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A Eating in.-.andout 40 A Eehindth€ scenes
? B Modern families 43 8 Everypicturs telh a siory

12 A Spendingmoney 46 A Live and learn

A Changinglives 49 B The hotel of Mom and Dad
P..ctlc.l Engllrh Episod€4 goyi' night out

18 5 4 A T h er i g h t j o b { o r y o u
21 B Men.v{omen.andchildren 57 B a nice day!
24 i practraai.iiEtbf'
t A diffhuk .{:


26 60 A Luckyoncounta.s
29 g Yes,| .an! 63 I Digitaldetox
Pr.cllcrl Englirh Episode5 Unexp€ct€devents
67 Canyour€nemb€r.-?

A Sportingsuperstitions 68 A ldolsandicons
35 71 B Andthe murder€ris...
38 Pr..ti.6l EnglishEpisode3 Oldfriends
39 Canyouf€fiember.,.? 1-5
'6u!Ul pue'6upleads '6urpeau a)!]reld 'solljor fua^ouorleDunuold
l pupl0elnqelo^
a^eqno,(J!uollepunuotd 'reLrrurer9aql laqulaual no^lpql )ilaql ol
lreuru€rgaqlreu!e6eloo\ +- stg)]axa, -"raquraura,tnorrr!) aql oo
le)q)eJdaloul loj Oapl^O^q)eralulaql osn - 'eposrdafua o ro,
'soslllaxa {sn6rrJrrrlJrr,ld aql o)!t)e,q
aql op
noI aroraqoapr^qsll6ullerlperdeql q)leM ->
qsll6ulalrD€ldol oopr^lue8punosaql asn +-
'saslraxeuo[q!)unuord aql rol olpn€3ql ol ua$!1 + 'uossal&ao .roj
'sosDiexa uonoPunuotd
pueLDl lDrol tzpwulDtt?D[Jetd
looqlto^l aql
oPnol aroJaqloo€ luepn$aqluorl uolle!)unuord
pue,,telnqelo^l?Wuett eqtle u!e6e)iool +
a sDtnoslt otoli olonv
a a
aao a'
'raqlealrnol ql!r\ ssep
u!Ioo€ luepnlsJno,(asfl
^e[l qq6uf
@!| ue)rJauv
-wffiH, a)lperdau!luopue
{ooQlro/l^rno^ esnol /v\oH

Eating out isgoodir itt ma* t **t"€
Ja BGnd, Atitish conedi.^


VOCABULARYfood and c Labelthopictures.

6ihhe wordthat is different.
, peacn
, --\
I Gnrcl(enrraspoernespear
TheotheF areallfuil.
2 chick€n lamb squid b€ef
3 melon cherries peach cucumber
Theothersareall -.
4 greenbeans beets cabbage duck
Theothersareall -.
5 lemon salmon grapes cheries
6 lucchini crab musssls shrimp
Match the words from the list to
avocaclo eggplant
3 _ potato
meron reo pePper

1 a largeseafishthatwe eat

2 a vegetablewithdarkpurpleskin

a tropicalfruitwith hard,darkgreenskin,
soft,lightgre6nflesh,anda largeseed

a seaan'malwitha softbody,eightams, 5 -chicken 6 -peas

Complete the sentenc€swith a wordfrom the li3t.
5 a red vegetablethat is emptyinside easaed fresh frozen lowJat raw soicv

a tropjcalfruit,whichhasa yellowand l We don't needcannedtomatoes,

we needfreshones.
red skinandis yellowinside 2 Arethereany- peasin the freezer?
3 ldon't like- fish,so Inevereatsushi.
a seacreaturewith a hardshelland Hannah's
on a diet,so sheboughtsome- yogu( to
5 we buy-bread fromthe bakert everymorning
I a largeround{ruitwitha thickyellowor Mexicanfood canbe very
greenskinanda lotofseeds
'-l '{runpues
Ese eun}otrtr,uopI
. arauJoraql uoruejneN€ieseulqJ
€ql uJo4 Poo, ra6 € a no^ oO 9
'urarlllee Je^eu os 'saqrPadol -e
I ur,l s
+o,r urorl auroq166e/v\uaqi .ieuurpro, pool
lee sauirleuroseM
'sPro^ aq] leaoar
ollddequn ur,tusr| arstoJoqrreeI
Pueu!e6euelsllueql ltoqJ PUPu€ls!'lz-L@ 'sraddad
/rued63/ 6 ------------1
a6esnesare ezad ar@^e!AA Z
/uet3ur,/ I
lttteql I --------------3alur
oOI oaqMeal uaar6 poo6 6utluup I !
Fptqe\,t z
/plrcq/ I
.spJoMoql 6l!M
'sPlol oql l€edoj
pue u!e6e uolrlluaql )it€qt Pue ue$!'l t-t@
poq )|'oll
6rll glglduroJ 6
I 9
Butualsltuorl AUVIngVtOA
W \IE F:
'a lr!suolFanD aql lo/\ guv
raa rlstl burqlauosro sselleeol tr
e z luErne$ere utr€uutProqrunl.^eq ol q
,$ @ GulleadoN ot e
I t ,{te}elduor6urqlaluos
(f) -
aa EqI ensnno^ op req/V\
w auo le. ol tue/unol usqM06 {llensnno,{oP araqM
lurqrrnzeunl re6ns p!nbs Z(s)auoqrgM atrFretdurol
?od qrrsd ,e$qot o6ulur rel +o, $lul]pro poq ,(uerno rnr ol p€!l}re^eno^a eH
sl)ioor areloroq?ua)|!rqt iseq -:r
'ueqt oql u! sPror^aql olPM urop lnt ol ell p,no,(quup ro poo,IUE3laql erv !
't-e suo!l!u!l8Pol
NollulNnNoud t-! suollsonb u! ploq u; sqjaa ;ese.rqder11qrte11 e
3 GRAMMARsimplepresentand c Completethesentences usingthe correctform of
a verbfrom the list,
a Completethe sentences with the simplepresent believe notbelong dr''e play not recognize
form ofthe verbsin parentheses.
or continuous not sleep sound not use

1 | sometimesleEl-tired (feel)
afterlunch. 1 | can'ttalknow,lm driving . l'll callyot,when
2 we- usually
- lateonthe I get to the office.
weekend.(notgetup) 2 | thinkyourboylriendistellingthe truth- I
3 -you -theTv orcanlturnit -him.
ofP lwatch) 3 can youturnoff yourcomputerif you
4 My boss to workeverymorning. - it?
(walk) 4 Thisbag to it yours?
5 Canyoucallbacklater- | can'thearyou.We 5 Sarahisnt home.She
a party,andthe musicis very 6 l'm tiredbecauseI wellrightnow.
loud.(have) thatwoman.Do youknowwho
7 l
6 There'sa manin our neighbors'yard. What sheis?
he -? (do)
I Thatmusic
7 Howoften- yourteacher- mindturningit down?
youhomework? {sive)
8 chocolatethismonth.I needto Writeque5tiong.
cut downon sweetthings. (noteao 'l what/you/ do rightnow
9 IVymother- often- yoga. WhFr etey dning tight now ?
(notdo] 2 where/you/ usually
1 0 [,4yfriendhasstoppedeatingsnacks. He
to be healthier. 3 why/ you/ studyEnglish
Co ectanymistakes phrases.
Check(y')the correctsentences. 4 you/think Englishis easy
1 | it new'? t/
5 you/ enjoythe classes
2 Something good.whatareyoumaking?
is smelling x
(^'a'li.^ c6Allc ^^^, 6 what/ you/ usuallydo afterthe class
Did youmakeit?
3 Thatcakeis lookingdelicious. :
4 | don't knowwhatto cookfor drnner. in d to helpyou,

5 Areyouthinkingthe fishis cookednow?

6 CaaI callyouback?r'mhavinglunch.ightnow
Riohtnaw. !'m doino nv Enolishhanewa*

7 Thissouptastesveryspicy.What'sin it?

8 l'm lovingall k,ndsof vegetables.



Cf co, morepractice
' rs rno^srotqsuotleiarrorfee
ue urortrarqoneps,leqleldslsro s,raylourdalsrno^ tL
/sl ' u ino^sr uos s/elsrs lo s,Jaglorq
rno^ zL
!Moq /(lleall,uoPllnq
aqss,(esaqs ,}ouro PUau,Ituslssarlt arnspu t!,1,, z l .,!rurel-e rno.{
ae sutsno,Pue'sapun/slunelsrusredpupr6 rno l!
no^ eu asnrE,
,,s!{ araH ,buourauos PaddoJP arsrsPUPeaqto4,no^ 0t
ole! rno,(sl no,{qtF\}uaredauosareqsoll,$rersrs
,1funqp u!lou u,,l t!e/nue. I aLurtrno^ Ol
rno,{srreqprqs,pupqsnLl ro al|Arno I
i auoq ro looq.sle sor- .----------1s
,(u?,bqo r,uptpI ra6eua€rrtn.$tp ^lleare ser t,, 6 rno,{sr at /t13us/sqler rno T
'{ruJe,-r ,no,(areeatsF
lsruar€d'uaiplrqrFurred rno
'umo^u uos|.lloPorrarerdp,t,,8 Pueeoqloiq pue
.-qr -e uestui o.llolll
selesApue^ltuelraql orulal€] sruaredoq^\pltqrv
" Pulul
IuJ aoueqrot 6uto6pu w,l pup 'lu!$ | tsqMs,]eql,, I
srra!6nep s,rolstsros/aglo/q/no/\
'-q) -o
,,Iued(1]or ue stslalsrsrossqlorq ou seqoqMpIrPV
6!qelo,a6e*:ili1":tn p,r t ._-16.-16
/no z
rtFnd u!6u|esds u.r,tueqmelqeyorLlotlra Pe, t" S -
" stuareorno^areraqrplpueraqtourrno^ L
morourol ulex€,(uralolaq
lla,ird€elsuer I os lpea paq ol 06 ol 6up6 w,1,,t
,]le ureqlele I
os XrounqseMI no,{ro}+elsetloot.,tuel,uareaiaqj, e
Ioqp oullroa srnoqro,lq6ru
le sle reell IseutpuJosrelarolPieq,oa^r!purl t,, z
ol t! a^t6s,,(eMte ,(u '6ulqrauJos
tuei^| uaqM,,I
u.'oqqnrsPtods atqtsuasqslllas
snolllaqarruarred arnr.sul
'p.roMAllure]eql!^ soruaNasaq] aFlourol
luaP$d3Pul rsauoq snolxue snorlrquJ? e
'1.!loql uror] Ilrtpuosrad,o
oql ol sluourllor eql q.pfl' q se,upafpe'r(ILuejAdv'rn8v)o^ r
)aua uetssnaIorslo! oe1trg
eutuare)e!uvloault F/J
-fea uao sl' ut^ddegunst.4[ue] sarlrue+
':fildpq!n rE^a:at,rp ae $,r,uelIddeF
c Readthe gentencesand completethe crosswordwith the o Complete the sentonceswith sensible
missingadjectives. sensitive, or sYmpathetic.
1 Don'tbe so-l ldidn't meanto
2 8e -lThere areonlythee
t\ree extraspacesin ou'car.We can'ttale
the wholesoccerteamhomel
3 8e -l Herhamsterdied,and

Complete the sentencoswith the correct
form ofthe verbs or phrasesin bold.
t h€ /lookfor (anintention)
My brotherhateshisjob.
He'saallglslaraklbf a new one.
2 l/ pay (anolfed
Donl worryaboutthe drink..
3 l/ mako(anoffer)

4 you / got marriodla prediction)

Do yo! think
1 Omar'sattractive,frie.dly,andE- everybodyloveshiml you're30?
2 Naom's reallyffi. she ovesgoingo!t, andshehasa lot of 5 wo /go (anarransement)
on vacationtomorrow
3 My n eceis veryMI for herage- youd nevergu€ssshewas
anly12. 6 l/ have (an instantdecision)
a Laura's veryffif,- shewites somewonderfulsiories A Are you readyto o.der?
7 taila'sso m- She'salwaystellingotherpeoplewhatto do. B Yes,
7 l/ be (a fact)
3 My bossis reallyffi. Sometimes he'sfine,but othertimeshe bnthday.
getsangryaboutthesmallestthing. I wo / m6ot (anarrangement)
It isn'tfun playingtenniswithmy brotherbocause he's3oiiff.
Hehateslosing. mealthisweekend.
l'tu luckytohavea friendlikePaulbecause he'svery&X. He's 9 l/ not bs (apromise)
alwaystherewhenI needhishelp. l'm goingto Maria'shousefordinner,but
I Myglandma'sveryffi.Shelovesusallverymuch,andshe
givesuslotsofhugsandkisser. t0 it/ breakia prediction)
9 lt'sv€ryeasytomakeSofiacrybecause Therearetoo manygroceriesin thisbag.
Usea negativeprefix.
d Writethe oppositeadjectives.
l un.lean 8 organired
3 10 sociable
4 1l friendly
5 12 kind
6 13 patient
7 imaginative - 14 selfish
rnolfa.l. olourtuo
oOa arDerdsrouro,€'inuoo9 o
'uqfql eqr /Go5 leeder
Pueure6euols!'l€ L@ q
.- rrouraql- ,t 0L
rno,{- noI r I
'- laq- s,3qsL
rx€urol sueldrno.,{
,JauJurns erel€'lM t
- l l
stgr6utoPnol arEreql e
lrlurrllt'uoouleleeql ul
or 6ulo6ur,l t
tr '6uruiot]la'+ ul
-o] 6ulo6- uJ,lz zmorourora) laq llLr,lraql€maqrlur.ll no^opreqM z
rnol --------Tddg ol 6ulo6no,,(are----- 1taq4 | @
'sOJUOlUes assePeql ,olle oP ol 6ulo6noI arPreqM L
aql olaldulotpue usls!'le !o E
afualuosNollvDNnNoud alnul lroroJ eql ssn 'suollsanb€ql raf suv t
0i€aiq lo',) i6uiqllLre I lrom t,uoo
aqr qltMtnroreraq asPaldln8 {rp uer no^ pus |)o
(dt3!) saqsrpaql oP no^ v 9
(a^ol)Dl no )! ua6so^/l'rlo.
ar^ours./eMrers/\ au 3ql s
(06) spua|ltaurosq}M sa,^ouraql or- I I
(op)alq6ruo) J
!teAaqrol aptre noi
0 a 6 ) u e l P o P , o Y , sa q r - | I
z6u,urours,'lr .ox- €LullreqM
{ Pr) Zrszrl.dde
rno,{ro}lueMno^oPreqM ruerne}sa.La'll I eaPlPoog I
paPro) 'tno-alel a5aurq:) I loor or pa)rroorur,t
( a ^ P { . a u , o r o r s t I n o I P t n o M a n r a q r E qe
(,turs) aiaq-a^ 'oN g,.1
.IqM -------------EV
(IeM?06) Zpua]aaMsrq] idfie6old6 no^ V !
aql alolduo3 q
'sosaq$aredu! sqE^ aql utol elnu' parroa oll q1^\5uo!]esro^uor
Practical cr€nts
- Eclle ro!F!p69pr! Fy

a d,l"l.,ithe ONEorTWO answers Complete the phraseswith Howor What.
"o,,"ct "n.*ers.
mayoe correcr. 1 How interestingl
2 -a goodideal
1 A Kate'soolno io stldv abroad for a vear
B(What d grcdt:ded, Oh noi wAatdpjry 3 terribl€newsl
4 - awful!
2 A I l e f t m y w a l l e ta t h o m ea g a i o 5 - amaringl
B How Jantasticl/ ldoh tbelieve it. / You'rc 6 - a pityl

ldidn't get thejob. 3 SOCIATENGLISH

B That'sgteat newsl/ What a pity / Never mrnd. with the phrasesfrom
Comoletethe conversations
the list.
We'fe gerti.g maffiedl
B Ho|| {antastic!/ That'sgteat news!/ Oh, no! a+€ally+i€€js) Go ahead How do you see
How incredible I mean Not really That'sbecause
Dave bought a new car t h i n g sl i k et h a t
B Nevernind. / Really?/ what a pi|y.
What do you think ot lsabel'snew boyfriend?
B He's a reallvjrrelllL
Oh, nol / How fantastic!/ fhst s great newsl
Completethe chartwiththe correctphrases B Ithinkl'llbe mariedandhavemyowncompany.
from a.
1 Reacting
to something
surprising 3 A lhearyou'reanexcellent swmmer.wouldyou
liketo be a professiona
s . l d o n ' t h a v ee n o u g ht i m e

2 Reacting
to somethinginteresting
l ' m s o i i y .l ' m n o t f e e l i n gh u n g r y .
3 Reactirg to some good news y o ! a r et o o m u c hf o r u n c h l

A Y o L l . n o w ,I r h r ( w e $ e r r o t h e : a r e s " 5 o .
B lwhat a coincidencel
4 Reactingto some bad news
6 A Can I haveanother piece of chl.ken, p ease?

