Biology Project Oncolgy

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SESSION 2023-2024


This is to certify that the project entitled “A study on oncology (cancer biology)” has been
accomplished by Ashlesha Mangal of Class XI B under my guidance and supervision.
This project is submitted by her in the fulfilment of requirement as per the CBSE curriculum.
To the best of my knowledge and belief, the work has not been submitted anywhere else
and gives a satisfactory account of it.


I express my deep sense of gratitude to all those who have been instrumental in preparation
of this project. I am thankful to Principal Ma’am for her constant support and
I acknowledge the kind of support, efforts and timely guidance provided by my biology
teacher Mrs Vidhi Joshi. This project has given me a better understanding of the subject
Any attempt at any level cannot be satisfactorily completed without the support and my
parents. I would like to thank my parents who gave different ideas and helped in making this
project unique.

Aim 1
Introduction 2
Difference between normal cell and cancer 3
Formation of a cancer cell 4
Symptoms of Cancer 5
Types of cancer and their specific 6
What causes cancer? 7-11
Treatments 12-13
Case Study 14-16
Conclusion 17
Bibliography 18
To conduct a study on Cancer disease and related causes, symptoms, treatments, and

Cancer is the uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells anywhere in a body that have the
potential to spread to other parts of the body and infiltrate
normal body tissues. These abnormal cells are termed
cancer cells, malignant cells, or tumour cells.
Not all tumours are cancerous; benign tumours do not
spread to other parts of the body. Possible signs and
symptoms include a lump, abnormal bleeding, prolonged
cough, unexplained weight loss and a change in bowel
movements. While these symptoms may indicate cancer, they may have other causes.
Cancer is not confined to humans; animals and other living organisms can get cancer. Over
100 types of cancers can affect humans.
This disease is characterized by a cellular malfunction. Healthy cells are programmed to
know what to do and when to do it. When cells lose this ability, they replicate and grow out
of control.
A group of malignant cells forming a mass or lump is
called Neoplasm.
Frequently, cancer cells can break away from their
original mass of cells, travel through the lymph and
blood systems, and lodge in other organs where
they can again repeat the uncontrolled growth
cycle. This process of cancer cells leaving an area
and growing in another body area is termed metastatic spread or metastasis. For example, if
pancreatic cells spread to a bone, it means that the individual has metastatic pancreatic
cancer to bone. This is not the same as ‘bone cancer’ which would mean the place of origin
of the cancer is in a bone.



Cell shape Regular Irregular

Nucleus Spheroid, single nucleus Irregular shape, multi-nucleation
Nucleolus Single, inconspicuous nucleolus Multiple, enlarged nucleoli
Cytoplasm Large cytoplasmic volume Small cytoplasmic volume
Blood supply Normal angiogenesis Tumour-induced angiogenesis
Respiration Favours aerobic respiration but will Oxygen is not required
undergo anaerobic respiration if
required (lactic acid production in muscle
Energy Very high (95%) Very low (5%)
Nutrient Glucose, Fat, ketone, etc Glucose
Cell alkaline acidic
Location Remain in their intended location Can spread to different location in the
Cell Cell Reproduction is needed to replenish These cells have undergone gene
Reproduction the cell population that ages or becomes mutations or chromosomes mutations
damaged or destroyed. Normal cells that affect the reproductive properties
reproduce normally. of the cells. They don’t experience
biological aging and maintain their
ability to replicate and grow.
Cell Cells communicate with other cells with Cancer cells lose their ability to
Communication chemical signals. These signals help communicate with other cells through
normal cells to know when to reproduce chemical signals. They also lose their
and when to stop reproducing. Cell sensitivity to anti-growth signals from
signals are usually transmitted to cells by surrounding cells. These signals usually
specific proteins. restrict cell growth.
Cell Normal cells can differentiate or develop Cancer cells are unspecialized and do not
Specialization into specialized. For example, cells into develop into cells of specific type. Similar
heart cells, brain cells or any other cell of to stem cells, cancer cells replicate many
a specific type. times, for long periods of time.
Cell Death Normal cells can self-destruct when they -
become damaged or diseased. Cells
break down and are disposed off by
white blood cells.

