Test Anxety

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Name: Sultan Yazeed Alfaifi

ID number: 442107468

Helping Students Cope with Test Anxiety

The definition and the cause :-

Anxiety is a physical feeling includes scaring and unsteadily that can be shown while
the person become aware of something and that will affect their confidence. in some
situations, to avoid dangerous situations anxiety can be useful.
One of the most anxiety contribute for students is testing. Test anxiety is the main
reason to different types of bad outcomes including academic underachievement,
academic failure, and many other outcomes. many students are studied very will and
they can do well on exams, but they don't because of the test anxiety, and that affect
badly to the limit of their educational and vocational chances.

Characteristic of test anxiety:-

there are three majors of test anxiety:
First one is called cognitive perspective and it talks about that the students worries
lacking self confidence ,the student might be get high scores, but with negative
thoughts that kept in her\his mind that will affect badly in their results.
Second one is called affective perspective it deals with the student's exam reaction
conditions such as increased heart rate, cold hands, dry mouth, and muscle
contractions. and these reactions it might be happens before, during, and even after
the test. if the students are not controlled their feelings they will be highly stress and
the will make the test difficult.
Third component is called anxiety behaviorally by student expression if they are
delaying study and test-taking skills will leads to have more difficult time explaining
information and organize it into larger patterns of meaning. in addition some students
will feel tired and frustrated during test because of healthy issues.

Now to solve this kind of anxiety which is very important to the student to be more
confidence to get highest result on the exams there many solutions started with
administrators, teachers, school counselors, and parents all of them are required to
cooperate to reduce the test anxiety for the students.
-Administrators should:
1-Try to make a good and strong relationship with parents. students, and teachers. by
telling them the importance of testing.
2-Promote teachers to give the curriculum more importance than the test.
3-Giving the students more practice tests at school.
Name: Sultan Yazeed Alfaifi
ID number: 442107468

-Teachers should :-
1-They should be aware about their children progress, and they should not give the
students so much pressure before the test.
2-Teacher should give the students a test suits their knowledge level.
3- Solve anxiety test in the class by discover students' concern, and share your
informations with school counselor and parents to face this issue.

-School counselors / psychotherapists should:-

1-Cooperate with school official to identify students that have anxiety form test.
2-Give classroom guidance topics on test anxiety, test strategies, and effective skills
and share it with teachers.
3-give different relaxation exercises form, and that and telling them to do it before,
during, or after test. that might help them.
4-Make an interview with each student alone or within small group to know the
causes of the anxiety and trying to solve it.

-Parents should:-

1-Parents should make sure that their children are present in the classes, and they
aren't absent.
2-Create a good environment to the children for studying such as chairs, desk, laptop,
pens, notebooks, and quite place.
3-Talk with their children and motivate them to do their best.
4-always be in touch with school official and ask about the children results and their
5-Encourage them to have good sleeping habit, and their healthy diet, during the test
6-Telling the children to wear a comfortable and relaxed clothe that make them do the
test with pleasant situation.

Finally, and in conclusion. I have learned from the definition that test anxiety will
make the students fail in the test even if they studied will, so the anxiety can control
your test result. this problem is a serios matter to the students. and all person around
the students. such as teachers, parents, and school officials. should be alliance
together to face this matter and solve it. because this kind of issues will affect to the
students during their studying years and will affect badly to their future, if each
person do the instruction as its written above. of course the issue will start to
disappear and students will do their tests confidently.

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