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$3.66 DESIGNATED AREAS HIGHER © 2023 D MONDAY, JUNE 5, 2023 latimes.



How California,
land of Reagan,
turned true blue
any, considered Clinton’s
With lavish attention, victory in California the
start of a political realign-
Clinton won the state ment; he won just 46% of the
and reshaped nation’s vote.
But his victory and a
presidential contests. repeat in 1996 — the product
of relentless courtship and a
MARK Z. BARABAK fire hose of federal spending
— helped color California a
Bill Clinton lasting shade of blue and
was busy filling dramatically reshaped the
Cabinet posi- fight for the White House.
tions and It augured a major parti-
shaping his san shift throughout the
economic West, which over the last 20
agenda when a years has become a Demo-
memo landed cratic stronghold, stretch-
from a team of ing from the Pacific Coast
political advisors. Although across the desert Southwest Allen J. Schaben Los Angeles Times
Clinton was still more than a into the Rocky Mountains. SINCE 2021, California’s congressional delegation has won earmarks to renovate affordable housing, build
month away from becoming That political base has new shelters and fund various programs to help homeless people. Above, an unhoused person in Los Angeles.
president, the topic was his freed Democrats to com-
reelection nearly four years pete in the battlegrounds of

Will Congress deliver L.A.

off. the Midwest and reach for
Marked confidential and states like Georgia, North
spilling over nearly eight Carolina and Virginia that
pages, the document out- were once well beyond the
lined a strategy considered party’s grasp.

funding for homelessness?

vital to Clinton’s hopes for a In this series, called “The
second term: Lock down New West,” I’m exploring
California and its generous the reasons — economic,
share of electoral votes so demographic, political — for
his campaign could “con- that change.
centrate its energy on other, In California, there were
more tightly contested,
several factors.
Among them, the polar-
Bass asks U.S. leaders for aid; not all are in agreement
In 1992, Arkansas’ five- izing politics of the state’s
term governor became the Republican governor, Pete opments: Lenders and govern- ive housing in 1997, exemplifies
first Democratic presi- Wilson, which helped acti- By Benjamin Oreskes ments make lots of money one way Mayor Karen Bass is us-
dential candidate in nearly vate the state’s rapidly available to construct new hous- ing her experience in Congress to
three decades to carry Cali- growing Latino population WASHINGTON — With a bro- ing but not to refurbish try to address the city’s most
fornia, the political birth- and turn those voters ken elevator and a spotty HVAC residences. pressing problem.
place of Richard M. Nixon against the GOP. The system, the Gower Street And yet that February call was Earmarks, which are now
and Ronald Reagan. Few, if [See Barabak, A7] Apartments badly needed some the first time anyone had sug- known as Community Project
updates when the building’s gested turning to Congress for Funding, were brought back in
owner received a surprising call help. Community of Friends, the 2021 after a decadelong ban in
earlier this year. A city housing of- nonprofit owner of the Hollywood Congress. Their return rekindled
ficial suggested that perhaps apartment building that houses a debate over whether lawmakers
Congress could fund repairs to 50 low-income people, many of should be allowed to direct tax
the supportive housing devel- whom are elderly or disabled, has dollars to favored projects in their
opment for formerly homeless “never received an earmark that districts — a debate that is, some-
people. I’m aware of in our history,” CEO what surprisingly, playing out
After years of being scorned in Dora Gallo said. among three California Demo-
Washington, the rebirth of con- The $4 million that could flow crats vying to succeed Dianne Fe-
gressional earmarks could help from Washington, D.C., to Los An- instein, who is retiring from the
address a common conundrum geles to spruce up the Gower U.S. Senate after more than three
confronting that building and Street Apartments, which were decades.
other affordable housing devel- built in 1930 and became support- [See Earmarks, A12]

L.A. hot topic: Requiring AC in rentals

Ken Lubas Los Angeles Times
PRESIDENT Clinton and Sen. Dianne Feinstein at
the former Norton Air Force Base on May 20, 1994.

the agency as environmental

For much of its history, the West was Republican ground. Today, it’s a Council considers a hyperthermia.
Now, city staff are study-
bastion of Democratic support, a shift that has transformed presidential feasibility study of a ing the costs and feasibility
politics nationwide. Mark Z. Barabak explores the forces that remade
the political map in a series of columns called “The New West.” potential mandate for of cooling off all rental units
every unit citywide. “At this point in the cli-
mate emergency, the ability
By Nathan Solis to cool one’s home cannot be

Bonta lays blame

considered a luxury and
Heading into the peak of rather must be treated as a
summer, Los Angeles offi- necessity,” Los Angeles City
cials want to know what it Councilmember Eunisses

for migrants’ flight would take to require every

rental unit in the city to have
an air conditioner or central
Hernandez said in her mo-
tion proposing the feasibility
study, which would include a
cost estimate for updating

to state on DeSantis Just last year, Southern

California was gripped by a
10-day heat wave that
the city’s building code.
“Requiring cooling appa-
rati for all residential units
smashed temperature could be a lifesaving mea-
there were many unan- records. By the time it sub- sure for countless Angelenos
South Americans had swered questions, including sided, Los Angeles County during extreme heat Reed Saxon Associated Press
how the flights were ar- emergency crews had re- events.” AL MANZANO checks a North Hollywood apart-
documents pointing to ranged. sponded to 146 calls classi- The council approved the ment building’s air conditioner in 2010. L.A. might
Florida government, Florida Gov. Ron DeSan- fied as “heat” — defined by [See Cooling, A12] study the costs of cooling off all rental units citywide.
tis’ office did not return calls
attorney general says. or emails from The Times
seeking comment, and it’s
By Connor Sheets unclear what role, if any, the
and Ruben Vives GOP presidential candidate Directors Guild
may have had in the flight. reaches 3-year
More than a dozen mi- But Bonta said the re- deal with studios
grants from South America sponsibility lay with DeSan-
who were recently flown on a tis. Union representing
chartered jet from New In an interview with The 19,000 directors and
Mexico and dropped off in Times on Sunday, Bonta their teams cites sig-
Sacramento were carrying didn’t mince words in blam- nificant gains on pay
documents indicating that ing DeSantis, who only last and streaming resid-
their transportation was ar- week became a candidate for uals. CALENDAR, E1
ranged by the state of Flor- president, for the latest inci-
ida, California’s attorney dent. Inflation alters
general said Sunday. “This is Gov. DeSantis, how consumers
The documents appear this is his baby, this is his
to show that the flight was project, his fingerprints are
buy groceries
arranged through the Flor- all over it,” Bonta said. “The Amid the rising prices
ida Division of Emergency governor signed it, the Leg- for food in L.A., many
Management and that it was islature approved to fund it residents are switch-
part of the state’s program in the budget, and they hired ing stores, brands and
to relocate migrants, mostly Vertol Systems Co., a ven- even ingredients to
from Texas, to other states, dor, to carry out the work.” cope. BUSINESS, A9
Atty. Gen. Rob Bonta said. He added: “It’s DeSantis
The contractor for the being exactly who he is and Weather
program is Vertol Systems advertising to the world that Low clouds clearing.
Co., which coordinated simi- he is petty, little ... and full of L.A. Basin: 69/56. B6
lar flights that took dozens political stunts that hurt,
of Venezuelan asylum seek- harm and abuse and exploit Marcio Jose Sanchez Associated Press
Printed with soy inks on
partially recycled paper.
ers from San Antonio to people to try and get cheap
Martha’s Vineyard in Mass- political points. It’s wrong.” LAFC FALLS IN FINAL
achusetts last year, he said. Calls to Vertol and the Di-
State officials did not vision of Emergency Man- LAFC’s Jesús Murillo, left, battles León’s Lucas Di Yorio in the CONCACAF
publicly release the docu- agement were not returned. Champions League final. León won 1-0 and took the two-game title. SPORTS, D1
ments. And as of Sunday, [See Migrants, A8]
A2 MO N DAY , J U N E 5 , 2 0 23 S L AT I M E S . C O M


gardens offer
olfactory trip
back in time
The stories of Versailles’
Reflecting Louis XIV’s modern gardeners convey
the hidden intrigue, humor,
vision, the flowers and knowledge and mystery the
their scents signified flowers once held. Vibrant
historical anecdotes flow
French king’s power. freely from their mouths, un-
veiling an unending trove of
historical color. Legend has
By Thomas Adamson it that Louis XIV loved the
orange blossom, as featured
VERSAILLES, France — in the garden, so much that
Vahid Salemi Associated Press The Versailles flower gar- his courtiers doused them-
A STRAY CAT walks on the shoulder of cleric Sayed Mahdi Tabatabaei after treatment at a veterinary clinic dens were once a symbol of selves in it to curry favor, at
in Tehran. Tabatabaei shares his efforts to help stray dogs on Instagram and has more than 80,000 followers. the French king’s expedi- one point causing the king to
tionary might and helped faint. The scent from some

Defying taboos in Iran, beloved water-deprived courtiers

perfume their skin. Now,
they have been reimagined
to give today’s public a
blooms was so intense that
the bulbs during this latest
venture had to be separated
in the gardens so that they

cleric takes dogs in off the street

glimpse — and a sniff — into didn’t conspire to produce
the gilded palace’s olfactory an undesirable — or equally
past. intoxicating — nasal mix.
Holding secrets to the There were unexpected
original concept of flower twists in its conception. A
power, scents of Bulgarian “secret garden” — with four
where he takes in street dogs be defrocked in 2021. The rul- “By allowing us to estab- rose, mint and citrus from brick walls — was properly
He nurses the canines and strays and nurses them ing was later suspended, but lish bank accounts and veri- hundreds of vividly colored discovered and renovated
back to health. He has be- he remains cautious. These fying our identities, we historic blooms unveiled last on the site only recently,
back to health and come an unlikely advocate days Tabatabaei wears ordi- would be able to receive as- week waft into the nostrils of sending ripples of excite-
relies on donations for animal rights in a society nary clothes while tending to sistance from individuals paying visitors at the ment among the Versailles
deeply divided over the role the dogs and cleaning their and charities outside of Chateauneuf Orangery of gardening staff. Now a sanc-
from animal lovers. of religion in public life. kennels at Bamak Paradise, Iran without them breach- the Grand Trianon, trans- tuary, it has been adorned
Islam prohibits animal the shelter he established ing the sanctions and risking porting them back in time. with plant species so deli-
cruelty and promotes feed- two years ago. legal complications,” he “Those discovering the cate that only the head gar-
associated press
ing those in need. Across the “We take in dogs with dis- added. gardens will, from flower to dener has the right to handle
Middle East, people put out abilities that cannot survive He also hopes for change flower, understand what we them. One 17th century
QOM, Iran — It’s rare food and water for stray cats, in the wild and have a hard within Iran — specifically, a loved in history,” Versailles plant now growing there
these days for a turbaned often seen safely wandering time finding adoptive lifting of the ban on dog- Palace president Catherine called the firethorn — which
cleric in Iran to attract a in and out of public build- homes,” he said. “Many of walking in parks. Pegard said. “Many are the leaves a delightful citrus
large following of adoring ings. But in Iran and other them are dogs I’ve person- “Pet owners must take original scents.” smell on the fingers when
young fans on Instagram, countries, dogs are shunned ally nursed back to health. their dogs and other pets out The aim of the Perfum- rubbed — is prized and
but Sayed Mahdi by many and local author- They stay here until they for walks,” he said. “Sadly, er’s Garden is to unlock the feared because it literally
Tabatabaei has done it by ities periodically shoot and fully recover and regain their we still don’t have laws to mysteries and significance catches on fire with the
rescuing street dogs in defi- poison them. strength.” protect animal rights, and behind the scented flowers slightest heat.
ance of a local taboo. Iran’s clerical establish- He relies on donations there are no regulations in of the 17th century French Another flower holds se-
Tabatabaei posts regu- ment, which has ruled the from animal lovers in Iran place to prevent animal cru- court — yet also remind us crets in its petals to the love
larly — to his more than country since the 1979 Islam- and abroad. He says the elty.” that it was no accident that story of Louis XV, an obses-
80,000 followers — heart- ic Revolution, proclaimed funds available for such pur- Many Iranians, espe- the Versailles Palace was the sive botanist, and his mis-
breaking stories of abused dogs to be “unclean” and ad- suits have dried up in recent cially young people, have ex- very place where the job of tress Madame de Pom-
and neglected dogs that he vocates against keeping years as the United States pressed frustration with perfumer was actually in- padour.
has treated in his shelter. His them as pets. Many younger has ramped up economic clerical rule over the years, in vented during that century. “Louis XV sent botanical
young fans ask for updates Iranians ignore such calls, as sanctions over Iran’s dis- waves of protests and in The gardens sprawl in species ‘hunters’ around the
on the rescues and send well they do other religious puted nuclear program. The smaller acts of defiance. four sections, reimagining world to bring species back,
wishes in the hundreds of edicts. country’s banking system is During nationwide protests the vision of the Sun King, because he and his mistress
comments he receives on al- Tabatabaei, an animal almost completely cut off last fall, following the death Louis XIV, who wanted his expressed their love through
most every post. lover who wears the Shiite from the outside world, mak- of 22-year-old Mahsa Amini grounds to overflow with the a shared passion for flow-
In some parts of the Mus- black turban signifying he is ing it extremely difficult to while in custody of the coun- scents of orange blossom, ers,” gardener Fulvia Gran-
lim world, dogs are consid- a descendant of Islam’s transfer funds. try’s morality police, Irani- hyacinth, tuberose and jas- dizio said.
ered unclean, driven away prophet Muhammad, seeks Within Iran, the economy ans posted videos online mine. The king had a practi- Grandizio said that Lou-
with shouting, sticks and to bridge the divide. has cratered, with the local showing young men sneak- cal reason for his obsessions: is XV used one of the world’s
stones, and sometimes even “It’s pretty interesting currency plunging to a ing up behind clerics and Following the plague that very first prototype green-
shot by city workers in failed and kind of weird for them to record low over the last year. batting their turbans off killed tens of millions of peo- houses here to nurse his
attempts to control the feral witness a religious figure do- With many Iranians strug- their heads. ple in the Middle Ages in Eu- plants — a version of which is
population. ing this stuff,” he said. “My gling to get by, there is little But despite the recent rope, people feared that hot on display now. Lovingly ca-
Iran’s ruling theocracy videos seem to leave a good left over for the cleric’s furry tensions, Tabatabaei re- water could spread infec- ressing the flower with bil-
views keeping dogs as pets impression on people too. friends. mains a beloved figure for tion. Courtiers instead lowing pink-red petals called
as a sign of Western deca- They say they feel a wave of “I appeal to Western gov- many. washed with alcohol rubs the calycanthus, Grandizio
dence, and hard-liners have kindness, peace, and friend- ernments, particularly the Zahra Hojabri recently and used scents to mask said nostalgically it was
been pushing for laws that ship coming through those U.S. government and others found a puppy dying on the body odors. Madame de Pompadour’s
would prohibit walking videos.” capable of influencing the side of the road. The gentle But there was also a dip- favorite.
them in public. It’s gotten him into trou- lifting of sanctions, to con- cleric was the first person lomatic explanation for Yet the garden has its vil-
But that hasn’t stopped ble with fellow clerics. When sider making exceptions for she thought of to help the these floral obsessions: The lains. Grandizio’s eyes nar-
Tabatabaei from opening a pictures surfaced of him organizations like ours that tiny canine. king’s flower collection rowed when she spoke of
shelter in the city of Qom — tending to dogs while wear- engage in humanitarian and “I think he is an angel, served as a means of project- Marie Antoinette. It was
home to several major reli- ing his clerical robes, a reli- peaceful endeavors,” he more than a human. I can’t ing strength as France be- bad, she said, that the
gious schools and shrines — gious court ordered him to said. put it into words,” she said. came the world’s greatest French Austrian queen
power in that century. wasn’t interested in keeping
“Versailles was all about up the scientific work of the
olfactory diplomacy in those previous king, Louis XV, in
days. Flower meant power. exotic flowers — and was
Dignitaries were impressed taken instead with the
by the exotic flowers be- heady ideas of the Enlight-
cause only the king — who enment thinkers and unbri-
was now very powerful — dled nature.
had the money to fund ex- “It’s a real shame when
peditions to bring back ex- Marie Antoinette arrived at

MAY 2 0 2 3 CFO otic blooms,” said Giovanni

Delu, one of the garden’s
creators. “It’s a vegetal cab-
Versailles that she trans-
formed what Louis XV built,
the big greenhouse and the

LEADERSHIP inet of curiosities.”

Delu said that court-
funded expeditions brought
plant nursery, into a wild
English garden,” Grandizio
said, with a hint of sadness.
AWARDS back fashionable plants —
many of which are featured
Despite that claim, Marie
Antoinette loved flowers,
in the new perfumer’s gar- and was at the heart of the
Tuesday, June 13 | 6PM - 8:30PM dens — from far-flung South development of perfume.
Asia that were “nursed” or “She’s not that bad. His-
Beverly Hilton Hotel acclimatized in the French tory has been unkind to her,”
soil of Brittany, before being Grandizio added.
planted in Versailles. Any The Versailles Perfum-

CONSUMER French nobleman who er’s Garden opened on Tues-

wanted to replant the prized day.
flowers in his grounds had to
OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA first be granted a royal char- Adamson writes for the
ter or face punishment. Associated Press.

This content is produced by the L.A. Times B2B Publishing team. It doesn’t involve the editorial staff of the L.A. Times.


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MarVista U.S. Bank Gold Sponsors Entertainment (Formerly Union Bank) Michel Euler Associated Press
AT THE perfume gardens in Versailles, west of Paris,
Business magazines (print and digital) are produced by the L.A. Times B2B Publishing team
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Tagetes erecta, a marigold that is native to Mexico.
and do not involve the editorial staf of the L.A. Times.
organized by the L.A. Times B2B team and does not involve the editorial staf of the L.A. Times.
L AT I M E S . C O M M O N DAY , J U N E 5 , 2 0 23 A3


Father finds daughter, 2, dead after Russian strike

Sunday of the border dis-
By Susie Blann trict of Shebekino and
neighboring areas. He said
KYIV, Ukraine — A that at least two people were
Ukrainian man rushed to his killed and multiple people
home outside the central wounded Saturday and that
city of Dnipro in hopes of res- several fires started.
cuing his family, only to find Russia’s Defense Min-
his 2-year-old daughter istry said the country’s
dead and wife seriously forces repelled an attempted
wounded as he helped pull incursion in the town of No-
them from the rubble of their vaya Tavolzhanka.
apartment destroyed in one Some observers see at-
of Russia’s latest airstrikes, tacks in Belgorod as part of
authorities reported Sun- Ukraine’s efforts to distract
day. Moscow and stretch its
Writing on Telegram af- forces to help the counterof-
ter the body of the child, fensive succeed.
Liza, was recovered, Ukrain- In Crimea, which Russia
ian President Volodymyr illegally annexed from
Zelensky said that at least Ukraine in 2014, regional
500 Ukrainian children have leader Sergei Aksyonov re-
been killed since Russia ported a Ukrainian drone at-
launched its full-scale inva- tack on the city of Dzhankoi
sion on Feb. 24, 2022. The early Sunday. He said that
United Nations says that five of the attacking drones
about 1,000 other Ukrainian were shot down and four
children have been others were jammed and
wounded, and thousands of forced to land, adding that
others have been forcibly de- there were no casualties.
ported to Russia. The latest Russian raids
Zelensky, who on Thurs- Sasha Maslov For the Washington Post on Ukrainian cities sparked
day had noted International DARIA Altukhova and her son Danylo in the hallway of their Kyiv apartment where they shelter during night concerns over civilian safety
Children’s Day, said, “Rus- air raids. Russian drone and missile strikes targeted multiple areas of Ukraine on Sunday, including Kyiv. after officials announced
sian weapons and hatred that nearly a quarter of the
continue to take and destroy The girl’s mother was hospi- “Parents hold their chil- pots in strikes on Ukrainian launched new attacks on 4,800 air raid shelters they
the lives of Ukrainian talized in intensive care. dren’s hand when they take airfields, but didn’t give fur- Russia’s Belgorod region, inspected were locked or un-
children every day,” adding Zelensky said five chil- their first steps, when they ther specifics. which borders Ukraine. One fit for use.
that “many of them could dren were among 25 people first take them to kindergar- The Russian military has of the groups, the Russian In Kyiv, 44% of 1,078 shel-
have become famous schol- wounded in Saturday’s at- ten, to school,” Ukraine’s reported attacks in recent Volunteer Corps, released ters were found closed or un-
ars, artists, sports champi- tack, which damaged two first lady said. “The worst days on Ukrainian air de- videos Sunday showing a usable, Minister for Strate-
ons, contributing to residential buildings. thing you can imagine is to fense batteries, air bases, purported raid and offering gic Industries Oleksandr
Ukraine’s history.” The mother of one of the hold the hand of a dead troop and ammunition de- to exchange prisoners with Kamyshin said Sunday.
“We must hold out and injured children sat amid child. It just shouldn’t be like pots, military production Russian authorities. The The official acknowledg-
win this war!” he said. “All of broken concrete, twisted that. Children must live!” factories, command and ob- Associated Press couldn’t ments came after a 33-year-
Ukraine, all our people, all metal, children’s toys and Russian drone and cruise servation points and other independently verify the old woman in Kyiv report-
our children, must be free clothes near her apartment missile strikes Sunday tar- battlefield positions. The videos’ authenticity. edly died while waiting out-
from the Russian terror!” building and described what geted multiple areas of the strikes come as Ukrainian Belgorod Gov. Vya- side a shuttered shelter dur-
Liza was killed when a happened. country, including the capi- officials refrain from an- cheslav Gladkov responded ing a Russian missile bar-
Russian missile landed Sat- “I was running from the tal, Kyiv. nouncing the launch of their to the prisoner exchange of- rage Thursday.
urday night in a yard next to electrical station across the The Ukrainian air force much-anticipated counter- fer in a video of his own, say- Prosecutors in the capi-
her apartment building traffic,” Alyona Serednyak updated earlier figures and offensive to reclaim more ing that he was skeptical tal said that four people
while she was home with her recalled. “I was running said air defenses downed six Russian-occupied territory, that the captives are still were detained as part of a
mother, said Serhii Lysak, home. My child was alone at of eight Shahed self-explod- although the pace of military alive, but that he was open to criminal investigation into
governor of Dnipropetrovsk. home. We tried to pull my ing drones and four of six activity suggests the opera- a meeting to discuss a swap. the woman’s death as she
The girl’s father rushed child from under the cage on cruise missiles fired. tion may already be under- The Russian Volunteer and others waited to enter a
home from work. the window.” Ukrainian air force way. Corps said in a video posted locked shelter. A security
“The father was on duty, She said that they man- spokesman Yurii Ihnat said Ukrainian forces main- later that no meeting had oc- guard who allegedly failed to
and, as I was told, he person- aged to free him and he’s that two missiles struck a tained pressure on Russian curred, and that the Russian unlock the doors remained
ally cleared the rubble and now hospitalized in inten- military air base in Kropy- forces in the eastern city of prisoners would be turned in custody. Three others, in-
pulled out his wife and his sive care. vnytskyi in central Ukraine’s Bakhmut, which Moscow over to Ukrainian forces, cluding a local official, were
daughter. Just imagine the Zelensky’s wife, Olena, Kirovohrad province. He claimed control of last who have periodically placed under house arrest.
scale of this tragedy,” said focused Sunday on chil- didn’t report damage. month after the war’s long- swapped prisoners with
Ukrainian Deputy Prime dren’s suffering in the war, Russia’s Defense Min- est and bloodiest battle. Russia in one of the few Blann writes for the
Minister Iryna Vereshchuk, dedicating a monument to istry said the military de- Elsewhere, Russians areas of cooperation. Associated Press. AP writer
reporting on the rescue that them in Ukraine’s second- stroyed Ukrainian war- fighting alongside Ukrain- Gladkov also reported Andrew Katell in New York
lasted until early Sunday. largest city, Kharkiv. planes and ammunition de- ian forces declared they had more Ukrainian shelling contributed to this report.

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A4 MO N DAY , J U N E 5 , 2 0 23 L AT I M E S . C O M

Signaling error cited in India train crash

through the door that was found in the engine, and the
A mistaken change forced open people writhing work was completed Sunday
in pain. Many of the passen- morning, said Sudhanshu
of tracks resulted in gers were dead. Others were Sarangi, director-general of
deadly head-on frantically trying to get out fire and emergency services
from the twisted wreckage of in Odisha.
collision, officials say. his rail car. The crash occurred at a
For hours, Mahato, 37, re- time when Prime Minister
By Rafiq Maqbool mained stuck in the train’s Narendra Modi is focusing
and Ashok Sharma bathroom, before rescuers on modernizing the British
scaled up the wreckage and colonial-era railroad net-
BALASORE, India — pulled him out. work in India, now the
The derailment in eastern “God saved me,” he said, world’s most populous
India that killed 275 people lying on the hospital bed country with 1.42 billion peo-
and injured hundreds was while recuperating from a ple. Despite government ef-
caused by an error in the hairline fracture in his ster- forts to improve safety, sev-
electronic signaling system num. “I am very lucky I am eral hundred accidents oc-
that led a train to wrongly alive.” cur every year on India’s
change tracks and crash into Mahato’s friends weren’t railways, the largest train
a freight train, officials said so lucky. Four of them died in network under one manage-
Sunday. the crash, he said. ment in the world.
Authorities worked to Meanwhile, many des- Modi visited the crash
clear the mangled wreckage perate relatives were strug- site Saturday and talked to
of the two passenger trains gling to identify the bodies of rescue officials. He also vis-
that derailed Friday night in their loved ones because of ited a hospital to inquire
Balasore district in Odisha Rafiq Maqbool Associated Press the gruesomeness of the in- about the injured, and spoke
state in one of the country’s WORKERS CARRY a victim’s body from the scene of the crash involving two juries. Others were search- to some of them.
deadliest rail disasters in passenger trains and a freight train in India’s Balasore district; 275 people died. ing hospitals to check He told reporters he felt
decades. whether relatives were alive. the pain of the crash victims.
An Odisha government omandel Express’ coaches ing system is a safety mecha- dy. Railway workers toiled In the same hospital He said the government
statement revised the death onto another track, causing nism designed to prevent under the sun’s glare to lay where Mahato was recover- would do its utmost to help
toll to 275 after a top state of- the oncoming Yesvantpur- conflicting movements be- down blocks of cement to fix ing, Bulti Khatun roamed them and punish anyone
ficer put the number at more Howrah Express from the tween trains. It also moni- the broken tracks. A crew outside the premises in a found responsible.
than 300 on Sunday morn- opposite side also to derail, tors the status of signals with excavators was remov- dazed state, holding an iden- In 1995, two trains col-
ing. The officer spoke on she said. that tell drivers how close ing mud and the debris to tity card of her husband who lided near New Delhi, killing
condition of anonymity as he The passenger trains, they are to a next train, how clear the crash site. was on board the Coroman- 358 people in one of the
was not authorized to speak carrying 2,296 people, were fast they can go and the At a nearby hospital, sur- del Express and traveling to worst rail accidents in India.
to reporters. not exceeding the speed lim- presence of stationary vivors spoke of the horror of southern Chennai city. In 2016, a passenger train slid
Jaya Verma Sinha, a sen- it, she said. Trains that carry trains on the track. the moment of the crash. Khatun said she visited off the tracks between In-
ior railway official, said the goods are often parked on an “The system is 99.9% er- Pantry worker Inder the morgue and other hospi- dore and Patna, killing 146.
preliminary investigations adjacent loop line so the ror-free. But 0.1% chances Mahato could not remember tals to look for him, but was Most crashes in India are
revealed that a signal was main line is clear for a pass- are always there for an er- the exact sequence of unable to find him. blamed on human error or
given to the high-speed Cor- ing train. ror,” Verma said. To a ques- events, but said he heard a “I am so helpless,” she outdated signaling equip-
omandel Express to run on Verma said the cause of tion on whether the crash loud bang when the Coro- said, sobbing. ment.
the main track line, but the the crash was related to an could be a case of sabotage, mandel Express crashed Fifteen bodies were re- About 22 million people
signal later changed, and the error in the electronic sig- she responded, “Nothing is into the freight train. The covered Saturday evening, ride 14,000 Indian trains
train instead entered an ad- naling system. She said a de- ruled out.” impact caused Mahato, who and efforts continued each day on 40,000 miles of
jacent loop line where it tailed investigation will re- On Sunday, a few shat- was in the bathroom, to overnight with heavy cranes track.
rammed into a freight veal whether the error was tered carriages, mangled briefly lose consciousness. being used to remove an en-
loaded with iron ore. human or technical. and overturned, were the Moments later when he gine that settled on top of a Maqbool and Sharma write
The collision flipped Cor- The electronic interlock- only remnants of the trage- opened his eyes, he saw rail car. No bodies were for the Associated Press.

Hundreds of thousands march to protest Poland’s government

pling communism in Poland, and two children. A hand- research. a test for Tusk’s Civic Plat- tion.
By Vanessa Gera marched alongside the made sign reading “I cannot Critics point mainly to form, a centrist and pro-Eu- That fear was underlined
leader of the opposition give up freedom” was at- the party’s step-by-step ropean party that has last weekend when Kaczyn-
WARSAW — Hundreds of Civic Platform party, ex- tached to their baby stroller. takeover of the judiciary and trailed behind Law and Jus- ski was asked by a reporter if
thousands of people Prime Minister Donald Tusinski said he worries media, and fear that Law tice in polls. he still had trust in the de-
marched in an anti-govern- Tusk. about the creeping return of and Justice could eventually However, the passage of a fense minister in connection
ment protest in Poland’s Walesa and Tusk are re- an authoritarian system force Poland to leave the 27- contentious law last month with a Russian missile that
capital Sunday, with citizens viled by the ruling Law and similar to what he remem- member European Union. seems to have mobilized fell in Poland in December.
traveling from across the Justice party led by Jaroslaw bers from his childhood. A clampdown on abor- greater support for Tusk. “I am forced ... to view you
country to voice their anger Kaczynski, and the Warsaw “We want a free country tion rights has triggered Poland is expected to hold a as a representative of the
at officials who they say have crowd chanted, “Democ- for our children,” he said. mass protests. Some also general election in October. Kremlin,” he replied. “Be-
eroded democratic norms racy!” and “Constitution!” Supporters of the march voiced anger at double-digit The law allows for the cre- cause only the Kremlin
and created fears that the The rally started at have warned that the elec- inflation in the country. Po- ation of a commission to in- wants this man to stop being
nation is following Hungary Prime Minister Mateusz tion might be the nation’s land’s government blames vestigate Russian influence the minister of national de-
and Turkey down the path to Morawiecki’s office and last chance to stop the ero- Russia’s war in Ukraine and in Poland. Critics argue that fense.”
autocracy. ended up at the Royal Cas- sion of democracy under the COVID-19 pandemic, but it would have unconstitu- The media freedom
Warsaw Mayor Rafal tle, where Tusk hailed the Law and Justice amid grow- economists say its spending tional powers, including the group Reporters Without
Trzaskowski, who belongs to turnout and pledged to fight ing fears that the fall election policies have accelerated capacity to exclude officials Borders expressed concerns
the opposition party that led to win an autumn election. might not be fair. spiraling prices. from public life for a decade. that the commission “could
the march, estimated that “We are going to these Law and Justice has Barbara Dec, 26, and her They fear it will be used by serve as a new weapon for
500,000 people took part. elections to win and to right found a popular formula, grandmother left their the ruling party to remove this type of attack, in which
The Onet news portal esti- human wrongs. I promise combining higher social hometown of Zielona Gora Tusk and other opponents doubt is cast on journalists’
mated that there were at you victory, a settlement of spending with socially con- at 4:30 a.m. and traveled sev- from public life. probity.”
least 300,000 at the march’s evil, compensation for hu- servative policies and sup- en hours on a bus to protest. President Andrzej Duda, Tusk, who once served as
culmination. man wrongs and reconcilia- port for the church in the Dec held up a cardboard who signed the law May 29, European Council presi-
Large crowds also gath- tion among Poles,” Tusk told mostly Catholic nation. sign that read “I am afraid to proposed amendments to it dent, had called for the
ered in Krakow and other the crowd. However, critics have have children in Poland.” Friday. In the meantime, the march weeks ago.
cities across the nation of The government spokes- warned for years that the “Women have lost the law will take effect with no Law and Justice sought
38 million, showing frustra- man, Piotr Mueller, accused party is reversing many of right to have an abortion guarantees that lawmakers to discourage participation
tion with a government that Tusk and Walesa of “trying the achievements made even when the fetus is termi- in Parliament will weaken with a video spot using
critics accuse of violating the to overthrow the govern- since Poland emerged from nally ill, and some women the commission’s powers. Auschwitz as a theme —
constitution and eroding ment.” communist rule in 1989. have died,” she said. “And I Some Poles say it could drawing criticism from the
fundamental rights in Po- Tusk had called on Poles The U.S. government has am also afraid I couldn’t come to resemble the inves- state museum that pre-
land. to march with him for the intervened at times when it manage financially.” tigations of Joseph McCar- serves the site of the Nazi
Former President Lech sake of the nation’s future — thought the government The march was held on thy, the U.S. senator whose German death camp.
Walesa, the leader of the Sol- a message that resonated was eroding media liberties the 34th anniversary of Po- anti-communist campaign
idarity movement that with Radek Tusinski, 49, and academic freedom in land’s first partly-free elec- in the early 1950s led to hys- Gera writes for the
played a historic role in top- who arrived with his wife the area of Holocaust tion. The protest was seen as teria and political persecu- Associated Press.

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A6 MO N DAY , J U N E 5 , 2 0 23 L AT I M E S . C O M


Farmers left holding the bag in pot market

New York’s fledgling
legal marijuana crop
lacks enough licensed
dispensaries for retail.
By Michael Hill

ARGYLE, N.Y. — Seth

Jacobs has about 100 bins
packed with marijuana
flower sitting in storage at
his upstate New York farm.
And that’s a problem.
There aren’t enough places
to sell it.
The 700 pounds of pun-
gent flower was harvested
last year as part of New
York’s first crop of legally
grown pot for recreational
use. He also has roughly 220
pounds of distillate. Months
later, there are only a dozen
licensed dispensaries state-
wide to sell what Jacobs and
more than 200 other farmers
Now, another growing
season is underway and far-
mers still sitting on much of
last year’s harvest are in a fi-
nancial bind. Hans Pennink Associated Press
“We are really under the FARMERS growing New York’s first legal marijuana crop are having difficulty moving their product. Above, a marijuana plant seedling.
gun here. We’re all losing
money,” Jacobs recently said
at his farm on rolling land
near the Vermont border.
more opened since.
Unlicensed shops rushed
in to fill the void, especially in
pre-rolled joints and about
2,000 packs of edibles.
“What we really need to
‘Even the most ees to sell their cannabis at
places other than stores, like
at a farmers market or a fes-
“Even the most entrepre-
neurial and ambitious
New York City, but those
outlets aren’t a legal market
see is more retailers get
open, and that’s going to ac-
entrepreneurial and tival.
“We know these cultiva-
amongst us just can’t move
much product in this envi-
for the state’s farmers. Fed-
eral law prohibits the New
York farmers from trans-
tually give us the sustain-
able solution,” Carbone said.
The lack of sales is a par-
ambitious amongst us just tors are worried about how
to sell last year’s harvest as
they decide whether to plant
New York pot farmers ar-
en’t the only ones struggling
porting their crop across
state lines.
ticular problem for small far-
mers who stretched them-
can’t move much product in a cannabis crop in 2023, and
we will continue to support
with difficult economic con- That means limited shelf selves thin financially to pro- them as more adult-use dis-
ditions. Marijuana growers
in Western states have also
space to sell the 300,000
pounds of cannabis grown in
duce last year’s crop and
now need capital for their
this environment.’ pensaries open to sell their
products,” cannabis office
complained that low prices, the state last year, much of second year. — S ETH JACOBS , spokesman Aaron Ghitel-
tough competition from the the product meant to be Jacobs, whose brand is marijuana farmer in upstate New York man said in an email.
black market, high state processed for items like Bud & Boro, said he won’t On a separate track,
taxes, and federal banking gummies and vapes. grow plants for distillate this there have been issues with a ranging for banking, train- Hochul and the Legislature
and exporting restrictions Statewide, there is esti- year because of the backlog. planned $200-million fund to ing and other services for the approved a new law giving
have made it tough for legal mated to be hundreds of mil- Carbone said they are plant- help “social equity” dispen- licensees. regulators broader power to
growers to make money. lions of dollars’ worth of un- ing on less than the acre sary licensees with the costly The retail rollout also seize weed from the illicit
But the farmers’ plight in sold cannabis, about 80% in they’re legally allowed and task of setting up shops. was hobbled by a federal shops competing with the le-
New York is directly tied to the form of cannabis oil, ac- are holding off on infrastruc- The fund was supposed judge’s ruling in November gal shops.
the bumpy launch of the cording to the Cannabis ture investments, like hoop to consist of up to $150 mil- that temporarily barred Though frustrated, far-
state’s recreational pot mar- Assn. of New York, a trade houses to help with growing. lion in private investment. New York from issuing dis- mers like Jacobs and Car-
ket. group. There are concerns In New York, many critics But state Dormitory Au- pensary licenses in parts of bone are hanging on. Car-
State leaders had always the smokable flower will blame missteps by state offi- thority spokesperson Jeffrey the state, including Brook- bone has gotten her farm’s
planned to gear up the mar- eventually become too old to cials in their well-inten- Gordon declined to say lyn and Buffalo. The injunc- brand, TONIC, into six dis-
ket in stages, giving a chance sell. tioned effort to open the whether any private money tion was later narrowed to pensaries. Jacobs has re-
for a diverse set of participa- Jacobs keeps his bins of market to a diverse array of had been invested yet, say- the Finger Lakes region be- ceived some intermittent
nts to get a toehold. The buds at Slack Hollow Orga- entrepreneurs. That meant ing in an email only that fore a settlement was payments and hopes the far-
state’s process for licensing nics in secure, temperature- reserving the first legal pot “work to raise private capital reached this week. mers market policy being
new dispensaries, however, controlled units. More valu- harvests for struggling is ongoing.” The Office of Cannabis devised will give him a new
has moved at a far slower able still is the distillate at hemp farmers. And people Gordon noted New Management has taken re- avenue to sell his marijuana.
pace than expected. various processors he’s wait- with past marijuana York’s “complex and unprec- cent steps to boost demand, “This all will get worked
Last fall, Gov. Kathy ing to sell. convictions were given the edented” effort to create a including the provisional ap- out,” Jacobs said. “And I
Hochul foresaw 20 new Elsewhere in rural New chance to open some of the new statewide enterprise proval last month of 50 new want to be there when it
shops opening every month York, Brittany Carbone, co- first dispensaries. from scratch, which in- dispensary licenses. And does.”
or so to start this year. In- founder of Tricolla Farms, Critics say the process cluded evaluating 10,000 plans are in the works that
stead, one store was open by said the stock they’re sitting has been cumbersome for commercial properties for would allow groups of grow- Hill writes for the
the start of the year, with 11 on includes 1,500 packs of dispensary applicants. And dispensary locations and ar- ers to join with retail licens- Associated Press.

Officially nonpartisan, torn by political discord

and at measures to strip paign funding that has
Nebraska Legislature’s abortion rights, loosen gun seeped into state politics. He
laws, and divert public mon- also pointed to term limits
filibuster-filled session ey to scholarships for private enacted in 2006 that keep
is ‘clearly the worst ... school tuition. state lawmakers from serv-
Hunt called other law- ing more than eight con-
we’ve had,’ clerk says. makers “trash” and warned secutive years. That doesn’t
them on the statehouse floor give lawmakers enough time
By Margery A. Beck not to speak to her, adding, to learn how to develop long-
“I don’t like you.” term agendas or negotiate
LINCOLN, Neb. — The Cavanaugh called the compromises, he said.
Nebraska Legislature has body “morally bankrupt” “What we have now is an
long prided itself on being a and said she was looking for- uninformed and unenlight-
paragon of collegiality and ward to the time “when I no ened Legislature,” O’Don-
function, as the only single- longer have to serve with nell said. “Lawmakers used
chamber, officially nonparti- many of you.” to get to know each other
san Legislature in the coun- Some conservative law- and really talk to each other.
try. makers lashed back. Sen. That led to floor debate that
But after a 2023 session in Julie Slama called for Cava- used to change votes. But
which the body of 49 law- naugh’s censure over re- I’m afraid that’s gone. What
makers remained irreconcil- marks comparing the trans you have now are people who
ably split, Nebraska’s state- bill to genocide. show up knowing how
house is beginning to reflect Others used racist and they’re going to vote before
broad, national discord. extremist language during they ever even get on the
The acrimony was on dis- debates over restricting floor. And that’s not legisla-
play as a handful of prog- abortion. Sen. Steve Erd- ting.”
ressive lawmakers carried man bemoaned that since A notable exception
out a filibuster of nearly ev- the 1973 legalization of abor- came when Republican Sen.
ery bill that came up for de- tion, Nebraska’s population Merv Riepe, an 80-year-old
bate — including ones they Eileen T. Meslar Omaha World-Herald has not grown “except those former hospital administra-
supported — to protest a bill REPUBLICANS HOLD a strong majority of 32 seats in Nebraska’s Legislature, foreigners who have moved tor, changed his mind on a
targeting transgender mi- which is officially nonpartisan, but they would need 33 votes to break a filibuster. here or refugees who have proposed abortion ban at
nors. The filibuster drew na- been placed here … because about six weeks of preg-
tional media attention, re- licans unable in recent years health bill by Omaha Sen. longtime statehouse ob- we’ve killed 200,000 people.” nancy. He had initially
vealing lawmakers’ divide to pass signature legislation, Kathleen Kauth, who par- servers. Sen. Steve Halloran ar- cosigned the bill, but after
over political ideology — ex- such as a near-total abortion roted far-right fears that Omaha Sen. Megan gued that the legalization of deciding the ban was too se-
pressed through yelling, ban last year and a bill to al- children are being manipu- Hunt, a left-leaning law- abortion in the U.S. had its vere, he abstained from vot-
name-calling, crying and the low people to carry con- lated, calling the rising num- maker who left the Demo- roots not in choice for wom- ing. Without his vote, the bill
refusal of some to speak to cealed guns without a per- ber of transgender teens “a cratic Party mid-session to en, but in a plot to “kill off the didn’t have enough votes to
other lawmakers. mit. social contagion.” register as an independent, Black race.” advance. He later voted in fa-
“I never saw anything Frustration over those Omaha Sen. Machaela revealed in a speech on the Even moderates and vor of the 12-week ban that
even close to what we wit- losses led conservatives to Cavanaugh said she would floor that her 13-year-old peacemakers were caught in passed.
nessed this year,” said Pat- open this session with ag- filibuster every bill if Kauth’s child is transgender. She the partisan crossfire. Sen. In response, he received
rick O’Donnell, who served gressive moves to exert bill advanced, adding she begged fellow lawmakers not John Arch, in his first year as threats from antiabortion
for 45 years as clerk of the more control over a state would “burn the session to to strip her or doctors of the speaker of the Legislature, supporters who called him
Nebraska Legislature until government they’ve domi- the ground over this bill.” right to care for her child. repeatedly called for calm “demonic” and “pure evil.”
his retirement in December. nated for decades. They Conservatives respond- Her plea was met with a during debate and was heav- Conversely, many who sup-
“This was clearly the worst bucked norms to fill legisla- ed, not only advancing the formal ethics complaint ily criticized by both sides. port abortion rights angrily
legislative session we’ve tive committees, which de- bill, but amending it to add a filed by a far-right activist Progressives accused him of rebuked him for supporting
had. It’s just a totally differ- termine what bills will be de- 12-week abortion ban, fol- who claimed she had a con- favoring fellow Republicans the 12-week ban.
ent animal.” bated by the full Legislature, lowing a nationwide, conser- flict of interest because her as he sought to navigate un- “Sometimes there’s no
While officially nonparti- with hard-line conserva- vative wave of bills targeting child is transgender. That precedented challenges. way to win in this,” Riepe
san, all of the Legislature’s tives. They did that by re- abortion and transgender complaint was dismissed as Conservatives thrashed him said when asked about the
members are registered as moving moderate and prog- rights. The hybrid bill unfounded Friday. for refusing to change de- backlash. “I hope we do bet-
Republicans, Democrats or ressive lawmakers from key passed and was signed into Frustration saw Hunt bate rules mid-session to cut ter next year and avoid some
independents. Republicans panels and replacing them law by Republican Gov. Jim and Cavanaugh often lash off the filibuster. of the anger and drama we
hold a strong majority with with more conservative Pillen in late March. out at conservative lawmak- The problem is multilay- saw this year.”
32 seats, but need 33 votes to ones, a practice referred to The spectacle that ers — who continued to vote ered, O’Donnell said, start-
break a filibuster — a slim as “cracking and packing.” played out over the 90-day to restrict residents’ access ing with national partisan- Beck writes for the
margin that has left Repub- Then came the trans session came as a shock to to gender-affirming care — ship and big-money cam- Associated Press.
L AT I M E S . C O M M O N DAY , J U N E 5 , 2 0 23 A7

Clinton lavished attention, money on California

[Barabak, from A1] crat “might have no idea
rightward drift of national who Michael Ovitz is, or
Republicans, especially on understand the importance
issues like guns and abor- of UCLA to the local econo-
tion. An economy that my,” said Emerson, a former
scraped bottom under chief deputy L.A. city attor-
President George H.W. ney whom Clinton called his
Bush, then bounced back “secretary of California.”
strongly under Clinton. “I knew Michael Ovitz,”
But the transformation Emerson said of the one-
was also the result of a pur- time Hollywood super
poseful White House effort agent. “He picks up the
to remake California and phone and says there’s a
turn the historically Repub- problem with the UCLA
lican-leaning state into a hospital system and getting
blue bulwark for decades to [Federal Emergency Man-
come. agement Agency] money,
California Democrats — I’m going to be responsive.”
a continent away from the Other states could only
East Coast power axes — envy California, as the fed-
were used to being ignored eral spigots opened up.
by party leaders, except Billions in earthquake
when it came time to extract relief. Billions in military
deposits from the state’s spending. Billions to help
rich vein of campaign cash. the defense industry retool.
“They felt no one cared,” Money for a transit link
said Bob Mulholland, who between the ports of Long
spent decades as a Cali- Beach and Los Angeles.
fornia Democratic Party Money to convert a former
strategist. Army base into Cal State
That changed the in- Monterey Bay. Money to
stant Clinton took office. treat sewage from Mexico
“All of a sudden, every- and clean up San Diego’s
where I went people would beaches.
say, ‘I just got a call from the Kantor personally nego-
White House,’ ‘I just got a tiated a trade provision
letter from the White opening the Japanese mar-
House,’ ” said Mulholland, ket to California-grown rice.
who flew to Washington to Patrick Downs Los Angeles Times The tech industry benefited
witness Clinton’s swearing- PRESIDENT Clinton, surrounded by DWP workers, surveys damage in the San Fernando Valley after the from relaxed controls on
in as president. 1994 Northridge quake. He announced millions of dollars in immediate assistance and promised more. exporting supercomputer
“There was never a day equipment.
after that he forgot about Michael Dukakis, by a less- backdrop. The landmark your connection with this responsibility” to help lead And on.
California.” than-overwhelming 51% to decision was offhandedly state and your concern for the recovery, Clinton said Panetta, who repre-
48%. announced in a standard- its problems,” a team of after gazing at a collapsed sented a large swath of
:: Since then, the economy issue press release. California strategists — section of the 118 Freeway in coastal California in Con-
had nosedived and Bush Still, Clinton needed help Rick Allen and Los Angeles Simi Valley. But Clinton did gress before joining the
Before Clinton, the last had alienated several key carrying the state in 1992. attorneys Kim and Bill more than visit. He an- Clinton administration,
Democratic presidential California constituencies, He benefited from the pres- Wardlaw — wrote in their nounced millions of dollars offers no apology.
candidate to carry the state among them Black and ence of Ross Perot, the confidential strategy memo in immediate assistance “A lot of states are trying
was Lyndon Johnson, who Latino voters, environmen- feisty third-party candidate as Clinton prepared to enter and promised more to come. to figure out how they can
won California as part of his talists and backers of abor- who spent most of his time the White House. “Califor- “This is something we in- get crumbs off the table,” he
1964 landslide. At the time, tion rights. attacking Bush. He got a lift nians are looking to you to tend to stay with,” he vowed, said, looking back at the
Clinton was a gregarious Moreover, while Clinton from the buzz surrounding improve conditions,” espe- “until the job is over.” assiduous care and feeding
18-year-old college student showed a natural ease with two groundbreaking Demo- cially the economy. It was a formula Clinton of California. “But I think
who collected friends the California and its clamorous cratic women, Dianne Fein- Failing that, they followed throughout his they also understood the
way others gather wildflow- culture, Bush never seemed stein and Barbara Boxer, warned, “the volatile Cali- presidency: Lavish time, politics of what [Clinton]
ers. to get a grip on the state. running for separate U.S. fornia electorate is likely to money and attention on was doing. He was trying to
One of them was Derek Raised in Connecticut and Senate seats. swing back to the Republi- California. make sure California, be-
Shearer, a native Califor- rooted in Texas, the patri- Above all, Clinton capi- cans.” Then make sure every- cause it was important to
nian whom Clinton met cian Bush came across as a talized on the sour mood of body knew it. his reelection, was having its
years later as a Rhodes hapless tourist squinting to Californians amid the worst :: “We didn’t just step up on needs met.”
scholar at Oxford Uni- understand the dialect and economic downturn since disaster relief,” said John But it was not strictly
versity. Shearer, a freelance comprehend the natives. World War II, which followed On Jan. 17, 1994, at 4:31 Emerson, who ran Clinton’s about politics.
journalist at the time, went His California campaign the collapse of the Soviet a.m., a violent shudder tore 1992 campaign in the state At the time, Clinton
on to teach at Occidental was startlingly inept. Union and the end of a through Southern Cali- and helped stock his admin- wrote in his autobiography,
College in Los Angeles and The day Bush endorsed decades-long arms race fornia. istration as deputy person- Southern California consti-
served as Clinton’s host and creation of a marine that fueled the state’s ro- The Northridge nel director. “There was a tuted the world’s sixth-
guide during regular Cali- sanctuary protecting a bust defense and aerospace earthquake, with a magni- concerted effort to be pre- largest economy. So helping
fornia visits. quarter of the state’s coast- industries. tude of 6.7, killed about 60 sent and visible every step of resuscitate the region was
Clinton loved the state: line he opted not for a cam- His victory and an end to people and damaged or the way.” vital to the nation’s overall
the sun, the lifestyle, the era-ready appearance by Democrats’ prolonged destroyed more than 80,000 Hundreds of Califor- recovery.
possibility. the sea — waves crashing, political drought was, how- structures. nians served under Clinton. In all, Clinton visited
In the late 1970s, he be- seals barking — but a stop ever, only a start. President Clinton ar- Among them Secretary of California 56 times from
came friendly with Mickey at a refinery with an oil “It will continue to be rived days later. State Warren Christopher; 1993, the year he assumed
Kantor, a Los Angeles attor- tanker as the television important to communicate “We have a national budget director and later the presidency, through
ney and Democratic Party White House Chief of Staff 2001, the year he left the
powerhouse who knew Leon Panetta; Press Secre- White House, according to a
Clinton’s wife, Hillary, tary Dee Dee Myers and tally kept by his presidential
through their work with the chief economic advis- library. That is far more
Legal Services Corp. during orLaura D’Andrea Tyson. than any other state, save
the Carter administration. Kantor joined the ad- Maryland, home to the
By the time Clinton ran ministration as U.S. trade presidential retreat at
for president in 1992, he’d representative and became Camp David, and New York,
built an extensive network Commerce secretary when a where Clinton settled after
of California connections — plane crash killed his prede- leaving Washington.
in politics, business, Holly- cessor, Ron Brown, who’d The effort paid off hand-
wood — thanks in good part been tasked with overseeing somely.
to the doors opened by the state’s economic recov- Clinton easily carried
Shearer, Kantor and two ery. Tom Epstein, a veteran California on his way to
fellow Arkansans, Harry of numerous California winning his second term in
Thomason and his wife, campaigns, was installed in an electoral college land-
Linda Bloodworth-Thom- the White House to mind slide. By the time he left the
ason, who’d moved to Cali- the political needs of folks White House, the state had
fornia to pursue a career in back home. become a Democratic
television production. After years of feeling fortress.
Kantor became the overlooked, it was reassur- In 2000, Clinton’s vice
national chairman of Clin- ing — and exceedingly help- president, Al Gore, carried
ton’s campaign and was ful — for business leaders California by 12 percentage
among those seeing political and government officials to points. Since then, no
opportunity in the state, call Washington knowing Democratic presidential
despite its history of favor- someone from the state candidate has won by less
ing Republicans. In 1988, Mike Nelson AFP/Getty Images would be on the other end of than double digits.
Bush — Reagan’s vice presi- CLINTON answers questions at a 1996 election rally in San Diego. Even before his the line. Republicans long ago
dent — defeated Democrat first campaign, he’d built an extensive network of California connections. Some random bureau- quit trying to compete.

