Final ENGLISH Research Platform (The Impacts of Srtress To The Education of Grade 10 Students.)

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region 1
Schools Division of Ilocos Norte




Prepared by:



Presented to:


Teacher III/Subject Teacher

School Year 2022-2023



Background of the Study

Stress has become part of students’ academic life due to the various internal and
external expectations placed upon their shoulders. Adolescents are particularly
vulnerable to the problems associated with academic stress as transitions occur at an
individual and social level. It therefore, becomes imperative to understand the sources
and impact of academic stress in order to derive adequate and efficient intervention

For the longest time, people assumed that the student population was the least
affected by any sort of stress or problems. Stress is now understood as a lifestyle
crisis(Masih & Gulrez, 2006) affecting any individual regardless of their
developmental stage(Banerjee & Chatterjee, 2016). The only task students were
expected to undertake was to study and studying was never perceived as stressful.
What proved to be stressful was the expectations parents had for their children, which
in turn grew into larger burdens that these children could not carry anymore.
According to the statistics published by National Crime Records Bureau, there is one
student every hour that commits suicide(Saha,2017). The bureau registered 1.8%
students who committed suicide due to failing in examinations and an 80% rise in
suicide rates during a one-year time frame.

Academic stress has been identified as the primary cost of these alarming
figures . Lee & Larson (2000) explain this stress as an interaction between
environmental stressors, students appraisal and reactions for the same. It has now
become a grave reality that is term as a “career stopper” (Kadapatti & Vijalaxmi
2012). It therefore, become a significant cost of concern as it is symptomathic of
rising mental health concerns in international. (Nadamuri & Ch, 2011) Depression,
anxiety, behavioral problems, irritability etc, are few of the many problems reported
in students with high academic stress (Dev, Strod1 & Sun, 2015: Verma Sharma &
Larson, 2002). Incidents of depression were also found concentrate fear of failure,
negative evaluation of future, etc. (Busari, 2012). Adolescents were also reported to
be indulging in various risky behaviors such as increase consumption of alcohol and
drugs, unprotected sexual activities, physical inactivity, poor eating and sleeping
patterns. The pressure these students face to perform is so severe resulting in five-fold
increase in suicide attempts.

It becomes imperative to also understand the low stress does not necessarily
ascertain that students will perform better, but in fact under these circumstances, they
would perceive the task as unchallenging and may also get easily bored ( Uchil,
2017). Though certain levels of stress push students towards optimum performance,
when it is not managed efficiently due to inadequate resources to cope with the stress,
it can have dismal consequences for the student as well as the institution.

The stress responds elicited by every individual is identical regardless of the

trigger causing. For example , Marital stress, exam anxiety, work stress, etc. Would
elicit identical physiological responses from the body. This happens primarily due to
the adreno-medullary system, which is part of the sympathetic division of our nervous
system and the adrenocortical axis (Bourne & Yaroush, 2003) resulting in the “fight
or flight” reaction. Some of the physiological changes that can be observed in the
body are changes in heart rate(HR), blood pressure (BP), respiratory rate, increased
blood flow towards skeletal muscles, etc.
While the stress response may be identical, the sources of stress reported by
individuals vary. These differences would be seen in the causes, sources and
consequences of stressors. Some of the common stressors reported in an academic
setting include excessive assignments, poor time management and social skills, peer
competition, etc. (Fairbrother & Warn, 2003).

Students’ academic performance is a key characteristic of education (Rono

2013). It is considered to be the center around which the entire education system
evolves. Some factors influencing high academic achievement include daily hours of
study, parents' economic status and good learning facilities (Singh, Malik & Singh
(2016). Students face challenges in their studies due to the ineffective use of these
factors to improve academic performance. In this sense, this study seeks to discover
the negative impact of stress on student achievement, the relationship between school
stress and students’ achievement, and finally, to recommend strategies for managing
stress at the Piddig National High School, the reason being that complex results on
how academic stress relates to students’ performance can be provided effectively.

Statement of the Problem.

