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Test bank (ch1-36) for Economics 13th Edition

by Arnold
Full version at:

Ever wonder why colleges use GPAs, ACTs, and SATs for admission, how supply and demand
play out on a freeway, what price has to do with being late to class, or how you pay for good
weather? ECONOMICS, 13E answers these questions and more as you open the world of
economic analysis. Detailed coverage explains how economists build theories to explain
everyday life. Memorable examples from pop culture illustrate unexpected places economics
occur and show you how economic forces link to everyday events. Short video lectures clarify
key economic concepts, while longer Video Office Hours answer questions. In addition, "What’s
Wrong With this Diagram?", "Working with Diagrams," and "Progression Graphs" videos help
you work with diagrams. Digital resources Aplia and MindTap with new Adaptive Test Prep also
help you to assess your personal economic understanding.
 ISBN-10 : 1337617385
 ISBN-13 : 978-1337617383

In Appreciation
Part 1: Economics: The Science of Scarcity
Chapter 1: What Economics Is About
1-1 Your Life, 2019-2029
1-2 A Definition of Economics
1-3 Key Concepts in Economics
1-4 Ceteris Paribus and Theory
1-5 Economic Categories
Chapter Summary
Key Terms and Concepts
Questions and Problems
Working with Numbers and Graphs
Appendix A: Working with Diagrams
Appendix B: Should You Major in Economics?
Chapter 2: Production Possibilities Frontier Framework
2-1 The Production Possibilities Frontier
2-2 Specialization and Trade Can Move Us beyond Our PPF
Chapter Summary
Key Terms and Concepts
Questions and Problems
Working with Numbers and Graphs
Chapter 3: Supply and Demand: Theory
3-1 What Is Demand?
3-2 Supply
3-3 The Market: Putting Supply and Demand Together
Chapter Summary
Key Terms and Concepts
Questions and Problems
Working with Numbers and Graphs
Chapter 4: Prices: Free, Controlled, and Relative
4-1 Price
4-2 Price Controls
4-3 Two Prices: Absolute and Relative
Chapter Summary
Key Terms and Concepts
Questions and Problems
Working with Numbers and Graphs
Chapter 5: Supply, Demand, and Price: Applications
5-1 Application 1: U-Haul Rates and Demand
5-2 Application 2: Subsidizing the Consumption of Anything Can Raise Its Price
5-3 Application 3: 10 A.M. Classes in College
5-4 Application 4: Why Do Colleges Use GPAs, ACTs, and SATs for Purposes of
5-5 Application 5: Why Is Medical Care So Expensive?
5-6 Application 6: Do You Pay for Good Weather?
5-7 Application 7: The Price of an Aisle Seat
5-8 Application 8: College Superathletes
5-9 Application 9: Easier-to-Obtain Loans and Higher Housing Prices
5-10 Application 10: Speculators, Price Variability, and Patterns
5-11 Application 11: Supply and Demand on a Freeway
5-12 Application 12: Are Renters Better Off?
Chapter Summary
Questions and Problems
Working with Numbers and Graphs
Part 2: Macroeconomic Fundamentals
Chapter 6: Macroeconomic Measurements, Part I: Prices and Unemployment
6-1 Measuring the Price Level
6-2 Measuring Unemployment
Chapter Summary
Key Terms and Concepts
Questions and Problems
Working with Numbers and Graphs
Chapter 7: Macroeconomic Measurements, Part III: GDP and Real GDP
7-1 Gross Domestic Product
7-2 The Expenditure Approach to Computing GDP for a Real-World Economy
7-3 The Income Approach to Computing GDP for a Real-World Economy
7-4 Real GDP
Chapter Summary
Key Terms and Concepts
Questions and Problems
Working with Numbers and Graphs
Part 3: Macroeconomic Stability, Instability, and Fiscal Policy
Chapter 8: Aggregate Demand and Aggregate Supply
8-1 A Way to View the Economy
8-2 Aggregate Demand
8-3 Short-Run Aggregate Supply
8-4 Putting AD and SRAS Together: Short-Run Equilibrium
8-5 Long-Run Aggregate Supply
Chapter Summary
Key Terms and Concepts
Questions and Problems
Working with Numbers and Graphs
Chapter 9: Classical Macroeconomics and the Self-Regulating Economy
9-1 The Classical View
9-2 Three States of the Economy
9-3 The Self-Regulating Economy
Chapter Summary
Key Terms and Concepts
Questions and Problems
Working with Numbers and Graphs
Chapter 10: Keynesian Macroeconomics and Economic Instability: A Critique of
the Self-Regulating Eco
10-1 Questioning the Classical Position and the Self-Regulating Economy
10-2 The Simple Keynesian Model
10-3 The Simple Keynesian Model in the AD-AS Framework
10-4 The Simple Keynesian Model in the TE-TP Framework
Chapter Summary
Key Terms and Concepts
Questions and Problems
Working with Numbers and Graphs
Chapter 11: Fiscal Policy and the Federal Budget
11-1 The Federal Budget
11-2 Fiscal Policy
11-3 Demand-Side Fiscal Policy
11-4 Supply-Side Fiscal Policy
Chapter Summary
Key Terms and Concepts
Questions and Problems
Working with Numbers and Graphs
Part 4: Money, the Economy, and Monetary Policy
Chapter 12: Money, Banking, and the Financial System
12-1 Money: What Is It and How Did It Come To Be?
