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The customer is always right

As a Business, the customer is one of the most important to make last for long years. As a
company one of the most common mission and vision is to provide excellence customer
services and met with all the customer’s needs. We have different target market and meeting
their demands and needs is one of the key for the success of the business. "The customer is
always right" is a motto or slogan which exhorts service staff to give a high priority to customer
satisfaction. It was popularised by pioneering and successful retailers such as Harry Gordon
Selfridge, John Wanamaker and Marshall Field. By adapting this concept and slogan helps a lot of
businesses to become successful.

People have different tastes and preferences which is the main key for the product be
patronized by a lot of people. Since people have different tastes and preferences there are
some incident that what they bought is not exactly the same of what they are expecting. If the
customer disappoint with the services or with the product, they make some complaints or
appeal to the heads/staff or to the company.

In psychology, we all need attention and someone who can understand us, so when the time
that the customer complaints we should understand and analyze who’s fault is, and treating
customers right will benefit the company getting a loyal customer.

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