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Step Script Storyboard

[Opening Scene: Background music playing, emergency situations or statistics [Image: Emergency situations
1 visuals] or statistics visuals]

Narrator: (Voiceover) "Cardiac arrest can happen anytime, anywhere. Knowing

2 how to perform CPR can make a life-or-death difference."

[Image: Rescuer tapping

3 [Scene: Rescuer tapping collapsed person's shoulder] collapsed person's shoulder]

4 Narrator: "Step 1: Check for responsiveness."

5 Rescuer: (Tapping shoulder) "Are you okay?"

6 Collapsed Person: (No response)

[Image: Rescuer dialing

emergency services on a
7 [Scene: Rescuer dialing emergency services on a phone] phone]

8 Narrator: "Step 2: Call for help."

Rescuer: (Speaking into the phone) "We need an ambulance at [location]. The
9 person is unresponsive."
Step Script Storyboard

[Image: Rescuer
demonstrating proper chest
10 [Scene: Rescuer demonstrating proper chest compression technique] compression technique]

11 Narrator: "Step 3: Perform chest compressions."

Rescuer: "Place your hands on the center of the chest, interlock your fingers,
and push hard and fast." Remember to allow the chest to fully recoil between
12 compressions."

[Image: Rescuer
13 [Scene: Rescuer demonstrating rescue breaths] demonstrating rescue breaths]

14 Narrator: "Step 4: Perform rescue breaths."

Rescuer: "Pinch the person's nose, cover their mouth with yours, and give two
15 rescue breaths. Watch for chest rise."

[Image: Rescuer
demonstrating the correct
ratio of compressions to
16 [Scene: Rescuer demonstrating the correct ratio of compressions to breaths] breaths]

17 Narrator: "Step 5: Continue compressions and breaths."

Step Script Storyboard

Rescuer: "Maintain a steady rhythm, pushing hard and fast for 30

18 compressions, followed by 2 rescue breaths. Keep the cycle going."

[Image: Rescuer introducing

the AED and demonstrating
19 [Scene: Rescuer introducing the AED and demonstrating its usage] its usage]

20 Narrator: "Step 6: Use an Automated External Defibrillator, or AED."

Rescuer: "Attach the pads to the person's chest as shown. Follow the voice
prompts and make sure everyone is clear during the analysis and shock
21 delivery."

[Image: Rescuer emphasizing

22 [Scene: Rescuer emphasizing teamwork and rotation] teamwork and rotation]

23 Narrator: "Step 7: Teamwork and rotation."

Rescuer: "Work as a team. Switch roles to prevent fatigue. Another person can
24 take over compressions while you provide rescue breaths."

[Image: Medical team

25 [Scene: Medical team arriving and taking over CPR] arriving and taking over CPR]
Step Script Storyboard

26 Narrator: "Step 8: Professional help arrives."

Narrator: "When professionals arrive, they will continue providing medical

27 assistance."

[Image: Conclusion scene

with background music
28 [Scene: Conclusion scene with background music fading out] fading out]

Narrator: "In conclusion, knowing CPR is crucial for saving lives. Remember
these steps: Check for responsiveness, call for help, perform chest
compressions and rescue breaths, continue the cycle, use an AED if available,
29 work as a team, and let professionals take over."

Narrator: "By learning CPR, you can be prepared to act and make a
30 difference when it matters most."

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