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ATONE TN Am ‘To assemble avhousehold circuit comprising three bulbs, three on/off switches, a fuse anda power source. APPARATUS AND MATERIAL REQUIRED ‘Three bulbs.(40 W, 220 V each), three onjofftswitehes, a socket, a plug, a fuse of 1.0 A, flexible THEORY 1: Athousehold circuit works om ac mains of 220 V, 50 Hz. From the mains we get two supplies of different current ratings : @ Light line of 5A-for low power appliances like light bulbs, ceiling fans, fluorescent tubes etc. (ii) Power line of 15:A:for heavy duty appliances like room heater, air conditioner, geysers, hot plates, etc. LAB MANUAL PHYSICS-XI1 2A. By mm are the powers consumed by different #Pplianss en Pony ‘consumed in the household circuit is: P= Fj +h ty Pp Current drawn from the mains of V volts will be = y To protect the appliances from damage due to exces ure fut of ating 101 Jhigher than the normally drawn current is connected in serice Wit fe wire from th. bale id neutt Different appliances are connected in paral La live an provided wit vrate switch inv its I it 4 tet wire, Name, ete i leakage of eee fal iy a an appliance keeps its potential equa da not get a severe electric shock ral wires, Each appliance ich ensures any that of the earth wire ¢ CiRCUIT DIAGRAM rig. €Greuitdagram for household appliances: PROCEDURE : 1 As shown in Fig 8 connect the three bulbs By B, and B, separately in series combination Ain on switches SS, and 5, respectively 2. Connect these three bulb-switch combinati live and neutral wires 3. Connect a fase F of proper rating in the live wire of the circuit. 4 creneat «ues way helena of live and neural wires earth pin. 5. Insert the plug in the socket fitted on the ma 6. By pressing the switches S,,S, and S, one by off independently of the other. 7. Press the three switches simultaneously and note what happens. ‘onnect a wire from its jin electric board. ‘one, check that each bulb is switched on and CLUSIONS 1. Each bulb functions independently ofthe other through a separate switch. > The three bulbs can function simultaneously with the installed fuse safely. “AUTIONS 1. The rating of the required fuse must be determined carefully by calculating the maxim current drawn by the circuit. 2 Never use safety fuse of much higher rating than the current normally draven forty circuit. 3 ‘The safety fuse and the on/off switches must be connected in live wire. 4. Take care while working with mains. io sola 4 AcGaliey iit 1 ba les : To assemble the components of a given electrical circuit (say Ohm’s law circuit used to measure resistance) | srraratus AND MATERIAL REQUIRED A resistor, an ammeter (0-1.5 A), a voltmete» ‘()-5 V), a battery/battery eliminator, one-way key, rheostat, connecting wires and a piece of sand paper. | THEORY For assembling the components of any circuit, it is advisable to connect the components in the following order. 1, Source of power (battery/battery eliminator). 2. Plug key (near the battery). 3. Resistors, bulbs, inductors or any other load (to be connected end to end). 103 LAB MANUAL PHYSICS! tiometer, etc etre bridge, poten’ Am ymmeter, woltmeter, rh the load with positive ends yy" meter in pars eg 4. Measuring instruments ai the battery: connected in series and volt towards the positive terminal of l CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Battery Plug key H+" Fig. 9 Assembling the components for measurement of resistance by Ohm’ iy for the given activity and arrange the componeny in % | rxoceoure 1. Draw the circuit diagram required ‘on the work table as shown th a piece of sand paper. te ie connecting wires wi wit ’ ce Fas a ee R, rheostat Rh and plug key K alll in series ang Voltmeter V in parallel with resistor R See that the positive ends of ammeter and voltmeter vevtonnected towards the positive terminal of the battery. 4. Insert the plug in the key K See that the ammeter and voltmeter show deflections on the right hand (positive) side. Adjust the rheostat so that the deflections are within scale. 5. ‘The deflections in ammeter and voltmeter verify the continuity of the assembled circuit, i CONCLUSION The components of the given electrical cireuit have been correctly assembled. PRECAUTIONS 1. Before making the connections, clean the ends of the connecting wires with a piece of sand paper 2. Make neat and tight connections. 3. The ammeter should be connected in series and voltmeter in parallel with the resistor. 4. The positive ends of both ammeter and voltmeter should be connected to the positive terminal of the battery. i RE a ae ROTI Es Alm To draw the diagram of given open circuit comprising at least a battery, resistor/rheostat, key, ammeter and voltmeter. Mark the components that are not connected in proper order and correct the circuit and circuit diagram. APPARATUS AND MATERIAL REQUIRED A given open circuit comprising at least a battery, plug key, resistor, theostat, am, voltmeter ; and connecting wires and a piece of sand paper. manag THEORY Electrical circuits can be either functional or open type. Functional electrical cireuit. An electrical circuit is functional only if all the components» connected in proper order, assuming that all circuit components/devices are in workin condition and key is closed. With closed key, all components satisfy the property of continuity Open electrical circuit. An open circuit means there is a break in some part ofthe circuit Thy break may be either deliberate such asa key left in open position or a fault such as broken wi some burnt out components or a loose connection. This circuit shows discontinuity for one g. more components. [IRCUIT DIAGRAMS Some open circuit diagrams are given in Fig. 12. Students are advised to Section A ACTITIES, «our praw'theigiven circuit diagram [see Fig. 12(b)] in your notebook diagram, mark the comy jntheabore ponents which have not been connected in praper order a list of all components in the observation 5 calif ation table and mark a () in appropriate column as pow draw the correct circuit diagram 4 emble and connect the electrical components in accordance with the corrected circuit the key and note the deflect Deflections : a plug in y jons in ammeter and voltmeter in Wiese meters towards right hand side verify thatthe corrected circuit i functional | ogsetvATIONS rable A10 : For checking order of connections