W h a t k i n d so f b o o k sd o y o u r e a d ?
B Biographies,historicaI fiction,

would you ike to come to the concertwith us?


Q Go practicethePracticalEnglishphrases
s s . r 6 o r dr n o ^ t r a q ) o r . u r t u o o g @
sa.urluore 0t
Pa['6 q
pazrLreoiornol s
psfeq e s
rEI ra91e, 6urureqr uouer t
s6!lqis l
arnleur o^8eu6€ur ItLu.relsnorxue€
Paue€rs otroru teor6 ]aeg z
p'nbs atqe'torsoLrrqlspa [16 |
'punosluararrpe qlr/v\
uroqqnls qsllos ,(poou 6u ureqr 9
e'nlnJ.ql {' llqlllrq?ut€r -0r 'tdo.d rflt) t u s r t P C it s a l o q l s s o q o l ? l o r r c a l l pI
.doq pu',G^hs rqrJortns' rqr 'lra dddrq.,c s,ruo!trrnu raltou u snotr apln ]u.e t
!t.,au)3u .rerssjte'l aaqda! ara ! rals sdsrs t
|uoprr^ p'up ,rdE,qrrq, sr ra s. trrrlu,rdns
u' )l<tqrr^tsrusld --6 purleporrlrfdod llrurxxirlpooJ uou€s quei la)tlLtr ]a€q z
u - t P r l t . D qP U n o ,D
SU PUit,t,llr'ounu' qu'tPrP s ul qerr L
prnbs ralsqot l)fP
luorr rr qdord 1!.u, roJsV --l p(Edutr\s s! q)ns poojlrs 'luaratlp sr]eq}Proa aql€L,I)
qF!,ou 3u,,{nqaou r,rrq, !qsgu,zotJo pnsur re,,{r!r
[\a !,,nornttr,^P!r]ou osF*&lD) )tdod r!\r ---, rr rel
sutppDrnoqraur^o)!r u,
! )JN)u,l sruj q)urrl.,e rsr{r
irDj qr{iJl h^oi lrpor retndodlr.^sr P(r r! $.tsutuuo)
tr'j' Poorrord& D'l'ouv rrul,'{r fr ro ,unou" 'q'
rtdorddlrq ot sltrDdu'ErJo rsnbr{t,(tq'qordsrJ,,U.rrIueJ l as uord I iroa r,uoc
,','} roJ )tru rsJ- nj uqr r)'|u Il'u p:uu"i5Inq -r lusu ,aurotror €Irl noI ptnoM
'lEpo-L?u,)jtrxpJr Jldordr.'i) u rdft rq, s,rr)uJr{ rp
I t, Jo Iep rl uo anraqreqP aMs
s s , r 8 ; q r J o , u Or e 5 l 0 t r s r t , { r r . ^ o l t , u q : ? u r ^ e r q l ,{epin}esrvau6!,ppaM€q}o}l,ns
lq rqgioqpoojrttr ---'- noI- - -
.,{pntrrq|I.Dns ,u)s uDio?E n
!,rtqrtErq -L ntqrqSuDsl
Jollns.r:qr or 3u!Pro,E '6uoraar,noI
I,I,oS T
CNIlV] sq aH uroors q ! s,^'roLz
CNICNVHf a l l
srarlllola:l]t aq1 auasnrt: L
au4lprtM Pasot)'q'eQPrt) €ttrtlreaql 'saaualuasagl alalduro]
AUVInSV)OA? UVt1IflVU9 uvwttvu9 i.
n0{ L.!eJ
L a"""iaquraua.!
Pau.rPs /PaureeseLl ---rd
raleMaq] alnllodl,uop.(aql€sneraq
aqs qolpted- aMtrlteare seqPusuJU!6IW0 l 6urue€ttItpuar4-IIerusuruornua Inq orIJr | 9
zl ula { 'sleaur^u qr^l-- -M derlutP ^ €nsnI s
noAptp / Pa^InoAa^eq6uot,\oq - asnoqrno.{a^olI
,{ep,Oa^t uo }eaLtaqr peq a^,aM- '{uour stqr
.leleur6ut)iredaqr ur,{auou^ue
q6!q,ia^ €q or 6urc6si--q {}tr]A€ia rno t
lnd r,uplnorI os'sulo),,tuea^eql,uptp/ PetlLue^etlI I 'sleurlue uo Pal$l
Ltso2N )noA plp / rsosN rnol se.i qrnur ^roH L -rr
aeplll ^lneeqesnl,usaoPq3a€ t
'llA'llor olrlPl ',tasurtq
rrnqt,uPtPaq lnq
lnq luaul€d ssaFreluo? Pasn)a^eu/ pesnJa eu e^,1 ' -rr a)tlqino oulrnPalrq s"l z
.]e^ rto llalxer{
911V '6utloorrno erotlo s rtoesnaM
alt or oOt,uplP/ uaaqLue eg I )|Jeqno,(tredl,uer I 's0ruoluas aql ulsunou punodurot eqr aralduol)
'PalP aqs ueqMraqrourpuer6
slq luorl 6ulrtl,(ueliraqul luplP / Pavaqut LuseqFed 6utpea.r
rol qrnuJoorsnpe5Jep/ Pafueq.a^,IagLt
'ra(,(auour a Psr,uAP
/Pa esl,u'eqaqsrnq'esnoq eInq orsrueMlaqr€uz
lueq a$ ol ^ouourluepaMo/a^auI
'p u! suo!]sonbaqlleM9uv o
toll sue l'etJof oql
lsedaldurls ero, Ptnor
puelraliad Nasarduvl ll,\lwo t no,(lulqrnol l€uour,o lunouJeNalleursaql s,pqM
'sp]o^ aql leed0l rtaql-sauqeuros oldoad6unol oP,qM
pue u!e6e uoFll ueql ,)|tsq, Pue uo$!] Z'Z(D P L- no^
- o) Lloqla)ierrlPtP6uolMoH
e,(poqeuosol,(ouo!rtual nol eurtlNel eql seMlagM
ppoln I
rroqs t opl€uor! qrnurMoHinlv ueasnno.,{ op uouoMoH
ol edeouourt
T orols z lF€-qel Peq ,{ed uo a^n }}o a^11
pez!ue&o pro#p L .ls!laqr
Z(O)lueJe]rlPro (S)€r,lPsaql ro suollsanbeql aFlduroX p
;" uo.rlqraaleserqde ql1a,r
glledoql}e loo'l t
,o lollePunuordeql sl sPro r1o
'sPror^sql leador
pue ule6euolslluaqf ]roq. PueuaF!'l !'ZO q
uPol Plos euoP emo e
e qI^ Pro^aqlQ!]9 e
o NollvlfNnNoud z
ro PUP
c Re-orderthe wordsto write presentpeafectand
1 a y o u / b uay h o u s e
Haveytu cve. hought a house?.
b when / you / buy it
When dtd you ttuy;tt . '
2 a you /find any moneyon the street

b howmuch/you / find

3 a you/usecontactless

4 a yo! / paytor a mea'for a lot of people

b why/ you/ payforit

5 a you/ stayin an expensive


b who/ you/ staytherewith

6 a you/ raisemoneyforcharity
b Complete withthecofiectform
the conversations
of theverbsin parentheses,
b howmuch/you / raise
tdid. yourson!uy- his

hisdriver'stest lastmonth.
Answertho questioNin c.
1 a
- you- 2 a
yesterday? b

ij"ii'- **.partment ii,

" b
a--- - to 5 a
9e. (agree) b
6 e
€ver _ aoy money

boifriendwhenhe _ a

uirmother- an -.
him yesterday,a.d she's

lQ 60 onlin.for morepractice
{{etd }ou / ) too} {o l)nq I ^tiu€ral
'6u,oP uPal ratrrosrnol s,MoH
V 8 (all)
x€ri 0L
(aaslou) 'au[ 6uole
{raueloo / t) i^epltesPt) sluaredpuer6 ,,(ur
()eadspu)lea^ lsel
Palsne'.txaloot no elo-t 8
( i r ? a/ n o { ) , 6 u o l la^oD6unoI sra^^Iaql
'paureu uorsoS
106 tuqr---
Il]rA pu€ueo S
(,poa) lreal a^9 {!Pduor
uaMo t
/no{ aas (Moul) a63 or ur3ra^ ar$
o l r u c Mr € \ t r e € ts , o r r e ns a o pl q M v g raqlo qrea aM
(3q) sl3aM
urourAy{ z
p o l t o o L / a L t s )a u t l 6 u o l
(a^eq)LtluoL!e rnoqe
ipoo69o s .ol rer ^ur - - --pPq?'4t
'ruaurrede !
'aruls./o Jol pue sasaqlua.iedul
Me! e or!, Pa^ouI telrj se'le!Prc
qJa^ eqtJo uroJ alduJls]ra|ad tuaso]d
aqt ql^r setrualuasaql elaldLuol
6uo MoH i^lead s
u qorpoo6 Ir3^ e seq raqlorq Iil! v t
(ia^e4/ €M) {€p [e
i r q 6 , L J, n o l s e d 6 u o M o H v z sreal {epsanl slep saritl staaM oM}
sqluou trs aurrg)unt 6unoI ft€^ seM I
raqu€rac a!! 1 6uot e Et€z
'ulrnlot D€llo, or.{}u! lsll
/ Iaqr)aau[6!ote ]oi
raqta6or 6. tf'drdastq ral]?-aB oN g aql uror]soserqdPuesPro/ eql ellrM
apueqe !, s,^uv leql aou)i nol prc v L snonutluol
'aru|s )o] +
'sqra^ oql jo ullo] snonulluol lfallad luasard /
lJelad luagaJdeql qll/r^suollesra^uol aql slralduol ! tfalao luaseiouvwnvuo
. , . rt:iF-{ll!t+,.tlrrj
adla'Pauor ? ssarre 5n 1t3urn6 jorP:)
a u ) o , 1 ,o P u e r 3 s l . 3 u o o N i5u!5{=rPq}
' a | l u a 6 u P ' t )u o
the drive
Survive Lao Tz!, faoitt PhilosoPhel


Completethe crossword.



Complete the compound nouns with one word.

1 Donlforgetroputyoursc"r beltor.
2 You'llgeta- ticketifyou leaveyourcarthere.
3 Sorrywe'relate.Therewasa terfible- jamOowntown.
4 Thetriptook ustwiceasIongbecause therewas-work on the freeway
5 l wishbikeride6wouldusethe- laneinsteadolthe sidewalk
6 We needto {illup at the -station beforewe leave
7 Thetraflic always worse during - hour
8 Therewasn'tanybodywaitingatthetaxi-.
9 SlowdownlThereare- cameras on thisroad.
1o We hadto stopatth€ tEfiic - becauseitwasred
11 Therewasa ter.ible- crash, theyclosedthe freeway.
12 Thisroadis dangerous to cross.Let'susethe - walk.
13 Do youknowwhatthe speed- is on this toad?
14 Theymadethisstreeta - zone,sotherearentanycars.
'gP.loaeql leod€l
pue ure6eualslluoqf )1]3q, PUeuals!'l Lg@ q
uaqmdn 1;1orro6ro11 asnetoqs€6 uer| 9
@ c6p,t r urorl- 3m )irtdplno) no,(lulqrno,(oo s
'dolsol6uto6 t,uslrerleql j- loo-1 t
'rsolllaralduor 6utrteo
'PunosluoialllP e ql!,,
Pro/'^aq(@ e
- papuoaq os'Sd9 slq10610, atPe']3 e
'[t 'grunlaroreq6^lre
fit pue'Fpt No[vt)NnNoud z -
o1pa1uen,(aqasne:eq,(pea las ,{aqf z
.vodje all
sn dorpolroqq6teurno poFe al t
Zdnpue le
no{ prpa)aq,$ }t alsoluo}}o6ra^ano,(o^eHI - {zx)dn }orno rno (Zx)ro
.6utoo .lsll,aql
'os Zse6 uo unrra^ano,{a^eHI
I to!\eql qllr serualusseql alolduol
'Uodle -r' - 6uol^oH 9
oqM 9 la6ot no,(
aqrreJJonol sdorppuedn no,(s)l]rd,(ltensn '3reqlla6
ol srnoqlqqa roqe { Morromor
la6 ot no,{elel lt saop6uolMoH g
ZuMolur^op sala6uvsot ol 6u!^!p or prearo]Eurloolrou ur,t S
aroluno) -
)llo^r ol le6 ol srnoq or't eu, rt t
rno{u!Ie 1aa4eq}uoltuJlpaadsaqls,}eqMt .rrodrteaqr
- ^ltensnI t
or ta6 or sauutuJS, lnoqesn
ze^rtnol arav rnoqqsnroutrnpalll r!+err3qls,leqM€ ZleplaaM e uo u^roru/,^op
1a6or-rl-6uolMoH z
zuotlete^uo06 no,(u€qMlo e4Illensnno.'{oPMoH Z .asno'.1
------tE?J I
Illl or la6 or srnoqoMl ^llensnI L
,,(Ir lo uMolino,(punorele^e4lllensnno^oP MoH L 'o)tel
'suollsgnbaq] ro^iluv e ulol parrot oql ql!^ serueluas eql ata;druol r
GRAMMARchoosingbetweencomparatives c Complete the secondsentenceso it has
a similarmeaningto the {irst sentence.
andsuperlatives Usethe word in parentheses.Write 3-5
with the informationfrom the survev. words. Contractionsare two words,
Usethe comoarative
orthe suoerlative. e.9., isn't.
1 iryapadmentis biggerthanmy

llf hcreto 9o? (big)

Myboyfnend'sapart'renl\nlas b,g "s

We teveal the result3 from our reader survey

of ihtee popular vacationd€stinations. 2 Youdon'twalkasfastasme.(than)

l'veneverbeento a moreinterestingcity
Bantkok(Thailand) Dubai(UAE) Cancun(Mexico)
4 Myjob isn'tasinleresting
It's easyto get to ** 5 l'veneverealena betterpizza.(the)
It s excitn8 Thisis
6 Thetrainis moreexpensivethanthe bus.(as)
It s reaxing t 7 We havethe samecar.(as)

D u b a i / € t P e n s i v e/ B a n g k o k
g l'venev€rsleptin su€han uncomfo.table
D - b c i : t r o , e c ^ o e - , . v er h J n8 r . p ( o r
Bangkok/ crowded ofthe three destinations

3 C a n c u n/ e a s yt o g e r t o / E a n g l o k PRONUNCIATION
O3.2 Listenandcomplete
4 Bangkok
/exciting/ Dubal

1 lt's the most dangero,'s thing

5 Dubdi/hot/ Cancun

2 lt's goingby
6 Cancun/ relaxlngo(the three destinations

Complete the sentenceswith one word.

1 Gasisn'tasexpensive in the USas it is in the UK. 4 Flyingis a iot
thangoingby train.
2 My latherdrivesmores owly_ my mother.
5 Scooters aren't
3 Thisis- gas
cheapest stationin the city.
4 Let'sgo by's_ comfortable
thanthe bus.
6 ttt the
5 Thisisthe - -
dayof my life everythinghasgone
6 l thinktralnsare- dangerousthancars.Thereare (03.2Listenagainand.epeatthe
sentences. to the linked
7 lt's-to gobysubwaythar
much words,Cqpythedythm.