A lot of research has been done on school stress and student performance. For
example, Kaumi, Alkali, Kali and Shehu (2018) conducted research on the effect of
stress on the academic performance of students at Ramat Polytechnic Maiduguri in
Nigeria. In addition, Mohammed (2018) studied the impact of stress on the academic
performance of seconda

ry school students in the Vehari district. In the same year, Marwoan (2018)
investigated academic stress among undergraduates at King Saud University in
Riyadh. Mussarat Jabeen Khan in Lahore has also conducted research on the effect of
perceived academic stress on student achievement. 4In Ghana, Duncan-Williams
(2015) studies school stress, academic performance and psychological well-being of
upper secondary rehabilitation students in the Greater Accra region of Ghana.

Although several studies have been conducted on academic stress and student
performance in Piddig National High School specifically, we would like to add more
information to the ones already conducted. The main objective of this study is to
examine the effect of stress on the education of Piddig National High School grade 10
students and the associated risk when stress is not managed properly.

1. How does grade 10 students feel when they’re stressed?

2. What are the causes of stress among the grade 10 students?

3. How does stress affects the education of grade 10 students?

4. How do grade 10 students deal with the stress?

Delimitation of the Study

The researchers initiated this study to explore and analyze the effects of stress
on the academic performance of 10th grade students.

Specifically, the study was confined to the students of Piddig National High
School in the academic year 2022-2023. Employing a mixed method research
approach, whereby researchers collect and analyse both quantitative and qualitative
data within the same study.

To gather information, the researchers selected 30 participants from the 10 th

grade students at Piddig National High School. Each student was provided with a
checklist questionnaire, which had been developed by the researchers. The aim was to
assess how stress influences the students’ educational experience.

The data collected from the participants served as the foundation for
addressing the research problem identified by the researchers.



Stress is the physical or mental condition induced by various stressors to the

students (Ekpenyong, Daniel, & Aribo, 2013). This project is a summary of literature
focused on the impact of stress on the education of grade 10 students in Piddig
National High School. The main aim of this study is to investigate the impact of stress
on the academic performance of grade 10 students at the Piddig National High
School, and related risk when stress is not handled properly. Additionally, there is
discussion of acute and chronic stress, which is linked to the stress period. Academic
stressors like academic success, economy, social ties and managing time management
is debated in detail. What's more, this study details how students deal with stress. This
study will help grade 10 students in Piddig National High School to understand the
effects of stress on their academic performance and to learn how to manage stress.
Various techniques to reduce, avoid and manage school stress are recommended for
use in practice.

There are a variety of stress meanings and several occurrences which can lead
to stress. People claim they are stressed when taking an exam, when facing a stressful
job situation, or when experiencing problems in relationships. Stressful situations can
be regarded as harmful, dangerous or difficult (Perrewé & Zellars, 1999). It is
difficult, with so many factors contributing to stress. The definition of stress is
difficult to describe. Hans Selye (1936) proposed the first and most generic definition
of stress "as a nonspecific response of the organism to any request for change."
Folkman (1984) suggested stress occurs when people perceive external situational
demands to exceed their ability to adapt. "Stress is a state of mind that represents
certain biochemical reactions in the human body and is projected by a sense of
anxiety, according to Jit (1995); Tension and depression, caused by environmental or
internal factors that cannot be met by the person's resources. Levi (1996) claimed that
"stress is triggered by a multitude of demands (stressors), a disparity between what we
need and what we can, what our world offers us and what it demands of us."