Transgender adults in Florida ‘blindsided’ by new law

disrupt their lives. The Associated Press is ue to provide care to patients in that state, but it was self, but a lot of people within
A ban on gender- “There was no communi- not using Eli’s and Lucas’ who have already enrolled, pulled back. the community are also fac-
cation. … Nobody was really last names because they fear even though that represents Florida is “the proving ing the same thing and
affirming care for talking about it in our cir- reprisal. Although their a major change to the com- ground of what they can get they’re reaching out to me
minors also disrupts cles,” said Eli, 29. friends and families know pany’s business model. away with,” Dunn said. for guidance.”
Like many transgender they are trans, most people Eli has been seeing a phy- Her organization treats Lucas, who transitioned
lives of older people. adults in Florida, he and Lu- who meet them do not. sician for years and therefore about 4,000 people — most in eight years ago, anticipates
cas are now facing tough The new law that bans still has access to care. But Florida and some out-of- running out of hormone
By Thalia Beaty, choices, including whether gender-affirming care for Spektrum Health Inc., the state telehealth patients, treatments in June. In the
Brendan Farrington to uproot their lives so that minors also mandates that Orlando clinic that pre- she said. Although Spek- best-case scenario he can
and Hannah they can continue to access adult patients seeking trans scribed Lucas hormone re- trum has bolstered its men- foresee, he will be able to get
Schoenbaum gender-confirming care. healthcare sign an informed placement therapy, has tal health services since the a new prescription in Au-
Clinics are also trying to fig- consent form. It also re- stopped providing gender- law passed, it and other or- gust.
TALLAHASSEE, Fla. — ure out how to operate under quires a physician to oversee affirming care. ganizations heavily rely on “It’s just going to be ex-
Debate surrounding Flori- regulations that have made any healthcare related to “There are a lot of people nurse practitioners to pro- tremely difficult mentally to
da’s new restrictions on gen- Florida a test case for re- transitioning, and for people looking for care that we’re no vide care. have your body changing in a
der-affirming care focused strictions on adults. to see that doctor in person. longer legally able to pro- Dunn estimates that 80% way that doesn’t align with
largely on transgender chil- Lucas, 26, lost his access Those rules have proved vide,” said Lana Dunn, Spek- of trans adults in the state your brain,” Lucas said.
dren. But a new law that Re- to treatment when the Or- particularly onerous be- trum Health’s chief op- were getting their health- Eli and Lucas have
publican presidential candi- lando clinic that prescribed cause many people received erating officer. care from a nurse practitio- switched to a month-to-
date and Gov. Ron DeSantis him hormone replacement care from nurse practitio- Florida has the second- ner and now have lost access. month lease and tentatively
signed last month also made therapy stopped providing ners and used telehealth. largest population of trans- “Right now what we’re plan to relocate to Minne-
it difficult — even impossible gender-affirming care alto- The law also made it a crime gender adults in the U.S., at seeing in the community is sota in November. They said
— for many transgender gether. The couple also wor- to violate the new require- an estimated 94,900 people, just chaos,” Dunn said. they will leave sooner if they
adults to get treatment. ries about staying in a state ments. according to the Williams In- The law also contains lan- can afford it and started an
Eli and Lucas, trans men that this year enacted sev- Another new law that al- stitute at the UCLA School guage that she said could online fundraiser to help.
who are a couple, followed eral other bills targeting the lows doctors and pharma- of Law. It used state-level, scare off doctors who would Moving with their dog and
the discussions in the LGBTQ+ community. cists to refuse to treat trans- population-based surveys to be otherwise willing to treat two cats increases the ex-
Legislature, where Demo- “My entire life is here. All gender people further limits determine its estimates. Not trans patients, such as a 20- pense and difficulty of find-
crats warned that trans my friends, my family. I just their options. all transgender people seek year statute of limitations to ing a new place.
children would be more got a promotion at my job, “For trans adults, it’s dev- medical interventions. sue over care they provide. “I just never thought it
prone to suicide under a ban which I’m probably not [go- astating,” said Kate Steinle, At least 19 states have en- As a trans woman herself, could happen this way, this
on gender-affirming care for ing] to be able to keep,” Lu- chief clinical officer at Folx acted laws restricting or Dunn is grappling with los- fast and to us,” Eli said.
minors, and Republicans re- cas, who works in a financial Health, which provides gen- banning gender-affirming ing her own access to hor-
sponded with misplaced aid office at a college, said. der-affirming care to trans medical care for transgender mones while trying to pro- Associated Press writers
tales of mutilated kids. Eli “I’m losing everything ex- adults through tele- minors. But restrictions on vide support to terrified pa- Beaty reported from New
said he and his partner felt cept Eli and my pets moving medicine. Her company de- adults haven’t been part of tients. That has taken “a sig- York, Farrington from
“blindsided” when they dis- out of here. So this was not a cided to open in-person clin- the conversation in most nificant emotional toll,” she Tallahassee and
covered the bill contained decision that I took lightly at ics and hire more physicians places. Missouri’s attorney said. “Not only am I faced Schoenbaum from Raleigh,
language that would also all.” licensed in Florida to contin- general tried to impose a rule with this lack of care for my- N.C.
A8 M O N DAY , J U N E 5 , 2 0 23 S L AT I M E S . C O M

Guillermo Arias AFP/Getty Images

A PERSON climbs over the border fence from Tijuana into the U.S. last month. Politicians in red states say they want to draw attention to the influx of migrants.

Bonta blames DeSantis for arrival of migrants

[Migrants, from A1] Gov. Gavin Newsom, a two men said they would re- She said that her mother tion — sent a group of mi- “We are thankful to our part-
The 16 migrants from Democrat, said in a state- turn but instead drove off, was sick and that they grants to Martha’s Vineyard, ner organizations who took
Venezuela and Colombia ment Saturday that he and leaving the group of mi- needed help. a wealthy liberal haven off up the holy work of hospital-
were initially transported by Bonta, also a Democrat, met grants behind, Bonta said. The man didn’t come to the coast of Massachusetts. ity, dedicating their time and
bus from El Paso to New on Saturday with more than “They never intended to the U.S. for handouts, Bonta Also last year, eight Venezue- resources to ensure that ev-
Mexico, where they boarded 12 of the migrants. Newsom help them find a job but told said, recalling the conversa- lan migrants were flown ery migrant did not feel
the flight to Sacramento, of- added that his office and the them that they would do tion. He came for a job so he from Texas to Sacramento. alone and abandoned.”
ficials said. They were state Department of Justice that so they could get on the could provide for his family Activists said that move was Sacramento Mayor Dar-
dropped off at the doorstep were working together “to in- plane and sign their docu- back home, he said. not part of Abbott’s or De- rell Steinberg called for an
of the Catholic Diocese of vestigate the circumstances ments and be transported to The situation in Sacra- santis’ efforts. investigation into the latest
Sacramento on Friday. around who paid for the Sacramento,” Bonta said. mento is playing out against Newsom has made a incident in a Saturday state-
Their arrival, for which no group’s travel and whether “They completely exploited, a backdrop of intense na- habit of attacking DeSantis ment.
politician or organization the individuals orchestrat- abused and manipulated tional debate over how to and Abbott over a host of is- “Human trafficking is not
has yet to publicly claim re- ing this trip misled anyone these folks who were vulner- handle the influx of migrants sues that divide the nation, only despicable; it’s a felony.
sponsibility, adds fuel to a with false promises or have able and were hoping and who enter the U.S. by cross- including immigration, … Whoever is behind this
controversy over similar violated any criminal laws, dreaming of a job and told ing the Mexican border each LGBTQ+ rights, gun con- must answer the following:
ploys by conservative politi- including kidnapping.” they would be helped finding year. That debate has come trol and abortion. He Is there anything more cruel
cians in Republican-led Bonta’s office is investi- that job only to be aban- to a head in response to simi- launched a political action than using scared human
states. gating, he confirmed. He doned.” lar efforts championed and committee this year aimed beings to score cheap politi-
They and their support- said his office would be “eval- Bonta said the migrants supported by Republican at supporting Democrats cal points?” he said.
ers have said the efforts are uating potential criminal or are receiving legal aid serv- governors such as Greg Ab- running in red states. In a vi- Steinberg’s statement
aimed at raising awareness civil action against those ices as some of them have bott of Texas and DeSantis deo announcing the effort, made clear that the city will
of the influx of migrants over who transported or ar- immigration court dates in that have displaced thou- Newsom said “authoritarian continue to be a welcoming
the southern border and ranged for the transport of the coming days. Some of sands of migrants and gen- leaders” are a problem for place for disadvantaged peo-
bringing the issue to the these vulnerable immi- the court dates are as far as erated widespread contro- the country as images of De- ple like the 16 migrants who
doorsteps of authorities in grants.” New York and Chicago. versy in recent years. Santis and Abbott flash arrived Friday.
states led by Democrats. Op- Bonta said Sunday the “They’re nowhere near In September, Abbott across the screen. “Sacramento represents
ponents describe the moves migrants — most of them Sacramento,” he said. bused about 100 migrants to Jaime Soto, bishop of the the best of American val-
as cruel political stunts that from Venezuela — told offi- Bonta spoke about one Washington, D.C., where Diocese of Sacramento, said ues,” he said. “We always wel-
use immigrants as pawns cials that they were promis- migrant he met. He said the they were dropped off out- in a statement Saturday that come ‘the tired, the poor and
and leave them many miles ed jobs and that someone man, who is from Venezuela, side the Naval Observatory, the diocese is working with the huddled masses,’ and we
from family, resources and would assist them in finding played a voicemail from his the home of Vice President other groups to help the new always will.”
even the courthouses where work. Instead, the group was 9-year-old daughter, who Kamala Harris. That same arrivals.
they are often expected to dropped off at the Catholic told her father in Spanish month, DeSantis — who is “The urgency to respond Times staff writer Lila
appear to plead their cases diocese. When someone at that she was hungry because now a top contender for the was heard by Catholics and Seidman contributed to this
for asylum. the diocese opened the door, she hadn’t eaten in a day. GOP presidential nomina- people of goodwill,” he said. report.

Twitter exec in charge of content YouTube to allow

safety resigns after Musk criticism false election claims
misinformation remain un-
Owner complained The platform faces changed.
This could prove difficult
about the handling criticism after it to enforce, said John Wihbey,
of tweets that had reverses policy on an associate professor at
Northeastern University
misgendered people. disproven statements. who studies social media
and misinformation.
associated press associated press
“It doesn’t take a genius if
you’re on the disinformation
SAN FRANCISCO — A YouTube will stop remov- ‘we were wronged in 2020’
top Twitter executive re- ing content that falsely side to say, ‘Wait a minute,
sponsible for safety and con- claims the 2020 election or let’s just claim that voting
tent moderation has left the other past U.S. presidential just generally is not worth it.
company, her departure elections were marred by And 2020 is our example,’ ”
coming soon after owner “widespread fraud, errors or he said. “I don’t know how
Elon Musk publicly com- glitches,” the platform has you disentangle rhetoric
plained about the platform’s announced. that both refers to past
handling of posts about The change is a reversal wrongs and to forward pos-
transgender topics. for the Google-owned video sibilities. The content mod-
The departure pointed to service, which said a month eration team, which is going
a fresh wave of turmoil after the 2020 election that it to try to do this, is going to tie
among key officials at Twit- would start removing new themselves in knots trying
ter since Musk took over last posts that falsely claimed to figure out exactly where
year. widespread voter fraud or that line is.”
Ella Irwin, Twitter’s head errors changed the outcome. The announcement
of trust and safety, con- YouTube said in a blog comes after YouTube and
firmed her resignation in a Jeff Chiu Associated Press post Friday that the up- other major social media
pair of tweets late Friday. ELLA IRWIN quit as Twitter’s head of content moderation after Elon Musk’s dated policy was an attempt companies, including Twit-
She did not say in the mes- remarks related to a film that questions transgender treatment for minors. to protect the ability to ter and the Meta-owned
sage why she was leaving, “openly debate political ide- Facebook and Instagram,
but her departure came an?” for free on the platform would post 24 tweets to ex- since he bought Twitter for as, even those that are con- have come under fire in re-
shortly after Musk criticized “because of two instances of plain her departure. $44 billion in October. Twit- troversial or based on dis- cent years for not doing
Twitter’s handling of tweets ‘misgendering.’” Twitter Then she posted that she ter also has an incoming proven assumptions.” more to combat the stream
about a conservative media rules prohibit intentionally was just kidding about the CEO, Linda Yaccarino, “In the current environ- of election misinformation
company’s documentary referring to transgender in- long narrative. known for decades of media ment, we find that while re- and disinformation that
that questions transgender dividuals with the wrong “In all seriousness, I did and advertising industry ex- moving this content does spreads on their platforms.
medical treatment for chil- gender or name. resign but this has been a perience, but she hasn’t curb some misinformation, The left-leaning media
dren and teens. “This was a mistake by once in a lifetime experience started yet. it could also have the unin- watchdog group Media Mat-
Musk was responding to many people at Twitter. It is and I’m so thankful to have Irwin and Twitter didn’t tended effect of curtailing ters said the policy change is
complaints by Jeremy Bore- definitely allowed,” Musk worked with this amazing respond to requests from political speech without not a surprise, as it was one
ing, co-chief executive of the tweeted back. “Whether or team of passionate, creative the Associated Press for meaningfully reducing the of the “last major social me-
media company the Daily not you agree with using and hardworking people. comment. risk of violence or other real- dia platforms” to keep the
Wire. Boreing said in tweets someone’s preferred pro- Will be cheering you all and Twitter has been in tur- world harm,” the blog post policy in place.
and retweets of conserva- nouns, not doing so is at Twitter as you go!” moil including mass layoffs said. “YouTube and the other
tive commentators Thurs- most rude and certainly Next to Musk, Irwin had and voluntary departures The updated policy, platforms that preceded it in
day that Twitter was sup- breaks no laws.” been the most prominent since the billionaire Tesla which goes into effect im- weakening their election
pressing the movie by flag- Irwin tweeted Friday voice of the company’s ever- owner bought the San Fran- mediately, won’t stop misinformation policies, like
ging posts about it as hate that “one or two people no- changing content policies in cisco company and took it YouTube from taking down Facebook, have made it
speech and keeping the ticed” she left the company recent months. private. content that tries to deceive clear that one attempted in-
movie off lists of trending the day before, and she Twitter has struggled to The company’s head of voters in the upcoming 2024 surrection wasn’t enough.
topics. noted speculation about bring back advertisers trust and safety left shortly election or other future races They’re setting the stage for
Boreing tweeted that whether she was fired or turned off by Musk’s drastic after the takeover, and turn- in the U.S. and abroad. The an encore,” said its vice pres-
Twitter canceled a deal to quit. changes and loosening of over in the top ranks has company said its other exist- ident, Julie Millican, in a
premiere “What Is a Wom- She teased that she rules against hate speech continued. ing rules against election statement.
L AT I M E S . C O M M O N DAY , J U N E 5 , 2 0 23 A9

Sticker shock overhauls grocery shopping
meals. She tends to order
Consumers switch from Asian restaurants that
provide generous portions
ingredients, stores and — it’s hard to split a sand-
brands as they cope wich into two meals, she
with rising food costs. One of her favorite Thai
restaurants is a regular on
By Carly Olson the rotation. “They give you
and Helen Li this satay plate that’s like a
mountain of rice and a
The U.S. is not in a bunch of chicken satay,” she
recession, but the psycholo- said. “I’ll split it into my Tup-
gical weight of that possibil- perware containers.”
ity — combined with the ef- Other Southern Califor-
fects of still-high inflation — nians, too, are using high
have consumers bracing for grocery bills to justify their
the fallout and strategizing takeout orders. Both take-
to save money. out and grocery prices are
Their first move? For climbing as a result of rising
many shoppers, it’s rethink- food and labor costs, and the
ing how they buy groceries. former may come with a
Betty Luckett, a pre- coupon or can be stretched
school owner who lives in into multiple meals.
downtown Los Angeles, has Isabel Bello, 30, a sales
started pinching pennies at and operations coordinator,
the grocery store to keep the said that she and her
operating costs for her busi- boyfriend split 50-50 be-
ness in check. tween cooking and eating
“Before I didn’t monitor out. Uber Eats has recently
the prices as much, but my sent her several promotions,
budget has definitely in- sometimes offering up to
creased over the past year,” 40% off an order, which feels
she said. Luckett, 55, re- like a steal in the current
cently raised tuition to ac- Luis Sinco Los Angeles Times economic climate.
count for rising business ex- CONSUMER packaged goods have witnessed an average inflation rate of 11% over the last year, according to When she does go grocery
penses and wage increases data from a market analytics firm. Above, a shopper selects produce in a Vons grocery in Long Beach in 2020. shopping, she goes to multi-
for staff. ple stores to assemble a
She shops at warehouse- James buys most of her gro- manufactured specifically revenue was $152.3 billion, surge in purchases, as the week’s worth of food —
style grocer Smart & Final, ceries at her local Trader for a retailer and sold under beating estimates. impact of inflation dimin- Ralphs or Walmart for pro-
where she often can find Joe’s, which is walking dis- the retailer’s own name. Grocery Outlet, the chain ishes spending power, con- duce and Hawaii Supermar-
what her preschool needs on tance from home, and occa- Most are sold at a lower price known for discounting sumers have displayed re- ket or H Mart for her Asian
sale: snacks like tangerines sionally makes a trip to Pa- point than a similar product brand-name groceries, saw markable resilience. groceries.
and animal crackers, vilions. from a well-known national a similar trend in the first In April, retail spending “[Ralphs] just has more
canned vegetables, and bulk Consumers right now are brand. quarter. in the United States re- of the veggies that I’m look-
goods such as paper towels using “a multipronged ap- Chedly Louis, a vice pres- “Our survey data shows a bounded after experiencing ing for,” Bello said while
and gloves. proach to try to make ends ident at Moody’s Investors higher average income cus- a decline for two consecutive picking out asparagus with
Consumer packaged meet,” said Carman Allison, Service, has noted consum- tomer shopping with us, months, despite the chal- her boyfriend at a location in
goods have experienced an a vice president at NIQ. Alli- ers increasingly buying pri- which suggests that more lenges posed by high inter- downtown L.A.
average inflation rate of 11% son worked on a survey vate label goods and putting customers are changing be- est rates and inflationary Even though preschool
over the last year, according tracking shopping behav- more of their purchases on haviors,” R.J. Sheedy, the pressure. owner Luckett has felt the
to recent data from market iors and retail trends in the credit cards. “There is a company’s president and “A couple years ago, pain of rising prices at the
analytics firm NIQ first quarter of 2023 and trade-down with the con- chief executive, said on an goods spending was through checkout counter, when it
(NielsenIQ), and many found that consumers “are sumer going on,” Louis said, earnings call last month. the roof, in large part be- comes to her own shopping,
shoppers have reached a making some discretionary “because at the end of the “They’re looking for value.” cause services were all she’s trying to hold out as
breaking point. trade-offs.” day, you have to think about Not all experts, however, closed,” Thornberg said, ref- long as possible before tak-
Some are switching Thirty-five percent of disposable income.” think these trends mean erencing the early years of ing major cost-cutting mea-
supermarkets or eschewing survey respondents said Many economists project consumers are truly cutting the COVID-19 pandemic. sures.
brand-name products that they “only buy the es- that a recession will begin back. “Now we’re seeing a fero- She and her husband,
come with a higher price tag, sentials” at the grocery later this year, while other “We live in an era where cious bounce-back.” who is vegan, mostly cook at
while others have reallo- store, a figure up by 3 points experts (and politicians) the narrative is constantly That means Americans home — one dinner last
cated where they spend since October. Thirty-one predict that the economy about declining standards of are now spending more on week was black-eyed peas
their dollars altogether. percent of respondents said will stick a soft landing. living, whereas the data con- dining out than groceries. In with rice and fresh string
Zoey James, 24, a cost- they were buying “less ex- Discount grocery stores tinues to show ongoing real April, spending at restau- beans. They eat out once a
conscious shopper and city pensive alternatives” to the have benefited from the cur- growth and consumer rants and bars was up 9.4% week, typically at a sit-down
government employee who items they typically pur- rent climate, which has spending,” said Christopher from 12 months earlier, ac- restaurant.
lives in the Hollywood area, chase, and 38% said they brought in new customers at Thornberg, founding part- cording to monthly retail The health-conscious
has cut back on some of her “buy store-brand products” many different income levels ner of Los Angeles-based data from the U.S. Census couple primarily shop at
more expensive items, such to keep costs down. trying to trim costs. consulting firm Beacon Bureau. And restaurant Whole Foods for groceries,
as fresh fruit, to keep grocery Allison noted that pri- Walmart executives said Economics. spending is up around 40% since Smart & Final does
costs down. vate label goods have seen a last month that grocery For some consumers, the from four years ago. not offer the organic fruits
James has also started gradual uptick in popularity sales were up in the first strategy shift has more to do Despite traditional and vegetables they want.
adding more rice to her quarter after quarter, driven quarter of 2023, which they with how and where they thinking, James says that “We pay easily between
meat-centered dishes. “If I by high inflation categories credited in part to an influx spend their dollars. Al- eating out can feel nearly $100 and $120 a week,” she
make a stir fry, I use that beef such as pet care and dairy. of new, wealthier shoppers though increased consumer equal in price to cooking at said of her grocery budget. “I
for like three or four days in- Private label goods, or coming to the chain. The spending does not necessar- home if she can split the left- can’t imagine what it’s like to
stead of two,” she said. store brands, are products superstore’s first-quarter ily result in a corresponding overs into two or three feed a family of four.”

New EV names lack traction. Who thought e:Ny1 packs a jolt?

that metastasize, tacking on
By Kyle Stock letters or becoming less
clear as variants proliferate.
Who named that EV? Audi launched its semi-
Really, who thought the nal EV as the e-tron — sen-
bZ4X, EQE or e:Ny1 was a sible enough — but now it
good idea? has a slew of e-trons, includ-
Beyond Prius, Tesla’s S- ing the original and a (very
X-Y: Electric car branding is different) e-tron GT.
weird. Mercedes-Benz made a
The chance to name a similar hash of it: The com-
new car is precious, a billion- pany’s EV models include
dollar branding exercise the EQS, EQA, EQB and
with decades of potential EQE, as well as the EQS
staying power. SUV, EQB SUV and EQE
Of the almost 300 vehicle SUV. At the very top end,
models in the U.S., roughly a Mercedes throws an AMG
quarter bear names that into the mix. No one wants to
have been around for 20-plus drive an alphabet salad.
years — even when the Volvo spinoff Polestar
underlying car has changed. Automotive Holding UK,
The Porsche 911 was intro- meanwhile, took the iPhone
duced back in 1965, one year approach: Its first car (no
after Toyota unveiled its longer in production) was
first Corolla. Making its de- the 1. Now there’s the 2, and 3
but in 1934, the Chevrolet is coming soon. Polestar 12 is
Suburban is the oldest going to be bananas.
badge in the business. The best EV names argu-
Over the last few years, ably aren’t acronyms or jum-
this rite has kicked into over- bles of letters; they’re fresh
drive. and nouny and fun to say.
Carmakers are racing to General Motors Co. took
electrify their product lines this route with its Chevrolet
and launching new vehicles Bolt and Cadillac Lyric.
at a pace not seen in dec- Matt Rourke Associated Press Hyundai’s Ioniq clicks
ades. Battery-powered driv- TOYOTA, which has been perfecting battery-powered vehicles since the late 1990s, finally unveiled its first nicely. Lucid has its Air,
ing offers a cleaner, quieter mass-market EV in 2022. Its title? The bZ4X, shown at the Philadelphia Auto Show in January. Fisker its Ocean, and Su-
and eventually cheaper way baru its Solterra.
to travel — an aspirational Honda announced that its cid Group Inc., the Subaru No one’s saying naming a memorable, noteworthy and Then there’s Nissan’s
trifecta that branding second EV will be known as Outback and the Honda car is easy, or that doing it distinct as it was juvenile. Ariya, allegedly a tarting up
squads must distill into a the e:Ny1, a gamble on the Ridgeline. “Everyone is kind poorly is unique to EVs (see: In some cases, today’s EV of the Sanskrit word for no-
slew of catchy new car appeal of a colon. of scrambling.” the Daihatsu Naked, the names also highlight a dis- ble or admirable. Porsche’s
names. Over at Jaguar, a driver Placek said a great prod- Ford Probe and the Stude- connect between R&D and Taycan is a unique choice
It’s not going great. could be forgiven for assum- uct name needs to check baker Dictator). A car’s product planning. Nearly ev- but brings to mind an elusive
Take Toyota, the world’s ing the carmaker’s electric three boxes: It has to be name may also matter less ery automaker has set an jungle beast.
largest carmaker. The com- option is the E-PACE, but memorable, noteworthy and to consumers than its price ambitious timeline to com- There will be more op-
pany has been perfecting that model has a gas engine. distinctive within its catego- tag, range, features and aes- pletely switch to electric ve- portunities to improve upon
battery-powered vehicles The battery-powered Jag is ry. thetic. hicles, but that memo may the current crop of names: In
since the late 1990s and fi- the I-PACE. It also helps if the moni- But as an exercise in mar- have been lost on the people the next year alone, we’ll see
nally unveiled its first mass- And no one could fault a ker is “what we call ‘proc- keting, the raft of clunky EV naming the Kia EV6, for ex- 30 all-new EVs in the U.S., ac-
market EV in 2022. Volkswagen fan for confus- essing fluent,’ ” Placek said. names represents a missed ample, or the GMC Hummer cording to BloombergNEF
Its title? The bZ4X. ing the carmaker’s ID.4, an “When the mind looks at it opportunity. EV. Those labels will age as estimates.
The “bZ” stands for “be- SUV-shaped EV, with the ID. and says ‘OK, I can get Just look at Tesla: The well as “the New York Foot- Until then, pour one out
yond zero” emissions; the 4 Buzz, a recast of the compa- that.’ ” company may have failed to ball Giants.” for the Toyota team who
refers to its four-wheel drive ny’s famous van. Many new EV names fall spell out “SEXY” with its “They’re just dating pitched Prius, which still has
and X denotes a crossover “Honestly, a lot of these short. They either hew too four models as planned — themselves,” Placek said. a nice snap 25 years on. They
shape — all of which is prob- names are just trying too closely to tradition to feel Model E was trademarked “Within five years almost ev- must have retired before To-
ably lost on the Camry hard,” said David Placek, noteworthy or stretch so far by Ford six years before Elon eryone driving a new car will yota’s bZ4X came along.
crowd. founder of Lexicon Brand- for distinction that they ar- Musk launched his sedan — be in an EV or a hybrid.”
Not to be outdone, ing, which helped name Lu- en’t memorable. but the attempt was as There are also the names Stock writes for Bloomberg.
A10 MO N DAY , J U N E 5 , 2 0 23 L AT I M E S . C O M / O P I N I O N



Cleaning up old oilfields Whatever safe they actually are; they’re driven not by
facts but by emotion, fear and grisly anec-
dotes. Public policy often gets made in

response to banner headlines and sensa-
tional tweets, and by politicians reading

could cost $21.5 billion to criminal

What’s more, there’s powerful political
pressure from police and prison guard
unions, rank-and-file prosecutors and
crime victims’ groups whose scare stories
Taxpayers shouldn’t get stuck with the bill encourage a return to the throw-away-the-

here’s a huge problem loom- justice

spokesperson Jacob Roper said, “which
keys policies they believe in. On the other
side, progressive reformers can also be
ideologically rigid and driven by emotion,

T ing as California moves beyond

fossil fuels: How to get its de-
clining oil industry to plug and
remediate tens of thousands of
oil and gas wells that already sit idle or
won’t be producing for much longer.
And unfortunately, it’s looking like the
means existing oil companies are plugging

more of their own wells than they are
drilling.” Roper said the department is
“still in the process of implementing” a 2019
law that gave it broad authority to increase
the amount of cleanup money oil produc-
ers must set aside, up to $30 million per op-
just like their opponents.
So I’m all for more hard information
about what’s happening, what works and
what doesn’t. Boudin notes that legisla-
tures have a tendency to pass laws but not
to look back a year or two later to analyze
their outcomes. Or they set up pilot pro-
companies responsible for the wells, tanks erator. grams and then, bizarrely, don’t study the
and pipelines won’t end up paying any- Increasing those funds or imposing results.
thing close to what it will take to clean up higher fees on the industry could reduce It seems like only yesterday Here are some things I’d like to know
the mess they leave behind. how much taxpayers will be on the hook for that criminal justice reform (although I don’t mean to suggest they
All told, it could cost as much as cleanup, said Dwayne Purvis, the Texas- was in vogue. haven’t been studied):
$21.5 billion to clean and decommission based petroleum engineering consultant Progressives were being When we divert people from the crimi-
California’s onshore oil and gas operations, who wrote the report. “But the fundamen- elected as prosecutors. Laws nal justice system to substance abuse
according to a recent report commissioned tal situation is upside down. There’s just were passed to relieve prison treatment or mental health care, do they
by Carbon Tracker, a financial think tank not enough blood in the turnip.” overcrowding and divert of- clean up their acts or do they reoffend?
that analyzes the effects of the energy tran- That doesn’t mean it’s futile. State regu- fenders from the system who needed treat- When we release more suspects before
sition. That’s so much money that even if lators and lawmakers could be doing a lot ment, not jail time. Sentencing excesses trial, do crime rates rise dramatically or
in-state oil producers were forced to put all more by adopting dramatically larger bond from the crack era and the three-strikes insignificantly?
their future profits toward those cleanup requirements, accelerated deadlines for era were rolled back. The bail system and Do safe consumption sites encourage
obligations, they would still fall more than plugging wells, and legislation to reduce in- the death penalty were on the defensive. drug use? And if so, how do you weigh that
$15 billion short. centives for operators to transfer wells to Then the inevitable backlash came. As against the lives they save by preventing
It would be pure fantasy to expect Cali- smaller companies that are more likely to crime rates crept up from their near his- overdoses?
fornia’s oil industry, whose in-state pro- bail on their cleanup obligations. torically low levels, the mood soured and Boudin is a well-known advocate of
duction peaked in the 1980s and has been Policymakers should also be pursuing conservative tough-on-crime attitudes progressive criminal justice reform poli-
declining for years, to voluntarily fulfill all more sweeping measures, such as indus- began to reemerge, clashing with the libe- cies. I asked him whether his data analysis
of its cleanup obligations, because it won’t trywide fees or other mechanisms that ral agenda. would be designed simply to confirm his
even make enough money to pay for it. would hold more fossil fuel interests ac- Chesa Boudin, the progressive district preconceived notions. He bristled.
Without swift and dramatic changes, much countable, including past operators and attorney in San Francisco who was elected “I have my worldview, my lived experi-
of the cleanup costs will fall to taxpayers. major oil companies that may not own the in 2019, was ousted in a recall election in ence and my professional experience, but
That would be a wells but have been 2022 after being accused of “coddling” that doesn’t mean we’re going to be out-
shameful abroga- posting record criminals. Los Angeles County Dist. Atty. come-oriented in our research,” he said. “I
tion of responsibil- profits and could George Gascón, another reformer with a want policy choices to be supported by
ity by an industry easily afford to pay supposed “pro-criminal” agenda, narrowly facts, not by the dearth of information we
that has for more for the upstream dodged his second recall challenge last have now.”
than a century effects of their year. For my part, I support criminal justice
profited mightily products. Homelessness and crime became din- reform, but I’m not an ideologue. I believe
from extracting Addressing this ing-room discussions in L.A. and San we incarcerate too many people who actu-
California’s under- problem should be Francisco; violence in the subways preoc- ally need treatment. We make it far too
ground deposits an urgent environ- cupied New Yorkers. Fentanyl-related difficult for ex-offenders to reenter society.
while fueling the mental priority be- overdoses led San Francisco to reconsider There are glaring inequities, racial and
climate crisis, foul- cause oil and gas its “sanctuary city” laws. The law that otherwise, in the bail system and the sen-
ing the air and con- wells release me- reformed the unfair bail process in New tencing process. We’re too tolerant of
taminating soil thane, a potent York City four years ago was scaled back inhumane treatment and excessive force.
and water. Carolyn Cole Los Angeles Times greenhouse gas, three times, most recently in April. Police But I also believe dangerous people
That’s why Cali- PUMPJACKS in the McKittrick oil field. and health-damag- departments, once threatened with de- need to be kept off the streets. I think
fornia regulators ing air pollution funding, saw their budgets increased in police should be permitted to do their jobs,
and lawmakers need to act quickly to re- that puts front-line communities, from many cities around the country. as long as they do so fairly and responsibly.
duce the burden to taxpayers and force the Wilmington to Kern County, at increased In the run-up to the midterm elections I’d welcome more research to help
industry to fork over a lot more cleanup risk of asthma, preterm births, reductions last fall, crime ranked as the second-most policymakers develop smart, humane,
money, while it’s still in a financial position in lung function and other health prob- important issue for voters, according to effective strategies for fighting crime and
to do so. lems. Gallup. rehabilitating offenders.
While the oil industry and state regula- The California Independent Petroleum The battle is on, and it was against this Boudin is a fascinating figure whose
tors dispute some of the numbers in the Assn., an industry trade group, criticized backdrop that I read last week that backstory has been told so often it’s be-
Carbon Tracker report, its conclusions the Carbon Tracker report, saying it over- Boudin — the 42-year-old public defender- come perhaps too familiar. His mother,
largely reinforce what has been clear for estimated the costs by calculating what it turned-prosecutor-turned-private citizen Kathy Boudin, was a member of the radi-
years: The oil and gas wells that fossil fuel would cost the state to plug wells, which is — has been hired by the UC Berkeley cal Weather Underground and in 1981 took
companies are leaving unplugged and idle higher than what it costs the oil industry. School of Law to be the executive director part in a holdup of a Brink’s armored
are a multibillion-dollar problem. But it provided no estimate of its own. of a new Criminal Law & Justice Center. truck during which three people died. She
The report found that less than 1% of The group said that companies spent The center will do litigation, legislative spent 22 years in prison. His father, David
the amount needed to decommission Cali- more than $400 million last year to plug advocacy and public education, presum- Gilbert, spent 40 years in prison for partic-
fornia’s oilfields has been set aside in and remediate 6,500 idle wells, that many ably aimed at reforming our often unfair, ipating in the same crime.
bonds that can be used by regulators if operators have set aside additional funds punitive and inefficient criminal justice That means their son spent most of his
companies go out of business or walk away. for future remediation and that it’s best to system. youth and young adulthood traipsing in
And as ProPublica reporter Mark Olalde leave it to individual companies to take But I was particularly pleased to hear, and out of prisons to visit them, even as he
wrote, “time is running out to rectify the care of their own liabilities. when I called Boudin to talk about the new became a lawyer, a public defender and
funding shortfall.” The report estimates But the group at the same time sug- job, that he’s also emphasizing another then a prosecutor. He believes that his
that $3.65 billion — or 58% of the remaining gested tapping public funds, including area: data analysis and research. He says “lived experience” helps him bridge the
proceeds from existing wells — will be gen- more than $4 billion for plugging aban- he’s tired of the public conversation about gap between the real world and what’s
erated during the next two years. doned wells included in the bipartisan in- crime policy being “devoid of science or being discussed by lawmakers in Sacra-
California’s Department of Conserva- frastructure law President Biden signed in data or even short-term memory.” mento.
tion Geologic Energy Management Divi- 2021, as well as millions in additional state It’s about time. Boudin was recalled from his job as
sion, or CalGEM, said that it shares the money available to regulators. The indus- It’s long been a truism that attitudes district attorney by voters who, in my view,
concerns raised in Carbon Tracker’s re- try clearly wants to have it both ways. about crime and punishment are cyclical, didn’t give him enough of a chance. Let’s
port, but that its data show more bond We can’t rely on wishful thinking or characterized by pendulum swings of see if he and Berkeley Law’s new center
money has been set aside than stated in flimsy assurances from the petroleum in- leniency followed by a desire to crack down can produce useful data and innovative
the report and that it has been making dustry that it can clean up this mess on its and lock up everybody indefinitely. Public policy recommendations that will stop the
progress plugging idle wells using $100 mil- own, because the numbers show otherwise. sentiment mostly depends on whether pendulum and make policing and prose-
lion in new state funding. Oil companies caused this problem, but it’s crime seems to be rising or falling. cuting more just.
“We issue far more permits to plug and public officials’ job to make sure they can’t But often those mood shifts are based
abandon wells than any other activity,” stick us with the bill. on how safe people feel rather than how @nick_goldberg


shamed. How could they ing diversity is as important Our vehicle emission (with 2 degrees of warming).
know? Did I do something? to educating a young person standards and fuel effi- The poles are warming
Was it written on my face? as developing their critical ciency requirements, which much faster.
After that, even into my 20s, thinking. the Trump and George W. Water will be more valu-
I tried my hardest to act, Do any of these people Bush administrations both able than oil as the glaciers
speak and feel like I fit in, who behave so abhorrently fought, have moved Ameri- melt and water tables are
like I wasn’t gay. realize their own child may ca forward. We are the fifth- depleted. Fertile soil will be
I hope that the school be an LGBTQ+ person? largest economy in the harder to find, and fertilizer
stresses the acceptance and Terry Shenkman world, and car manufactur- runoffs will create more
validity of different kinds of Culver City ers have to contend with dead zones along the coasts.
people and families. If some California standards. Droughts, floods and
parents don’t want their But California still has a wildfires will increase. Rain-
children to hear that, that’s
their right, but I hope all
Get tougher on long way to go to ensure a
livable future. Although our
forests and coral reefs will
be lost, along with their
kids understand that words climate change air quality has improved, biological diversity. The
Mel Melcon Los Angeles Times can hurt and love is love. despite huge population rice-producing Mekong
A TEACHER’S LGBTQ+ Pride flag was found John Kluge Re “Majority of Californians growth and more vehicles Delta in southern Vietnam
burned at Saticoy Elementary in North Hollywood. North Hollywood fear worsening weather on the road, our air pollu- will be poisoned by salt-
extremes,” and “ ‘The Earth tion is still the worst in the water intrusion. Equatorial

What anti-gay kids use it many times a day.

At first, I didn’t know
:: is really quite sick now,’ ”
June 1
We have one planet. Let’s
regions will be too hot for
people to live, forcing a
slurs did to me what it meant, but when I
was told it was “a boy who
One does not need to be
an LGBTQ+ person to be Most Californians are
agree to keep it habitable
and invest in more solu-
tsunami of migration.
Our scary problems will
Re “Vandalism latest inci- loves another boy,” I appalled by the abuse di- wise to realize we are in tions, not more pollution. become our children’s and
dent over Pride at grade thought, what’s wrong with rected at this community. trouble, but will we take Lisa Boyle grandchildren’s terrifying
school,” June 1 that? Though I didn’t have The people targeting the enough action with policy to Pacific Palisades problems. What we do now
any crushes at the time, I trans teacher at Saticoy are prevent a dangerous future? decides their future.
I’m saddened by the felt capable even as a fifth- not conservatives; they are Having grown up in the :: Phil Beauchamp
burning of a transgender grader of loving another extremists. South, where environmen- Chino Hills
teacher’s Pride flag at Sati- boy. It is tragic that they fail tal policy is not even a bump Your side-by-side arti-
coy Elementary in North I did get, from the tone to appreciate the measure in the road to prevent the cles are scary, but they only
Hollywood. with which the word was of a teacher is their ability to bulldozing of nature, I am so hint at our predicament. HOW TO WRITE TO US
I attended Saticoy and hurled, that it was a terrible inspire students to learn. I thankful to be an environ- In 40 years there may be Please send letters to
remember it being the first thing. I didn’t want to be was fortunate to have such mental attorney in Cali- 2 billion more people on For
place I heard the f-word — that. teachers when I was a child, fornia, where we can make Earth. Our already hot submission guidelines, see
the three-letter version and When the word was regardless of their identity. progressive policies that set world (with 1 degree Celsius or call
the six. I would hear other applied to me, I was silent, Embracing and appreciat- the standard for our nation. of warming) will be hotter 1-800-LA TIMES, ext. 74511.