8 Singapore is the _ expensiv€city in theworld.

9 You'reatthe Sheraton?We're
stayingatthe samehotel

t 0 Whydon t we wall?lt'slhe _ €ipensveway

I iq. O Go onlinetor morepractice
^lJlql€^!,le )|loMaqrsa^eals^eqe aqs zL
^ep eAl eqr,oruo4urslrspueqsnq
pua r,{oqIt! lnq 'ste)e^ot| 0L
'rolrop 3ujo'3q oloudpnts srxolv
stqare3raqMiP|qr {s'oul?r.lM8
'peqro^oo sleau,rsaqaql auose^
,t lo leLll
,laaM lsellqonoqno,(leqllq3eluroe no,(€^eH 9
lesI e et'Ml tnoqp lsltuap aql or 06 | S
sem€q uaq,lil
tooq)suol roqlelpuer6Ir{ t
Iddeq eldoadaleu l.usaopi(euouraqf g
'puol€aM uou eql sluai?dslqt|s!^ol 6uro6s,aH z
----- -- 5'p^lr5rd-F
.no,{slnsroloraql-ssarp {lterd s,leqf
'sarualuas peror oql (y') )paq) 'soserqdpo{6!lq6!q eqr u! se)ierslur,(upparoJ q
'olledaql uo q.unJe qrunl s^eqs,tat jlep e
/ lnlineaq /lep Jrt[neag reqM 0!
Zueuragr / uau ueqla^rrrsuos arou oreuooo^4sr.fl/ uauro^^ lurqt no,{oC 6
/pllor,.eqttopua / pu€ aqt lou s,l i,tuo,,n r,uoo I
'laaM aql
/ laan e of,uosel oui aqt / sar,^ourol 06 aM I
'snoD{apse,' r|16ru
Nq peqaMuou4psaqJ/ uourjss}nq ,qs,agr/ qs$eln ,( ensnt,uopI 9
taau!6ue ue / )eeu6ua s,aqs ,(uedurorasauedefe / eseuedpfrol qroM rels|s.(N S
abururouslLtlasnoqsqr / asnoqUatno,{uaqMroopeqr/.rooplrot noi p|o t
'sIog aB rlog ue$ se6€n6uelaqt saaenouel5utureel €rraq aresp,6 aql sl.,r6lulqr
/ / lp / I €
.pua\aa6 $et I
agt puaFs,lajsq ,(epqutqIUJro] &t3 )irol r€N or ruaMaM z
reJos,eal aqrro leF€{ol1ap/ rsaroi1seMreprarsa L
'sPJorlraror aql@ e
saPHeuvull tvu9 L
)a1,a \srt 'aPtt{ )erso
' a t r u P u olrs e t s , u e ue a q
,o) al] louoM .^oLlsrtl
P aq o1rleM uar!-
\:, ti
c Completethe text with a/ an,the,or -(no article). PROtrlUNCIATIONlJ, two
of the
O3.3 Listenandcompletethe
1 ld /ike to sPeak. to the

2 Thebusis


5 Sheneeds

O 3.3 Listenagain and repeat.

O3.4 Listenand repeat the phrases.Pay

attention to the pronunciationof the'
1 Ihe conversationwasabout lbe woman

2 Ihe universityinviteda guestto sPeakat

lbg meetin9.
3 | sometimes go to the theaterin lb!:
4 we took lbe elevatorinsteadofwalkinguP
lbl: starrs.
5 Theof{icegaveme alltbe informationI

6 Ib9 grayskirtis nice,but lprefertbEblack
Practical A difficultcelebrity

GIVINGOPINIONS 5 A Do you likethisso.g?

B Not reaily
lvlatchsentences1-9 to responsesa-i.
1 Do yo'r likereggae?- 11
2 whatdo youthinkofEd Sheeran? - 6 A D o y o u l i k el i v em u 5 r c '
3 Do youstilllistento yourold CDs?- a , it's a little
4 l'veheardthat musicians mak€a lotofmoney.-
5 l'd loveto be farnousl
6 Classicalmusic isgreatfora quietmeal.
7 A Peopleshouldn't listento loud musicon
7 What'syouropinionof heavymetal?- public transportation.
I Whatti.d of mus.cdoesyourgirlfriendhke?- B
9 Do you likethisband?-
a lagree.Youcanlistento it andtalkto eachother
8 A Jazzmusicstarted
in the UK.
To be honest,I haven'taskedher. B l'm pretty sure it began if
Someumes. Butit! easierlisteningto a music th€ US.
streaming service.Don'tyouagree? O f c o u r s ei t d i d l S o r y a b o u tt h a t .
d No,they'rctertble.Whatdoyouthink?
ldon't thinkthat'sright.Onlya fewolthem earn 9 A what'syour opinion of Rihafna'snew sons?
B ifs better than the last one.
( Itt OK. 8ut if youaskme,rap is more{un.
I I like him. B€tjn-my€piFi€q BrunoMarsis better.
h Oh sure,itwould be greatto startwith.Eutyoud
soongetfed up with allthe photographers. 2 soctAr-ENGUSH
Personally, I thankit'sa littleloud. with a phraselrom
Completethe conversations
Completethe conversations
with tti€ highlighted the list.
phrasesfrom a. Useeachphraseonceonly.
Hangon a minute lt'sjustthat my boyfriend's
t A What do you think of mlsic festivals? +hatr'5€-kindo+ros You'vecome back
Did youmeanwhatyousaid
B They?eOK. Bur in mv opinion , there are too

Yes,you'reright. lbroughtyousomeflowers.
B Thaokyou.Itra3 ro-laclot?ou
2 A Do youthinkCathyhasa goodvoice?
l'veneverheardher sins. 2 A
Yes,ltorgot my phone.

3 A Do youeverlistento the radio? 3 A a b o u tm o v r n ga b r o a d ?

B Not really.TheDJstalktoo m!ch. I N o , o f c o u r s el d i d n ' t . l w a s o n l yk i d d i n g .

4 A . What's the matter?

Nothing really.
4.,a for me, the 80s was the best decade for m!sic. him.
a t h e S o s w e r eg o o d , b u t
there'sbeensomegreatmusicsincethen,too. 5 A l'm going out for a wajk. Do you want to come?
. l'llget mycoat.

I zt', O Go onlineto pncticethe Practical phrase!

r.oI l]eqi oliultuo oe @
ro^rp uLe4aq] l ra^!P ure4 E 0t
a6e6!our ) laoPnqq !,e6r€q e 8
st q '|)eed 6u,ureqr q)rer 9
tsaq 3ql r rauaqe s
,{seasrouJ ,
qlla r ree€
atrurs ) )oJez
6 ! r ^ u p u a a qs e q l 6u,^ups, q PaFso) o'lro Ptos rsor €
,tuoM qrtsM ralsqol puo, Z
6urqtou ^ouou tsuo6 auop !
luaral|Pe qu,vlP-^.q{i-t-D
ltdde Luptnoqs!auro.n(l^r uoseal
ou srar3q1leql sl€s €qs qotsloeL!e qllMpaseald
ri (J,e- o 3u'.q r.oqe Srqro- lnoqesreuorssedqlta dn pal ]o puol I
' aarrsa^a'lig {r,d)
lrov]e{eac' ue^ attr/bropur )|]nI lren s
i a r P l r . r ro 4 r , . q r o J3 i P ) P I q r !rr5eaue)3{5 PalLrar 6ut^rers snoun, L6ue t
r q l a q l o u o t 3 u , sP s , { P r s s P lt u , a ) a < n o gu a o a^es oMo ueot Moroq e
rre/.qor taSoraloeucdqs.ous05real patrods a qe tros arnreu 6urure'1trZ
q000\51-. -,
€ q t i P a { P r o , . n /r p J ' p n D sueaquaar6 sader6 a6eqqer stsaq L
e ! e o e ! e l 8 r o a 9 , ( r e l e sa { t } s ! t t n o q e s S u q l - 5 'luare}}rp s' le|{t proM aqraaP4)
. o l u o p . ? L e L , ? / p q . , p 1 t ' l | pd . ? r c a r 5 e d r r t r
sev rrLp.t-ooo.Lduovror-rc qo e.17Poo. AU\nn8Vf,OAe
'5!rlorlllv 3q ot slueMaqs aur.rpa!.r 6urIpnlss,r31srs
{w 9 J. .\.Jd I, d -e dqLo.",etr
ud.eI L! lv 8,61 e oq <"qq,a !p isnortsp
. lol PJB s punlsrql-3!rurueqt- sr6urloorrnolI
! r € r l u s u o M r o j u o r l € n ls a l l s o l r a q q t a l d d e g
srea^aarqr 'tsrtoulDUrl]lPaueaqa^.1t
,(ra^ s,a!s pus iqo! sreellqSre rol !rprl p- aqS ' teotr
s r a ^ u P Uu r 0 0 o i t s . u , n r € r o a u o e , P . s s F ) / r a )
Iu uo rnd r,ua^eq I oOor lpParlou -,1
uouro^JoJsqof uer e 1a6 | ^^€aq$tootasetrlrns le'll
r e rP t o{ y \ . s o ul . t 6 r , e re a ue P a . L rt
' 'q 'P@x) aprue eqr pea8 'Pror\ auo qllM $f,uelues aql alaldluo]
,.l'uflnSvto^? uvwyuvu9t uvwti[vuDt
g-t a"'raquouaino^ue]
'6uturoursrqra6essaur e aurget aqs rarsE,{u e. or FAo, -
Ireq | I
'!€f,uor aql ol 06 ol lueMlllear rnq 'rq6tuolrno 06 -
I | Mol])tI I
z,,(!edoqlot al!^u! aM lutql no,{op oLlM 9
tuerqrtor.tlursr,noluaqMrarnb aq - no s
-no,(rol poo61,usl1lpoo] qrnuros tea- no f
'r|joorL!€xaaqr olursauoqda)er- no^ €
ralrsq no,{slrns}t 3uo P€r aqrrou rssarpanlqaql ,(nq- no^ lltql I z
'a6allorol 06 ol alqeaq r,uo^ eq ro poqrs q6!quo+ srenper6-Is?t!" urppv !
'Luppoqs )o 'p?otls '7oulsnu 'Fnu, qlrm soruoluos aq] aloldluo] q
'snqaql a)tetuEr
n ',{e^\qns,{q
oBot anDqt,uop/lou Nnurno^..j
'rel E u! sauq
n II9IP llaq ]ease rea,,nlstlu.r/ 01aAtqno
'^.\etIq pallq(qotds! ll -.
! F
'3urp1nqrrlqnd,{ueur e)ioursot anDq l,uop/tou tsnurno1 $
'a^lssardul/fta^s,]t trlraqllJoanlelseqt lrs!^tsnul tnDqno 7
n /ol
'aar,{llensns! a)uprlu3 salralF8 E puP . .
n surnasnur tsourtrsr^ot dEdot anDq t.Lrop/lou
! ilqSg ot{l uo
ilJai aql uo a^lrp 0l rnrq lruop
'sn 3qt raluaot Esl^e a^eqlsnur
a /ol,
'urroJlJoJroaoql@'laarJor s! llJol euo lluo olualuos
eql (y'Jlreqlparror ere sLuro]qloq,l aPue aqt Peau e
c Correctanymistakesin the highlighiedphrases. d write a sentenceaboutanobligationin
Check(y')the correctsentenceg. eachofthe places,Usemust,haveto,
shouf4and oughtto.
1 ananport
Yor shalld adv" two h6n. helote
lhe fl,9h1leaves
2 a movietheat€r

3 a soccerstadium

4 a library

5 a museum

6 a sdmmingpool

You-must ngi read text messageswhen you're talking to

YoL sho,t.r.'t.ead tetr messages PRONUNCIA:flON

2 Do you h6veto weara suit and tie atwork? t/ silentconsonants
Cres+ost th€ iilent cohsonantsin the
3 lmustgoto workby busyesterday.
Mycarwasbeing words,
1 fsen
4 Youdon'tlookwell.Youshouldgo home.
2 shouldnt
3 lights
6 debt
7 mortgage
8 foreign
1 ln the future,perhapseveryonewill h6v6to speakEnglishi!
andChin€se. 9 wrong
10 island '\i

O4.1 Liiten and chsck. Then listen again


lQ Go online{or morepractice
uoos rrPrrsnd6Dlrte leads aH1
ollllnspur,$ bullles
suodsral€r$. a)[ p,aH 9
s3rqqofi sn sqrt€t€qaroj€qoqds,qqs,uu aHs
. u€ur)a9leods o H t
0l0Za]ecljluo9 '6uo) 6uoH ur 6uqro^\
Pauelsaq uaqMasaurqlapli e leeds aHz
sabEnouel 'llEs
'002ublsap . 'ot elqe eq ro 'uer
poclepe- sllfisll. Plno) 'o LUro'lrorror eql
r.ll!r\satrusluasaqt atalduror uoq1 9Luns9Js,zrnuradl Peau
s rIs i3rI0
6u ta^eAw,t uo'la aldoadterota'll
6uo)ouoH ' pn s69r^las
ol a/gE6ulaqlou / ue. pu a\e\ t zL
lrrM orer unuruJor
HHV!0tc0ri0 6utbru?9'/
luosal+tl0z. 'sa6en6uetsarql tspatlpteadsor s/gpagrsnul
Sn'selleo'sluoun4sul /uerrsnujnotr'lueduorstqlroitroMot Lt
'robeugy{ ueq}
0ultovel|J uEsjw:}!0d-€002 .
uopu0 'sluourn$ul
1 uolrersule43qrle dn au.r}ftd or alqeaq no[ lttfi / noAueJ oL
puereulell:ql0z{llJz .
sPxatqu'rr0ler300 Moulrlo rsoL!u6uo6io,a^,trnq
a.ustiodrlIroM 'Jqerv sFrl e
leadsor a/geag or pasn/ u?, ol pasn| 6
atqduo.or ( 0Z)ssouFng uloLldpoljsls.
(L Llotl8lslulurpv ulqlalsetl. atlrc. 01aqe Luatat^/ r.uplno, aM{ros { ear ar,aM I
(9002)OuDoUeW .
a^olci lnq '113^r
aruepor alq9uaaq/ Ptnos)a^aua^,t I
aroL!a]l lolua ol aigeagplnoM
986ttzzl60rtUrgl0 ate0 'qof 6urPueuapssatPpeq 6u'l-,eh]
/ plnor aqs ]t 9
anur0lll:3ruEu |lun ller ol algeuaagt,ua^eq
/ plno5t,ua pq tleqi Isnq os uaaqa^,t iros S
)t?/i\6!ot e rot
06 ot aqe aq,ah / ue. aM'MoJrorlrol urert,us€op! }t t
aarLtr ltuo seMa! uaqMpearot algese^a/p/no' alnt e
'^^Lnor aql u.3^r.ol a^ rp(olEiqea9l uPror ptssuno
^ ueatroag],{qaNlol
pasnaqsasnelaq ltaM4tp6rrljrnsor alqes, / uer aqs I
'LrrLol sr urlol euo Iltio jl af,ualuos
' lca.,ror
' ' ' . : aql6i:i)'lrariol
' : . r '
oql (y') Iteqr 'lrsrro) 3rP surro, qloq Jl serueluas eql Peal e
sunouorda lxallsJ
ItaPttatd 5n )aaio] uaxtNPegltd
' u r e 6 ed n 6 u 1 l a 6 l o ! p u p u a o p 6 u t l t p l
i a,nt,p! uaop 6u,rte,]ou 5' arnirel
iuel |
, ]
c Match the sentencehalves. 3 VOCABULARY-edl -ing adjeciives
1 Thanksfor invitingme yesterday.
I reallyenjoyed_-c a Completethe sentences
with the correct
2 Shegor the job becauseshed prepared- adjectjvein bold.
3 Havea greatfime,youtwo! l'm sureyou'llenjoy
4 My newprinteris muchbetterthanmy old even