Stress happens when the person has a burden that exceeds his or her available
assets. If the stress is severe and prolonged, it can reduce academic performance,
impede the ability of a student to become involved and contribute to campus life, and
increase the likelihood of abuse of substances and other potentially destructive
behaviors (Richlin, Klonsky & Hoe 2003). Research by Vermunt and Steensman,
(2005) defines stress as the perception of the incongruity between the environmental
burden (stressors) and a person's ability to fulfill them. Researchers typically describe
stress as the unpleasant reaction people experience under intense pressure or some
other form of strain imposed upon them. Stress occurs when a person faces a situation
he recognizes as irresistible and cannot cope with (Khan, Altaf, & Kausar, 2013).
Students are subjected to stress (Smith, Johal, Wadsworth, Smith & Peters
2000) in an advanced educational organization like High School, where the burden
imposed on students is based on the time limit and the difficulty of standing out in
tests or exams. Research has identified stress symptoms, such as energy loss, high
blood pressure, depressed mood, increased desire, focus trouble, impatience,
nervousness, and anxiety (Agolla& Ongori, 2009). The Person-Environment model is
a valuable model for understanding stress in high school students (Misra & McKean,
2000). This model suggests people might view stressful events as demanding or

Stressful life events and decreasing academic performance is found among

high Perception of educational goals as a challenge creates stress and this stress, in
turn, creates a sense of competence and an enhanced learning capacity (Khan et al,
2013). The perception of education as a threat, however, brings with it a sense of
hopelessness and a worrying sense of loss, leading to a drop in school results. Stress is
considered a part of student life and can influence student coping strategies according
to university life demands. Academic work is actually always done with stressful
activities (Agolla et al., 2009). Students recorded their experience of high academic
stress at regular times in each semester, arising from planning and taking tests,
classification competition and mastery of a large number of programs in a relatively
short period (Rawson, Bloomer & Kendall, 1999). A strong relationship between
school students, as well as a link between health-related quality of life and stress,
(Dusselier, Dunn, Wang, Shelley & Whalen 2005).

Dropout students reported that stress was the most common factor among all
the health factors that affect their academic performance, since stress affects physical
and psychological health, (Dwyer & Cummings, 2001). Wintre and Yaffe (2000)
concluded that a high level of stress before senior high and during senior high
provides for a lower level of overall adjustment and can make students more
susceptible to many social and psychological problems, thus leading to a weighted
average for the last year. Many studies have 1112 addressed this issue and it has been
found that many psychological problems such as depression, anxiety and stress have
an impact on student academic performance. Williamson, Birmaher, Ryan and Dahl
(2005) reported that among anxious and depressed youth, stressful life events are
significantly elevated, which in turn results in poor academic performance.

Stress has become an important subject in research studies in schools as well

as in our society. Academic stress in students has long been the subject of research
and researchers have recognized various important stressors including missions,
unhealthy competition among students in the class, fear of failure in academic
success, inadequate finances, poor interpersonal relationships with teachers and
family issues (Fairbrother & Warn, 2003). At the institutional level, some stressors
are the overcrowded conference rooms, the semester system and the insufficient
resources to carry out academic work(Awino & Agolla, 2008). Kumar and Jejurkar
(2005) concluded in their studies that academic factors were mainly responsible for
higher stress levels among grade 10 students.

Students experience stress due to various factors including time management

issues, financial issues, interaction with teachers, personal subjective goals, social
behavior and adjustment in lack of cultural support (Wilks, 2008). Admission process,
high expectations of parents, curriculum with complex concepts, unsuitable school
hours, unbalanced student-teacher relationship, physical classroom environment,
unhealthy student-teacher interaction, strict and fast discipline rules, too many tasks
or complex, teaching methodology, the careless attitude of the teacher and the
emphasis on weaknesses rather than recognizing strengths (Masih & Gulrez, 2006).
Academic stress occurs when the academic demands exceed the resources available to
a person whom he or she adapts and this stress should not be ignored because it
negatively affects the general adjustment of students (Hussain, Kumar & Husain,
2008). Stress can negatively affect a student's academic performance, so it is
important for students to manage stress in order to overcome the negative effect of
stress (Mushtaq, I., & Khan, S.N. 2012).
Theoretical Framework

Over the years, several theories have been developed by a number of authors
to help students understand stress, its manifestations and its impacts. Lazarus stress
theory is the main theory supporting our research.

