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Good day everyone!

One of our topic for the First Quarter is the Respiratory &
Circulatory Systems Working with other Organ Systems. The Most Essential Learning
Competencies or MELCs is to explain how the respiratory and circulatory systems work
together to transport nutrients, gases and other molecules to and from the different
parts of the body and infer how one’s lifestyle can affect the functioning of respiratory
and circulatory systems.
Circulation & Gas Exchange
How do the cardiovascular and respiratory systems work together? To survive,
humans and animals keep a state of balance in their bodies. This balance, which is
called homeostasis, requires that nutrients be circulated throughout the body, gases are
exchanged, and metabolic wastes are eliminated from the body. Transport systems vary
across organisms depending on their size, complexity and the way of life.
Smaller or microscopic organisms, such as bacteria, fungi and some algae,
transport nutrients and remove wastes through simple diffusion. Although diffusion is a
slow process, it suffices for their survival.
For larger organisms whose bodies are more complex, diffusion is inadequate for
transporting important materials to all their body parts. These organisms need a
circulatory system. For the circulatory system to carry out its function, it must have a
close connection with the tissues. In humans, for example, the heart pumps blood into
the lungs through a system of blood vessels. Without this system, all cells in the human
body would quickly die from the lack of vital nutrients and gases, and the accumulation
of metabolic wastes.
Let’s start with the Respiratory System
Why do athletes breathe so quickly and deeply and sweat when engaged in
strenuous physical activity? The cells of their body must be provided with enough
Air is a mixture of gases that surrounds the earth. It is 21% oxygen and 78%
nitrogen. Other gases comprise the remaining 1%.
You need air to stay alive. It is the oxygen in the air that supports the energy-
producing process taking place in your cells. Thus, your cells can perform their
functions to keep you alive. The energy-releasing process that is fueled by oxygen is
called respiration. Carbon dioxide and water are produced during this process.
Let’s do a simple activity entitled “Bottled Balloons”
Explain how the lungs work
Describe how the movement of the diaphragm helps the air go in and out of the
1 two-liter empty plastic bottle
3 balloons (1 big, 2 small)
1 sturdy straw
1 pair of scissors
5 rubber bands

1. Using a pair of scissors, cut the bottom out of the 2-liter plastic bottle.
2. Create two holes that are apart from each other in the cap of the plastic bottle.
Make sure that each hole is just big enough for a straw to fit through.
3. Stick the two straws through the two holes of the bottle cap.
4. Place one balloon on the end of each straw, and secure them with rubber bands.
5. Stick the balloon ends of the straws through the bottle opening and screw the lid
on tightly.

6. Stretch out the larger balloon and place it over the open bottom of the bottle.
Secure it with the rubber band as tightly as possible.

7. Pull the larger balloon down; that is, away from the bottle, in order to blow up
the two small balloons.

8. Push the larger balloon towards the bottle in order to let the air out of the two
small balloons.

Questions to Investigate:
1. What does each part of the constructed lung model represent?
2-liter plastic bottle=chest cavity
two straws=bronchi
two balloons=lungs
larger balloon=diaphragm
2. What happens as you pull down the balloon at the bottom of the model?
The two balloons inflate.
The air pressure inside the bottle is lowered by increasing the space inside the

3. What happens as you push the balloon?

The air pressure inside the bottle in increased by decreasing the space inside the
4. How does the movement of the diaphragm cause the air to go in and out of the
The movement of the diaphragm affects the air pressure inside the chest cavity
by either decreasing or increasing the space, thus, allowing the air to go in and
out of the lungs.
5. What might happen if you prick the balloon?
If one of the balloons is pricked, it will not inflate anymore because the air will

Our next activity is to make a Brochure about Information Dissemination on How to

Take Care of the Respiratory and Circulatory Systems. And here is my output.

Prevention and Treatment of Cardiovascular and Respiratory Diseases

The WHO identifies smoking, physical inactivity, high blood cholesterol, high
blood pressure, obesity and diabetes as the dominant risk factors in the development of
cardiovascular and respiratory diseases.

To reduce the risk of having these diseases, a person must adopt some changes
in lifestyle. These changes include diet strategies, physical activity and avoidance of
exposure to tobacco smoke either by quitting smoking or by avoiding second-hand or
third-hand smoke.

Do you eat right food? Do your habits contribute to your health?

A heart-healthy diet aims for the following:

1. A healthy eating pattern. Aside from adhering to dietary guidelines and
limiting intake of fats, a healthy eating pattern encourages a diet rich in
carbohydrates that provide fiber and minerals, which help protect a person
against cardiovascular diseases.

2. A healthy body weight. Obesity is associated with elevated blood lipids,

hypertension, and diabetes. Dietary guidelines recommend controlled energy
intake per day coupled with exercise to keep weight in check.

3. A desirable blood cholesterol level. To achieve a healthy level of blood

cholesterol, dietary guidelines recommend a total fat intake of less than 30
percent of the daily energy requirement.

4. A normal blood pressure. For blood pressure to be normal, health authorities

recommend weight control, reduced salt intake, increased potassium intake,
limited alcohol intake and a diet that contains adequate amounts of calcium
and magnesium.

I therefore conclude that when

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