Guideline To Establish Optimal Ball Mill Performance - Version 1 - 25-06-10

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to establish optimal

Ball Mill Performance

Version 1 – 25.06.2010

This document is prepared by

Technology Center GmbH
Table of contents


1.1 BALL MILL TEST LEVEL 1 - PROCESS AND QUALITY DATA SUPERVISION .....................................................5
1.2 BALL MILL TEST LEVEL 2 - QUICK TEST AND INSPECTION ..........................................................................5
1.3 BALL MILL TEST LEVEL 3 - ADVANCED TEST AND INSPECTION ...................................................................6
1.4 BALL MILL TEST LEVEL 4 - MILL AUDIT .....................................................................................................7
Ball Mill Test Level 1
1. GENERAL INFORMATION........................................................................................................................9

Ball Mill Test Level 2

1. GENERAL INFORMATION......................................................................................................................11

2. BACKGROUND AND DESCRIPTION OF THE INSTALLATION ...........................................................11

3. STABLE TEST RUN CONDITIONS.........................................................................................................11

4. CONTROL ON SITE DURING OPERATION...........................................................................................12

5. INSPECTION OF THE MILL ....................................................................................................................12

5.1 PICTURES.............................................................................................................................................12
5.2 FILLING DEGREE ...................................................................................................................................13
5.2.1 Measuring procedure ..................................................................................................................13
5.2.2 Evaluation of the filling degree ....................................................................................................13
5.2.3 Evaluation of the power consumption at the mill tube.................................................................13
5.2.4 Power consumption comparison at the mill tube.........................................................................14
5.3 MATERIAL LEVEL...................................................................................................................................15
5.3.1 Material level chamber 1 .............................................................................................................15
5.3.2 Material level chamber 2 .............................................................................................................15
5.4 REPRESENTATIVE MATERIAL SAMPLES ...................................................................................................16
5.4.1 Sampling procedure ....................................................................................................................16
5.4.2 Evaluation of the material sample ...............................................................................................16
5.5 MAXIMUM AND MINIMUM BALL SIZE .........................................................................................................16
5.6 COATING OF LINERS AND BALLS .............................................................................................................17
5.6.1 Wet coating .................................................................................................................................17
5.6.2 Dry coating ..................................................................................................................................17
5.7 DIAPHRAGM ASSESSMENT .....................................................................................................................18
5.8 W EAR AND BREAKAGE OF LINERS AND BALLS .........................................................................................18
5.9 MATERIAL TEMPERATURE INSIDE THE BALL CHARGE ...............................................................................18
6. REPORTING ............................................................................................................................................18

Ball Mill Test Level 3

1. GENERAL INFORMATION......................................................................................................................20

2. BACKGROUND AND DESCRIPTION OF THE INSTALLATION ...........................................................20

3. STABLE TEST RUN CONDITIONS.........................................................................................................20

4. CONTROL ON SITE DURING OPERATION...........................................................................................20

5. PROCESS DATA COLLECTION.............................................................................................................21

5.1 POWER COUNTERS AND SCALES ............................................................................................................21
5.2 GENERAL OPERATING DATA...................................................................................................................21
6. REPRESENTATIVE MATERIAL CIRCUIT SAMPLES............................................................................22

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6.1 GENERAL INFORMATION ........................................................................................................................22
6.2 BULK SAMPLES .....................................................................................................................................23
6.2.1 Sampling procedure ....................................................................................................................23
6.2.2 Evaluation of the granulometry ...................................................................................................23
6.2.3 Evaluation of the moisture content..............................................................................................23
6.3 SINGLE SAMPLES ..................................................................................................................................24
6.3.1 Sampling procedure ....................................................................................................................24
6.3.2 Evaluation of Blaine, residue and grain size distribution.............................................................24
6.3.3 Evaluation of the Trompcurve and the separator efficiency........................................................24
6.3.4 Calculation example for the Trompcurve and the separator efficiency .......................................26
7. INSPECTION OF THE MILL ....................................................................................................................30
7.1 PICTURES.............................................................................................................................................30
7.2 FILLING DEGREE ...................................................................................................................................30
7.3 MATERIAL LEVEL...................................................................................................................................30
7.4 REPRESENTATIVE METER SAMPLES .......................................................................................................31
7.4.1 Sampling procedure ....................................................................................................................31
7.4.2 Evaluation of the meter samples.................................................................................................31
7.5 REPRESENTATIVE BALL SAMPLES CHAMBER 2 ........................................................................................33
7.5.1 Sampling procedure ....................................................................................................................33
7.5.2 Evaluation of the ball samples ....................................................................................................33
7.6 MAXIMUM AND MINIMUM BALL SIZE .........................................................................................................34
7.7 COATING OF LINERS AND BALLS .............................................................................................................34
7.8 DIAPHRAGM ASSESSMENT .....................................................................................................................34
7.9 W EAR AND BREAKAGE OF LINERS AND BALLS .........................................................................................34
7.10 MATERIAL TEMPERATURE INSIDE THE BALL CHARGE .............................................................................34
8. INSPECTION OF THE SEPARATOR ......................................................................................................34

9. INSPECTION OF THE FILTER................................................................................................................34

10. REPORTING ..........................................................................................................................................34

Ball Mill Test Level 4

1. GENERAL INFORMATION......................................................................................................................36

2. BACKGROUND AND DESCRIPTION OF THE INSTALLATION ...........................................................36

3. STABLE TEST RUN CONDITIONS.........................................................................................................36

4. CONTROL ON SITE DURING OPERATION...........................................................................................36

5. PROCESS DATA COLLECTION.............................................................................................................37

6. REPRESENTATIVE MATERIAL CIRCUIT SAMPLES............................................................................37

6.1 GENERAL INFORMATION ........................................................................................................................37
6.2 BULK SAMPLES .....................................................................................................................................37
6.2.1 Sampling procedure ....................................................................................................................37
6.2.2 Evaluation of the granulometry ...................................................................................................37
6.2.3 Evaluation of the moisture content..............................................................................................37
6.2.4 Evaluation of the material grindability .........................................................................................37
6.3 SINGLE SAMPLES ..................................................................................................................................37
6.3.1 Sampling procedure ....................................................................................................................37
6.3.2 Evaluation of Blaine, residue and grain size distribution.............................................................37
6.3.3 Evaluation of the Trompcurve and the separator efficiency........................................................37
6.3.4 Calculation example for the Trompcurve and the separator efficiency .......................................38
6.2.5 Evaluation of the product quality (for cement only) .....................................................................38
7. VOLUME FLOW MEASUREMENT .........................................................................................................38

8. TEMPERATURE AND PRESSURE PROFILE ........................................................................................39

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9. FALSE AIR MEASUREMENT (FOR RAW MILLS ONLY) ......................................................................40
9.1 AIR QUANTITY BALANCE ........................................................................................................................40
9.2 GAS ANALYSIS ......................................................................................................................................41
10. HEAT BALANCE (FOR RAW MILLS ONLY) ........................................................................................41

