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According to the documentary I watched, most people believe that a single wrapper is just a piece of trash that we can
throw anywhere, but in reality, it can cause harm and illness to our environment and, ultimately, our planet. As
previously stated, Senator Loren Legarda discussed the factors and fatal consequences of climate change. She also
discussed greenhouse gases, global warming, and climate change. The main points were pollution, factories and
industries, energy waste, and population inflation. All of these factors are interconnected in such a way that they all
contribute to the rapid growth of population, such as pollution, which is a major contributor to climate change, and we
have also witnessed our environment’s fury among us people as a result of plastics and wastes that clog our canals and
streets, cutting of trees, burning of hazardous chemicals, and so on. When powerful typhoons collide, flooding and a
high death toll are unavoidable. She also stated that our activities disrupt our ecosystem, which is the primary cause of
climate change. These activities include excessive carbon emissions as a result of industrialization, as well as
unnecessary vehicle and energy use. Also, with the advancement of technology and its rapid development, we have
become so reliant on it, and some have become addicted to it, that we have forgotten about the natural aspects of our
environment and our world as a result of our neglect. It is also said that saving electricity by turning off all lights,
computers, TVs, and other electrical devices when we are not using them can also help, energy and other things that we
consume in our daily living.


The state of the world is constantly changing, and it is best to remember that the change is not in our favor; rather, we
should be prepared because the change we are experiencing is still the calm before the storm.

Watching “Bagyo,” hosted by Dingdong Dantes, helped to clarify the state of our world. We are indeed advancing rapidly
in technology as the years pass, but the topographical landscape of our world has changed dramatically. What was once
an island is now part of the sea, and what was once a thriving forest is now frequently subjected to blazing flames, all as
a result of climate change. Climate change is real.

Climate change is a frightening situation that we are currently dealing with, and the consequences are numerous. Wind
that destroys forests, earthquakes that destroy buildings, typhoons that wreak havoc on their surroundings, rain that
causes major floods, and tsunamis that destroy cities. All of this is becoming more common Than. Previously.

This is why I believe it is time to relocate. “Eto na ang panahon para kumilos tayo,” in other words. Our world is changing
dramatically, but only a few people are making an effort to make a difference. We, as people who live in this beautiful
world, should also make a small contribution, no matter how small. Nothing can ever replace our home. I believe it is
never too late to begin walking the right path. “We have the capability to destroy, but we also have the capability to
repair,” as stated in the video.

I will do my part to ensure that we can continue to live in this wonderful world.

I , Nicole Francine S. Guba pledge to help the environment and assist or promote a better address to minimize the
effects of global warming by:

As a student with a knowledge and access in social media, I will use my social media platforms to promote planting
new plants and to do the reuse, reduced, recycle.

Also, to decrease the use of plastics, so the possibility of having a floods will also decrease.

Improve farming and encourage vegan diets.

Turn off the lights in empty rooms at home, and ask my teachers to do the same at school.

Turn off the radio, television and other electronics when I’m not using them. Ask my parents to buy florescent or LED
light bulbs, or light bulbs that are labeled as energy efficient.

Recycle at home and ask my teachers to start a recycling program at school. Close drapes and window shades on
summer days.

Put on a sweater or put an extra blanket on my bed if I get chilly; instead of turning up the heat. Open windows and
use fans instead of turning on the air conditioning on Warm days. Opening windows that are across from each other
will let a nice Breeze into the house.

Decide what I want to eat before open the refrigerator door. Standing there with it open too long makes the
refrigerator work harder to keep everything cold.

Walk if I am planning to go somewhere else.

Talk to your parents about buying products made from or packaged.

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