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A glance at the two pie charts provided reveals the amount of four kinds of France’s energy

production in 1995 and 2005.

Overall it is clear that Gas and Coal are both having the least drastic changes in energy production
while on the other hand, Petroleum, Nuclear and Other production shows significant changes in the
last decade.

At the beginning, Petroleum, toghether with Gas and Coal are shown to dominate France’s Energy
production at nearly 30%. However in 2005, Petroleum production has droped almost 10% into
19.55% and become energy production sector with the most significant drop while Gas and Coal
getting a slight increase of 1% in 2005. In contrast, nuclear and other energy productions are two
sectors with the most distinctive surge in the last decade with 3.7% and 4.2% increased respectively.
In summary, France energy production shows its tendency towards the production of green energy
and other kind of alternate energy in the last decade. It is clearly shown by the major surge in
Nuclear and other energy production.

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