Executive Chairman Dr. Patrick Soon-Shiong

News: Executive Editor Kevin Merida • Senior Vice President, Content Business Strategy Julia Turner • Managing Editors Shani O. Hilton, Sara Yasin • Editor at Large Scott Kraft • Deputy
Managing Editors Hector Becerra, Shelby Grad, Sharon Matthews, Christian Stone • Creative Director Amy King • Assistant Managing Editors John Canalis, Steve Clow, Angel Jennings, Kimbriell
Kelly, Iliana Limón Romero, Samantha Melbourneweaver, Ben Muessig, Craig Nakano, B.J. Terhune • General Manager, Food Laurie Ochoa • General Manager, Latino Initiatives Angel Rodriguez •
FOUNDED DECEMBER 4, 1881 Opinion: Editorial Page Editor Terry Tang • Deputy Editorial Page Editor Mariel Garza • Business: President and Chief Operating Officer Chris Argentieri • Chief Human Resources Officer Nancy V.
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LAT I M E S . C O M / O P I N I O N M O N DAY , J U N E 5 , 2 0 23 A11


DeSantis aims to outdo Trump on immigration

lack legal immigration status. Some of DeSantis’ actions were
The former president’s But restrictionists are skepti- on the wish list of Trump’s senior
cal that Trump would follow advisor Stephen Miller, whose
pledge to end birthright through on his promise given his ideas were shaped by Krikorian’s
citizenship is a new low but record of sloppy executive orders Center for Immigration Studies
and their chaotic implementation. and other groups created by John
unlikely to be the end. Past orders were often blocked by Tanton — a well-connected white
courts. supremacist who fathered the
“I fear this will be one more modern nativist movement. But
JEAN GUERRERO example of him writing up an although Miller did push Trump in
executive order and either it fizzles a more hardline direction on over-
Donald Trump out or they don’t pursue it with the all immigration, he wasn’t able to
was the most anti- seriousness and professionalism it implement the full Tanton agenda
immigrant U.S. deserves,” Mark Krikorian, a lead because of his inexperience and an
president in nearly architect of the 21st century move- uphill battle in a White House with
100 years. He over- ment to strangle legal and illegal more moderate voices on the
saw a family sepa- immigration, told me. He frowns immigration issue, such as Jared
ration policy at the on Trump’s occasional expres- Kushner.
border that trau- sions of support for legal immigra- Miller remains loyal to Trump.
matized countless tion. But DeSantis is positioning him-
children and lost track of hun- “He’s not even a restrictionist,” self as more in line with Miller than
dreds of parents; slashed refugee he complained to me, criticizing Trump himself, who sometimes
admissions to record lows; gutted Trump’s failure to stop guest caved to pressure to temper his
access to asylum; and much more. worker and other visa programs. harsh positions, such as when he
But for some of the most influ- Krikorian heads the Center for called off family separations at the
ential U.S. nativists and white Immigration Studies, classified as border in response to national
nationalists — people Republican Josh Funk Associated Press an anti-immigrant hate group by outrage.
presidential candidates have FLORIDA Gov. Ron DeSantis at a rally in Iowa. He and Presi- the Southern Poverty Law Center Trump’s promise to end birth-
decided they need to court during dent Trump are competing for far-right nativists’ support. despite Krikorian’s claims to the right citizenship seeks to correct
and after the primary season — contrary. He prefers DeSantis over the notion that he’s the less ruth-
Trump’s crackdowns were not they criticized Trump’s decision to pseudo-intellectuals at Califor- Trump. less candidate. One shudders to
enough. Some see greater poten- host a Saudi-funded golf tourna- nia’s Claremont Institute, such as So do some open white nation- imagine how DeSantis will try to
tial in his top rival for the 2024 ment. Trump’s former lawyer John East- alists, who cheer on his policies one-up Trump’s threat. “Those
nomination, Florida Gov. Ron On Tuesday, Trump sought to man, a key player in the effort to and rhetoric online and see them two guys are in a white nationalist
DeSantis. reclaim his position as the No. 1 overturn the 2020 election who as signs that he’s more hostile arms race,” Chris Newman, legal
Can DeSantis successfully anti-immigrant crusader by also wrote an unhinged article toward overall immigration, which director for the National Day
co-opt Trump’s trademark issue? reviving one of the most extreme questioning Vice President Ka- is important for those who fear Laborer Organizing Network, told
DeSantis is trying to paint the ideas explored during his presi- mala Harris’ citizenship (it led to demographic change. me.
MAGA leader as soft on immigra- dency: an executive order ending an editors’ apology). DeSantis recently signed Sen- At the core of the GOP’s ever-
tion. birthright citizenship. If the Supreme Court ruled in ate Bill 1718, which turned Florida expanding multiverse of scape-
At the end of May, he attacked The proposed order, which he Trump’s favor — not impossible to into the most anti-immigrant goats are immigrant communities,
Trump as pro-amnesty for his promised to sign his first day in imagine — it would defy more than state in the nation. It makes it a who represent a real threat to
onetime support of a failed GOP office if reelected, would face im- a century of legal precedent. And it felony to give undocumented white male minority rule. The
bill that would have legalized some mediate legal challenges for its would create a shadow population people rides, jobs or shelter; re- GOP has proved it’s just getting
immigrants brought here as chil- clear violation of the Constitu- of millions of U.S.-born people who quires employers to verify workers’ started with persecution of them.
dren in exchange for more border tion’s 14th Amendment, which could be jailed and deported. In immigration statuses and invali- Whether it’s a Trump or DeSantis
militarization and cuts to legal guarantees citizenship to every- the eyes of restrictionists, it would dates certain out-of-state driver’s White House, itwould be worse
immigration. And last weekend, one born in the U.S. His plan relies all be worth it for a decline in “an- licenses for undocumented peo- than anything that came before.
DeSantis met with families of on a tortured reading of the chor babies,” their slur for the ple. DeSantis also banned sanctu-
victims of the 9/11 terror attacks as amendment from U.S.-born children of people who ary cities in his state. @jeanguerre

Why is COVID still killing

so many people in the U.S.?
who recently got a transplant — vaccination
Many immunocompromised and is safe and effective when timed carefully
around their treatment plans. If these
older Americans feel abandoned. higher-risk patients are hospitalized with
That’s a public health failure. COVID, early use of antivirals such as
BSIP Universal Images Group remdesivir with plasma and anti-inflamma-
HORMONE THERAPY drugs generally cost less than $100 a month. tion therapy can help them recover.
By Peter Chin-Hong Overall, the elderly population remains
most vulnerable: Currently more than 90%

With hormones, menopause any immunocompromised of COVID deaths are of people 65 years and

doesn’t have to be miserable M

stand why.
and older people are still ter-
rified of COVID. As a trans-
plant infectious disease doc-
older. However, given that immunity (as
measured by antibody response) wanes
fastest in that age group, it is likely the un-
tor on the front lines, I under- boosted who remain at highest risk, not the
entire population. And research suggests
In the first five months of 2023, COVID that giving Paxlovid to a greater number of
caused more than 37,000 deaths in the U.S., a eligible patients would reduce deaths.
American College of Obstetricians and typical toll from the flu in an entire year. Sci- All of this makes clear that COVID does
The government should expand Gynecologists, and many other national entists estimate an annual U.S. COVID not have to be so dire for older individuals if
and international organizations agree that death rate of at least 100,000, dwarfing other we ensure that more are up to date on boost-
use of the most common and the benefits outweigh the risks. infectious diseases. And the virus continues ers and have access to the full range of ther-
affordable therapy for symptoms Hormone therapy also has long-term to evolve: The highly transmissible XBB.1.16 apies.
health benefits. It prevents osteoporosis, subvariant (Arcturus), currently making up That points to two steps our political and
such as hot flashes. decreases the risk of Type 2 diabetes, and about 15% of cases nationally, is expected to public health leaders should take: First,
treats the genitourinary syndrome of meno- be the dominant strain by summer. Waste- more vigorously promote the recent biva-
pause, symptoms of which include painful water surveillance is also showing an uptick lent boosters, especially to populations that
By Jennifer Weiss-Wolf sex, urinary urgency and frequent recurrent in the virus in New York need it the most. Only
and Sharon Malone urinary tract infections. Other than treating City and elsewhere. 43% of those 65 and old-
hot flashes, additional benefits of Veozah, if Meanwhile, the fed- er, and 17% of Americans
here are an estimated 55 mil- any, and the long-term safety profile are un- eral public health total, have received

T lion women in menopause in the

United States today, the major-
ity of whom endure its most de-
bilitating symptoms in silence. It
doesn’t have to be so debilitating, and it
wouldn’t be if we could end the silence and
make even a handful of key policy changes.
It is true that not everyone is a candidate
for hormone therapy, including those with a
personal history of breast or uterine cancer,
a history of heart attack or stroke, or an in-
creased risk for developing blood clots. But
for millions in need of relief, hormones can
emergency ended last
month, and across the
country the pandemic
has moved to back of
mind. It’s not surprising
that the most vulnera-
ble feel left behind.
these boosters to date.
Second, reduce barriers
to Paxlovid and other
early therapy use. This
includes reeducating
clinicians about the
benefits and dispelling
Menopause has long been neglected by and should be a first-line option. Yet at the same time, exaggerated fears about
the mainstream medical establishment as Correcting the overblown fears of hor- health professionals are Paxlovid rebound
well as by lawmakers, employers, even the mone therapy requires an immediate optimistic about to- (symptoms re-emerge
media. All have failed to help women naviga- course correction. We recommend three day’s anti-COVID ar- after use of the medi-
te this inevitable life stage. New data from concrete reforms as a starting point. senal. Biomedical ad- cation for just a small
the Mayo Clinic show that the burden ex- First, the National Institutes of Health vances have revolution- percentage of patients,
tends far beyond the physical and physio- must not only clarify current data and re- ized our ability to and illness can return
logical effects and also has huge economic tract its prior warnings, but also design and thwart serious disease Sam Hodgson San Diego Union-Tribune even for people who
consequences, with an estimated $1.8 billion begin a new modern initiative that can as- and death from the THE NATIONAL emergency to didn’t take the drug).
in lost earnings for menopausal women per sess the long-term benefits of hormone virus, even as it mu- tackle the virus ended in May. Providers should help
year. therapy and accurately assess its risks. This tates. The bivalent vac- patients, especially
There was a bit of encouraging news last is a move that can be directed and funded by cines are about 70% effective at preventing those at high risk, develop a Paxlovid plan
month: The Food and Drug Administration Congress: Last fall, for the first time, Con- hospitalization and death, and if taken in so they know how to get it, what drug inter-
approved a new non-hormonal oral drug to gress stepped up and introduced the Meno- the first five days of infection, Paxlovid or actions to watch out for and any alterna-
treat vasomotor symptoms of menopause pause Research Act of 2022 to initiate this remdesivir are as much as 90% effective. Pa- tives to Paxlovid they can take.
— better known as hot flashes. As many as very process; an updated version of the bill tients hospitalized in 2023 encounter a fine- In addition, the federal government
80% of women experience hot flashes, with a will be introduced in the near future. tuned litany of antivirals and anti-inflam- should continue to provide funding so that
disproportionate effect on Black women, for Second, the FDA must end its outdated matory agents. We are at the lowest point in all communities including the uninsured
whom the symptoms of menopause last requirement to label all estrogen products the pandemic for hospitalizations and have access to testing, vaccines and early
longer and are experienced more intensely. with a “black box warning.” That mandate is deaths, and the average person being in- therapy. Initiatives to keep improving our
Among the profound short- and long-term based on widely misinterpreted data in old- fected with COVID now has mild symptoms. COVID arsenal, such as the $5-billion Proj-
health consequences of hot flashes are sleep er populations who were using systemic es- Many of the protections we’ve developed ect NextGen to promote development of
disruption, mood disturbances, brain fog trogen. It would be reasonable to remove can help most at-risk people. vaccines and therapeutics, must be ex-
and increased risk for cardiovascular dis- the warning from low-dose vaginal estrogen So, why are so many people still dying? panded.
ease. products. And how do we reconcile those numbers Finally, public health leaders need to im-
Those who suffer from hot flashes de- And third, menopause treatments need with the vast improvements in our COVID prove communications — both to combat
serve innovation and investment in a wide to be accessible and affordable for everyone tools? misinformation and to make the public
array of options, such as this latest market — meaning that all private and public This disparity points to a continued pub- more aware of available resources. For ex-
entry, a pill to be sold under the trade name health insurance programs must ensure lic health failure to take full advantage of ample, the Centers for Disease Control and
Veozah. We are heartened to see the FDA coverage. This mandate applies especially these tools and to communicate the evolv- Prevention still provides a map of COVID
clear the path for new treatments. But this to Veozah, which will cost a hefty $550 for a ing risks in this phase of the pandemic. risk for counties nationwide. During high
move also calls for an urgent caveat — and a 30-day supply. (Hormone therapy runs $30 COVID never treated all groups equally, and levels of hospitalizations in their communi-
broader call to action. to $90 per month.) some older people and immunocompro- ty, everyone should wear a well-fitting high-
It is imperative that attempts to pro- Menopause policy should be about equi- mised individuals still face the highest risk quality mask. Vulnerable populations
mote sales of Veozah do not pit it against or ty — health, economic, age and gender — of serious illness. But the calculus is nu- should mask during medium levels and con-
present it as a safer, superior option to es- and enabling people to make truly informed anced, especially in light of treatment ad- sider wearing masks in any crowded indoor
trogen and estrogen-progestin therapy, also decisions and live their best lives. It requires vances that should be used to protect more areas or on public transit.
known as menopause hormone therapy. A robust public discourse, thorough and people. We all need to be sensitive to the needs
decades-old study misrepresented and transparent research, and a firm political To start, the immunosuppressed popu- and fears of those among us who are at risk
overgeneralized the risks of hormone ther- commitment to prioritize women’s full and lation is diverse. Most of these individuals, of serious illness from COVID. We still have
apy, creating unfounded fears for an entire fair representation at all ages and life stages. including patients on immunosuppressive work to do — but there’s less reason than
generation. medications such as corticosteroids and ever that COVID should exist in parallel uni-
Simply but emphatically stated: Hor- Jennifer Weiss-Wolf is the executive biologics, respond well to the COVID vac- verses. Far more people could be getting
mone therapy is not only the most effective director of NYU Law’s Birnbaum Women’s cines, which do offer them a strong layer of protection and treatment.
treatment for hot flashes, but also the most Leadership Network and the author of protection. Even for severely immunocom-
cost-effective one. For symptomatic women “Periods Gone Public: Taking a Stand for promised people — namely a fraction of Peter Chin-Hong is a professor of
who initiate hormone therapy before age 60 Menstrual Equity.” Sharon Malone is the those with malignancies or autoimmune medicine and an infectious disease doctor
or within 10 years of their last period, the chief medical advisor of the telehealth disorders who take a drug that depletes specializing in immunocompromised
North American Menopause Society, the company Alloy Women’s Health. their antibody response, as well as patients patients at UC San Francisco. @PCH_SF
A12 MO N DAY , J U N E 5 , 2 0 23 S L AT I M E S . C O M

Will Congress deliver aid for homelessness?

[Earmarks, from A1]
Bass asked every mem-
ber of the House and Senate
who represents Los Angeles
to use one of their allotted 15
annual earmark requests on
a project relating to the
homelessness and housing
crisis that her team had
identified in their district.
The $40 million in requests,
according to Bass’ office,
amounts to crumbs in the
multitrillion-dollar federal
Next year, though, with
more time and planning,
Bass hopes she can coordi-
nate more requests.
“It’s important for the
city to look for resources
from every level of the public
sector, and this is one
method of bringing re-
sources to the city from the
federal government,” Bass
told The Times.
“I served in Congress for
10 years before we got com-
munity projects, and, unfor-
tunately, I only had two
years’ worth,” Bass said. “I
wish that I had been able to
deliver resources directly to
the district the entire 12
years I was there.”
Nearly $20 million — or
about half the funding that
the L.A. delegation and Cali-
fornia’s senators are re-
questing — would go to aug-
menting Inside Safe — her
signature effort to move un-
housed Angelenos into ho- Irfan Khan Los Angeles Times
tels, motels and other facili- L.A. IS SEEKING $40 million in congressional earmarks to address the homelessness crisis. Above, an unhoused person in Beverly Hills.
“This is a more direct way quests are buffeted by twin substance use treatment called in an interview send- Earmarks were banned in ive housing complex in Can-
to get to the finish line,” said challenges and uncertain- and in one instance a ing Obama a letter chiding 2011 during the apex of the oga Park. He also requested
Sen. Alex Padilla, who, along ties. $10-million request from the president for doing conservative tea party $3 million to help nonprofit
with Feinstein, put in the Republicans, who con- Rep. Jimmy Gomez (D-Los something that would pre- movement and after scan- Hope of the Valley buy 30
funding requests for Inside trol the House and the Angeles) to demolish a city- vent members like her from dals over spending that was units of modular housing.
Safe. budget process, want to re- owned parking structure so bringing resources to her deemed excessive. But since Since earmarks re-
These asks are the first duce federal government it can be replaced with a sup- community. they returned, more turned, Sherman has ob-
step in a long process that spending. And the recently portive housing project. On any number of policy members of the GOP have tained about $11 million for
will determine what makes it announced deal to allow the In the case of Gower debates, the top three been using them. housing projects. Sherman
into the final spending bill federal government to con- Street Apartments, a $4- Democratic rivals in the Her objection to ear- is unapologetic in the view
later this year. There are no tinue borrowing money in- million funding request Senate race hold many of the marks drew the ire of several that if the federal govern-
guarantees, and even some cludes caps on spending for came from Rep. Adam B. same views, but here’s a rare Democratic colleagues who ment is going to spend mon-
reasons to worry. domestic programs like the Schiff (D-Burbank) — who is subject where they differ. accused Porter of grand- ey, it should be spent either
Still, Bass is hopeful. ones that would fund home- running to replace Feinstein Schiff and Lee are all in on standing and opening up in or near his district, and
Since 2021, California’s con- lessness. in a field that includes two earmarks. Porter is the only members to criticism from the Northridge Democrat is
gressional delegation — Last fiscal year, spending Democratic congressional House Democrat who didn’t Republicans, according to more than happy to have any
even some Republicans — on earmarks was capped at colleagues, Reps. Barbara submit any requests during multiple sources who were federal money Porter for-
has won earmarks to reno- 1% of discretionary spend- Lee of Oakland and Katie the last Congress. granted anonymity to speak goes for her Orange County
vate affordable housing, ing, and this year, under Re- Porter of Irvine. In an inter- Her opposition to what freely about another mem- district diverted to the San
build new shelters and fund publicans, the cap is much view, Schiff said the ear- many conservative mem- ber. Fernando Valley.
a litany of programs to help less. Because they’re in the marks allow him to have a di- bers call “pork” represents Fellow members were “Porter won’t use them?
homeless people. majority, Republicans are rect effect on the community one of the clearest differenc- particularly incensed be- For God’s sakes, that money
“The process was sort of expected to get a larger pro- he serves. es between the Irvine con- cause her initial dissent should go to the Valley,”
made more coherent, and portion of the earmarks His office has sought out gresswoman, who won in a came in the form of an op-ed Sherman said. “I think I
more transparent,” said awarded even though their projects that might have a hotly contested swing dis- in the Wall Street Journal. know the Valley better than
Steve Berg, chief policy offi- members put in far fewer re- gap in their funding and help trict, and her two opponents Several members of the Cali- anybody else here in Wash-
cer for the National Alliance quests. vulnerable populations. who represent safe Demo- fornia delegation noted that ington.”
to End Homelessness. These changes — includ- “My feeling is if I can help cratic territory. when earmarks returned, Like Sherman and oth-
“There’s always some things ing limiting the scope of my constituents, I’m going Porter argues this there were new restrictions ers, Rep. Sydney Kamlager
that the community really what sort of projects can be to do it, and that’s more valu- method of funding can be a on what was eligible and (D-Los Angeles) appreciat-
needs that none of the fed- approved — have made it able to me than a talking wellspring of corruption, cit- more disclosure require- ed the nudge she got from
eral programs are paying for. more challenging to make point,” Schiff said. ing former Rep. Randy ments, as well as a ban on Bass — whom she replaced
The earmarks can be used to the requests, members said. Lee has also put in a slew “Duke” Cunningham (R- funds going to for-profit en- in Congress and called after
fill that out.” Connecticut Rep. Rosa of requests, including one re- Rancho Sante Fe), who went tities. they both took office to talk
Last year, when Demo- DeLauro, the ranking quest for about $3 million to to prison for taking millions “I salute the guardrails. I about earmarks and home-
crats controlled Congress, Democrat on the House Ap- be spent on an interim in bribes to direct earmarks think they are an improve- lessness.
the final budget included propriations Committee, homeless navigation center to certain projects. ment. But at the end of the The mayor asked Kam-
about $9 billion of earmarks, warned colleagues in a mid- with shelter and housing “The folks in the adminis- day,” Porter said, “am I bet- lager to put in a request for
with about $775 million go- May letter that earmark re- units in San Leandro. trative branch have all the ter situated than the Army about $1.8 million that would
ing to California and $1.75 bil- quests could be whacked by She has a history of de- data on what programs Corps of Engineers ... to be used on renovations of a
lion flowing nationwide to as much as 70%. fending earmarks, even work best, and where the know where coastal restora- building in her district that
“efforts to prevent home- Despite the uncertainty, when it puts her at odds with money is most needed, and tion work needs to occur?” houses formerly homeless
lessness, expand affordable Bass continues getting proj- her own party’s leader. Dur- how best to deliver it,” Rep. Brad Sherman’s people. She put in another
housing, and improve com- ects primed and ready to go ing his 2011 State of the Porter said. “I think they are eyes bulged when he was request for $2.6 million to
munity infrastructure,” ac- in case the funding is ap- Union address, President better positioned and can do told of his Democratic col- help a synagogue in her dis-
cording to a U.S. Govern- proved. Obama said he would veto it in a more transparent and league’s opposition to these trict build 55 units of subsi-
ment Accountability Office A portion of the money any bill containing earmarks fair way.” earmarks. At Bass’ behest, dized apartments for sen-
report. This year’s budget the mayor has gotten former in an effort to “rebuild peo- Porter’s opposition put the longtime San Fernando iors.
includes about $15 billion in colleagues to request would ple’s faith in the institution her in line with many of her Valley congressman put in a “She called and said, ‘I
earmarks. go toward renovations, of government.” Lee disa- Republican colleagues who request for $3.8 million to need your help,’ ” Kamlager
This year, earmark re- funding pilot programs for greed with this move and re- rail against the programs. renovate a 42-unit support- said.

L.A. may look into requiring AC in all rental units

[Cooling, from A1] been advocating for solu- cooling standards.
motion Wednesday, and it is tions, especially ... in the City leaders directed staff
expected to come back for home, but it’s just not hap- to study an update to the
public input. pening fast enough.” housing code and explore
A 2021 Times investiga- Morales’ group last year potential programs to help
tion found that 3,900 deaths supported Assembly Bill low- and middle-income
were caused by extreme 2597, which sought to update families pay for the installa-
heat in California from 2010 the state’s building code to tion and operation of an AC
to 2019. But access to lifesav- set a safe maximum indoor unit.
ing cooling devices and the temperature in new and ex- Fred Sutton, senior vice
ability to cover the costs of isting dwelling units. Units president of local public af-
electricity during a heat found without cooling op- fairs for the California
wave are often out of reach tions would be deemed sub- Apartment Assn., said ten-
for low-income and elderly standard, according to the ants are aware of the ameni-
residents on a fixed income. bill, which failed to become ties available when they sign
As part of the proposed law. a lease.
study, the council asked staff The proposed code up- Those tenants can and
to determine which build- date was meant to address should approach their land-
ings lack submeters, devices workers who live in sub- lords if they want to have a
that allow utility companies standard housing condi- cooling device installed in
to track power consumption tions, where temperatures their units, he said.
on a unit-by-unit basis, and often become so hot that But mandating that all
also the difference in costs units are unsafe to live in, rental units have a cooling
between installing wall air Morales said. device would push the cost
conditioning units versus a But Leadership Counsel onto the landlords and the
central air system for an en- was not focused solely on air tenants, Sutton said.
tire building. Jason Armond Los Angeles Times conditioners. It pushed for “I heard a lot from the city
Currently, air condition- KAREN TAPIA cools off her daughter Jessalyn with a fan during a September improved insulation, in- about subsidies for tenants
ers or central air are not re- 2022 heat wave because their Los Angeles home lacked air conditioning. creased shade through land- facing extra utility costs,”
quired to ensure a rental scaping, heat pumps and Sutton said. “But what cost
unit is habitable in Califor- heat wave, when tempera- keeps getting hotter,” But to advocates — such roofs designed to reflect would that work mean for
nia, according to the state tures topped 100 degrees. Wingate said sarcastically. as housing policy coordina- sunlight. AC units were not the building and the [land-
building standards code. She hasn’t thought about California laid the tor Jovana Morales with an emphasis because they lords]?”
The lack of an air condi- the lack of a cooling device groundwork for an extreme Leadership Counsel for Jus- generate greenhouse gas The Los Angeles Depart-
tioner didn’t bother Juliana this year, but now that it’s heat action plan last year tice and Accountability, a emissions. ment of Water and Power of-
Wingate when she and her getting warm again she’s and earmarked $800 million Central Valley advocacy “Many of the older build- fers options for low-income
husband moved into their wondering if it would be bet- to address the issue, but also group — it feels like the em- ings just don’t have that residents through the Cool
apartment last year near ter to just leave their second- saw a proposal to establish a phasis on addressing cli- cooling mechanism, and so LA program it launched last
MacArthur Park. Then in story apartment. chief heat officer fail in the mate change and strength- our bill would have required summer. Those include sub-
late August a record-break- “Clearly, if that’s not pos- state Assembly. ening heat waves is often ig- to set an indoor maximum sidies to help pay electric
ing heat wave hit and sible, I will bring it up with A statewide warning and nored until summer rolls air temperature,” Morales bills during a heat wave, re-
Wingate felt miserable. our landlord,” Wingate said. ranking system for extreme around and reminds every- said. bates to offset costs and
“Our cat spent most of It’s unclear if that would heat events is expected to one of the danger. Older buildings are often other resources.
his time in our bathtub be- mean her rent would go up, launch by 2025, providing “I just don’t feel like there the only units low-income The requested report is
cause it was so much cooler,” but she’s not sure she could general information to the is urgency in the Legisla- families can afford, Morales expected to be presented to
said Wingate, who recalls stick it out for another sum- public, much like the way ture,” Morales said. “You said, and they would benefit the City Council’s Housing
feeling lightheaded and nau- mer. other states respond to hur- know ... we’ve been working the most from updates to and Homelessness Commit-
seated during the 10-day “I love that every year just ricanes. on this, and people have the housing code to require tee in the next several weeks.

CALIFORNIA M O N D AY , J U N E 5 , 2 0 2 3 :: L A T I M E S . C O M / C A L I F O R N I A

Video shows
inmate’s head
slammed into
wall by deputy
usually remains unseen by
Attack on handcuffed the public as most jail videos
are protected from disclo-
man appears to be sure.
unprovoked. Photos After reviewing the
footage of the July 2022 beat-
show a bloody injury. ing and photos of its after-
math, the public defenders’
By Keri Blakinger union said it was both trou-
bling and indicative of the
A Los Angeles County brutality people face in Los
sheriff ’s deputy was caught Angeles jails.
on a jail surveillance camera “We continue to be horri-
slamming a handcuffed in- fied by the violence being
mate’s head into a concrete perpetrated against our cli-
wall at the Men’s Central Jail ents and community mem-
with no apparent provoca- bers by LASD deputies in
tion. the jails,” said Meredith
The newly released 15- Gallen, a member of the
second video was obtained union’s board of directors.
by the American Civil Liber- The Los Angeles County

Proud as ties Union. Photos taken af-

ter the incident show the un-
identified man covered in
Sheriff ’s Department,
meanwhile, confirmed that
the case is currently under
a peacock blood with a deep, gaping
head wound roughly 3 inch-
investigation by the Internal
Criminal Investigations Bu-
es long and nearly half an reau, which will present its
Participants wave the inch wide. findings to local prose-
colors of the pride flag “I just lack the words to cutors. Once the district at-
articulate how shocking this torney’s office has decided
during the WeHo Pride
is,” said Corene Kendrick, whether to prosecute, the
Parade on Sunday in deputy director of the sheriff ’s Internal Affairs Bu-
West Hollywood. At ACLU’s National Prison reau will determine whether
right, Academy Award- Project, which sues troubled one or both deputies in-
nominated actor Me- jails and prisons. “To call volved in the incident should
lissa McCarthy flashes that video barbaric is an in- be subject to discipline or
her colors while partak- sult to barbarians. It’s a won- termination.
der that that man isn’t In the meantime, Assist-
ing in the festivities. dead.” ant Sheriff Sergio Aloma —
Together, the photos and who oversees the county’s
video offer a rare glimpse of jails — told The Times in a
the violence meted out by text message Saturday that
deputies that has been the two deputies involved
documented for decades in- have been relieved of duty
side the Los Angeles jails. with pay.
Though that sort of violence “This case is currently
behind bars is the crux of a under investigation,” he
decade-old class-action law- said.
Photographs by Genaro Molina Los Angeles Times suit against the county, it [See Video, B2]

Guatemalan voters Jaw-dropping great white shark report

upset after forum By Christian Martinez
people’s perception of the
risk sharks pose to people
that share the ocean with
when it comes to national If you swam off the coast them.”
L.A. event drew only politics. of Santa Barbara or San Di- During the two-year
Twenty-three candidates ego recently, chances are you study, researchers used
three of 23 candidates are vying for the top office of had company. You just may drones to study more than
running for president the profoundly troubled not have noticed. two dozen beaches up and
Central American nation. A new study from Cal down the California coast-
in their home country. They will be chasing the State Long Beach found line.
89,554 registered voters who that juvenile white sharks Juvenile white sharks,
By Soudi Jiménez reside on U.S. soil. The met- are more common at some those ages 1 to 5, were found
ropolitan triangle that com- California beaches than pre- congregating at two spots in
Guatemalans living in prises Los Angeles, Long viously thought. southern Santa Barbara
the United States could help Beach and Santa Ana is Although the news may County and central San Di-
sway their homeland’s poli- home to the largest share of conjure up images of Steven ego County.
tics when they vote in its the U.S. Guatemalan dias- Spielberg’s film “Jaws,” sci- At those locations,
June 25 presidential elec- pora, about 230,000 people entists say it should instead sharks and people were
tion. out of a total estimated to be be a reminder of how rare found swimming together
But despite the dias- as large as 1.6 million. shark bites are. 97% of the time, according to
pora’s potential clout, only a But the dismal turnout “It’s not just about findings released Friday.
few candidates turned out for the third presidential fo- sharks, it’s about people,” “The juvenile white
for a May 5 candidate forum rum — organized by the Christopher Lowe, professor sharks were often observed
in Los Angeles. That left Guatemalan Migrant Net- of marine biology at Cal within 50 yards of where the
Southern California’s Gua- work and held at the Church State Long Beach and direc- waves break, putting surfers
temalan community frus- of Scientology’s Celebrity tor of the school’s Shark Carlos Gauna Cal State Long Beach and stand-up paddle board-
trated and angry, feelings Centre International in Hol- Lab, said in a statement. JUVENILE great white sharks are more common ers in the closest proximity
that many know all too well [See Guatemala, B5] “This study may change just offshore than previously thought, a study says. [See Sharks, B6]

JFK’s speech at

California proves the case for strict gun laws San Diego State
Kennedy’s graduation
visit in 1963 lifted civil
rights discourse and
helped the campus
Lower firearm death rate shows that restrictions work; in lenient states, the toll is higher boost its stature. B2

Pressure over
in sacramento insurance fines
Newsom backs off his
Fewer guns plus more gun control add up to promise to use money
less gun carnage. That’s logical. And it’s a to help offset steep
fact. cost of healthcare for
California is proof. low-income people. B3
So is Mississippi.
We’re a state with arguably the nation’s Huerta wants
strictest gun laws. And we’ve got one of the statue removed
lowest rates of gun deaths.
States with lax gun controls have some of the highest Labor leader calls for
gun death rates. Many are Southern red states. Starting sculpture of former
with Mississippi. Gov. Pete Wilson to be
“We must be doing something right,” says Garen Winte- expelled from down-
mute, director of the UC Firearms Violence Research Pro- town San Diego. B3
“I don’t think it’s a coincidence that our gun violence rate
Exide records
has dropped much more than the rest of the country. My will be released
suspicion is that our robust regulatory system has a lot to Agency announces it
do with it.” will publish details of
Wintemute is a career researcher, as well as an emer- work done to remove
gency room doctor who has treated countless gunshot lead-contaminated
wounds. He tends to be cautious with his rhetoric. soil near the plant. B5
But not so much the Giffords Law Center to Prevent Gun
Myung J. Chun Los Angeles Times Violence, which doesn’t mince words. Lottery ...................... B2
“OVERALL, CALIFORNIA has the strongest gun safety laws in the nation and It grades California with an “A” for gun control. “Overall, Weather .................... B6
has been a trailblazer,” the Giffords Law Center said. Above, a gun shop in Carson. [See Skelton, B6]
B2 MO N DAY , J U N E 5 , 2 0 23 L AT I M E S . C O M

For JFK and San Diego State, a win-win

cided to push the envelope
Kennedy’s 1963 visit by inviting Kennedy to
speak at commencement
raised the campus’ and giving him an honorary
stature and aided civil Doctor of Laws.
They thought that might
rights discourse. pave the way for the college
to begin offering joint doc-
By John Wilkens torates with UC campuses.
And that’s what happened
SAN DIEGO — Sixty soon after, when San Diego
years ago, President Ken- State paired with UC San
nedy came to town and got Diego for PhDs in chemistry.
used by administrators at Other joint doctorates fol-
San Diego State. lowed.
He didn’t mind. He was “Kennedy didn’t know all
using them, too. that, so in a sense he was be-
The date was June 6, 1963. ing used,” Mallios said. “But
The occasion was gradua- he used the platform for his
tion, with some 30,000 peo- own purposes, too. Every-
ple at the Aztec Bowl. A U.S. one’s using everyone else.”
president had never spoken He draws a line connect-
on campus before. None has ing Kennedy’s appearance
spoken on campus since. and SDSU’s ongoing efforts
Kennedy had survived to join the ranks of the na-
the Cuban Missile Crisis tion’s top public research
eight months earlier. He schools. Doctoral students
would not survive an assas- are essential to research
sin’s bullets in Dallas five grants, which the school is
months later. increasingly adept at ob-
He was thinking a lot taining. It received $164.5
about civil rights and how million in funding in fiscal
education could be a vehicle 2021, the most of any CSU
for equality and justice. In campus, and a record for
five days, he would give a Special Collections and University Archives, San Diego State University Library SDSU.
televised national address PRESIDENT KENNEDY addresses about 30,000 people during commencement at San Diego State’s Aztec As an anthropologist,
on the subject, paving the Bowl on June 6, 1963. A U.S. president had not spoken on campus before; none has spoken on campus since. Mallios cherishes artifacts,
way for major changes in fed- the physical objects that
eral law that happened after The Aztec Bowl is no close enough to put her right help tell the story of a time
he was killed. more, mostly demolished in hand on the president’s face. and place. There aren’t that
At San Diego State, he 1995 to make way for Viejas His speech was about the many from Kennedy’s visit.
drew contrasts between Arena. A granite monument “importance of education as The campus newspaper.
what California spent on ed- with a plaque commemo- the basis for the mainte- The commencement pro-
ucation and what Missis- rates the presidential visit. nance of an effective, free so- gram. A few tickets.
sippi did. He was trying out But the legacy of that day ciety,” and he started by “There’s one thing that
ideas, connecting dots in endures, according to Seth lauding California’s invest- drives me crazy,” he said.
ways that might have proved Mallios, an SDSU an- ment in schools. “JFK left his cap and gown
incendiary if done in the thropology professor and “You recognize that a free with the university. Officials
Deep South. campus historian. society places special bur- here said they gave it to the
“No country can possibly “It is,” he said, “the most dens upon any free citizen,” chancellor’s office [in Long
move ahead,” he said, “no important event in the insti- he said. “To govern is to Beach]. They don’t have it.
free society can possibly be tution’s history.” choose, and the ability to So no cap and gown.
sustained, unless it has an make those choices wise and Wouldn’t that have been
educated citizenry whose Going off script responsible and prudent re- something?”
qualities of mind and heart Kennedy liked the plat- quires the best of all of us.” Kennedy was famous for
permit it to take part in the form of college speeches. Then he pivoted to talk his hair, and he hated hats,
complicated and increas- Two weeks before he came to about where the investment so he kept the graduation
ingly sophisticated deci- San Diego, he addressed a in education was lacking, cap on for only a few sec-
sions that pour not only up- crowd at Vanderbilt Uni- and asked whether “all onds, Mallios said. That only
on the president and upon versity in Nashville and Americans have an equal adds to its storytelling
the Congress, but upon all talked about the obligations chance to develop their in- power.
the citizens who exercise the of citizenship and the rule of tellectual qualities.” His an- Bob Redding San Diego Union-Tribune And Mallios has thought
ultimate power.” law. swer was no, because of per- MEMBERS of the Congress of Racial Equality gather about this particular story a
Campus administrators Four days after his ad- sistent poverty and racism. during Kennedy’s motorcade through San Diego. lot. It came to mind when he
and faculty members were dress at San Diego State, he “We must recognize that was in Houston on April 1
thinking about the future, was at American University segregation in education, couldn’t give in the North or who had pushed for better and he watched the Aztecs
too — a future in which the in Washington, D.C., outlin- and I mean de facto segre- the South,” the professor organization, the Donahoe men’s basketball team ad-
college would be able to ex- ing plans for a treaty with gation in the North as well as said. “He deliberately Act established a framework vance to the national cham-
pand its mission by offering the Soviet Union to ban nu- the proclaimed segregation chooses the West. California for eligibility in the state’s pionship game on a last-sec-
doctoral degrees and by clear arms tests. in the South, brings with it was that sweet spot.” various systems — Uni- ond shot by Lamont Butler.
bringing in research money. In San Diego, he got to serious handicaps to a large The president wasn’t the versity of California, Califor- “Is this,” he wondered,
To get their foot in that the campus via El Cajon proportion of the popula- only one with an agenda. nia State, community col- “going to top Kennedy’s
door, they hatched a plan to Boulevard, riding in the tion,” he said. leges — and set goals for ac- speech as the most signifi-
give the president an honor- same convertible car that To Mallios, the SDSU his- Pushing an envelope cessibility and affordability. cant event in school his-
ary PhD, the first ever would take him through torian, “This was a brash Three years before Ken- It also detailed what tory?”
awarded by a school in what Dealey Plaza on the day he speech. In 1963, civil rights nedy came to San Diego, would happen where. The Maybe if the shot had
was known then as the Cali- was shot. Thousands stood was not a done deal. Here he California legislators University of California won the championship, he
fornia State College system. on the sidewalks to see him, was, making the connection adopted a master plan for would be the primary re- decided. Which it didn’t.
(The campus had joined some carrying signs sup- between education and civil higher education. search system and award (The Aztecs lost the title
three years earlier; in 1970, its porting various causes. A rights, at a time when that It was designed to bring bachelor’s degrees, master’s game two days later.)
name was changed to San photo of him passing by intersection was where a lot order to chaos. With more degrees and doctorates. Cal- “JFK’s visit is like the cen-
Diego State University.) Rudford’s Restaurant still of the conflict in the South and more baby boomers ifornia State campuses ter of a Venn diagram, with
Kennedy accepted the adorns the diner, which is happened. He’s deliberately reaching college age, com- would focus on instruction one circle the national im-
degree happily, drawing marking the 60th anniversa- trying to make the case for munities across the state in the liberal arts and scien- portance of what he’s talk-
chuckles when he said, “I ry this year with special democratic ideals.” were clamoring for their own ces and award bachelor’s ing about and the other the
want to express a very warm events, including a weeklong Mallios said parts of the campuses, and those that al- and master’s degrees. significance of the honorary
sense of appreciation for the “JFK breakfast special.” speech went off script from ready had them were com- The boundaries on all doctorate to SDSU’s future,”
honor that you have given to At the college, security the prepared remarks han- peting for various degrees that were fuzzy, though, and he said.
me today, to be an instant wasn’t what it is now. The ded out to the media before- and programs. San Diego State, led by the
graduate of this distin- university’s archives include hand. Named after an assem- late Henry Janssen, a politi- Wilkens writes for the San
guished college.” a photo of a woman who got “It was a speech he blywoman from Bakersfield cal science professor, de- Diego Union-Tribune.

Lottery results
Tonight’s Powerball Jackpot:
$269 million
Sales close at 7 p.m.
Deputy seen slamming inmate’s head into wall
For Saturday, June 3, 2023
[Video, from B1] “Notwithstanding each
SuperLotto Plus The beginning of the of these issues, the depart-
Mega number is Bold
video — dated July 4, 2022 — ment fully recognizes that
7-19-30-37-43—Mega 16 shows two deputies casually head strikes are potentially
Jackpot: $64 million talking in a hallway inside dangerous,” lawyers for the
Winners per category: Men’s Central Jail. There’s county wrote. “It has agreed
No. of Amount no sound, so it’s unclear to take those steps neces-
winners of prize(s) what they’re saying, but it sary to mitigate the health
5 + Mega 0 —
appears they’re waiting for a effects of head strikes when
5 4 $12,140
man to come out of his cell. they do occur.”
4 + Mega 15 $1,618
4 386 $104
About seven seconds in, a Creating mandatory
3 + Mega 597 $61 cell door on the right side of minimum punishments,
3 16,476 $10 the hallway slides open and they said, would be “unfair”
2 + Mega 8,131 $11 a man walks out calmly, his and couldn’t be imposed
1 + Mega 40,501 $2 hands already restrained without violating collective
Mega only 62,552 $1 behind his back. bargaining rights.
One of the deputies grabs Plus, the lawyers wrote,
Powerball him, and the man seems to since taking office in Decem-
Powerball number is bold
pull away slightly as he tries ber, Sheriff Robert Luna has
15-45-64-67-68—Powerball 18 to continue walking. already taken steps to in-
Jackpot: $262 million Suddenly, a deputy slams crease accountability and
California winners per category: the man’s head into the con- has been working “to ensure
No. of Amount crete wall, and both men that deputies who engage in
winners of prize(s) tackle him. A third deputy wrongdoing at the jails are
5 + P-ball 0 — comes running just as the vi- Al Seib Los Angeles Times held accountable for their
5 1 $183,748 deo cuts off, so it’s unclear DEPUTIES move an inmate in 2019. A 15-second security video showed an L.A. actions.”
4 + P-ball 0 — how long the violence con- County sheriff’s deputy slamming an inmate’s head into a concrete wall in 2022. The Rosas case is one of
4 68 $345
tinued. three major lawsuits involv-
3 + P-ball 141 $173
3 3,311 $8
ACLU lawyers said the lawsuit alleging that “de- lawyers say the department use-of-force policies and ing the Los Angeles jails, the
2 + P-ball 2,876 $9 inmate survived, but that grading, cruel and sadistic has still not fulfilled all the banning deputies from oldest of which has been on-
1 + P-ball 22,643 $5 they did not know his name deputy attacks on inmates” requirements of the 2015 punching inmates in the going since the mid-1970s.
P-ball only 56,631 $4 or the name of either deputy had become a common oc- agreement. head unless it’s a situation That case — which is also be-
Winning jackpot ticket(s) sold in other involved. The lawyers did currence — one that they A report written earlier that could require deadly ing handled by the ACLU —
states: None not reveal the source of the said top Sheriff ’s Depart- this year by court-appointed force. is currently focused on
video, which they said is jail ment officials had known monitors tasked with mak- In its own filings, the abysmal living conditions in
For Sunday, June 4, 2023 surveillance video that did about and failed to address. ing sure the jails meet their county objected to both of the Inmate Reception Cen-
Fantasy Five: 1-11-17-19-23 not come from the Sheriff ’s Many of the beatings meted end of the agreement offered those suggestions. ter, where last year lawyers
Department directly. out by deputies, the suit al- stark findings, saying that Creating a stricter policy discovered that severely
Daily Four: 0-2-6-7
Late Friday, the civil leged, were “far more severe the monitors had stopped against hitting inmates in mentally ill inmates were
Daily Three (midday): 6-1-0 rights group posted the vi- than the infamous 1991 beat- seeing any progress. the head was an “extreme” routinely being left chained
Daily Three (evening): 6-2-2 deo online, days after re- ing of Rodney King.” “It is time for the jail cul- and “unwarranted” suggest- to benches and chairs for
leasing a photo of the After three years of legal ture to stop supporting be- ion, lawyers for the county days at a time.
Daily Derby: wounded man as part of a wrangling, in 2015 the in- haviors that are forbidden wrote. On top of that, the de- A judge ordered the jail to
(3) Hot Shot flurry of court filings entered mates — represented by the by policy,” the monitors partment already tightened limit that practice, and
(11) Money Bags last week in a long-standing ACLU — and the county wrote. its policy last year — and make several other changes
(2) Lucky Star
lawsuit over allegations of came to an agreement about That’s why the inmates’ now the number of incidents — though this year the
Race time: 1:48.39
persistent overuse of force specific changes the Sher- lawyers asked the county to involving deputies punching county admitted that jailers
Results on the internet: against inmates in the Los iff ’s Department would make some changes to its inmates in the head is down had instead begun tethering Angeles County jails. make to reduce the number plan for improvement — to one a month at each of the people to gurneys. That case
General information: That case, known as of beatings behind bars. such as creating mandatory three downtown jails, as is now scheduled for a con-
(800) 568-8379 Rosas vs. Luna, began in But now, eight years later, minimum punishments for compared with two a month tempt hearing later this
(Results not available at this number) 2012 when inmates filed a outside experts and ACLU deputies who violate certain at each facility two years ago. month.
L AT I M E S . C O M M O N DAY , J U N E 5 , 2 0 23 B3


Allies press Newsom on health insurance fines

the uninsured in 2020, rais- of monthly premiums are on a deal advocates secured
Governor backs off ing an estimated $1.1 billion sufficient. And, in the face of with state Democratic law-
over the first three years — a projected $32-billion state makers last year to reduce or
promise to use money and the Newsom adminis- budget deficit, Newsom says eliminate out-of-pocket
to help offset costs for tration projects it will bring California cannot afford to costs in Covered California
in more than $700 million spend the money to further and scrap deductibles en-
low-income residents. more over the next two reduce out-of-pocket costs. tirely for a mid-tier plan.
years, bringing the proj- He argues spending the “We need to make sure
By Angela Hart ected five-year total to money to slash deductibles, people not only have health
$1.8 billion, according to the for instance, would be coverage, but that they can
SACRAMENTO — When state Department of Fi- “unsustainable.” His pro- also afford to actually use it,”
Gov. Gavin Newsom took of- nance. Democratic leaders posed budget would instead said Ronald Coleman
fice four years ago, the said Newsom’s tactic of keep the money for the Baeza, a healthcare lobbyist
Democrat went after Re- holding back the money state’s general fund, to be with the California Pan-Eth-
publicans on the national for the general fund is a used for anything California nic Health Network.
stage as they sought to gut “rip-off.” wants to spend it on. Although Newsom and
the Affordable Care Act. Key “Money from the man- But healthcare advo- his Democratic allies have
to his ambitious healthcare date should stay in health- cates who lobbied in favor of passed major expansions in
agenda: reinstating the fine care,” Senate President Pro the fine, as well as many coverage, the state does not
on Californians who don’t Tem Toni Atkins told KFF Democratic lawmakers, say Francine Orr Los Angeles Times have universal healthcare.
have health coverage, which Health News, arguing the the funds could be lifesaving GOV. NEWSOM in front of refrigerators filled with Experts say more than 2.5
had been eliminated at the state should be distributing and should be distributed insulin at Kaiser Permanente in Downey in March. million Californians remain
federal level. money now to help people af- now. uninsured, including un-
It was a tough sell for a ford health coverage. “I don’t “The individual mandate fordability assistance. “This mium subsidies. Adminis- authorized immigrants who
new governor, and Newsom know what we’re waiting for. was not intended to create penalty money should be tration officials argue that earn too much to qualify for
needed strong allies among We’ve got to figure out a way funds for other government used to help Californians af- Newsom is essentially bor- Medi-Cal, and lawmakers
state Democratic leaders, to make healthcare more ac- programs outside of health- ford coverage and care.” rowing the money and say- are growing increasingly agi-
who at the time, in 2019, cessible, and there’s no care,” said Assemblymem- Health insurance plans ing it’ll be repaid later — tated that not all residents
voiced concern about essen- question that the cost of ber Jim Wood (D-Healds- offered by Covered Califor- though lawmakers have ex- who are insured can afford to
tially levying a new tax on health insurance is a barri- burg), chair of the Assembly nia are continuing to get pressed concern that he’ll use their coverage.
Californians unable to afford er.” Health Committee, at a more expensive. Deduct- never make good on that “There was a clear com-
the rising cost of healthcare. Democratic lawmakers heated budget hearing this ibles for a mid-tier insurance promise. mitment that these dollars
Democrats, who, then as are expected to continue spring. “The clear intent of plan, for example, will jump Critics and some Demo- were going to be used to
now, controlled the state ratcheting up pressure on the Legislature was that this to $5,400 next year, accord- cratic lawmakers say hold- bring down healthcare
Legislature, ultimately Newsom in hopes of reach- money was meant to go to af- ing to Covered California, up ing back the money is a dou- costs, and we haven’t done
backed Newsom in ex- ing a deal by their June 15 fordability.” from $4,750 this year and ble whammy for low- and it,” said Assemblymember
change for a promise: The deadline to pass a budget Wood said he might have $3,700 two years ago. middle-income residents Pilar Schiavo, a Democrat
state would levy the fine but bill. “We’ve always felt that rejected Newsom’s plan had And even many Califor- who are struggling to pay for representing the Santa
use that money to provide fi- the money is meant to bring he known the revenue it gen- nians who are purchasing coverage, and argue that it Clarita Valley, who intro-
nancial assistance to offset insurance costs down,” said erated would be deposited coverage are putting off amounts to a tax on the duced a bill that would re-
out-of-pocket costs for Cali- Assemblymember Phil Ting directly into the general treatment in the face of high poor. “It feels like we’re try- quire any revenue raised
fornians purchasing health (D-San Francisco), chair of fund. “I don’t think I would costs. A survey by Covered ing to save it on the backs of from the individual mandate
insurance on the state ex- the Budget Committee. have supported it,” he said. California in 2022 found that our low-income communi- be permanently set aside for
change, Covered California. Newsom in 2019 stumped “It just feels like a violation of 48% of its consumers de- ties,” said Democratic state healthcare. Though it died
Newsom, now in his sec- for the individual mandate what we thought we were do- layed important medical Sen. Caroline Menjivar, who this year, it can be revived
ond term, has since backed amid concerns over rising in- ing.” care due to cost. represents the San Fer- next year, and advocates say
off that promise. His admin- surance premiums, vowing Soaring out-of-pocket Newsom this spring nando Valley. they will continue pressing
istration is holding on to rev- to reduce Covered California healthcare costs, including dodged a question by KFF Most of those paying the Newsom to distribute the
enue raised from the so- consumer healthcare costs for insurance premiums and Health News about the criti- fine are low- and middle-in- existing money to Covered
called individual mandate — while setting himself apart deductibles, are leading cism he is facing over his come Californians who earn California consumers.
the requirement that people from then-President people to forgo healthcare. push to retain the mandate at or under 400% of the fed- “We need to keep our
have health coverage or pay Trump, who was attacking In California, a staggering money, saying simply he’s eral poverty line, which is promises,” Schiavo said. “If
a fine. And his proposed the insurance mandate as 52% of residents report hav- “proud” to have established $58,320 for an individual and you have insurance that you
budget for the upcoming fis- unfair. Congressional Re- ing skipped or delayed the state coverage mandate $120,000 for a family of four, can’t afford to use, or you’re
cal year beginning July 1, publicans had gutted the treatment in the last year for and noting that federal pre- according to the latest data afraid to go see the doctor
which is being debated in the federal penalty — part of the financial reasons, according mium subsidies are avail- available from the state because of how high that bill
Legislature, funnels the Affordable Care Act — in to a recent survey by the able for Californians pur- Franchise Tax Board. might be, then you don’t
money to the state’s general 2017. Newsom argued it nonprofit California Health chasing coverage via Cov- Democratic lawmakers truly have access or uni-
fund. would still work in California Care Foundation. ered California. His admin- this year are backing an al- versal coverage.”
That is infuriating fellow to lower healthcare costs, Diana Douglas, a lobbyist istration defended the push ternative proposal, champi-
Democrats who accuse him and to help him achieve his with Health Access Califor- to funnel money into the oned by Health Access Cali- This article was produced
of breaking a promise and goal of universal healthcare, nia, which was part of the co- general fund, saying revenue fornia, to spend revenue by KFF Health News,
disregarding the millions of the centerpiece of his ambi- alition that backed the would be repaid to a special from fining uninsured resi- formerly known as Kaiser
Californians who can’t af- tious healthcare agenda. state’s coverage mandate in health fund and be available dents on increasing health Health News, a national
ford their deductibles and Newsom now argues that 2019, said Newsom must rec- to use on healthcare eventu- insurance subsidies for low- newsroom that produces
copays. federal health insurance ognize soaring costs and ally, if the federal govern- and middle-income people. in-depth journalism about
California began fining subsidies that offset the cost spend the money now on af- ment cuts back existing pre- They would be making good health issues.