12-2 Defining the Money Supply
12-3 How Banking Developed
12-4 The Financial System
Chapter Summary
Key Terms and Concepts
Questions and Problems
Working with Numbers and Graphs
Chapter 13: The Federal Reserve System
13-1 The Structure and Functions of the Federal Reserve System (The Fed)
13-2 The Money Supply Expansion Process
13-3 Other Fed Tools and Recent Fed Actions
Chapter Summary
Key Terms and Concepts
Questions and Problems
Working with Numbers and Graphs
Appendix C: The Market for Reserves (Or the Federal Funds Market)
Chapter 14: Money and the Economy
14-1 Money and the Price Level
14-2 Monetarism
14-3 Inflation
14-4 Money and Interest Rates
Chapter Summary
Key Terms and Concepts
Questions and Problems
Working with Numbers and Graphs
Chapter 15: Monetary Policy
15-1 Transmission Mechanisms
15-2 Monetary Policy and the Problem of Inflationary and Recessionary Gaps
15-3 Monetary Policy and the Activist-Nonactivist Debate
15-4 Nonactivist Monetary Proposals
Chapter Summary
Key Terms and Concepts
Questions and Problems
Working with Numbers and Graphs
Appendix D: Bond Prices and the Interest Rate
Part 5: Expectations and Growth
Chapter 16: Expectations Theory and the Economy
16-1 Phillips Curve Analysis
16-2 The Controversy Begins: Are There Really Two Phillips Curves?
16-3 Rational Expectations and New Classical Theory
16-4 New Keynesians and Rational Expectations
16-5 Looking at Things from the Supply Side: Real Business Cycle Theorists
Chapter Summary
Key Terms and Concepts
Questions and Problems
Working with Numbers and Graphs
Chapter 17: Economic Growth: Resources, Technology, Ideas, and Institutions
17-1 A Few Basics about Economic Growth
17-2 A Production Function and Economic Growth
Chapter Summary
Key Terms and Concepts
Questions and Problems
Working with Numbers and Graphs
Part 6: Government and the Economy
Chapter 18: Debates in Macroeconomics over the Role and Effects of Government
18-1 Macroeconomics and Government: The Debate
18-2 Tax Cuts, Tax Revenue, and Budget Deficits
18-3 The Economy: Self-Regulating or Not?
18-4 More Government Spending or a Cut in Taxes: Which Gives a Bigger Bang for
the Buck?
18-5 More Government Spending or a Cut in Taxes: The Size and Scope of
18-6 The Degree of Crowding Out
18-4 The Politics of Government Spending
18-8 Monetary Policy: Rules versus Discretion
18-9 Bailouts
18-10 Demand-Side and Supply-Side Views of the Economy and Government
Tools for Changing Real GDP
Chapter Summary
Key Terms and Concepts
Questions and Problems
Working with Numbers and Graphs
Part 7: Microeconomic Fundamentals
Chapter 19: Elasticity
19-1 Elasticity: Part 1
19-2 Elasticity: Part 2
19-3 Other Elasticity Concepts
19-4 The Relationship between Taxes and Elasticity
Chapter Summary
Key Terms and Concepts
Questions and Problems
Working with Numbers and Graphs
Chapter 20: Consumer Choice: Maximizing Utility and Behavioral Economics
20-1 Utility Theory
20-2 Consumer Equilibrium and Demand
20-3 Behavioral Economics
Chapter Summary
Key Terms and Concepts
Questions and Problems
Working with Numbers and Graphs
Appendix E: Budget Constraint and Indifference Curve Analysis
Chapter 21: Production and Costs
21-1 Why Firms Exist
21-2 Two Sides to Every Business Firm
21-3 Production
21-4 Costs of Production: Total, Average, Marginal
21-5 Production and Costs in the Long Run
21-6 Shifts in Cost Curves
Chapter Summary
Key Terms and Concepts
Questions and Problems
Working with Numbers and Graphs
Part 8: Product Markets and Policies
Chapter 22: Perfect Competition
22-1 The Theory of Perfect Competition
22-2 Perfect Competition in the Short Run
22-3 Perfect Competition in the Long Run
22-4 Topics for Analysis in the Theory of Perfect Competition
Chapter Summary
Key Terms and Concepts
Questions and Problems
Working with Numbers and Graphs
Chapter 23: Monopoly
23-1 The Theory of Monopoly
23-2Monopoly Pricing and Output Decisions
23-3 Perfect Competition and Monopoly
23-4 The Case against Monopoly
