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If you have a problem controlling your anger, or know someone, such as a child or spouse who does?


management seminars may be an effective, convenient source of help.

Who needs to attend an anger management seminar? Who conducts them?

Anyone who has a problem with anger can benefit from an anger management seminar. The people benefitting from

these seminars include children, adults, spouses, fellow employees, and people who have gotten in trouble with the

law because of problems with not controlling their emotions.

Mental health departments, private therapists and churches are just some of the groups that offer anger management

seminars. Some civic groups, recognizing the problem that uncontrolled anger can cause in the community and

families, will make anger management seminars available to the general public in their community. Behavior

specialists, working for either the state, for schools, or sometimes through a grant, also sometimes offer anger

management seminars.

What will you do/see at an anger management seminar?

What credentials are necessary for the provider?

Several things may happen at an anger management seminar. One thing is a self-evaluation. This helps the person

recognize the anger issues in their lives. Triggers to anger management issues will be identified. Techniques for

controlling anger will be identified. Often, these techniques will be role-played, enabling the person to internalize

them. Group therapy will be evident, as everyone works together to identify and work on anger issues. Print and

media resources, such as manuals, videos, tapes, etc., will often be used. Most of the time there will be some follow-

up activities, or homework. Sometimes phone numbers are exchanged or included in a directory, if desired, to enable

participants to seek help from each other.

The credentials of the person conducting the anger management seminar include persons with masters or doctorates

in counseling or psychology. Clergy should have some training in counseling and/or anger therapy. Another

credential may be having worked through personal anger problems on a personal basis. However, seminars should

have professionally qualified people as well who are overseeing the seminar.

When will you participate in an anger management seminar?

Scheduling may include evening and daytime sessions, and sometimes even sessions at the workplace or school.

Participants taking these anger management seminars often do so after having it court ordered. Sometimes they are

recommended by school officials, in the case of children, or by doctors or hospitals in the case of domestic violence.

Where will you take an anger management seminar?

Several organizations offer these seminars. Churches, public offices, mental health offices, private therapists offices,

school counselors or classrooms are some of the common places. There are even online seminars now that enable

anyone to fit one into their schedule, even if they have unusual work hours or difficult personal situations, such as

being a single parent with small children.

Why take an anger management seminar?

Anger management problems are dangerous, painful, and interfere with work, family and life in general. Sometimes

courts order individuals to take a seminar when they are seen in domestic abuse or other assault cases.

How does one find an anger management seminar?

How much time will the individual have to commit to the seminar?

Seminars can be located through local mental health departments, private therapists, in the yellow pages, and

through referrals, either through friends, courts, or other government organizations.

There is no specific timeline that can be indicated. Some individuals need help on a lifelong basis. Others just need a

brief overview of causes and techniques. Usually, specific seminars last around four to six weeks.

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