Labor leader wants Pete Wilson statue ejected Crews make

progress on
Dolores Huerta joins
“People want to attack
him because he has a belief
that laws of this country, this
San Diego activists in
criticizing ex-governor
state and this city need to be
enforced,” Walsh said.
In recent years, Wilson
Valley fire
as anti-Latino. has defended his support of
Proposition 187, saying he By Libor Jany
By Emily Alvarenga would support it again in a
2017 interview with The Los Angeles County fire
SAN DIEGO — Commu- Times and continuing to de- crews on Sunday evening
nity advocates calling for the fend it in 2019, saying his stopped forward progress of
removal of a downtown stat- message to the federal gov- a fast-moving wildfire in the
ue of former Gov. Pete Wil- ernment had been that it Antelope Valley that had
son have garnered the sup- needed to take illegal immi- consumed nearly 1,600 acres,
port of labor leader Dolores gration seriously. “What according to authorities and
Huerta. you’re going to find out is if news reports.
But the statue’s owners you don’t do a better job of The first fire crews were
are insistent that it won’t controlling the border, it is dispatched around 1:45 p.m.
budge. gonna be all over the coun- to battle the blaze, dubbed
Racial justice and gay try,” he recalled saying at the the Danny fire, centered at
rights groups have been call- time. West Avenue D and North
ing for the statue’s removal Wilson went on to argue 130th Street — just outside
since 2020, saying Wilson — that his 1991 decision to take Lancaster — according to a
the chief champion of a 1994 away legislative redistrict- report by KTLA-TV. Efforts
ballot measure that denied ing power from the Califor- to contain its spread were
undocumented immigrants nia Legislature allowed Lat- complicated by high winds.
access to public education, inos to build greater political In a tweet at about 3:40
healthcare and social serv- influence. p.m., the Los Angeles Fire
ices — had used his influence Meg McLaughlin San Diego Union-Tribune He also said in 2020 he Department said it had dis-
to “demonize and dehuman- OPPONENTS of the Pete Wilson statue in San Diego have focused on his support supported the Trump ad- patched one of its helicop-
ize” Latino and gay commu- of a 1994 ballot measure that sought to cut state services to undocumented people. ministration’s approach on ters to help in the contain-
nities. immigration, singling out ment efforts — one of nu-
The life-size bronze great county,” it says in a Kevin Faulconer “was disap- rise of the Latino political building the border wall and merous agencies to send air-
sculpture of Wilson, a former news release, and the statu- pointed to hear of the remov- power in California.” pushing for what he called a craft. Videos posted to a
San Diego mayor, was re- e’s removal is “long over- al of the Pete Wilson statue Wilson was mayor of San merit-based immigration Facebook page devoted to
moved from Broadway Cir- due.” and believes it should still be Diego from 1971 to 1983, rep- system rather than one Antelope Valley showed heli-
cle near Horton Plaza Park However, the statue is there today.” resented California in the focused on reuniting fam- copters dropping fire retard-
in October 2020 but re- owned by the nonprofit Hor- In recent weeks, Mayor U.S. Senate from 1983 to 1991 ilies. ant on flames as thick smoke
turned to its original spot ton Walk and sits on private Todd Gloria’s office did not and served as governor from Yet Huerta says that billowed into the air.
two months later. property. The city was not respond to requests for com- 1991 to 1999. more than 30 years later, it’s A message left for an on-
Now, Huerta says she’s involved in its removal in ment on the renewed remov- To many critics, his lega- clear Wilson’s policies did duty L.A. County Fire De-
supporting the movement. 2020 and has no say in al effort. cy is defined by his support more harm than good. partment spokesperson
“He was not very nice to the whether to remove it now. “Pete Wilson’s anti-immi- in 1994 of Proposition 187, Other activists agree. wasn’t immediately re-
Latino community, to put it Wilson did not answer grant, anti-Latino legacy is a which sought to cut off state “The message he created turned Sunday afternoon.
mildly,” she said of Wilson. the San Diego Union-Trib- stain on San Diego and Cali- services to undocumented about Latinos that contin- KTLA reported that
“He instigated a lot of hatred une’s request for comment. fornia’s history,” Elo-Rivera people. The voter-approved ues to this day — he is the wind gusts of more than 20
against undocumented peo- Steve Williams, president told the Union-Tribune. “I, ballot measure would even- grandfather of that,” said Ri- mph were fanning the
ple and against Hispanics in of Horton Walk, said in 2020 like many others, [am] of- tually be ruled unconstitu- cardo Flores, executive di- flames north toward Kern
general.” that the statue had been re- fended every time I walk tional. rector at Local Initiatives County.
Huerta, 93, fought for mi- moved in response to con- past the statue of him and During his reelection Support Corporation of San The National Weather
grant workers’ rights, organ- cerns for its safety, calling it would prefer it be moved. campaign for governor that Diego, one of the organiza- Service said in an alert that
ized farmworkers and co- “a symbol of all that is great However, as a technical mat- year, he became a champion tions in support of the statu- it expected gusty winds in
founded with Cesar Chavez about San Diego and its un- ter, the statue remains on for the measure. e’s removal. the area Sunday evening,
the union that would be- limited future.” private property, and the He released a controver- Flores noted that the blowing in a south-south-
come United Farm Workers “The statue is going to city does not have the au- sial ad on illegal immigra- statue sits in Horton Plaza’s west direction. Even with a
of America. stay,” Williams said in a re- thority to remove it from its tion that featured night- Walk of Fame. “cooling and moistening
Enrique Morones, who cent phone call, calling Wil- current location.” camera footage of people “This is a completely in- trend” toward the middle of
founded Gente Unida, the son the best governor and Sean Walsh, Wilson’s cur- running through the San appropriate statue — it al- the week, the forecast
human rights border coali- mayor the state and city rent law partner and former Ysidro border checkpoint as ways was and still is,” he agency said that “dry condi-
tion spearheading the re- have had. chief of staff, defended Wil- a gravelly voice narrated: said. tions are likely to persist
moval effort, has been call- Williams lauded Wilson’s son and the statue. “They keep coming. Two Huerta says Wilson’s through at least Tuesday.”
ing for the statue’s removal efforts as governor to bal- “There’s no … man or million illegal immigrants in statue is symbolic not of his “There is a slight chance
before the City Council since ance the state budget and as woman who’s done more for California. The federal gov- legacy but of anti-Latino dis- of afternoon and evening
2007. mayor to redevelop down- the city and county of San ernment won’t stop them, crimination. showers and thunderstorms
Now, Gente Unida is call- town, which he says built Diego than Pete Wilson,” he yet requires us to pay billions “This racism still exists,” ... between Monday and
ing on Council President San Diego’s tax base to what said. to take care of them.” she said. “We’re trying to Wednesday,” the alert read.
Sean Elo-Rivera and Coun- it is today. Walsh denied that Wilson Walsh said Wilson simply undo and overcome and get “If any showers and
cilmember Vivian Moreno to Gustavo Portela, the was anti-gay or anti-Latino. wanted to enforce immigra- rid of it.” thunderstorms do approach
draft a resolution to remove city’s spokesperson at the “I would argue that Pete Wil- tion laws and supported leg- or come near the burn area,
the statue. “Wilson’s values time, told the Union-Trib- son has been absolutely islation to boost legal immi- Alvarenga writes for the San gusty and erratic outflow
no longer represent our une in 2020 that then-Mayor critical to the influence and gration. Diego Union-Tribune. winds are possible.”
B4 M O N DAY , J U N E 5 , 2 0 23 L AT I M E S . C O M

165 firearms are seized in San Diego; half are ‘ghost’ guns
Court, mostly on firearms torney’s office, about one- agent. But when the two had
By Alex Riggins charges, while the others quarter of the guns that San almost completed the sale in
were charged with drug of- Diego police recovered at the back seat of a car, the
SAN DIEGO — A three- fenses in San Diego County crime scenes in 2021 were man allegedly prepared the
month operation led by fed- Superior Court, authorities ghost guns. San Diego pistol to fire and pushed it
eral law enforcement agents said. County law enforcement against the agent’s rib cage.
and the San Diego Police De- “Guns, drugs and vi- agencies saw a 401% increase “Get the [expletive] out of
partment resulted in the olence go hand in hand,” U.S. in ghost-gun recoveries be- the car, dog, before I smoke
seizure of 165 firearms, in- Atty. Randy Grossman told tween 2019 and 2021, the of- you,” the man allegedly
cluding 82 “ghost guns” that reporters. fice added. threatened the agent before
have no serial number and About half of the seized For now, such weapons stealing the money.
are suspected of being pri- weapons and related items remain illegal, though 2nd Jose Medina, one of the
vately made, authorities an- were displayed on tables Amendment groups have assistant special agents in
nounced last week. nearby, including short-bar- launched legal challenges in charge of the ATF’s Los An-
The campaign — which reled rifles, silencers and San Diego and Nevada geles field office, which cov-
lasted from Feb. 1 to May 1 handguns modified with against laws that ban self- ers San Diego, said most
and was led by the Bureau of “Glock switches” to make built firearms and their pre- sales of illegal firearms hap-
Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms them fully automatic. cursor parts. Alex Riggins San Diego Union-Tribune pen via online advertising,
and Explosives — has re- Grossman said the fire- Among the weapons on FEDERAL AGENT Jose Medina, right, speaks about typically over social media.
sulted in the prosecution of arms seized “were illegally display Wednesday were the three-month operation Wednesday in San Diego. Medina said agents used
at least 29 people, some sus- possessed, used in an al- those that an undercover those postings, plus intelli-
pected of unlawfully manu- leged crime or found at a ATF agent allegedly pur- registered firearms. He is in his case, the man is sus- gence gathered from police
facturing, selling or possess- crime scene.” chased from Marine Lance suspected of selling 12 AR-15- pected of robbing an under- reports and other sources,
ing firearms, and others sus- Ghost guns, which are Cpl. Christian Ferrari. style ghost guns and 10 cover agent at gunpoint in to guide their investigations
pected of committing re- often built from prepack- The Camp Pendleton- short-barreled rifles. the parking lot of a Walmart and identify what Grossman
lated drug offenses, officials aged parts bought online, based Marine was charged Grossman also high- store. had described as “historical
said Wednesday at a news are a concern for law en- last month in federal court lighted the case of another Prosecutors allege the hot spots in San Diego for
conference. forcement because they are in San Diego with three defendant charged with as- man agreed to sell a hand- ghost gun seizures.”
About two-thirds of difficult to track due to their counts of dealing firearms saulting a federal officer and gun that had been illegally
those defendants are being lack of a serial number. without a license and two other gun-related offenses. modified to become fully Riggins writes for the San
prosecuted in U.S. District According to the U.S. at- counts of possession of un- According to court records automatic to an undercover Diego Union-Tribune.


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Legal Notices Legal Notices Legal Notices SUMMONS PUBLICATION NOTICE TO

MV Transportation, Inc.
(MV) is proposing as a
prime contractor in re- (CITACION JUDICIAL) 30-2022-01272045-CU-BC-CJC SANTA CLARA, CA
Miscellaneous sponse to the Los Angeles
Merchandise County Public Works, RFP Case Number (Numero del Caso): 22STLC04781
NO. BRC0000421 project NOTICE TO DEFENDANT: On March 27, 2023 (the "Closing Date"), the Office of the Comptroller of the
located in Los Angeles NOTICE TO DEFENDANT: (AVISO AL DEMANDADO): Currency closed SILICON VALLEY BRIDGE BANK, N.A., Santa Clara, CA (the
FREON WANTED: Certified County, CA. The proposal (AVISO AL DEMANDADO): SKYBUS JET CARGO INC., a Nevada corporation; and "Failed Institution") and appointed the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (the
buyer looking to buy R11, Cyanne Sandoval; Does 1-100 NICHOLAS LEACH, an individual
R12, R22 & more! Call Xio-
due date is 06/26/2023. “FDIC”) as Receiver (the “Receiver”) to handle all matters relating to the Failed
mara at 312-697-1976.
We would appreciate Institution.
terprise (CBE including Fred Loya Insurance Company LCAVIATION SA, a Guinean public limited company;
MBE/WBE/DBE/DVBE/LG- CSAVIATION SARL, a French limited liability company; All creditors having claims against the Failed Institution must submit their claims
BTQQ) firms who are cur- NOTICE! You have been sued. The court may decide and DANIEL COLIN, an individual in writing, together with proof of the claims, to the Receiver on or before July 10,
rently certified, active and against you without your being heard unless you 2023 (the "Claims Bar Date"). You may submit your proof of claim form via our
without restrictions with respond within 30 days. Read the information below. NOTICE! You have been sued. The court may decide
Legal Notices the County of Los Ange- You have 30 CALENDAR DAYS after this summons against you without your being heard unless you interactive FDIC Claims Portal at, the
les CBE Program for the and legal papers are served on you to file a written respond within 30 days. Read the information below. FDIC website at
Publication Notice following services: Uni- response at this court and have a copy served on the You have 30 CALENDAR DAYS after this summons sales/index.html, or by calling 972-761-8677.
forms, Vehicle Servicing, plaintiff. A letter or phone call will not protect you. and legal papers are served on you to file a written
US Metro Bank of Garden and Fuel Provision. For Your written response must be in proper legal form if response at this court and have a copy served on the Claims may be submitted through the FDIC Claims Portal, or mailed to the following
Grove, California has ap- additional information, you want the court to hear your case. There may be plaintiff. A letter or phone call will not protect you. address:
plied for bank regulatory assistance with bonding, a court form that you can use for your response. You Your written response must be in proper legal form if
approval to establish a can find these court forms and more information at you want the court to hear your case. There may be FDIC as Receiver of
lines of credit, insurance,
branch at 2800 W. Olym- to receive a copy of the the California Courts Online Self-Help Center (www. a court form that you can use for your response. You Silicon Valley Bridge Bank, N.A.
pic Blvd., Unit C+D, Los RFP, or to receive a quote, your county law library, or can find these court forms and more information at 600 North Pearl Street, Suite 700, Dallas, TX 75201
Angeles, California 90006. form and scope of work the courthouse nearest you. If you cannot pay the fil- the California Courts Online Self-Help Center (www. Attention: Claim Agent 10542
Any person wishing to detail, please contact ing fee, ask the court clerk for a fee waiver form. If you, your county law library, or
comment on this appli- Tatanisha Robinson at do not file your response on time, you may lose the the courthouse nearest you. If you cannot pay the fil- Under federal law 12 U.S.C. Section 1821(d)(5)(C), failure to file a claim on or
cation may file his or her case by default, and your wages, money, and property ing fee, ask the court clerk for a fee waiver form. If you before the Claims Bar Date will result in the Receiver disallowing the claim.
comments in writing with .The DBE Quote Deadline may be taken without further warning from the court. do not file your response on time, you may lose the
the Regional Director of The disallowance is final.
is June 16, 2023. There are other legal requirements. You may case by default, and your wages, money, and property
the Federal Deposit In- want to call an attorney right away. If you do not may be taken without further warning from the court. NOTE TO CLASS CLAIMANTS: By law, the Receiver will not accept a claim filed
surance Corporation at know an attorney, you may want to call an attorney There are other legal requirements. You may
the appropriate FDIC of- on behalf of a proposed class of individuals or entities or a class of individuals or
referral service. If you cannot afford an attorney, you want to call an attorney right away. If you do not
fice located at 25 Jessie Your exclusive may be eligible for free legal services from a nonprofit know an attorney, you may want to call an attorney entities certified by a court. EACH individual or entity must file a separate claim
Street at Ecker Square, legal services program. You can locate these nonprofit referral service. If you cannot afford an attorney, you with the Receiver.
Suite 2300, San Francisco, guide to SoCal groups at the California Legal Services Web Site (www. may be eligible for free legal services from a nonprofit
CA, 94105-2780 not later, the California Courts Online legal services program. You can locate these nonprofit
than June 20, 2023. The real estate Self-Help Center (, or groups at the California Legal Services Web Site (www. The FDIC, which insures your deposits in its corporate capacity, arranged for the
non-confidential portions listings. by contacting your local court or county bar associa-, the California Courts Online
of the application are on transfer of all deposits ("Deposits") - including the uninsured amounts - at the
tion. NOTE: The court has a statutory lien for waived Self-Help Center (, or
file at the appropriate fees and costs on any settlement or arbitration award by contacting your local court or county bar associa- Failed Institution to another insured depository institution, First–Citizens Bank
FDIC office and are avail- of $10,000 or more in a civil case. The court’s lien must tion. NOTE: The court has a statutory lien for waived & Trust Company, Raleigh, NC (the "New Institution"). This arrangement should
able for public inspection Advertise Today be paid before the court will dismiss the case. fees and costs on any settlement or arbitration award minimize any inconvenience from the closing of the Failed Institution.
during regular business іAVISO! Lo han demandado. Si no responde of $10,000 or more in a civil case. The court’s lien must
hours. Photocopies of the dentro de 30 dias, la corte puede decider en su be paid before the court will dismiss the case. All deposits were fully insured and transferred to First–Citizens Bank & Trust
nonconfidential portion contra sin escuchar su version. Lea la informacion a іAVISO! Lo han demandado. Si no responde Company, Raleigh, NC. If you disagree with the FDIC’s determination of your
of the application file will LA Times continuacion. dentro de 30 dias, la corte puede decider en su insurance coverage as represented by the account(s) made available at the New
be made available upon Classified Tiene 30 DIAS DE CALENDARIO despues de que contra sin escuchar su version. Lea la informacion a
request. Institution, you may request a review of the FDIC’s determination in the United
(800) 234-4444 le entreguen esta citacion y papeles legales para continuacion.
presenter una respuesta por escrito en esta corte y Tiene 30 DIAS DE CALENDARIO despues de que States District Court where the Failed Institution was located. You must request
hacer que se entregue una copia al demandante. Una le entreguen esta citacion y papeles legales para this review no later than 60 days after the date on which your deposits became
carta o una llamada telefonica no lo protegen. Su presenter una respuesta por escrito en esta corte y available to you at First–Citizens Bank & Trust Company, Raleigh, NC. Requesting
respuesta por escrito tiene que estar en formato legal hacer que se entregue una copia al demandante. Una a review will not prevent you from using the funds in your new account.
correcto si desea que procesen su caso en la corte. Es carta o una llamada telefonica no lo protegen. Su
YOUR posible que haya un formulario que usted pueda usar respuesta por escrito tiene que estar en formato legal
para su respuesta. Puede encontrar estos formularios correcto si desea que procesen su caso en la corte. Es
You may leave your Deposits in the New Institution, but you must take action
to claim ownership of your Deposits. Under federal law (Unclaimed Deposits
PERFECT de la corte y mas informacion en el Centro de Ayuda posible que haya un formulario que usted pueda usar
de las Cortes de California (, en para su respuesta. Puede encontrar estos formularios
Amendments Act of 1993 (12 U.S.C. Section 1822(e)), you must claim ownership

of your deposits at First–Citizens Bank & Trust Company, Raleigh, NC within
la biblioteca de leyes de su condado o en la corte de la corte y mas informacion en el Centro de Ayuda
que le quede mas cerca. Si no puede pagar la cuota de las Cortes de California (, en eighteen (18) months from the Closing Date, which is September 27, 2024. Official
de presentacion, pida al secretario de la corte que le la biblioteca de leyes de su condado o en la corte Items issued by the Failed Institution; such as, cashier’s checks, dividend
IS WAITING de un formulario de exencion de pago de cuotas. Si que le quede mas cerca. Si no puede pagar la cuota
no presenta su respuesta a tiempo, puede perder el de presentacion, pida al secretario de la corte que le
checks, interest checks, expense checks, and money orders are considered
Deposits and must also be claimed within 18 months from the Closing Date.
Extend your reach. Access customized
caso por incumplimiento y la corte le podra quitar su de un formulario de exencion de pago de cuotas. Si You may claim your deposits at First–Citizens Bank & Trust Company, Raleigh,
technology. Simplify your search. no presenta su respuesta a tiempo, puede perder el
sueldo, dinero y bienes sin mas advertencia.
caso por incumplimiento y la corte le podra quitar su NC by taking any one of the following actions. If you have more than one deposit The name and address of the court is: (El nombre y sueldo, dinero y bienes sin mas advertencia. account, your action will automatically claim your deposits for all accounts.
direccion de la corte es): 1. Make a deposit to or withdrawal from your account(s), including writing a check
SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF LOS The name and address of the court is: (El nombre y on any account, automatic direct deposits, or automatic withdrawals.
ANGELES - Stanley Mosk direccion de la corte es):
111 North Hill Street Superior Court of California, County of Orange 2. Execute a new signature card on your account(s), enter into a new deposit
Los Angeles, CA 90012 700 Civic Center Drive West agreement with the New Institution, change the ownership on your account(s),
Santa Ana, California 92701 or renegotiate the terms of your certificate of deposit account(s).
The name, address, and telephone number of 3. Provide the New Institution with a completed change of address form.
plaintiff’s attorney, or plaintiff without an at- The name, address, and telephone number of 4. Write to the New Institution at the address below and ask that your account(s)
torney, is: (El nombre, la direccion y el numero plaintiff’s attorney, or plaintiff without an at-
de telefono del abogado del demandante, o del torney, is: (El nombre, la direccion y el numero remain active. In your letter, include the type of the account(s): checking,
demandante que no tiene abogado, es): de telefono del abogado del demandante, o del savings, money market, etc., the name(s) on the account(s), the account
Marc A. Schwarz, Esq. (Bar# 292758) demandante que no tiene abogado, es): number(s), and the signature of an authorized signer on the account(s), with
Mendelson Schwarz, APLC Jonathan J. Boustani; BARNES & THORNBURG LLP your name and address.
580.S Sepulveda Blvd, Suite 850 2029 Century Park E., Suite 300
Sherman Oaks , CA 91411 Los Angeles, California 90067 3003 Tasman Dr., Santa Clara, CA 95054
(818) 575-6822 310-284-3880
If you do not claim ownership of your Deposits at the New Institution by September
Date: (Fecha) 07-19-2022 Date: (Fecha) July 27, 2022 27, 2024, federal law requires these unclaimed deposits be transferred to the
State’s Unclaimed Property Division, according to your address listed with the
HOW TO PLACE AN AD Sherri R. Carter Clerk David H. Yamasaki Clerk
Failed Institution. If your address is outside of the United States, the FDIC will
(Secretario) deliver your deposits to the State in which the Failed Institution had its main office.
G. Villarreal Deputy A. Van Arkel Deputy
(Adjunto) (Adjunto) According to the Unclaimed Deposits Amendments Act of 1993 (12 U.S.C. Section
1822(e)), you will have ten years to claim your deposits from the State’s
Self-service 24/7: LEGAL NOTICE Unclaimed Property Division according to the state’s unclaimed property PUBLICATION NOTICE TO laws. If you do not claim your deposits from the State within the ten-year
period, federal law prohibits you from claiming your deposits.
SILICON VALLEY BANK If the State does not take custody of your Deposits, after the 18-month period,
Contact us by phone 24/7: SANTA CLARA, CA you may claim your Deposits from the FDIC until the receivership is terminated.
A receivership can be terminated at any time. Once the receivership terminates,
800-234-4444 On March 10, 2023 (the "Closing Date"), the California Department you will not be able to claim your deposits.
of Financial Protection and Innovation closed Silicon Valley If you have a loan with the Failed Institution, and you would like to discuss offsetting
Bank, Santa Clara, CA (the "Failed Institution") and appointed the your insured and/or uninsured Deposit(s) against the loan, visit the FDIC Claims
ADVERTISING POLICIES Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (the “FDIC”) as Receiver Portal (, or call 972-761-2112.
(the “Receiver”) to handle all matters relating to the Failed Institution.
For Los Angeles Times advertising terms
and conditions go to: TO THE CREDITORS OF THE FAILED INSTITUTION All creditors having claims against the Failed Institution must submit
their claims in writing, together with proof of the claims, to the Receiver THAT SCRAMBLED WORD GAME
on or before July 10, 2023 (the "Claims Bar Date"). You may submit By David L. Hoyt and Jeff Knurek
your proof of claim form via our interactive FDIC Claims Portal at Unscramble these Jumbles,
Get the free JUST JUMBLE app • Follow us on Twitter @PlayJumble, the FDIC website at one letter to each square, to form four ordinary words.
sales/index.html, or by calling 972-761-8677.
Claims may be submitted through the FDIC Claims Portal, or mailed RACYR
to the following address:
FDIC as Receiver of
Silicon Valley Bank
600 North Pearl Street, Suite 700 RIROP
Dallas, TX 75201
Attention: Claim Agent 10539
Under federal law 12 U.S.C. Section 1821(d)(5)(C), failure to file
a claim on or before the Claims Bar Date will result in the DHLEUD
Receiver disallowing the claim. The disallowance is final.
NOTE TO CLASS CLAIMANTS: By law, the Receiver will not accept
a claim filed on behalf of a proposed class of individuals or entities
or a class of individuals or entities certified by a court. EACH individual LYWLOE
or entity must file a separate claim with the Receiver.
Now arrange the circled letters
On March 10, 2023, the FDIC, which insures your deposits in its ©2023 Tribune Content Agency, LLC to form the surprise answer, as
corporate capacity, arranged for the transfer of all deposits All Rights Reserved. suggested by the above cartoon.
("Deposits") - including the uninsured amounts – to SILICON
VALLEY BRIDGE BANK, N.A. On March 27, 2023, the Office of
the Comptroller of the Currency closed SILICON VALLEY (Answers tomorrow)
BRIDGE BANK, N.A., SANTA CLARA, CA and appointed the Federal
Deposit Insurance Corporation as Receiver to handle all matters Jumbles: RHINO SALAD VIABLE DREAMY
relating to the Failed Institution. Please see the Silicon Valley Bridge Answer: The tavern installed solar panals on the roof in
order to — “RAYS” THE BAR
Bank, N.A. publication notice for information about your deposits
or visit
L AT I M E S . C O M M O N DAY , J U N E 5 , 2 0 23 B5

guard kills
cops say
By Lila Seidman
and Libor Jany

One person was killed

and a security guard was
wounded Sunday morning
following a shootout in
South L.A., according to po-
An armed security guard
was trying to remove a man
from a location near Wash-
ington Boulevard and Los
Angeles Street about 7 a.m.
when an argument broke
out, according to the Los An-
geles Police Department.
The man pulled out a
shotgun and fired at the se-
curity guard. A second secu-
rity guard returned fire, a
spokesperson for the LAPD
The gunman died at the
scene, police said. The
wounded security guard was
taken to a hospital, where he
was listed in stable condi-
KTLA-TV reported the
Gina Ferazzi Los Angeles Times security guard was hit in the
CLOTH AND CULTURE The station also reported
that the incident was said to
Julian Ochoa and his wife, Cynthia Ochoa, pose in front of a Riverside County sheriff’s patrol car during an event to mark the 80th have occurred outside an il-
anniversary of the Zoot Suit riots on Sunday at Mariachi Plaza in L.A. Classic vehicles from the 1930s and 1940s were on display. legal gambling den.

State to release details of lead cleanups near Exide

cords of work done to re- partment is in the process of guidelines dictate that con- underground objects, such was told they could request a
Agency’s decision move lead-contaminated making the records avail- tractors should excavate soil as pipes or tree roots, may document describing the
soil from properties sur- able in an interactive map on from properties until the have prevented contractors details of the cleanup of their
marks a new level of rounding the former Exide its website. The information lead concentration is below from digging deeper. property.
transparency after battery recycling plant in details the cleanup status of 80 parts per million, or dig to The department insisted However, The Times
southeast Los Angeles roughly 10,000 properties, as a depth of 18 inches. The soil that a failure to meet clean- spoke with more than a doz-
criticism of oversight. County. well as lead levels. removed from the property up standards did not mean a en residents and homeown-
The records, which de- Publication of the infor- is then replaced with non- home was unsafe because ers of failed cleanups who
By Tony Briscoe scribe the removal of soils mation marks a new level of contaminated fill. adding clean topsoil would were unaware that their
contaminated with brain- transparency from state offi- A Times investigation prevent exposure to lead home had been flagged or
After heated criticism damaging lead, were initially cials, who have been accused published in February found contamination, unless the that they could request ad-
from community groups and intended to be mailed to of mismanaging one of the contractors failed to meet buried soil was unearthed. ditional information.
environmental justice advo- residents after remediation largest toxic cleanup proj- the lead concentration and Agency officials said The state toxics agency
cates, the California Depart- work was conducted, but an ects in California history. depth standards in more homeowners were informed has recently uploaded more
ment of Toxic Substances investigation by The Times So far, the state has over- than 500 of 3,370 cleaned when work crews failed to than 800 reports to its web-
Control has announced that found lapses in the noti- seen the cleanup of more properties. The state toxics achieve the cleanup goals. site, with more to be up-
it will publish detailed re- fication process. The de- than 4,600 properties. State agency initially argued that Every homeowner, they said, loaded in the coming weeks.

Expatriate voters hear from 3 Guatemalan candidates

[Guatemala, from B1] said they’re most concerned going to vote for,” said In an interview with The
lywood — left many local about stemming the flow of Bautista, a native of the city Times, political scientist
Guatemalans doubtful Guatemalan emigration, of Tecún Umán, on the bor- Anita Isaacs, a professor at
about the integrity of the im- lifting the country’s econo- der with Mexico. Haverford College, said Ca-
migrant voting process, my and restoring the rule of To U.S. voters accus- brera and Rodas were
which already has been law. tomed to choosing between blocked because both have a
beset by allegations of offi- “The oligarchy has co- two political parties, the vision of social change that
cial mishandling and techni- opted the entire state,” said idea of having to sort breaks with the political es-
cal mishaps. Mario Ávila, a local activist through 23 candidates may tablishment’s status quo.
In his opening remarks at and organizer sympathetic be unimaginable. “They represented the
the forum, Walter Batres, to the leftist Movement for Cristhians Castillo, a re- option to resume the peace
president of the Guate- the Liberation of Peoples, searcher at the Institute of accords, resume the hope of
malan Migrant Network, whose presidential candi- National Problems at the building a society where the
praised the three candidates date is Thelma Cabrera. “If University of San Carlos in rule of law prevails and
who showed up, in language we fill Congress with a large Guatemala City, said that where a more inclusive and
that jabbed at the 11 other in- number of MLP deputies, we there are 30 registered politi- democratic state and soci-
vited aspirants who opted are going to create a Con- cal parties in Guatemala ety, in every sense, is deep-
out. gress of dignity and we are and that all are required by ened,” said Isaacs, referring
“You did not get off the going to make more struc- law to field candidates for to negotiations between the
plane, you did not make ex- tural changes and we will be Congress and municipal government and the leftist
cuses, you are complying able to remove all those cor- James Carbone Los Angeles Times councils, whose elections guerrilla rebel forces that
with an invitation that the rupt judges and prose- GUATEMALAN presidential candidates Edmond also will be held June 25. In ended the civil war but have
migrants made to you,” Ba- cutors.” Mulet, left, Bernardo Arévalo and Amílcar Pop. these elections, 160 deputies, been undermined by corrup-
tres told the three participa- In 2019, the first year that 20 members of the Central tion and the widespread
nts, prompting loud ap- expatriate Guatemalans Pop, 45, of Indigenous are not people who want go American Parliament and granting of impunity, ac-
plause from the roughly 200 were allowed to vote, 19 can- Qeqchi descent, is a lawyer on vacation or have an ad- 340 mayors will be elected for cording to human rights
people who packed an audi- didates ran for president. A who identifies ideologically venture. Those people are four-year terms beginning in groups.
torium. total of 8.1 million voters at as a leftist. He was elected to leaving because there is no 2024. The chance of minor-
“That shows that you do home and abroad were reg- two terms in Congress and is other possibility to survive Castillo said the large party candidates advancing
have a visa,” Batres said to a istered, and 5 million partici- currently a legislator of the than going to look for work number of parties reflects to the Aug. 20 runoff, if no
chorus of laughter. pated. In the first electoral Central American Parlia- where it exists,” Arévalo the presence of many satel- candidate gets more than
The three who came were round, Sandra Torres of the ment. said, referring to the western lite parties that orbit around 50% of the votes in the first
Amílcar Pop of the Winaq National Unity of Hope In an interview with the regions of Guatemala close major parties. They are use- round, is slim. Of the three
URNG Party, Bernardo Aré- party finished first, with 1.1 Los Angeles Times, he said to the Mexican border. ful mostly for forming coali- candidates who visited Los
valo of Movimiento Semilla million votes (25.53%), fol- he wanted to focus on im- Mulet, 72, emphasized tions with major parties that Angeles, Mulet stands the
and Edmond Mulet of the lowed by Alejandro Gi- proving economic condi- the need to combat corrup- then can pass or block legis- best chance of advancing,
Cabal party. Of those, only ammattei of Vamos (13.96%), tions in Guatemala to curb tion, which drains resources lation, as well as shield the Castillo said.
Mulet reached double digits Mulet (11.22%) and Cabrera the brain drain of young, ed- and undermines economic major parties and their rep- “What the survey does is
in a May 2 poll, with 10.1%. (10.37%). ucated professionals fleeing development. The center- resentatives from legal pros- expose the wear and tear
Among the no-shows The electoral trend in the the country. right lawyer, who is a former ecution and political scru- that the traditional political
were Carlos Pineda (Citizen United States, though of ex- “We want to technify and president of Congress and tiny. The 160 deputies who class has had,” he said, not-
Prosperity), a right-wing ponentially lesser volume, industrialize Guatemalan former ambassador to the will be elected will appoint ing that the three candi-
businessman who led the was notably different. agriculture, generate United States, vowed to at- judges and magistrates to dates with the highest dis-
poll with 23.1% but whose Among migrants, Cabrera enough technology and bet tract more investment by the Supreme Court of Jus- approval ratings all have
candidacy recently was received 235 votes, more on micro-enterprises, get bolstering the rule of law. tice. close ties with former presi-
barred by the Constitutional than double those of Gi- out of underdevelopment,” “The culture of care for Like those of most of its dential administrations.
Court over alleged violations ammattei, who went on to he said. He would hope to migrants is going to Central American neigh- L.A. resident Leonel De
of electoral law; and Zury win the election. achieve that, in part, by im- change,” said Mulet, who bors, Guatemala’s democ- La Cruz has been sharing his
Ríos (Valor-Unionista), “There is great discon- proving services at Guate- has been critical of the Gi- racy is shaky, and its elector- preferences for candidates
daughter of the late right- tent,” said Ávila, who attrib- mala’s consulates — which, ammattei government. al institutions arouse deep without shady pasts on
wing dictator and evangelist utes the differing results to he believes, have lapsed At the end of the forum, suspicions about their com- WhatsApp.
Efraín Ríos Montt, a former greater opposition among under President Giammat- Yolanda Nish, originally petence and impartiality. “You know who can do
military man and briefly de immigrants to the political tei — and by shoring up dip- from Quetzaltenango, be- One prominent recent something for the country,
facto president whose ten- ruling class. This year, he lomatic relations with the lieved that the three candi- example involved Cabrera, and we know those who have
ure coincided with one of the and other L.A. activists have U.S. government, he said. dates largely echoed one an- 52, the MLP candidate, from dark ties,” the Guatemala
most violent periods of Gua- been trying to drum up local Arévalo, 64, a sociologist other. southwestern Guatemala’s City native said.
temala’s 35-year, genocidal support for MLP candi- and former diplomat, said “They were all almost the Retalhuleu state, who is a
civil war that ended in 1996 dates, focusing on the Maya his four-year budget propos- same,” the San Fernando leftist of Mam Maya descent
with more than 200,000 peo- community in the Westlake- al for foreign services would Valley resident said. “I like to and represents one of the
ple dead and 1 million dis- MacArthur Park area. double that of the Giammat- participate, but I wouldn’t country’s most impover-
placed. “The migrant is more tei administration from $118 vote for anyone even if they ished rural areas.
For decades, Guate- alert,” said Batres, adding million to $237 million. He convinced me, because even But her candidate regis-
malans living in the U.S.
have helped shore up their
that candidates cannot eas-
ily buy the vote of U.S. immi-
also pledged to review con-
sulate staffing to determine
if I were there [in Guate-
mala] they won’t keep what
tration was denied by the
Supreme Electoral Tri-
Place a paid notice
ancestral nation’s revenue grants, whereas in Guate- whether there needs to be they promise.” bunal, setting off a legal bat-
stream by sending back re- mala it is customary for poli- personnel changes. Emilsa Bautista, origi- tle. On May 2, the Constitu- Search obituary notice archives:
mittances. If for no other ticians to bribe voters with He also stressed the need nally from San Marcos state, tional Court rejected the ap-
reason, many immigrants as little as a T-shirt or a bag for the federal government traveled all the way from peal filed by the MLP, argu-
believe, that should give of rice. to invest more in job creation Dallas to attend the forum. ing that Cabrera’s vice
politicians an incentive to The three candidates and healthcare. The restaurant owner ar- presidential candidate, for-
Alan Mendelsohn
Mount Sinai Mem Parks
care about their votes. Gua- who appeared in Los Ange- “The people who are leav- rived in the United States 30 mer human rights attorney
temalan leaders and activ- les spoke to similar preoccu- ing Huehuetenango, San years ago. Jordán Rodas, lacked a rou- H. Hills 800-600-0076
ists in Southern California pations. Marcos and Quetzaltenango “I want to know who I am tine registration document.
B6 MO N DAY , J U N E 5 , 2 0 23 L AT I M E S . C O M

Today in Southern California Today in North America

Cool and unsettled weather: Upper-level low pressure will move in from the west today, bringing cooler condi- Showery and cool in New England: A slow-moving storm system off the
tions with clouds and limited sun. A shower or drizzle could occur along coastal locations, with clouds linger- Maine coast will throw back clouds and showers as far west as western
ing through much of the day. Showers and thunderstorms will occur in the mountains and possibly drift into New York while rain falls along coastal areas. But farther to the west, dry
lower elevations tonight. Unsettled weather will continue Tuesday. weather will continue, bringing warm afternoons.

5-day forecasts Pressure: L Low H High Warm Front Cold Front Jet Stream Trough
High/low temperatures are average forecasts for entire zone.
Temps –0 0s 10s 20s 30s 40s 50s 60s 70s 80s 90s 100+ Rain T-storm Snow Ice
L.A. Basin Valleys Beaches Mountains Deserts
Today 69/56 69/52 65/56 69/33 92/62
Seattle Winnipeg
Low clouds clearing Cooler with sun Clouds may clear A p.m. t-storm Some sun; breezy 72/53 86/66
Tuesday Cloudy; cool 67/57 Mostly cloudy 68/55 Low clouds 65/55 Clouds, sun 63/34 Breezy 89/62 Montreal
Wednesday Mostly cloudy 72/58 Mostly cloudy 72/53 Some sun 68/56 A shower 60/37 Partly sunny 90/64 Billings 74/54
Thursday Partly sunny 73/59 Some sun 75/57 Clouds, sun 70/58 Some sun 65/39 Mostly sunny 94/64 82/57
Friday Partly sunny 73/59 Clouds, sun 76/57 Mostly cloudy 68/59 Some sun 67/41 Breezy 95/67 Minneapolis 81/58
Detroit New York
Air quality Good Moderate Unhealthful for: Sensitive people All Not Available San Francisco
82/62 76/58
68/59 Denver Washington
SANTA VENTURA CO. Santa Clarita South Coast Air Quality Management District forecasts air quality 69/50 Kansas City 80/60
BARBARA CO. Santa Paula 71/51 Hesperia 87/62
Santa Ojai 67/55 LOS ANGELES CO. 83/48
Barbara 66/52 Simi Valley Los Angeles
Chatsworth SAN BERNARDINO CO. Atlanta
68/60 69/52 Burbank Monrovia 69/56
Ventura Camarillo 69/52 87/68
68/53 71/53
64/57 68/57 Yucca Valley El Paso
Pomona/ 92/69
UCLA 84/53
Westlake 66/56 L.A. Downtown Fairplex Ontario San Bernardino Houston
65/57 Woodland 69/56 71/53 75/55 Chihuahua 88/70
Village 71/55 91/63
Hills Whittier
67/52 Chino
68/54 Monterrey Miami
Santa Monica Hills 72/55 Riverside RIVERSIDE CO. 89/67 88/74
65/56 69/57 Fullerton 74/56
Surf and sea Torrance 71/58 U.S. cities
Inner waters: Wind southerly at 10- Long ORANGE CO. Hemet Palm SUNDAY’S EXTREMES FOR THE 48 CONTIGUOUS STATES
15 knots. Wind waves 2 feet or less. Beach Newport Irvine 72/51 Springs High 111 in Death Valley, Calif. Low 27 in Saranac Lake, N.Y.
Mixed swell west 2 feet at 9 seconds 70/59 Beach 69/56 92/62
with a south swell at 15 seconds. Mission Viejo
68/59 Temecula Sunday Today Sunday Today
Surf zone: The potential for strong Laguna 67/54 City Hi Lo Prcp. Hi Lo Sky City Hi Lo Prcp. Hi Lo Sky
rip currents is low at S.B. County 69/52
Beach San Albany 67 44 Tr 75 56 Cy Seattle 70 52 -- 72 53 Su
beaches, moderate at Ventura and 66/57 Clemente Albuquerque 85 57 Tr 81 57 Cy Tampa 89 71 .12 87 72 Ts
L.A. beaches and high at O.C. and
67/57 SAN DIEGO CO. Anchorage 59 45 -- 69 50 Su Tucson 101 68 -- 100 67 Su
S.D. beaches. Aspen 65 39 -- 70 41 Pc Tulsa 88 66 .03 88 66 Su
Atlanta 82 68 .01 87 68 Pc Washington, D.C. 76 61 -- 80 60 Pc
County Height Period Direction Temp Sun and moon 68/57 Austin 82 65 .82 86 64 Ts Wichita 87 63 .08 85 63 Pc
Santa Barbara 1-3’ 13 sec S 62 Baltimore 80 59 -- 80 57 Pc
Today’s rise/set
Ventura 2-4’ 13 sec S 63 Escondido Ramona Boise 86 64 -- 84 57 Cy World
Los Angeles 2-4’ 13 sec S 64 Los Angeles Co. Orange Co. Ventura Co. 69/53 69/49 Boston 55 47 .09 61 55 Cy Acapulco 90 76 -- 90 76 Su
Orange 2-4’ 13 sec S 64 Sun 5:42a/8:01p 5:41a/8:00p 5:45a/8:06p Bufalo 71 50 -- 76 58 Pc Amsterdam 68 54 -- 67 50 Pc
Moon 10:20p/6:52a 10:18p/6:52a 10:25p/6:56a Poway
San Diego 2-4’ 13 sec SSW 64 Burlington, Vt. 66 47 -- 73 54 Cy Athens 82 64 -- 85 65 Pc
67/56 Charleston, S.C. 75 67 -- 81 63 Su Bangkok 99 83 .04 95 82 Ts
Charlotte 70 65 .79 81 61 Pc Barcelona 72 63 -- 75 64 Pc
Tides San Diego Chicago 77 66 -- 81 63 Pc Berlin 73 41 -- 80 54 Su
L.A. Outer Harbor, in feet. 66/57 Cincinnati 83 67 -- 81 58 Pc Cabo San Lucas 88 67 -- 86 67 Su
June 10 June 17 June 26 July 3
Today 12:00p 3.6 Hi 5:18a -1.4 Lo Cleveland 73 55 -- 77 60 Pc Cairo 92 70 -- 91 70 Su
10:30p 6.6 Hi 4:04p 2.4 Lo Columbia, S.C. 77 69 -- 82 64 Su Dubai 105 85 -- 108 91 Su
Tue. 12:58p 3.5 Hi 6:08a -1.3 Lo
Almanac Columbus 87 59 -- 82 58 Cy Dublin 66 43 -- 67 48 Su
Sunday Downtown readings Dallas/Ft.Worth 88 66 -- 85 66 Ts Havana 86 72 .38 87 70 Su
11:19p 6.3 Hi 4:55p 2.6 Lo Denver 59 53 1.42 69 50 Ts Ho Chi Minh City 95 82 .63 91 78 Ts
Temperature Los Angeles Fullerton Ventura Precipitation Los Angeles Fullerton Ventura Detroit 77 55 -- 82 62 Pc Hong Kong 91 83 .23 90 81 Ts
UV index High/low 73/61 74/62 69/57 24-hour total (as of 5 p.m.) 0.00 0.00 0.00 El Paso 94 69 -- 92 69 Su Istanbul 72 66 .10 77 63 Pc
Minutes to burn for sensitive people Normal high/low 75/60 77/61 70/54 Season total (since Oct. 1) 28.03 21.35 26.52 Eugene 78 45 -- 85 52 Su Jerusalem 82 63 -- 80 58 Su
High/low a year ago 70/61 75/63 69/57 Last season (Oct. 1 to date) 12.16 6.46 11.34 Fort Myers 92 72 .21 89 71 Ts Johannesburg 73 48 -- 65 48 Su
Las Vegas, 10 Phoenix, 10
Record high/date 100/1895 86/2014 79/1997 Season norm (Oct. 1 to date) 14.05 11.64 15.88 Hartford 62 47 Tr 74 54 Cy Kuala Lumpur 92 77 .59 91 76 Ts
Los Angeles, 45 San Francisco, 25 Record low/date 47/1885 53/1999 44/1959 Humidity (high/low) 80/58 86/56 89/74 Honolulu 87 71 Tr 86 75 Su Lima 74 67 -- 74 67 Pc
Houston 84 66 1.32 88 70 Ts London 72 50 -- 69 49 Pc
California cities Indianapolis 82 65 -- 82 60 Pc Madrid 77 57 .32 81 57 Ts
Sunday Today Tuesday Sunday Today Tuesday Sunday Today Tuesday Jacksonville, Fla. 81 71 .06 82 62 Su Mecca 110 84 -- 110 88 Pc
Kansas City 89 63 -- 87 62 Ts Mexico City 86 57 -- 85 56 Su
City Hi Lo Prcp. Hi Lo Hi Lo City Hi Lo Prcp. Hi Lo Hi Lo City Hi Lo Prcp. Hi Lo Hi Lo Knoxville 89 66 -- 88 62 Su Montreal 68 45 -- 74 54 Cy
Anaheim 76 62 -- 70 55 70 58 L.A. D’ntown/USC 73 61 -- 69 56 67 57 San Diego 69 62 -- 66 57 68 60 Las Vegas 97 77 -- 99 74 Su Moscow 59 41 -- 64 46 Pc
Avalon/Catalina 62 53 -- 60 53 58 52 L.A. Int’l. Airport 67 59 Tr 66 58 67 59 San Francisco 69 53 -- 68 59 68 57 Louisville 90 69 -- 87 63 Pc Mumbai 93 88 -- 95 85 Hz
Bakersfield 95 66 -- 87 60 81 60 Laguna Beach 73 61 -- 66 57 66 61 San Gabriel xx xx xx 70 56 69 57 Medford 82 57 -- 89 59 Pc New Delhi 93 81 .02 99 77 Ts
Barstow 99 67 -- 95 57 85 58 Lancaster 94 55 -- 80 54 74 56 San Jose 80 54 -- 77 58 74 58 Memphis 94 67 -- 92 71 Su Paris 79 57 -- 80 55 Su
Big Bear Lake 73 42 -- 69 33 63 34 Long Beach 70 61 -- 70 59 66 60 San Luis Obispo 68 54 -- 66 57 66 56 Miami 90 75 .27 88 74 Ts Prague 72 41 -- 64 53 Cy
Bishop 91 53 Tr 89 51 84 46 Mammoth Lakes 74 46 -- 70 42 68 38 Santa Ana 70 63 -- 69 59 70 60 Milwaukee 75 61 -- 81 61 Cy Rome 75 59 .02 77 61 Ts
Burbank 75 58 -- 68 53 69 55 Mission Viejo 77 58 -- 67 54 69 56 Santa Barbara 66 58 -- 68 60 68 59 Minneapolis 92 71 -- 83 66 Pc Seoul 82 59 -- 78 59 Pc
Camarillo 70 59 -- 68 57 70 56 Monrovia 76 55 -- 71 53 70 55 Santa Clarita 80 53 -- 71 51 69 54 Nashville 93 64 .40 91 63 Su Singapore 88 79 .29 89 79 Cy
Chatsworth 80 57 -- 69 52 68 55 Monterey 61 47 -- 65 57 67 57 Santa Monica Pier 66 58 -- 65 56 65 55 New Orleans 94 72 -- 87 72 Ts Taipei City 90 82 .57 93 76 Ts
Chino 80 57 -- 72 55 71 55 Mt. Wilson 76 61 -- 54 42 51 44 Santa Paula 78 59 -- 67 55 68 56 New York 69 49 Tr 76 58 Pc Tokyo 79 66 -- 82 65 Pc
Compton 70 61 -- 69 58 67 59 Needles 104 76 -- 103 73 96 70 Santa Rosa 85 48 -- 70 55 70 54 Norfolk 66 57 Tr 72 57 Su Vancouver 68 55 -- 69 52 Su
Dana Point 66 59 -- 66 57 66 58 Newport Beach 67 60 -- 68 59 67 60 Simi Valley 78 55 -- 69 52 68 51 Oklahoma City 77 64 Tr 85 63 Ts Vienna 70 52 .05 68 58 Cy
Death Valley 111 83 -- 105 89 99 83 Northridge 80 57 -- 69 53 68 56 Tahoe Valley 74 39 .16 67 44 68 43 Omaha 90 63 .05 89 66 Ts
Del Mar 66 60 -- 62 58 64 58 Oakland 68 52 -- 67 59 68 56 Temecula 80 58 -- 69 52 71 52 Orlando 89 72 Tr 88 67 Pc Key: Su sunny; Pc partly cloudy; Cy cloudy; Fg
Escondido 76 60 -- 69 53 71 53 Oceanside 70 61 -- 68 57 68 55 Thousand Oaks 74 55 -- 67 54 69 52 Philadelphia 77 52 -- 81 62 Pc foggy; Prcp precipitation; Dr drizzle; Hz hazy Sh
Eureka 61 50 -- 61 51 60 52 Ojai 78 56 -- 66 52 63 53 Torrance 72 63 -- 66 58 66 60 Phoenix 105 77 -- 104 74 Su showers; Ts thunderstorms; R rain; Sn snow; Sf
snow flurries; I ice; Rs rain/snow; W windy; Tr
Fallbrook 74 60 -- 67 54 69 54 Ontario 79 58 -- 71 55 71 56 UCLA 68 58 -- 66 56 67 57 Pittsburgh 80 62 -- 78 56 Pc trace. Notes: National extremes exclude Alaska
Fresno 97 66 -- 91 62 82 61 Palm Springs 103 71 -- 92 62 89 62 Van Nuys 81 59 -- 70 54 70 57 Portland, Ore. 77 52 -- 84 54 Su and Hawaii. Missing data indicated by “xx”.
Fullerton 74 62 -- 71 58 69 60 Pasadena 80 59 -- 67 53 67 54 Ventura 69 57 -- 64 57 66 59 Providence 56 45 .01 62 53 Cy Sunday’s readings as of 5 p.m.
Hemet 84 56 -- 72 51 72 53 Paso Robles 88 45 -- 69 54 69 51 Whittier Hills 80 61 -- 69 57 68 59 Raleigh/Durham 73 61 -- 82 62 Pc
Hesperia 90 59 -- 83 48 76 51 Redding 100 65 -- 95 65 83 64 Woodland Hills 82 55 -- 68 54 68 54 Reno 87 56 .05 83 60 Ts
Huntington Beach 71 62 -- 67 58 67 60 Riverside 81 55 -- 74 56 72 55 Wrightwood 74 52 -- 67 45 62 43 Richmond 71 59 -- 80 55 Pc Forecasts by AccuWeather, Inc. ©2023
Idyllwild 78 45 -- 69 46 67 45 Sacramento 94 59 -- 83 57 77 56 Yorba Linda 78 60 -- 70 53 69 56 St. Louis 93 69 .10 88 65 Su
Irvine 72 61 -- 69 56 70 58 San Bernardino 82 59 -- 75 55 74 56 Yosemite Valley 71 52 -- 75 51 68 46 Salt Lake City 81 57 Tr 83 64 Pc | Go to