Lazarus stress theory

Lazarus and Folkman (1984) explained that stress is a condition or feeling that
is felt when a person perceives that the demands exceed the personal and social
resources that the person can mobilize to manage the condition. This is also called the
"coping and transactional stress model." Therefore, the individual perception of the
psychological situation is the critical factor. According to Lazarus, the effects of stress
on a person are based more on the feeling of threat, vulnerability and ability to cope
with that person than on the stressful event itself.

Lazarus and Folkman's (1984) Transactional Model of Stress is used as the theoretical
framework underlying this study. The model describes how an individual reacts to
specific stressors in the external environment. According to Lazarus and Folkman
(1984), no event or situation is inherently stressful. Instead, the stressor is defined by
the subjective judgment of the situation that is considered threatening, damaging or
taxing available resources. So, the way that people react to similar stressors varies due
to the different perception that they have. According to Lazarus, psychological stress
is a particular relationship between the person and the environment that the person
evaluates as taxing or exceeding their resources and endangering their well-being. For
example, too many assignments in a short period of time can make a student believe that they
will certainly not finish within the allotted time.

Lazarus and Folkman's (1984) stress theory is particularly relevant as an

analytical framework, as it will help us better study some key stressors that can
ultimately affect students' academic performance and how to manage or control these
academic stressors.

In transactional or process theories, stress is studied as a complex set of

interactions and adjustments between the person and the environment. Lazarus and
Folkman (1984) are the most popular transaction theory. Through their transactional
model, they emphasize the “transactional” nature of stress, by arguing that it is a two-
way process by which the environment produces stressors and the individual finds
ways to manage them.

Conceptual framework

This framework sorts to give a pictorial view of the effect of academic stress

on students’ performance. It is illustrated in figure 1 below:

Figure 1: Authors Construct




The research methodology forms the third chapter of the study. This chapter
presents processes and procedures used to arrive at the findings of the study. It
considered issues such as research approach research design, study population, sample
and sampling procedures, research instrument, data collection method data analysis
and ethical consideration. The data analysis methods and the data collection tools are
also presented in this chapter.

Research Design

Research design is usually a plan or blue print which specifies how data
relating to a given problem should be collected and analyzed. It provides the
procedural outlines for the conduct of any investigation. The research will take both
descriptive and explanatory forms to identify the effect of stress on the education of
grade 10 students in the School of Business of Piddig National High School. The
descriptive research involves describing, recording, analyzing and interpreting
conditions as they exist. Explanatory research refers to the research that focuses on
studying a situation or a problem in order to explain the relationships between
variables. It is concerned with how the researchers goes about answering the research
questions by way of knowing what data to gather, the source of data, the intent behind
it and the justification of the particular research design decision (Saunders, Lewis, &
Thornhill, 2007).
Sample of the Study

The population of the respondents included the Grade 10 learners of Piddig

National High School 2022-2023. From a total population of 240, 30 Grade 10
learners were selected as samples. The study employed stratified sampling with the
proportional allocation of learners in the six Grade 10 sections of the school as shown

Table 1. Distribution of subpopulation and subsample sizes by section and the total
population and total sample size for the study.

Sections Subpopulation Subsample

10 Pearl 39 5
10 Diamond 41 5
10 Emerald 38 5
10 Topaz 42 5
10 Amethyst 40 5
10 Jade 40 5
Total 240 30

Research Instrument

In this study, the researchers employed a self-developed questionnaire named

“ The Impacts of Stress to the Education of Grade 10 Students” as our research
instrument. The purpose of this questionnaire was to collect data regarding the notable
effects of stress on the education of grade 10 students. The respondents were asked to
answer four specific questions, which encompassed their emotional state. the causes
of stress, the coping techniques they employed, and the overall impacts of stress on
their academic experience as grade 10 students.
Data Gathering Procedure

The researchers sought permission from the school principal to conduct the
study, administer the questionnaire, and distribute it among the participants. After
obtaining approval for their request, the researchers proceeded with the evaluation of
the study. The respondents then provided their responses to the questions presented by
the researchers. The data collection phase lasted for a period of 4 days.

