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The Impact Of Improved

Healthcare In Nigeria
Opeyemi Akindeinde
The problem of healthcare in Nigeria is
characterized by inadequate access to
quality healthcare services, insufficient
healthcare infrastructure and workforce, and
high disease burden. This results in poor
health outcomes, disparities in healthcare
access and outcomes across different
population groups, and financial barriers
that prevent many individuals from seeking
necessary medical care. Addressing these
challenges is crucial to ensure equitable and
effective healthcare delivery for all
Healthcare problems in Nigeria impacts various groups of people in distinct ways.
Firstly, low-income individuals and families are disproportionately affected as they
struggle to afford healthcare services and medications, leading to delayed or
inadequate treatment. Secondly, women and children face specific challenges,
including limited access to maternal and child healthcare, resulting in high maternal
and infant mortality rates. Additionally, individuals in rural areas experience limited
access to healthcare facilities, leading to difficulties in seeking timely and
specialized care. Lastly, marginalized populations such as the elderly, people with
disabilities, and those living in conflict-affected regions face additional barriers to
healthcare, exacerbating their vulnerability and compromising their overall well-
Let's break down the problem using the cool hands, warm heart framework.
For cool hands;
• Identify the key issues: Inadequate access to quality healthcare, insufficient healthcare
infrastructure and workforce, high disease burden, and financial barriers.
• Analyze the root causes: Factors such as limited funding, inadequate healthcare planning
and management, brain drain of healthcare professionals, and socioeconomic disparities
contribute to the problem.
• Evaluate the impact: Assess the consequences of the problem, including poor health
outcomes, disparities in healthcare access, financial burdens on individuals, and
compromised well-being.
Warm Heart: Identify Potential Solutions
• Strengthen healthcare infrastructure: Invest in the construction, renovation, and equipping
of healthcare facilities, particularly in underserved areas.
• Increase healthcare workforce: Recruit and train more healthcare professionals, improve
retention strategies, and address the brain drain issue.
• Enhance health financing: Increase public investment in healthcare, establish sustainable
health financing mechanisms, and expand health insurance coverage.
• Improve primary healthcare: Prioritize preventive care, health promotion, and disease
management at the community level to reduce the burden on higher-level facilities.
• Enhance health information systems: Develop robust systems for data collection, analysis,
and monitoring to inform evidence-based decision-making
Addressing the problem of healthcare in Nigeria requires a comprehensive and
multi-dimensional approach.

