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4 May 2005 H Woves versus Perkiles — The Hanilha Jacobi Equation Ta quintin mechanics Me discover Het evey petele — elects, plies, eh. — is 2 weve ond vice versa. Aleesdy Neshm hed a portrle tHeey af taht C“corpasenles™) £ various phys ceish argued agprsh ib by porsbing ont Het diflrechio iy best explered by 2 seve theory. We've talked obat geonebreat aphies, on spprrrinatin in which Uhh consishs ob petiles mong aleng geedesies, Here He sherk VL 8 Remsen mothld (@,9) as spece, bt we He new mebre eat hg = gi there ns Q—> (0,09) is te mdex of velrection, Huyge—s corsitered HL, sone sebyp Com sampler langroge) 8 corsdered He melt obs weve fronts ad sou Poel He wovelont ts Pre envelope of 2 bunch of ittle warebots colored at ports of He big wrvelront: ra balls of redius € Cenleed at ports af ld melt RL Ta sherk the vevelrmb moves of unit speed m He normel dhirechinn wilh rospech by He Speak mobic” bh. We con thmt abot He Aiskonca Fuschion d. AxQ —> [o,#) on te Riemmnioy menifold (Qh) — where Aas. a) = inf (oclegh) ee ubee % = fpaths bong. b 9.5. C Secretly this dlag,) is Hee least aclim — He infinmmn of achion over ofl pals Fem an a) Usag thoy we get He save bonds corleed al 9 € Q as He level sebs beardanaddecd ak least Fe smell ¢>9, Fon lager e the level sets con ceese fo be smooth — evel we Sey e cobashaphe cccurs — and Ha, 1 are na lose He level sets. This con bagpor Fer hpuleical reesons level set of dG, -) Lh con alee bappon Fr geonebical veosons: CR Assunny ro suck cobaghraples occur, we con epproximrale Ye vores of lighk by 2 wovebinchin: UG) = Ale’*taw uhere kis he tovennber of the bght Che ils cole) od A: QPR Aascribes te enplihde «f He vere, ubrch drops ab Gar Peon gee THs becomes he eikonol oppreximebion in optits once ve Agere ont whet A shold be. Homiltm and Jacobi Geused a Avsbrce d: Ar Q—>fo,0i asc Pancho. of 2 veriotles 2 called rh W Hontlhn'’s preted Fandin They webved : oe ev at WG..a) = Pi thee pr is 2 cebeged Yet “pymbng narnal hh He coelale” VW Mey 2005 The Hamilton-Jacobi Capakions We've seen the om ophes, parhcles of lighk nave alms geodesics but wavefronts ae level sets of He distawe fincloms at lest bile the level sets vemanr smooth. LD. the eikonal approximation, ight desevibled by moves 7:Q —>C LG) = Ala, eit) where (Q,h) is 2 Reemannion manibld, bh is Ke optical metric , peQ is He light surce, k is He Frequency g W:Qx*Q —> [6,«) is He distance Prnchm os Q. g Homilher!s nei Fancher: i“ a = of Wa.,4) a S@ here Pis He spore of pts frrahg & SG) 8 He aebom of fle pal qe ths arelegh. This 6 is begging bb be geerized b otter Lagrangion systems! ot ne tt) We bso sow tet a WO? Pa ee ih) "oembs normed by Ure wevehromt ® — realy He tegent vero pith PG pads mm this direction Ta Peck kp is the momentum gf the light pessing Hocongla uw This Preshedos queten | (Niles mn OM, He moment is 2 denohive mechanics | wporter — ve gh P by diStetobns He cerebvelins! ) Ta cobi gprerlite this by He maen of pent poticles potential ViQoR, ushg te acl Hel 2 pbc ont geodesces Hee metric hy 7 ue”? y ina of energy E taces We've seen this vedices pest perhile