11. INSPECTION OF THE MILL ..................................................................................................................44

11.1 PICTURES...........................................................................................................................................44
11.2 FILLING DEGREE .................................................................................................................................44
11.3 MATERIAL LEVEL.................................................................................................................................44
11.4 REPRESENTATIVE METER SAMPLES .....................................................................................................44
11.5 BALL CHARGE CHECK CHAMBER 1........................................................................................................44
11.5.1 Inspection procedure ................................................................................................................45
11.5.2 Evaluation of the ball charge inspection....................................................................................45
11.6 REPRESENTATIVE BALL SAMPLES CHAMBER 2 ......................................................................................46
11.6.1 Sampling procedure ..................................................................................................................46
11.6.2 Evaluation of the ball samples ..................................................................................................46
11.6 MAXIMUM AND MINIMUM BALL SIZE .......................................................................................................47
11.7 COATING OF LINERS AND BALLS ...........................................................................................................47
11.8 DIAPHRAGM ASSESSMENT ...................................................................................................................48
11.9 W EAR AND BREAKAGE OF LINERS AND BALLS .......................................................................................48
11.10 MATERIAL TEMPERATURE INSIDE THE BALL CHARGE ...........................................................................48
12. INSPECTION OF THE SEPARATOR ....................................................................................................48

13. INSPECTION OF THE FILTER..............................................................................................................48

14. REPORTING ..........................................................................................................................................48

1. LITERATURE, STANDARDS AND GUIDELINES...................................................................................50

2. TEMPLATE REPORT TEST LEVEL 2 ....................................................................................................50

3. TEMPLATE REPORT TEST LEVEL 3 ....................................................................................................50

4. TEMPLATE REPORT TEST LEVEL 4 ....................................................................................................50

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1. Actions to establish optimal Ball Mill performance - Overview
In the following you can find a short overview of the four test levels to establish optimal ball mill
It will be necessary for the plant staff to make monthly, quarterly and yearly checks / investiga-
tions to control the performance.
Additionally every 3 to 5 years HTC will make an audit of the whole grinding plant.

1.1 Ball Mill Test Level 1 - Process and quality data supervision

Every month, the following data have to be checked by the plant for all products:
• Specific energy consumption
• Throughput
• Product fineness
• Strength
• Recipe
• Raw material moisture

The main target is to identify bigger deviations or problems in the ball mill per-

1.2 Ball Mill Test Level 2 - Quick test and inspection

On a quarterly basis the following has to be checked by the plant for the main products:
• Background and description of the installation
• Stable test run conditions
• Control on site during operation
• Inspection of the mill
- Pictures
- Filling degree
- Material level
- Representative material samples
- Maximum and minimum ball size
- Coatings of liners and balls
- Diaphragm assessment
- Wear and breakage of liners and balls
- Material temperature inside the ball charge
• Reporting

The main target is to check the performance of the mill itself and to record all
findings in a short report!

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Actions to establish optimal Ball Mill performance - Overview

1.3 Ball Mill Test Level 3 - Advanced test and inspection

Once a year the following has to be checked by the plant for the main products:
(if needed with the assistance of HTC)
• Background and description of the installation
• Stable test run conditions
• Control on site during operation
• Process data collection
• Representative material circuit samples
• Inspection of the mill
- Pictures
- Filling degree
- Material level
- Representative meter samples
- Representative ball samples chamber 2
- Maximum and minimum ball size
- Coatings of liners and balls
- Diaphragm assessment
- Wear and breakage of liners and balls
- Material temperature inside the ball charge
• Inspection of the separator
• Inspection of the filter
• Reporting

Evaluate and assess the actual status of:

• the separator performance
• the grinding process in the ball mill

The main target is to determine the performance of the separator and the grinding
process of the mill!
All findings have to be recorded in a short report and further steps for improve-
ments should be implemented if necessary!

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Actions to establish optimal Ball Mill performance - Overview

1.4 Ball Mill Test Level 4 - Mill audit

Every three to five years a mill audit has to be executed by HTC with the assistance
of the plant for the main products:
• Background and description of the installation
• Stable test run conditions
• Control on site during operation
• Process data collection
• Representative material circuit samples
• Volume flow measurement
• Temperature and pressure profile
• False air measurement (for raw mills only)
• Heat balance (for raw mills only)
• Inspection of the mill
- Pictures
- Filling degree
- Material level
- Representative meter samples
- Ball charge check chamber 1
- Representative ball samples chamber 2
- Maximum and minimum ball size
- Coatings of liners and balls
- Diaphragm assessment
- Wear and breakage of liners and balls
- Material temperature inside the ball charge
• Inspection of the separator
• Inspection of the filter
• Reporting

Evaluate and assess the actual status of:

• the separator performance
• the grinding process in the ball mill
• the raw material grindability
• the product quality

Conclusion and recommendations for:

• problems and bottle necks
• implementation of actions to achieve best practices
• process know how transfer
• operation strategies

The main target is to determine the performance of the separator and the whole
grinding process including grindability and quality analyses!
All findings have to be recorded in a report and further steps for improvements
should be implemented if necessary!

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Ball Mill Test Level 1

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Ball Mill Test Level 1

1. General Information
The main target of test level 1 is just to check the production figures of all products for bigger
deviations/problems. The main focus should be on the following values:

• Specific energy consumption

• Throughput
• Product fineness
• Strength
• Recipe
• Raw material moisture

In general a monthly average for all figures has to be prepared to get a good impression of the
actual situation (similar to the OCR report).

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Ball Mill Test Level 2

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Ball Mill Test Level 2

1. General Information
The main target of the test is to get an overview regarding the actual situation of the ball mill for
the main products and should be done once a quarter.

In general the Ball Mill Test Level 2 covers the following facts:

• Background and description of the installation

• Stable test run conditions
• Control on site during operation
• Inspection of the mill
• Reporting

In the following it will be explained how to arrange such a mill test and how to evaluate all col-
lected data / analyses to get the most reliable results regarding the performance of the ball mill.

2. Background and description of the installation

For the report later on there has to be a short description regarding the background for the test
and regarding the ball mill installation in the plant covering the following points:
• Type of mill
• Supplier
• Dimensions
• Installed mill drive power
• Separator generation
• Mill control
• Water injection

To get a complete overview of the installation a sketch or flow sheet has to be attached to the

3. Stable test run conditions

The mill should run at least 3 hours in stable conditions for each product. Every problem or inter-
ruption during the test should be reported.
During the test the average mill drive power should be calculated and after the test period the
mill has to be crash stopped for the inspections inside later on.

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Ball Mill Test Level 2

4. Control on site during operation

During the test run the installation should be visibly checked for:
• Grinding aid addition (constant input)
• Dust emission and air leakages (false air)
• Fan vibrations
• Control of well running discharge valves / flaps (mill outlet, separator and cyclones)
• General state of the belt scales (last calibration)
• General state of the conveying equipment

All findings should be shortly mentioned in the report!