5 We reallywantedto watchthe sunrise,so we kept _

6 Hefelldownthe staks,but luckilyhe didn'thurt _
7 They'vebeensavingto buy

a himselfbadly.
b ourselves awakeby listenjngto music.
d itselfoff whenit isnlbeing used.
e Yourselves at the party.
{ themselves a housesincetheygot married.
g herselfwellforthe interview

a O4.2 Listenandcompletethe s€ntences.
amazod/ amaalng
Veniceis an n!!izja!L- city, Youreallymust go

ernbafia3sed/ omban€sslng
lfeltvery - whenl.ealizedmymistake.
fright€ned/ trightaning
He's- ofdogs. Hecan'tgo anywhere

4 exclted / ex.lting
The{inalhalfofthe sare wasreally_
bored / borlng
lenjoyedthe book,butthe moviewasa
annoyed/ annoying
I can'tstandthisqujzshow.Thehostis
,I dopr€5'od/ d6pr63ing
she cansing verywell
l'm fed up withthisterribleweathoi' it!
2 l've_been_to
3 Canyou_ the _?
diiappointed/ disappointing
4 You-be-
Llaxwasvery-when he wasn'tchosen
for the job.
He- been-
Everyone was- afterthe walk,so
nobody{elt likegoingoutin the evening.
O4.2 Listenagainand repeatthe sentences.
Copy 1 0 f rustrat€d / trustratjng
the rhythm. lgotvery-when lcouldn'tlogontomy
rsal6o.d rnol )Paq. or aut|Uoo9 A 3r'rre,daroujrorauwoor 0
su$ert3n{ /
peIlodderlp 9
pouo{6!r, s
6u!t!rxe t
6u!:erue €
Peloq z
6ullouue !
'ppq u!sPrcrn eql6u!sn no^ |noqe lorueNss enJl6llrM
- os semMa!^stlt ssneroq sopqd p stol )ioot aM
'dn a,re6
pu?-p6 eqsPu. aql u!uq 'PreoqJnseql oluo)iteql€6 ol eul 6uole ro] P3'r]eqs 6
;s.{epro1,(dderiunu.r,|sau.r[auos uotle]e^ e ]o pua aql le Fa] sIeMp I I
- Illeal sl /,^or{sslr.ll L
a6u0sareluterouroulqlaurosqqeM e/!^u?l ., ,
-Illeal ur,l 9 It
ipeorqpuaaqa^,1auil rull aqrs,l ele4snvol6u!o6 uoqe
'p€hns,Oa apa|e,eH -/Oe e.FMseper6 ssel.slH 9
'paL6upa6 erel ,(u - Ira^ seMI t
1aa1plnor I 6ultaaure$ 6u!np 6ue,auoqdIur uaqM
'/$l3ualotole a Eq,(aql ...................-.---fu6^aq
uer uarpllq.lleursroye outlool e
r€le/lAaql lo- s,a'.ls rti|msr,uPrraFls I!"/ Z
---Farfours.{fieeJ ur,l
i/bpqulq ,(ui sF&oj.queqMl(]6ue os alu saleur r - leqlo4,(u ql$ t
.rg 4e4snrl uatLl6lr, a!)x€ sserequa
ruroddesp ssar&p aroq {ecse azeLle
'F!l eql ulo4 sqre^eql uro, ou!- Jo
]o Pa- aql qI \ s.tueNas eql alslourol q
Sporting superstitions #;:.?i;i:::

sports b Labelthephotoswith a wordfrom the list.

Readthe definitions.Thenwritethe course court tie'd po€l slope tra€k

1 a largegroupof peoplewhoarewatching

2 peoplewho

an officialwhomakessurethatplayers
obeythe rulesin,e.9.,soccer,basketball,

2 tennis
a groupofpeoplewho playa sportor
an ofticialwhomakessurethat players
obeythe rules,e.9.,in baseball

peoplewhoplaya gameor sport

a largestructure,
sL_ 5 soccer
an areawithseatsaroundit wherepublic

the peEonwho is the leaderotateam

t 0 a personwhotrainspeopleto competein

1 l peoplewho arewatchinga sportsevent 5 ski 6 running

ua^uPpeq t 6u^up s?/,^q a^orPe
raMsuel,uptnortos 'pa eJ no{ uaqr$- | Ilos OL
PeqPe9 r 6Lr^eqar€a q peLle
-ar0oq 106,,(llenlua^a 'sure6Pletd noI aroraq
PaurngP€q r 6udrnq araMq pet.unqe ureMl.uop nolrr parnfurla6 upr nol
'trPP106 'aure6 ]xaurno ufi l,uop aMl!luaLueurnol:
rraroraqauoq ra6 or aldoodpuealelseMl aqllo - pot)oq aq [/3M €
paI€tdpeq r 6u PtdseMq paleld s '€aroJorsqt qrrM6urn6resanuluo,eq
looq3surseMI uaqMstuuol | ,, ,r.s €q ol ouroosl ra^Ploreql Z
uassPeq ) 6ur3asseMq M€se .{ep^ra^a
.eroreq -rff
+oM no^IrlHrnb adeqsurra6 no I
rt- treLlrPazllear
l'p€lrPFar^ouiaqlseuoossv 9
dn (ZX)rnojro
Paiocsr/uPeqt 6uoorsluaraMq ero3s],uptPe
'eure6lselrno -
urslPo6,,fue aM '19!laql ulorl sPro l eql
paq)}e/llpegr 6ulq)lemera/,nq Peq'ter e ql!/r^sorugluos aql u!sqraa lesetrideql etelduo3
aLue6 eql- ,lo aLrlersoqs ,{uJpue
lleqra)seq "t"."aj;; , eq agl
"" ",,,r*,"^,rr" e I usqMp396nelauo,0a^3Z!
lqonorql,upeqr 6ur6ulrq
l,useM q 6uuql,Lrprp 'uole3e^uo ereMeM
'ta/sole- ,LUIMS
tmq ero] 06 ol parup^r| 0 ueqMlep,0a a 6ulururyhs
peqperJ. 6u!^eqseMq peq e lolroP s,ur€alaql aasol uolel spMpu€leq
'saeueql pieeq uaqr' -
I rs€|earq | z ra,{Pldrsaq
rno 0t
uo,,apeq r 6u1r:u1,,r sem q 65il-D) 'eure6ls€laqr
'saureorldurIto lsel eql le ---- aqs
tepeurplo6 aqr tr sleo6.rnol ielrls ue,u,lua6ryaLlt
.: ro ,q ,e€l5ll) e 'wea1ra6uo4s
qrnu e paqfu91
sn l|zerg I
lseouvwlrlvug s
lnq !€'{rorqsrqor leq aql )en
'sPJO/tlaql '9-t'9-Z
pue ule6euelsltueqf lsoqtrpue ualgrl t 9(D -E- |]eu|t-ruiasaql urltaM{etd 1,uptpI 9
3!u€6raqr u,PdSpue olxahl S
'3q ot q3nurL'l,taoN IeP
PasnI ue$ rsrqrleaq
tus^a)l]oMor atq {ui 6u,puIq
tepau pto6Eqr106aH
aroraq^eplra^apreq urealoqt z
laaM e sal!!] o^l e6o,( or|^1,{t! f"
3rr srors asot )r'l
06 adeqsur la6 parnlurre6 ep reaq II
'ounos luejellio e utv\l oJo^/\ouvetrJtl) e
'ls!loql urorjsqre^aq]
FCIPUEFI NOIIVI)NNNOUd Z uro,lsed aldurlsaql qlrMsarualuas€ql ololduol t
b Completethe aentenceswith the corect form ofthe verbgin parentheses.Usethe
simplepast,pastcontinuous, or pastperfect.
1 Whenwear;ved (arrive),
everyone elsehadfinished (finish)
theyaeaeit!!C-- {sit)onthe Patiohavingcofiee
2 They (drive)to the akpo(when theysuddenly
thatthey (notlock)the backdoor
3 t_ (notrecognize) manypeopleat myschoolreunion becauseeveryone
(change)a lot in fte lasr20years.
{wait)to go out for dinneryesterday whenherboyfriend
(call)hertosaythat he (notcan)comebecarise hiscar
5lvlanchesterCity (beat)Manchester Unitedyesterday.United
(win)1-0 in the {irsthalf,butCity (score)
two goals'in

6He (run)tothe trainstation,bur the nineotlock trdin

(already/leave).Thetrainstationwasemptyexceptfor two people
(wait)forthe nexttrain.

c Completethe text with the correctform ofthe verbsin parenthes€s.

Thc 2008\fimblcdon final berwcchRogerFcdcrerand Rafacl

Nadalwrs oneofthe mostexcitingtennismatchesjn rhe hisroryofthe
garn€.Ir w'rsthe third time the two n€n rhad,olayed- (play)
eachothefin the final of thc tournamcnt,and everyonc
(look forward to) lhe match. Federe!
(win) the 2006 and 2007 6nals, but this
rirneNtdal' (seem) ro have a sood chance
of winning.
(begin)at 2:00p.m.Afrer the tust two sets,Nadal
(witr) 2-0, but durins dle third sei, nin sroppedplay.\vhen the players
(corne bsck) on the court, Fedcrer stafted to play much better, and he
(win) dre n€Ertwo setsbefore rain sbpped play for a secondtimc. Ir
(set) l.t€ when rhe match srafted assin, but rhe specratorc'0
(not c.n) rheir eyesotrthe courl
In the nfth ser,rhes€ore'' (reach) 6'6, then 7-7, and $en Nadal won
rne next two gamesto win rhe match.After playingfor fou. hoursand 48 minutes,RafaelNdal
6ear) RogerFedererro becorn€rheVimbl.don Men's Sinsleschahpion for

lO co onlinetor mo,ep,actice
'se6s^se-luiaraMaMuaqM ue urpa,,(eF
aM O!
se'r I uaqMsruar€d,{{! q!^\ aruo str?dor 06 ol pasnI 6
uo aletdn r3Bol ssnno^oC I
au ol olaq stres
sIeMte6qsr{ou uq '{tpLra!r},(le^
oq ot pesnra^auore3 I
u r o 4 s o l n u r uu a r ^ t u os r a r u l o A | ^ 1t r o , ! \ o l l l p / \ o 1 a s n | 9
, i a 6 u n o { a r a Mn o I u a q a i e q 6 u o t a ^ € qo r o s n f o ^ p i c S
al! l,usaoPoqs staoqq6rqreo^rol6sn ).us€opaJr^r
Ir,{ ?
I e
(otri lou) 6op e seq aq aou lnq 'llo ! pa^eqsa! uq 'pJeaqe 3^eqor p3sn^1raf
{hl 8
(3q) 1!aprluotrarou qrnu s,aqsaou asraqpa^ou nol arotaqe^rtor Pasnno,,(
PrParaqM !
]rarol ai.ll
(y') Iraql saserqdpalq6!lq6!qaqt u! s€Ielslr,r,(uelrerro]
auoq 06 | aroraqirodarsrqlqsruj or
'pualsa^ lsptspuauja!!os q1!$6u4)s06 or pasn 6u,r)sluaMI 8
paau | ^€pol tnq slel 9
'xttllaNor pdliPPP
(rno leai
'la3M e atruotseal]e luernelsare or 06 u,lAo'r rnq A1qrnuqJre/ A ensnt,uop/ \rle^ al Pasn)a^auI L
ualarsuruns {r3rc s6elior sues aq} urlels,,(r€nsn/ PalersaM 9
oor (rl,tssneraqqruou lsetpaooolsDnq z ooqtrsre araMno,(
uaqMsP'ralrilo rol e a^eql,tqnsnnoioo / a^egol esnno( Plo s
(ler)1noquejteqlnoqero,itel aM 'rnosao63qsuaqMdna)ew stea6
tPnsn / JeaMorpasnue?of I
s ^ e p ! n Su o u o u , i u I t
(a^,6)iro6ro,Iaqr ssneJaquolrerp^uo IpAe06I ensn],uoP
/06 ar asnrup9 aM e
real srqrinq 'Iepql)tq.fu uo tuasarde
runepuespunIn z r,usaop6q lnq llpqlalspqstreld4lensn/trep o! pasn\\ew z
sPqaqsMou 'sar^our
3qrol 06 uato aM
1nq'sasset6 olprrt uroeN t )aaMe sau.lraarqrro o^ r spuau]^r!€::1419' aasol pasnI I
'sasaqluaJed ulsqJ6^ .sProMparor eill€l;-4)
aql Pue 'ol Pasn 'o L!ro,lrerror aql ro
'i(llensnqllM $rueluas aql alaldurol r salelspues]lqBLl
luas€rdPUelsed uvwlllwD t
i;r:Jj., i:;!:] i:a.:: ![t@l!E |i|
'p!a ol ALj+#
P r e Ll ln q u r 6 a qo ] I s E a - r P Aa ) i s a n o t lOLueMAeA
the letters, usedto
? PRONUNCIATION b Readabouttwo relationships. ComDletethe
ohraseswith a wordtrom th€ list.
word with a difterent
a @5.2 Listenand6-kd-0the
became common got
m€t out proposed to together louch up
'os ,AK
td aul
1 2 3 4



b @5.2Listenagainandrepeatthe words.

O 5.3 Listenand repeat. C.qpythe dythm.

1 Wher6didyo!usetolive?
2 Did you useto wear glasses?
3 Theyusodto hav€a lot ol mon€y.
4 Heusedto go to myschool.
5 We us€dto work together. 1 Theymet at a pa(y.
6 Yo! 'isedto havelong hair. 2 She- him.
7 we didn't usoto got along. 3 Shegot- toech,
8 | didn't ussto liks it. 4 Theywent-tPgether.
5 Theydidn'thavea lot in
6 Theybroke-.
7 Theylost-.
with the PeoPlefrom
Completethe sentences
the list.

c l a s s m a t e sc l o s ef r i e n d c o l l e a g u e
couple ex fianc6 p3rtlq€r roommate

Jack'sdivorced,but he hasa newparrner

Thisis Koji,my -. Wete gettingmarrled

3 Marisolis a very-. I tell hereverything.

Thatgii overthereis my-. We wentout
togetherfor two years.
5 Tonyand lwere- in highschool.
6 lwent to the conferencewitha - from
Zoeisa great . Shesgoodcorpany,

8 they lor iloweach other

andMeganarea verynice-.
We'veknownthemsincecollege- 9 Thev alono.
10 They 6i;nda.
1r l n e y9 o r _ .
rnol )iraqro15ultuoot O a'perd a,oulrolautpo o9 o
.ra lr 3ql,(qNerne$ere
pauadoa ,/6qr puElaqta6or orur3uo63 €q uaqrorqoMraqt s
's rarl asneraqra6eueurot petourordspr uare)
Pts Jo
e ror,{tddeor 6uro6ur,tos'uMo},(ur
ur u.rl6r au aqr}oloolaqr altll e
ieeal ror raqlo qree uiv\ouls^,€M
]aqlsoot tooqtrs
q6rqu!3i3,\^eMuaqMor)lreq sao6arqqacaIM TN z
'_ dqslrdqEF ruallarxaue a eq aM esolr,Oo^sre I pueppp,{tl L
usBetar rauupd raq@au rapeal puaul
'ls!t eq] LUoJ]sPro/$aql uor] p
Paur.rojsunou lter$qe qll/rl 9otualuas aql al€ldulo)
'sqra^eql Luro,
$ed oldurFoql osn q uror]soserqdpuesproMparq6!lq6!q
aqr qu rxel aql olqduro)
Practical Oldfriends

Re-orderthe wordsto makephraseslor a Completethe highlightedphrasesin the
permissionand requests. with a wordfrom the list.
I ja€ket
/ pass/you/can/ my
come days mind se€ talk way
Can ye! pidsaL jigk j_------ - -
2 AK / window/ | / 1s/ open I iI / a / it
A Hello,Richie. hereat lasrl
B Hi,'sgreatto,ee You.rate
3 mind/ that/ would/ repeating/ yo{r
lt'sbeena long
A Comeand5iidown,AmeLia.
4 yall/ol/take/.r.e/a/ c o u l d/ p h o t o
B I tnow.we ve got a lot to - about
5 y o u / i f l h e r e/ m i n d/ s i t / d o / I
3 A How- youle so late?
B S o n y ,l m i s s e dt h e b u s .
6 you / do / cauld I you I bag / carry/ th nk / tr/

4 A T h i si s n i c e .Y o u a n d m e h a vn g d i n n e rt o g e t h e r
to thequestions
Circlethe bestresponse froms. B Yeah.Just likethe old -.

t ves.tcan r(Q)
5 A Lett go outtonight.
2 No prablen. / Yes,it is. B I ' d ' a t h e ' s t a yi _ . i f y o u d o n ' t -
3 Nq lwouldnt./ Notat all
4 No ptoblen./ Yes.tcoutd. 6 A Let's waik to the station.
5 O{ couBenot./ No,I dan't. B No-, manlLett get a taxll
6 Yes,lcould./ Surc.
with the highlighted
Completethe conversation
Complete the requestswith the correct torm of
phrasesfrom o.
a verb from the list.
Jay Danlt h < . f t a t ta .ee rar
d6 join meet pass take visit
D a n Y o ut o o , J a y . l t t b e e ny e a r s .
1 Couldyoudo me a big lavor? Jay
2 ls it OK ilwe - myparentsthisweekend? Dan My flighr wds delayed.dnd rl'e. I had Lowai a
long time {or a taxi.
3 Wouldyoumind- me atthe airport?
Jay Well, you're here now. Do you want to go to the
4 Do youmindif l-you?
5 Canyou the salt? Dan 3 I w a n tt o 9 0 o u t a n d s e e
6 Do youthinkyoucould- me to the train the city!
Jay Don'tyolr want to unpackfirst?
Match the requestsfiom c to .esponsesa-f. Dan No,lcan do tl'at'ater BuIl ltaLea 'howc,

a -4 Ofcoursenot.Takea seat. Jay Sure.Go ahead.

b - Sure.He.e.l s. Dan Thisis great.Yo! and me gettingreadyto go
c - Yes,ofcource.Whattime'syolrtfain?
d - lt dependson whatit is!
e - Notatall.whendo youland?
f - Sure.Whichdaywouldbe best? Oa"Or, r'r"*"aV.L.t, g"-i
Jay That's true. So much has happened s,ncewe
s a we a c ho t h e L

l { lF Goonllneto practicethe phrases

Behindthe scenes FGnk Capta,US 6olie dnecrol

E@ !@ EE'!mtJim|!FErE[G!8 ffi'Kffi&ffi,'ffi

GRAMMARpassive(alltenses) c Readtheanicle,6iDa, b, or c.

