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Question 1: Explain how technology impacts our daily lives in the fields of education,
communication, business & commerce, and, health industry. (5 pts)


Students can easily learn or enroll to a course where the classes can be taken online in an online
platforms like learning management systems (LMS) or a main domain of school that the students
use to access learning materials like modules.


People can interact easily by using smartphones or gadgets that has camera and mic to contact or
talk with their loved ones, friends, and families across the world. Instead of writing letters and
sending it through mail that will take months, they use social media flatforms.

Business & Commerce

Corporations and industries can easily hold meetings through video conferences even if they are
in their own houses. Some consumers prefer ordering online for less hassle in commuting and
spending unnecessary things.

Health Industry

Modernized and advanced technologies can provide quality care for those who are in need.
Researchers are able to provide new medicines and treatments due to technology.

Question 2: In a Venn Diagram, compare and contrast technology and humanity. (15 pts)

 Requires a set of
 If combined,  Conscience is the
standard settings
innovation is standard of doing

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