5. Inspection of the mill

The mill inspection procedure after the crash stop covers the following facts:
1. Pictures
2. Filling degree
3. Material level
4. Representative material samples
5. Maximum and minimum ball size
6. Coating of liners and balls
7. Diaphragm assessment
8. Wear and breakage of liners and balls
9. Material temperature inside the ball charge

All these points have to be checked for each chamber and the results have to be collected in the
corresponding excel sheets and in the report!

5.1 Pictures

Pictures should be taken in sufficient number and showing the context as well as details of
the observations:
• Showing the global view of the chamber
• Detail pictures of abnormalities

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Ball Mill Test Level 2

5.2 Filling degree

5.2.1 Measuring procedure

The filling degree is determined with the free height over the ball charge and shall be
measured at the inlet, in the middle and at the outlet of each chamber. It should always be
done in the same way in order to see the level variations.
If the material layer is higher than the ball charge the balls have to be un-covered before
measuring the free height.

5.2.2 Evaluation of the filling degree

The filling degree f is calculated with the following formulas:

α sin 2α α sin α cos α

f = − -> f = −
180° 2π 180° π Dli

with cos α = 2 −1

5.2.3 Evaluation of the power consumption at the mill tube

The filling ratios determined by measuring the free height have to be reduced by 1 to 3 %
depending on the amount of material between the ball charge.

Grinding media filling

With the filling degree the weight of the grinding media can be calculated:
⋅ Dli ⋅ Lli ⋅ f ⋅ γMK

Dli = inside liner diameter of grinding chamber [m]

Lli = effective length of the grinding chamber [m]
f = grinding media filling degree [%]

γMK = bulk density grinding media [t/m ]
1 chamber approx. 4.4
2 chamber approx. 4.6

Power consumption at the mill tube

With the weight of the grinding media, the power consumption at the mill tube is then to
be calculated:
Pw = c ⋅ G ⋅ Dli ⋅ nR (kW)

c = entrainment factor (out of figure 8) [-]

G = weight of grinding media [t]
Dli = Inside liner diameter of grinding chamber [m]

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Ball Mill Test Level 2

nR = revolutions of the tube [rpm]

PZ = Pw ⋅ (counter) [kW]

ηA = Total efficiency [-]

The total efficiency η A = ηmech * ηel

• For girth gear drive: η A = ηmech * η = 0.92
• For central drive: η A = ηmech * η = 0.94
To determine the entrainment factor c the following graph has to be used:

uncovered grinding balls
grinding balls
grinding balls and and
balls material on
material on
0,23 the

covered grinding balls balls
19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35

Filling ratio f [ % ]
Figure 8: Entrainment factor c

5.2.4 Power consumption comparison at the mill tube

The difference between the power input of the counter and the calculated input over the
measured filling degree should not be higher than 5 %.

ball charge counter
filling degree

Filling degree chamber1 % 25,2 26,0 -

Filling degree chamber 2 % 26,0 24,8 -
Total filling degree % 25,8 25,2 -

Power input chamber 1 kW 294 308 -

Power input chamber 2 kW 732 727 -
Total power input kW 1.026 1.035 870

• Power input counter > Power input grinding level

-> This can be an indication for a not correct ball charge weight
• Power input counter < Power input grinding level
-> This can be an indication for a bloated ball charge

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Ball Mill Test Level 2

5.3 Material level

The material level estimation has to determine if the quantity of material in the chambers is
right or not.

5.3.1 Material level chamber 1

Ideally the material shall be at the same level as the balls. It means that the top of each
ball can be seen but also that material can be seen between each ball. The grinding effi-
ciency decreases with a too high or a too low material level.

Low material level

An empty chamber is characterized by the lack of material in front of the diaphragm.
At the point where the material level is below the ball charge level a triangle can be
measured to classify the lack of material where the material is under the ball level. Grind-
ing efficiency decreases.
When looking to a mill first chamber cross section from the top (see figure 1), the filling is
close to the optimum if only the small triangle fixed by line 1 is with low material level.
If it is on line 2, it is close to the optimum efficiency limit. At line 3, drastic actions have to
be taken in account and at line 4, even the chamber length has to be questioned.

Figure 1: Sketch to easily determine the material level in chamber 1

High material level

When the ball charge is overfilled with material, it is above the balls and they are not
touching each other. The mill absorbed power goes down and therefore the grinding effi-
ciency decreases.

5.3.2 Material level chamber 2

In the second chamber the material shall be ideally at the same level as or even above the
ball charge.

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Ball Mill Test Level 2

5.4 Representative material samples

5.4.1 Sampling procedure

Chamber 1
The material sample at the end of the first chamber has to be taken after digging the
balls out.
A pit of about 25 cm has to be prepared taking out material and balls. Usually a metal
bar or a screw driver can be used. The material amount should be approx. 2 kg.

Chamber 2
At the end of chamber 2, the sample has to be taken when it is hard to push the shovel
into the balls (not directly on top of the charge).
Material and balls can be taken at the same time to be separated with a 10mm sieve,
putting the material particles if any to the sample and the scraps and D shaped balls on
the side. The material amount should be approx. 2 kg.

5.4.2 Evaluation of the material sample

Chamber 1
For chamber 1 the following analyses have to be done:
• Sieve residue on 8mm, 4mm, 2mm, 1mm and 500µm
(if not available use a similar mesh size)

In general no particles bigger than 4mm should be in the sample.

Chamber 2
For chamber 2 the following analyses have to be done:
• Specific surface according to Blaine (for cement)
• Sieve residue on 4mm, 2mm, 1mm, 500µm
(if not available use a similar mesh size)
In general no particles bigger than 1mm should be in the sample and the Blaine value
should be in a range of 1.800 to 2.200 for a product fineness of 3.000 Blaine. (valid only
for cement)

5.5 Maximum and minimum ball size

Chamber 1
In the first chamber the maximum and minimum ball size has to be checked.

Chamber 2
In the second chamber, the classification of the balls should be commented and the
minimum and maximum ball size should be checked at chamber inlet and outlet.

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Ball Mill Test Level 2

5.6 Coating of liners and balls

5.6.1 Wet coating

Usually the wet coating is exclusively found in the first chamber. Any dry coating would be
cleaned by the charges as the balls have enough potential energy to remove the coating.
Wet coating is the result of too high feed moisture and results in a loss of throughput.
Therefore the maximum moisture content in the total feed should be less than 2%.

Figure 2: Wet coating in chamber 1

More details regarding the coating assessment can be found in the corresponding excel

5.6.2 Dry coating

Dry coating is the result of high temperature in the mill and mainly occurs in the second
chamber. Electrostatic forces induce agglomerated material. As a result, liners as well as
balls can be coated, which leads to a loss of grinding efficiency.