@1he correct form. active or

1 Themoviesets/@in NewYorkCityin
the 1980s.
2 A well-known comedywtitetwrcte/ was
writtenthe script.
3 Specialeflects wi,luse/ willbe usedto t- in 1975,Jarus 5-: the story of a vacationreaortwh;re
createthe monster. swlmmers'- by a hugegreatwhlte shark.splelberghad
4 Someof the extrashaveinvited/ have many problemswith the mechanicalsharkswhile the movje
been,nvitedto the moviepremiere. 5-, but he manag€dto finishit in the end.Jarrs was
5 lrovie theatersall overthecountryare extremelysuccessful,and it 6- thre€AcademyAwards.Since
showng/ arebeingshownthe musical. then, Spielberg7- manymoviesthat haveslnce become
6 Thedrama6 goingto dub/ is goingto be classics,incfudingClose Encountercof the Thtd rllnd, 8.T.,
dubbedintootherlanguages. and JurassicPark, He 3- for an Oscarseventim€s and has
7 lt wasverywindywhilerheywercfilning/ won the awardfor BestDirectortwicerfor Schlndler3 Llst and
werebeingttlmedthefinalscenes. Savlng ?rl\ate RAan.Today,Spielbe€ e- to b€ one ofthe
8 Ticketsfortheshowcanbuy/ canbe most populardirectorsand produc€rsin movie histoty,l\ow in
his seventies,he's still makingmovies,and it seemsunlikely
that he ro- anytime soon,
Complete the s€ntonceswith the cofiect
passiveform oI the verbs in parentheses.
1 Thedirector'snewmovieis based
on a truestory.(base)
2 | readthat BradleyCooper
{ o r a n O s c a r l h o p e h e w i n s l{ n o m i n a t e )
3 Thefnalscene
4 Theactorlookedverydifferentbecause

the makeupartist.(transform)
5 ThefirstStarWarsmovies
by GeorgeLucas.(direct)
6 Oneof the workersfelloff a ladderr.?h'le

8 Thescenehadto b
severaltimesbeforethe directorwas 3 a istold b
satisfied. a arebeingatta€ked areattacking
i b wasbeingshot
7 e hasbeendirected h
I hasb€ennominated
I b hasb€enconsidered
10 b
€^ollnoqeor^or!i{uuoJe zt
u€lols uao$ uesoqr0l
a^oLlro) re€dde
leqlsarnpld qllaspeui stlel]l at^ourp !l
Pted opcui pasoq6 utE4ru
sn aqt ul $ed €ql {rleJll}noqE3r^oL!€ o!
unr lunrp euopI dn
saDreq6u[q6] sralplos]noqeo|^o(1l
e 6
rucor! uel ., I
Fed eqr urslua^eleeruo paseqar^oure I uell.J uaerP {6no.rq 9 acs (I=
alulr, e
lnoqe uauo 6uFl}a ue Ll}trot^ouJe uauo6 a!o6 ualloorol S n"'1.g.
sarueppues6ulstser oLlteraqr srour e
rtq ua^16 nq t qst,
fuo$ snolrsse qlr^ra4ouj e t
Pcteadarpeprrp P.ppe e tPvlpry
aq] iJtslue €roeut6eui lnoqe ar^ou.rp t .:
P.uMo Pc^qd Peur|l z 6OPffi
saseLlrre,PueslqErl'6 a
'Eu€^a butlpreJo lol e seqteqr anoure z p3(]qe peseePr Pntoot Pc'.lsrut,I
xp5EO5 "!r@
6u!pu3i(ddeqe seqleql ar^oru6ursn!!eue I
urarsai/\ a'^ourreM r€ uLlr
er^ou uoll14eruarrs uiol-uroi lElrsnu.i P'tF+€*l prtre Plol lq6ncl uallr torls ples
,a!^ouroJ/ol 3!^ourleruorsrq Euerp 'ueqt oql ul uurnlol
,(paulos a'^ou paleurue at^ouJuoqre
aqlauM,o eqploqu!
lr€ror aq]u!lsltoqturorrsProM
'zt-t suorlrull€P sro[.l eqtop spunosqJlqMsoldlJlued
$ed eq]]e )iool I
o] lsll sql uro.4 lpJoi oql q)lehl
saldr3! ed
s.l^ourAuvlngvto^ E lsedrelnoerrpuereln6arNOIM)NnNOUd Z
b Completethesentences. c Completethe text with the phrases{rom
the lid.
1 Thestar ofthemoviewasa
is basedon w€r3ir€€{€d+} wasdubbedinto
actress. playsthepanol i$etin wasshot
ldidn't understand
the moviebecausethe
Pl- was verycomPlicated.
Theactorwantedto playthepartassoon
as he hadreadthe sc
Someof the a- wascryingat
the end ofthe movie.
Mostcriticshavegiventhe movi€an
Theyonlyhadto shootthesc-

It'sa Frenchmovie,butwith English

You'llhavetowaitforthe s- to
find out whathappensnext.
My{avorites- is the music
from GuanCians of the ca,axy.
10 Thebestthingaboutthemoviewasthe
sP- e-. Theywere

1 l Thedirectoris lookingfor
to act in the €rowdscenes,
't2 Thec wasa mixtureof British
13 TheTimesmoviecr-didnt like

Thetwo acto.sfirstmeton the

s of the movieLaLa Land.
15 l'veseenthe v-, andit looks
likea reallyinterestingmovie.

Q co onllnefor morep€ctice
'lno oOJ3au,(aql ,(auour
eH grnure^Eqtuer /rsnw Illoy! pueolnt 9
.Iro/! uro4suoq 6ur^uP
s,€qreql aFrssods,I euoqdsrqouuaMsue l,us!raqlorqIn
'6u oiv!l,us! U
reqlqqlssodqt rcr€^alaaql ro, sulr 6uote Butlea uaaqa^,3M
Eq5 ]E! a rs€dra,0e^ eseq 3H .qol
. ,/rolJotuol poo6 e a eq tou ry6tuJ/ lsnul roqq6tau rno S
Llexs ue seq eqsans LU,lrq6to tlp 6u'Ipnls €aq s,eigs
no^arnsu,t sornurusL ro} pallem4uo34aM
'}! all 'Mols,{re^s,eqs^sporllele lla ^,{16^orJluunr
s,tl eIeN rol raleaMsleql ,{nql,uoo t r,usloqs 'Parnluroq p/no3/\ue. etned ,
)llomorDuloDr,usr3q aJnsu./,lpaq urlllrss,ourotpue098 s,rt €
e seqoqsteqralqFsods,{ arels,.{Iui3Z
'Paluloooes!P lo puq alrJes
€ql qllloursnu /pulq6tu
er,,{€qlarnsur,l luaureurnolaLlt tno polroul uaaqo^,,(aLltI aH urrsnv,(nqor looqPqrv\arnsro(rui,t t
6ou) lr.t6ruresn serualues poI6!lq6!q aql ot!,!na!
r! tulql I 6urua€ srqripnop PUePtorfia^ s,lt I
raa4s 3qr uMopa^rp raqaEslsnl t- aq 'dri]6uote
aqslnq 'uo4e)e^uo,{PMP seMroqq6'aurno t96no'.ir| 1 peqa^,no Par[ Ilt€araq rue. /$nw nox z
snlal p,aqspres3qs 1q6tuol,{ued aq}ol auor -
aqsos luoourauesrqr 3M6u!3atr,usP,l,,(cnt9
_ ro
iarue'{re a^e'll,uople\t isnouaseq a
't't6ruorurM orlan )iutq1
IIM | v 9
e slssoq,$eu
fua^aq - slua)edstH suexeslLllle passed)llen 'ssoqMouaL}€qlsnur
'oql sraueulselrsHUeaJo) /@ueur leqr !
'lrnos aq - luelsrsse,v\eu
aLlllnq 'aJnslou ur,l
uo s,,G4ear,nol }o^ le ,{snq,0€^ aq - nol
- --- -IEneaqos'sree,{
leads pu[ua6rvurpa rtaH I
Uro} .sPlo r parlor aql@ e
:ruea Jo
'lpu tq6!u 'ttl6i'Ju'Itnw qI/$ $ruoluos oqtalaldLUoJ q
JoslePouruvl,\llilvuo I
.6^rror3^eq nol €red lluo aLl] ,{.ro}s
e sllo}ern}:rd{lan3
.1.;t ,(poq ro,i to ao ol%.
the body

9 ch-

12 kn-
5t_ 6 fe-
I st,
;, :iJ i'l,r:i
'spro/|^oqt teadal
pue ure6euolsll uoql )|'aqtr pue ualsrl Z 9@ q
paa! llt6ru rr lurql tZdnosaql - nol uef z l
aqr urr|laons aql uo qsPnoo)p l,uoc
aqt utLU,tuaq,q6uosallo^er Iu - u6uo I OL
,Ia'll pterrts,aqsasn?.aqs6op6)iI l,u$op etrp]
- ac'rarpne agrpto
1opua3qt lp '.Pnur
@ rver"vatrursarrqr Pe.laq Moqsol pesqsrq
ol alq€s€Maq lnq sieadsol passeri€qura ool ser{aH
'ergurPraL| l€ rs^au^aql asnPraq
'punosluarelltp e ql ^ proa,r e soloqdurlddequnloolsle4e s&eredpue)6,(yl9
NOIV;)NnNOUd S iu6^o aqrjlo
u)nl noI prc 6lrurnq6urqteuros - uer I S
'-rno^ qllMdePno lL 9rerro aiorse ul
- !Er nol'a6en6uel
rueMno,(6urqtaql rp
rno{ 'lrM6!q no 0L
aqr leedsr,uoppue.Orunorraqloueurar,noll t
'- rno^qlr^{aFsrqM no 6 'snouosloo
'-rno^ qt|ri 'Pnor no I s,r - pueqrno,iqrM luetdr€ql- r,!oc €
'- inol qlu,^ aursno^ I
'-rnox teo6
qlta arPrsno 9 e arorsolrapr€'.] eq aql - ol3^eq it,no^ z
'-rno^ q!^\ Pouno/\ s- alqevolu]orunlaaJ
'-rno,,( qlM elselno t uaql aleur uertt aldoadte ol aPnis,1t t
-rno^ ql/!r atrursno €
'- rnotrqlrM rurod no^ Z allsrq'!^ lrnor MorLll slser aq€ 3t!'rs
' iaus lu,oo po! )j]|t oep aliq
ldol rno,{ Llrr,i^
)prl no I
,(poq aql1o yed e q11,r,r
saruauas oql alolduro3 p 'lsll aq] uro4 qre^ e qlrmsarueluaseql a1eldu.ro3>
One child,one teacher,o.e book,

Liveandlearn o n e P e nc a nc h a n g e i h e w o rd


education lVatchthe wordsfromthe listto definitions1-11.

ln the Us
c o l i e g € e l e m e n t a r sy c h o o l g . a d e h i g hs c h o o l
kinderga.ten mlddleschool preschool
p r i v a t es c h o o l p u b l i cs c h o o l ' e l i g i o u ss c h o o l

1 A schoolfor childrenagedfromabouttwo to five

2 A schoolsupportedby UStax dollars

3 A schoolfor childrcnagedfrom 11to 13

4 Aschoolthat haveto payfor

5 a schoollevelwithchildrenofth€ sameage

teachersmaybe prlestsor nuns

6 A schoolwhere

7 A schooltorchildrenagedfromfiveto ten

A placewherestudentscanstudyfor a degreeafter

a Completethesentehces.
Orderthe lettersto 9 A classtopreparechildrenagedfivefor fnstgrade
I eb5.,J h p h y c s ) r rt h e s e r l | f c s t u d yo f n a r J r a l 1 0 A schoolforchildrenaged13to 18
forcessuchas llght, sound, heat,elect city, pressure,
1 1 A periodoftirnethat the schoolyearis dividedinto
- (ogphyrage)is thestudyoltheworlds
prcducts,population,etc. Complete the sentences.
- flobgyo),t the sc,entrr'c
studyof Ivng
rn,ngs. ln the UK
- (teturelira)is
the studyo{ poetry,dtama, 1 Veryyoungchildrenoften90 to n!69!y- schael.
2 Childrenstartp- sch- when
5 - (trymische) studyof
is the scienti{ic
andwhathappensto themin different
substances 3 Childrengo to s- sch- lrom
theagesof 1l to 18.
is the studvof oastevents. 4 Theschoolyearis dividedintothreet-
- (fortonmarnnogytechlo) 5 A schoolwhere childrenstudt eat,andsleepis a
isthe studyofcomputeBfor collecting, storing,and o_scn_,
sendingo!t information. 6 Schoolch;ldren areusJallycall€dp-.
- (eticsmamath) is the studyof numb€rs, 7 Whenthey leaveschool,somestud€ntsgo to
or shapes. u- to continuetheireducation.
'sassepaqt alelarol peq
^aq]os 'surexao'tl1oauros
,tuLl.t{lrnt osr,!€reMspua,rJ {u
peqIuaqM pa^arar^r3^seM Ipue surexs
a^$ d | | e r e t n o 0 6 t , u p r pI P U e
tera^asroj s I 36a[o]
ursuexateugIu aro,€qsno^raulra^ sea I
too'fs srrelsra196neP ra'l l,lun q
aql ur aMtaajr,uop |ls tl, 6
'eluro,[eJo]sa^ouJ ^[!!e]rnoluaqa,
ar53|e/a^gFre6I scednoarf s
lrels sasselroql arolaq P
'u,e6e urexasrqst,elaq,,l
'uo,re)e^ uo, )l]eqouor
tr€le q
'aroursarpnts3q ssalu. e
a)el ^pnts ss€o lle]
a!!oq re lers ,l 8
tooq aqllnq o] pa3ulLno L
?oM ol l]eq 06l,uoMeurN 9
s{lexasrqss€dr,uoM3H I a q l 6 ! r r n p t o o r l 3 s s ^ E as in
- traqtp!e'sn qlrMtrurs sel,uaraMseq)pataqt
loo'ttrsMaue ol 06 ol3^eq ,no
!ea^ te'r[ aql ut suera Lro
no^dloqor aurqarou a^eq ,l e
pue'}ot e,,(pn}s
or peqaM ruara}Ip
snounlaq [],r^s]Lrar€d s,a}y! Z
-ir 6urqlaLUos
aroMaM il
rer e Inq no^ rM a^^pue urol,unPresMor PP!aM Uoorssetc
'sa oql olurourer Jaq)eo)ralpue ourl ^ra^adn
leqarualuasaql qrlehl e
'lla ',4un 'uai./M+ sasnelf,aul!] 'ssettr
6uunP 4el !aM
lsr$ uvwl/\lvuD e
arnln,pueleuoFlPuor Mali0e^os
z sluePnrs
.---E5trd5dftrs-t5fi l peq pa^eqaqo'l^^sluapnrs
'r)ursfia^ sp/!{auldrrsrp'tooq]sq6rq6lp^rrdtrurrV
'splo^ aql leaoal
pue ure6euelslluaql >ilaql pue ualsr'lLl@ q
or PaMo e aq (]ouj
a)ieu lat lesqr
'ounos lu3ra!!o e ul|]li DJor$euvetrl|.)) e
'lslr aql uo.ll sqJe^aql
n raualaql Nollv)NnNoud z lo urJoj]sed aldurls€ql qllM slxel eql e]€lduloJ
b Completo witha wordfromthe list.Useeachwordonlyonce.
after before if gile5A until when

