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Race # 18
1. What will be value of u in terms of V?

(A) V (B) 2V (C) Zero (D) depends on m

2. A block is dragged on a smooth plane with the help of a rope which is pulled by velocity ν as shown in
figure. The horizontal velocity of the block is:

ν ν
(A) ν (B) (C) ν sinθ (D) cos
sin θ
3. If speed of block A is 8m/s, find speed (in m/s) of block B ? 

(A) 2 (B) 4 (C) 8 (D) None of these 

4. If block M is moving with acceleration a ^
(− )  find acceleration of block m in ground frame :-

(A) aj (B) − aj^ (C) − a^i − a^j (D) −a^i + a^j

PHYSICS / RACE # 18 E-1/4

5. The elevator E shown in the figure moves downward with a constant velocity of 15 ft/s. The relative
velocity of the cable C with respect to the elevator is 

(A) 30 ft/sec (B) 45 ft/sec (C) 15 ft/sec (D) 60 ft/sec

6. In List-I four mass pulley systems are given. Calculate speed of block A and match it to the values given
in List-II.
List-I List-II

(I) (P) 18

(II) (Q) 8

(III) (R) 4

(IV) (S) 6

    (T) 10
(A) I → Q;II → R;III → P;IV → S (B) I → Q;II → P;III → R;IV → S
(C) I → Q;II → S;III → P;IV → R (D) I → P;II → Q;III → R;IV → S

E-2/4 PHYSICS / RACE # 18


Paragraph for Questions 7 and 8

At a given instant velocity of A is 5 m/s. All strings and pulleys are ideal. P is a small point on string.

7. Velocity of point P at this instant is  ________ m/s upwards.

8. Velocity of block B at this instant is _______ m/s upwards
9. The vertical displacement of block A in meter is given by y = t2/4 where t is in second. Calculate the
downward acceleration aB of block B. (in m/s2)

10. In shown system strings and pulley are frictionless and massless. Block A is moving downward with
velocity of 7m/s, which is increasing at a rate of 2 m/s2, while block C is moving upward with a
velocity of 9 m/s, which is decreasing at a rate of 3 m/s2. The block B is moving downward with
2a B
velocity of vB m/s, which is decreasing at a rate of aB m/s2. Find the value of .

PHYSICS / RACE # 18 E-3/4

11. For the system shown in the figure, the speed of sphere A is 9 m/s. The speed of sphere B (in m/s) is V.
Fill V.

12. For the pulley system, each of the cables at A and B is given velocity of 4 m/s in the direction of the
arrow. Determine the upward velocity v of the load m. (in m/s)

E-4/4 PHYSICS / RACE # 18

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