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Explain in a sentence why each education philosopher was associated with these given words: (5 pts


a. John Locke - the empiricist

Locke's approach to empiricism includes the assertion that all knowledge is derived from experience and
that there are no innate concepts that we inherit when we are born. We are born with a clean slate, or
tabula rasa in Latin. Both sensation and reflection are components of experience.

b. Spencer - the utilitarianist

Through the premise of equal freedom, Spencer's indirect utilitarianism aims to enhance the
circumstances that underpin happiness. Moral rights were just corollaries of the concept for him,
fleshing out its barren formalism and providing a foundation for reasoning.

c. John Dewey – experience

Experience, according to Dewey, is a 'natural' phenomena that exists not outside of the human species
but entirely inside it as part of our evolutionary make-up. The way living beings interact with their
surroundings is referred to as experience. The environment is social, cultural, and political to humans.

d. George Counts -Building a New Social Order

In addition to teaching clearly about power and injustice, he urged teachers to go beyond philosophical,
abstract concepts of democracy. He desired the creation of a better social structure to be one of the
main objectives of educators and pupils.

e. Theodore Brameld - The social reconstructionist

Brameld established the educational system known as Social Reconstructionism, which placed a strong
emphasis on solving social issues and working to build a better society and a global democratic system
(Philosophical Perspectives). Reconstructionist educators put a lot of emphasis on a curriculum that
stresses education's goal of social improvement.

f. Paulo Freire - Critical Pedagogy vs. banking method

Freire choose the process of critical pedagogy as his educational model in place of the banking
technique of education, which subtly encourages repressive connections. This is due to the fact that
critical education emphasizes discussion between equal humans rather than repressive imposition.

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