Gun death data make the case for strict controls

[Skelton, from B1] lower rates. They include people dying from fentanyl
California has the strongest New York and New Jersey, overdoses, Minority Leader
gun safety laws in the nation which Giffords grades with Brian Jones (R-San Diego)
and has been a trailblazer,” “A-” and “A,” respectively, on asserted, they “stand on
it reports. gun control. this [Senate] floor and get
The state Legislature California’s gun owner- self-righteous about gun
recently has been heavy into ship rate is one of the very control.”
strengthening California’s lowest, with 16% of house- The Assembly recently
gun laws even further. More holds having firearms. passed a more problematic
on that below. Unless I’m missing bill, which now heads to the
Mississippi gets an “F” something, the fact that Senate. It would impose an
from Giffords: It “has the blue states with big urban 11% excise tax on the sale of
weakest gun laws in the centers — California, New guns and ammunition,
country and the highest gun York, New Jersey — have raising $160 million annu-
death rate.” lower gun death rates than ally. The money would fund
That’s backed up by the many rural red states is gun violence prevention
National Center for Health even more proof that gun programs.
Statistics. For 2021, the year control works. Cities tend to It’s a good cause. These
with the latest data, it re- be more ridden with crimi- programs work. But they
ports that Mississippi had nal gangs than are country should be paid for out of the
the nation’s highest gun villages. state general fund. It’s a
death rate of nearly 34 per There’s also research societal problem. Everyone
100,000 people. that shows you’re less safe should kick in. Not just
That includes homicides, around a gun than away Francine Orr Los Angeles Times hunters and target shoot-
suicides and accidental from one. Again, that’s CALIFORNIA’S RATE of gun ownership is among the nation’s lowest, with fire- ers. Lots of bad guys steal
shootings. logical — despite gun lobby arms in 16% of households. Above, an April 24 news conference in Monterey Park. their guns anyway and
Other states with weak propaganda. would never pay the tax.
gun control laws and high “Living with a handgun magazines, a required back- law with one that passes It would impose uniform The bill’s author, Assem-
gun death rates include owner is associated with ground check on ammuni- Supreme Court muster is statewide standards for blyman Jesse Gabriel (D-
Louisiana, Alabama, Wyo- substantially elevated risk tion buyers — are being this year’s biggest gun bill in issuing permits to carry Woodland Hills), says man-
ming, Alaska, Montana, of dying by homicide,” a challenged in lawsuits filed Sacramento. concealed weapons. No ufacturers and retailers
Arkansas, Missouri, Ten- Stanford University report by gun rights advocates who “You don’t need a gun to longer would it be at the would be taxed, not con-
nessee, South Carolina and concluded last year after a have been inspired by the go to your daughter’s soccer local sheriff ’s discretion. sumers. But you know how
Oklahoma. study of 18 million California firearms-friendly U.S. game,” the bill’s author, Sen. “Sheriffs vehemently that goes. The consumer
Mississippi also has one adults over a 12-year period. Supreme Court. Anthony Portantino (D- oppose my bill because they eventually pays.
of the nation’s highest gun “Women bear the brunt A monumental pro-gun Burbank), keeps repeating. want to be able to give out The bill, AB 28, was
ownership rates, according of the elevated risks. ... The decision last year by the “You don’t need a gun to go permits willy-nilly,” the passed on a party-line vote,
to the Centers for Disease fatal assaults they experi- Supreme Court threw out a to Dodger Stadium. You lawmaker says. 56 to 17.
Control and Prevention. enced often took the form of New York law restricting don’t need a gun to go to The Senate sent the Gov. Gavin Newsom
Slightly more than 50% of being shot by men they lived who could carry concealed where alcohol is sold.” measure to the Assembly should pony up general fund
the state’s residents have with,” reported Yifan loaded guns. Portantino’s bill, SB 2, recently on a 29-9 vote. Most money to pay for the worth-
firearms in their homes. Zhang, a study co-author. In effect, the court also would ban concealed weap- Democrats voted “yes.” while programs and avoid
Contrast that with Cali- Meanwhile, some of invalidated California’s ons in government build- Republicans were opposed. taxing law-abiding gun
fornia, where the gun death California’s strongest gun similar law. ings, schools, medical facili- The debate was heated. owners.
rate was 9 per 100,000. There laws — the ban on assault Legislation to replace ties, churches, playgrounds, While Democrats “won’t Control their guns. Lay
are seven states with even weapons and high-capacity the old concealed weapons athletic fields and bars. do a damn thing” about off their pocketbooks.

Drones find sharks near people more often than thought

[Sharks, from B1] danger,’ ” Rex said. “And “It was assumed that cially those at aggregation pothesized that the sharks is that the sharks will be here
to sharks at the aggregation what we’ve seen is that that’s sharks are miles out, but you spots, to help ensure safe have started to identify hu- for the summertime and
sites,” Patrick Rex, a lab not necessarily the case.” could be wading and then swimming and water recre- mans as “not food.” then, when our water gets
technician at the Shark Lab, The fish “tend to mind have a shark swim right next ation, Lowe said. “But that’s such a hard too cold, they migrate down
said in a statement. “Most of their own business,” Rex to you,” he said. The young sharks gather conclusion to make because to Mexico,” Rex said.
the time water users didn’t said. No shark bites were re- in the aggregation spots for we still don’t really know why But the study found
even know the sharks were “And they come up within ported at any of the beaches several years, feasting on sharks bite people,” Rex some sharks never left.
there, but we could easily see like 10 feet of people, and observed during the two- stingrays and small fish on said. Climate change and
them from the air.” that’s happening daily,” he year survey. From 1950 to No- the seafloor. Still, humans do not ap- warmer waters could be the
In an interview with The said. “What we found is that vember 2022, there were 209 Exactly why sharks are so pear to be on the menu. reason, Rex said.
Times, Rex called the find- they’re spending the major- documented shark inci- disinterested in humans is That may be a blessing as “It means that the sharks
ings surprising. “People ity of their time within 100 dents in California, accord- still a mystery, Rex said. it appears sharks may be may not be making that long
think, ‘If I see a shark in the yards of where the waves are ing to the state Department Even when hunting, they staying along the coastline migration anymore,” Rex
lineup [the area where breaking.” of Fish and Wildlife. tend to ignore what’s going for longer periods of time. said. “But we need more
waves begin breaking], I’m That’s a lot closer than These new data can be on at the surface. “What we’ve been telling data and more time to make
going to get bitten or I’m in originally thought. used by lifeguards, espe- Rex and Lowe have hy- people for the past 20 years any conclusions on that.”

SPORTSM O N D AY , J U N E 5 , 2 0 2 3 :: L A T I M E S . C O M / S P O R T S

L E Ó N W I N S 3-1 O N AG G R E GAT E

LAFC CAN’T FINISH IT OFF León scores the

only goal to
secure coveted
trophy, foiling
MLS again
By Kevin Baxter

LAFC has made a habit

of collecting trophies at its
fortress-like stadium in Ex-
position Park, bringing
home two Supporters’
Shields and an MLS Cup in
the last four seasons. No
MLS team has won more.
But LAFC let the biggest
prize slip through its hands
Sunday night, losing to León
1-0 at BMO Stadium in the
CONCACAF Champions
League final, the region’s
most important club com-
petition. That result, com-
bined with last week’s 2-1 re-
sult in Mexico, gave León a
3-1 victory in the two-leg
playoff, which is decided by
the aggregate score over
both games.
“We got beat by a very
good team,” LAFC coach
Steve Cherundolo said. “If
you look at the 180 minutes
of play, they deserve it. We’re
obviously disappointed and
it hurts, as it should.
“But we now know where
Photographs by Marcio Jose Sanchez Associated Press the level is we need to get to.
LAFC GOALKEEPER John McCarthy dives to block a shot in front of the net by León midfielder Lucas Di Yorio as LAFC defender Aaron And we’ll do everything in
Long (33) tries to defend during the second half. Di Yorio scored the game’s only goal in the 20th minute on a shot from about 10 yards. our power to get there and to
come back stronger and to
win this event.”

Vela’s effort falls

But if that sounds like a
concession speech, Cherun-
dolo made clear it wasn’t.
“If I’m very honest and
open and honest, I don’t

short of what think that they are the bet-

ter team,” he said. “I just
think that they were better
[in] these two games. That’s

LAFC needed how

this competition

León was certainly the

better team Sunday, with
Lucas Di Yorio’s goal mid-
DYLAN HERNÁNDEZ flashed the No. 10, Vela’s way through the first half
jersey number. With almost giving the team its first
The visitors a half-hour remaining in the CONCACAF title in its sec-
connected a second leg of the CONCA- ond appearance in the re-
series of CAF Champions League gional final, the last coming
passes in the final, Vela was replaced by in 1993, when the competi-
midfield, someone named Stipe Biuk. tion had a different name
inspiring cries Vela didn’t produce any and format. The win also
from the magic Sunday night, cer- gave Liga MX clubs 17 of the
corner of tainly not the kind of magic last 18 CCL championships
BMO Sta- that could have reversed and 38 in 58 tournaments
dium occu- LAFC’s deficit against León overall.
pied by their supporters. of Mexico in a game that For LAFC, Sunday’s loss
“Olé! Olé!” crowned the best club team was just its 15th in 104 games
Carlos Vela gave chase. in a region that covers at home. But it was also the
Kind of. North and Central America second time in four years
Vela’s faint effort to and the Caribbean. LAFC has fallen in the CCL
dispossess León of the ball León won the game 1-0 final.
was in vain. About 10 min- and the two-game set with And LAFC’s fate might
utes later, the fourth official an aggregate score of 3-1. have been sealed before
on the sideline held up an Vela is 34 years old, and LAFC FORWARD Carlos Vela, left, and León midfielder Fidel Ambriz battle for kickoff when Cherundolo
electronic board that [See Hernández, D6] first-half control in León’s victory in the CONCACAF Champions League final. [See LAFC, D6]

Deeper field makes Big stage doesn’t

third Crown race faze rookie Miller
first in excitement in dominant start
Practical Move and Skinner,
Derby favorite Forte, were scratched before race He tosses six shutout
day when both developed a
Preakness winner temperature. Saffie Joseph innings vs. Yankees on
National Treasure add Jr. had to scratch his horse, national TV to hint at
Lord Miles, after the trainer
spice to the Belmont. was suspended when two of breakout-star status. ANGELS 2, HOUSTON 1
his horses had sudden-
By John Cherwa death incidents during the N.Y. YANKEES 4
Ohtani fuels rally
week before the Derby. DODGERS 1 in the series finale
It’s not often that the The Preakness field was Slugger hits go-ahead
best of the Triple Crown lacking appeal with only one By Jack Harris
RBI double in eighth as
races is the last one, but horse who ran in the Ken- Angels avoid being swept,
that’s how it is this year with tucky Derby, the winner Ahead of the biggest end three-game slide. D5
the 155th running of the Bel- Mage. The field was scratch- game yet of his burgeoning
mont Stakes on Saturday. ed down to seven, including major league career, Bobby
It has arguably the best two horses who were auto- Miller was a picture of poise night before. And as Dave
3-year-old in Forte, the win- matic qualifiers despite less Matthew Stockman Associated Press
in the Dodgers’ clubhouse Roberts passed through the
ner of the Preakness Stakes than impressive past per- Sunday afternoon. locker room, he greeted the
in National Treasure, and formances. A few hours before taking manager with a cool, confi-
eight other horses who And now we have the race
A SUNDAY DRIVE the mound against the New dent grin.
should be fresh enough to that immodestly calls itself The Nuggets’ Aaron Gordon goes to the rim as York Yankees — on ESPN’s “It’s a pleasant surprise,”
handle the always tricky “The Test of Champions” the Heat’s Max Strus (31) and Kevin Love de- “Sunday Night Baseball” Roberts said later when
11⁄2-mile course. because of its length. It fend. The Heat won 111-108 to even the Finals. D3 and in front of a sold-out asked how Miller has carried
This year’s Kentucky might be the only time in a crowd of 52,000, no less — the himself so far as a big leagu-
Derby was clouded by a se- horse’s career that it runs right-handed rookie re- er. “Sometimes when you get
ries of horse deaths and late this far on a dirt surface. Fullerton ousted Craig, pitching laxed, seemingly unfazed by here, the focus heightens or
scratches that watered
down the field to 18 horses in
Forte will be the pre-
sumptive favorite having
by No. 1 Stanford guru, dies at 93 the high-pressure stage he
was about to take.
narrows even more. And I
think so far with Bobby,
the 20-gate field. Forte was last raced in the Florida Titans give up a home Roger Craig, who was He cracked jokes with the that’s what we’ve seen.”
scratched the morning of Derby on April 1. He was the run in the sixth inning with the Dodgers as a teammates in front of his Indeed, in his third career
the Derby because of a Kentucky Derby favorite but as season ends in 6-5 player, managed Giants stall. He marveled at videos start Sunday night, Miller
bruise on his hoof. The two took an awkward step late in loss to top seed. D3 to a World Series. D5 of Aaron Judge crashing offered more of the scintil-
best horses from California, [See Belmont, D2] through the bullpen wall the [See Dodgers, D5]
D2 M O N DAY , J U N E 5 , 2 0 23 L AT I M E S . C O M / S P O RT S

Djokovic making his mark in Paris
5 6 7 8 9
at at at at
Quarterfinal berth
Cincinnati Cincinnati Cincinnati Philadelphia is his 17th to break
4 4 9:30 a.m. 4
a tie with Nadal, and
he can still best rival
SEATTLE in Grand Slam titles.
6:30 6:30 6:30
Apple TV+ associated press

at PARIS — Novak Djokovic

Salt Lake* broke a tie with rival Rafael
6:30 Nadal by reaching the
GALAXY French Open quarterfinals
for a record 17th time, never
ATLANTA truly in trouble during a 6-3,
7:30 6-2, 6-2 victory over Juan
Apple TV Pablo Varillas on Sunday.
LAFC Djokovic is closing in on
bettering Nadal in a more
CHICAGO prestigious category: Grand
7 Slam singles champi-
BSSC onships. Both sit at 22. For Christophe Ena Associated Press
Paramount+ Djokovic, that total includes UKRAINE’S ELINA SVITOLINA celebrates after beating Russia’s Daria
two at Roland Garros, in 2016 Kasatkina 6-4, 7-6 (5) in their fourth-round match at the French Open.
at and 2021, and he can become
Seattle the first man to own at least TE N N I S R E S U LT S
7 three trophies from each $53.2-MILLION FRENCH OPEN 6-4, 6-2; Ivan Dodig, Croatia, and Austin Krajicek (4), d.
ION At Paris Rafael Matos, Brazil-Francisco Cabral, Portugal, 6-7 (3),
CBS Sports major tournament. Surface: Red clay 6-4, 7-5; Kevin Krawietz-Tim Puetz (11), Germany, d. Fa- Today’s featured
Nadal is a 14-time cham- MEN’S SINGLES (fourth round)—Karen Khachanov bien Reboul-Sadio Doumbia, France, 6-4, 7-6 (4).
Shade denotes home game. *U.S. Open Cup
pion in Paris but is missing
(11), Russia, d. Lorenzo Sonego, Italy, 1-6, 6-4, 7-6 (7), WOMEN’S DOUBLES (second round)—Hsieh Su-wei, matches
6-1; Novak Djokovic (3), Serbia, d. Juan Pablo Varillas, Taiwan-Wang Xinyu, China, d. Zhang Shuai, China-
this time because of a hip in- Peru, 6-3, 6-2, 6-2; Carlos Alcaraz (1), Spain, d. Lorenzo Kristina Mladenovic (9), France, 6-1, 6-4.
Musetti (17), Italy, 6-3, 6-2, 6-2; Stefanos Tsitsipas (5), (Third round)—Nicole Melichar-Martinez, and Ellen
jury; he had arthroscopic Greece, d. Sebastian Ofner, Austria, 7-5, 6-3, 6-0. Perez (6), Australia, d. Xu Yifan-Zhaoxuan Yang (11), Top matches today at the
surgery Friday night. China, 6-0, 6-3; Sara Sorribes Tormo, Spain-Marie French Open:
TODAY ON THE AIR Against the 94th-ranked
WOMEN’S SINGLES (fourth round)—Anastasia
Pavlyuchenkova, Russia, d. Elise Mertens (28), Bel- Bouzkova, Czech Republic, d. Aldila Sutjiadi, Indonesia-
gium, 3-6, 7-6 (3), 6-3; Karolina Muchova, Czech Re- Miyu Kato (16), Japan, 7-6 (1), 1-3; Jessica Pegula and MEN
TIME EVENT ON THE AIR Varillas, who had never won public, d. Elina Avanesyan, Russia, 6-4, 6-3; Elina Svi- Coco Gauff (2), d. Elena-Gabriela Ruse, Romania-Marta
a Slam match until this tolina, Ukraine, d. Daria Kasatkina (9), Russia, 6-4, 7-6 Kostyuk (13), Ukraine, 6-7 (4), 6-4, 6-2; Greet Minnen, 8 No. 4 Casper Ruud vs.
AUTO RACING (5); Aryna Sabalenka (2), Belarus, d. Sloane Stephens, Belgium-Anna Bondar, Hungary, d. Asia Muhammad, Nicolas Jarry
6:30 p.m. NHRA New England Nationals TV: FS1 event and then took three in 7-6 (5), 6-4; and Giuliana Olmos (12), Mexico, 6-3, 1-6, 6-2.
MIXED DOUBLES (third round)—Gabriela Dabrowski, 8 No. 6 Holger Rune vs.
a row in five sets, Djokovic MEN’S DOUBLES (third round)—Marcel Granollers,
BASEBALL Spain-Horacio Zeballos (10), Argentina, d. Marcelo Canada, and Nathaniel Lammons, d. Jamie Murray, Brit- No. 23 Francisco Cerundolo
was, not surprisingly, at his ain, and Taylor Townsend, walkover; Michael Venus, New
3:30 p.m. Kansas City at Miami TV: FS1, FOXD Melo, Brazil-John Peers, Australia, 6-2, 6-3; Matwe Mid-
Zealand-Bianca Andreescu, Canada, d. Bethanie Mat- 8 No. 22 Alexander Zverev vs.
dominant best at Court delkoop, Netherlands-Andreas Mies (12), Germany, d.
tek-Sands, and Mate Pavic, Croatia, 6-4, 4-6, 10-8. No. 28 Grigor Dimitrov
5 p.m. St. Louis at Texas TV: MLB Philippe Chatrier on a Harri Heliovaara, Finland-Lloyd Glasspool (5), Britain,
8 No. 27 Yoshihito Nishioka
8 p.m. Chicago Cubs at San Diego (joined in progress) TV: MLB warm, sunny day. vs. Tomás Martin Etcheverry
COLLEGE BASEBALL: NCAA REGIONALS The 36-year-old from Ser- — and 14th in a row at other next: Anastasia
9 a.m. Texas Tech vs. Florida TV: ESPNU bia finished with more than Roland Garros, the No. 3- Pavlyuchenkova, the 2021 WOMEN
Noon Arkansas vs. Texas Christian TV: ESPNU twice as many winners, 35-15, seeded Djokovic will face runner-up at Roland Gar- 8 No. 1 Iga Swiatek vs.
3 p.m. Teams TBA TV: ESPN2 and fewer unforced errors. No. 11 Karen Khachanov on ros, beat her third consecu- Lesia Tsurenko
He went 15 for 17 on trips to Tuesday. tive seeded opponent, No. 28 8 No. 6 Coco Gauff vs.
3 p.m. Teams TBA TV: ESPNU
the net. He put in 80% of his Khachanov, who is 1-8 Elise Mertens, 3-6, 7-6 (3), 6-3 Anna Karolina Schmiedlova
6 p.m. Teams TBA TV: ESPN2 8 No. 7 Ons Jabeur vs.
6 p.m. Teams TBA TV: ESPNU first serves. He converted six against Djokovic, made it and will face Karolina Mu-
Bernarda Pera
of 12 break points and this far at a Slam for the fifth chova, who was a 6-4, 6-4
dropped his serve only once. time by defeating Lorenzo winner against Elina
9 a.m. Oklahoma vs. Stanford TV: ESPN vs. Sara Sorribes Tormo
All in all, a no-drama Sonego 1-6, 6-4, 7-6 (7), 6-1. Avanesyan, who lost in
11:30 a.m. Oklahoma vs. Stanford, if necessary TV: ESPN showing in less than two In other men’s fourth- qualifying but got into the
4 p.m. Florida State vs. Tennessee TV: ESPN hours from Djokovic, who round matches Sunday, main draw when another At first, chair umpire
6:30 p.m. Florida State vs. Tennessee, if necessary TV: ESPN hasn’t ceded a set yet No. 1 Carlos Alcaraz beat player withdrew. Alexandre Juge only issued a
HOCKEY: STANLEY CUP FINAL through four matches. He No. 17 Lorenzo Musetti 6-3 French Open doubles warning to Kato. But after
5 p.m. Florida at Vegas, Game 2 TV: TNT has had his less-than-amia- 6-2 6-2 and will face No. 5 player Miyu Kato and her tournament referee Remy
SOCCER ble back-and-forths with Stefanos Tsitsipas, who beat partner were forced to forfeit Azemar and Grand Slam su-
5 p.m. Ecuador, Delfin at Cuenca TV: GOLTV some spectators over the Sebastian Ofner 7-5 6-3 6-0. a match when Kato acciden- pervisor Wayne McEwen
7 p.m. NWSL, Chicago at Angel City FC TV: BSSC, last week in Paris, but when World No. 2 Aryna Sa- tally hit a ball girl in the neck went to Court 14 to look into
Paramount+ this one ended, Djokovic balenka beat American with a ball after a point. what happened, Kato and
R: 1330 gestured as though to hug Sloane Stephens 7-6 (5), 6-4 In the second set on her partner, Aldila Sutjiadi
TENNIS everyone as he heard some to advance to the quarter- Court 14 at Roland Garros, of Indonesia, were disquali-
5 a.m. French Open, fourth round TV: BSW, Tennis chants of his two-syllable finals. Sabalenka will face Kato took a swing with her fied.
10 a.m. French Open, fourth round TV: Tennis nickname, “No-le!” Elina Svitolina, who de- racket and the ball flew That made Marie
In his 55th career major feated No. 9 Daria Kasatk- toward the ball kid, who was Bouzkova of the Czech Re-
2 a.m. French Open, quarterfinals TV: Tennis
quarterfinal — Roger Fed- ina 6-4, 7-6 (5). not looking in the player’s di- public and Sara Sorribes
erer, who retired with 58, is Two unseeded women rection while heading off the Tormo of Spain the winners
the only man to reach more moved on and will play each court. of the match.

loom over
[Belmont, from D1]
the week and rumors swirled
about him going on the
growing list of scratched
John Locher Associated Press horses. The state veterinari-
SHEA THEODORE (27) turned in one of his best ans ordered him to jog on the
games of the postseason in a redemptive Game 1. track the morning of the
race, and, after a heated ex-

Theodore finds net change with owner Mike Re-

pole, he was scratched from
the race.

to fuel the Knights Because he was scratch-

ed by the state, he was put on
a “veterinarian’s list,” which
made him ineligible for Frank Franklin II Associated Press
14 days, plus he had to pass a SPECTATORS WAIT IN LINE at a concession stand before last year’s Belmont
blood test. That kept him Stakes. The 11⁄2-mile course should provide a stiff challenge for the 10-horse field.
Ex-Ducks defenseman STANLEY CUP from running in the Preak-
ness, and he was pointed Which tactics work in the ern California-based horses With a race as long as the
regains form and ends FINAL toward the Belmont. His 11⁄2 -mile race? at Belmont Park this coming Belmont, one factor to con-
27-game scoring slump WC2 Florida vs. P1 Vegas presence alone makes this a You would think the long- weekend but only one in the sider is horses whose sire
very interesting race. er the race the better late big race. have excelled at producing
just in time to spark Golden Knights lead series 1-0
Here are some other sto- runners do in it because they National Treasure, win- distance-loving runners.
Gm 1 Vegas 5, Florida 2
Vegas in Cup Final. Gm 2 Tonight at Vegas, 5
rylines to watch for this have the best finishing kick. ner of the Preakness, will go One dominant name
week: That’s not the case. for trainer Bob Baffert and comes up — Tapit. The now
Gm 3 Thursday at Florida, 5 The last two winners of be ridden by John Ve- 22-year-old has sired four
associated press Gm 4 Saturday at Florida, 5 Haven’t horses been dying the Triple Crown, Justify lazquez. Belmont Stakes winners in
Gm 5 June 13 at Vegas, 5* at an alarming rate? and American Pharoah, led On Friday, Amy C, win- eight years.
LAS VEGAS — Without a Gm 6 June 16 at Florida, 5* Racing has its biggest the entire race. ner of three of her last four It started in 2014 with
goal all playoffs, Shea Theo- Gm 7 June 19 at Vegas, 5* safety issue since 30 horses The same goes for Secre- races, including the Las Ci- Tonalist and was followed by
dore found the net just when All times PDT, p.m.; TV: TNT died at Santa Anita in 2019. tariat, who never looked enegas Stakes, will go seven Creator (2016), Tapwrit
the Vegas Golden Knights * if necessary Since April 27, 12 horses back after taking the lead furlongs on the turf for (2017) and Essential Quality
needed it. have perished at Churchill early in the race. trainer Phil D’Amato. (2021).
In Game 1 of the Stanley kind of showed in our game Downs, causing the Horse To find out how to win the Baffert will have Arabian Of the 12 Belmont start-
Cup Final, Theodore took a the way we attacked and the Racing Integrity and Safety race, it was asked of Hall of Lion, winner of the Sir Bar- ers sired by Tapit, in addi-
pass at one side of the blue way we stayed out of scrums, Authority (HISA) to recom- Fame jockey Victor Es- ton Stakes at Pimlico on tion to the four victories,
line, skated to the other side, and I guess the score sheet mend that racing be sus- pinoza, who rode American May 20, and Fort Bragg, sec- there have been two seconds
circled back to dangle Flor- as well.” pended there. The track an- Pharoah, how to come out ond in the Pat Day Mile on and two thirds.
ida Panthers forward An- For Theodore, though, it nounced it will do so out of on top. Derby Day, going in the sev- Website horseracingna-
thony Duclair and move into was a coming-out party at “of an abundance of cau- “It’s a little challenging,” en-furlong Woody Stephens did the added re-
the slot before firing a wrist the right time, as he didn’t tion.” Espinoza said. “It’s easier to Stakes for 3-year-olds. search and found that seven
shot past Sergei Bobrovsky. necessarily look like himself Full cards were run Sat- ride the front-runner be- Trainer Doug O’Neill has of those horses ran in the
It was vintage Theodore. through the first three urday and Sunday, and cause you can slow down Anarchist, winner of the Kentucky Derby but
And it came at a critical rounds. If anything, he had training was allowed to con- and control the pace, but not Jacques Carter Stakes at skipped the Preakness.
juncture heading into looked like what he was de- tinue at the track. too much. If you can go slow Woodbine, set for the All of those horses hit the
Game 2 on Monday night. scribing all week when But starting Saturday, enough, it will be tough for 61⁄2-furlong True North. board, finishing with three
Theodore’s goal ignited speaking about Vegas when racing will be moved to the other horses to catch The best undercard race wins, two seconds and two
the crowd and, more impor- it lost in the 2018 Final, say- Churchill-owned Ellis Park, you. I find you make a mis- might be the Metropolitan thirds.
tantly, his team. The former ing the Knights appeared some 130 miles away. Pimlico take if you spend too much Handicap, otherwise known So how does it play this
Ducks defenseman also had overwhelmed in their mag- Race Course had one racing time thinking about a mile- as the Met Mile, with the year?
an assist in Vegas’ series- ical inaugural season. fatality in its short meeting and-a-half. O’Neill-trained Slow Down There is Tapit Trice, who
opening 5-2 victory Sat- Coming into the Final, he surrounding the Preakness. “The horse will run 11⁄2 Andy, winner of the Del Mar finished seventh in the Ken-
urday night, which was was averaging just one shot Now it’s Belmont Park’s miles like 11⁄8 miles. You have and Sunland Derbies last tucky Derby but skipped the
something of a show of re- every 12 shifts. On Saturday, turn to be in the spotlight. to get the horse running out year, and Mark Glatt- Preakness.
demption for the 27-year-old he averaged at least one shot Since May 13, it has had four of the gate and get to the first trained Dr. Schivel, winner The Todd Pletcher train-
defenseman. every eight shifts. racing or training fatalities, turn. That’s when you set of the Santa Anita Sprint ee will get an added look be-
Theodore ended a 27- “Shea’s a huge part of our the latest Thursday. your pace. Then the only dif- Championship last year. cause of his name, as will
game scoring drought dat- group,” Vegas forward Jack For comparison, Santa ference is knowing when to Yet all eyes will be on Tapit Shoes, who runs for
ing to March 7. Eichel said. “It was good to Anita had its last racing or let your horse run. You need Cody’s Wish, winner of eight Brad Cox. Tapit Shoes has
“I feel good about it, but see him get rewarded there, training fatality March 18. So to show patience and not ask of his last nine races, includ- never run in a graded stakes.
right now it’s all about the but ... the way that he trans- the scrutiny couldn’t be too early.” ing the Breeders’ Cup Dirt If you are looking for a lit-
next game and getting that ports the puck up the ice, he higher on Belmont, and the Mile. tle second-generation Tapit,
next one,” Theodore said. “I can be a one-man breakout longtime survival of the Which Southern California the mares of Arcangelo, Hit
feel like a lot of us felt more at times. He does so much sport could hang in the bal- horses should I watch? What’s the best under-the- Show and Red Route One
comfortable [Saturday]. It for our team.” ance. There are seven South- radar angle? were all sired by Tapit.
L AT I M E S . C O M / S P O RT S S M O N DAY , J U N E 5 , 2 0 23 D3

Heat rally in

Titans’ season ends

fourth quarter in loss to Cardinal
to even it up in the first 3:17 of the fourth
associated press

Temo Becerra hit a two-

run home run in the top of
club at the end of the season,
and Milan had already an-
nounced there would be a
special ceremony after its
match against Hellas
Jokic scores 41, but to take the lead for good, the sixth inning to lift top- Verona to bid farewell to the
eventually went up by 12, seeded Stanford past Cal 41-year-old Swede and for-
Miami regroups late then frittered most of it away State Fullerton 6-5 in an mer Galaxy star.
and hands Denver and had to survive a three- elimination game at the He was given a guard of
point try by Jamal Murray as Stanford Regional on Sun- honor by his teammates as
its first home loss time expired. day in Palo Alto. he walked out and struggled
of these playoffs. “This is the Finals,” Ade- Maddox Latta singled to hold back the tears as he
bayo said. “We gutted one home a run in the first and took the microphone and
MIAMI 111 out.” Cole Urman belted a solo said: “The time has come to
DENVER 108 Max Strus scored 14 and home run in the second to say goodbye to soccer but
Duncan Robinson had 10 — stake Cal State Fullerton to not to you.”
all of them in the fourth — for a 2-0 lead, but Tommy Troy
associated press
the Heat, who had a big early Mark J. Terrill Associated Press put the Cardinal in front Karim Benzema con-
lead, then got down by 15. THE HEAT’S Bam Adebayo goes up for two of his with a three-run homer in verted his penalty kick and
DENVER — Staring They had no answers for Jo- 21 points as the Nuggets’ Aaron Gordon defends. the third. received a standing ovation
down a 2-0 deficit in the NBA kic, who was 16 of 28 from the The Titans grabbed the from fans before being sub-
Finals, as the visitors in a field, the last of those shots a lead in the fourth when Nate stituted, bringing an end to
hostile arena where no road four-footer with 36 seconds Heat 111, Nuggets 108 Nankil doubled to deep his memorable career with
team had prevailed in more left to get the Nuggets to NBA FINALS MIAMI
right-center field to score host Real Madrid.
than two months, the Miami within three. Denver vs. Miami Butler ...............40 7-19 5-5 2-4 9 0 21 Jack Haley before Becerra
Heat decided to do what Denver elected not to foul Series tied 1-1 Love .................22 2-9 0-0 3-10 1 0 6 put Stanford in the lead for Uruguay and South Ko-
Adebayo ............40 8-14 5-5 0-9 4 4 21
they’ve done throughout the on the ensuing Miami pos- Gm 1 Denver 104, Miami 93 Strus ................29 4-10 2-3 0-2 6 3 14 the final time. rea advanced to the semifin-
postseason. session, and it paid off. But- Gm 2 Miami 111, Denver 108
Vincent .............31 8-12 3-3 0-0 3 4 23 Trevor Hinkel (1-5) gave als of the Under-20 World
Lowry................23 2-4 3-3 0-0 3 3 9
They found a way. ler missed a three, and with a Gm 3 Wednesday at Miami, 5:30 Martin...............21 1-3 0-0 2-5 1 1 3 up three runs, four hits and Cup after the South Ameri-
Against all odds. Again. chance to tie, Murray missed Robinson...........17 4-5 0-1 0-0 1 2 10 three walks in 32⁄3 innings of cans beat the United States
Gm 4 Friday at Miami, 5:30 Zeller ..................8 2-2 0-0 0-0 0 3 4
The Heat tied the NBA a three-pointer at the Highsmith............6 0-0 0-0 1-1 0 2 0
relief and took the loss. 2-0 in Santiago del Estero,
Gm 5 June 12 at Denver, 5:30
Finals and had to overcome buzzer. Totals 38-78 18-20 8-31 28 22 111 Late Sunday, Stanford Argentina. South Korea se-
Gm 6 June 15 at Miami, 5:30*
a monster 41-point effort “I just contested it,” But- Shooting: Field goals, 48.7%; free throws, defeated Texas A&M 13-5 to cured its spot with a 1-0 vic-
from Nikola Jokic to do it. ler said. “Pretty glad that he Gm 7 June 18 at Denver, 5* 90.0% force a deciding game Mon- tory against Nigeria.
Three-point goals: 17-35 (Vincent 4-6, Strus
Gabe Vincent scored missed it.” All times p.m., PDT | TV: Ch. 7 4-10, Lowry 2-3, Robinson 2-3, Butler 2-5, Love day night.
23 points, Jimmy Butler and Denver lost at home for * if necessary 2-6, Martin 1-2). Team Rebounds: 4. Team Turn- A’ja Wilson scored
Bam Adebayo each had 21, the first time since March 30 overs: None. Blocked Shots: 4 (Adebayo 2, Mar- In other regional action, 27 points and grabbed 10 re-
tin, Strus). Turnovers: 11 (Adebayo 3, Lowry 3,
and the Heat beat the Den- and for the first time in 10 Aaron Gordon had 12 points Martin 2, Butler, Vincent, Zeller). Steals: 5 (Love Tre Richardson hit two bounds, Candace Parker
ver Nuggets 111-108 in Game 2 home playoff games this and Bruce Brown scored 11. 2, Vincent 2, Martin). Technical Fouls: None. grand slams among his made two free throws with
on Sunday. year. And just as he did after “They just played hard, DENVER three home runs and tied an 24 seconds left, and the Las
“Our guys are competi- a Game 1 win, Nuggets and like I said, it was more Gordon..............38 5-7 0-2 1-7 2 3 12 NCAA postseason record Vegas Aces beat the host In-
tors,” Heat coach Erik coach Michael Malone discipline,” Murray said. Porter Jr.............26 2-8 0-0 1-6 0 2 5 with 11 RBIs to lead Texas diana Fever 84-80 to extend
Jokic.................41 16-28 7-8 3-11 4 3 41
Spoelstra said. “They love sounded the alarm after a Strus, who was 0 for 10 in Caldwell-Pope ....36 1-4 3-3 0-3 3 6 6 Christian to a 20-5 rout of their franchise record for
these kind of moments.” Game 2 loss. Game 1, had four threes in Murray ..............38 7-15 1-1 1-4 10 2 18 host Arkansas. TCU ad- consecutive wins (six) to
Evidently. “Let’s talk about effort,” the first quarter of Game 2. Brown ...............27 4-9 2-2 1-5 0 1 11 vanced to the championship open a season. ... Kahleah
Green ...............15 1-1 6-6 1-1 1 2 9
They were down by as Malone said. “I mean, this is Butler made a jumper with Braun ...............15 3-3 0-0 1-1 3 2 6 round Monday. ... No. 7 Vir- Copper scored 27 points and
many as 15 points, down the NBA Finals and we’re 4:56 left in the opening quar- Totals 39-75 19-22 9-38 23 21 108 ginia, No. 14 Indiana State, Courtney Williams added 11,
eight going into the fourth, talking about effort. That’s a ter to put Miami up 21-10, ty- Shooting: Field goals, 52.0%; free throws, No. 15 South Carolina, Ten- including nine in the fourth
and those numbers signified huge concern of mine. You ing the second-biggest lead Three-point goals: 11-28 (Murray 3-8, Gordon nessee and Texas advanced quarter, to help the Chicago
they were going to lose. Den- guys probably thought I was any opponent had built in 2-2, Jokic 2-5, Green 1-1, Brown 1-3, Caldwell- to super regionals. Indiana Sky rally to beat the host
ver was 11-0 in these playoffs just making up some story- Denver so far in these play- Pope 1-3, Porter Jr. 1-6). Team Rebounds: 8. State, hosting a regional for New York Liberty 86-82. ...
Team Turnovers: 1. Blocked Shots: 2 (Caldwell-
when leading by double dig- line after Game 1 when I said offs. Pope, Gordon). Turnovers: 13 (Jokic 5, Brown 3, the first time, won 11-8 over DeWanna Bonner scored
its at any point in a game, we didn’t play well. This is The Nuggets outscored Braun, Caldwell-Pope, Green, Murray, Porter Jr.). Iowa to make its first super 22 points, and the host Con-
Steals: 7 (Braun 3, Brown 2, Caldwell-Pope,
and 37-1 this season overall not the preseason. This is Miami 32-11 over the next Murray). Technical Fouls: None. regional. ... No. 4 Clemson necticut Sun held off a sec-
when leading by at least not the regular season. This nine minutes, turning the Miami 26 25 24 36— 111 became the highest national ond-half rally by Dallas, de-
eight going into the fourth. is the NBA Finals.” double-digit deficit into a Denver 23 34 26 25— 108 seed eliminated from the feating the Wings 80-74.
The Heat didn’t care. Murray had 18 points and double-digit lead thanks to a A—19,537. T—2:24. NCAA tournament in a 3-2
They outscored Denver 17-5 10 assists for Denver, while three-point barrage. loss to Charlotte. The U.S. beat France 16-
12 to win the gold medal at
NiJaree Canady threw a the 3-on-3 women’s basket-
one-hitter, and No. 9 Stan- ball World Cup in Vienna,
ford beat No. 7 Washington Austria, while Serbia pre-

Lakers’ Reaves to play for Team USA 1-0 to advance to the Wom-
en’s College World Series
semifinals in Oklahoma
City. Canady won a duel of
vented an American sweep
by rallying to beat the U.S. 21-
19 in the men’s title game.
Cierra Burdick and Lou-
Team USA, according to the ures in each of the Lakers’ fi- Pac-12 standouts against isiana State guard Hailey
The soon-to-be Athletic. nal 18 games in the regular Washington’s Ruby Meylan. Van Lith each scored seven
Reaves’ place on Team season as the team pushed Stanford (47-14) will play points in the title game to
restricted free agent USA is the latest reminder of into the postseason. two-time defending champi- give the American women
pledges to participate his swift ascent from going He moved into the start- on Oklahoma (58-1) on Mon- their third World Cup title
undrafted in 2021. ing lineup during that day. and first since 2014.
in FIBA World Cup The Lakers signed stretch, with the Lakers go- Ashley Rogers threw a
event this summer. Reaves to a two-way con- ing 8-2 after coach Darvin complete game to lead No. 4 Rick Adelman received
tract ahead of the 2021-22 Ham made the switch. seed Tennessee to a 3-1 win the Chuck Daly Lifetime
season, but his play in mini- He shot 52.9% from the against No. 6 Oklahoma Achievement Award, pre-
By Dan Woike camp before the season field and 39.8% from three- State to reach the semifin- sented by the National
earned him a promotion to a point range in the regular als. The Volunteers (51-9) will Basketball Coaches Assn.
This summer, during full-time roster spot. season while averaging face No. 3 Florida State Adelman is 10th in NBA his-
which he’s expected to sign a He ended his rookie sea- 13 points, three rebounds (57-9) on Monday. tory with 1,042 regular-sea-
multiyear contract worth, at Wally Skalij Los Angeles Times son with 31 points, 16 re- and 3.4 assists. son wins and 13th with 79
minimum, $51 million, is set LAKERS GUARD bounds and 10 assists in a Reaves made 63.1% of his playoff victories. He took the
to become even more memo- Austin Reaves’ swift win in Denver. two-point shots — just the ETC. Portland Trail Blazers to the
rable for the Lakers’ Austin career ascent continues. Only Jerry West, Oscar ninth time ever a player NBA Finals twice.
Reaves, as the former un-
drafted guard committed to the Western Conference fi-
Robertson and Blake Griffin
had previously recorded 30-
6 foot 6 or shorter made
more than 60% on twos when
Ibrahimovic Norma Hunt, the second
play with Team USA at the nals. point, 15-rebound, 10-assist attempting at least 250. decides to retire wife of the late Kansas City
FIBA World Cup in Japan. The FIBA World Cup will triple-doubles as rookies in Reaves capped his sec- Chiefs founder Lamar Hunt
Sources with knowledge be played Aug. 25 through NBA history. ond season by averaging Veteran AC Milan for- and the only woman to at-
of the situation not author- Sept. 10 in the Philippines, Reaves played only 16 16.9 points in his first playoff ward Zlatan Ibrahimovic tend every Super Bowl, has
ized to speak publicly said Indonesia and Japan. minutes in the Lakers’ sea- appearance. announced his retirement died. She was 85. The Hunt
Reaves committed to USA Anthony Edwards, son opener last fall, but by He’s a restricted free from soccer at the end of an family, which still owns the
Basketball President Grant Tyrese Haliburton, Mikal March he was indispens- agent this summer, eligible emotional night at San Siro. franchise, announced the
Hill in the weeks following Bridges and Bobby Portis able. for a four-year, $51-million Ibrahimovic was out of passing of the Chiefs’ matri-
the Lakers’ elimination from have also pledged to play for He scored in double fig- deal from the Lakers. contract with the Serie A arch in a statement.


