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0 LATTC STRATEGIC PLAN Our VISION for 2015 LATTC will be a global leader known for effectively incorporating the latest theories, educational practices and technology into its technical and professional programs. LATTC graduates will be in high demand. Many will be community and business leaders and innovators. Our MISSION is: To provide our students and community with high quality technical and professional educational options that flexibly meet their life-long career development and academic goals; and to generate economic development with our educational, governmental, community, and business partners. Our VALUES are: Learning We are committed to help all students define and attain their learning objectives from basic skills to advanced academic standing. We are dedicated to student success and judge our success by their learning outcomes. Faculty, administration and staff commit to and attain annual learning objectives. Excellence We set and meet the highest standards. We anticipate change. We continuously evaluate our programs, systems, facilities, equipment and teaching methods to incorporate improvements. We recruit the best faculty and staff and commit appropriate resources and time to their continuous development. Respect We value diversity in perspective, thought, and culture. We believe it contributes to more creative approaches and solutions to problems or opportunities. Regardless of the extent of our differences, we are inclusive, civil and collegial with each other and our students). Integrity

We say what we mean and we do what we say. We hold ourselves accountable to each other and our community. We meet or exceed professional standards and legal requirements. We honor the publics trust by providing high quality services, while using our resources prudently and efficiently. Teamwork We believe that teams working collaboratively produce superior results. We foster collaborative relationships and teams, encompassing both campus-wide and external membership, in order to optimize the quality and acceptance of their recommendations. Decision-making In the spirit of shared governance, we strive to keep the whole campus informed on emerging issues and involved in key decisions. We make sound data-based decisions that address multiple perspectives including short and long term implications.

STRATEGIC PRIORITIES Priority 1: Student Success We will develop an ongoing study that identifies the factors necessary for student success. Our overall goal is to ensure we stay in touch with those changing factors that will enhance student engagement, persistence, and goal attainment. Some potential initiatives include: a. Strengthen basic skills instruction in math and English by assessing problems and developing new and innovative methods of teaching basic skills b. Implement, monitor, and achieve Student Learning Outcomes c. Define, disseminate, and assess SLO for all LATTC courses and programs and use the results to support the review and improvement of programs and services (Program Review) d. Explore and implement technology that improves student learning, student engagement and student success e. Enhance Career Development by getting students more involved in their career development process: have students identify career goals and objectives with annual updates strengthen career development and placement function initiate career tracking and an alumni database Priority 2: Growth We plan to double our enrollment and financial base at LATTC over the next 5 years through a variety of new programs. While the campus will remain the hub of our educational and economic development activities, we will be reaching out to the global community, and have them connect with LATTC through distance education media such as correspondence programs, real time AV conference classes and labs, the internet, etc. Two key underpinnings of this priority are: an investment in market research to stay in touch with the evolving needs of students, business and our community; and the tailoring of our bond and facilities development plan to support the selected growth programs. Students:

We will explore approaches to growing our student population, implementing those new programs that have a high return on investment such as: a. expansion of our relationships and enrollment programs with local schools and the community b. building partnerships with local, regional and state governments and businesses to meet their staff educational needs c. expansion of community education and international programs d. development of enhanced student support programs to increase retention and persistence. Financial Base: We will explore approaches to growing our financial base, and then implement those new programs that have a positive financial return such as: a. expansion of both FTES revenues and other tuition from out of State students b. streamlining our program offerings and their cost structures c. advocating to the State and the District additional FTES funding for high cost but needed and efficiently run programs d. capital, in-kind and operating fees from our business partners e. increased community educational programs at profitable levels f. development of increased Foundation and alumni support

Priority 3: Community and Business Development We plan to work more closely with our community including satellite operations in the community. Our goal is to develop new partnerships with our educational, governmental, local community, and business stakeholders. Our partnerships will be built around innovative education and training initiatives that meet their needs in terms of time, location, methods of instruction and learning. Our mutual goal will be community and economic development. Some examples of potential initiatives: a. triple the number of collaborative relationships with K-12 providers, other higher education (CSU, UC), city agencies, LA

b. c. d. e. f. g.


Chamber of Commerce, local businesses, organized labor, faith based organizations, and other community partners increase outreach efforts to disconnected youth create a college going culture in our service area provide new community education programs to improve the quality of life create new satellite campuses/instructional centers develop new programs that are in high demand and are forecasted to be in high demand in the future work closely with business partners to identify and train the workforce necessary to support economic growth in our area and outside our area support the development of new green products/services that result in sustainable development

Priority 4: Organizational Development The implementation of this strategic plan will require a solid organizational foundation to support growth. We will examine and build new processes and plans to effect positive organizational impacts such as: a. clarification and streamlining of our communication, decision making and shared governance processes to maximize faculty, staff and student input and increase everyones sense of responsibility for the success of LATTC b. the development of a sound and adaptable technology plan to support our growth and change, particularly with distance education. c. simplified internal operational policies that are straight forward and understandable, minimizing red tape while maintaining our legal and fiduciary responsibilities d. proactive maintenance of a positive culture including continuous investment in faculty and staff personal and professional development e. beautification and functional optimization of our campus space, facilities and equipment This priority will be an ongoing process to ensure we continue to meet and exceed the needs of our growing student population and partnerships. A systematic assessment and change process will be part of this priority.

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