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Italia Startup Visa

Application Form

Application submitted by Alexander Ratakhin, on 28/03/2023

- copy of a valid passport
- file name of other attachment (business plan, CV, IP…)
Please add one field for each new file.

Send to:
Ministry of Economic Development
Italia Startup Visa Committee

Italia Startup Visa – Application Form Italian Ministry of Economic Development


Full name* Alexander Ratakhin
(as stated in passport)

Date of birth* 25.09.1978

Format (

Place and country of USSR, Vladivostok

Nationality* Russian
(more than one if applicable)

Address of current Vavilova str, bng 10a, app 15

residency* 634055 Tomsk
(street, number, postcode, city, Russia

Phone number* +7 983 236 8591 (cell)

(more than one if applicable)
Please specify if mobile and
include country code

Personal email address*

Instant messaging or WhatsApp & Viber & Telegram (+79832368591)


Twitter —
Other social networks
(e.g. Facebook)

*Fields marked with an asterisk are mandatory. Failure to fill them in may lead to ineligibility or
refusal of application.
Italia Startup Visa – Application Form Italian Ministry of Economic Development

Dates (from – to)* 01.09.2015 - current time
Employer's name and AWT, Russia, Moscow,, Sergey
contacts* Andreev (co-owner) +7-913-829-5917

Type of company or B2B Water Treatment

Type of employment* Owner
(i.e. employee,
self-employment, traineeship)

Main duties* Managing owner

Dates (from – to)* 01.01.2010 - 01.08.2015
Employer's name and EleSy,
Type of company or Industrial automation
Type of employment* employee
(i.e. employee,
self-employment, traineeship)

Main duties* Managing director


Dates (from – to)* 01.01.2005 - 01.01.2010

Employer's name and EleSy,
Type of company or Industrial automation
Type of employment* employee
(i.e. employee,
self-employment, traineeship)

Main duties* CFO

Italia Startup Visa – Application Form Italian Ministry of Economic Development


Dates (from – to) * 01.09.1995-01.07.2000

Name and type of Tomsk State University, department of applied

educational or training mathematic and cybernetics

Main subjects / skills Mathematics, Algorithms and Programming, Theory of

studied* games, Statistics and Probabilities, Economics,
Accounting, System analysis and cybernetics
Qualification obtained* Math models and modelling in economics

Mother tongue* RUSSIAN

Spoken Reading Written

Other languages* English English English
(Add one entry for each further
language you know)


I want to…* V Establish a new innovative startup

(please tick only one answer!) ☐ Join an existing innovative startup as a working

Please be as accurate as possible in completing this form. It is highly advised to attach further documentation, such
as a presentation deck (e.g. PowerPoint presentation)
Italia Startup Visa – Application Form Italian Ministry of Economic Development

My startup* Description of the idea and how you intend to develop it:
the business concept, goods or services you intend to
produce or provide, the business mission, your market
Trawell aims to provide smart marketing tools for the
travel and tourism industry. It is intended to help small
and mid-sized businesses redefine their digital presence
and grow their sales and customer base.

My potential What are the markets that your startup intends to access,
and how long do you foresee it will take? What kind of
strategy will pursue to meet your growth objectives?
Have you already laid out a detailed cost and revenue
forecast in the short- and medium term?2

The first market where we will launch the project is Italy,

then we plan to scale it to other countries as well. We do
already have a detailed cost and revenue forecast in the
short- and medium term, which laid out in our
presentation and business plan.

My team3* The team is an added value for startups. Who will be

involved in your business? What experience do they
have? And what will be your role?

Please specify if other team members mentioned in this section need to apply for a visa for Italy, and in particular if
they intend to apply for Italia Startup Visa. Team applications are disciplined by specific rules, set out in a dedicated
paragraph of the ISV Guidelines.
Italia Startup Visa – Application Form Italian Ministry of Economic Development

The team consists of professionals with whom we have

already built a successful smartlink startup aimed at
music artists, BandLink. It was acquired by Yandex, one of
the biggest IT companies in Eastern Europe (often dubbed
“The Russian Google”). My role in the new project is CEO,
as it was in BandLink.

The team includes a senior developer, a highly skilled

product designer, a marketer, a PhD and a serial investor
who will support my project at the start-up stage. СEO
(Dmitrii Litvinov) and the CMO (Irina Brizetko) plan to
develop the project directly in Italy, the rest of the team
will work on the project remotely.

My world* Internationalisation, understood as ability to reach and

offer your products on international markets, planned
collaboration with commercial or financial partners
outside Italy

We have worldwide ambitions. After testing the startup

in Italy, we plan to scale it to other countries as well.
Italia Startup Visa – Application Form Italian Ministry of Economic Development

My business is Indicate whether you intend to carry out intensive R&D

innovative because…* activity, and/or any patents or software you have
registered and you intend to use in your business
The main innovation of the project is providing an
all-in-one marketing solution for small and mid-sized
businesses in the travel and tourism industry.