Hovland tops McCarthy in playoff to claim Memorial

associated press GO L F R E S U LT S
At Dublin, Ohio—Par 72 At Des Moines—Par 72
Muirfield Village Golf Club—7,571 yards Wakonda Club—6,851 yards
Viktor Hovland handled Final 72-hole results Final 54-hole results
(x-won playoff) 199 (-17)—$300,000
the toughest stretch at 281 (-7)—$3,600,000 Stephen Ames .......................................66-66-67
Muirfield Village and deliv- x-Viktor Hovland (550) .......................71-71-69-70 200 (-16)—$160,000
281 (-7)—$2,160,000 Jerry Kelly .............................................66-69-65
ered three clutch putts at Denny McCarthy (315)........................71-72-68-70 Steve Stricker.........................................64-68-68
282 (-6)—$1,360,000 201 (-15)—$108,000
the end to win the Memorial Scottie Scheffler (200) .......................74-73-68-67 Rod Pampling ........................................66-69-66
in a playoff over Denny Mc- 283 (-5)—$960,000 Tim Petrovic...........................................69-65-67
Si Woo Kim (140)..............................71-68-71-73 203 (-13)—$72,000
Carthy on Sunday. 284 (-4)—$760,000 David Branshaw .....................................68-67-68
Hovland closed with a Andrew Putnam (110) ........................71-72-71-70
Jordan Spieth (110)...........................69-72-72-71
Steve Flesch ..........................................67-69-67
Miguel Angel Jimenez ..............................67-72-64
two-under-par 70 on anoth- 285 (-3)—$645,000
Rory McIlroy (92)...............................72-68-70-75
er brutal test on a course Adam Schenk (92) ............................75-71-68-71 At Jersey City, N.J.—Par 72
baked all week by sun in 286 (-2)—$540,000 Liberty National—6,671 yards
Matt Fitzpatrick (78)...........................76-68-70-72 Final 72-hole results
Dublin, Ohio, forcing the Rickie Fowler (78)..............................72-68-74-72 (x-won playoff)
279 (-9)—$412,500
playoff with a 30-foot birdie Adam Scott (78) ...............................70-75-70-71
x-Rose Zhang ....................................70-69-66-74
287 (-1)—$405,000
on the 17th — the only one on Wyndham Clark (63) ..........................70-71-70-76 279 (-9)—$256,544
Tyrrell Hatton (63)..............................71-71-73-72 Jennifer Kupcho.................................71-70-69-69
that hole in the final round — Lee Hodges (63) ...............................72-69-70-76 280 (-8)—$186,104
and saving par from behind David Lipsky (63) ..............................69-69-72-77 Hae-Ran Ryu.....................................72-72-66-70
288 (E)—$271,500 281 (-7)—$118,217
the 18th green. Joseph Bramlett (50)..........................73-70-70-75 Aditi Ashok .......................................67-72-68-74
Back to the 18th in the Sam Burns (50) ................................71-71-73-73 Ayaka Furue......................................69-74-69-69
Russell Henley (50)............................74-71-68-75 Eun-Hee Ji ........................................71-69-70-71
playoff, Hovland barely got Luke List (50) ...................................73-74-71-70 282 (-6)—$70,463
Ashleigh Buhai ..................................75-71-72-64
onto the front of the green, Shane Lowry (50) ..............................69-76-70-73
some 60 feet away from the Darron Cummings Associated Press
back pin, and two-putted by VIKTOR HOVLAND shot a two-under 70 and then won the Memorial in a play- was short on her approach, lead. Herron fell back with a
holing a seven-foot par putt. off. “I played smart. I played my game. And I came up clutch this time,” he said. her first putt went just over 72. Stricker, coming off his
It was his fourth PGA the back edge of the green, second consecutive major ti-
Tour victory and first on off, his shot from the right star Rose Zhang became the eight-foot par saver after and her second putt just tle this year at the Senior
American soil, this one with rough rolled back off the first LPGA Tour winner in making at least a half-dozen missed. That left Zhang with PGA Championship, played
a $3.6-million winner’s check green some 50 yards away. her pro debut in 72 years, clutch saves in a gritty final- a two-putt par to win. bogey-free for a 68.
and a handshake from host He pitched to 12 feet, and the capturing the Mizuho round performance.
Jack Nicklaus. The Norwe- putt caught the left edge and Americas Open in Jersey The much-heralded 20-
Ames earns third McKibbin emerges
gian’s previous victories spun away. City, N.J., with a par on the year-old made a nearly iden-
were in Mexico twice and “I’m heartbroken right second hole in a playoff tical eight-footer on No. 18 at victory of season at European Open
Puerto Rico. now,” McCarthy said, emo- against Jennifer Kupcho. Liberty National on the first Stephen Ames birdied Tom McKibbin won the
“I played smart. I played tion in his voice after his The last female player to playoff hole. Kupcho, who the 17th hole and closed with European Open in his debut
my game. And I came up closest call to win on the win as a pro in her debut was won an NCAA title at Wake a five-under 67 for a one-shot season on the European
clutch this time,” Hovland PGA Tour in his 156th at- Beverly Hanson, who edged Forest in 2018 and had a fi- victory over Steve Stricker tour.
said. tempt. Babe Zaharias to take the nal-round 69, also made a and Jerry Kelly in the Princi- The 20-year-old from
McCarthy had a one-shot Eastern Open in 1951. par. pal Charity Classic in Des Northern Ireland started
lead when he missed the 18th Zhang, of Irvine, shot a Both players hit the fair- Moines, Iowa, giving Ames the final round as one of six
fairway to the left, pitched
Zhang, 20, makes two-over 74 in the final round way on No. 18 on the second his third PGA Tour Champi- players tied for the lead at
out to the fairway and nar- history in pro debut and squandered a chance to playoff hole, but Zhang hit ons title this year. six under par and went on to
rowly missed a 25-foot par Two-time NCAA cham- win the event on the 72nd her approach from the fair- Ames, Stricker and Tim win by two shots at nine
putt for the win. In the play- pion and former Stanford hole when she missed an way within 10 feet. Kupcho Herron shared the 36-hole under overall.
D4 MO N DAY , J U N E 5 , 2 0 23 L AT I M E S . C O M / S P O RT S



West W L Pct. GB L10
DODGERS 35 25 .583 — 4-6 Streak Lost 2 This month 1-2 Streak Won 1 This month 1-3 Rich Hill kept batters off balance in his Kyle Schwarber hit a pair of three-run
Arizona 35 25 .583 — 6-4 Home 20-10 Road 15-15 Home 15-13 Road 16-17 longest start of the season, and Pitts- homers, and Drew Ellis hit his first two
Division 12-7 Interleague 4-5 Division 10-10 Interleague 6-6 burgh completed its first three-game home runs of the season. It was the
San Francisco 29 30 .492 51⁄2 5-5
Next: Tuesday at Cincinnati, 4 p.m. PDT Next: Tuesday vs. Cubs, Angel Stadium, 6:30 p.m. sweep over St. Louis in five years. Hill, 23rd career multihomer game for
San Diego 27 32 .458 71⁄2 5-5 TV/Radio: SportsNet LA/570, 1020 TV/Radio: Bally Sports West/830, 1330 43, gave up four hits and struck out six Schwarber and his first of the season.
Colorado 26 35 .426 91⁄2 4-6 in 62⁄3 innings as the Pirates pushed
N.Y. Yanks AB R H BI Avg. Dodgers AB R H BI Avg. Angels AB R H BI Avg. Houston AB R H BI Avg. Phila. AB R H BI Avg. Wash. AB R H BI Avg.
Central W L Pct. GB L10 Torres 2b 4 0 0 0 .258 Betts rf 4 0 0 0 .257 Ohtani dh 4 0 1 1 .274 Dubón 2b 4 0 1 0 .294 their winning streak to five. Ji Hwan Schwrbr lf 5 2 2 6 .172 Thomas rf 4 0 1 0 .278
Rizzo 1b 3 1 0 0 .293 Freeman 1b 4 0 0 0 .331 Trout cf 3 0 0 0 .264 Peña ss 4 0 0 0 .252 Guthrie lf 0 0 0 0 .118 García 2b 4 0 0 0 .267
Milwaukee 32 27 .542 — 5-5 Stanton dh 4 0 1 0 .271 Smith c 3 0 0 0 .308 Drury 1b-2b 4 0 1 0 .254 Alvarez dh 3 0 0 0 .274 Bae had a two-run single in the first. Castllns rf 5 0 3 0 .316 Mnses dh 4 1 1 0 .305
Calhoun lf 2 0 0 0 .241 Muncy 3b 4 0 0 0 .203 Ward lf 4 0 1 0 .241 Bregman 3b 4 0 2 0 .256 Harper dh 4 0 1 0 .298 Cndlrio 3b 3 0 0 0 .260
Pittsburgh 31 27 .534 1
⁄2 6-4 Cabrera lf 1 0 0 1 .199 Martinez dh 4 1 1 1 .276 Thaiss c 4 0 1 0 .280 Tucker rf 4 0 0 0 .276 Turner ss 5 0 0 0 .232 Garrett lf 3 0 0 1 .263
LeMahieu 3b 4 0 0 0 .239 D.Peralta lf 3 0 2 0 .242 Renfroe rf 3 0 0 0 .252 McCormick lf 2 0 0 0 .237 St. Louis AB R H BI Avg. Pittsburgh AB R H BI Avg. Sosa ss 0 0 0 0 .254 Smith 1b 4 1 2 0 .269
Chicago 26 32 .448 51⁄2 4-6 Bauers rf 4 1 1 0 .238 Vargas 2b 2 0 1 0 .227 Urshela 3b 3 0 1 0 .310 Diaz 1b 4 1 2 1 .246 Edman cf 3 0 2 0 .259 Marcano ss 4 0 0 0 .267 Stott 2b 4 1 1 0 .288 Vargas ss 4 1 2 2 .320
K.-Falefa cf 3 1 1 0 .222 Taylor ss 3 0 0 0 .211 Rengifo 2b 3 1 1 1 .221 Meyers cf 3 0 0 0 .238 Gldscidt 1b 4 0 0 0 .296 Rnolds dh 4 1 2 0 .282 Relmto c 5 1 2 1 .258 Adams c 4 0 2 0 .316
Cincinnati 26 33 .441 6 5-5 Higashioka c 4 0 0 1 .209 Outman cf 2 0 0 0 .230 Walsh 1b 0 0 0 0 .162 Maldndo c 3 0 0 0 .203 Gorman 2b 4 0 0 0 .270 Suwinski lf 4 1 1 0 .236 Marsh cf 3 1 0 1 .272 Call cf 4 0 2 0 .218
Volpe ss 4 1 2 2 .193 Totals 29 1 4 1 Neto ss 3 1 0 0 .238 Totals 31 1 5 1 Arenado 3b 3 0 0 0 .263 Santana 1b 3 0 0 0 .234 Clmns 1b 5 2 2 0 .253 Totals 34 3 10 3
St. Louis 25 35 .417 71⁄2 3-7 Totals 33 4 5 4 Totals 31 2 6 2 Yepez rf 2 0 0 0 .214 Hayes 3b 4 0 3 0 .242 Ellis 3b 3 4 3 3 .400
Angels 000 001 010 —2 6 0 b-Donovan lf 1 0 0 0 .246 Bae cf 4 0 2 2 .274 Totals 39 11 14 11
East W L Pct. GB L10 N.Y. Yankees 000 000 112 —4 5 0
Dodgers 000 000 100 —1 4 2 Houston 000 010 000 —1 5 0 DeJong ss 3 0 0 0 .239 Castro 2b 4 0 0 0 .263 Philadelphia 010 013 303 —11 14 0
Atlanta 35 24 .593 — 5-5 Walks—Angels 1: Trout 1. Houston 2: Alvarez 1, McCormick 1. Baker dh 4 0 2 0 .500 Palacios rf 2 0 0 0 .267 Washington 000 100 002 — 3 10 1
Walks—New York 4: Torres 1, Rizzo 1, Calhoun 1, Kiner-Falefa 1. Strikeouts—Angels 5: Trout 2, Drury 1, Thaiss 1, Rengifo 1. 1-Mercado 0 0 0 0 .333 a-Joe rf 2 0 0 0 .252 Walks—Philadelphia 7: Schwarber 1, Castellanos 1, Harper 2,
Miami 32 28 .533 31⁄2 7-3 Dodgers 3: Smith 1, Vargas 1, Outman 1. Walker lf-rf 4 0 0 0 .259 Hedges c 3 0 2 0 .179
Houston 6: Dubón 1, Peña 1, Alvarez 1, Bregman 1, Maldonado 2. Knizner c 4 1 1 1 .232 Totals 34 2 10 2 Marsh 1, Ellis 2. Washington 1: Candelario 1.
Strikeouts—New York 10: Torres 1, Rizzo 2, Stanton 2, LeMahieu LOB—Angels 3, Houston 6. 2B—Ohtani (10), Diaz (4). Strikeouts—Philadelphia 9: Schwarber 2, Castellanos 1, Turner 1,
New York 30 30 .500 51⁄2 5-5 3, Bauers 1, Volpe 1. Dodgers 8: Betts 1, Freeman 1, Muncy 2, Totals 32 1 5 1
HR—Rengifo (3), off France; Diaz (3), off Canning. RBIs—Rengifo Stott 1, Realmuto 1, Marsh 2, Clemens 1. Washington 7: García 1,
Martinez 1, Taylor 2, Outman 1. (17), Ohtani (41), Diaz (7). St. Louis 000 000 100 —1 5 0 Meneses 1, Candelario 1, Garrett 2, Smith 1, Call 1. E—Vargas (2).
Philadelphia 27 32 .458 8 4-6 E—Muncy (6), Graterol (2). LOB—New York 6, Dodgers 4. Runners left in scoring position—Angels 2 (Trout, Renfroe); Pittsburgh 200 000 00x —2 10 0 LOB—Philadelphia 10, Washington 6. 2B—Harper (8), Vargas (3).
2B—Stanton (4), D.Peralta (6). HR—Volpe (9), off Ferguson; Houston 2 (Dubón, Meyers). RISP—Angels 0 for 2; Houston 0 for 5. a-flied out for Palacios in the 6th. b-grounded out for Yepez in the 3B—Meneses (1). HR—Realmuto (5), off Williams; Ellis (1), off
Washington 25 34 .424 10 4-6 Martinez (14), off Germán. RBIs—Higashioka (15), Cabrera (17), Runners moved up—Meyers. GIDP—Drury, Ward, Diaz. 8th. 1-ran for Baker in the 9th. Williams; Schwarber (14), off Machado; Ellis (2), off Machado;
Volpe 2 (26), Martinez (41). SB—Torres (6), Outman (7). CS—Vargas DP—Angels 1 (Neto, Drury, Walsh); Houston 2 (Peña, Dubón, Walks—St. Louis 3: Edman 1, Yepez 1, DeJong 1. Pittsburgh 1: Schwarber (15), off Ward; Vargas (2), off Brogdon. RBIs—Realmuto
(2). Diaz; Bregman, Dubón, Diaz). Santana 1. Strikeouts—St. Louis 8: Goldschmidt 1, Gorman 3, Yepez (19), Ellis 3 (3), Schwarber 6 (33), Marsh (25), Garrett (10), Vargas
Sunday’s results Angels IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA
Runners left in scoring position—New York 4 (Volpe, Stanton, 1, Baker 1, Knizner 2. Pittsburgh 5: Marcano 1, Suwinski 1, Hayes 1, 2 (10). SB—Stott (9). SF—Marsh, Garrett. DP—Philadelphia 2
New York Yankees 4, at DODGERS 1 LeMahieu 2); Dodgers 3 (Vargas, Taylor, Freeman). RISP—New York 1 Canning ......................6 4 1 1 1 4 87 4.47 Castro 1, Joe 1. LOB—St. Louis 8, Pittsburgh 9. 2B—Edman (12), (Turner, Stott, Clemens; Ellis, Stott, Clemens); Washington 1
Devenski, W, 3-0 ........12⁄3 1 0 0 0 2 28 2.45
at Pittsburgh 2, St. Louis 1 for 8; Dodgers 0 for 3.
Estévez, S, 14-14 .......11⁄3 0 0 0 1 0 11 1.42
Hedges (4). HR—Knizner (5), off Hill. RBIs—Knizner (12), Bae 2 (14). (Candelario, García, Smith).
Runners moved up—Cabrera. SB—Bae 2 (17). RISP—St. Louis 0 for 6; Pittsburgh 2 for 9. Runners Philadelphia IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA
Milwaukee 5, at Cincinnati 1 New York IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA Houston IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA moved up—Goldschmidt, Bae. Suárez, W, 1-2 .............7 8 1 1 1 3 101 5.47
Germán ....................62⁄3 4 1 1 1 6 99 3.69 France ........................7 3 1 1 1 3 90 3.44 Hoffman ......................1 0 0 0 0 2 13 0.77
at Miami 7, Oakland 5 Holmes, W, 4-2 ............1 0 0 0 1 2 17 2.84 Maton, L, 0-1...............1 2 1 1 0 1 17 1.26
St. Louis IP H R ER BB SO
Mikolas, L, 4-2 .............5 10 2 2 0 2
91 3.74 Brogdon ......................1 2 2 2 0 2 26 4.03
Toronto 6, at New York 4 W.Peralta, S, 4-5 ........11⁄3 0 0 0 1 0 18 2.84 B.Abreu.......................1 1 0 0 0 1 14 1.91 Cabrera.....................12⁄3 0 0 0 0 0 16 4.37 Washington IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA
Dodgers IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA HBP—Canning (McCormick). Hicks........................11⁄3 0 0 0 1 3 20 4.07 Williams, L, 2-4..........52⁄3 6 4 4 4 6 101 4.15
Philadelphia 11, at Washington 3 B.Miller .......................6 1 0 0 2 7 86 1.06 U—Bruce Dreckman, Stu Scheuwater, Malachi Moore, Derek Pittsburgh IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA Machado.....................1 5 4 4 1 1 36 8.47
at Kansas City 2, Colorado 0 Graterol.......................1 2 1 0 0 2 16 1.82 Thomas. T—2:20. Tickets sold—40,831 (41,000). Hill, W, 5-5 ................62⁄3 4 1 1 3 6 96 4.41 Thompson .................11⁄3 1 0 0 1 0 26 3.90
Phillips, L, 1-1..............1 1 1 1 1 0 20 1.99 Moreta, H, 3 ................1⁄3 0 0 0 0 1 5 1.67 Ward...........................1 2 3 3 1 2 26 5.23
Baltimore 8, at San Francisco 3 Ferguson .....................1 1 2 2 1 1 23 2.14 Ramirez, H, 3 ...............1 0 0 0 0 0 12 1.29 Inherited runners-scored—Machado 2-2. HBP—Thompson
Atlanta 8, at Arizona 5 Inherited runners-scored—Holmes 1-0. WP—Ferguson. Bednar, S, 13-14..........1 1 0 0 0 1 11 1.12 (Stott). WP—Machado.
Chicago 7, at San Diego 1 U—Ryan Blakney, Marvin Hudson, Hunter Wendelstedt, John Inherited runners-scored—Moreta 1-0. HBP—Hill (Arenado). U—Brian Walsh, CB Bucknor, Chris Segal, Ben May. T—2:57.
Tumpane. T—2:35. Tickets sold—52,816 (56,000). BREWERS 5 U—Jacob Metz, Tripp Gibson, Mark Carlson, Brennan Miller.
T—2:14. Tickets sold—22,947 (38,753).
Tickets sold—29,546 (41,376).

AL STANDINGS RAYS 6 Adrian Houser pitched seven sparkling MARLINS 7 BLUE JAYS 6
West W L Pct. GB L10
RED SOX 2 innings, and Andruw Monasterio hit his ATHLETICS 5 METS 4
Texas 38 20 .655 — 8-2 first career home run. Milwaukee,
Houston 35 24 .593 31⁄2 7-3 Yandy Díaz’s sixth-inning RBI single which has won four of five, won its first Luis Arraez hit a tiebreaking infield Brandon Belt broke a seventh-inning
ANGELS 31 30 .508 81⁄2 3-7
turned into a two-run Little League road series since the Brewers swept a single in the eighth inning, and Miami tie with a two-run homer to help To-
homer, and major league-best Tampa three-game set April 17-19 at Seattle. finished a three-game sweep. The ronto complete a three-game sweep,
Seattle 29 30 .492 91⁄2 4-6 Bay beat Boston. The Rays improved to Cincinnati has lost four in a row. Marlins’ 32-28 record is the third best its first against New York. Tommy
Oakland 12 49 .197 27 ⁄2 1
2-8 6-1 against the Red Sox this season. in franchise history through 60 games. Pham hit two of the Mets’ four homers.
Milwaukee AB R H BI Avg. Cincinnati AB R H BI Avg.
Central W L Pct. GB L10 Yelich lf 3 0 0 0 .254 Newman dh 4 0 0 0 .271
Tampa Bay AB R H BI Avg. Boston AB R H BI Avg. Oakland AB R H BI Avg. Miami AB R H BI Avg. Toronto AB R H BI Avg. New York AB R H BI Avg.
Miller 3b-2b 3 1 1 1 .319 McLain ss 4 0 2 0 .342
Minnesota 31 29 .517 — 5-5 Díaz 3b 5 1 2 1 .312 Verdugo rf 5 2 3 0 .296
Tellez 1b 4 0 2 0 .249 India 2b 4 0 1 0 .276
Ruiz cf 4 1 1 1 .267 Arraez 2b 4 1 2 1 .392 Springer rf 5 0 0 0 .257 Pham cf 4 2 2 2 .234
J.Lowe rf 3 1 2 1 .300 Devers dh 4 0 0 1 .241 Noda 1b 3 0 0 0 .234 DLCruz lf 5 1 2 0 .299 Bichette ss 5 0 0 0 .329 Canha lf 3 0 0 0 .244
Arozarena lf 5 0 0 0 .287 Turner 3b 4 0 0 0 .265 Singleton dh 3 1 0 0 .143 Fraley rf 4 1 1 1 .257 Laureano rf 4 1 2 2 .226 Sánchez rf 4 0 0 0 .302 Guero Jr. dh 4 2 2 1 .289 Lindor ss 4 0 1 0 .213
Cleveland 27 32 .458 31⁄2 6-4 Ramírez dh 3 0 0 0 .299 Yoshida lf 4 0 2 1 .318 Mnstrio 2b 1 1 1 3 .412 Steer 1b 3 0 0 0 .288 Bleday lf 3 0 0 0 .211 Cooper dh 4 2 2 3 .242 Belt 1b 5 1 1 2 .259 Alonso 1b 4 1 1 1 .231
Raley 1b 4 1 2 1 .252 Duran cf 3 0 1 0 .280 a-Brsseu 3b 3 0 0 0 .205 Stphnsn c 3 0 0 0 .236 b-Bride 0 0 0 0 .167 Gurriel 1b 4 1 3 1 .291 Chapman 3b 3 2 1 0 .281 Escobar 3b 4 0 0 0 .234
Detroit 26 31 .456 31⁄2 4-6 Paredes 2b 3 1 0 0 .266 Herndz ss 3 0 0 0 .233 Anderson 3b 0 0 0 0 .233 Senzel 3b 3 0 1 0 .258 c-Kemp 1 0 0 0 .149 Segura 3b 3 0 0 0 .191 Varsho cf-lf 3 1 1 0 .217 Marte rf 4 1 2 1 .250
Walls ss 4 0 0 0 .229 Casas 1b 2 0 0 0 .191 Perkins rf 4 0 0 0 .150 Benson cf 3 0 1 0 .167 Rooker dh 3 0 0 0 .256 Wendle ss 4 1 1 0 .219 Merrifld lf- 3 0 2 2 .299 McNeil 2b 4 0 0 0 .282
Chicago 26 35 .426 51⁄2 5-5 Margot cf 3 1 1 1 .250 Wong c 2 0 0 0 .236 Turang ss 4 0 0 0 .198 Hopkins lf 3 0 0 0 .000 d-Brown 1 0 0 0 .159 Stallings c 3 0 1 1 .161 Biggio 2b 3 0 0 0 .172 Vientos dh 3 0 1 0 .188
Bethncrt c 3 1 0 0 .242 Valdez 2b 4 0 0 0 .244 Caratini c 4 1 2 1 .216 Totals 31 1 6 1 Díaz 2b 4 0 0 0 .179 1-Fortes c 0 1 0 0 .241 Kiermaier cf 0 0 0 0 .295 Álvarez c 3 0 0 0 .237
Kansas City 18 41 .305 121⁄2 4-6 Totals 33 6 7 4 Totals 31 2 6 2 Wiemer cf 4 1 1 0 .206 Peterson 3b 3 1 1 0 .197 Davis cf 3 0 1 0 .303 Heineman c 2 0 0 0 .167 Totals 33 4 7 4
Totals 33 5 7 5 Langeliers c 3 1 1 0 .217 a-Soler 1 0 0 0 .245 a-Kirk c 1 0 0 0 .261
East W L Pct. GB L10 Tampa Bay 001 212 000 —6 7 0
Boston 001 010 000 —2 6 2 Milwaukee 300 020 000 —5 7 0 Allen ss 3 1 1 1 .204 Hmpsn cf 0 0 0 0 .239 Totals 34 6 7 5
Tampa Bay 42 19 .689 — 6-4 Walks—Tampa Bay 5: J.Lowe 1, Ramírez 1, Paredes 1, Margot 1,
Cincinnati 000 000 100 —1 6 0 Totals 32 5 6 4 Totals 35 7 12 6 Toronto 022 000 200 —6 7 0
a-grounded out for Monasterio in the 4th. Oakland 005 000 000 —5 6 0 New York 001 012 000 —4 7 1
Baltimore 37 22 .627 4 5-5 Bethancourt 1. Boston 6: Duran 1, Hernández 1, Casas 2, Wong 2.
Walks—Milwaukee 3: Yelich 1, Miller 1, Singleton 1. Miami 010 130 02x —7 12 1 a-struck out for Heineman in the 8th.
Strikeouts—Tampa Bay 10: Díaz 2, Arozarena 3, Ramírez 1,
Strikeouts—Milwaukee 8: Miller 1, Tellez 1, Singleton 2, Brosseau a-pinch hit for Davis in the 8th. b- for Bleday in the 9th. c-flied out Walks—Toronto 6: Guerrero Jr. 1, Chapman 1, Varsho 1, Merrifield
New York 36 25 .590 6 6-4 Paredes 1, Margot 2, Bethancourt 1. Boston 10: Devers 2, Turner 1,
1, Perkins 2, Wiemer 1. Cincinnati 3: McLain 1, Hopkins 2. for Bride in the 9th. d-struck out for Rooker in the 9th. 1-ran for
Duran 1, Hernández 2, Wong 2, Valdez 2. 1, Biggio 1, Heineman 1. New York 1: Canha 1. Strikeouts—Toronto
Toronto 33 27 .550 81⁄2 7-3 E—Yoshida (2), Wong (5). LOB—Tampa Bay 6, Boston 9. LOB—Milwaukee 4, Cincinnati 3. 2B—McLain (6). Stallings in the 8th. 11: Bichette 3, Belt 4, Chapman 1, Biggio 1, Heineman 1, Kirk 1. New
2B—Raley (8), J.Lowe (13), Verdugo 2 (19). 3B—Verdugo (2). HR—Monasterio (1), off Lively; Caratini (3), off Lively; Fraley (7), off Walks—Oakland 1: Noda 1. Miami 3: Arraez 1, Sánchez 1, Segura York 11: Pham 1, Canha 1, Lindor 3, Escobar 2, Marte 1, McNeil 1,
Boston 30 29 .508 11 4-6 RBIs—J.Lowe (38), Margot (16), Raley (22), Díaz (34), Yoshida (33), Houser. RBIs—Monasterio 3 (3), Caratini (10), Miller (17), Fraley 1. Strikeouts—Oakland 9: Noda 2, Laureano 1, Rooker 2, Brown 1, Vientos 1, Álvarez 1. E—Álvarez (4). LOB—Toronto 7, New York 3.
Devers (49). SB—J.Lowe (14). SF—J.Lowe, Devers. (37). SB—Yelich (14), Miller (8). Díaz 2, Langeliers 1. Miami 6: De La Cruz 1, Sánchez 2, Stallings 1, 2B—Merrifield (12), Chapman (22), Marte (5). 3B—Marte (1).
Runners left in scoring position—Tampa Bay 5 (Raley, Runners left in scoring position—Milwaukee 2 (Brosseau 2); Davis 1, Soler 1. E—Alcantara (3). LOB—Oakland 1, Miami 8. HR—Guerrero Jr. (9), off Senga; Belt (3), off Leone; Pham 2 (5), off
Sunday’s results Arozarena, Ramírez, Díaz, Paredes); Boston 3 (Valdez, Yoshida, Cincinnati 1 (Newman). RISP—Milwaukee 2 for 5; Cincinnati 1 for 4. 2B—Laureano (9), Cooper (6), Gurriel (6), Davis (2), Wendle (5). Kikuchi; Alonso (21), off Pearson; Marte (3), off Pearson.
Runners moved up—Hopkins. GIDP—Wiemer, Benson, Steer. 3B—Gurriel (3). HR—Cooper (6), off Blackburn. RBIs—Allen (3),
ANGELS 2, at Houston 1 Verdugo). RISP—Tampa Bay 2 for 12; Boston 1 for 10.
DP—Milwaukee 2 (Brosseau, Miller, Tellez; Miller, Turang, Tellez);
RBIs—Merrifield 2 (23), Guerrero Jr. (37), Belt 2 (14), Pham 2 (16),
Runners moved up—Arozarena 2, Bethancourt, Devers. Ruiz (25), Laureano 2 (15), Gurriel (13), Stallings (8), Cooper 3 Alonso (47), Marte (17). SB—Biggio (2), Merrifield (16). DP—Toronto
New York 4, at DODGERS 1 GIDP—Bethancourt, Hernández. Cincinnati 1 (McLain, India, Steer). (23), Arraez (27). SB—Peterson (6). SF—Stallings. GIDP—Bleday. 1 (Bichette, Biggio, Belt).
Milwaukee IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA
Tampa Bay 6, at Boston 2 DP—Tampa Bay 1 (Walls, Paredes, Raley); Boston 1 (Valdez, Houser, W, 2-1 .............7 6 1 1 0 2 92 3.45
DP—Miami 1 (Wendle, Gurriel).
Toronto IP H R ER BB SO
Kikuchi........................5 4 2 2 1 8
89 4.40
at Miami 7, Oakland 5 Tampa Bay IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA Peguero.......................1 0 0 0 0 1 14 2.75 Blackburn....................5 7 5 5 2 3 85 6.00 Pearson, W, 3-0............1 2 2 2 0 1 15 2.50
Bradley, W, 4-2.............5 6 2 2 3 6 89 3.60 Strzelecki.....................1 0 0 0 0 0 11 3.71 Waldichuk .................12⁄3 2 0 0 1 0 34 7.22 Cimber, H, 1 ................1 1 0 0 0 0 11 3.94
Toronto 6, at New York Mets 4 Stephenson .................2⁄3 0 0 0 2 1 23 0.00 Cincinnati IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA Pruitt, L, 1-3................2⁄3 2 2 1 0 1 16 3.78 Swanson, H, 14............1 0 0 0 0 1 8 2.83
Cleveland 2, at Minnesota 1 Diekman, H, 3............11⁄3 0 0 0 0 0 8 5.14 Lively, L, 3-3 ................7 6 5 5 3 5 104 3.03 Moll ...........................2⁄3 1 0 0 0 2 10 4.35 Romano, S, 15-18 ........1 0 0 0 0 1 6 3.00
Armstrong....................2 0 0 0 1 3 27 0.00 Cruz............................1 1 0 0 0 2 17 7.00 Miami IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA New York IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA
at Chicago 6, Detroit 2 Boston IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA Gibaut ........................1 0 0 0 0 1 13 3.62 Alcantara.....................7 6 5 5 0 7 89 5.07 Senga.......................22⁄3 4 4 3 5 3 68 3.75
at Kansas City 2, Colorado 0 Houck, L, 3-5...............5 5 4 4 4 6 92 5.46 U—Clint Vondrak, James Hoye, D.J. Reyburn, John Libka. T—2:17. Scott, W, 4-1 ...............1 0 0 0 1 0 14 3.21 Nogosek......................3 1 0 0 1 4 47 5.55
Kluber.........................2 2 2 2 1 1 34 6.25 Tickets sold—17,780 (43,891). Floro, S, 6-8 ................1 0 0 0 0 2 14 4.32 Leone, L, 0-2 .............11⁄3 2 2 2 0 0 18 5.40
at Texas 12, Seattle 3 Ort .............................2 0 0 0 0 3 22 6.28 Inherited runners-scored—Pruitt 1-0, Moll 2-2. PB—Langeliers Smith .........................1 0 0 0 0 2 18 3.48
Baltimore 8, at San Francisco 3 Inherited runners-scored—Diekman 2-0. (2). Brigham ......................1 0 0 0 0 2 11 3.80
U—Edwin Jimenez, Chris Guccione, David Rackley, Edwin U—Alfonso Marquez, Ramon De Jesus, Lance Barrett, Doug WP—Kikuchi. PB—Álvarez (2).
Moscoso. T—2:37. Tickets sold—34,192 (37,755). Eddings. T—2:36. Tickets sold—12,507 (37,446). U—Jeremie Rehak, Chad Fairchild, Nic Lentz, Charlie Ramos.
ROYALS 2 T—2:47. Tickets sold—42,169 (42,136).


GUARDIANS 2 Brady Singer struck out seven in WHITE SOX 6 RANGERS 12
MIL/Teheran (R) 1-1 0.82 4 p.m. TWINS 1 52⁄3 innings, his most since getting TIGERS 2 MARINERS 3
CIN/Abbott (L) — — eight April 14 against Atlanta, and
CHI/Hendricks (R) 0-1 3.86 6 p.m. Triston McKenzie struck out 10 in five Kansas City avoided a sweep. Singer Jake Burger’s game-ending grand slam Marcus Semien extended the major
SD/Snell (L) 1-6 4.50 MLB*
scoreless innings in his injury-delayed gave up no walks for the first time in gave Liam Hendriks his first victory leagues’ longest hitting streak this
AMERICAN LEAGUE >>> season debut to help Cleveland split a seven starts. Despite the win, the since he returned from cancer, and season to 23 games, and Texas swept
MATCHUP W-L ERA TIME four-game series against Minnesota. Royals lost their fifth straight series Chicago completed a three-game Seattle. The Rangers won consecutive
TB/McClanahan (L) 8-1 2.07 1 p.m.
BOS/Bello (R) 3-3 3.89
Emmanuel Clase posted his major and are 1-9 in home series this year. sweep. Hendriks worked a 1-2-3 ninth. games by a combined score of 28-9.
HOU/Bielak (R) 2-2 3.19 4 p.m. league-best 19th save with a scoreless Detroit AB R H BI Avg. Chicago AB R H BI Avg. Seattle AB R H BI Avg. Texas AB R H BI Avg.
ninth. He has 14 career saves against Colorado AB R H BI Avg. Kansas City AB R H BI Avg. McKinstry rf 4 0 1 0 .278 Anderson ss 4 1 2 0 .273 Kelenic lf 4 0 0 0 .270 Semn 2b 4 1 1 0 .303
TOR/Manoah (R) 1-6 5.46 Báez ss 3 0 0 0 .223 Burger dh 4 1 1 4 .265 Rodríguez cf 4 0 0 0 .242 Seager ss 3 3 2 2 .349
Doyle cf 4 0 0 0 .230 Pratto lf-1b 3 0 1 0 .293
the Twins, his most versus any team. Profar lf 4 0 1 0 .229 Witt Jr. ss 3 0 0 0 .233 Baddoo lf 4 1 1 0 .250 Robert Jr. cf 4 2 2 0 .256 France 1b 4 1 2 0 .269 J.Smith ss 1 0 0 0 .217
McMhn 3b 4 0 0 0 .258 Psqutino 1b 3 0 0 0 .255 Torkelson 1b 4 1 1 2 .234 Jiménez rf 4 0 2 1 .266 Raleigh c 4 0 0 0 .226 Lowe 1b 4 2 1 0 .280
MATCHUP W-L ERA TIME Mstaks 1b 4 0 2 0 .244 Lopez 2b 0 0 0 0 .239 Nevin dh 4 0 0 0 .118 Vaughn 1b 3 0 0 0 .253 Suárez 3b 4 1 1 1 .211 García rf 5 1 2 1 .260
DET/Wentz (L) 1-5 7.28 3:30 p.m. Cleveland AB R H BI Avg. Minnesota AB R H BI Avg. Jones rf 4 0 2 0 .333 Perez dh 3 0 0 0 .278 Maton 3b 3 0 0 0 .162 Grandal c 4 0 1 1 .256 T.Hrndz rf 3 1 2 0 .241 Jung 3b 4 2 3 1 .294
Kwan lf 4 0 0 0 .260 Polanco 2b 4 0 0 0 .268 Castro 2b 4 0 1 0 .277 Melendez rf 3 1 1 0 .214 Ibáñez 2b 3 0 1 0 .183 Zavala c 0 0 0 0 .153 Ford dh 3 0 0 0 .167 Heim c 4 1 2 5 .293
PHI/Nola (R) 4-4 4.70 Rogers c 3 0 0 0 .152 Frazier lf 3 0 0 0 .231 a-Haggerty 1 0 1 0 .190 León c 1 0 0 0 .135
Freeman ss 4 0 0 0 .250 Lewis dh 4 0 0 0 .200 Montero dh 4 0 0 0 .222 Garcia 3b 3 1 1 1 .267
KC/Hernández (R) 0-3 4.76 3:30 p.m. Ramírez 3b 3 1 0 0 .261 Solano 1b 3 0 0 0 .288 Tovar ss 4 0 1 0 .247 Massey 2b 3 0 1 1 .236 Marisnick cf 3 0 0 0 .000 a-Benintendi 1 1 1 0 .275 Caballero ss 3 0 1 1 .250 Garver dh 5 1 2 1 .310
Naylor dh 3 1 1 1 .254 Kepler rf 4 0 0 0 .192 Wynns c 3 0 1 0 .192 Waters lf 0 0 0 0 .227 Totals 31 2 4 2 González 2b 3 0 0 0 .208 Wong 2b 4 0 1 1 .159 Grsmn lf 5 0 1 2 .239
MIA/Garrett (L) 1-2 4.22 FS1 b-Sheets 1 0 0 0 .234 Totals 34 3 8 3 Jnkwski cf 3 1 1 0 .301
Giménez 2b 3 0 1 1 .249 Jeffers c 3 0 0 0 .256 Totals 35 0 8 0 Fermin c 3 0 0 0 .208
OAK/Sears (L) 0-3 4.37 4 p.m. Arias 1b 3 0 0 0 .214 Farmer ss 4 0 1 0 .274 Bradley Jr. cf 3 0 0 0 .136 Andrus 3b 3 0 0 0 .194 Totals 39 12 15 12
PIT/Oviedo (R) 3-4 4.50 Brennan rf 2 0 1 0 .254 Castro 3b 4 1 1 1 .263 Totals 27 2 4 2 c-Moncada 0 1 0 0 .245 Seattle 000 000 300 — 3 8 0
Straw cf 3 0 0 0 .235 Garlick lf 3 0 0 0 .217 Totals 34 6 9 6 Texas 205 005 00x —12 15 0
STL/Wainwright (R) 2-1 6.15 5 p.m. Colorado 000 000 000 —0 8 0
Gallagher c 3 0 0 0 .121 Taylor cf 3 0 3 0 .224 Kansas City 000 010 01x —2 4 0 Detroit 000 200 000 —2 4 0 a-singled for Ford in the 9th.
TEX/Pérez (L) 6-1 4.43 MLB Totals 28 2 3 2 Totals 32 1 5 1 Chicago 000 101 004 —6 9 0
Strikeouts—Colorado 14: Doyle 2, Profar 1, McMahon 3, Walks—Seattle 1: T.Hernández 1. Texas 5: Semien 1, Seager 1,
* joined in progress Cleveland 000 000 200 —2 3 0 Moustakas 1, Jones 2, Montero 2, Tovar 2, Wynns 1. Kansas City 2: One out when winning run scored. a-singled for Frazier in the 9th. Lowe 1, Jung 1, Jankowski 1. Strikeouts—Seattle 11: Kelenic 3,
Minnesota 000 000 010 —1 5 0 b-struck out for González in the 9th. c-walked for Andrus in the 9th. Rodríguez 1, France 2, Raleigh 1, Suárez 1, T.Hernández 1, Ford 1,
Pratto 1, Bradley Jr. 1.
Walks—Cleveland 2: Ramírez 1, Brennan 1. Minnesota 2: Solano LOB—Colorado 8, Kansas City 1. 2B—Tovar (17), Melendez (11). Walks—Detroit 1: Báez 1. Chicago 4: Anderson 1, Burger 1, Wong 1. Texas 8: Lowe 2, García 1, Jung 1, Garver 2, Grossman 2.
1, Jeffers 1. Strikeouts—Cleveland 6: Kwan 1, Freeman 1, Naylor 1, HR—Garcia (1), off Freeland. RBIs—Massey (18), Garcia (12). Vaughn 1, Moncada 1. Strikeouts—Detroit 12: McKinstry 1, Báez 1, LOB—Seattle 6, Texas 8. 2B—Suárez (7), Semien (18), García (10),
Arias 1, Straw 2. Minnesota 16: Polanco 2, Lewis 3, Solano 2, Kepler CS—Massey (1). Baddoo 3, Torkelson 1, Nevin 2, Rogers 2, Marisnick 2. Chicago 14: Garver (1), Grossman (7), Jankowski (7), Seager (11).
ODDS 1, Jeffers 2, Farmer 2, Castro 3, Garlick 1. LOB—Cleveland 1,
Minnesota 6. 2B—Naylor (9), Taylor (6). 3B—Giménez (2).
Runners left in scoring position—Colorado 3 (Tovar 2, Wynns);
Kansas City 0. RISP—Colorado 0 for 5; Kansas City 1 for 2.
Burger 3, Robert Jr. 2, Vaughn 1, Frazier 2, González 2, Sheets 1,
Andrus 3 LOB—Detroit 3, Chicago 7. 2B—Ibáñez (6), Robert Jr. (16).
3B—T.Hernández (2). HR—Seager (6), off Miller; Heim (7), off Gott.
RBIs—Suárez (35), Caballero (12), Wong (9), Heim 5 (46), Seager 2
HR—Castro (5), off De Los Santos. RBIs—Naylor (41), Giménez (14), Runners moved up—Castro, Montero. HR—Torkelson (5), off Kopech; Burger (12), off Lange. (29), García (51), Garver (8), Grossman 2 (31), Jung (38).
NATIONAL LEAGUE RBIs—Torkelson 2 (26), Jiménez (22), Grandal (16), Burger 4 (29).
Castro (12). SB—Taylor 2 (8). CS—Brennan (2). DP—Minnesota 2 Colorado IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA LIDP—Wong. DP—Texas 1 (J.Smith).
Favorite Underdog (Jeffers, Farmer, Jeffers; Castro, Polanco, Solano). Freeland, L, 4-7............7 4 2 2 0 1 89 4.06 SB—Baddoo (6), Báez 2 (5), Benintendi (7). Runners left in Seattle IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA
Milwaukee OFF at Cincinnati OFF Cleveland IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA Suter ..........................1 0 0 0 0 1 11 1.77 scoring position—Detroit 3 (Torkelson, Báez, Marisnick); Chicago 3 Miller, L, 3-3..............21⁄3 8 7 7 2 2 61 4.46
McKenzie.....................5 1 0 0 1 10 79 0.00 Kansas City IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA (Frazier 2, Robert Jr.). RISP—Detroit 1 for 6; Chicago 3 for 6. Speier ......................11⁄3 1 0 0 0 1 17 2.53
at San Diego -162 Chicago +136 Brash .......................11⁄3 0 0 0 0 2 19 4.24
Karinchak, W, 2-4 .........1 1 0 0 0 2 16 3.86 Singer, W, 4-4 ............52⁄3 5 0 0 0 7 95 6.45 Detroit IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA
AMERICAN LEAGUE Stephan, H, 9 ..............1 0 0 0 0 2 8 2.84 Clarke, H, 8 ...............11⁄3 1 0 0 0 2 20 2.89 Boyd...........................5 3 1 1 0 9 82 5.57 Gott............................1 4 5 5 1 1 27 3.38
Favorite Underdog De Los Santos, H, 4 ......1 2 1 1 0 0 10 1.96 Chapman, H, 7.............1 0 0 0 0 2 10 2.95 Vest, BS, 0-1................1 3 1 1 1 1 21 3.00 Festa ..........................1 0 0 0 2 1 24 6.75
Clase, S, 19-24............1 1 0 0 1 2 19 3.10 Barlow, S, 7-8 ..............1 2 0 0 0 3 17 3.52 Holton ........................2⁄3 1 0 0 1 2 19 2.48 Topa ...........................1 2 0 0 0 1 22 3.18
Tampa Bay -172 at Boston +144 Foley ........................11⁄3 0 0 0 0 1 17 1.42 Texas IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA
Minnesota IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA Inherited runners-scored—Clarke 1-0.
at Toronto -132 Houston +112 Ryan, L, 7-3...............62⁄3 2 2 2 1 4 88 2.76 U—Alan Porter, Jim Wolf, Mike Muchlinski, Sean Barber. T—2:31. Lange, L, 3-1 ............... 1⁄3 2 4 4 2 1 23 2.55 Eovaldi, W, 8-2 .............6 1 0 0 0 7 87 2.24
INTERLEAGUE Thielbar ......................1⁄3 1 0 0 0 0 10 1.74 Tickets sold—13,128 (38,427). Chicago IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA J.Hernández.................2⁄3 3 3 3 1 2 26 6.65
De León ......................1 0 0 0 1 1 12 2.79 Kopech .......................7 3 2 2 1 9 92 4.33 Burke .......................11⁄3 2 0 0 0 2 19 2.96
Favorite Underdog Kelly ...........................1 1 0 0 0 1 17 4.08 King............................1 2 0 0 0 0 7 6.75
Jax .............................1 0 0 0 0 1 11 4.26
at Philadephia -230 Detroit +190 Inherited runners-scored—Thielbar 1-1. Hendriks, W, 1-0...........1 0 0 0 0 2 15 6.00 Inherited runners-scored—Speier 1-0, Brash 1-0, Burke 2-1.
at Miami OFF Kansas City OFF U—Will Little, Ryan Additon, Dan Merzel, Lance Barksdale. Inherited runners-scored—Foley 2-0. WP—Kelly. HBP—Eovaldi (Caballero). WP—J.Hernández. PB—León (1).
at Pittsburgh -174 Oakland +146 T—2:18. Tickets sold—23,629 (38,544). U—Ron Kulpa, Carlos Torres, Jansen Visconti, Alex MacKay. U—Andy Fletcher, Erich Bacchus, Laz Diaz, Mike Estabrook.
at Texas -120 St. Louis +102 BRAVES 8 T—2:29. Tickets sold—23,372 (40,241). T—2:51. Tickets sold—36,496 (40,000).

