor conductor of electricity.
(e) Plastics are strong and durable because they can be moulded into different shapes and sizes.
3. (a) High tensile strength: Synthetic fibres are very strong and can hold large weight without breaking.
(b) Low water absorption: Synthetic fibres absorb very little amount of water. So, they dry quickly and this
property is called drip-dry property.
(c) Abrasion-resistant: Most of the synthetic fibres have wear and tear resistance. So, the clothes made by
these fibres are long lasting or durable.
(d) Less expensive: Synthetic fibres are less expensive and more affordable.
4. Five eco-friendly habits are Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, Recycle and Recover.
1. We should avoid the use of plastics.
2. We should clean and dry plastic bags, containers and bottles for reuse.
3. We should use green and blue bins to recycle the plastic bags.
4. We should not throw plastic items like bottles, polybags, wrappers etc. on the roads.
5. We should not dispose of articles made of plastic in the sewage system.
H. HOTS (Higher Order Thinking Skills) Questions.
1. Nylon is used to make fishing nets because it has high tensile strength and is waterproof.
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2. Synthetic fibres are made from chemicals artificially in the factories. They do not require any plant product
and thus, production of synthetic fibres helps in conservation of forests.

Chapter 4: Materials: Metals and Non-metals

Multiple Choice Questions Page-45

(a) 2. (c) Multiple Choice Questions Page-50 1. (a) 2. (a)
EXERCISE A. Tick (3) the correct options.
1. (c) 2. (a) 3. (c) 4. (b) 5. (a)
B. Fill in the blanks.
1. ductility 2. bismuth 3. Diamond 4. Graphite 5. silver sulphide
C. Match the following.
1. (e) 2. (d) 3. (a) 4. (c) 5. (b)
D. State whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F). Rewrite the false statements correctly.
1. F, correct statement – Elements are substances which cannot be separated by chemical methods.
2. F, correct statement – We use silicon for making solar cells.
3. T
4. F, correct statement – Diamond is a good conductor of heat.
5. T
6. T
7. T
E. Very Short Answer Questions.
1. Copper vessel loses its shine.
2. Silicon
3. Basic oxides
4. Copper
5. Gold
6. (a) Iron (b) Mercury
F. Short Answer Type-I Questions.
1. (a) Magnesium reacts with dilute hydrochloric acid to form magnesium chloride and hydrogen gas.
(b) Aluminium reacts with dilute hydrochloric acid to form aluminium chloride and hydrogen gas.
2. (i) Carbon and sulphur will form acidic oxides because these two are non-metals.
(ii) Magnesium, zinc and iron will form basic oxides because these three are metals.
3. When an iron object is left in damp air (or water) for a considerable time, it gets covered with a reddish-
brown flaky substance called rust. This is called rusting of iron.
Iron + oxygen + water (metal) (from damp air) (reddish brown in colour) Hydrated iron oxide rust
4. A colourless solution of magnesium sulphate will be obtained.
CuSO4 + Mg------------------------> MgSO4 + Cu
Copper+ sulphate (blue solution)--------------> Magnesium sulphate (colourless solution)+ Copper (reddish-
G. Short Answer Type-II Questions.
1. (a) Electric wires are made of copper because it is a good conductor of electricity.
(b) Gold and silver are used for making jewellery because they are lustrous, highly malleable and ductile.
(c) Graphite is used for making electrodes in electric cells because it is a good conductor of electricity.
2. (a) Sonority .
(b) Care for the poor and needy and spreading happiness.
H. Long Answer Questions.
1. (i) Metals are solid at room temperature, except mercury which is liquid at room temperature.

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(ii) Metals are malleable, i.e., they can be beaten into thin sheets.
(iii) Metals are ductile, i.e., they can be drawn into thin wires.
(iv) Metals are lustrous.
(v) Generally, metals are hard.
2. Physical properties:
(i) Copper is malleable.
(ii) Copper is ductile.
(iii) Copper is a good conductor of heat.
Chemical properties: (i) Copper shows displacement reaction.
(here, more reactive metal (Fe) displaces less reactive metal (Cu) from copper sulphate solution)
(ii) Copper reacts with oxygen to form basic oxides.

I. HOTS (Higher Order Thinking Skills) Questions.

1.We cannot store lemon pickle in an aluminium container because lemon contains acid and aluminium
being a highly reactive metal, reacts even with the mild acid and forms poisonous salts.
2. Sodium reacts vigorously with water because it is highly reactive.

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