Figure 3: Dry coating at balls in chamber 2

More details regarding the coating assessment can be found in the corresponding excel

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Ball Mill Test Level 2

5.7 Diaphragm assessment

The intermediate and outlet diaphragm slot size and remaining thickness have to be meas-
ured and the blocked areas have to be commented.

5.8 Wear and breakage of liners and balls

The first chamber shell liners and balls should be checked for breakages and if possible the
remaining liner lifting height should be measured at the chamber inlet, in the centre and at
the chamber outlet.

5.9 Material temperature inside the ball charge

In case of an available water spray system the material temperature (below the top layer
balls) can be measured directly after the crash stop (inlet, centre, outlet), in order to get an
idea of the temperature in working conditions.
This can help to determine if the water spray is working correctly or not.

6. Reporting
In the appendix a template report can be found for this test level.

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Ball Mill Test Level 3

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Ball Mill Test Level 3

1. General Information

The main target of the test is to get an overview regarding the actual situation of the ball mill and
the separator for the main products and should be done once a year by the plant (if necessary
with assistance of HTC).

In general the Ball Mill Test Level 3 covers the following facts:

• Background and description of the installation

• Stable test run conditions
• Control on site during operation
• Process data collection
• Representative material circuit samples
• Inspection of the mill, the separator and the filter
• Reporting

In the following it will be explained how to arrange such a mill test and how to evaluate all col-
lected data / analyses to get the most reliable results regarding the performance of the ball mill
and the separator.

2. Background and description of the installation

See Ball Mill Test Level 2!

3. Stable test run conditions

To have enough time for all necessary measurements and samplings during the test, the mill
should run at least 8 hours in stable conditions for each product. Every problem or interruption
during the test should be reported.
When all necessary actions during operation have been done, the mill should be crash stopped
for the inspections inside of the mill, the separator and the filter.

4. Control on site during operation

See Ball Mill Test Level 2!

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Ball Mill Test Level 3

5. Process data collection

Below you can find all necessary data which have to be collected by the operator every hour
during the whole testing period.

5.1 Power counters and scales

- Material scales in t 1. Clinker

2. Gypsum
3. Limestone
4. Further components

- Power counters in kWh 1. Mill main drive

2. Separator fan
3. Separator rotor
4. Mill fan
5. Auxiliary drives

5.2 General operating data

For this purpose the control room protocol has to be considered during the test period.

- Ball Mill Settings 1. Volume flow mill dedusting

2. Water injection
3. Pressure after the mill
4. Further parameters

- Separator Settings 1. Volume flow separator circuit

2. Rotor speed
3. Further parameters

- Mill Controller 1. Fresh feed

2. Total feed
3. Rejects
4. Further parameters

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Ball Mill Test Level 3

6. Representative material circuit samples

6.1 General information

During the test period at least two samplings of all in- and outputs should be carried out dur-
ing constant operating state.
Since the number of complete samples strengthens the importance of the test, further sam-
ples can be taken. The additional staff, time and device expenditure for the sampling proce-
dure and analysis should, however, be considered.

The following figure gives an overview of all necessary sampling points for a typical cement
grinding plant.

Bulk samples M

Single samples M M





Figure 4: Typical sampling points for a ball mill grinding plant

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Ball Mill Test Level 3

6.2 Bulk samples

6.2.1 Sampling procedure

For all kinds of feeding materials (Clinker, Limestone, Additives) bulk samples of approx. 2
times 10 kg have to be taken during the test. This material is used to get an overview of
the granulometry and the moisture content.

6.2.2 Evaluation of the granulometry

All materials are sieved and the residue for each mesh size has to be determined. If the
below mentioned sizes are not available on site similar sieves can be used too.

Mesh size 128 mm 64 mm 32 mm 16 mm 8 mm 4 mm 2 mm 1 mm < 1 mm

Fly Ash

After that a diagram is prepared with the passing values (100% – residue) over the grain
The most important value in this diagram is the grain size at 80% passing because this
figure is needed to calculate the max. ball size of the ball charge.

Grain size analysis diagram




Sieve Passings







0,1 1
Grain size in mm 10 100
Gypsum Clinker

Figure 5: Grain size analyses diagram

6.2.3 Evaluation of the moisture content

According to DIN EN 1097-5

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Ball Mill Test Level 3

6.3 Single samples

6.3.1 Sampling procedure

As already mentioned it is necessary to have at least two single samples of approx. 1 kg
for the following in- and output materials:
• Separator feed
• Separator fines
• Separator rejects
• Mill outlet
• Mill filter dust
• Finish product
• Static separator (if available)

If it is necessary to make quality analyses you should at least take 4 finish product sam-
ples during the testing period.
It is important for each sampling to consider the number of samples as representative for
the sampled material flow.
With the three separator samples it is possible to calculate later on the Trompcurve and to
define the separator efficiency for cement grinding plants. The analyses of the other sam-
ples are just used to get some additional information regarding the grinding process (prob-
lems / deviation compared to historical results if available).

6.3.2 Evaluation of Blaine, residue and grain size distribution

For all single samples the following analyses have to be done:

• Specific surface according to Blaine (for cement only)

• Particle size distribution with a laser particle seizer
• Sieve residue on 32µm (if not available use a similar mesh size)

6.3.3 Evaluation of the Trompcurve and the separator efficiency

M = Fresh material [t/h]
A = Separator feed [t/h]
F = Separator fines [t/h]
G = Separator grits [t/h]
a = Passing of A [%]
f = Passing of F [%]
g = Passing of G [%]

“Passing” means the weight share of a material as percentage, which particle size is
smaller than or equal to the standard particle size;
Passing (D) + residue (R) = 100%.

∆a = Weight share of a particle class of A [%]

∆f = Weight share of a particle class of F [%]
∆g = Weight share of a particle class of G [%]

“Particle class” means the range between two particle sizes (xi); the sum of the weight
shares of all particle classes of a material comes up to 100%.

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Ball Mill Test Level 3

For the calculation of the “Passing” (D) of a particle class must be applied:

Dx=x(min) = 0%
Dx=x(max) = 100%

Additionally, these fundamental equations are applicable:

A=F+G (1)
A⋅a=F⋅f+G⋅g (1.1)
A ⋅∆a = F ⋅ ∆f + G ⋅ ∆g (1.2)

The following sub items are classified in the system of naming below:

VF = Take out of fines [%]

VG = Take out of grits [%]
u = Separator circulating load [%]
η = Separation efficiency [%]
t = Separation degree [%]
dt = Cut size [µm]

Take out ν of fines and grits

F Σa−Σg
vF = = (2)
A Σf − Σg

G  Σf −Σa 
vG =  =  (3)
A  Σf − Σg 

v G =1− v F (4)


VF = Take out of fines [-]

VG = Take out of grits [-]

Separator circulating load u

The circulating load (u) defines the relation between feed quantity and fine material

A 1
u = = (5)
F v F

or related to particular particle classes:

f − g
u = (5.1)
a − g

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Separation efficiency η
The separation efficiency (η) is related to a particular particle class; it means the share of
the separator feed material below this particle class, which reaches the fine separator

