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Module 4 Test C

School: ____________________________________________________________________
Name: ________________________________________________ Class: ____ No.: _______
Date: _________________________________________________ Score: _______________
Enc. Educação: ________________________________Teacher: __________________

Read the following text carefully.

"The Post" – a reminder of the importance of a free press

Spielberg's film “The Post” is set in 1971 but its message about the importance of an autonomous and
independent press certainly resonates today. The movie tells the story of the Washington Post (and The
New York Times) fighting the Nixon administration over the publication of what later became known as the
Pentagon Papers (excerpts of top-secret Defense Department documents detailing the history of U.S.
5 involvement in southeast Asia from World War II until 1968). Part of the drama involves the Post’s
publisher, Katherine Graham, wrestling with the impact that the publication might have on the newspaper's

The issue was ultimately decided by the U.S. Supreme Court, which ruled 6-3 in favour to publish. These
were some of the ruling words: “In the First Amendment the Founding Fathers gave the free press the
10 protection it must have to fulfil its essential role in our democracy. The press was to serve the governed,
not the governors.” These are words worth remembering as President Trump talks of trying to modify the
nation's press laws and as government tries to keep closed records away from the public. In these days,
"The Post" is a reminder of the value of a free press in an open society.

The film is many things — a portrait of a strong woman making her way in a male-dominated profession,
15 an engrossing story of an important historical period in America. Mostly it's a clear validation of the First
Amendment, which remains as important today as ever.

In (adapted)


A. Find in the text what the underlined words refer to.

1. its (l. 1) _____________
2. which (l. 8) __________
3. her (l. 14) ____________
4. which (l. 16) __________

B. Find synonyms of the following words/expressions in the text.

1. echoes _____________ 3. Key _____________
2. fighting _____________ 4. Representation _____________
C. Link the words taken from the text to their opposite ones.

1. serve a. forgetting
2. remembering b. open
3. closed c. rule
4. free d. captive

D. Complete the sentences with the correct option, according to the text.

1. Although the film is set in 1971, … a. … The Washington Post was the paper which
2. Whereas The New York Times was the first revealed more.
paper to get the story… b. … despite addressing relevant issues for
3. The film is a portrait of a strong woman… today.
4. The film is a historical fiction… c. … the issues discussed are very relevant
d. … and it reveals much about American 20th
century History.

A. Rewrite each sentence so that it has a similar meaning and contains the modal verb in bold.
Ex: I am able to swim for at least 2 km. CAN
I can swim for more than 2 km.
1. I think there is a fifty-fifty chance that Jim is at work. MAY
I think there is a 50% ___________________working.
2. Please, everybody is obliged to disconnect their mobiles. MUST
Please, ___________________ off their mobiles.
3. My mother advised me to send an application to the supermarket – they are hiring. SHOULD
My mother said: “___________________ to the supermarket – they are hiring.”
4. May you please open the window? It’s so hot in here. CAN
Please, ___________________? It’s so hot in here!

B. Rewrite each sentence so that it has a similar meaning and contains the preposition in bold.
Ex: I spend the winter at the mountains. IN
I go to the mountains in the winter.
1. When we met I remember it was the month of June. IN
My memory tells me ___________________ of June.
2. I go to the gym every week – Mondays and Fridays. ON
I always go ___________________and Fridays.
3. The only days for me to relax are Saturday and Sunday. AT
The only time I have ___________________ weekend.
4. I love the 31st December, it’s when I have the most fun. ON
I have the ___________________ Year’s eve.

C. Rewrite the following sentences in reported speech.

1. “The press was to serve the governed, not the governors”, said The Supreme Court judges.
2. “While I was making this film, I was thinking about this current government”, said the director.
3. “We will publish the stories because that’s our duty”, said Katherine Graham.
4. “The free press is being threatened every day”, said the journalist.
D. Choose the correct multi-word verb to fill each gap.
a. talk with b. give up c. started out d. waiting for

1. The press must never ____________ from alerting the public to the threats to them.
2. The New York Times _______________ by publishing stories, but the Washington Post published most
of the Pentagon papers.
3. I find it hard to _______________ people who like how this President is governing.
4. Both papers were ______________ the Supreme Court’s decision to publish everything.

The Supreme Court in America said “The press was to serve the governed, not the governors.”
What do you think? In 100/150 words present three reasons why you believe that sentence is true.



Reading Comprehension Grammar Writing

A. 4 x 5 = 20 A. 4 x 5 = 20 40
B. 4 x 5 = 20 B. 4 x 5 = 20
C. 4 x 5 = 20 C. 4 x 5 = 20 Total
D. 4 x 5 = 20 D. 4 x 5 = 20 200

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