ORIOLES 8 Eddie Rosario hit a grand slam off CUBS 7 NOTES
GIANTS 3 Miguel Castro with two outs in the PADRES 1
Arraez, Miami ...................55
204 80
21 .392
Josh Lester drove in two runs with his
ninth inning for Atlanta. Arizona led 5-4
heading into the ninth after Ketel Marcus Stroman pitched six strong
Lovullo to stay
through 2024
Freeman, DODGERS ..........60 242 80 49 .331
Acuña, Atlanta..................59 236 78 52 .331 first major league hit in his season Marte hit a two-run homer and rookie innings to win his fourth straight start
Castellanos, Philadelphia....59 231 73 37 .316 debut, and Tyler Wells won for the first Corbin Carroll connected for a solo and rookie Miguel Amaya hit his first
Gurriel, Arizona .................53 200 62 30 .310
Díaz, Colorado ..................52 181 56 21 .309 time in his last four starts. Baltimore shot earlier in the game. The Braves major league home run for Chicago.
Meneses, Washington ........56 233 71 25 .305
Estrada, San Francisco.......47 193 58 30 .301 earned its 13th series win this season. had nine hits off starter Zac Gallen. Stroman lowered his ERA to 2.39. The Arizona Diamondbacks ex-
De La Cruz, Miami .............56 204 61 27 .299
Goldschmidt, St. Louis .......58 223 66 40 .296 Baltimore AB R H BI Avg. San Fran. AB R H BI Avg. Atlanta AB R H BI Avg. Arizona AB R H BI Avg. Chicago AB R H BI Avg. San Diego AB R H BI Avg. tended manager Torey Lovullo’s
Frazier 2b 4 0 0 1 .235 Wade Jr. 1b 3 1 0 0 .273 Acuña Jr. rf 5 2 3 0 .331 Smith rf 4 1 0 0 .206 Hoerner 2b 5 1 2 0 .284 Grisham cf 4 1 0 0 .193
Home runs
Rtchmn dh 5 1 2 0 .285 Davis 3b 3 0 2 0 .286 Olson 1b 5 0 2 1 .232 Marte 2b 4 1 1 2 .274 Swanson ss 4 0 1 2 .276 Tatis Jr. rf 4 0 2 0 .263 contract through the 2024 season.
Alonso, New York ............................................................. 21 Sntndr rf 5 0 0 0 .260 Flores dh 3 1 0 1 .243 Riley 3b 4 1 2 0 .262 Carroll lf 4 1 2 1 .286 Happ lf 3 0 1 0 .268 Soto lf 3 0 0 1 .253
Muncy, DODGERS............................................................. 18
The deal announced Sunday is
1-McKna rf 0 1 0 0 .246 Sabol lf 4 1 1 2 .254 d’Arnaud c 4 1 1 0 .278 Walker dh 4 1 1 0 .254 Suzuki rf 4 0 0 0 .273 Machado 3b 3 0 0 0 .222
Soler, Miami.................................................................... 17 Hays lf 5 1 1 1 .301 Haniger rf 4 0 0 0 .226 Rosario lf 5 1 1 4 .256 Rivera 1b 4 0 1 0 .337 Wisdom 3b 4 0 1 0 .208 Crnwrth 2b 3 0 0 0 .200 the third consecutive one-year ex-
Olson, Atlanta.................................................................. 17 Hicks cf 4 1 2 1 .455 Bailey c 4 0 0 0 .280 Albies 2b 5 2 4 2 .257 Rojas 3b 3 0 2 1 .241 Gomes c 4 2 2 1 .271 Kim ss 4 0 0 0 .244
Runs batted in Mntcstle 1b 4 1 1 1 .235 Schmitt ss 4 0 0 0 .295 Ozuna dh 1 0 1 0 .227 McCrthy cf 3 1 0 0 .187 Mancini 1b 4 1 1 1 .247 Carpenter dh 4 0 1 0 .180
tension for the longest-tenured
Alonso, New York.............................................................. 47 Lester 3b 3 0 1 2 .333 Wisely 2b 3 0 1 0 .195 a-Mrphy dh 3 0 0 0 .289 Perdomo ss 4 0 1 1 .279 Amaya dh 3 2 3 2 .375 Rivas 1b 2 0 1 0 .333 manager in team history.
Gorman, St. Louis ............................................................ 44 a-Urías 3b 1 0 0 0 .246 Slater cf 3 0 1 0 .364 Arcia ss 4 0 0 0 .303 Herrera c 3 0 0 0 .231 Morel cf 1 1 0 0 .267 a-Dixon 1 0 0 0 .225
Olson, Atlanta.................................................................. 43 McCann c 2 2 1 1 .195 Totals 31 3 5 3 Harris II cf 3 1 0 0 .168 b-Moreno c 1 0 0 0 .282 Tchman cf 1 0 0 0 .297 Nola c 3 0 1 0 .131 Lovullo is 446-483 in seven sea-
Muncy, DODGERS............................................................. 42 Mateo ss 4 1 2 0 .234 Totals 39 8 14 7 Totals 34 5 8 5 Totals 33 7 11 6 b-Sánchez 1 0 0 0 .278 sons, with one playoff appearance.
Pitching Totals 37 8 10 7 Atlanta 010 200 104 —8 14 0 Totals 32 1 5 1
Arizona 012 200 000 —5 8 1
Lovullo led the Diamondbacks
Keller, Pittsburgh ............................................................. 7-1 Baltimore 006 001 001 —8 10 0 Chicago 142 000 000 —7 11 1
Gallen, Arizona ............................................................... 7-2 San Francisco 000 002 010 —3 5 3 a-grounded out for Ozuna in the 6th. b-struck out for Herrera in San Diego 001 000 000 —1 5 1 to a 2017 National League Division
a-grounded out for Lester in 8th. 1-ran for Santander in 9th. the 8th. a-struck out for Rivas in the 9th. b-flied out for Nola in the 9th. Series in his first season and a win-
AMERICAN LEAGUE >>> Walks—Baltimore 3: Hicks 1, Mountcastle 1, McCann 1. San Walks—Atlanta 4: Riley 1, d’Arnaud 1, Ozuna 1, Harris II 1. Arizona Walks—Chicago 3: Happ 1, Morel 2. San Diego 4: Soto 1,
Francisco 3: Wade Jr. 1, Davis 1, Flores 1 Strikeouts—Baltimore 9: 6: Smith 1, Marte 1, Carroll 1, Walker 1, Rojas 1, McCarthy 1. Machado 1, Cronenworth 1, Rivas 1. Strikeouts—Chicago 8: ning record in the next two.
Player G AB H R Avg.
Bichette, Toronto ...............60 258 85 34 .329 Frazier 1, Rutschman 1, Hays 1, Hicks 1, Mountcastle 1, Lester 1, Strikeouts—Atlanta 10: Olson 1, Riley 2, d’Arnaud 1, Rosario 2, Arcia Swanson 2, Suzuki 1, Wisdom 3, Mancini 1, Tauchman 1. San Diego
Yoshida, Boston ................51
Díaz, Tampa Bay................50
33 .318
39 .312
McCann 1, Mateo 2. San Francisco 11: Wade Jr. 2, Sabol 2, Haniger
2, Bailey 2, Schmitt 1, Wisely 1, Slater 1 E—Davis (5), Slater (1),
2, Harris II 2. Arizona 8: Carroll 1, Walker 2, Rivera 1, Rojas 1,
Perdomo 2, Moreno 1. E—Herrera (3). LOB—Atlanta 8, Arizona 8.
9: Grisham 2, Soto 1, Machado 1, Cronenworth 1, Kim 2, Carpenter 1,
Dixon 1. E—Hoerner (2), Machado (4). LOB—Chicago 3, San Diego
Urshela, ANGELS...............56 200 62 21 .310 Wisely (5). LOB—Baltimore 7, San Francisco 4. 2B—Mateo (8), 2B—Riley (13), Perdomo (9), Carroll (15). HR—Albies (12), off 8. 2B—Hoerner (9), Swanson (13), Rivas (1). HR—Gomes (7), off The Cleveland Guardians des-
Franco, Tampa Bay ............56 223 68 37 .305 Rutschman (8), Davis (9). 3B—Hicks (1). HR—McCann (3), off Junis; Gallen; Rosario (8), off Castro; Carroll (10), off Soroka; Marte (9), off Weathers; Mancini (4), off Weathers; Amaya (1), off Carlton.
Semien, Texas...................58 241 73 54 .303 Sabol (7), off Wells. RBIs—Frazier (24), Hays (24), Mountcastle Soroka. RBIs—Albies 2 (38), Olson (43), Rosario 4 (25), Perdomo RBIs—Gomes (20), Mancini (18), Swanson 2 (26), Amaya 2 (4),
ignated right-handed pitcher Zach
Hays, Baltimore.................53 193 58 29 .301 (39), Lester 2 (2), McCann (6), Hicks (1), Sabol 2 (18), Flores (19). (26), Carroll (25), Rojas (23), Marte 2 (25). SB—Acuña Jr. 2 (26), Soto (27). GIDP—Hoerner, Suzuki, Cronenworth. DP—Chicago 1 Plesac for assignment in the proc-
Merrifield, Toronto..............53 194 58 28 .299 SB—Hays (2), Mateo (16). SF—Frazier. DP—Baltimore 1 (Urías, McCarthy 2 (10). DP—Atlanta 1 (Olson, Arcia); Arizona 2 (Perdomo, (Hoerner, Swanson, Mancini); San Diego 3 (Machado, Cronenworth,
Verdugo, Boston................56 223 66 41 .296 Mateo, Mountcastle). Rivas; Kim, Cronenworth, Rivas; Cronenworth, Kim, Rivas).
ess of returning Triston McKenzie
Rivera; Marte, Perdomo, Rivera).
Greene, Detroit .................52 203 60 29 .296 Baltimore IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA Atlanta IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA Chicago IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA to the rotation Sunday against the
Home runs Wells, W, 4-2 .............51⁄3 4 2 2 2 9 102 3.29 Soroka......................32⁄3 7 5 5 4 2 80 8.38 Stroman, W, 6-4 ...........6 4 1 0 3 6 84 2.39
Judge, New York............................................................... 19 Baumann ..................12⁄3 0 1 1 1 1 28 4.26 McHugh ....................11⁄3 1 0 0 0 2 27 3.18 Merryweather ...............1 1 0 0 0 1 18 4.12 Minnesota Twins. ... Tampa Bay
Álvarez, Houston .............................................................. 15 Cano ..........................1 1 0 0 0 0 9 0.87 Smith-Shawver ...........21⁄3 0 0 0 1 3 39 0.00 Fulmer ........................1 0 0 0 1 1 15 6.66 Rays shortstop Wander Franco
Ohtani, ANGELS ............................................................... 15 Voth............................1 0 0 0 0 1 13 4.55 Minter, W, 3-5..............2⁄3 0 0 0 0 1 10 6.49 Hughes .......................1 0 0 0 0 1 13 4.15
García, Texas ................................................................... 14 San Francisco IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA Iglesias, S, 7-8 .............1 0 0 0 1 0 10 3.09 San Diego IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA was out of the lineup against the
DeSclafani, L, 4-5.........3 5 6 5 3 2 68 3.97 Arizona IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA Weathers, L, 1-4.........12⁄3 7 5 5 1 1 44 5.35 Boston Red Sox because of a sore
Runs batted in Junis...........................3 3 1 1 0 3 45 3.86 Gallen.........................6 9 3 2 1 6 110 2.75 Carlton .....................31⁄3 3 2 2 1 4 56 2.31
Álvarez, Houston .............................................................. 51 Walker ........................1 0 0 0 0 2 13 1.17 Chafin, H, 7 .................1 2 1 1 1 2 26 3.38 Tapia ..........................3 1 0 0 1 2 37 2.76 left hamstring. ... The Red Sox put
García, Texas ................................................................... 51 Ta.Rogers.....................1 1 0 0 0 2 12 3.72 McGough, H, 11 ...........1 0 0 0 0 1 13 3.23 Cosgrove .....................1 0 0 0 0 1 15 0.00
Devers, Boston ................................................................ 49 Jackson.......................1 1 1 0 0 0 19 0.00 Castro, L, 3-2, BS, 6-8 .. 2⁄3 2 4 4 2 1 19 3.46 Inherited runners-scored—Carlton 1-0. HBP—Cosgrove
left-hander Joely Rodriguez on
Pitching HBP—DeSclafani (McCann). Adams........................1⁄3 1 0 0 0 0 7 2.08 (Amaya). the 15-day injured list because of
McClanahan, Tampa Bay .................................................. 8-1 U—Jerry Layne, Adam Hamari, Nick Mahrley, Vic Carapazza. IBB—by Castro (Riley). WP—Soroka, Gallen. U—Shane Livensparger, Phil Cuzzi, Ryan Wills, Mark Ripperger.
Eovaldi, Texas ................................................................. 8-2 T—2:37. Tickets sold—35,571 (41,915). U—Brian Knight, Alex Tosi, Tony Randazzo, Todd Tichenor. T—3:13. T—2:30. Tickets sold—44,811 (40,222).
left shoulder inflammation.
Cole, New York................................................................ 7-0 Tickets sold—32,401 (48,359). — associated press
L AT I M E S . C O M / S P O RT S M O N DAY , J U N E 5 , 2 0 23 D5


Ohtani points Angels in winning direction Pitching

guru Craig
Luis Rengifo hit his third “It was just one of those
Slugger doubles in the
go-ahead run in eighth
homer of the season for the
Angels, who stopped a three-
game slide.
things,” France said. “It
wasn’t a great pitch, he put a
good swing on it. But after
to help the team stop
its three-game slide.
“He’s really swinging it
well,” Nevin said. “Three hits
last night and a big home
that, just cleared it and de-
cided to keep on rolling.”
Canning gave up four
run today. To me, he’s been hits, struck out four and
ANGELS 2 very selective, swinging at walked one in six innings. It
HOUSTON 1 the right pitches and got the was his fourth consecutive Ex-Giants manager,
good part of the barrel on start of giving up three or
associated press
one today.” fewer runs. who was a Dodger for
Chris Devenski (3-0) “After the first three seven years, dies at 93.
HOUSTON — Shohei pitched 12⁄3 scoreless innings games, you want to try and
Ohtani hit a tiebreaking RBI for the win against his first put a stop to things,” Can-
double in the eighth inning, major league team, and Car- ning said. “It was nice to go By Keith Thursby
and the Angels edged the los Estévez got four outs for out there, just on a really
Houston Astros 2-1 on Sun- his 14th save this season. good page with [Matt] Roger Craig, a well-trav-
day to avoid a four-game se- “Everyone did what they Thaiss behind the plate, and eled major league baseball
ries sweep. had to do, and it feels good to then some timely hitting, ob- player and coach who be-
Ohtani was hitless before get a team win like this and viously, and then the bullpen came a pitching guru in the
clubbing a pitch from Phil playing really well like this came in and shut it down.” 1980s teaching the merits of
Maton (0-1) off the wall in against the Astros,” Estévez France pitched a career- the split-fingered fastball,
right field, driving in Zach said. “That’s pretty cool.” best seven innings in his has died.
Neto for a 2-1 lead. The Yainer Díaz homered for sixth major league start. He The San Francisco Gi-
clutch swing gave Ohtani Houston, and Alex Bregman yielded three hits, struck out ants announced Craig’s
41 RBIs this season. also had two hits, extending three and walked one. death Sunday. He was 93.
“Just a really good at-bat his hitting streak to 11 games. “He was throwing quality He was the pitching
understanding what the Díaz’s leadoff drive in the pitches all day, and also that coach of a dominating De-
pitcher is trying to do,” An- fifth against Griffin Canning was the furthest he’s gone troit Tigers team that won
gels manager Phil Nevin put the Astros in front. But for us,” Astros manager the World Series in 1984, then
said. “Maton is one of the Rengifo went deep in the Dusty Baker said. “You hate continued teaching the
toughest against a lefty in all sixth for the Angels’ first hit to waste that pitching per- David J. Phillip Associated Press split-finger as manager of
of baseball. ... It worked out of the game against J.P. formance, but their guy was SHOHEI OHTANI hit a tiebreaking RBI double in the San Francisco Giants,
for us.” France. pretty good too.” the eighth inning, and the Angels prevented a sweep. who won a division title in
1987 and reached the World
Series in 1989. A right-
hander, Craig was in four
World Series during a 12-

Graterol has some moves that get him in trouble year career, including seven
seasons with the Dodgers in
Brooklyn and Los Angeles.
Pitchers threw a split-fin-
ning. times where you don't think ger by gripping the ball with
The Dodgers’ athletic “He’s just so athletic, and things through, and you're their index and middle fin-
he’s such a good defender, trying to make a play that gers. The result was “a fast-
265-pound reliever’s but clearly, you can’t make you shouldn't be making,” ball that you put an extra
overconfidence has every single play,” Dodgers Graterol, speaking through spin on it so that it drops
manager Dave Roberts said an interpreter, said after down in front of the batter so
at times resulted of Graterol. “That’s a play Sunday night’s game. “And fast he don’t know where it’s
in costly errors. where you just have to eat that's just one of those times goin’, ” Craig explained to
the ball. You’ve got eight, where you're not thinking Playboy magazine in a 1988
nine [hitters] coming up, it’s clearly.” interview.
By Mike DiGiovanna a clean inning. But when you Graterol’s shaky outing The success of Craig’s
start giving away bases, you was the first of three by the students, a mixture of stars
When Brusdar Graterol create stress, and that’s team’s top three relievers. and journeymen, turned the
looks in the mirror, you’d what happens.” Right-hander Evan Phillips, pitch into a phenomenon.
swear he sees Omar Vizquel The mistake was almost who gave up one earned run Roger Lee Craig was born
— not because there is any a carbon copy of the one in 17 2⁄3 innings of his previ- Feb. 17, 1930, in Durham, N.C.
physical resemblance be- Graterol made after enter- ous 17 games, walked An- He said he was discovered by
tween the 6-foot-1, 265- ing Wednesday’s game thony Rizzo with one out in baseball scouts in 1949, his
pound Dodgers reliever and against the Nationals in the the eighth, then gave up a senior year in high school,
the 5-9, 180-pound shortstop seventh inning with the double to Giancarlo Stanton when he filled in for a top
and 11-time Gold Glove Ashley Landis Associated Press score tied 5-5. and an RBI groundout to prospect who was hurt. The
Award winner, but because BOBBY MILLER’S strong six innings went for Graterol, who has a Oswaldo Cabrera for a 2-1 6-foot-4 Craig went to North
Graterol fancies himself a naught after Brusdar Graterol relieved him. 1.82 ERA in 26 games, hit Yankees lead. Carolina State to play
defender capable of making Keibert Ruiz with his first Left-hander Caleb Fer- basketball but quit in 1950 to
jaw-dropping plays. York Yankees and Wednes- field a throw. pitch, bobbled a C.J. Abrams guson, who entered with a sign with the Dodgers.
This is not necessarily a day’s 10-6 loss to the Wash- But that didn’t deter grounder to his left and 1.35 ERA in 23 games and Craig reached the majors
good thing. Graterol, de- ington Nationals. Graterol, who hopped once made an ill-advised, off-bal- hadn’t allowed an earned in 1955 and pitched with the
spite his burly physique, is Graterol replaced domi- on his back foot and fired an ance throw to second that run in 12 1⁄3 innings of his pre- Dodgers, New York Mets,
one of the best athletes on nant starter Bobby Miller in off-balance throw to no one bounced into the outfield, vious 15 games, walked St. Louis Cardinals, Cincin-
the team, said assistant the seventh inning of a that sailed into right field, al- putting runners on second Kiner-Falefa in the ninth nati Reds and Philadelphia
pitching coach Connor scoreless game Sunday lowing the Yankees to put and third with no outs. and gave up a two-out, two- Phillies until 1966. He started
McGuiness, who suggested night, and after striking out runners on second and Graterol nearly escaped run homer to Volpe that the Dodgers’ last game in
the right-hander would con- DJ LeMahieu, he gave up a third. the jam by getting two outs, pushed New York’s lead to Brooklyn and was a key
tend for a Gold Glove if he single to Jake Bauers. No. 8 batter Kyle Higash- but he left an 0-and-2 slider 4-1. pitcher down the stretch in
were a starting pitcher. Isiah Kiner-Falefa ioka, with the infield in, fol- up and in to Luis Garcia, “It was as fresh as our their first Los Angeles World
But Graterol’s confi- dropped a bunt toward third lowed with a broken-bat who drove a three-run ho- bullpen is probably going to Series title in 1959.
dence in his fielding abilities base that Graterol grabbed grounder to shortstop Chris mer to right field for an 8-5 be this year with all three lev- Craig coached with the
crossed the line into over- as his momentum took him Taylor to score Bauers, who Nationals lead. erage guys,” Roberts said. San Diego Padres and Hous-
confidence in his last two ap- toward the line. Freddie got a great jump from third Sunday’s mistake, like “With the pitching perform- ton Astros and was a minor
pearances, resulting in a Freeman charged from first and was running on contact, Wednesday’s, was more a ance we had from the start- league manager for the Dod-
pair of throwing errors that base, and second baseman to give the Yankees a 1-0 lead. mental error than a physical er, you’d like to think you can gers before getting his first
were costly in Sunday Miguel Vargas wasn’t even Graterol struck out An- one. win that game, but that’s managing job with the Pa-
night’s 4-1 loss to the New near the first-base bag to thony Volpe to end the in- “Yeah, there's just some why you play nine.” dres in 1978. He was let go af-
ter two seasons but wasn’t
out of baseball long. Man-

Miller shows he could be budding star in loss

ager Sparky Anderson, who
like Craig grew up in the
Dodgers’ system and
coached with him on the Pa-
dres in 1969, hired him as
[Dodgers, from D1] mingo Germán — a half-in- pitching coach in Detroit.
lating same — even if the ning earlier. “The man is a genius,”
Dodgers couldn’t capitalize Ferguson yielded the Anderson told Sports Illus-
upon it in a frustrating 4-1 knockout blow in the top of trated in 1984. “He’s so opti-
loss at Chavez Ravine. the ninth, throwing a fast- mistic, he could find good in
Miller tossed six shutout ball down the middle that a tornado.”
innings against the Yankees’ Anthony Volpe launched for Craig retired after the Ti-
high-powered offense, albe- a gut-punch two-run homer. gers won the World Series in
it, one playing without Judge And in between all that, 1984 but was hired as Giants’
because of foot soreness there were other small mis- manager to finish out the
from his Saturday catch. takes that doomed the Dod- 1985 season. It took Craig
He rode a dominant com- gers, such as Miguel Vargas two seasons to turn the Gi-
bination of sinkers and slid- being caught stealing in the ants from a team that lost
ers to seven strikeouts and 14 fifth; Will Smith getting 100 games in 1985 into the
swings and misses on 86 picked off in the ninth; and West Division champions.
pitches. Chris Taylor striking out They won the National
And, despite the team’s with the potential go-ahead League pennant in 1989 but
rubber-match defeat, he fur- runners on base in the sev- lost to the Oakland A’s in a
ther hinted at breakout-star enth, taking three called World Series. He was fired
status, becoming just the strikes after being left in the after the 1992 season.
franchise’s second pitcher game to face Yankees closer “I’ll never forget Roger’s
since 1901 to begin his big Clay Holmes in a right-on- first day in spring training
league career with three right matchup. [in 1986],” Al Rosen, the
starts of at least five innings “Today wasn’t a good team’s general manager,
and no more than one run game for us,” Roberts said. told The Times in 1987. “He
given up, according to MLB- “There’s a lot of things we started telling these guys ...
.com. did as far as giving up outs.” he could see a championship
“It felt really good,” said Miller’s performance, in their future. A lot of guys
Miller, who noted he threw though, offered at least one had heard this before but by
his slider, which was his best silver lining, highlighting the the end ... everyone was sit-
pitch Sunday, “harder” and ever-promising potential in ting up and listening to him.
“a little bit tighter” than he his future with yet another It was pretty impressive.”
had in his previous two dazzling start.
starts. “This is the most adrena- Thursby is a former Times
“I was kind of leaning line he’s probably ever felt, editor.
toward that today,” Miller the biggest game for him [of
said. “Didn’t really need my Ashley Landis Associated Press his career],” Roberts said.
other two [breaking] MIGUEL VARGAS can’t tag Isiah Kiner-Falefa as the Yankee reaches on a “And he just handled it so
pitches.” throwing error, one of several mistakes by the Dodgers in the series-losing game. well.”
Unlike the other Dodger
to begin his career with such ing colors. address postgame, after the Graterol was punished DeLuca called up
a stellar three-game intro- “I feel like I’ve been team dropped its third se- for an overzealous throwing Dodgers prospect and
duction — veteran Japanese ready,” Miller said, despite ries out of five, and 10th con- error in the seventh, setting Agoura High product Jonny
pitcher Kenta Maeda in 2016 his eight career triple-A test of its last 18, in a game up the game’s first score DeLuca was called up to re-
— Miller was expected to starts. “But executing all my decided after Miller exited in with an ill-advised, off-bal- place outfielder Trayce
look much more raw early pitches, staying composed the sixth. anced toss after fielding a Thompson, who Roberts
on. out there is going to show Knowing he had his top one-out bunt. said will be sidelined at least
He only reached triple A them I’m ready.” three relievers fresh — Brus- Phillips faltered for just a month with a left strained
at the end of last season, Roberts concurred. dar Graterol, Evan Phillips the second time in 18 appear- oblique.
then missed the first month “Man, he’s really im- and Caleb Ferguson had all ances, giving up a walk, dou- DeLuca, 24, is a former
of this season because of pressed,” the manager said. yet to pitch in the series — ble and RBI grounder in the 25th-round draft pick who
shoulder troubles during “I can’t say enough about Roberts put his trust in his top of the eighth that ne- had impressed at the double
spring training. what Bobby’s done for us.” bullpen down the stretch. gated J.D. Martinez’s score- and triple-A levels this sea- Associated Press
To this point, though, he Unfortunately for the However, the Yankees tying solo home run — the son after being protected ROGER CRAIG , right,
has passed each of his initial Dodgers (35-25), there was (36-25) instead tagged each Dodgers’ lone offense from the Rule 5 draft over poses with Whitey Ford
major league tests with fly- plenty more for Roberts to of them with runs. against Yankees starter Do- the offseason. before a game in 1956.
D6 MO N DAY , J U N E 5 , 2 0 23 S L AT I M E S . C O M / S P O RT S


Busch survives
heat, cautions,
delays in win
limited the amount of data
associated press
that they were able to see.

Kyle Busch held off

Denny Hamlin through a se-
Palou triumphs
ries of late restarts Sunday in Detroit streets
to win the chaotic, caution- Alex Palou went from
filled NASCAR Cup Series critic to champion in a day.
race at World Wide Technol- He started and finished first
ogy Raceway in Madison, in the Detroit Grand Prix,
Ill., just outside of St. Louis. roughly 24 hours after the
Bubba Wallace brought IndyCar points leader said
out the 11th and final yellow the street course was too
when his brake rotor let go tight and short for the series.
with five laps remaining. “It was a lot better than I ex-
There also were two red flags pected,” said Palou, who
to go with a two-hour won his second race in less
weather delay that caused than a month and the sixth
the mid-afternoon race to of his caeer.
finish in the twilight. The Spaniard, who won
With the floodlights com- the Indianapolis Grand
ing on around the speedway, Prix, led 74 of 100 laps on De-
Busch got a big push from troit’s new street circuit and
Denny Hamlin on the final went ahead for the last time
restart — the fifth over the on Lap 77. He stayed in front
last 40-some laps — and after Will Power made a
pulled away for his third vic- move that didn’t pan out as
tory of the season for Rich- he made contact with Scott
ard Childress Racing. Dixon on Lap 91.
“Our short-track stuff After a seventh yellow
has been a struggle this year. flag, Palou pulled away in his
We knew we really wanted to Honda with five laps left and
come out here and set a fo- beat Power’s Chevrolet by
cus on running at a shorter 1.1843 seconds. Flex Rosen-
track,” said Busch, whose qvist finished third, followed
other triumphs this year by Scott Dixon and Alexan-
came at Talladega and in der Rossi.
Fontana. The start was waved off
“I felt like this was a good because there wasn’t
precursor to what we have enough space between cars.
coming for the rest of the When the race resumed on
year,” Busch said. the second lap going into
The victory was espe- Turn 3, Callum Ilott dam-
cially gratifying for Busch’s aged Kyle Kirkwood’s wing
crew chief, Randall Burnett, by running into him in the Marcio Jose Sanchez Associated Press
who not only produced a car middle of the 27-car pack. AARON LONG , right, of LAFC battles for position and for the ball with León’s Lucas Di Yorio in the first half
fast enough to win the pole in of Sunday’s Champions League second leg at BMO Stadium. LAFC had minimal offense in a shutout loss.
his hometown but also made
Verstappen takes

LAFC shut out at home in final

all the right calls Sunday.
Burnett hails from Spanish GP title
nearby Fenton, Mo., and had Max Verstappen of Red
plenty of friends and family Bull won the Spanish Grand
in a sellout crowd of about Prix from the pole position
60,000 on a brutally hot day. to strengthen his hold on the [LAFC, from D1] “And in the right mo- “Our left side kind of fell goals in eight games, drilled
Hamlin finished second, Formula One champi- jettisoned the fluid attack- ments, they were a little bit asleep and lost track of a a left-footed shot into the
while Joey Logano, the win- onship. ing style his team has used to better.” player. It’s really that sim- side netting.
ner a year ago in the Cup Se- The two-time defending great success the last two León made LAFC pay for ple,” Cherundolo said. Then in stoppage time,
ries debut at the track, got champion was never chal- seasons. After being puni- the switch in strategy in the On the other end, LAFC, Timothy Tillman one-hop-
around Kyle Larson on the lenged on the Circuit de Bar- shed by León’s speed and 20th minute, catching Pala- which hadn’t been held ped a header right at León
final lap for third. celona-Catalunya in Mont- wide play in the first leg, cios playing narrow and up scoreless in the tournament, goalkeeper Rodolfo Cota,
Martin Truex Jr. rounded melo after beating Carlos Cherundolo made five line- the field to score the game’s misfired on its two best first- leaving Cherundolo and his
out the top five ahead of Sainz’s Ferrari to the first up changes for the second, only goal on a counterattack. half chances, with Aaron players to congratulate their
Ryan Blaney, last week’s turn. choosing to defend with a The sequence began with Long heading a Carlos Vela opponent while conceding
winner at Charlotte. Verstappen’s Red Bull five-man back line, releasing a low through ball from An- free kick just wide of the left nothing.
“Long day for sure,” teammate Sergio Pérez, who the two outside backs — Di- gel Mena in the middle of the post in the 11th minute and His team, he said, had
Logano said. “There were finished fourth, has won the ego Palacios and Sergi Pa- LAFC half that found Ivan Kellyn Acosta rolling a left- learned a lesson — one that
four or five cars that were other two races this year. lencia — to roam forward in Moreno with loads of open footed shot wide of the other will make it that much
just better than us. We made The Dutchman grew his the attack. space on the right wing. post in the 41st minute. tougher to beat when it gets
some good adjustments at lead over Pérez to 55 points. “[We wanted] just a little Moreno dribbled to the edge By the hour mark, back to the CCL final.
the end, and we were in the “It is a big pleasure to more control of the game of the penalty area before de- Cherundolo was so desper- “From my experiences in
hunt.” drive a car like this, and it and to defend a little better livering a cross to Di Yorio on ate for offense he subbed off this game as a player, the
It was a long day for showed on a day like this,” and to create a little more on the other side of the box and Vela, his captain, for rookie higher up you go, the higher
Corey LaJoie, who filled in Verstappen said. “Hopefully the flanks,” Cherundolo said the Argentine forward did Stipe Biuk. It didn’t make the level is, the less chances
for Chase Elliott in the No. 9 we can keep it up through- of his strategy. “It could have the rest, spinning to his right much of a difference, with you get,” the coach said. “We
car for Hendrick Motor- out the year.” worked out beautifully. But to avoid defenders and one- LAFC’s best look coming in did a good job of minimizing
sports and spent most of the Lewis Hamilton crossed this game, it’s not about tac- timing a right-footed shot off the 80th minute when Denis their chances. But again, it’s
day near the back before fin- the finish line second in his tics. It’s about moments and the hands of LAFC goal- Bouanga, the tournament’s a soft goal that was very easy
ishing 21st. Mercedes to equal his best mentality. keeper John McCarthy. leading scorer with seven to defend and we fell asleep.”
Elliott was suspended for finish of the season.
the race for intentionally

Vela looks slow, uninspired, finished

wrecking Hamlin last week.
NHRA postponed
It also was a long day for
everyone on pit stands. until Monday
There were some technical The New England Na-
issues that not only pre- tionals in Epping, N.H. were [Hernández, from D1]
vented them from having postponed until Monday he looked like it.
communication with teams morning because of wet He launched a free kick
back at their shop but also weather. that sailed high over the
crossbar and into the
stands. He blasted another
that crashed into León’s
defensive wall.
He was equally ineffec-
tive in the run of play, his
diminished reflexes pre-
venting him from dribbling
by León’s defenders or even
sneaking passes by them.
He didn’t take a single
shot on target.
“Carlos wasn’t impacting
on the game at the mo-
ment,” coach Steve Cherun-
dolo said of Vela’s 64th-
minute substitution.
Once the most feared
attacker in this part of the Marcio Jose Sanchez Associated Press
world, Vela was as invisible LAFC FORWARD Denis Bouanga (99) and León defender William Tesillo (6)
Sunday as he was in a 2-1 plead their cases to the referee during León’s 1-0 victory at BMO Stadium.
first-leg defeat four days
earlier. in Mexico, or even retiring.” unusually specific cost Galaxy, Chicago Fire, To-
Jeff Roberson Associated Press Four years removed from Like Clayton Kershaw on controls, giving one of three ronto FC and Inter Miami
KYLE BUSCH picked up his third victory of the the greatest individual the Dodgers, Vela remains a designated-player slots to have also invested heavily in
season to go with triumphs at Talladega and Fontana. season in Major League useful player to LAFC. In 12 Vela would be soccer sui- their rosters but not wisely,
Soccer history, he was prac- regular-season matches cide. turning themselves into
tically reduced to the role of this year, he has four goals Vela was the ideal choice circuses. Some of the
AUTO RACING RESULTS spectator in the most im- and five assists. to be LAFC’s first-ever league’s other successful
portant game in LAFC Vela is also still one of player. He wasn’t just a teams — the Philadelphia
NASCAR Dixon, 100, Running. 5. Alexander Rossi, 100, Running. history. MLS’s most popular play- Mexican player in a Mexican Union, in particular, come to
Cup Series 6. Kyle Kirkwood 100, Running. 7. Scott McLaughlin,
Enjoy Illinois 300 100, Running. 8. Marcus Armstrong, 100, Running. 9. Vela looked slow. ers, his jersey the best- American city. He was also a mind — have won games by
At Madison, Ill. Marcus Ericsson, 100, Running. 10. Josef Newgarden, He looked uninspired. selling on the league’s online legitimate world-class tal- adopting unattractive and
World Wide Technology Raceway 100, Running.
Track: 1.25-miles 11. Colton Herta, 100, Running. 12. Devlin De- He looked finished. store as of last month. ent. cynical styles of play.
1. Kyle Busch, Chevrolet, 243 laps, 59 points. 2. Francesco, 100, Running. 13. Simon Pagenaud, 100, Vela’s contract expires at But the Mexican at- About the only potential LAFC showed what an
Denny Hamlin, Toyota, 243, 51. 3. Joey Logano, Ford, Running. 14. Agustin Canapino, 100, Running. 15. Conor
243, 44. 4. Kyle Larson, Chevrolet, 243, 34. 5. Martin Daly, 100, Running. 16. Christian Lundgaard, 100, Run- the end of the current MLS tacker is on a contract that drawback was his reported MLS team could do if it was
Truex Jr, Toyota, 243, 39. 6. Ryan Blaney, Ford, 243, 50. ning. 17. Jack Harvey, 100, Running. 18. Rinus VeeKay, season, and LAFC will now guarantees him $3.3 million apathy, a notion he quickly as smart as it was ambi-
7. Daniel Suárez, Chevrolet, 243, 37. 8. William Byron, 100, Running. 19. Helio Castroneves, 100, Running. 20.
Chevrolet, 243, 40. 9. Michael McDowell, Ford, 243, 28. Benjamin Pedersen, 97, Running. have to decide what to do this year. MLS roster rules dispelled with his play on tious. Vela was a major part
10. Kevin Harvick, Ford, 243, 35. 11. Christopher Bell, FORMULA ONE with the player around permit teams to carry only the field. He scored. He of that.
Toyota, 243, 26. 12. Chris Buescher, Ford, 243, 25. 13.
Austin Cindric, Ford, 243, 26. 14. A.J. Allmendinger,
Spanish Grand Prix whom it built its franchise. three designated players — created for others. He Perhaps LAFC and Vela
At Barcelona, Catalunya Circuit
Chevrolet, 243, 23. 15. Todd Gilliland, Ford, 243, 22. 16. Track: 4 kilometers (2.5 miles) Vela will turn 35 next basically, players who can even tracked back on de- can find a middle ground for
Justin Haley, Chevrolet, 243, 21. 17. Ryan Preece, Ford,
243, 20. 18. Erik Jones, Chevrolet, 243, 19. 19. Aric
1. Max Verstappen, Netherlands, Red Bull Racing, 66 March. be paid as much as teams fense. the sake of continuing their
laps, 1:27:57.940, 26 points. 2. Lewis Hamilton, Great
Almirola, Ford, 243, 18. 20. Ty Gibbs, Toyota, 243, 17. Britain, Mercedes, 66, +24.090 seconds, 18. 3. George He was guarded this past want to pay them — and In LAFC’s second sea- partnership. Perhaps Vela
Average Speed of Winner: 87.503 mph. Time of
Race: 3 hours, 28 minutes, 16 seconds. Margin of
Russell, Great Britain, Mercedes, 66, +32.389, 15. 4. week when addressing his Vela is one of them. son, in 2019, Vela scored an can return as a non-desig-
Sergio Perez, Mexico, Red Bull Racing, 66, +35.812, 12.
Victory: .517 seconds. Caution Flags: 11 for 67 laps. 5. Carlos Sainz Jr, Spain, Ferrari, 66, +45.698, 10. 6. future. As a franchise icon who MLS-single-season-record nated player.
Lead Changes: 10 among 5 drivers.
Top 16 in points: 1. Blaney, 495; 2. Byron 482; 3.
Lance Stroll, Canada, Aston Martin, 66, +1:03.320, 8. 7. “I am very happy, and I appeals to LAFC’s multicul- 34 goals in 31 games. Last Otherwise, this will likely
Fernando Alonso, Spain, Aston Martin, 66, +1:04.127, 6.
Harvick 473; 4. Truex 472; 5. Chastain 466; 6. Bell 455; 8. Esteban Ocon, France, Alpine, 66, +1:09.242, 4. 9. enjoy playing for this club,” tural and multilingual fan year, Vela was part of the mark the end of his time
7. Kyle Busch, 451; 8. Hamlin 451; 9. Larson 411; 10.
Reddick 411; 11. Keselowski 403; 12. Logano 401; 13.
Guanyu Zhou, China, Alfa Romeo Racing, 66, +1:11.878, Vela said in Spanish. “In this base, a justification can be LAFC team that captured with the team. LAFC hasn’t
2. 10. Pierre Gasly, France, Alpine, 66, +1:13.530, 1.
Buescher 393; 14. Stenhouse 368 15. Wallace, 334; 16.
STANDINGS: 1. Max Verstappen, Netherlands, Red
business, we know anything made for him to retain that the franchise’s first MLS become what it’s become by
Suarez 313.
Bull Racing, 170 points. 2. Sergio Perez, Mexico, Red Bull can happen. We must al- designation beyond this Cup. being sentimental or mak-
INDYCAR Racing, 117. 3. Fernando Alonso, Spain, Aston Martin,
Chevrolet Detroit Grand Prix 99. 4. Lewis Hamilton, Great Britain, Mercedes, 87. 5.
ways be open and willing to season. In its brief history, LAFC ing major mistakes, and
At Detroit George Russell, Great Britain, Mercedes, 65. 6. Carlos listen to whatever may be For what Vela provides has distinguished itself paying Vela millions of
Track: Streets of Detroit, 1.7-miles Sainz Jr, Spain, Ferrari, 58. 7. Charles Leclerc, Monaco,
(All cars Dallara chasiss) Ferrari, 42. 8. Lance Stroll, Canada, Aston Martin, 35. 9.
the best option and decide on the field, no such argu- from other MLS teams by dollars beyond this
1. Alex Palou, 100 laps, Running. 2. Will Power, 100, Esteban Ocon, France, Alpine, 25. 10. Pierre Gasly, what is best for my family ment can be made. In a combining style with sub- season would be a major
Running. 3. Felix Rosenqvist, 100, Running. 4. Scott France, Alpine, 15.
and me, whether it is here or salary-cap league with stance. Teams such as the mistake.

CALENDAR M O N D AY , J U N E 5 , 2 0 2 3 :: L A T I M E S . C O M / C A L E N D A R

Directors Guild says
three-year contract
includes gains on pay,
streaming residuals.
By Anousha Sakoui

The Directors Guild of

America said it has reached
a “historic deal” with the ma-
jor studios on a new three-
year film and TV contract.
In a statement, the DGA
negotiating committee said
that it reached a tentative
agreement with the Alliance
of Motion Picture and Tele-
vision Producers that in-
cludes wage increases, a new
structure to pay foreign re-
siduals — which had been a
key priority for the union —
and restrictions on the use of
“We have concluded a
truly historic deal,” said Jon
Avnet, chair of the DGA’s ne-
gotiations committee in a
statement. “It provides sig-
nificant improvements for
every director, assistant di-
rector, unit production man-
ager, associate director and
stage manager in our guild.
In these negotiations we
made advances on wages,
streaming residuals, safety,
creative rights and diversity,
as well as securing essential
protections for our mem-
bers on new key issues like
artificial intelligence — en-
suring DGA members will
not be replaced by techno-
logical advances.”
The DGA, whose current
contract is set to expire June
30, began talks May 10. The
union represents 19,000 di-
rectors and their teams.
The agreement an-
nounced late Saturday night
Ariel Fisher For The Times ends what many had predic-
ted would be contentious ne-
[See DGA, E2]

All his scary dreams THEATER REVIEW

Horror fan Rob Savage brings Stephen King’s ‘The Boogeyman’ to life
ours before hopping a ioned at the aptly named Blue Room, reunion
H red-eye from Los Angeles
to London to promote
the biggest film of his
career, one of horror’s
fastest-rising filmmakers is too busy
waxing ecstatic over his love of scary
movies to worry about making it to the
one of his favorite Burbank bars.
In conversation, he ticks off his fa-
vorite auteurs — De Palma, Argento,
Bava, Hitchcock — with encyclopedic
knowledge, recounting how his cin-
ematic obsessions led him to experi-
ment with tricks and techniques — and
‘A Transparent
Musical’ revisits the
Pfefferman family, but
don’t expect great art.
airport on time. resulted in at least one black eye. (It
Why horror? Let “The Boogeyman” came from a falling camera, while re-
director Rob Savage count the ways. creating the stair shot from “Psycho.”)
“There are taboo things that we all But Savage’s love affair with the genre is
“Transparent,” the
think and feel that we don’t want to talk Patti Perret 20th Century Studios an emotional one too.
groundbreaking Prime
about, that in a horror movie you can DEATH haunts siblings played by Soph- “The best horror movies make me Video series about a Los An-
dramatize without looking straight in ie Thatcher, left, and Vivien Lyra Blair. feel really seen,” he smiles. In his youth, geles Jewish family after its
the eyes,” he says, sipping an old-fash- Director Rob Savage, top, loves frights. he aspired to be [See Savage, E6] patriarch comes out as
transgender, came to an un-
expected and, for fans like
myself, disappointing end-
After Jeffrey Tambor, the

Complex story web for a Spider-Woman

series’ star who played
Maura Pfefferman, the par-
ent who makes the late-in-
life gender revelation, was
fired from the show after al-
legations of sexual harass-
Gwen Stacy navigates ment, creator Joey Soloway
decided to bring the series to
a journey of growth a close with a grand musical
amid the interweaving finale.
It took me several years
‘Spider-Verse’ strands. to watch this culminating
episode and several at-
By Tracy Brown tempts to get through it. I
[See ‘Transparent,’ E6]
Her name is Gwen Stacy.
She was bitten by a radio-
active spider. And since
then, she’s been the one and
only Spider-Woman — at ‘Ted Lasso’ star
least in her dimension. cheers the fans
Gwen quickly summariz-
es her origin story in 2018’s Hannah Waddingham
“Spider-Man: Into the Spi- shares her reactions
der-Verse” after displaying to viewers’ theories on
her expert web-slinging abil- Tedbecca and more.
ities to assist a couple of her Go, Richmond. E2
fellow Spideys. With her cool Comics ................... E4-5
confidence and graceful Sony Pictures Animation
Puzzles ...................... E4
[See ‘Spider-Verse,’ E3] PARENT -child issues are faced by Jessica Drew, left, Gwen Stacy and Peter B. Parker with daughter Mayday.
E2 MO N DAY , J U N E 5 , 2 0 23 L AT I M E S . C O M / CA L E N DA R

Hannah Waddingham is just another fan

there. That is so cute, be a dad again, she reminds
The ‘Ted Lasso’ star though! Do you know what I herself how to let love in. But
love about these “Tedbecca I didn’t feel like it was any
shares her reactions to shippers”? It’s all about more than that. Rather
viewers’ conjectures. wanting the fairy princess than the whole, “Oh, she’s
and the prince to find love going to become a mum of
‘It’s about positivity.’ because it makes us all feel the child,” I just feel like it’s
better. Because you want it giving possibilities, you
By Lorena O’Neil for yourself. There’s an know? I quite liked that it
element for us as humans, was quite neutral.
This article contains there’s an animal thing, to
spoilers for the Season 3 want Prince Charming and Yeah and you see them
finale of “Ted Lasso.” Cinderella to end up to- later outside at a party, but
gether. We all have it. I love it’s not like they’re putting
Hannah Waddingham that people try and project her in a wedding gown and
plays the beloved AFC Rich- that onto [Ted and Re- throwing her down the
mond boss Rebecca Welton becca] because it’s about aisle.
on “Ted Lasso,” and as it positivity and hopefulness, I like that nothing went
turns out, she is very similar isn’t it? too far down that road be-
to her devoted fans. cause I think it would have
She too has guesses Would you have wished been contrived perhaps to
about potential spinoffs. that for Rebecca? suddenly have her — I liked
She sees romantic chem- Sometimes, yes, some- the fact that we acknowl-
istry between Ted and Re- times no. I can’t give a de- edged that she has let some-
becca. And she is not ready finitive answer because, yes, thing in that is different
for the series to end. The I think undoubtedly they’re from that which we’ve seen
British actor also has a soul mates. Does it have to her around before now.
strong opinion about be sexual? Absolutely not This season was all
whether Keeley Jones (Juno necessarily. Is there chem- about finding sunshine for
Temple), her friend and istry beyond friendship? Rebecca. Past the bit, which
mentee on the show, should Yes, I think they do have I loved actually, the bit with
have ended up with Roy Photographs by Colin Hutton Apple that as well, just from the Tish the clairvoyant.
Kent (Brett Goldstein) or JASON SUDEIKIS is the titular coach to Hannah Waddingham’s team owner. way they kind of play with
Jamie Tartt (Phil Dunster). each other. But I liked the Oh, right, did all of that
Waddingham won an way it was left, that in that stuff with the lightning and
Emmy in 2021 for her sup- moment, that man needed matchbook get closed out?
porting role as the com- ‘Ted Lasso’ to go home to his boy. I Well, of course, the light-
manding yet vulnerable Re- understand that, being a ning is the Dutchman crash-
becca. In the series, her single mum; nothing ing back into her life. I think
character, fresh off a devas- Where: Apple TV+ trumps my baby. Of course, the green matchbook was
tating divorce from billion- When: Anytime so I quite like that. You do taking her back to Sam for
aire Rupert Mannion (An- Rated: TV-MA (may be see a sadness in his eyes in her to realize that he wasn’t
thony Head), initially hires unsuitable for children the whole episode. He’s for her, either. I would imag-
Ted Lasso — who had only under the age of 17) made an absolutely defini- ine there will be some dis-
ever coached American foot- tive decision. But is it fully course over why wasn’t it all
ball — to tank the team as an joyful? I don’t believe it is. bashed over the head so
act of revenge against her ex, [Goldstein] kind of look like And I think that’s much much, but the beauty of our
who loved the soccer club. each other and I’m like, “Oh, more compelling. writers is they don’t bash
But instead, she ends up on that just works.” you over the head.
a journey to find happiness I know there’s no certainty It’s kind of up for inter-
and success free of revenge. Yes, I was devastated it that everything is com- pretation and gently done.
Though the soccer come- wasn’t Roy-Keeley pletely over, but I will say I It doesn’t need to be like a
dy has catapulted Wadding- endgame. don’t see Rebecca in Kan- tornado going through her
ham to fame in the U.S., the “TED LASSO’S” Roy (Brett Goldstein), from left, I love the fact that sas. life or someone started a fire
actor has been a musical Keeley (Juno Temple) and Jamie (Phil Dunster). around Keeley, Roy be- I don’t see Rebecca in with a green matchbook. It
theater star for decades, and comes soft and questioning. Kansas. [Laughs.] I’m glad doesn’t need to be that
she has also appeared in Rebecca and Keeley’s young woman again with I find it very funny always I’ve conveyed that over vociferously shown during
“Game of Thrones,” “Sex friendship was such an Matthijs. that — you know, the whole three seasons. the season.
Education” and most re- important tenet of the thing about Ted and Re-
cently starred in “Tom show. They’ve looked to True. I’d spoken with a fan becca? I feel like people have Rebecca is a fan favorite, I was hoping that she
Jones” as Lady Bellaston. each other professionally who’d predicted the just forgotten that he’s been people love her. What is it wouldn’t give up the team
Waddingham chatted and personally. How im- Dutchman would be back schtupping her best mate like to have such a devoted even though in the begin-
with The Times following portant was it for you that at an airport because he’d for three seasons. [Laughs fan base? ning of the series she didn’t
the Season 3 finale of the Ap- they have that moment? had so many planes on his hard.] Oh, my God, if you It’s gorgeous because it really want the team.
ple TV+ series. While Jason I thought it was rather houseboat. lead with that as the open- makes me think that people I love that picture of her
Sudeikis has maintained beautiful and rather fitting Little Easter egg there! ing of this, I’m going to hunt are really lovely at heart. on the front of the news-
that the story he created was that, like you say, to see their you down and headbutt you. They are championing a paper. Jason and I spoke
a three-season arc, there ap- professional and personal There was some intense woman who is middle-aged long and hard about what
peared to be a few doors left lives mixing and using the negative reaction on social Before I talked to Tedbecca and a bit lost and doesn’t kind of energy Rebecca
open on the episode re- very best of both of them. I media with how some of the fans a few weeks ago, I know what the hell she’s should be giving off there.
leased last week. Wadding- think it’s an absolute match plotlines ended. The Ted- really only saw them as doing and is trying really And it’s not hard like, “I’m a
ham talked about the pos- made in heaven. But who becca fans (who wanted friends. bloody hard. And I love the boss bitch of this team.” It
sibilities for Rebecca’s fu- knows? them to become a couple) I don’t know, I think it fact that the people that was, “This is my team.
ture and her fellow charac- I mean, the good thing is felt it was especially cruel could have gone either way love Rebecca must find a Thank you to the fans.
ters in the “Ted Lasso” people keep asking all of us to have the big fake-out really. There is an ambiguity part of themselves in it as Come and join us.”
universe. This interview has cast members aside from scene in the beginning of to it. You can know someone well.
been edited and condensed Sudeikis, “You know what’s the finale with Rebecca in for 10 years and then sud- If you had been the writer
for clarity. happening?” Thankfully all her robe in the kitchen with denly go, “Oh, my God, you In the finale it seems like for the finale is there any-
of us can honestly say no f— Ted. were right here all the time.” she’s accepted her role as thing you would have
Congratulations on a clue. Not a clue at all, which The thing is Jason al- I genuinely don’t know. All I mother for the team and changed?
bittersweet finale. I’m is just as well. ways stands by the fact that do know is, thankfully, Ja- fans. In the airport she tells I wouldn’t have had the
ready for an AFC Rich- he has not adjusted any- son and I have had so much Ted, “I’ll stay with my bloody “Sound of Music”
mond women’s team, are In terms of love, career, life, thing. He has always kept chemistry that it’s made family.” Then minutes thing so early because I
you? was this the arc you always true to the script ideas and everyone question it from later, it’s left open for her to cried my eyes out for the
I didn’t actually know knew would happen for arc that they had in the the get-go. maybe have a stepmom rest of the bloody show from
that — that was an added Rebecca? What were your writers room for this three- role. What are your hopes then onwards. [The team
scene and both myself and feelings when you read the season arc. I think that The Tedbecca fans were for her with the mother- performs “So Long, Fare-
Juno were given that folder script for the finale? maybe people are reading even studying what you hood arc? well” for Ted.] Oh, God, it
— because it’s obviously I knew that the fabulous into something that he had wore, talking about Han- Well, interesting that you killed me that, it really did.
part of the musical montage Matteo van der Grijn who already written. I don’t nah wearing “biscuit box say open for her. I think I actually don’t think so
— so she and I were given plays Matthijs, the know; either way, I found it pink.” that’s the key point for her because I have great respect
that folder, and both of us Dutchman, would be com- funny. No, they do not! then. It is suggested as a for Jason and the writers,
went, “Wait, hold on, what ing back in, and I thought possible outcome. It is and I’m very accepting of
now?! How the, who the, that was rather lovely be- Now for my fangirl, rom- Yes. They’re convinced suggested that maybe she the way they choose to go. I
what what?” cause thankfully he and I com question. I know they are meant for each has finally been delivered a spoke to Jason about things
We recorded two differ- did have great chemistry. there’s value in Keeley other. bit of sunshine in the mo- privately, about Rebecca.
ent endings. And they’ve The thing that I love about choosing herself and suc- That’s a good bit of writ- ment that Ted goes back But like you said, who
obviously gone for the one Rebecca and him together is ceeding in her career like ing and chemistry right and reminds himself how to knows if it’s the end?
where we do that squeal that you see her for the first Rebecca, but if you got to
that we’ve always done. time literally ever with her choose who Keeley ended
But there was another shoulders down. There’s up with, are you Team

