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• Human action like burning of
fossil fuels causes an increase
in global temperature. Some
of the consequences we are
suffering now are melting of
global masses, desertification
of fertile area, flooding of
coastal areas, spreading of
diseases and pandemics which
are risk to our survival.
What is the difference between Greenhouse
Effect and Global Warming?
•The greenhouse effect is a natural process that occurs
when gases in the lower Earth's atmosphere absorb heat
from the Earth's surface. When the Sun's energy reaches
the Earth's atmosphere, some of it is reflected to space
and the rest is absorbed and re-radiated by greenhouse
gases. This process makes Earth much warmer than it
would be without an atmosphere. It is one of the things
that makes Earth a comfortable place to live.
What would happen if there was no greenhouse effect?
•Without the greenhouse effect, the Earth would have an average temperature of
-18 "C and be covered in ice. Life as we know it would not be able to survive.
•Human action, however, has increased the presence of the greenhouse
gases in the atmosphere causing them to retain more heat and to increase
the temperature on the planet. This is what we know as global warming.
•Global warming refers to a change in the Earth's climate that is causing it to
heat up. It occurs when greenhouse gases collect in the atmosphere and
absorb sunlight and solar radiation that have bounced off the earth's surface.
It is the long- term heating of Earth's climate system due to human activities
like fossil fuel burning, deforestation, mining activities, illegal fishing and
incineration of garbage which increases heat-trapping greenhouse gas levels
in Earth's atmosphere.
What are sources of greenhouse gases?
•According to CNN Philippines posted last September 21, 2019, the Greenhouse gas
emissions in the Philippines are 55% comes from the Energy (that includes transportation,
electricity and heat, buildings, manufacturing andconstruction, fugitive emissions and
other fuel combustion; 29% from the Agriculture sector(Most farm-related emissions
come in the form of methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N20); 9% from the waste sector
(consists of municipal solid waste (MSW) landfills, industrial waste landfills, industrial
wastewater treatment systems, and facilities that operate combustors or incinerators for
the disposal of nonhazardous solid waste. Emissions from fossil fuel combustion at
facilities with industrial waste landfills, and industrial wastewater treatment systems
are included in other sectors); and 7% from the Industrial process that involve activities
such as metal manufacturing, industrial refrigeration and electricity distribution (poles
and wires). GHG emissions from halocarbons, a replacement for ozone depleting
substances used in refrigeration, are increasing.) Base on its figure below, the Energy and
Agriculture sectors are the top contributors of Greenhouse Gas Emissions in our country.
Greenhouse Gas Emissions in PH by Sector
How does global warming relate to climate change?
•Global warming and climate change are closely related and sometimes used interchangeably but
technically they are different.

• Global warming applies to the long-term trend of rising average global temperatures due to
human activities and it is most measured as the average increase in Earth's global surface
temperature. I t is caused mostly by increasing concentrations of greenhouse gases in the
atmosphere. And it causes climate patterns to change.

•While Climate change is a critical global change, it is potentially one of the greatest threats to the
environment, to the biodiversity and to the quality of human life. Climate change is a broader term
that reflects the fact that carbon pollution does more than just warm our planet. It also describes
changes in the state of the atmosphere over time scales ranging from decades to millions of years. It
also includes major changes in temperature, precipitation, or wind patterns, among other effects,
that occur over several decades or longer.

•Global warming is one indication of the much larger problem of human- caused climate change.

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