1 Thoywon'tbe ableto leaveclass,nless the teachergivesthempermission.

2 They'llhave to w€ara uniform- they 9o to a privateschool.
3 l'll talkto myteachers- | choosethe subjectsI wantto studynextsemestet
4 Emmiwitlbe disappointed - shedoesnl get good grades.
5 l'll havea longvacation- the semester finishes.
6 Theteacherwon'tstartclass- allthe studentsarequiet.

c Complote thesentences withths cofiectformof theverbsin parentheses,

presentor future(will/ won'O,
I lll!L- my homeworkassoonas I get home (do,get)
. (be.hury)
3 l (take,go out)
4 Theschoolbus on time.(notwait.not be)
5lftheteacher the exam.(notcome,not have)
a job. (notleave,find)
7 Alice buya carunlessherparents
(notbe ableto, lend)
As soonasmy boyfriend hisgrades,he me.(get,call)
9 She kindeBarten0ntilshe five yearsold. (not start, be)
10 betterif you everyday.{play,p.actice)
with your own ideas.
I l'll charge my phone when lgcl home ro'ight
2 l'llgo outtonightif
3 l won'twatchTVlaterunless
4 l'l{do my homeworkbefore
5 I won'tbuya (new)phoneuntil
5 l'llgo to bed atter

(Q Go online{ormorep,actice
aqrrol eurte
(aqtou 'a eq) Ja,$oqs
'urqt(ql oql,(doJ sorueluss er€ql'uJoorqleqraqloLre AMT OI
'dn ateM)
oql EodoJPueule6euo$!] Z /@ oasrou ZLUrPte.ino^
aqrul (uer'sq lou) tq6luaql ^erslle
tt!- e t s €snoqrnoll 8
aql rlrlP3sfdrns
(p3ou'puaD-ler Maue,{nqo}
nol jt- e no^PlnoM e (Iulrplou 'dsels)e€rlorqrnuros
aqs rauaq
peqIl!-u,, o ^w- p,t Z
'----- ------3d a,Guour Jorote
qrnur q aq P,l 'arolu -----75trtE?d trt I (e^eqrou 'e^lrproul €Jeds6ur ed
'se)ueluos €r.llololdruor
Pue uo$! l z / @ t €
(ueaP'aq) ualo sror! ueqtru oql
, ia$al aql 'ssa4s eleLuuroorrsqjl relooeq Irnl Z
arualussNotIVDNnNoud (ltned'a^eq),FsuJrquroorsrq
rureoP.d'1au,rdrou I L
(re[aqloa]]ou/ aqsl 'leuolllPuor aqlosn ssseqporeou!sqre^
,rorourol ?o ^ or 06 r,uoee{8 0t. eqlololduol q
6lll,o ullol ]rorroraql qur sotuo]uas
'(lq6!u,!o^a rno tea ro! no,()
/ '6op e e^eqol aF€ eq p,eln q
Ieuoo rl)^uros plrads),uplnor\no 6 roo0do] aql uo seM{I 6
(aure6eqr taruer/ I€qr) ,o lol e PaureeI ssalun ,
'arglo ue ar€qsol a^eql/uPtPa,$ a
uosute/llI I ,l
aq / aqs) +*te*strffifqlePPp*FP
'qs|6u3rouaq a)pdsnoll J
leq uoe^|lr,uptpra'lrour
^Lujt I
-}! rreMeH o}a oLUciblll q
{nol a^olrou/ aq)
srei o[ no,(pues],uplnoMqoS9 'ua)Pltqr.'a'l
qllMauD arourpuadsplnor aqs e
(sMauaW urq lar/ l) -
'ur.tofaes ,{}rf,
Vo MeNura^rlo}tup^l,uplno,,I I
tlt I -J3rreq 6uote
re6 CeM I
r -'ot peuem,(eqlereq/s,(ue e^trplnor ^€ql]l 9
I ur€rraqtssrur
lLno t - 'pre,(e q1masnoqra66rqe rq6noqaM
oaq e, / 0 I S
- - 'Peq os
loqLr]nus,I|ur: peqllj e l.ror\l,uPIPrelsrsiur lt t
--T[E-rdrtrJdp;i -qol€
0,!t e noi a 16i l) Purloratqeaq P,no €
'pertedsr6uleql,usearetr,fu.i - eiourru3ur.tede.{ur ell ct z
t z -F',3url
(1rale] / l) aql PeqaMI I
'--_Lr 6tclll,l- 'qolaLll aL! rarlo 16'0 ]t L .sa^leqE usluoi aql qrte!\l
Puoras ro lsr!] eql erfl sasoqpered ul
aPro^ aq] q+\ seruelues aql alelourol oursoor{lleuolupuorpuoresUVW}{VUg
)t\eu)hol Sn aJead p3 utt6,
or ltrPq ta6 or 6urruP4pto
MorOpue a ea or 6uDuea
{on-",0 noru:"'a s'u.or,
peo pueLuo[ ]o la]oqoq1
@ q ,
c Saythepairsofwords.Do the lettersin bold havethe same
or arethey pronounceddif{erently?WriteS {same)
or D (different). 1 the pat ot th; buildingthatiovers
1 carpet location -lL 5 city cent€r the top pait of it
2 cabin ceiling ,L 6 castle musidan 3 the highestfloor<jfa building
3 center aozy 7 decide entrance 4
4 sDacioussoecial 8 fireplaco balcony
d O /.3 Listenand check.Thenlistenagainand repeetthe words.

houses 6 the spaceor roomundeitheroof
of a house
Completethesentences with in or on.
1 We'relooking
fora house-rL a subulb. Wedon'twantto livein
the city.
2 | d loveto liveby the ocean,maybe- the westcoast.
3 All the bedroomsare- the secondfloor
4 Saraboughta beautifulcabjn -the woods,whereshecango hiking
5 Chrisiives-the outskitsof the citt so he hasto commut€to work
in the city everyday.
6 My grandparents live- a townnodh of NewYorkCitycalledCold
Complete the crossword. ACROSSt
2 a {lat,hardarea,especially
a houseor resta!rant,whereyoLl

a roomor roomsin a building,partly

or completelybelowthe ground
oneofthe sidesof a roomor
the ceilingto the

1 0 theioor o{a building


ssai6odmoltraq. or.u[uoor A allrerd srourro, Bunuo09 0
? ro 'q 'edltb speaqtalolduoj t
!. EnglishBoys'nightout

a Re-orderthe wordsto makephrasesfor makingand ComDletethe sentenc€s with the correct
respondingto suggestions. form of a verbfrom the list.

eatout 90 rneet €+€l,e+Play watch

why nal
2 l e t y / l i s h/ k e e n/ n o r/ l ' m / o n / r a w 1 We coulda4!L a pizza.
2 Let's- a movie.
3 a / idea/ great/ that's 3 Whatabout- at 9 p.m.?
4 Whydon'twe_ cads?
4 restaurant
/ don't/ sushl/that/ we/ why/ new/try 5 Howabout-to the theat€r?
6 Lefs - tonight.
5 d b o u l / C h n e s e/ h a v r n g/ w h a t / f o o d

6 shall/ lunch/ 90 / we / where/ for
Complete the conversation.
7 c a b/ . a u l d / r a / t i n e / g e t / w e l a / s a v e
Elli€ Joe?
Joe Hi,Ellie.
8 ltalian/ to / going / how / an / restaurant/ about Elll€ lt's Moms birthday,andyou'relate.
Whereareyou,'anyway ?
Joe That's'zwh- I'mcallifg.
l'm not goingto 3m- t {or

Complete the conversation with the phrases lrom a.

Ellie Whynot?
Rena l'.n hungry.r'Llheresnaliwe go lor /,p.h ? Joe l'm at a friend'shouse.She's
'o- to canadatomorow
P h i l I t h i n kt h e r e ' sa b u r g e 'p l : c e n e a rh e r e .' -
to starthernewjob,and Lwantedto
P h r ly, o u l . n o wr d o . r e , i m e a t
Phil O o p s lS o n y ,l f o r g o t . W e l . '
t h a t l d o n ' t i h i n ky o u s h o ! l d s a y
goodbye, but couldn't you do it

RenaAren't yoLron a diet?

Phil Joe Not really.I wanted to have a
6w- w i t h h e ra b o u t
No pasta for you, then. "
Phil l ' m n o t s u f e a b o ! t J a p a n e s e{ o o d . s
somethingbefore she le{t.
Ellie lvlom'sgoing to be upset.
Joe Sorry, won't 7h-
l k n o w a p l a c et h a t m a k e se x c e l e n tf r i e dr i c e . a g a i n .T € l lM o m l ' l l s e eh e r t o m o r r o w
It's a couple of blocks away
Phil [",t d",h"

|'t (O Go onlineto practicethePractica€nglishphrases
sr 6ordrnoltraLitol aunuoogA
ar,^aqt e 0l
1al q
l,uPr ? I
6u lrsr^araM
lseotr e s 3tr{!s q6tq [e]
ialle4 ars?l a]?ls
arP e Z
lEr)ads snotteds uerrsnur
^rP auoainlqa^P?$qioue uo uaql aler or.trt ptnodi(at^o:)
srr{ rnq 'dui r'.t| uorJ p.urnr ,iaqratrutsl@qtrsre -0!
I€aqns .'{r uo ^IueJ rnon raruat 6urtra,Z
uo+ par,&dasauotraqnodJ'op o) reqa puEsta^€4 r'aqlJosdes
arErnrrp bsrpot aoq tuTnt.u''rote p.urealarrpA pu! ar^N
&p fra^alDurnofla^€nr6qr ura6ede 4rr^ uaqt -6 ra'lro( apj|' lser ladrer I
-s udptRP?{L
{aql rnq'd4 raqr so {pnrsro,itrE.dn }.3
'punosluerajlrpe qlr/r/\
onouol qlaa) raplnoqs sdrt 9
rets lotd erlxa lser S
urnrpPls)l]el qreor euare t
aper6 ate^ld &€lpualr./ata]|rqnd €
i &etes rsa^Lr a6reqr aoroq Z
ooz sdrl'agresepoedru!'6 , aIpA posar^lv toor{.sre pur)un ]|laqled!|l^s atqrsuodsa, lsauoqsrpL
pieqturlpnrsara^ -, rr.qr aI'1,^Aru'qC ot Ieh rra$ Eulteu
.rojaqadornSPunonIP a^orpI?qr '.Dqr uorrl unasnuqtrx
'1uara11psr leql prom aq45ifi)
aqrPu",sno{ s,Iuuc auuv Patrsh^aql uePDrsovJo-!
.qr uo auoq alqou p u' palrrs^aqrabqs 'spueFaqraN a'I ro.l Auv]ngvf,o^z
p , P € , 'P
t ueEr^trdeJa$u, , ^ . q r ' ul
0 zD q @ a ^ o N
'aull .qr rElqii!3Pueu.^al, no( a!p,/ aj/lFtt )aMsue a']1ea!)i|]t9
.r,aorla i.r'p3 puea'^{v 's?^t?s@aql uarptrq.a'{rdq -! 'soloqdasoqr
I@r ^lurJ .qr arnoraql dr!peor e uo oFor sqruod*s roj noI puasll,l1q6uorauil a eqtU / peq/ a^eq1! S
I@qr Jornouarpt({rDrt.)tn or paprJap aqs,iqas,rrql'aa$€ .l,uer lnq
r,us?op{al^oJ sit{ .Ia^aaoH auoq retou 'loo'{rsreparernpa 'ouerd aqr,tutd ot plnoc/ol atgeag /uer ol a^otp,tt
el lsnu u?rpt'qtrlew $6ur or atd@drslg o'{1 's{ep
z$aqre4 '^ pt a'.ttrsure6?s,rl 6ur^upar,no{uaqasa6?ssaur
.saqJ uoor.npa , !'3rpl,'{.a^rEor aoq uo qooq {uru Jo rxal pussroursnur or]rt6no
/ /ora^e\Luop ^oA e
ioqrnepueraqJealparualr3dla ur sr'I.l^oJ ans 'oarJojaqrot{
uarrors uu6louleld laaq s, / 6uIeld s, /sletd aH Z
Suqooqcsa^rleuralv rea^ lxau parir€ur1a6 rrli / 6u4)36s,/qa6
uosr aql asnetraq parLt6teparE&eN pueuqof L
'r ro'q'eaeplll)elrrlrPeql peeS 'splortl
lcerror eql@
L-L L"
,(etd r ,tud or q 6udeld e
'a6e or or -dn a^e6| 0 t
rua,. luaqm lleqlals?q
,(nq r .(nqor q 6ul^nq e
'p€arqauos -roPeuradns €ql o] rusMI
tom t |o/v\ ol q 6uwoM € -
'ureelE uo-s,{olua Allearurlt ueo ,tur ol aj,t PtnoMI IeP auo 0L
'-eJer -
e ura4[_rred l6
,(rtrr ljr ol q 6uri0t e '?.trauv qrnosur rtrnporo
'- aur3peu.itq6ru]selM€slal^ouraql -6rqelusraiaql
l o p uI s r q l r o , I
ller t lle. ol q 6ullle) e '- 6uusaur6uo
- {!,
relelraq au PlolPuarrllr6 ue qlril^qof e:o1pe;lddeseqrers6{n I
rnollB, lno llttof q rno 6ullllle
'sa6e alet uer LUlo,uo4?Jlldde uP- rno uro4saFela6€^puernr, {nq s,{eeleaM,9
06 ) 06 ol q 6ulo6 e ',(uPduoraql urort
'alel6ul[a6 s,rl - -s€,$
PlnoqsI ,{auour€lolsaqsasneraq suel S
l€d t tredor q 6ul,(ede '6ur!a^a/tue^a -
saIlr a^U | e
'qluou aql pue a$ re our- Pasruiotd.4aql e
e)l?u t oleuro] q 6uleu e 1Motipueqarqleqaqru,6uoqd{u paddorpI
-sLrolsr3ap -le 'arer3ql lrers
Poo6,0a^l,usl6H Z
pul r 6Pi[ot q-) 6u1P,x' ol un6s'q re.)rroPtsr,PuePen a.,!
'sIep asaqlqolpoo6 s - '-- inddin65
rlnrg,tps/rl I
'rJo'q'e@ s r q l o l u at u q o f q I M a L ] J t r 6 ' r t p l a d s a I I
l)oM lnl lslleur arrJ Aueduro.
sa lllu$ulPue
spunro6uaaMlaqoulsooql UVyU]i|VUD 'erla\l pro/\ qre6 osn lsll eql uorl
ProM e Jo
urJol parroa oql ql!/r^saf,ualuasaq] aplouro)
'leedarpue ule6euoFll u€ql ]taqt pueuelsrl l'8(D q '-,(ue o^eq
l,uprpoq osne3aq
qoleqrrol PolrllEnbl,useMoH zl
Po,{oldlualun 0Z 'urrelsrri
rrlerlodluratgt ,o erer alel ot^Peaon lao or seLl v LL
/ sreloot
rsqlual,rslt oll ulrlaslrnq rqolaLFrol
PeltddeI Ol
9l -
_ srqldarJe
erlllarsl 'u6!sar
or p3ursn6eellor,{t1
luplnor\ ssoqrno rnq
uolrleui6Fer tt 'r3Pp - Paq
4lllenb tt ll,aqarnsui,tos
'sstu6psaql lp 006 st uos/{nl
uolrlouord ll 3q ol a)tltp,aqos T^sl ul s,ua)
rsl)leuFeqdO! '- Mou)l
eql l€6 ol6ulo6 s,oq/!r
Poul€url€d6 l,uop a/\^lnq'auoeuoselo|'llordo] 6uro6ar,laqf
ueltlFlnLUI 'uerptrqrpuer6 ino q!M -
laIJMeI / rno puadsol e)i!lp,aa'erlpr aMuaqM
e,uellaa4 9
't3urlre,s ol palueMaqsasneraqlteureqd patpnlseuuPHt
'- aLulr1tn,a^Pquoqa
arlslulr oP-t
ruau.r,(oldl(rla-i ,o OqL- eldoadOOZrao s,(oldueluedLlotr€ql €
'asau!q3 sluaurnroP
orur suros
^tddle z
uolrlE5 rldldeI elelsuerlo]- e ro, 6uqool er,Iaql Z
'6ur^rtEro' '!snu s,{eld---1rF,'Ft@ V - L T
Posre4s.ql oulPaPUlJe .Ploq u!
Pro, eq]
sserlspro/r^NollvpNnNoud z ,o uro, unou e qv$ sarualuss aql alalduo] t
b Correctanymistakesin the highliglitddverbs.Check(y')the correctsentences.
1 I rememberhavindmylirstjob interview.
I wasreallynervousl