It is well known that cancer is preceded by damaged DNA (mutations). Since DNA is encoded
with the instructions for cell behaviour, damaged DNA can alter cell processes including
those that regulate growth and division. This is supported by the fact that tissues which
have a high cell-division rate, such as bone and lymph, are the most common sites for
These mutations are either inherited or more often, caused by carcinogens in our
environment. Cancer is caused by not one but several mutations which explains the fact
why older people are more prone to getting cancer, and it is also multifactorial which means
it is caused by not one but several factors. It also helps explain a genetic predisposition to
cancer. A genetic predisposition does not mean you will get cancer, but, simplistically, if a
few mutations are already in place, it will likely take fewer acquired mutations for a cell to
become cancerous.
The process of normal cells becoming cancer often goes through stages in which the cell
becomes progressively more abnormal appearing. These stages may include hyperplasia,
dysplasia, and finally cancer. Early on a cell may look much like normal cells of that organ or
tissue, but as progression occurs, the cell becomes increasingly undifferentiated. This is, in
fact, why sometimes the original source of cancer cannot be determined.

The acronym ‘Caution’ helps recognize the 7 most common signs.
Change in Bowel or Bladder Habits-
A change in bowel or bladder habits is a common sign of
colorectal cancer.
A Sore That Does Not Heal-
A sore that does not heal in a responsible timeframe
may indicate cancer. If located on the skin or mouth,
assess for skin or oral cancer.
Unusual Bleeding or Discharge-
Unusual Bleeding or Discharge from the bladder, vagina
or rectum may include colorectal, cervical, or prostate
Thickening or Lump in the Breast or Elsewhere-
Any thickening of tissue or lump can be a sign of cancer. If located on the breast (breast
cancer); if on the testicle (testicular cancer).
Indigestion or difficulty swallowing (dysphagia) may indicate cancer
of the mouth, throat, oesophagus, or stomach.
Obvious Change to Warts or Moles-
Following the ABCDEs of melanoma, any change in a wart or mole
may indicate skin cancer.
Nagging Cough-
A nagging cough or hoarseness that lasts four weeks or more can
indicate throat cancer.

1)Lung Cancer-A cancer that begins in the lungs and occurs mostly in smokers. Lung cancer
is the second most common cancer in men and women. It’s also the leading cause of cancer-
related deaths for both men and women. One in every four cancer-related deaths is from
lung cancer.
Symptoms- Cough (often with blood), chest pain, wheezing and weight loss.
2)Breast Cancer-Breast cancer is a type of cancer that starts in the breast.
The tumour can often be seen on an x-ray or felt as a lump. Breast cancer
occurs almost entirely in women, but men can get breast cancer, too.
Symptoms- Bloody nipple discharge, inverted nipple, lump formation near
3)Prostate Cancer-The prostate is a small gland found in a man’s lower
abdomen. It’s located under the bladder and surrounding the urethra.
The prostate is regulated by the hormone testosterone and produces
seminal fluid, also known as semen.
Symptoms- Urinary problems, blood in urine and semen, pain in the hips,
pelvis spine or upper legs, pain or discomfort during ejaculation.
4)Oral Cancer-It refers to cancer that develops in any of the parts that
make up the oral cavity.
Symptoms- An ulcer that doesn’t heal, loose teeth, difficult or painful
swallowing, a white or reddish patch on the inside of your mouth, ear
5)Leukaemia-It is a cancer of blood-forming tissues, hindering the
body’s ability to fight infection.
Symptoms-pain in bones or joints, dizziness, fatigue, loss of
appetite, bleeding, easy bruising, swollen lymph nodes and
shortness of breath.
6)Colorectal Cancer- A cancer of the colon or rectum, located at the
digestive tract’s lower end.
Symptoms-pain in the abdomen, blood in stool, change in bowel
habits, abdominal discomfort or weight loss.
Some other cancers are: Pancreatic, liver, kidney, brain, cervical, Etc.