F ⋅f
η = ⋅100 [%] (6)
A ⋅a

η =vF ⋅ ⋅100 [%] (6.1)

η = ⋅100 [%] (6.2)
a ⋅u


VF = Take out of fines [-]

η = Separator efficiency [%]

6.3.4 Calculation example for the Trompcurve and the separator efficiency
The following particle size distribution has been determined:

Particle size Total of mass distribution

µm a (%) f (%) g (%) v(F) v(G)
1 0 6.3 0.8 0.230 0.770
2 4.2 10.7 3 0.230 0.770
4 7.6 19.2 5.3 0.230 0.770
7 12.1 29 7.8 0.230 0.770
10 15 36.5 9.1 0.230 0.770
20 23.9 57.6 13.3 0.230 0.770
40 43.2 88 27.6 0.230 0.770
50 52.4 94.9 37.3 0.230 0.770
75 68.5 99.5 57.9 0.230 0.770
90 74.9 99.9 66.6 0.230 0.770
150 87.3 100 82.5 0.230 0.770
175 89 100 85.2 0.230 0.770
200 90 100 87.1 0.230 0.770
250 91.3 100 89.8 0.230 0.770
315 93.3 100 92.4 0.230 0.770
400 96.2 100 95.6 0.230 0.770
500 98.9 100 98.7 0.230 0.770
560 99.8 100 99.7 0.230 0.770
600 100 100 100 0.230 0.770
Σ 1147,6 1441,6 1059,7

Table 1: Particle size distribution –example

For a reasonable evaluation of these results in process-technical respect, the model of the
separation curve calculation according to the VDZ (Association of German Cement Pro-
ducers) Guideline MT 28 was slightly modified. Each particle class is calculated with a fail-
ure ratio typical for the class (caused by analysis inaccuracy, rounding errors etc.).
The subsequent calculation procedure then follows MT 28 again. Right of each formula is
a numerical example, which is related to tables 1 or 2.

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Mode of procedure
1. Calculation of the material output
1147 , 6 −1059 , 7
v F − Fines(Formular 2) vF = = 0 , 23
1441 , 6 −1059 , 7

v G − Grits ( Formular 3) v G = 1 − v F = 0 , 77

2. Determination of the specific particle fraction failure S(X)

S ( x ) = a ( X ) − v F ⋅ f ( X ) + vG ⋅ g ( X ) ]
S ( l ) =0 − [0,23⋅6,3−0,77⋅0,8]=− 2,066 (7)

3. Correction of each particle fraction of the calculated failure S(X) according to the fol-
lowing formula:

S (x) − 2 , 066
a (*x ) = a ( x ) − a (*1) = 0 − =13 (8)
1+ v F2 + v G2 (1+ 0 , 23 2 + 0 , 77 2 )
S ( x ) ⋅v F − 2 , 066 ⋅0 , 23
f (*x ) = f ( x ) + f (1* ) = 6 , 3 + = 6 ,0 (9)
1+ v F2 + v G2 (1+ 0 , 23 2 + 0 , 77 2 )
S ( x ) ⋅v G − 2,066 ⋅0,77
g (*x ) = g ( x ) + g (*1) = 0 ,8+ = − 0,17 (10)
1+ v F2 + v G2 (1+ 0 , 23 2 + 0,77 2 )

4. Supplementation of the table by the corrected mass distribution totals and the derived
sizes derived according to MT 28
Calculation of the mass distribution of each particle class:

∆g 1* = g (*x2 ) − g (*x1 ) ∆g1∗ =2,7−(−0,17)=2,9 (11)

∆g 2* = g (*x3 ) − g (*x2 ) ∆g 2∗ =4,9−2,7=2,2

∆fi * and ∆ai* are to be calculated respectively.

Following MT 28, the separator feed share should be calculated according to the follow-
ing formula:

∆a ( X ) calculated = ∆f * ⋅ v F + ∆g * ⋅ vG
∆a( X )calculated = 4,6 ⋅ 0,23 + 2,9 ⋅ 0,77 = 3,293 (12)

The rated value only slightly differs from the analytical one.

The separation degree (t) is calculated as follows:

∆ g (*x ) ⋅v G ⋅100 2 , 9⋅0 , 77 ⋅100

t( x) = t (1 ) = = 67 ,9 (13)
∆ a (*x ) calculated 3 , 291

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The following table shows the recalculated values:

Particle Separation
Failure Corrected fraction values
size- degree
* *
∆a ∆f ∆g
* * *
S(x) a f g* MT 28 acc. to MT 28
µm (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) calculated (%)
1 -2,066 1,3 6,0 -0,2 3,3 4,6 2,9 3,293 67,9
2 -0,571 4,5 10,6 2,7 3,6 8,5 2,1 3,598 46,0
4 -0,897 8,1 19,1 4,9 4,3 9,8 2,7 4,305 47,4
7 -0,576 12,4 28,9 7,5 2,8 7,5 1,4 2,794 38,1
10 -0,402 15,2 36,4 8,9 8,4 21,2 4,6 8,406 42,0
20 0,411 23,7 57,7 13,5 18,5 30,6 14,9 18,512 62,0
40 1,708 42,2 88,2 28,4 9,1 6,9 9,8 9,113 82,5
50 1,852 51,3 95,2 38,2 16,6 4,5 20,2 16,598 93,8
75 1,032 67,9 99,6 58,4 6,6 0,3 8,5 6,638 98,8
90 0,641 74,5 100,0 66,9 12,3 0,1 16,0 12,319 99,8
150 0,775 86,8 100,1 82,9 1,9 -0,1 2,5 1,930 100,6
115 0,396 88,8 100,1 85,4 1,3 -0,1 1,7 1,281 101,2
200 -0,067 90,0 100,0 87,1 1,8 -0,1 2,3 1,773 101,4
250 -0,846 91,8 99,9 89,4 2,0 -0,0 2,6 2,001 100,0
315 -0,848 93,8 99,9 92,0 2,6 0,1 3,4 2,635 99,5
400 -0,412 96,5 99,9 95,4 2,5 0,0 3,2 2,510 99,6
500 -0,099 99,0 100,0 98,7 0,8 0,0 1,1 0,821 99,5
560 0,031 99,8 100,0 99,7 0,2 -0,0 0,3 0,219 100,5
600 -0,000 100,0 100,0 100,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,000 100,0
Σ 1147,6 1441,6 1059,7

Table 2: Particle size distribution correction

With the separation degree and the particle size the Trompcurve diagram is prepared.