Statistical Treatment of Data

To address the research problem in this study, the researchers utilized the
following statistical treatment.

Descriptive Statistics. To summarize and describe the data collected through

the questionnaire, a statistical approach was used in this study. The primary objective
of employing this approach was to determine the impact of stress to the education of
grade 10 students.



In this chapter, the study’s data is presented along with an analysis and
interpretation that pertains to the problems stated in the Statement of the Problem.

The Impacts of Stress to the Education of Grade 10 Students

Table 2. Feelings when Stressed.

Feelings Frequency Percentage

Irritated 16 53.3%
Angry 11 36.6%
Impatient 2 6.6%
Wound up 0 0%
Others, specify. 1 3.5%

Table 2 reveals that among the 30 grade 10 learners, 53.3% of them reported
feeling irritated when experiencing stress. Additionally, 36.6% of the learners
indicated feeling angry when stressed, while 6.6% expressed impatience.
Interestingly, no students reported feeling wound up, and 3.3% of the participants
acknowledged having personal matters and problems they preferred not to disclose.
Based on these findings, it can be inferred that the majority of grade 10 students tend
to feel more irritated when they experience stress.

Table 3. Causes of Stress.

Causes Frequency Percentage

Unhealthy Lifestyle 10 33.5%
Conflict at home 7 23,3%
Relationship Problems 2 6.6%
Low Self Esteem 5 16.6%
More 6 20%
Table 3 present the findings regarding the causes of stress among the 30 grade
10 learners. It indicates that 33.5% of the students identified unhealthy lifestyle as the
primary cause of their stress. Additionally, 23.3% attributed their stress to conflicts at
home, while 6.6% reported relationship problem as the causes. Furthermore, 16.6%
stated that their stress stemmed from low self-esteem , and 20% selected the “ others”
option of specify that their stress had causes not include in the provided answers.
Theses result suggest that the majority of grade 10 student’s stress arises from an
unhealthy lifestyle.

Table 4. Deal with Stress.

Deal Frequency Percentage

Play Game 15 50%
Exercise 0 0%
Listen of Music 11 36.66%
Read a Book 0 0%
Hangout With Friends 3 10%
Others 1 3.34%

Table 4. The results of the study present the findings regarding the factors
contributing to stress among 30 grade 10 students learners, it is evident from the data
that 50% of the students associated their stress with playing games, none of them
mentioned exercising, while 36.66% identified listening to music as a contributing
factor. Moreover, none of the participants indicated reading a book as a strategy to
deal with stress. Interestingly, 10%of the students reported hanging out with friends as
a means to cope with their stress. Additionally,a small percentage (3.33%) of students
mentioned employing other methods to manage their stress. Based on these findings,
it can be inferred that the majority of grade 10 students predominantly rely on playing
games as their primary approach to coping with stress.

Table 5. Impacts of Stress.

Impacts Frequency Percentage
Poor management skills 4 13.33%
Concentration difficulties 12 40%
Memory Problems 3 10%
Reduces your motivation 7 23.33%
to do works\activities
Low Grades 4 13.34%

Table 5 displays the outcomes regarding stress triggers among the 30 grade 10
tstudents. The data reveals that 13.33% of the learners identified poor management
skills as the primary source of their stress. Additionally, 40% attributed their stress to
Concentration difficulties, while 10% reported Memory Problem as the cause.
Furthermore, 23.33% stated that their stress stemmed from a decrease in motivation to
perform tasks or engage in activities, and lastly, low grades accounted for 13.34% of
the causes. These findings suggest that the majority of grade 10 students experiences
stress due to a decline in motivation for any assigned activities or tasks from the


Restatement of the problem.

The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of stress on the education
of Grade 10 students, focusing on how it impacts them and the potential risks
associated with inadequate stress management.

Delimitation of the Study

The researchers initiated this study to explore the effects of stress on the
academic performance of 10th grade students.

Specifically, the study was confined to the students of Piddig National High
School in the academic year 2022-2023. Employing a qualitative research approach,
the researchers focused on understanding the variouss ways in which stress impacts
the education of these students.