Cancer is a genetic disorder. It happens when genes that manage cell activity mutate and
create abnormal cells that divide and multiply, eventually disrupting your normal body
Medical Research shows 5% to 12% of all cancers caused by inherited genetic mutations
that you cannot control, Bu more frequently cancer happens due to mutations you acquire
over a lifetime. There are several risk factors that can increase your chances of developing
cancer but can be controlled.


Smoking and Tobacco- Quit Smoking
Smoking is the biggest preventable cause of cancer worldwide. Tobacco is said to cause
33% of all cancer deaths. Smoking causes more than 7 in 10 lung cancer cases which is the
most common cause of cancer deaths. Second hand smoke from cigarettes and tobacco can
increase the level of cancer cell formation in people around those who smoke especially
children, older individuals as well pregnant women (passive smoking). The more cigarettes
you smoke a day, the higher your risk of cancer, so reducing your daily cigarette
consumption can reduce your chances of getting cancer but since the number of years you
spend smoking affect your cancer risk strongly it is better to quit smoking.

Obesity- Healthy Diet and Exercise
Obesity is the second biggest cause of cancer. Being overweight doesn’t necessarily you’ll
develop cancer but maintaining a healthy weight and diet can help reduce its chances.

UV radiation- Protect your skin from the sun

Research shows that almost 9 in 10 cases of melanoma skin cancer could be prevented by
staying safe in the sun and avoiding sun beds. Sunburn is skin damage and your body’s
response to try to repair it. This indicates that the DNA is your skin cells has been damaged
by UV radiation. If enough DNA damage builds up over time, it can cause cells to start
growing out of control, which can lead to skin cancer. In fact, getting sunburned just every
two years can triple your risk of melanoma skin cancer, compared to never being burnt.
Using a high SPF sunscreen and avoiding sun bathing and tanning beds can highly reduce
your skin of skin cancer.

Alcohol- Reduce alcohol intake
If you drink alcohol, you are more likely to get cancer than if you don’t. According to 2020
statistics 5% of cancer cases in India were linked to alcohol. Breast cancer is the most
common cancer in females and drinking alcohol is one of the biggest risk factors for breast
cancer. Around 4000 breast cancer cases are due to alcohol each year and this number is
estimated to rise with the increase in consumption of alcohol by women especially
adolescents. Reducing your alcohol intake is great way to decrease your chances of cancer.

Infections- Get Immunized (HPV & Hepatitis Vaccines)

Nearly 20% of cancer cause is due to hepatitis B, hepatitis C and human papillomavirus. H.
pylori (Helicobacter pylori) increases the risk of some cancers such as stomach cancer.
Drinking clean water and intaking uncontaminated food can reduce the chance of infections
like H. pylori and Hepatitis which increase the risk of liver cancer. Practicing safe sex can
help prevent viruses like HPV.

Hormones- Prevent taking birth control pills
Women taking hormone replacement therapy may have an increased for breast cancer as
well as cancers of the reproductive system as they cause changes in hormone levels. Birth
control pills can also cause cancer as they prevent pregnancy by causing changes in
oestrogen and well as progestogen levels.

Air Pollution and Radon Gas-Wear masks outdoors

Exposure to air pollution increases the risk of lung cancer. There are a few different ways
that particles in air pollution could damage DNA in cells and cause lung cancer. For example,
tiny particles may build up in the lungs and change how cells replicate. This could lead to
DNA damage which can cause cancer. Air pollution contributes to roughly 1 in 10 lung
cancer cases.
Radon is a natural radioactive gas that can build up indoors. If indoor radon builds up to high
levels, it can increase the risk of lung cancer. It is the second leading cause of lung cancer in
smokers and the leading cause of lung cancer in non-smokers

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Age- No preventive measure for this factor
Often damage can be fixed by our body, but sometimes the damage builds up and can cause
cells to grow and multiply more than usual, causing cancer. As we age, there’s more time for
damage in our cells to build up, and so there is more chance that some of this damage might
eventually lead to cancer. 1 in 2 people will get cancer in their lifetime- one of the main
reasons for this being that people are living longer. Half of all cancers are over the age of 70.
The best you can do is lead a healthy lifestyle through physical activity and a healthy diet.