Partitition rate T(x)

0,6 τ ==17,3%





0,1 1,0 10,0 100,0 1000,0
Grain size in µm

Figure 6: Trompcurve

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Separator Bypass (τ):

The shortest distance (τ) between separation curve and abscises (particle size) de-
termines, which part of the total feed material enters the grits without separation.
The separator bypass (τ) corresponds to the minimum of the curve, it is the lowest
Tromp coefficient.
The old generation of separators is characterized by a high bypass of around 50%.
With the same energy supply, a reduction of the τ value does usually lead to an in-
crease in throughput.
The bypass level depends of the circulating load, for low fineness cement (3.000
cm²/g acc. to Blaine) the bypass is low; it increases with the cement fineness.

Separator efficiency diagram

Putting the circulating load u and the bypass τ into an efficiency diagram for ideal oper-
ated separators you can find out if the system is working at its optimum or not.

Separator Efficiency

3. Generation 2. Generation

Circulation u

5 1. Generation

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Bypass τ in %
Actual Should-be state (t=const) Should-be state (u=const.)

Figure 7: Separator efficiency diagram

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7. Inspection of the mill

The mill inspection procedure after the crash stop covers the following facts:
• Pictures
• Filling degree
• Material level
• Representative meter samples
• Representative ball samples chamber 2
• Maximum and minimum ball size
• Coating of liners and balls
• Diaphragm assessment
• Wear and breakage of liners and balls
• Material temperature inside the ball charge

All these points beside the ball samples have to be checked for each chamber and the results
have to be collected in the corresponding excel sheets and in the report!

7.1 Pictures

See Ball Mill Test Level 2

7.2 Filling degree

See Ball Mill Test Level 2!

7.3 Material level

See Ball Mill Test Level 2!

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7.4 Representative meter samples

7.4.1 Sampling procedure

For this purpose, a material sample of 1 to 2 kg is taken in meter intervals, starting at the
inlet of each chamber and the last sample is taken directly at the intermediate/outlet dia-
Due to the fact that the sampling is not carried out directly at the surface, the balls from
the top layer should be removed and the material has to be taken from inside the ball
charge (depth approx. 20-30cm).

Inlet Outlet Direction of rotation

1.0 m

Figure 9: Positions for meter sampling

7.4.2 Evaluation of the meter samples

Chamber 1
For chamber 1 the following analyses have to be done:
• Sieve residue on 8mm, 4mm, 2mm, 1mm and 500µm
(if not available use a similar mesh size)

Chamber 2
For chamber 2 the following analyses have to be done:
• Specific surface according to Blaine (for cement only)
• Sieve residue on 4mm, 2mm, 1mm, 500µm, 200µm, 90µm, 32µm
(if not available use a similar mesh size)

If the sample material is to coarse to do Blaine analyses, it is to sieve at 500 microns


Grinding Diagram
With the sieving results a grinding diagram will be prepared showing the grinding pro-
gress for both chambers over the whole mill length (see figure 10)
A good grinding progress can be seen in general at steep sieve lines without big distur-

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(for cement only)

The goal for the first chamber is to have the corn fraction of 2mm less than 5 % in front
of the intermediate diaphragm.
The goal for the second chamber is to have the corn fraction of 1 mm disappeared within
the first third of the chamber length and the Blaine at the end of the chamber should be
between 1.800 and 2.200 for a product fineness of 3.000 Blaine.

90 3.000
Chamber I Chamber II
80 2.800

32 µm Blaine

Blaine in cm 2/g
Residue in %

50 2 mm
4 mm
1 mm 1.800
90 µm
8 1.600

10 1.200
200 µm
1 mm
0 1.000










t le

t le
In l

In l


Figure 10: Grinding Diagram

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7.5 Representative ball samples chamber 2

7.5.1 Sampling procedure

The ball sampling each meter can be combined with the material sampling. The utilization
of a corresponding punched screen (10mm) and a shovel or similar is recommended to
separate already in the mill the ball from the material.
The amount of taken balls should be approx.10 to 15 kg.

7.5.2 Evaluation of the ball samples

Average ball diameter
To evaluate the condition of the ball charge and checking the classifying effect of the in-
stalled liners, the average ball diameter has to be calculated.
Here fore the number of balls and the total weight of the taken sample have to be deter-
mined. Out of this determination, the average ball diameter at the sampling point can be
calculated according to:
1/ 3
 sample weight 1 1 
Dm = 2⋅ ⋅ ⋅  [m] with the grinding ball density ρ = 7,85 t/m

 number of balls ρ 4 / 3⋅π 

With these results a diagram is prepared showing the average ball diameter over the
chamber length. A constant decrease of the average ball diameter shows in general a
good classifying effect.

Avarage ball diameter chamber 2


Ball diameter in mm

30 26,9


Inlet 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Outlet

Chamber length in m

Figure 11: Average ball diameter diagram

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7.6 Maximum and minimum ball size

See Ball Mill Test Level 2

7.7 Coating of liners and balls

See Ball Mill Test Level 2

7.8 Diaphragm assessment

See Ball Mill Test Level 2

7.9 Wear and breakage of liners and balls

See Ball Mill Test Level 2

7.10 Material temperature inside the ball charge

See Ball Mill Test Level 2

8. Inspection of the separator

The inspection of the separator covers the following facts:
• Taking Pictures
• Comments on wear rate, blockages or leakages

Close examination of the separator sealing (especially for 3 generation)

st nd
Position and number of counter blades (for 1 and 2 generation only)

9. Inspection of the filter

The inspection of the filter covers the following facts:
• Taking Pictures
• Comments on false air or leakages
• Cleaning

10. Reporting
In the appendix a template report can be found for this test level!

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Ball Mill Test Level 4

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Ball Mill Test Level 4

1. General Information
The main target of the test level 4 is to get a complete overview of the grinding installation de-
termining the performance of the whole grinding process including grindability and quality analy-
ses. This test level 4 is done by HTC every 3 to 5 years with assistance of the plant.
In general the Ball Mill Test Level 4 covers the following facts:

• Background and description of the installation

• Stable test run conditions
• Control on site during operation
• Process data collection
• Representative material circuit samples
• Volume flow measurement
• Temperature and pressure profile
• False air measurement (for raw mills only)
• Heat balance (for raw mills only)
• Inspection of the mill, the separator and the filter
• Reporting

In the following it will be explained how to arrange such a mill test and how to evaluate all col-
lected data / analyses to get the most reliable results regarding the performance of the whole

2. Background and description of the installation

See Ball Mill Test Level 2!

3. Stable test run conditions

See Ball Mill Test Level 3!

4. Control on site during operation

See Ball Mill Test Level 2!

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5. Process data collection

See Ball Mill Test Level 3!

6. Representative material circuit samples

6.1 General information

See Ball Mill Test Level 3!

6.2 Bulk samples

6.2.1 Sampling procedure

See Ball Mill Test Level 3!

6.2.2 Evaluation of the granulometry

See Ball Mill Test Level 3!

6.2.3 Evaluation of the moisture content

See Ball Mill Test Level 3!

6.2.4 Evaluation of the material grindability

The following analyses have to be done to determine the grindability
• Grindability test according Zeisel for Clinker and Slag
• Grindability test according Bond for Limestone (for raw mills only)

6.3 Single samples

6.3.1 Sampling procedure

See Ball Mill Test Level 3!