of circuit components. Mark a (¥) in appropriate column example, in given circuit diagram of Fig. 12(6), voltmeter has been wrongly connected. To ae ee Se ti mace in pel wits Now odes haa Se correct circuit diagram. ResuLT ; le Se fed by passing current through PRECAUTIONS | prcauions . oi sing wires must be cleaned prety wth ea ein trac ms oltmeter should be connected and the other variable to the postive i Pere texminals of ammeter | terminal of the battery: 44. Rheostat should be connected terminal. should 5. The plug key should be kept OPE throughout. It theca the continuity of te Tou ACTIVITY um -< | — an LED, a resistor and a capacitor from a mixed collection of 1 MATERIAL REQUIRED collection of diode, LED, resistor and capacitor. i gpraraTUs AN : Diode. A two terminal device which conducts current when forward biased and not when reverse biased. It does not emit light during its conduction. TED. A light emitting diode is a two terminal device which conducts current when forwarct piased and not when reverse biased. It emits a characteristic light during its conduction. Resistor. A two terminal device which conducts equally in both directions. Capacitor. A two terminal device which offers infinite resistance to de but has a finite reactance shows a large current initially (for for ac. When connected across a de source, 0 multimeter CouP which decreases to zero quickly. This is because the capacitor initially draws a charge [Lp cRAMS ae ‘Red. ‘Silver Am aut o 1000 uF ub + pee Electrolytic Mica (CAPACITORS: Fig. 1 Diagrams of carbon resistor, diodes. LED and capacitors. [a ROCEDURE set of three colour given components. If a component has & ponent is a resistor on and positive terminals of the highest range (0-MQ) ‘one by one. Note the direction mu component 1. Look for the colour bands on the bands followed by a silver or gold band, then the com 2 Insert the black and red leads (or probes) into comm multimeter. Tum its selector switch to resistance mode ~ 4. Touch the two probes to the two ends of each component deflection in the multimeter. Interchange the positions of two probes for each and again note the direction of deflection. LAB MANUAL PHYSICS 4 Ifthe multimeter shows an equal deflection in both directions, then the component is 2 5. If a multimeter shows deflection in one direction without ay emission of light fron omptiaett anc deflection in tee opposite direction, then the component © 8 & [the mubimeter shows deflection in one direction alongwith the emission of light fron me penis no deetion in the opposite disectioa, then the comPonen! 6 sn 7 ies Sacieister fle’ not show any. defection on connecting ft probes ether inp ‘component, then the component is a 2. Rotate the polaroid P, in its own plane. In this way we change the in its e direction or pase-axis the polaroid P,, keeping its plane perpendicular to the direction of tnede = ne seen that the illuminance of the bulb, as seen through the polaroid P,. is not affected as ch ted as we 3, Now place the second polaroid P, between the first polaroid P, and your the polaroid P, in its own plane with respect to the polaroid intensity of light transmitted by P, becomes maximum, This the two polaroids are parallel to each other. 4. Keeping P, fixed in its position, now start rotating P, in its own plane. The intensity transmitted by P, goes on decreasing until it becomes zene This happens = es of F, and P, are perpendicular to each other ic, the two polunee nee Poon. This implies that the light incident on P, rp id P, is called polariser while polaroid Py is « [:conctusions F 1. The first polaroid polarises the unpolarised light from the electric bulls 2. The polarised light does not pass through the second polaroid when its passanis 18 perpendicular to the pass-axis of the first polaroid Lecaurions 1, Handle the polaroids carefully so as not to leave finger prints on them. 2. The centres of the two polaroids and the source of light should be in the same direction 3, The planes of the two polaroids should be perpendicular to the direction of incidence light. 4, The second polaroid should be rotated slowly with respect to the first polaroid, eye. Slowly rotate the positions, the happens when the pass-anes af In one qoids are in crossed emerging from P, is plane polarised is P is called analyser ' Qo a fam a thin slit. to observe difracton of taht ve we quireD irce of ligh J arranarus ano MATERIAL a cello-tape, Sou! nt (electric pulb/laser pencil), @ glass plate and a piece of Two razor blades. black paper. I THEORY muon of bending of light around the corners of small obstacles jadow. Diffraction effect is 1. Diffraction of light. It is # ioe dit consequent spreading into the eSEO of geometrical si sire is of the order of wavelength of light inced if the size of the obstacle/ape! 1. Diffraction arises due to the interference of light waves from "Two razor blades with their sharp edges held parallel wn = 2) form a fine single slit. The diffraction pattern turrounded on both sides by coloured band, st and bright bands (with laser pencil) of he phenome to, quite close to each ot decreasing intensity. DIAGRAM Fig. 6 A fine slit made by usi by using two razor blades, one glass plate and a piece of black Paper. OCEDURE To make afin sit using razor 3. Hold a clear between the shart Pub with the slit. A sharp edges of the nS" filament thes diftaction pate pt Blades tat a distance bands. is seen with . Switch on the of about 4 m behind the slit central bright bulb, observe the | ed band, surrounded Fe Pa through on both sides by Section B ; ACTIVITIES 4. Place the slit about 0.5 m from the wall and the electric bulb at a distance of about 15 ~20 em behind the slit. Observe the light falling on the wall, Again a coloured diffraction pattern is seen on the wave. c 5. Repeat steps 2 and 3 using a laser pencil instead of electric bulb. A diffraction pattern is seen on the wall consisting a central bright band and altemate dark and bright bands of decreasing intensity. [.conctusion Light waves incident on a fine aperture bend around its corners and show the phenomenon of diffraction. CAUTIONS: 4. The edges of the two bla des should be held parallel and quite close to each other. 2. The electric bulb should be held at a distance more than 2 m form the slit OC _... eee

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