23-5 Price Discrimination
Chapter Summary
Key Terms and Concepts
Questions and Problems
Working with Numbers and Graphs
Chapter 24: Monopolistic Competition, Oligopoly, and Game Theory
24-1 The Theory of Monopolistic Competition
24-2 Oligopoly: Assumptions and Real-World Behavior
24-3 Price and Output under the Cartel Theory
24-4 Game Theory, Oligopoly, and Contestable Markets
24-5 A Review of Market Structures
24-6 Applications of Game Theory
Chapter Summary
Key Terms and Concepts
Questions and Problems
Working with Numbers and Graphs
Chapter 25: Government and Product Markets: Antitrust and Regulation
25-1 Antitrust
25-2 Regulation
Chapter Summary
Key Terms and Concepts
Questions and Problems
Working with Numbers and Graphs
Part 9: Factor Markets and Related Issues
Chapter 26: Factor Markets: With Emphasis on the Labor Market
26-1 Factor Markets
26-2 The Labor Market
26-3 Labor Markets and Information
Chapter Summary
Key Terms and Concepts
Questions and Problems
Working with Numbers and Graphs
Chapter 27: Wages, Unions, and Labor
27-1 Objectives of Labor Unions
27-2 Practices of Labor Unions
27-3 Effects of Labor Unions
Chapter Summary
Key Terms and Concepts
Questions and Problems
Working with Numbers and Graphs
Chapter 28: The Distribution of Income and Poverty
28-1 Some Facts about Income Distribution
28-2 Measuring Income Equality
28-3 Why Income Inequality Exists
28-4 Poverty
Chapter Summary
Key Terms and Concepts
Questions and Problems
Working with Numbers and Graphs
Chapter 29: Interest, Rent, and Profit
29-1 Interest
29-2 Rent
29-3 Profit
29-4 The Entrepreneur
Chapter Summary
Key Terms and Concepts
Questions and Problems
Working with Numbers and Graphs
Part 10: Market Failure, Public Choice, and Special-Interest Group Politics
Chapter 30: Market Failure: Externalities, Public Goods, and Asymmetric
30-1 Externalities
30-2 Internalizing Externalities
30-3 Environmental Policy
30-4 Public Goods: Excludable and Nonexcludable
30-5 Asymmetric Information
Chapter Summary
Key Terms and Concepts
Questions and Problems
Working with Numbers and Graphs
Chapter 31: Public Choice and Special-Interest Group Politics
31-1 Public Choice Theory
31-2 The Political Market
31-3 Voters and Rational Ignorance
31-4 More about Voting
31-5 Special-Interest Groups
31-6 Constitutional Economics
Chapter Summary
Key Terms and Concepts
Questions and Problems
Working with Numbers and Graphs
Part 11: Economic Theory-Building and Everyday Life
Chapter 32: Building Theories to Explain Everyday Life: From Observations to
Questions to Theories t
32-1 A Different Kind of Chapter
32-2 The Process
32-3 Observation/Thought 1: The Birthrates in Various Countries Are Different
32-4 Observation/Thought 2: The Ethical Code of People Who Live in a Small
Town Is Different from Th
32-5 Observation/Thought 3: The Closer the Dollar Tuition the Student Pays Is to
the Equilibrium Tui
32-6 Observation/Thought 4: Criminals Are Not Rational
32-7 Observation/Thought 5: More Students Wear Baseball Caps in Class on Exam
Days Than on Other Day
32-8 Observation/Thought 6: Houses in "Good" School Districts Are Often More
Expensive Than Comparab
32-9 Observation/Thought 7: Are People Better Off with or without Health Care
32-10 Observation/Thought 8: People Who Give to Others Often Complain That
They End Up Giving Too Mu
Chapter Summary
Questions and Problems
Working with Numbers and Graphs
Part 12: International Economics and Globalization
Chapter 33: International Trade
33-1 International Trade Theory
33-2 Trade Restrictions
Chapter Summary
Key Terms and Concepts
Questions and Problems
Working with Numbers and Graphs
Chapter 34: International Finance
34-1 The Foreign Exchange Market
34-2 Flexible Exchange Rates
34-3 Fixed Exchange Rates
34-4 Fixed Exchange Rates versus Flexible Exchange Rates
Chapter Summary
Key Terms and Concepts
Questions and Problems
Working with Numbers and Graphs
Self-Test Appendix

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