LittheavyiCigiiii cansiveyoubackproblems
The interyiewer;skedriie w;it ia rhe receptionarea.

4 l knowyoudon'tlikemyboyfriend,butplease to him

s co on,tellmeli f,ioifr-i{6-i6'-noi:taugti.

6 Thebusdidn'tcome,softSitanedviaitingho."

8 lt! impossi6l,e.:lbi.;ialt

t,ryo'**411a;1. !t"yl,{oni9n,.

10 Everyone
c ?'ii L4r6ji6:;ilitrid.

Completeth€ sentences with the correctform ofthe verbsin parentheses.

1 |'.!€nttothebanklellet - somemoney(geu
.try to yourboss.Shemightbe ableto helpyou.(talk)
3 lwantyou me exactlywhathappened. (tell)
4 l didn'tremember the stove,so the kitchenwasfullofsmoke.(turnofo
5 Sornecouplescango on to eachotherior daysafteranargument.
6 l'm goingoutwith Jamiebecausehe hakesme . (laugh)
7 driveis oneof the requi€mentsofthejob. (beableto)
8 Thesetuicehadbeenso badthatthe manageragteed

lQ co onllne{ormorcpractice
Iepqrrrq,{urro} auoqdyeLlsMeu€ eu.l
ptEst. ,,hqplnoMaqsle$ -ralsls Iy{
aurPsls€{ oH : 'PrertrPaDsrq
,,{€p)nres t,, -rr putll,uPlnoraq leql aur- ue,{us
6uto6nol arPuaqM,,8. 'arelaqrq6lur -
tfol |
a.0d aqrPaqr - no
snPelseaqs 'uauo aroursPlaulsrqaaso1
,,otqelolu€&a^ uaaqs,1/, palLreM
all aur- puellIoq Inl
,,a{ersrnoi(Iolua no,(prc,, L .
rer rcu € 6urInq lo
ptesoH olrllulqtse/,^oLls]eql -----_-tr'45 aDtef I
'rqof PotseI 'Plol
,,'oleloloqr a!Jos rue^ 1,, .roPl?sql/!\ soJuolu€saql olelduio)
..^arreu,adns aql uro4 6urul,(uepasu nol oo,, 9
uauoao! PPl / la ado! seqaq asneraq
')iregeur^edl,uplnoraq r€qrpres
aurPalseerqdos , lsrN 0 l
,,'sPUau, lleuraqt uo4lueM
arearbqi\,, 9l jPtP / Pelu?n/ leqMau PalsP su[orPf,
laMorouor 6u!o6no,,(
I PresaqsPUPalu P€llnsss'P arlt/ ssalP
oq-'Tpalse ernaluPollnsraqloqMrststsIur pafe I
,,aral)efrno{ioj led noI PrPr.Pnur a$ ol 06tsnu,/ ol Peq3qsleq)ptesete)
/\^auPInq ol{auou aurosurq Pual
P/no,lrr / uer // 6urPelsereqtoiq^n
'Iep:nre5uo 6urddoqs
,,zno^!r Dss1ooq,$ous 06 tLtOJU / le.! no,{leql eurplol no^
eqsptp / rq6nogeqseraqM.(]nt pa)tspI
aqrl€ I6uoL!raq Pluads
,,'s!l araq/!{MouI l peqaqsle$atrJplol /eurpresrelsls4A
.,aiallel!.{uruoor noi^
)! se^^/
se,l^l qrnt! Moquosradsales aq] palseaM
saqroJrr.q rgonoq aLlsoraLl,i^-
are)l Palse eurqrr^rourddoqseurol
in al r"!r ,'t"p.,alsa,(
ptesDen !
,,er,1uor!ar11 @ltl.
rnol lnq nol op:i:a!
,,;saqrol: 'sPro/\]ralro) aql@ e
'suolt€re uor aql l]odou t qloadspauodai UVWI,\IVU9!
).u6tt p uotUse!gsnu? poo$tto,\Aauuat^t^
;sr1r€reu i^epef,rue a^eH @
VOCABUTARYshopping,makingnouns b Complete the sentenceswith the noun form ofthe
verbs in parcntheses.
fromverbs of two million
1 Thecompanyreporcd a la5l-
Complete the Pairsof sentenceswith the correct dollarslastyear{lose)
2 The-was verydow so we didn'tleavea
I Thesportssectionis on the top flooro{ the --rL- tip. lserve)
Youcanfindthis--a- in shopplngmallsalloverthe 3 selinagetsspecial-because she'sthe
manager's niece.{treat)
a chainstor€ b departmentstore 4 We couldn'treachan -with ou.boss
2 Hewasn'thappywith hisnewpa.ts,so he asked aboutsalaes.(agree)
5 My examgradesthissemester ar€a b;9 -
Shepaidwitha twenty-dol{ar bill,so the salesPerson on lastsemestea (irrProve
gavehersomechangewith her -. 6 Theyhadan -, andtheyafen'ttalkingto
a receipt b refund eachother. (argue)
3 Thosepantsaretoo shod-they don't-you 7 Theyhadto get a - oftheir housebefore
Thatdressis the rightsize,but it reallydoesn't theycouldsellit. (value)
8 Hisgreatest.-.- waswinningan OlvmPic
gold medal.(achiev€)
a tit b suit
authort 9 lt's a difticult-to makebetweenmy
4 Youcango to a - to buyyourfavorite
bestfriend'sweddingor mysister'sbirthdayParty.
Insteadofbuyingthe book,she'sgoingto borrowit
10 Therestaurant hadto closebecause oJ
bad_. (manage)
a bookstore b library
11 There'sa - on Saturdayagainstthe
5 Thewholefamilycomeswith mewhenldo the
closureot the hospital.(demonstrate)
w€eklyshopping,andthe childrentaketumsPushing
the_. 12 lbought two shirtsanda Pairof shoftsatthe end'ot
s!mmer- at themall,(sell)
lonlyneededa tewthings, solPickedup a - atthe
13 Aftercarelul-, we'vedecidedto sellthe
entranceto the store,
company. (considet
a basket b calt
14 ivlyattempttoruna marathonendedin
Thisleatherjacketwasonly$100.Whata -l
whenlfelland brokemy leg afterthefirstmile.(tail)'
Therewasa 50%- so I boughttwo
on sandals,
15 I hadto resistthe - to haveanother
cupcake- theyweredeliciousl(temPt)
a bargain b discount
ld - a coatif I wereyou^ jt'scold outside.
It wouldbe a good ideato - thatshirtbeforeyou

Youusea - whenyouwantto payat the endofthe

There'sno extrachargeifyou payby

a creditcard b debitcard
rnol lFfr or .u uo o0 A olr)erd aro0 rol au uo o9 o
'sProaaql Pada.r
Pueu!e6Pualslluaql Paqr PUPuals!'lz 8(D
srlels r|e! ulerq 9 I
lteua utEto utProers
Ie^\lter 4e, aurptet
rtPM PlPs ouBultdt
irler ulrlduror /lr z
( urtsl2 ut?runour!looreq r
pror'rat1]€i5lD e
resranalaq] NollvDNnNoud e
(apsuaduror) ---e Joj )|se ol 6uto6
,{!!aro}aq a^larel
l! Luop I ll rure6aLtl}0,(do)laqlouepuasplno/'r aq
pt€sJallrs ---r -,
aq]pup'(peerrns) oro!!peqI eulllslqI{uleldxs)
uebulpueuep jLeurarrqlouetu3sI os's,(epearqlroJoultlloupreaqI 'leqlla}JVluapLru!
aqtolut)tool a!$}Pq}ptPsqJtqa (puodsrr)-s P
pa FrarI (qlel]e)--, ueseuoqeuJrguor "lalepauiur!
rep.DetllJo {dor e q}!/q€llas 3q}ol
--r e.)ieuro]paptrepIos pe au.ie6
lteuraueluasI luLeldtuo)) lreluPeq
oapneq$q (,{ed)-z ^urpa lalarPeqrallaseq}^ eu)iI,tuoa1ol uP6eq I'€lel
---_rr'4lspL rlreq
slaeaoarls{epue} lnoqe alet plnoa oa^!lap) leqlplesqlqrn lLeua
uotleursuor ep6l ,(epqulq s.uos
{urroj aulluoaue6oapl^elqbnoqI'o6eq]uot!v
u! sqra^eql,o urroj unou aql ql!,i/\txot oql eleldLtrol
Nobody gers justi.e. Peopleonly

Luckyencounters 9 € r g o o dl u . k o f b a dl u c k
O6on weller, actot anddne&al

c@@ D.sss!.!;Ew.Jfi$t<tu!,1-@1,lFtj
,l GRAMMARthirdconditional Completethe secondsentenceso it hasa similar
meaningto the first sentence.
a with hador wouldbave.
Completethe s€ntences 1 I got to the restaufantlate becauseI went to the
1 I Id known it was your bi'rl'day. lithdle - wrong place first.
bought you a present. lf I hadn'tgone to the wfong pace iirst, I wouldn't
2 r beenquicker ifw€d soneby havegohen ro the reslauranti.te.
traif.Our{lightwas 2 | passedmy final exams,so I graduated{rom college
3 a_r er woulont havebee. latefo. wort if t\e bus l w o L l d n l h a ' e g r a d J a t e df r o r c o r l e g e, { -

l'm surethatif David Helendidn'thavethe rlghtqualifications,

so she
h e w o ! l d h a v es a i dh e l l o . didn'tget the job.
5 l- go.e to ther p"ay ifthey'd lf Helen had had the isht qlalifications,
invited me, but they didn't.
6 lfyou'dgot up earlier,you we hadlunchbe{orewe left,so we weren'lhunsry
timeto makeyourbed. We wouldhavebeenhungryil
7 ll Kim paid attentlon in class,she
wou d have known aboltthe exam. We didn't play tennisthis afiernoon becauseit was
8 You wot]ldnt havefallen asieepat the rnovietheater i{
had a nap this atternoon. l f . t h a d n l b e e l s o w i n d yr h q a l r . r l o o a , -
Complete the sentenceswith the correct {orm o{
the verbs in parentheses. You got lost becauseyou didn'tfollow my directions.
1 ]f youdto d meyouweren't You wouldnt havegotten lost if
wouldn'thave madeso muchfood.(notmake)
on time if we'd left ha ian 7 l didntwinrhatgamebecause
Lfyou hadnt cheated,
3 ltwe a table, we woLrldn'thave
been able to havedifnerthere. (not book) A ex wasn'tvery €aref!l with his glasses,so he broke
4 You'd haveseen my messageil you
yourcel phone.(check) l{ A.e/ rad b"en mo e ca'e'-l with l'is glasses,-
5 | would haveenjoyedthe party more il the mlsic

6 lf youd concentratedon whatyo! werc doing, you

so many mistakes.(not make)
7 tll I t w a s g o i n gt o b e s o c o l d
today, lwoutd haveworn a warmer coat. (kno$/)
Joe to d nner f we'd f.nown
youdrdn't i l e him ( n o tr n vt e )
so rudeaboutmy mother,
lwo! dn't havegotten so anSry.(not be)
10 My sister promoted
itshed .
refusedto wolk overtime.(not get)

i 1 9
i' ul
---_--'---- ns^
!6ql€a^\ aW rol possarp
6ra^1/bqliMousaqr ut slro'lsPuestEPues aroM^3ql s
'sraare. u3soq, rraql +
ur- Ao^ uasq3^equarp|Ltrrtaqllo [v t
Itatsidr!oc 6rua leo )ltnl .unlro] }rojluol
s,lr-leae P arqunP o ]eqi,\4orqr plnoqsno^ t
aleld3ql uo lral sraM
- Ara sqs z suro, a^lpafpeo, ] aqr qltMrleqr aql alaldurof
leql sarlootrsrtllo rlloqlool
^ePreaPe !o sqra^pe
sruerl uro4rsporqsrl6ulaL+aaso1
---_tpafod s,ll
orll r1ror,Pro^/\e ql!^/\serualuas aql aloldLUoJ
llns aql.{doJ sarualuasaq} reada.ipue ure6eua}srl
'asnoqMa! e or 6ul^ou arsM nol uaoul p,t]l
l{rtrqrssod 'rxe] e ual€l p,aMl aurLluo rareoqrar^oo aq]
a M s n r o , u o o r u a a qp e q a r s q l l l
' a ^ r s ! 3 o x ao s u a a qi , u P e qr
aqs €
'6!rraauraql lnoqeaurptorp,no{} Z
puorasaqlur{lppqos p€{€tdr,uppg,ia'll}tI
'sllPqr aql alaldtllo)
()irn0 aa &a^ paleldp,IoqrasaEraq
- arsa ^aql I
aue6 l€qta)seq3']1asolol
(aunrro])artJlo.turol uallo6p,tarolsquieror
Le6aq .slp)aqettsrqLn
I ueu6.Plp, - t
(orer)atorq p!E rooB
;ir -o 3Jl, os
| sset6a'rl L oPrnd rqs €
(aruaired)a^ureor role^ata
alrro'- Palteatos ,(rn'lE!rsPMI Z
l.ou! e s€r\ 'seruelueseqt elelduor puPuals|l L6@
arsqtuaqa piosaql uo L
.sesaqlueredu! gpro,{\aql a^eq1o uoller)unuold)jea^
,o rlr,ro]lseror arl] ql!/r saluotuas eq] alaldruol Nollvlf NnNoud
Completethe text with the correctadjectiveor adverbofthe nounsin Parcntheses'

lQ Go onlinefor morepractice
c Compl€teth€ crossword.