Know your family history and get regular screenings
Talk to your health care professional about cancer screening. Some tests can help detect
cancer early, when treatment is more likely to be successful, and some can also detect
precancerous conditions before they become cancer. While screening has been proven to
save lives, screening guidelines aren’t always “one size fits all.”

Increase Glutathione Levels

Glutathione plays a major role in the antioxidant activities of the body. Evidence shows that
this molecule alone has the ability to influence cancer risk in a directly correlative manner.
This means that by increasing your body’s supply of glutathione, you are drastically
improving its ability to control free radicals before they damage cells. There are several
ways in which you can increase your supply of glutathione.

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The goal of surgery is to remove the cancer or as
much of the cancer as possible.

Radiation therapy
Radiation therapy uses high-powered energy beams, such
as X-rays or protons, to kill cancer cells or at least shrink
them. Radiation treatment can come from a machine
outside your body (external beam radiation), or it can be
placed inside your body (brachytherapy).

Chemotherapy uses drugs to kill fast growing cancer cells or stops
then from dividing further. Chemotherapy may be given by
mouth, injection, or infusion, or on the skin, depending on the
type and stage of the cancer being treated.

Bone marrow transplant-

Your bone marrow is the material inside
your bones that makes blood cells. A
bone marrow transplant, also knowns as
a stem cell transplant, can use your own
bone marrow stem cells or those from a
donor. A bone marrow transplant allows
your doctor to use higher doses of
chemotherapy to treat your cancer. It may also be used to replace diseased bone marrow.

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Immunotherapy, also known as biological therapy, uses
your body's immune system to fight cancer. Cancer can
survive unchecked in your body because your immune
system doesn't recognize it as an intruder.
Immunotherapy can help your immune system "see" the
cancer and attack it.

Hormone therapy -
Some types of cancer are fuelled by your body's hormones.
Examples include breast cancer and prostate cancer.
Removing those hormones from the body or blocking their
effects may cause the cancer cells to stop growing.

Targeted drug therapy-

Targeted drug treatment focuses on specific abnormalities
within cancer cells that allow them to survive.

This treatment kills cancer cells with cold. During cryoablation, a
thin, wand like needle (cryoprobe) is inserted through your skin and
directly into the cancerous tumour. A gas is pumped into the
cryoprobe in order to freeze the tissue. Then the tissue is allowed to
thaw. The freezing and thawing process is repeated several times
during the same treatment session in order to kill the cancer cells.

Radiofrequency ablation-
This treatment uses electrical energy to heat cancer cells, causing
them to die. During radiofrequency ablation, a doctor guides a thin
needle through the skin or through an incision and into the cancer
tissue. High-frequency energy passes through the needle and
causes the surrounding tissue to heat up, killing the nearby cells.

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Interview: Hema Padinjaroot- A woman of 48 years, who had been diagnosed with thyroid
cancer in 2014.
Interviewer: Ashlesha Mangal- A student conducting a study on cancer biology
Q1) When and what cancer had you been diagnosed with?
In the year 2014, I had been diagnosed with Carcinoma Thyroid (Thyroid cancer)
Q2) What were the symptoms and how long did initially wait to get them checked? Did
you mistake these symptoms for symptoms any other conditions?
When I was in 12th standard, I had a swelling in my neck. I was told to do Thyroid function
test and the result was positive. It was Hypothyroidism. I was under medication for almost
15 years. I was taking ‘Eltroxin’ every morning. Then in the year 2014, I started having
numbness over my entire body. One day I was rehearsing for some programme, I felt
strange and fainted. I was taken to the hospital and my doctor sent me to a specialist
(Endocrinologist) and they discovered through testing that my thyroid gland has shrunk and
it was covered with fibrosis. They referred me to the oncology department where they did
some more tests and I was diagnosed with Thyroid Cancer.
Q3) What did you know about cancer before you were diagnosed and how much do you
After going through this journey of overcoming and surviving cancer I have learnt that early
diagnosis is the key to faster recovery and that is important not to ignore any signs that your
body might throw at you.
Q4) Does Cancer affect your mental health, if yes then how?
Cancer definitely affects your mental health some people often go into depression due to it.
However, this was not the case for me, when I first discovered I had cancer it had come as a
shock to me and my family with my family’s support my mental health was good when I had
cancer. I am so thankful for all my doctors and my incredibly supportive husband and
Q5) What medicines were prescribed to you, what was their dosage?
I used to take Thyronorm tablets 125mcg along with calcium and vitamin D3 every morning
on empty stomach.
Q6) What treatments were used?
They Scheduled me for a Total Thyroidectomy (surgery of thyroid gland). I was admitted in
the hospital R&R Delhi. After the operation, it took me almost 2 months to recover
completely. I had to take oral chemotherapy. I did not have any other treatment other than
surgery as I was in the very early stages.