6.3.2 Evaluation of Blaine, residue and grain size distribution

See Ball Mill Test Level 3!

6.3.3 Evaluation of the Trompcurve and the separator efficiency

See Ball Mill Test Level 3!

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6.3.4 Calculation example for the Trompcurve and the separator efficiency
See Ball Mill Test Level 3!

6.2.5 Evaluation of the product quality (for cement only)

The following analyses have to be done to determine the product quality
• 1 day, 2 days, 28 days strength
• Water demand
• Slump test

7. Volume flow measurement

In general the mill dedusting and the separator circuit flow (if possible) are measured to deter-
mine afterwards the air velocity over the ball charge and the separator load of the installation.
It is important that at least two volume flow measurements for each point are done during con-
stant mill operation. If deviations occur, further measurements are necessary to receive reliable






Figure 13: Volume flow measurements at a ball mill grinding plant

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8. Temperature and pressure profile

These measurements are carried out to get an idea of the temperature and pressure profile in
the system and to check the installed measurement devices on site.
It is important that at least two temperature and pressure measurements are done during con-
stant mill operation. If deviations occur, further measurements are necessary to receive reliable
Figure 13 gives an overview of all typical measurement points.

Material temperature M

Air temperature M M






Figure 13: Typical measurement points for a ball mill grinding plant

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9. False air measurement (for raw mills only)

The false air over the system can either be determined with an air quantity balance or with a gas

9.1 Air quantity balance


Supply air
(to the mill)

Additional air
(from combustion / conveying) Exhaust air
Mill system (after mill filter)
(from material moisture)

False air
(mostly rest of balance)

Figure 14: Air quantity balance

V& supply air + V& additional air + V& false air + V& steam = V& exhaust air

Measured variables: V& supply air [m (s.c.)/h]
V& additional air [m (s.c.)/h]
V& exhaust air [m (s.c.)/h]
Calculated variables: V& steam [m (s.c.)/h]

Operand: V& false air [m (s.c.)/h]

& steam
Calculation of V

& water = (f A − f P ) ∗ m
m & feed [kg/h]

fA = Feed moisture [%]

fP = Product moisture [%]
& feed
m = Feed material [kg/h]

V& steam = & water / 0.804 = R ⋅ m w ⋅T N [m3(s.c.)/h]

P N ⋅100

R = General gas constant: 461 [J/kg*K]

TN = Reference temperature: 273 [K]
PN = Reference pressure: 1013 [mbar]

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9.2 Gas analysis

Example for false air determination via gas analysis

CO2 O2 CO N2 n
Before mill 30.75 4.15 - 65.1 1.315
After filter 21.50 9.10 - 69.4 1.974

Share of false air vF in % related to gas after mill:

n 2 −n 1 1
VF [%] = ⋅ 100 -> VF [%] = 33.4 % with n =
n2 c (o 2 )
1 − 3,762 ∗
c (N 2 )

10. Heat balance (for raw mills only)

The reference temperature for all calculations later should be 25°C (standard condition)

& input = Q
Q & output

Supply air
(to the mill) Exhaust air
(after mill filter)
Additional air
(from combustion / conveying) Heat losses
Main drive power (radiation and convection)

(heat conversion) Mill system

Feed Material

Water vaporizing
False air
(mostly rest of balance)

Figure 15: Heat balance

& input = Q
Q & supply air + Q
& additional air + Pmech + Q
& feed material + Q
& false air

& supplyl air

Q = V& supply air ⋅ cp ⋅ (ϑsupply air - 25°C) [kJ/h]
& additional air
Q = V& additional air ⋅ cp ⋅ (ϑadditional air - 25°C) [kJ/h]
& false air
Q = V& false air ⋅ cp ⋅ (ϑfalse air - 25°C) [kJ/h]
& feed material
Q = m& feed material ⋅ cm ⋅ (ϑfeed material - 25°C) [kJ/h]
Pmech = Pdrives ⋅ η ⋅ 3600 s/h (0.9 < η < 0.96 ≈ efficiency) [kJ/h]
with Pdrives = performance counter of the drives over test period [kJ/h]
and η = 0.92 for ball mill with girth gear drive
η = 0.94 for ball mill with central drive

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& output = Q
Q & exhaust air + Q
& water vaporizing + Q
& finished product + Q
& heat losses

& exhaust air

Q = V& exhaust air ⋅ cp ⋅ (ηexhaust air - 25°C) [kJ/h]
& vaporizing water
Q = m& water ⋅ 2446 kJ/kg [kJ/h]
& finished product
Q = & finished product ⋅ cp ⋅ (ϑfinished product - 25°C)
m [kJ/h]

Radiation and convection in ball mill systems – general issues

The item „thermal losses” mainly includes losses due to radiation and convection, which re-
late to the whole system. A detailed calculation of the single losses is possible, but involves
considerable effort and expenses, since the whole grinding system within the balance scope
includes very different heat transfer mechanisms, which would have to be considered. Nor-
mally, a loss should be seen from the balance and only be checked in case of discrepancies.

A rough check of the radiation and convection losses is possible on the basis of the following
approximate values:

& rad.-con. = αgas ⋅ Acomponent ⋅ (Tsurface – Tambience) ⋅ 3600 skJ

Q [kJ/h]
h1000 J
with αtotal = αrad + αcon
αrad = ε ⋅ δ ⋅
[W/m K]

δ 5.67 ⋅ 10 W/m K
-8 2 4
with: =
ε ≈ 0.3 galvanized sheet metal
ε ≈ 0.4 iron with silver coating
ε ≈ 0.65 rusty surface (iron)
ε ≈ 0.9 heavily rusted iron, rust protection coating

The calculation of αcon is far more difficult. As, in this case, different heat transfer mecha-
nisms overlap. Taking into account the following limits, the approximate values below can be

40°C < ϑmill tube < 110°C

10°C < ϑambience ≤ 30°C
2m ≤ Dmill tube ≤ 4m
-1 -1
15 min ≤ nmill ≤ 26 min

As approximate value for the heat transfer coefficients at the rotating mill tube the following
can be assumed:
αcon ≈ 8 - 9 W/m K for 2 m ≤ D ≤ 3 m
αcon ≈ 9 - 10 W/m K for 3 m < D ≤ m
Accuracy is about ± 15 %.

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To stationary components, which are not exposed to flows (tubes, housings etc.), the follow-
ing considerably simplified relation applies, if the following boundary conditions are met:

20°C < ϑsurface < 70°C and 10°C < ϑambience ≤ 30°C

αcon ≈ 1,6 (ϑsurface - ϑambience) 1/3 [W/m K]


Accuracy is about ± 10 %.

The cp-values for air, furnace gas and raw meal can be taken from the corresponding sheets.