2 GRAMMARquantifiers
a 6 ons, twq or thrgeansworsmaybo correct,
i hs corect answers. )-z
1 Doyoueat..._ cookie
{l has- games
7 Myphone because pla!'ihem'
I never

b veryfew
c verylhtle
2 lslsep-when l'm on vacation. 8 Therea.e- youngpeoplslivingin theirownhomesthanthere/,
a a lol of usectto be.
b a lot
c lots of b lsss
3 l don'tdrink- coffee. c liftle
9 l can'thgaryou.There's- nois€
b a lot of a enougn
b too many
4 Youcan sit here.There's- room,
10 Youaren'tworking-.
b much a hardenough
c plentyof b €noughhard
5 My sisterhas- friends. c too muchh6rd
s alotof 11 lhere isnl -;ilk in thd refrigerator.
b lots of a, any
I c sbme
6 CanI have- morecakeplease?
'12 A How in'rch bfead is th;i€? '
B - . lfinishedit all.
b a little
c verylittl€ ' b None
c No any
sser6odrnol )l.€qror ru uo oO A .srreJdarou E' ou uo ot 0
'spJo^req] leooor aqs
Inq r,usaop
pue u!e6eualsllu.ql ltaqt Pueuo$!'l €6@ P Ira^slnqaqs
'luere$ urse6 r,usroraql
G--l ?uPl aqt ulse6 s,er€qfs
.punosluer€#lPe qlAl pror oqr(@ t
lllll ol
&1'sa:uepas aqlpedor pue u!e6euals!'lz 60 q
t 8 I t
t € 'aOe/e6
l 9 t z 6ur)tledaql ursr€l
'serueluoseql atlr/r
Pueuol9!'lz 60 e
puet,6no'6ur1ur1 e
-s,rl aur
rll r,usoop
rqrPlslgl z l
(slle,auoLld) a PataMarolaq
aleu ot areq1 arnurue aq,(|uo11,1
a:aq1 aue1d
a.ra,u aqr uo deels1uplnorI Ol
se/,^aFqI'araq ra6 or au.irr6uole sn )loottl 'ulq rot s,lllrprote l,ueraH
0aded) 'lauou.'
s,o)aqlralul)daql asol,ue. eM
- a Pqt,usaoPaH rr Pro e r,ue.€H z
s,araql !!oor bur^llreqlul a^ou.r rtuerno^ I
pllorl) Mou
r!6!r seqaqspue 'reqdEr6oroqd
s3uqeerle s,aqsasner€qPauroi s,euuv9
lPro) l,usraHral a^upl,ueraH s
(adoad) o,trlio euorsn!- qreaq 'sipr.P -------'FE6dI 3re sreLtl
areaJ€qtos'6ururer s,ll 'srteq) -
qfiTdD5TI'r" aia']] |
(sasnq)sIePUnS uo
l,uae Eleql 3^tjp ol a^eq ll,3M €
(,(auour)saut qruerj ]o ateld
a^eqi,uPtPI z
l,ueraMaraql Jalsesrp
e semluedaql !
'olq!tsods!r'atsue 'elq!ssod
euo ueqto.rours€urll€urossesaqluared u!spJor oq leur lar sueeuo ueq]oroy\l'6urueouro!!esaql
eqlpue ralr!]uenbe qI/\ satuo&osaql elelduroS t a eqlaql leql os so.uaNoslo.tled qteesleldurol q

OUESTIONS Completethe conver5ation with the indired
questionsfrom .. Thereis onequestionyou don't
a d[D\he correctwords. ne€dto use.
I Canyoutellmewhattime(t9lls it,please?
Ticket6gent Can helpyou?
2 Do youknowif thisbusdoes90 / goesto the airPort?
Max Yes,please.r.&11!r?lo!!ol! !!hn
3 Couldyoutell me wherecani / i canbuya ticket? bus F.r aoston 6.
4 lwonderwhereLolaisl is Lolatoday. l i c k e t a g e n t W e l l .r r e - e . t b u s e a l e sa i 0 d -
5 Do youknowwhethertDisshilt doescome/ comesi'i Max Great-?
a largersize? Ticketagent S! costs$35.95.
6 l'd liketo knowwhereareyou/ you'regoing.
7 | wonderwhattime therestaurant closes/ Ticketagent Yes,youdo. Thatmeansit' I cost
doesthe restalrantclose. you928.75.
8 CanyoLrrememberwho did you speakto / Max OK.Here's mysr!dent1D...and myc.edncard
Ti€k€tag€nt And here'syou. iicket

Make questions1-6 more indirect by usingthe Ticketagent N o , y o ! d o n ' t .T h e b L r sg o e ss t r ag h t

beginn;ngsgiven. throvgh.
1 Whattime isthe nextbus{or Boston?
ld like to knowtlhaftirlelbe lext jt- Tickotagent Yes,;t getsto Bostonat 2:20p.m
2 Whatlimedoesit arrive?

Whichstopdoesthebusgo from? 3 SOCIALENGIISH

Couldyoutell me
with the wordsand
ohrasesfromthe list.
could youtell me
Do I needto changebuses? either t guess lt s obvio!s Ot course !]€p+s

6 Do I get a 20%discountwith a studentlD?

rsropnr vou(e-p
Canyoutell me )dwlirg. F'e,vo'e
will think yo!'re bored.
y o ! ' r e t r e d .Y o u ' v eh a d a l o n g

B W e l l ,l d i d g e t u p a t s i xo ' c l o c kt h i s m o r n i n g .
Oh, comeon. Let'sgo.'
aren'tenjoyingthe party.
B l'm sory. lthink I needto go to bed.
w e 9 0 h o m ea n d d o
someth tun tomoirow?
A That soundslike a great idea.And promLse
l ' l l b e m o r ef u n a n d l w o n ' t y a w na l l d a y ,

A Goodl

I s s ]lQ Goonllneto practicerhePracticalEnglishphrases
I io, ssa.r6ord
:noI paqr orau roog @
L - '
r,uptp e zl
s te l t
u r€ 0 1
ls6pnq rq q u,e6req e I
q6noJ'+ llns ,oor .roout
ssst e I s.ol r orqt raFor q6noqll?e
ut q
a qE e
aDlLl Matez
pPq q
an6uol ,(lrnl qonoua osrno, L
ro&Eqco)iP]e posnl,lpeq
-2, auoqdnluPlsul
eqsI porpo^eq aqs]eql^gssaiu€dllloc
'punosluara,lPe qllM
palDl-[ sl.]spuele6leqceqlu,lo4)3ol]scu]cape^rsseLu Pro^laqr€@
P pa^ro9aj aqs'^Fleunuolun '||eceuoLld e oieuj o) pall aqs
aroloq6uo!dioq paltee]lB pueraoreqc6ql -or pa66nldpeq Nollvl)NnNoud€
oqs 1a6]9qca)iPle gsngaoq
lo ^lluocalpglpu€u.roM e ]€ql
-6lououJ arlrar u6rsar parFur',\op
aq iolltdde 9
tqonoqls,ll'I elllll,{re luadso^.^aLl} asnecaq
-s /€tll oMl ar.l)
rootllsr9 are6 ruauraseqrtlle I
e punote^,,bLtl tlttll 10Fd€aqc aql Anqol
gr,Ioql'ula!]-r u€1]M snor6rl3rale^t.rdrlqnd aartup t
palduJal uauo asooqcsroluolsnc
pue'spur6uo ura$a^ ./slluql ldDrs ^pauror e
ueqlsocudleMolqcnull€ p os a)esre&Pqcopl
e)es)a6reqc erpl inq !s Pqc elllouoinol osnno^Jl iou}led arpurlloo atdnor sn6ea or Z
parnluleq -e Plnbs durrqs stassnur)irnp I
^lq€qordno/\ sreoleqceuoqdoq olsr€adde
-s -, p0r]oM '1uara11p aq@
sacL^6p snora6llPp oql auo 'Lualqo)d
lo slql s'io,1rpror'a
^lbuFearcur 6ururocsq ep sl€dxl socr^ep cuo4gelerraqllq
pajnlu -, e ,,(arlosnEooqeues aql lulql ]ou lq6 LuotlM AUVInSV]OA A
-.e -r
atdoed a)eoFql la^eMoHsn roJreGee all6peur
sauoqdu€urs pues.lalnduioc leql6616e plnoMsnJoNol,'{
aq araqM!su ag patse:aorgoa:rtodaq1 9
sasnlaraq PUe'ssaure srL'roors,alPl s
I LrMoluMop P€^rt1)t t
(aq raqlorqs,uesns
uP!!lerlllLrlqltlnq'arns rou ur,l e
(orpasn)au.rpauatq6ullaqr - s6op
6,qall 'Pt,qtre se^{ uaqM
| | z
aM eee,(aarqlrolpuaw 6.,{ur t l
leuollPPe u!sqre aq]
,o uror lrarro. aql llllrf sslu€luss eql aloldlrlol
'r ro 'q 'e€]5I) etrlueaql PeeU_
Advln8v)o^ ? uvl/ll lw9 ? uvli\tltw9 I
'raquloulalno^ ue]
6-L L"
.whei you become a ce ebrity, th!. .

ldolsandicons wo.ld ow.s you:.d yo!r image

Megan Fot, Anetican acrress

I@ ffi i---* -:-:-.i:i'-,., -

GRAMMARrelativeclauses Comoletethe sentences with a relativeDronoun

andthe phrasesfrom the list,Youwill needto
with a r€lativepronoun.
Completethe sentences leaveout oneofthe wordsin eachof the phrases.
Wheretwo answersare possible..writeboth
Pronouns. h€?lay5+h€fa++3{.J€€5cevtsiF€aRe€{+hr€Fes
youcansee it is in the Himalayas
1 Whafsthenameofthecitywfiere
her husbandls a Spanishsoccerplayer
the Mona tisa can be seenthere
2 Appleisthecompany /that makesthe i t w a so p e n e di n C h i n ai n 2 0 1 1
s h e h e l p e dh u n d r e d so f s l a v e s t oe s c a p e
Who'stheactor- wifedied in a skiing

t Kit Harington,
Thething- mysonwantsmostforhis
who otaysthe Parr
birthdayis a bike.
of Joh Snawin Game
HelenSharman wasthefirstE tishwoman
of Thrones,was born
Thatt the restaurant-we celebratedmy
AlexanderGraham Bellisthe man
inventedthe telephone. 2 TheLouvre,
What'sthe nameofyour{riend- parents
havea hugehousein the country? is in the centerol Paris.
MountainView,Cahfo'nra, 's the c,ty
Googleis based.
1 0 Amazonisthe company- hasthelargest
3 MountEverest,
numberofonlinesaiesin the world.
In whichsentencein s canyou leaveoutthe is the world'shighest

C+65:€s+the extraword in eachof the sentences,

1 Thosearethestudents
whotheywonthe 4 Jiaozhou8ayEridge,

lsn'the the actorwhohe playedthe roleofSherlock is the longestbridge

Whydon'twe stayin the hotelwherewe stayedthere

thatit is closesttowhere
I alwaysusethe supermarket
5 Shakira,
She'sthewomanwhoseherdaughterwentto the
is originallyfrom
6 what'sthe nameofthe storewhereyou boughtyour
7 Thatt the computerthatit isn'tworking.
I Thisisthe showIwastellingyouaboutit. 6 HarrietTubman,
9 Thesearethe bootsI boughrtheirast Saturday.
1 0 Thatt thewomanwhosecarweboughtit.
appearon the $20bill.

s!arua6allro e] IUJlnq 'senourIsetue]3l!l Illear I O!
e s,araq]asneraqumopourrnols aresra^upaqt lN 6
6u!np oMor le^err,{ensnsralnuuro] 8
'r! luorJ,(e^^edsal ol aqrasnplnoqssrepu$ € I
'apPl6qlululllensns! aqtul
Sn to reo,{Nr!, 3r|l 9
islllq ag 6u/ed lnoqeanoe noI rno,(qrlmlla^6uoleF6 no,(oC s
'/qeles e 6uqq srJaqlorq
PUeqlgaq Ioqe urealol ln n
'au.Il aqr lr or u3rsll - ehour sJerl rers FalPl aql
lP | to a$ a^otI t
'Al) 8ql /vra!^par6 e a,\eqIeql os aql uo a^!l,{eq-L
,o z
'qluolu fue^6 ------IotoIJF dEq /(ui otlr ,(Dreip pelsodap sr/oeles,(y1
Iterl looqrs aleu suel inoLl rool, uolpl, 3sJno: erarler luF6$e I
6ururel1dol p€ads punos aruarrs qsnr uoo, q6rq ap^lq )llr€qV
gql sl.lduror u€qf 'sunouPunodu.ror
eleur ol 8 ulo4 Pto/l/le ol v uto4 ptor e qJlehl
-l --P -w -- ---t *-s
6 I I
-t, -t -I_-ll --P -B
-r.l ----q----s ------aEqEfi
Punoduroraqt oleFuroJ
sunou Auvlngvto^
c Completethe word puzzloandfind the missing

1 A schoolfor childrenages 2 water thatcomes

two to five. 17,6) throughpipesand isnt
soldln bottles.{3,5)

3 A device lor controiing 4 l l l s i o n s c r e a t e di n a to strcetsand

5 Repairs 6 Theplacewherogolfis
e q u i p m e o st ! c h a s t h e movie by computer played.(4,6)
I V f r o m a d l s t a n c e(.6 , 7 ) g r o p h i c se, t c .( 7 , 7 )

A prod!ct youcanuselor I Youcansendlhistoa 9 A documentthatshows 10 A placewh€repeoplecan

lryingfood or puttingon Iriendifyou don'twantto howmuchyouoweyour watchsportsindooc, like
salads.(5,3) callthem. (4,7) energycompany.(11,4) or hockoy.(6,5)

a Match'1-8to the wordsin the list to makecomPoundnouns

board court ticket lights P+€Cs€*s schooL page tone

1 cleanlingprodr,.ts
3 prolfile-
4 parking-
5 ring-
6 e lelmenltary
7 teinnis-
I tralffic-
b @10.1Listenand check.Thenlistenagainandrepeatthewords.lJnderlinethe stressedsyllables

L to, lQ Go onllnefor mo,ep,actice
'aurul aql ptllluuiol -
ol alqPunuaaqpEqAaqlrpJ os rnq 'tuoaqle pEq^aqt tpql plEsuos.l.dsalods
arlrodV aurlr) aql Sulaq
ool ldualte uEul alllod aql Iq pa^{anra}ur
^lluaJrn)arpaldordasaql ioqqSlaue pu€ 'puauJplSslq 'aleuuoor quru aql
I ulEuraql uPu aqt ol u^ro$l auoaluossPlt e aql
lrqr a allaq,{aql 'uollE3osa^u! ileql quMr.uaqtdlaqot ^gplatseiuPuraqt aEsoq,tr
s ol 3ullpaddearE aJllod pup
'auaJsaqt te punoJ sE^/r oN
'pEor plorEai-gz
lJ€q'lalnb p ol lxau lq3lu tsEIpunoJsEM{poq asoqM'uElu -3tni]55rtdir
, aql loorqlllN u! z r 3une3!lsa^u!are
Ioorqlllnl ur upurJo JapJnur
pPoJ ol lxau punoJ
,$oq raUE uolle6llsanu! r oprnw
slx0ds tIlls I H) lN tiltVlU Nl sl tN
'0 urorj sPro,!\eql ql!,\ lxst oql ololotlof q
'uosradrq6u aqrrq6ner e^,,(aqrle'l] alqeaq ol paau^€qf 6
- aiourro, 6uqoot,(BFrnr ar,,(eql 8
- aql st uosaql leq1parut^uo.areerlod aqt I
ud 6g puno:eresroqsun6pieaq,{aqr/Gs(sasrMsau)- 9
'ra^!praql pue'uosreql 'pueqsnq s,u?uro,$ egrere(slsns.€d)- uleuraq1 s
al€uoltrurplo eJtMaqrse/i^ lu,r'r^)- aql t
'atqtssodse uoosser!(osa^)- or 6urdoqer,Ieqt e
'€ull' aqr 6urle6llsa^ul are(^' Z
'lq6tu]selpalluruor se^ (aprurn)----76ptnlu
v !
'sEluelues eql alaldluot lell tPloa aleur o] s./o$€leql laPro e
' auruf,AU\nnSvtoA I
'ss.uPos tuolse s'
"'sr raraPrnur

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