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Q7) What precautions have you taken to prevent this in the future?
I practice 30 minutes of yoga daily now and Now after every six months I do my hormone
tests and based on those tests my doctor adjusts my dose of thyroxine medicine for me.
Q8) What advice would you give to other cancer patient out there?
My advice to all the cancer patients would be to follow up and their health seriously. Cancer
has the potential to spread to the rest of your body. It is better not to postpone any
treatment because it could lead to a worse condition down the lane.

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Interviewee: Dr Deepak Agrawal- Works at Vishesh Jupiter Hospital and has a working
experience of 30 years as a cancer surgeon.
Interviewer: Ashlesha Mangal- A student conducting a study on cancer biology.
Q1) How do you determine the best course of treatment for a patient?
It is first important to check the patient’s medical history and current health condition to
prevent any adverse effects from the treatment. Then I perform a physical examination of
the patient and order necessary diagnostic tests or procedures that need to be done.
Consent is also very important when deciding a treatment plan and hence it is important to
discuss them with the patient and family members in case of any financial difficulties or so.
It is important to involve the patient as much as possible in the decision-making process so
that they feel comfortable with their course of treatment.
Q2) If a patient has recurrence of their cancer, how would you adjust their treatment
Recurrence of a cancer often happens in cancer patients after 1-5 years of the treatment
and sometimes the new tumours have developed a resistance to chemotherapy and in such
a case alternative treatment would need to be found. The first and foremost thing would be
to find the cause of recurrence. If there was an error on my part, I would do everything I can
do to make sure the patient has a successful outcome this time.
Q3) When working with patients who are going through radiation therapy, do you have
tips for reducing side effects?
I would recommend my patients to take daily multivitamins, eat plenty of fruits and
vegetables and get a healthy amount of sleep, which would be 8 hours each night while
undergoing radiation therapy. It is also important to stay hydrated by drinking plenty of
water throughout the day.
Q4) What do you think is the most important aspect of oncology?
Cancer is a deadly disease and it effects a lot of people these days. I think that the most
important aspect of oncology is providing the patients with emotional support and provide
them with the best treatment possible. Cancer treatment can be very stressful and so it is
essential to help patients feel comfortable during their appointments.
Q5) What advice would you give to your patients?
It is important to have a positive attitude when you have cancer, it is very important to
believe that you can overcome the disease with the right support and treatment. I would
also advice that people refrain from being misled by myths that often surround the disease.
It is advised that cancer patients do not rely on just ayurvedic treatments for recovery as
there is very little evidence of them curing cancer.

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From this it can be concluded that cancer is indeed a deadly disease and is the second
leading cause of deaths following heart diseases. People need to be made aware about its
warning signs and symptoms to ensure early diagnosis which is turn would insure higher
recovery rates. The disease is not something that should be taken lightly and we should
avoid believing any people who sell medicines which claim to ‘cure’ cancer without any
chemotherapy, although this may seem appealing to many people as chemotherapy has
many side effects it is important to take the right treatment.
If you have already been diagnosed then ensuring a healthy lifestyle and regular check-ups
will prevent any recurrences of the cancer. With the proper support and treatment plan it is
possible to conquer the disease.

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BIBLIOGRAPHY To get information about certain topics of

cancer To get information about certain topics of
cancer To get information about certain topics of
cancer To get information about certain topics of
cancer To get information about certain topics of
cancer To get information about certain topics of
cancer To get information about certain topics of
cancer To get information about certain topics of
cancer To formulate questions for the interview

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