Bounce and Balloon Recovery

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Bounce and balloon recovery procedures are crucial for maintaining control and safety during landing in

a Cessna 152. Here are the instructions on how to recover from a bounce and balloon:

1. Bounce Recovery: a. As soon as you experience a bounce, immediately apply full power
smoothly and without delay. b. Keep the airplane's nose slightly raised to maintain a level
attitude. c. Retract or reduce flap settings to minimize drag and avoid exacerbating the situation.
d. Allow the aircraft to regain flying speed and climb back into the air. e. Once the aircraft has
reached a safe altitude and airspeed, initiate a go-around procedure and climb to a safe altitude
before reassessing the landing approach.

2. Balloon Recovery: a. If the aircraft begins to balloon (pitch up excessively) during landing,
smoothly and gradually reduce power. b. Maintain a neutral control yoke position to avoid
exacerbating the pitch attitude. c. Gently apply forward pressure on the control yoke to lower
the nose and decrease the angle of attack. d. Avoid abrupt control inputs to prevent further
oscillation. e. As the aircraft returns to a normal descent, gradually increase power to maintain
the desired airspeed and approach profile. f. Continue the landing approach, ensuring proper
airspeed and descent rate for a safe touchdown.

Important Notes:

 Maintain situational awareness and make prompt and appropriate control inputs.

 Always prioritize safety and follow established procedures and aircraft manufacturer

 Consult the Cessna 152 Pilot's Operating Handbook (POH) for specific procedures and guidelines
related to your aircraft.

Remember, practicing proper landing techniques, maintaining proficiency, and being aware of
environmental factors such as wind and runway conditions can help minimize the likelihood of
encountering bounces or balloons during landings.

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