Watermelon Slice

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Knitted watermelon slice

These look lovely. Knitted with dk yarn oddments of red, light green, dark green and
black with a 3.25mm circular needle with the magic loop method.

Using dpn's or a long circular needle, CO 4 sts in red and work 7 rows of stocking
stitch back and forth. Pick up 4 sts down the side, 4sts from the cast on sts, and 4 from
the other side (16 sts)
Join to work in the round and work in stocking stitch throughout.
next round (inc in next st, k2, inc in next st, k4)twice (20 sts)
next and foll alt rounds, knit
then (inc in next st, k4, inc in next st, k4) twice (24 sts)
(inc in next st, k6, inc in next st, k4) twice (28 sts)
(inc in next st, k8, inc in next st, k4) twice (32 sts)
(inc in next st, k10, inc in next st, k4) twice (36 sts)
(inc in next st, k12, inc in next st, k4) twice (40 sts)
(inc in next st, k14, inc in next st, k4) twice (44 sts)
(inc in next st, k16, inc in next st, k4) twice (48 sts)
(inc in next st, k18, inc in next st, k4) twice (52 sts)
(inc in next st, k20, inc in next st, k4) twice (56 sts)
break off red yarn and join light green, k 2 rounds even. Cut light green yarn and join
dark green, k 1 round even. Turn piece and (cast off 4 sts purlwise, p23 sts) twice.
Turn and work on the last 24sts only, stocking stitch 7 rows, ending in a rs row facing.
Graft to other 24 sts.

You will need to weave in ends before grafting, but stuffing can be done after. Sew up
the two small holes. Swiss darn with black yarn a few 'seeds' randomly on each side
of red.

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