The specific thermal capacity of non-air is composed of:

cp(gas) = Σ xi ⋅ cp(i)
xi = share of component i in the total gas volume
cp(i) = specific thermal capacity of component xi

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Ball Mill Test Level 4

11. Inspection of the mill

The mill inspection procedure after the crash stop covers the following facts:

• Pictures
• Filling degree
• Material level
• Representative meter samples
• Ball charge check chamber 1
• Representative ball samples chamber 2
• Maximum and minimum ball size
• Coating of liners and balls
• Diaphragm assessment
• Wear and breakage of liners and balls
• Material temperature inside the ball charge

All these points have to be checked for each chamber and the results have to be collected in the
corresponding excel sheets.

11.1 Pictures

See Ball Mill Test Level 2!

11.2 Filling degree

See Ball Mill Test Level 2!

11.3 Material level

See Ball Mill Test Level 2!

11.4 Representative meter samples

See Ball Mill Test Level 3!

11.5 Ball charge check chamber 1

The target of this check is to compare the actual composition of balls with the originally
filled in ball charge.

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11.5.1 Inspection procedure

Over the section of one meter from the mill inlet towards the diaphragm all balls on the
surface are counted and the diameter has to be determined. (see figure 16)


Figure 16: Ball charge inspection area chamber 1

11.5.2 Evaluation of the ball charge inspection

After that the balls are separated to the corresponding ball classes and the percentage for
each class is calculated. The percentage of each ball class is equal to the weight percent-
age of the actual ball charge.

Number of balls (on Ammount of balls in

Ball Ø in mm Ball classification
the surface) %
100 105 mm ≥ X > 95 mm 0,0 0,0%
90 95 mm ≥ X > 85 mm 20,0 4,6%
80 85 mm ≥ X > 75 mm 129,0 29,7%
70 75 mm ≥ X > 65 mm 115,0 26,5%
60 65 mm ≥ X > 55 mm 103,0 23,7%
50 55 mm ≥ X > 45 mm 60,0 13,8%
40 45 mm ≥ X > 35 mm 7,0 1,6%
Sum 434 100,0%

Table 3: Ball charge inspection table

With the values of the table above a diagram is prepared showing the original and the ac-
tual ball charge in chamber 1.

Ball charge check chamber 1

Weight in t

100 90 80 70 60 50 40
Ball diameter in mm

Original filling - Okt 2005 Actual filling - Jul 2009

Figure 17: Ball charge check chamber 1

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11.6 Representative ball samples chamber 2

11.6.1 Sampling procedure

See Ball Mill Test Level 3!

11.6.2 Evaluation of the ball samples

Average ball diameter
See Ball Mill Test Level 3!

Ball sorting diagram

The balls from the sampling in the second chamber have to be separated into the corre-
sponding ball classes, counted and weighted. With these values the weight- percentage
(sum percentage) is determined. (see table 4)
Ball Ø in Weight in Number of
Sampling point Ball classification Weight-% Sum-%
mm kg balls
60 65 mm ≥ X > 55 mm 0,00 0,00
50 55 mm ≥ X > 45 mm 1,85 4 23,32 23,32
40 45 mm ≥ X > 35 mm 4,02 17 50,72 74,04
0m 30 35 mm ≥ X > 27 mm 1,60 16 20,15 94,19
25 27 mm ≥ X > 22 mm 0,46 8 5,81 100,00
20 22 mm ≥ X > 19 mm 0,00 0,00 100,00
18 19 mm ≥ X > 17 mm 0,00 0,00 100,00
60 65 mm ≥ X > 55 mm 0,00 0,00
50 55 mm ≥ X > 45 mm 2,47 6 18,61 18,61
40 45 mm ≥ X > 35 mm 6,86 29 51,77 70,38
1m 30 35 mm ≥ X > 27 mm 3,70 37 27,88 98,26
25 27 mm ≥ X > 22 mm 0,23 4 1,74 100,00
20 22 mm ≥ X > 19 mm 0,00 0,00 100,00

Table 4: Ball charge sorting table

Now the ball sorting diagram with the weight percentage over the chamber length can be
prepared showing in detail the classifying of each ball size over the whole grinding

Ball sorting diagram chamber 2

18 mm
20 mm

25 mm
40 mm
20 30 mm
10 50 mm
0 60 mm

0m 1m 2m 3m 4m 5m 6m 7m 8m 9m 10m

Chamber length
Figure 18: Classifying diagram ball charge chamber 2

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Ball charge check

Beside the classifying effect the actual ball charge composition can be determined. Here
fore the area below each curve of the sorting diagram has to be calculated.
The area-% of each ball class has to be multiplied with the corresponding correction fac-
tors to get the actual ball charge composition. (see table 5)

Sorting diagram Actual filling

Ball Ø in Sorting diagram
Correction factor area correction in
mm area in %
% % t
60 0,44 0,7 0,31 0,27 0,17
50 5,43 0,73 3,96 3,48 2,20
40 15,05 0,8 12,04 10,56 6,67
30 26,14 0,91 23,78 20,85 13,18
25 25,02 1,19 29,78 26,10 16,50
20 21,58 1,46 31,50 27,62 17,45
18 6,35 2 12,69 11,13 7,03

Summe 100,00 114,06 100 63,20

Table 5: Ball charge check chamber 2

Ball charge check chamber 2



Weight in t




60 50 40 30 25 20 18
Ball diameter in mm

Original filling - Okt 2005 Actual filling - Jul 2009

Figure 19: Ball charge check chamber 2

11.6 Maximum and minimum ball size

See Ball Mill Test Level 2!

11.7 Coating of liners and balls

See Ball Mill Test Level 2!

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Ball Mill Test Level 4

11.8 Diaphragm assessment

See Ball Mill Test Level 2!

11.9 Wear and breakage of liners and balls

See Ball Mill Test Level 2!

11.10 Material temperature inside the ball charge

See Ball Mill Test Level 2!

12. Inspection of the separator

See Ball Mill Test Level 3!

13. Inspection of the filter

See Ball Mill Test Level 3!

14. Reporting
In the appendix a template report can be found for this test level!

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1. Literature, Standards and Guidelines

[1] Leaflet MT 22 „Rohrmühlen und Mahltechnik“

(= „Tube mills and grinding technology“); VDZ, 9/61; Düsseldorf
[2] Leaflet MT 28 „Rohrmühlen und Mahltechnik“
(= „Tube mills and grinding technology“); VDZ, 2/65; Düsseldorf
[3] Duda, H.W.: Cement-data-book; 3rd edition; 1985, Bauverlag Wiesbaden
[4] Labahn, O., Kohlhaas, B.: „Ratgeber für Zementingenieure“
(= „Guidebook for cement engineers“), 6. edition, 1982, Bauverlag Wiesbaden
[5] Guideline „Gasanalyse“ (= „Gas analysis“)

2. Template Report Test Level 2

See Appendix 2!

3. Template Report Test Level 3

See Appendix 3!

4. Template Report Test Level 4

See Appendix 4!

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