In the course of work, we plan to study the travel market

in order to create the best solution. After the project
hypothesis is tested, we plan to patent this solution and

My links with Italy's Indication of any previous contact with players in the
innovation ecosystem* Italian innovation ecosystem (incubators, accelerators,
universities, investors, financial institutions,
No links at the moment. I hope to establish many useful
contacts when I start my project in Italy.
We plan to contact incubators and accelerators in Milan
for cooperation.
Italia Startup Visa – Application Form Italian Ministry of Economic Development

Funding available* Have you any funds of your own to invest? Have you
received any bank loans or equity investment from
investment companies, venture capital funds or business
angels? Have you any other funding provided by Italian
or foreign government or non-government
The project funding consists of funds from the investor
and the member of the team Alexander Ratakhin (50 000

Why ISV* How did you hear about the Italia Startup Visa
programme? Why did you choose Italy to set up your
Italy is one of those countries where travel and tourism
play an important part in the economy. So, when I
decided to start my new project aimed at the travel and
tourism industry, Italy was my main choice to look for a
startup visa. That’s how I found out about ISV.
Italia Startup Visa – Application Form Italian Ministry of Economic Development

What is an “innovative startup”?

Decree-law 179/2012, the “Italian Startup Act”, specifically refers to innovative startups to
underline that its target is not any kind of new firm, but only those whose business model is
strongly and undoubtedly linked to technological innovation. Innovative startups are limited
liability companies, including cooperatives, not listed on the stock market, which meet the
following requirements:
● they have been incorporated for less than 5 years;
● have their head office in Italy, or in another EU/EEA member provided that they have at
least a branch in Italy;
● their annual turnover does not exceed €5 million;
● do not distribute profits;
● their company purpose (“oggetto sociale”) refers exclusively or predominantly to the
production, development and commercialisation of innovative goods or services of high
technological value;
● are not the result of a merger, split-up or selling-off of a company or branch;
● meet one of the following three criteria (innovativeness indicators):
o at least 15% of the company’s expenses can be attributed to R&D activities;
o at least 1/3 of the total workforce are PhD students, the holders of a PhD or
researchers; alternatively, 2/3 of the total workforce must hold a Master’s degree;
o the enterprise is the holder, depositary or licensee of a registered patent (industrial
property) or the owner of a program for original registered computers.
Provided that, no specific restrictions are applied with respect to the entrepreneur’s personal
circumstances, or the startup’s sector or sphere of business, or the region of Italy where it will be

V - I understood: I believe that my entrepreneurial project fits the definition of

“innovative startup” found in the Italian law, and I commit myself to fulfilling the
requirements set out by the Italian Startup Act.*

The undersigned, Alexander Ratakhin, born in Vladivostok region/USSR on

25/09/1978, citizenship of RUSSIAN FEDERATION, passport no. 76 1752830, issued
on 16/10/2019, resident in RUSSIAN FEDERATION, for the purpose of an entry visa
for self-employment, (tick only one box) V to establish a new OR ☐ to join as a
working shareholder an innovative startup in the territory of Lombardia Region:
Milan, Lombardia Region4* (would like to be a member of the team remotely but
DON’T PLAN to move to Italy).

You may only choose one target municipality (“comune”), province, and region at this stage.
Italia Startup Visa – Application Form Italian Ministry of Economic Development

HEREBY REQUESTS a Certificate of No Impediment from the Italia Startup Visa

Committee at the Ministry of Economic Development as a pre-requisite to obtain a
self-employment visa for non-EU citizens intending to set up or join an innovative
startup in Italy, as defined by Decree-Law 179 of 18 October 2012;

HEREBY DELEGATES the above-mentioned Committee to apply, on his or her behalf,

to the Questura of Lombardia Province for a Certificate of No Impediment for the
purpose of entry, issued in accordance with Article 39(5) and (6) of Presidential
Decree 394/1999;*

HEREBY REPRESENTS that all the information provided is complete and accurate and
to be aware that untruthful representations and/or the creation or use of forged
documents will lead to rejection of the application or cancellation of any certificate
of no impediment already granted, and also to an application for the start of legal
proceedings according to Italian law (article 331 of the Italian Code of Criminal

HEREBY AUTHORISES the processing of his or her personal data in accordance with
current regulations, after being informed, pursuant to art. 13 of legislative decree
no. 196/2003, that the data collected will be processed, also electronically, as part of
the procedure to which this application refers;

HEREBY ACCEPTS to make him/herself available for occasional communications or

surveys on the state of advancement of the business activities, sent by the Italian
Ministry of Economic Development.

Tomsk, Russia5, 28/03/2023 Signature

The place you are sending this application from.

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