mechartes to ophes — bub oly fo- perbiles of Fixed energy Howilfon seat Bethe) 2 ne new con go Fartter shill. Suppose Q is ay monibld £2 L:TQ—>R is oy Brrctin Clegrergiony, — Defoe Henrillin's prreipod Sanction Wi QxR KQ*R —OR W445 at, ) = inf Sq) qe? where P = falta: ltd-g % e6)-95 and ‘ Sq) = { LOqle), § 2) at Wis just the lees! ection For a pelt Pom Gur) te Cast 5 iH be smonth TF yj) 2 Cab) we close enough — so labs assume Het TW Pact, - we eve aw i i Sai = Pu aL aa) Gut) Gs) i whee py is fhe trometinn of He perkcle 94 one % b > at tme t,, ad ae = — Poi — momatan at time b, aw. - 7 cee ervay of bee t {cally He w ees 3 ae tenegy a me 4, - These oe He Homillen Tacebi equabims. The myshrims Minas Sign Font of fregy “2s. Seen hele in te. t= Fares Be pda! ~Hdt on He exlerded plose space XR. Mex be Ue best mag ty get Ke [tenilha ~ Secchi eqas. ie fam thn exleded plase epece Pormulahmn, Bub fe new. Given Gets) , Gt), lel a:lkt1—?@ be the echon—mminitng po (rom 9, b qi Then Wat; ash) = SOD Noss vary qe 2a, 2 Vik & tus vay He chan - rietery ph gely av vorishinn 54 Ath does wat vonish A Et. We sel SW = $6 Sees {"Lq.pat = ff al gi, al gi i. 3 ‘8 | aL gai - de aft >i (& Sei - Se db + pis | Pale ¥ ~ pi) Sq° dé Cte. El aps. bold smee minis tes we sat cay a eats eeeees erste p 94: Poi These we 2 of He Y Hoilbn - Jecebi eons! To et He other to, we need bp very tb: Now clog a Wo ouill mvelve dg, St, . t teat, t,+bt, 13 Mey 200s” We wast ty derive He HaaNha- Jorebi epaling deceriln J the deavabives of Hall's prmeipal fonclin Wlane 5; aot) = ml SG) ee? ubee Pos He spere of pts 9: [4,tI7Q oh (te) = Ge glO=9., 2 Slq) = i‘ (ag) de where He Legregia LiTQ>R vill now be assumed Leguler so pel a4: TQ -—9~xXeT’a (ag) > Carp) Ts a Ar fee paw We need to assume Heh G4) 9 elose erengh b Gt) pb Hee is 2 onigpe geP bd pinizes Ue achin Sy ad ascume td this 9 depods sro) om Us (qe t5 2,6) € (Q®RY. Weill Hak of 4 4? func of uz Wee «RY ->P lead ure Bebred only wher .,4) & Q Yok Guth xe sf Cie Hy close, Conn Tren Horilln’s prineipel Forchon is WOO = Weer&j que) = SUD 7 ii LGq,a) at =\G - HG, pat =" pay ~ Hae by -[p where f= pda-Hq,p)dt is 2 [Farm on He exhoded plese space XxR, ad C is 2 cerve in He 90 Crterded phase space: C(t) = (4 lt), p@,t) EX xR Nile © depeds ox He Corve geP th depeds on we (465g he @xRry, So now let's differ tile wls) = {3 wth respect by uw £ got the Henilhm -Jeeabi eguetins Prom B. Leb u, be a I fertreler fenily of pom m (QxRY Bh work ob A wlay« af 8 GS thee Cy depeds > Us as shove. Lely conpare eo fee foeheade s Saco Cy minintzes the echin Prong pets wth he given 31 endpomby, 2 He cove ACHR, bas He sere Odpoak, we ek ; 4 ds = 0 ee 8, (Tog Act G4 By ts ol seath, ve cm epprrine it by me fel isa) Se i | Ly al if a%\ PF = gl) a - | 8 at seo a 4s Jp & |, . 5 thee we Bl. So; fe WEY = BOD ~ Por thee u heops hack of He chase of Cuypit) a5 ve mere Cy ku beeps beck of Cap Smee B= pldg: - Het, te gah. s BL w | 0 es ew sl¢ 3 9 TT & sestlely ¢ aW a a fe aw a7 fl 0 So: iF ce dere 2 woehacler » E lanbsassd= el Mabini we get WwW _ i SEs Hy a 7 i pe Familia; movedags Crom Qa!

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