Firstly, investing in healthcare infrastructure is crucial. This involves

constructing and renovating healthcare facilities, particularly in underserved
areas, and equipping them with essential medical equipment and supplies.
Adequate infrastructure will expand healthcare access and improve the quality of
services provided. It is important to prioritize the development of primary
healthcare centers, which serve as the first point of contact for most individuals.
Strengthening these centers will enable early detection, prevention, and
management of diseases, reducing the burden on higher-level facilities.
Secondly, addressing healthcare workforce capacity is essential. This involves
recruiting, training, and retaining healthcare professionals. Implementing strategies
to attract and retain skilled personnel, such as offering competitive salaries and
benefits, providing educational and professional development opportunities, and
improving working conditions, will enhance the quality of care delivered.
Additionally, investing in training programs for healthcare workers, including
doctors, nurses, and community health workers, will improve their skills and expand
their scope of practice.
Thirdly, health financing reforms are needed to ensure financial
protection and affordability of healthcare services. This includes
increasing public investment in healthcare, exploring innovative health
financing mechanisms, and expanding health insurance coverage. By
reducing out-of-pocket expenses and improving financial risk
protection, individuals will be more likely to seek timely and
appropriate healthcare services.
As a Nigerian citizen, I want health financing reforms to be implemented to ensure financial
protection and affordability of healthcare services. This includes increasing public investment in
healthcare, exploring innovative health financing mechanisms, and expanding health insurance
coverage. By reducing out-of-pocket expenses and improving financial risk protection, I will be
able to access timely and appropriate healthcare services without financial hardship.
Acceptance Criteria:
• Public investment in healthcare should be increased to improve the quality and accessibility of
healthcare services across the country.
• Innovative health financing mechanisms, such as public-private partnerships or healthcare bonds,
should be explored to mobilize additional resources for the healthcare sector.
• Health insurance coverage should be expanded to ensure a larger portion of the population has
access to affordable healthcare services.
• The implementation of these reforms should result in a significant reduction in out-of-pocket
expenses for healthcare, providing financial relief for individuals and families.
• Financial risk protection measures should be put in place to shield individuals from catastrophic
healthcare costs, ensuring they can seek necessary medical care without financial burden.
To measure the effectiveness of the solutions for health financing reforms, several key
metrics can be monitored:
• Health insurance coverage: The percentage of the population enrolled in health insurance
programs can be measured. An increase in coverage rates indicates progress in expanding
access to healthcare services and reducing financial barriers for individuals. Monitoring
the number of newly enrolled individuals and the overall coverage rate can provide
insights into the success of the reforms in expanding health insurance coverage.
• Out-of-pocket expenditure: Tracking changes in the average out-of-pocket spending on
healthcare per capita can help assess the financial burden faced by individuals. A decrease
in out-of-pocket expenses would indicate improved affordability and financial protection.
Comparing the pre- and post-reform periods, as well as analyzing the distribution of out-
of-pocket spending across different income groups, can provide valuable insights into the
impact of the solutions on reducing financial barriers to healthcare.
By measuring these indicators, policymakers and healthcare authorities can evaluate the
effectiveness of the solutions and make data-driven decisions to further improve the
health financing reforms. These measurements will enable the assessment of progress in
terms of expanded coverage, reduced financial burden, and improved affordability,
ensuring that the solutions are making a positive impact on the accessibility and
affordability of healthcare services for the population.
The health care challenges in Nigeria are a significant problem due to several reasons such as, it
creates health inequalities within individuals due to disparities in access to healthcare, it has a
negative impact on health outcomes, and it’s also an economic burden. It encompasses various pain
points and gaps, these include inadequate disease prevention and control, health insurance
coverage gaps, low health literacy and awareness, shortage of healthcare professionals and
inadequate funding. Personally I care about this problem because tackling these challenges in the
healthcare sector in Nigeria will have a significant positive impact on multiple levels such as,
improved health outcomes, strengthened healthcare systems, enhanced public health and also
poverty alleviation.
The solution of health financing reforms, including increasing public investment, exploring
innovative financing mechanisms, and expanding health insurance coverage, will make an important
difference by addressing the critical issue of healthcare affordability and accessibility in Nigeria. By
reducing out-of-pocket expenses and providing financial risk protection, it will alleviate the burden
of healthcare costs on individuals and families, ensuring that they can seek timely and appropriate
care without facing financial hardship. The expansion of health insurance coverage and increased
public investment will further improve access to healthcare services, particularly for marginalized
populations, bridging the gap in healthcare disparities and promoting health equity. Ultimately, this
solution will establish a more inclusive and sustainable healthcare system, resulting in improved
health outcomes, enhanced well-being, and a higher quality of life for the Nigerian population.
Here is a pie chart that shows the some of
the challenges that women go through in
Nigeria in order to access healthcare.​
Target Demographic
•Adults aged 18-80.​
•Limited access to quality healthcare.​
•Facing challenges of bad health and
poor healthcare services.​
User Persona​

Name: Mrs. Esther


Gender: Female

Age: 60​

Profession: Trader​

Education History:
Completed primary and
secondary school.​

Annual Income: 150,000


Access to Technology: Has

a smart phone but can
barely operate it
•Mrs. Esther is the target
demographic my solution aims
to help.​
•Her limited income makes it almost
impossible to afford healthcare talk
less good healthcare.​
•With the right support like
insurance or free healthcare, Mrs.
Esther will be able to stay healthy.​
•My solution aims to help people
that find it
difficult to access good healthcare.​

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