To gather information, the researchers selected 30 participants from the 10 th

grade students at Piddig National High School. Each student was provided with a
checklist questionnaire, which had been developed by the researchers. The aim was to
assess how stress influences the students’ educational experience.

The data collected from the participants served as the foundation for
addressing the research problem identified by the researchers.


The researchers employed a mixed method research design in this study.

Utilizing data gathered from respondents to ascertain and validate the objectives.
Furthermore the study focused specifically on the significant effects of stress on the
education of 10th grade students.

Statistical Tool

To summarize and describe the data collected through the questionnaire, a

statistical approach was used in this study. The primary objective of employing this
approach was to determine the impact of stress to the education of grade 10 students.

Feelings when Stressed. It can be inferred that the majority of grade 10
students tend to feel more irritated when they experience stress. Among the 30 grade
10 learners, 53.3% of them reported feeling irritated when experiencing stress.
Additionally, 36.6% of the learners indicated feeling angry when stressed, while 6.6%
expressed impatience. Interestingly, no students reported feeling wound up, and 3.3%
of the participants acknowledged having personal matters and problems they preferred
not to disclose.

Causes of Stress. The results of the study indicates that a significant

proportion of Grade 10 students’ stress can be attributed to an unhealthy lifestyle. It
indicates that 33.5% of the students identified unhealthy lifestyle as the primary
cause of their stress. Additionally, 23.3% attributed their stress to conflicts at home,
while 6.6% reported relationship problem as the causes. Furthermore, 16.6% stated
that their stress stemmed from low self-esteem , and 20% selected the “ others” option
to specify that their stress had causes not included in the provided answers.

Dealing with Stress. It can be inferred that the majority of grade 10 students
predominantly rely on playing games as their primary approach to coping with stress.
The results of the study present the findings regarding the factors contributing to
stress among 30 grade 10 students learners, it is evident from the data that 50% of the
students associated their stress with playing games, none of them mentioned
exercising, while 36.66% identified listening to music as a contributing factor.
Moreover, none of the participants indicated reading a book as a strategy to deal with
stress. Interestingly, 10%of the students reported hanging out with friends as a means
to cope with their stress. Additionally, a small percentage (3.33%) of students
mentioned employing other methods to manage their stress.

Impacts of Stress. Based on these findings, it can be suggested that a

significant number of grade 10 students experience stress as a result of a decrease in
motivation for assigned activities or tasks from the school. The outcomes regarding
stress triggers among the 30 grade 10 students. The data reveals that 13.33% of the
learners identified poor management skills as the primary source of their stress.
Additionally, 40% attributed their stress to Concentration difficulties, while 10%
reported Memory Problem as the cause. Furthermore, 23.33% stated that their stress
stemmed from a decrease in motivation to perform tasks or engage in activities, and
lastly, low grades accounted for 13.34% of the cause.


Base from the findings of this study, the following conclusions are drawn:

1. It can be inferred that the majority of grade 10 students tend to feel more irritated
when they experience stress.

2. A significant proportion of Grade 10 students’ stress can be attributed to an

unhealthy lifestyle.

3. The majority of grade 10 students predominantly rely on playing games as their

primary approach to coping with stress.

4. A significant number of grade 10 students experience stress as a result of a

decrease in motivation for assigned activities or tasks from the school.

5. The study concludes that stress has significant impacts on the education of grade
10 students.


To address the effects of stress on the education of grade 10 students, it is

necessary to gather additional data and feedback, as well as conduct further surveys.
These efforts will help tailor interventions and meet the specific needs of these
learners. Continual monitoring of stress levels and ongoing data analysis will enable
the identification of parts or areas that require improvements. It is crucial to regularly
evaluate the outcomes of implemented strategies and make necessary adjustments as

Moreover, it is important for learners to proactively explore effective ways to

manage stress, minimizing the impact on their studies and avoiding excessive pressure
from stress triggers.

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