DGA strikes ‘historic’ film

ending where I open it and just something lovely and Jamie or Team Roy?
look up at her with slight free and young about her Roy! Definitely, Roy! All
trepidation and then when he’s around, and day, every day. I don’t see it
slightly start smiling. And I girlish and silly and kind of with Jamie. I see them as
liked that one because it
was a new beginning for
Rebecca and perhaps for
Keeley. So there’s a little
giggly. Which we’ve not seen
her [like that] with anyone.
Even though she was taken
with Sam, she was mea-
friends, whereas there is a
certain magic when those
two people are on screen
together. You know how
and TV deal with studios
scoop — that is a different sured and in control. She some people that end up
kind of vibe that she and I was a woman with Sam, together look like each [DGA, from E1]
had on it. whereas she became a other? Juno and Brett gotiations with the DGA,
but it’s unclear what effect it
will have on the standoff
with writers, who have been
on strike since May 2 in a dis-
OF SUBTITLES pute over streaming pay and
other issues.
Info Line 310.478.3836 Though some of the
terms agreed to by the DGA
11523 Santa Monica Blvd. West L.A. 17200 Ventura Blvd. Encino 207 N. Maryland Ave Glendale 5240 Lankershim Blvd. No. Hollywood could also apply to writers,
the WGA has made clear
padre pio E padre pio E The Boogeyman C that the situation is very dif-
4:20 PM 4:30 7:20 Spider-man: acroSS The 1:30 4:30 7:30
ferent from 2008, when the
aBouT my FaTher C Spider-man: acroSS The
1:00 4:00 7:00
12:55 3:10 5:20 7:30 Spider-VerSe B Spider-VerSe B DGA negotiated a deal that
WhiTe BaLLS on WaLLS 1:00 4:00 7:10 helped to resolve the previ-
1:00 3:10 7:30 The LiTTLe mermaid B 1:00 4:00 7:10
1:10 4:00 7:00 The LiTTLe mermaid B ous writers’ strike that
chiLe ‘76 (1976) 12:50 3:55 7:00 lasted 100 days. Chris Pizzello Invision / AP
1:30 7:20 you hurT my FeeLingS E
12:55 3:10 5:25 7:40 The LiTTLe mermaid B The machine E The proposed DGA deal, WAGE increases are part of a tentative deal between
concerned ciTizen 1:10 4:20 7:10
5:25 PM
Book cLuB: The nexT
for example, does not ad- the Directors Guild of America and major studios.
chapTer C 12:50 3:55 7:00 you hurT my FeeLingS E dress core demands from
MONICA 1:20 7:10 12:50 3:05 5:20 7:30
1332 Second Street Santa Monica the WGA regarding the min- walkout in 1987 that lasted siduals for new free stream-
iT ain’T oVer B SancTuary E imum number of writers five minutes (or 12 minutes ing platforms Freevee, Tubi
FaLcon Lake The machine E 1:20 4:20 7:20
1:30 4:20
1:30 7:20 hired for TV shows and the by some accounts). and Roku. Additionally, the
FoLLoW her guardianS oF The gaLaxy
NEWHALL 1:30 4:20 7:10 VoL. 3 C spread of much-maligned The proposed agreement terms included a reduction
4:30 PM 22500 Lyons Ave. Santa Clarita 1:00 4:00 6:55 “mini-rooms.” calls for a 5% increase to of working hours for assist-
you hurT my FeeLingS E
1:00 3:10 5:20 7:30 you hurT my FeeLingS E
aFTer Sherman In a note to members last wages in the first year of the ant directors; advance-
The Boogeyman C 7:30 PM
exhiBiTion on Screen: Tokyo 1:30 4:20 7:30 week, the WGA said: “To re- contract, 4% in the second ments in safety including a
STorieS 12:50 3:05 7:30 CLAREMONT solve the strike, the compa- and 3.5% in the third. ban of live ammunition on
7:00 PM Spider-man: acroSS The 450 W. 2nd Street Claremont
Spider-VerSe B nies will have to negotiate The DGA said it also sets; payment for the prepa-
maSTer gardener E
1:00 7:00
1:00 4:00 7:10 with the WGA on our full gained new residuals to re- ration time of feature direc-
exhiBiTion on Screen: Tokyo The Boogeyman C
BLackBerry E
aBouT my FaTher C 1:30 4:20 7:30 agenda.” Despite tensions in flect international viewer- tors before the start of film-
1:10 3:20 5:30 7:40 negotiations, there was little ship as well as greater trans- ing; and funding for a new
1:10 4:00 7:00 STorieS
Spider-man: acroSS The
iT ain’T oVer B The LiTTLe mermaid B Spider-VerSe B expectation that the DGA — parency from studios and parental leave benefit.
1:15 4:10 7:00 7:00 PM 12:55 4:00 7:10
1:20 PM which did not seek a strike streamers on reporting The contract also stipu-
L’immenSiTà The machine E The LiTTLe mermaid B authorization vote from these payments. The mea- lates that AI cannot replace
4:10 PM 1:20 4:20 7:20 1:10 4:10 7:00
moon garden members and has a tradi- sures would represent a 76% the duties performed by
The meLT goeS on ForeVer: you hurT my FeeLingS E
The arT & TimeS oF daVid The machine E tion of early bargaining — increase in foreign residuals members.
4:15 PM 1:20 4:30 7:20
hammonS 5:15 PM would join the writers in a for the largest platforms. Re- The DGA board will vote
1:20 7:10 FaST x C you hurT my FeeLingS E
12:50 4:00 7:10 12:55 3:10 5:25 7:40
walkout. siduals for a one-hour epi- Tuesday on whether to ap-
The LiTTLe mermaid
4:00 PM SancTuary E Throughout its 87-year sode would be about $90,000 prove the deal, which also
guardianS oF The gaLaxy exhiBiTion on Screen: Tokyo
monTréaL girLS VoL. 3 C STorieS history, the DGA has staged for the first three years. must be ratified by mem-
4:20 PM 12:55 6:40 1:20 4:30 7:20 7:00 PM a strike only once — a The deal also secures re- bers.
LAT I M E S . C O M / CA L E N DA R M O N DAY , J U N E 5 , 2 0 23 E3

Dave and GaTa meet Drake and Brad

Whoa. The star drop-ins on the season finale of ‘Dave’ are just insane. How did they come about?
ence [with the stalker] and
go pursue the important
things in life and go to Rob-
yn and leave the career
The following contains behind. And it’s a total
major spoilers for the curveball that he doesn’t,
Season 3 finale of “Dave.” and I like that. Not to over-
simplify it, but Season 1 and
Even by the standards of Season 2, I kind of did the
a TV show that’s seen high- right thing. Season 3 we
profile cameos from the likes wanted to be: What if he did
of Justin Bieber, Rick Ross maybe the wrong thing?
and Doja Cat, the Season 3
finale of FX’s hip-hop come- Instead of reuniting with
dy “Dave” delivers a wallop. Robyn, Dave goes to Africa
Two, in fact: Drake and to make music with Drake.
Brad Pitt. Burd: And I don’t view that
The former turns up, like as, like, “F— love, I only care
so many before him in the se- about being rich and cool
ries loosely based on musi- with Drake.” I think it’s also
cian and actor Dave Burd’s a form of awareness to say,
real-life experiences as the “Even though I’m as confi-
white rapper Lil Dicky, as a dent as I appear, obviously
version of himself — in this there’s a huge, gaping hole
case as he welcomes Dave to inside of me if I have this
a remote village in West Afri- endless quest for val-
ca to work on music after idation.” Until you fill that
Dave has left his sort-of-girl- void within yourself, you’re
friend Robyn (Chloe Ben- not ready to take on a rela-
net) behind in Los Angeles. tionship, and I think my
Pitt, meanwhile, is simi- character became aware of
larly riffing on his movie star that and let Robyn go be-
identity, though his role cause the other way would
takes a far more surprising be stringing her along. It’d
turn: After making an ap- FX Networks be even worse.
pearance in a music video for RAPPER Dave Burd, right, plays a version of himself in “Dave” opposite hype man Davionte “GaTa” Ganter.
Dave’s song about wooing Well, he’s also letting her go
Rachel McAdams — whom spect the show. And that’s shooting until 6 a.m. I was Episode 1 come back in because he wants to pursue
the real Burd says “was in ev- just so validating. totally giving him every out: Episode 10 as, like, a sick, Rachel McAdams.
ery single piece of film that “Hey, I have this perfect twisted mirror — take the ‘Dave’ Burd: I feel like one of the
portrayed my definition as a GaTa, you clearly knew body double … ,” and he’s traits that are wrong and best parts of the season is
child of what love is” — Pitt Brad Pitt would be in the like, “What? Absolutely not.” hyperbolize them to the nth how we approach dating
Where: Hulu
drops by Dave’s house only scene when your character degree. and gender norms and
to be held hostage and even- first encounters him, but How much of his stuff was When: Anytime power. I don’t like to be
tually shot in the chest by a you still look genuinely improvised? In a very dark way, the fan Rated: TV-MA (may be preachy or whatever, but
crazed, crossbow-wielding surprised. You call him Burd: Some of it was impro- — who we see working as a unsuitable for children there’s a huge problem in
fan played by Tenea In- “Fight Club.” vised, some of it was not. All production assistant on under the age of 17) society with dating. The
triago. (Before he gets taken GaTa: That was a real, week he was asking what the Dave’s “Mr. McAdams” power dynamic between
out, Pitt memorably hops in genuine reaction. I was deal was with the Auto- video — is striving just like mom or your real dad. You men and women is by de-
Dave’s recording booth and juiced up. It’s a big dog in Tune singing. He was like, Dave and GaTa always are. got to have those pieces in fault imbalanced due to
discovers the joys of Auto- the game, you know? He was “I’m not a great singer,” and Burd: I definitely wouldn’t the show for people to grab societal structures that have
Tune.) a pleasure to work with — I’m like, “Brad, it couldn’t pull a gun and take it to that onto because not only do we existed for hundreds of
Burd and his longtime very humble guy. Made me matter less.” I said, “No level. But I wanted people to want to make you laugh, we years that are unfair. And
hype man, Davionte “GaTa” appreciate my situation. matter what you do, it’s empathize with this charac- want to make you cry. We nowhere is it more extreme
Ganter, who plays himself on gonna sound perfect be- ter — like, “I could see if want to make the hair stand than when a famous guy is
“Dave” and who unwittingly As he lies on the floor with cause that’s the technology.” Dave wasn’t a famous rap- up. One of my favorite things like, “I didn’t get girls grow-
walks into the hostage situa- an arrow through his heart, I made a little demo the per and he’d gotten time to say is, “You see those? ing up. Now I can get this girl
tion in the finale, joined a Pitt’s character says his morning of, and he got that with Brad Pitt that he might Those are real tears. Those — oh, but wait, can I get
Zoom call Wednesday morn- real name is Luke, which and was listening to it all have put a song on Brad aren’t menthol drops.” Rachel McAdams?”
ing to discuss the episode. isn’t true in real life. Where day. And there were a few Pitt’s computer.” I wanted Burd: He is the emotional In the scene where every-
These are edited excerpts did that come from? takes where I was in his ear people to be able to see Dave core of the show. And I’m thing comes to a head with
from the conversation. Burd: I love that gag. It was — like, “Sing it this way,” and doing that, and we wanted honored that he lends his Robyn, she says, “Women
a late addition. There’s a lot then he’d sing it that way. my character to confront story to the show. The aren’t achievements.” And I
So how’d you get Brad Pitt of wheeling and dealing But he was truly the way his that at its most extreme. amount of people that come think a lot of men date from
in the finale? You slide into going on in the show as far character in the scene was. I And, man, as great as all the up to me and thank me for that perspective, especially
his direct messages? as rewriting and tweaking knew I didn’t want to do it in cameos are, I don’t want to putting all the mental with online dating, where it’s
Burd: He’s not on social things on the spot. But I post. He needed to hear lose sight of the perform- health stuff into the show — like, “I can do better, I can do
media — you can’t get to him remember I was like, “I wish himself singing in Auto- ance that Tinea put on in I’m like, “Don’t thank me, better.” My character going
through DM. I’d heard that this death scene with Brad Tune and understand, like, that role. To be scary but thank GaTa.” on that journey with his
Brad liked the show, and I had one more big laugh in “This s— is f— cool.” simultaneously hilarious is lifelong dream woman is
ended up getting his email. it.” And credit to Brad — he such a skill. How has the character of representative of that. I
Obviously, I took a big risk was so game in every phase The finale isn’t the only Dave changed or developed want people to watch and be
writing an entire episode — of the way. It was honestly episode in Season 3 to GaTa, in this season’s Epi- from the beginning of Sea- like, “Am I like that? Is that
a finale of a season — where incredible for me as a film- address the idea of the sode 5 your character goes son 1 to the end of Season wrong of me?”
he’s, like, the main charac- maker to get entrusted by a obsessive fan. Why was that through a breakdown re- 3?
ter. People in our writers guy like him — giving him on your mind? garding a sex addiction. Burd: This show is a com- Last thing: Dave the char-
room were like, “Man, seems direction and thinking he’s Burd: There’s two big inter- Are you happy to be the ing-of-age tale about people acter says the best rapper
a little reckless to put all listening to me the way he’d weaving themes throughout show’s emotional center? who, as cliché as it sounds, alive is Drake. Who do the
your eggs in this Brad Pitt listen to Tarantino and the the season: Dave’s quest for GaTa: Definitely. When we are trying to pursue happi- two of you pick?
basket.” But I believed. Coen brothers. love and his quest for val- have those scenes where I’m ness and the meaning of life. Burd: Drake.
Brad, Rachel, Drake — all idation and fame. And emotional, it’s usually driven And I think this season, it GaTa: Imma say Lil Wayne
these people do the show for How long was he on set? there’s a lot of overlap be- by my real-life story. People really seems like he’s made a because Lil Wayne put
no other reason than the Burd: Four days. And we’re tween the two. We knew we connect with my upbringing major step forward — like, Drake on. Lil Wayne the
fact that they love and re- talking, like, this man is wanted to have a fan from — not knowing your real he’s gonna take this experi- greatest of all time.

Spider-Gwen spins her own tale

home dimension. Gwen’s new ally also known
These comic book covers as Spider-Punk, is a perfect
“are really painterly and foil for the rules-and-order-
they’re really subjective,” obsessed Miguel O’Hara
said Lord. “They’re really idi- (Oscar Isaac), the leader of
[‘Spider-Verse,’ from E1] has been “incredibly diffi- osyncratic, so they don’t nec- the massive team of Spideys
moves — not to mention her cult” for Gwen, Steinfeld essarily follow a logic of light. trying to save the multiverse.
sleek, hooded costume — she adds. And, like Miles, Gwen’s They follow a logic of feeling.” (O’Hara was first shown in
makes being a superhero journey in “Across the Spi- The filmmakers describe the post-credits scene of
look like a breeze. And she der-Verse” involves figuring Earth-65 as a mood ring that “Into the Spider-Verse.”)
definitely makes a big im- out her place in the world reflects Gwen’s emotions. Plus, Hobie “was in-
pression on that film’s new- and how to be true to herself The colors and transitions stantly someone that Miles
est Spider-Man, Miles Mor- and what she believes in. are “not literal,” with details could think was cooler than
ales. But Gwen’s full story “Everybody has to grow that fade in and out depend- him and feel threatened by,”
isn’t as simple as a brief recap up a little bit in this movie,” ing on what Gwen is feeling. said Miller.
makes it seem. No Spider- said Lord, who along with his Rendering such a “bespoke” The filmmakers see
Hero ever has it that easy. filmmaking partner Miller world was an enormous Gwen’s arc in “Across the
“Spider-Man: Across the also served as producer on undertaking that required Spider-Verse” as one that
Spider-Verse,” which opened “Across the Spider-Verse.” the development of new tools mirrors Miles’.
Friday, offers a closer look at “Part of growing up is decid- Sony Pictures and lots of teamwork. Scenes “She already was a char-
Gwen and her life back in her ing what your values are, and GWEN STACY in web-slinging mode in “Across the set on Earth-65 were one of acter that played everything
own world. Directed by sometimes those are re- Spider-Verse.” Hailee Steinfeld provides her voice. the first things the filmmak- really, really close to her
Joaquim Dos Santos, Kemp vealed by affirmative experi- ing team started working on, chest,” Dos Santos said.
Powers and Justin K. ences … and sometimes, tious about friends and re- 1960s. Created by Stan Lee and one of the last things to “She has to learn sort of the
Thompson, the sequel to the there are negative experi- lationships.” and Steve Ditko, the original be completed. opposite end of what Miles is
Academy Award-winning ences … where you think This back story, as Lord Gwen Stacy was Peter Park- “Gwen [is] going through going through, [such as] do-
“Into the Spider-Verse” is set you’re doing the right thing points out, originates from er’s girlfriend, who is most these very emotionally deep, ing things not only to protect
more than a year after Gwen and you realize you were the first pages of her comic remembered for being killed painful things, but there’s herself, but this other family
(voiced by Hailee Steinfeld) wrong.” book debut. when Spider-Man failed to also beauty in all of that,” that she’s taken in.”
and her fellow dimensionally Parent-child relation- The Gwen Stacy who be- save her. She was one of the Thompson said. “Trying to But ultimately, the big-
displaced Spideys made it ships factor into the story- came her dimension’s Spi- first female comic book char- find a way to express all that gest thing Gwen has to figure
back home after helping lines of a majority of the Spi- der-Woman first appeared in acters whose shocking death beauty of what she’s going out for herself over the
Miles (Shameik Moore) save der-Heroes in “Across the 2014’s “Edge of Spider-Verse” was primarily a way to serve through … was an opportuni- course of this next adventure
the multiverse. Spider-Verse.” Some, like No. 2 by writer Jason Latour her male, superhero roman- ty for us to tell story at every is not too different than
Gwen played a support- Gwen and Miles, are trying and artist Robbi Rodriguez tic partner’s story and char- single level.” Miles’: How to be the truest
ing role in Miles’ journey to to figure out how to deal with (with colors by Rico Renzi acter development. On Earth-65 is objectively version of Spider-Woman
becoming Spider-Man in keeping their true selves a se- and letters by VC’s Clayton screen, a version of Gwen ad- stunning, with its watercol- she knows she is meant to be.
“Into the Spider-Verse.” cret from their parents, while Cowles). The single-issue in- apted from the original in- or-like hues that drip and “In the first film, we
“Across the Spider-Verse,” others, like Peter B. Parker troduction was among the carnation and portrayed by morph in reaction to Gwen. learned that anyone could
written by Phil Lord and (Jake Johnson) and the lead-ins to a special event Emma Stone appeared in It’s just one of the ways wear the mask,” Steinfeld
Chris Miller and David Call- newly introduced Jess Drew storyline that involved an “The Amazing Spider-Man” “Across the Spider-Verse” said. “This time, it’s about
aham, is a coming-of-age (Issa Rae) are navigating army of Spidey variants — (2012) and its sequel (2014). pushes the expressive pos- what you do when that mask
story for both teenage super- their roles as Spider-Par- established and new — from That Gwen suffered the sibilities of CG animation, is on and how you wear the
heroes. And as much as their ents. across the Marvel multiverse same fate. but it’s more than just spec- mask. Everybody has a dif-
situations are similar — they Gwen’s dilemma is more teaming up to take on a clan “In every other story tacle. ferent version of that and
are both dealing with the sol- complicated than most. In of supernatural supervil- Gwen Stacy has a tragic end- “I love that people are what that looks like.”
itude of being the “one and her dimension, Spider-Wom- lains that has been hunting ing … she dies,” Miller said. drawn in [to Gwen’s world],”
only” Spideys of their dimen- an has been wrongly accused them. “But in the world where she said Thompson. “But I think
sions — they have their own of murdering her best friend, The popularity of Gwen’s gets bitten and Peter the reason they’re drawn in
individual struggles as well. Peter Parker, and her father incarnation of Spider-Wom- doesn’t, she can’t save Peter, isn’t because it’s beautiful. ‘Spider-Man:
“One of the main things is leading the police hunt to an — commonly referred to instead of Peter not being They’re drawn in because it
that [Gwen’s] dealing with arrest her. by readers as Spider-Gwen able to save her. … So you get helps you understand her.”
Across the
this time around is her rela- “Spider-Man is always and now officially known as to have a whole different lan- Lord and Miller were just Spider-Verse’
tionship with her father, and seen as a vigilante in the Ghost-Spider — led to the guage with her.” as deliberate when narrow-
the sort of shift in [their] dy- comics … but Gwen is quite launch of her own comic The “Across the Spider- ing the roster of the film’s
namic,” Steinfeld said. “She’s literally a fugitive from the book title, and the Latour Verse” filmmakers took supporting Spideys. Want- Running time: 2 hours,
20 minutes
becoming her own person law in her universe,” Powers and Rodriguez-led creative more than narrative inspira- ing a mentor figure for Gwen
and she’s only ever wanted said. “I think it was really im- team was reassembled for a tion from the “Spider-Gwen” led to the inclusion of Jess, an Rated: PG, for sequences
that to be someone that her portant to drop an audience “Spider-Gwen” series that comics. The comic book se- alternate Spider-Woman of animated action
dad will be proud of.” into that, and into her POV, launched in 2015. ries, particularly the cover and expectant mother who violence, some language
The thought that her fa- to help them understand Spider-Gwen is a new art by Rodriguez, also has moved beyond operating and thematic elements
ther might disapprove of her why her character is … so spin on a “Spider-Man” char- inspired the look of the behind the mask. Hobie Playing: In general release
secret life as Spider-Woman strident, why she is so cau- acter who dates back to the film’s Earth-65, Gwen’s Brown (Daniel Kaluuya),
E4 M O N DAY , J U N E 5 , 2 0 23 L AT I M E S . C O M / CA L E N DA R


hearts. Down two. for a game invitation, raise
By Frank Stewart When South finessed in to three hearts. Your Q-J of
diamonds first, he risked hearts in support are as
My friend the English losing to East, the “danger- good as three low hearts.
professor says that people ous” defender who might
who use wrong words should lead a killing heart. South South dealer
have the humidity to admit must win the first club in N-S vulnerable
it. I could make a similar dummy and finesse in
comment about declarers spades. West wins, but no re- ♠762
who face several finesses turn can hurt South. He will ♥QJ
and try the wrong one first. have time to finesse in dia- ♦A8743
Against 3NT, West led the monds and win at least nine ♣A52
queen of clubs, and South tricks. WEST EAST
♠ K 10 ♠98543
won with the king to finesse This week: “avoidance.” ♥K652 ♥ 10 9 8 7 4
in diamonds, his long suit. You hold: ♠ 7 6 2 ♥ Q J ♦5 ♦K2
East won and had no club to ♦ A 8 7 4 3 ♣ A 5 2. Partner ♣QJ9863 ♣7
return, which was just as opens one heart, you bid two SOUTH
well: He led the 10 of hearts, diamonds and he rebids two ♠AQJ
and West took the king and hearts. What do you say? ♥A3
returned a heart. Answer: You have two op- ♦ Q J 10 9 6
South had eight tricks: tions. If you judge to commit ♣ K 10 4
four diamonds, a heart, two to game — and your two aces SOUTH WEST NORTH EAST
clubs and a spade. He ran and heart honors would 1 NT Pass 3 NT All Pass
the diamonds, but when he make that view quite rea-
finessed in spades, West sonable — you might aim
took the king and led his last toward 3NT by bidding three
KENKEN heart, and East took three clubs. If you judge to settle Tribune Content Agency
Every box will contain a number; numbers depend on the size of the grid. For a 6x6
puzzle, use Nos. 1-6. Do not repeat a number in any row or column. The numbers in each
heavily outlined set of squares must combine to produce the target number found in the
top left corner of the cage using the mathematical operation indicated. A number can be ASK AMY
repeated within a cage as long as it is not in the same row or column.

Complex family dynamics

Dear Amy: I come from a for a few, and doesn’t appear about him, and my wife and I
large family, which has a 20- to be recoverable. are wondering what to say.
year gap between siblings. Is it OK to not want a re- Any suggestions?
The oldest sibling was lationship with a sibling if Loving Dad
out of the house when the you believe that person has
youngest was born. betrayed you? Dear Dad: Children at
Essentially, our parents Divided Family these ages are starting to dif-
raised two separate families ferentiate among family
in different generations. Dear Divided: You are an members, and are especially
Both of our parents died adult and you have the right interested in siblings. Many
years ago, and a rift became to have — or not have — a re- young children express
very apparent. lationship with anyone. amazement that their par-
6/5/23 A few of the older siblings You’re focused on wrongs ents were ever kids them-
accused some of the younger done to you and your sib- selves, and had siblings.
ones of taking advantage of lings. No apologies have This is why family photos
our parents and tried to turn been offered for this be- and memories are so intrigu-
HOROSCOPE the rest of the family against trayal. But it’s key to under- ing and important to share.
them. They even went so far stand that unless you come Tell your kids about your
like so much fun, it doesn’t get the feeling that there’s as to try to convince long- together as a family in some brother, and share positive
By Holiday Mathis matter. some other standard in ef- distance relatives. way, you’ll miss the opportu- memories from your child-
Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): fect today as disparate el- It did not work. nity to ask for and perhaps hood. Tell stories of things
Aries (March 21-April 19): This is your day to take a ements come together in a One sibling’s spouse ap- get the apology you seek. you two used to do together.
In a way, the praise you give risk. If you win, great. If you beautiful, unpredictable pears to have a personal In short, if you don’t have When they ask where he
others today is self-praise; lose and lose with grace, balance. grudge against a younger a relationship of any kind, is, say, “He broke some im-
you wouldn’t see the quality even better. Pisces (Feb. 19-March member, and over the years, you will never have even the portant rules and laws and
if you didn’t have it to some Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 23): 20): Each person’s brain is letters were written, emails slightest chance of receiving got into trouble. He was sent
degree in yourself. Something you do today will different. There’s luck for sent and public comments an explanation, apology or to jail, and he has to stay
Taurus (April 20-May give you bragging rights. working with those who made, all against the same reconciliation. there for a while. I miss him,
20): Momentum is hard to Whether you exercise those have a different thinking younger family member. but I keep in touch by send-
get going and harder to stop. rights in the future will be style from yours. This in-law puts on the Dear Amy: My brother has ing him letters. I’ve told him
You won’t regret putting in fully up to you. Today’s birthday (June persona of being a good, lov- been incarcerated for sev- about you two and he is ex-
the extra effort in the begin- Scorpio (Oct. 24-Nov. 21): 5): However old you are in ing and honest person, but eral years for drug offenses. cited to meet you someday.”
ning. A memory of tranquility can years, you keep getting most know better. This has been extremely (They might like to send him
Gemini (May 21-June 21): be a tranquil thing to linger younger and more resilient, Now that we are all grow- painful for our entire family, drawings or letters.)
You’re not easily impressed on, or it can be a contrast creative and curious. More ing older, some siblings feel but I love him and try to keep Answer your children’s
nor are you concerned with that makes the current cha- highlights: Impulsivity will all should be forgiven. They in touch with him. questions, but don’t over-
impressing others. Your lack os more apparent. send a relationship sailing. want to reunite the family. My wife and I have two load them with details. As
of a personal agenda puts Sagittarius (Nov. 22- What was once a job will get A few have stated that children, 3 and 5. They are they get older you can ex-
people at ease. Dec. 21): If you make a mis- transformed into a spiritual this will not happen, as they starting to understand vari- pand on your explanations.
Cancer (June 22-July 22): take, you’ll own up to it. practice, an incredible net- cannot forget the pain of sib- ous family ties and recently
Group problem-solving has Light apologies are the an- work and a means for self- lings’ false accusations that saw a picture of me and my Email questions to Amy
its own magical dynamic. swer. development. Scorpio and they’ve never apologized for. brother from childhood. Dickinson at askamy@
This is part of the appeal of a Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. Aquarius adore you. Your The trust has been lost They have started asking
good mystery, which you’ll 19): You’ll come to a point in lucky numbers: 4, 7, 20, 19
come across today. which you really don’t know and 18.
Leo (July 23-Aug. 22): what to do next, but don’t FAMILY CIRCUS By Bil Keane DENNIS THE MENACE By Hank Ketcham
You’ll accept two kinds of fret. Any move will do. Mathis writes her column
challenges: the sort you are Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. for Creators Syndicate Inc.
reasonably sure you can im- 18): Life often seems inher- The horoscope should be
pact, and the type that looks ently unfair. Even so, you’ll read for entertainment.

Edited By Patti Varol and Joyce Nichols Lewis
By Susan Gelfand © 2023 Tribune Content Agency
1 Sticky pine product
6 First word of a rhyming
cocktail name
9 Family name in Kafka’s
“The Metamorphosis”
14 Scotch-Brite sponge
15 Like this clue’s number
16 Change, as text
17 *Fleet of government
19 Flustered (by)
20 Red Cross supply
21 Philosopher Descartes FREE RANGE By Bill Whitehead MARMADUKE By Brad & Paul Anderson
23 Alphabet finale
24 Venue
25 *Payment method that
may have a chip
28 Pro vote on the House
29 Blue ink cartridge for a
color printer
30 Storm-tracking device
34 “ER” actor Wyle
37 Barbed __
40 *Media briefing
43 Part of a “Scream”
44 Not in favor of
45 Impeccable
46 Foot soldier 6 __ shu pork 52 Pests that may prompt
48 Pi follower in the Greek 7 Idolize a visit to the vet
alphabet 8 Sat at a light, say 53 Yard sticks?
50 *Summertime java 9 The “S” of OSHA 54 Armrest occupier
order 10 Doc’s gp. 55 Oklahoma’s second-
54 Engrave deeply 11 Theater seating section largest city
58 Neither’s partner 12 Disdainful lip curl 56 Small stream
59 Port or scope prefix 13 Tacked on 57 “Siddhartha” novelist
60 Attraction 18 Walk and walk Hermann
62 Dodge BLISS By Harry Bliss SPEED BUMP By Dave Coverly
22 Not mainstream 61 Croft played by
64 Living-room lamp Angelina Jolie
26 Talked and talked
holders, and what the 63 Craft kit letters
27 Sounded like a crow
answers to the starred 65 Morning moisture
28 Four-digit DOB nos.
clues all have? ANSWER TO
30 Tach stat
66 Like un enfant
31 Parseghian of Notre PREVIOUS PUZZLE
67 Pitching superstar
68 “__ are red ... “ Dame football fame
69 Deuce toppers 32 Willing to take extreme
70 Fix a hem, say measures
71 Not ignoring the alarm 33 Queried
35 Ottawa’s prov.
DOWN 36 Blazing
1 Frolics 38 Small-screen pioneer
2 Bacteria in undercooked 39 Snaky fish
meat 41 Lakeside boat rental
3 Adjusted to, as a 42 Kia subcompact
thermostat 47 Groups of eight
4 “No medals for me this 49 Miami hoopsters
time” 50 Likely to err
5 Social standard 51 __ charge: entry fee 6/5/23
L AT I M E S . C O M / CA L E N DA R M O N DAY , J U N E 5 , 2 0 23 E5


LA CUCARACHA By Lalo Alcaraz PICKLES By Brian Crane

CRABGRASS By Tauhid Bondia BABY BLUES By Jerry Scott & Rick Kirkman

CANDORVILLE By Darrin Bell CRANKSHAFT By Tom Batiuk & Chuck Ayers

LOOSE PARTS By Dave Blazek

JUMP START By Robb Armstrong



LIO By Mark Tatulli BLONDIE By Dean Young & John Marshall

ZITS By Jerry Scott & Jim Borgman BETWEEN FRIENDS By Sandra Bell-Lundy

TUNDRA By Chad Carpenter BIZARRO By Wayno and Piraro

SIX CHIX By Isabella Bannerman DRABBLE By Kevin Fagan

FRAZZ By Jef Mallett MUTTS By Patrick McDonnell

NON SEQUITUR By Wiley PEANUTS By Charles M. Schulz

E6 MO N DAY , J U N E 5 , 2 0 23 L AT I M E S . C O M / CA L E N DA R

He has met the

grief drama that intrigued
actor Sophie Thatcher.
Thatcher was initially
hesitant to take on another
genre project during her

‘Boogeyman’ hiatus from hit series “Yel-

lowjackets.” Then she and
Savage bonded over their
mutual cinephilia in their
first virtual meetings, trad-
[Savage, from E1] terrors of a creaky Craftsman ing references to such works
the next Lynne Ramsay or engulfed in heavy silences. as Nicolas Roeg’s “Don’t
Andrea Arnold. Now he’s ea- But don’t lump it into a Look Now,” discovering they
ger to play in as many horror trend of “grief horror,” Sav- owned matching “Betty
sandboxes as he can before age pleads, preempting com- Blue” posters and diving into
“AI is directing everything.” parisons to the likes of Jenni- the characters they’d need to
It tracks, then, that the fer Kent’s 2014 “The keep grounded for the film to
30-year-old British writer-di- Babadook.” “To me the hor- work.
rector landed on Holly- ror in this movie, the Boogey- “He was self-aware that
wood’s radar by peering man and everything that it this movie being about the
darkly through that same represents, is more about Boogeyman, we’re dealing
lens, finding fresh ways into communication,” he says. with something that is very
found footage while tapping “It’s about leaning on people well-known,” says Thatcher.
into raw pandemic-era anxi- when you’re going through “His ultimate [goal] was to
eties with 2020’s Zoom se- times of darkness. It is about not make it corny and make
ance-gone-wrong hit “Host” grief, but it’s also about how it as artful as possible.”
and 2021’s provocative shut- scary it is to be open, espe- During production in New
down pic “Dashcam.” cially when you’re speaking Orleans, Savage would jump
Now, with his third horror to something that’s very dark in to play scene partner to his
film in three years, which and exposing.” cast when they had to act op-
opened Friday, Savage tack- With a reported $35-mil- posite their titular comput-
les one of humanity’s most lion budget, familiar genre er-generated co-star, acting
universal themes: grief. bones and a PG-13 rating, out the Boogeyman’s menac-
Stephen King adaptation “The Boogeyman” may seem ing noises and mannerisms.
“The Boogeyman,” Savage’s the antithesis of the scrap- “He was so invested,” says
studio directing debut, finds pily inventive and sharp- Thatcher. But on set Savage
Sadie (Sophie Thatcher) edged, low-budget films that also found himself proc-
and Sawyer (Vivien Lyra launched Savage’s career. essing the film’s themes in an
Blair), daughters of ther- But he’s been hustling to intimately personal way
apist Will Harper (Chris break into the movie busi- when they hit unexpectedly
Messina), plagued by a sinis- ness since making his first Ariel Fisher For The Times close to home.
ter force while mourning the feature for $3,000, a teen DIRECTOR Rob Savage: “It is about grief” and “about how scary it is to be open.” “I’d just gone through a
recent death of their mother. drama that won him a loss before we did this movie.
King’s original tale ze- British Independent Film ror and murderous biker wouldn’t be released until And it was a nice thing to be
roed in on two characters, a Award at age 17. gangs,” says Savage. The 2022 after a film festival run, able to put words to those
therapist and his patient “I’ve always wanted to ‘The onetime aspiring comic book and by the time it hit thea- oddly specific feelings,” he
haunted by an evil presence make a movie like this — a artist’s brain exploded. “And ters its radioactive lead says, specifying only that it
he blames for the mysterious classic roller coaster ride, a
Boogeyman’ then I started seeing every- proved a hard pill for some was a death in the family
deaths of his young children. Friday night popcorn horror thing moving.” viewers to swallow. The mov- back home in the U.K. “When
Reworking an initial script movie that plays to a big Rated: PG-13 for terror, Years later, after moving ie landed with a thud. you lose someone, it doesn’t
by “A Quiet Place” writers crowd,” says Savage, whose violent content, teen drug to London and working on “The interesting thing happen all at once; that per-
Scott Beck and Bryan upcoming projects, includ- use and some strong music videos, shorts and about the room is that you’ve son dies lots of little deaths.
Woods that expanded the ing a collaboration with Sam language commercials to prove his got to imagine the room a At the beginning of the mov-
story into a domestic saga, Raimi, have him poised for a Running time: 1 hour, chops, he began his indie year from now when you’re ie, the mom is kind of alive —
Savage and “Black Swan” big future in mainstream 38 minutes breakout “Host” with a making a movie — especially you’ve got [her painting] stu-
scribe Mark Heyman shifted horror. “That’s been more my stroke of isolation ingenuity for a movie that’s really try- dio and all the light is pouring
it to rest on the shoulders of dream than making, like, Playing: In general release in the early days of the pan- ing to take the temperature in and her portrait is half fin-
teenage Sadie, who battles ‘Hereditary’ or an A24 movie. demic. Regular Zoom hang- of what’s going on right now,” ished and the paint is still
her angst and anguish to I’ve always wanted to make outs with friends inspired Savage says in hindsight. “It wet. She’s still a presence in
save her broken family. something that plays like his precious stash with the filmmaker to prank his was before the conversation the house. And then she dies
“My story is in the first 10 ‘The Conjuring.’ ” stealthy invention. “I had buddies with a haunted attic around vaccines got so again when you box her up
or 15 minutes of Rob’s ex- Rewind to the start of VHS tapes in a plastic bag stunt that went viral — and heated and vitriolic. It was and put her into the dark
traordinary movie — a kind Savage’s origin story and with a bit of string and a pul- got the attention of stream- made in the spirit of, ‘Every- basement, and she dies again
of prologue,” King told The you’ll find yourself in ver- ley system, and I’d hide them ing platform Shudder, which one’s outside again. Let’s every time you avoid the con-
Times in an email. “It’s a very dant, rural Shropshire, Eng- in the walls of my house like gave Savage a tiny budget to take the piss out of the last versation with your family
short story, originally pub- land, near the Welsh border. ‘The People Under the turn it into a feature film. few months.’ ” members. And it was kind of
lished in ‘Cavalier’ magazine, There, where Charles Dar- Stairs,’ ” he grins. “I’d work “ ‘Host’ literally saved He pauses, a bit wistful. the same with my family.”
a long time ago, and their win was born nearly two cen- my way through every time my life during the lockdown,” “It would have been nice if He says it again: “The
word-count requirements turies prior, the self-de- my parents would leave the he says of the uniquely of- that movie had got a bit more Boogeyman” is not an A24
were ironbound — they had scribed young gorehound house.” the-moment quarantine of a life. It fizzled a little bit, movie. “It’s not a grief movie
to have plenty of room for grew up around the family He’d play the movies on chiller, told through virtual but it was OK because I see in that way. But the scenes
cheesecake photos. I think farm with “hippie-dippie veg- mute when everyone else screens with actors filming in that and ‘Host’ almost as a that have to do with that are
they paid me maybe $400. an” parents who strictly was asleep, consuming them their homes. “It gave us pur- package deal,” he says. Years really heartfelt. Nothing in
Rob and the crack writing banned sugar, television and as “these weird nightmare pose during those long down the line, he imagines, this movie, surprisingly for a
team expanded on it with the horror movies that called images” that burned them- months.” Released in July audiences will have enough Disney movie called ‘The
great success. The family dy- to him like forbidden fruit. selves into his image-ori- 2020, it drew critical raves distance to revisit it. “It will Boogeyman,’ was done cyni-
namic they created would “The only thing I wanted ented psyche. “I remember and nabbed Savage a three- sit in my filmography, and cally.”
have been beyond me at age to do was watch the bloodi- watching ‘Hellraiser’ with no picture Blumhouse deal, people will hopefully lighten Horror, he says, is the
24. The film is right and tight. est, nastiest movies I could sound the first time, and it even if the celebration was up a bit and have fun with it.” most “empathetic” of genres,
I’m delighted with it.” get my hands on,” says Sav- made me feel delirious,” says surreal: “I felt very distant “Dashcam” was a tough peeling back his philoso-
Previously set for a Hulu age. “That became my Savage. “Even now, some of from all the fanfare because I lesson, but one Savage phical approach to scary
streaming debut before piv- odyssey — I wanted to eat my favorite movies I love to was still in my house in my barely had time to process movies. “Horror can put you
oting to a 20th Century the- McDonald’s, drink Sunny D watch with no sound on, to pajamas, sitting on Zooms.” before he got off social media shoulder to shoulder with
atrical release — in part and watch ‘The Texas Chain see how they are put to- Within six months he was and flew to New Orleans to characters that you would
thanks to King, who gave the Saw Massacre.’ ” gether visually.” already shooting “Dashcam” film “The Boogeyman.” His cross the street to avoid, but
studio a helpful nudge of ap- Unbeknownst to his par- In the end, his dad re- for Blumhouse, centered on initial pitch to producer 21 in that context you’re rooting
proval after watching the ents, he procured a portable lented and showed him the a polarizing livestreamer Laps (“Stranger Things”) for them. You come to under-
film, Savage notes — “The combo VCR-TV and col- movie that would inspire (musician Annie Hardy, had been simple — “ ‘Polter- stand them. And it’s a good
Boogeyman” is a classically lected VHS tapes from yard him to make his own: Kat- playing a version of herself) geist’ meets ‘Ordinary Peo- leveler. ... If somebody is in a
wrought domestic night- sales and charity shops, es- suhiro Otomo’s 1988 cyber- caught up in sinister hap- ple.’ ” It was the latter refer- life-or-death situation, none
mare that plays out in shad- pecially keen on the video punk anime “Akira,” a semi- penings during COVID shut- ence to Robert Redford’s Os- of the other bull— is impor-
ows and light, in the liminal nasties of the ’80s — and hid nal classic “full of body hor- downs. Filmed in late 2020, it car-winning 1980 familial tant anymore.”

follow as Ari. The production is di-
While all of this is taking rected by Tina Landau, who
place in dreamlike fashion, has extensive experience
there’s a lot of other mishigas wrestling unwieldy plays and

sifts its and tsuris to get through.

Shelly Pfefferman
Larsen, sinking her teeth
into the role chomped on by
musicals into well-packaged
shapes. Making full use of
the Mark Taper Forum, her
staging blurs the boundaries

history Judith Light in the series)

isn’t exactly delighted to see
her former husband, dressed
between playing area and
The design, which inevi-
in an all-new wardrobe, at the tably breaks out the disco
[‘Transparent,’ from E1] JCC’s Purim festival. (“Who balls, is festively managed.
really didn’t want “Trans- Suffered More,” a duet be- Adam Rigg’s scenic design,
parent” to end and didn’t tween them, has fun laying Yee Eun Nam’s projections
understand why the com- out the festering grievances.) and Jen Schriever’s lighting
plex world that was built Eldest daughter Sarah colorfully differentiate the
over four seasons was being (Sarah Stiles) is noisily wak- fluid theatrical geography.
abruptly ended. ing up to the reality that her Visually, the work is capti-
The series may have been marriage, long survived vating. But you don’t leave a
conceived around Tambor’s through pharmaceutical musical humming the tab-
Maura, but I found myself in- means, is no longer sustain- leaux. This was the first time
creasingly more interested in able. Josh (Zachary Prince), that I can recall feeling
the shifting identities of the the middle child, falls hard crushing sympathy for an
three mixed-up adult chil- for Raquel (Murphy Taylor overwhelmed director.
dren (played by Amy Lan- Smith), a bright and emo- A communal vision is the
decker, Jay Duplass and tionally vulnerable rabbi. beneficent goal of “A Trans-
Gaby Hoffmann), who were But his raging sex addiction parent Musical.” Soloway
profoundly damaged by all makes true intimacy a and team imagine a utopia
the secrets their family har- Craig Schwartz stretch. seen through a queer-Jewish
bored. YOUNGEST child, portrayed by Adina Verson, and Maura, played by Daya Curley. Audience members who lens in which the old oppres-
You’d think that a theater are already familiar with the sive order is overturned. At a
critic would have been de- And claim it for myself / I’m the series. in fact have more in common television show will be at an time when intolerance is be-
lighted by the idea of a big transgender.” The book by playwright with 1980s sitcoms. advantage. The characters ing dangerously exploited
musical finish. But I wasn’t The score by Faith MJ Kaufman and Joey There simply isn’t enough don’t earn their psycholo- for political gain, the loving
ready to say goodbye, and I Soloway is full of such num- Soloway involves a multi- room to develop all the plot gical depth anew. It’s mostly spirit behind this show feels
wasn’t assured that the show bers, which are tasked with tude of storylines revolving strands. The main one in- borrowed. Watching the like a necessary corrective.
— part dark comedy, part either taking care of major around a Jewish community volves Ali (Adina Verson, de- stage version of the Pfeffer- But as an experienced the-
streaming soap opera — plot points or spelling out center known as the CJJ livering a strong and sensi- mans put me in mind of the atergoer, I was taken aback
could survive the transfor- themes in direct language. JCC. (Mirror-imaging of an tive performance), the metatheatrical play that’s by the artistic shambles on
mation of genres. The songs often seem closer imperfect order seems to be youngest of the Pfefferman being rehearsed in the musi- the Taper stage.
If you loved the way the to recitative, burdened as a dramaturgical strategy siblings, who is flabber- cal finale. This special epi-
TV series ended, you’ll no they are with busy lyrics that here.) The setting deter- gasted to learn about a hith- sode takes place after the un-
doubt enjoy “A Transparent seem to be riding generic mines not just the physical erto unmentioned gay uncle timely death of Maura.
Musical,” which is having its background music. environment but the per- who was living in Berlin in Shelly, working out her grief,
world premiere at the Mark Much as I’m sympathetic formance style of the show. 1933. A gay relative is hardly a has cast actors to portray her
‘A Transparent
Taper Forum. Joey Soloway, to the inclusive, compassion- Everyone is welcome, re- shocker, but Ali is drowning children and ex-husband. A Musical’
continuing the collaboration ate vision of “A Transparent gardless of how well they can in family secrets and won- new set of theatrical substi-
with sibling Faith Soloway, Musical,” I had difficulty see- carry a tune. ders what other vital infor- tutes is now giving these kids
Where: Mark Taper Forum,
has reassembled the Pfeffer- ing beyond the short- Characters are intro- mation has been withheld. a try at the Taper.
135 N. Grand Ave, L.A.
man family members in a comings in musical theater duced and set in motion in A book in the JCC library, “A Transparent Musical”
stage musical that takes an- craft. The upside of inexperi- the manner of a graphic nov- “Berlin’s Third Sex” by Mag- brings in other characters When: 8 p.m. Tuesdays-
other crack at the material. ence is fearlessness. But a el. The writing, for both the nus Hirschfeld, unlocks the from the JCC and its Fridays, 2:30 and 8 p.m.
The children have been naivety lurks behind the ad- book and the songs, boldly subculture that Ali’s uncle LGBTQ+ group, most nota- Saturdays, 1 and 6:30 p.m.
summoned to their child- venturousness. If someone outlines the story. But the re- was presumably part of. bly Davina (played by Sundays. Ends June 25.
hood Pacific Palisades home had blindfolded me and sult lacks the psychological Thrilled to read about the in- Peppermint, the first trans- (Call for exceptions.)
for a brunch, where Maura brought me to this produc- subtlety of the Tony-winning novative research into sex gender woman to originate a Tickets: $40-$129 (subject
(Daya Curley) has a big an- tion, I would have assumed musical “Fun Home,” ad- and gender that was taking principal role in a Broadway to change)
nouncement to make over that I was watching a per- apted from Alison Bechdel’s place in Germany before musical) and Ezra (an affect- Info: (213) 628-2772 or
bagels. Struggling to find the formance by a talented and stellar graphic memoir. With Hitler tightened his murder- ing Kasper). They discover
words, Maura resorts to a extremely well-funded ama- its quick-sketch setups, arti- ous grip on power, Ali travels that they’re more than cho-
Running time: 2 hours,
song of somber bluntness: teur troupe in residence at ficial contrivances and back in time to meet a rela- sen family, but blood ties
35 minutes with one
“How to put a name to this / an LGBTQ+ community punchline resolutions, “A tive who blazed a transgen- raise some uncomfortable
How to put a frame on this / center that was inspired by Transparent Musical” may der path that Ali will proudly family history for Davina.

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