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Performance Task in Mathematics #2

4th Quarter

Construction of Word Problems Involving True Bearing and Compass Bearing

Group 3 - BOHR

B01 Atienza, Sachiel Beau Tier
B04 Consuelo, Martin
B08 Gubat, Aldrich Paul
B16 Yatar, Jairo Lance
G09 Fetisanan, Paean Alexis
G13 Madamba, Jearl Leisje
G16 Ocampo, Jaymee
G18 Salonga, Rhian Iya
G19 Sanchez, Laine Mark
G20 Solano, Rihanna Laurielle
Problem #1
May is hiking in a forest and wants to reach a lake located at a bearing of 120° from her
current position. However, her compass is malfunctioning, and it shows that the compass
bearing of the lake from her current position is N 90° E. May decides to follow the compass
bearing to navigate. After walking for 1 kilometer, she stops and realizes that she needs to
adjust her direction to reach the lake accurately. How far should May travel to reach the


1km x


120° – 90° = 30°

𝑡𝑎𝑛 30° =

𝑥 = = 0.58 𝑚𝑖𝑙𝑒𝑠

Hence, May needs to travel for approximately 0.58 miles to reach the lake.
Problem #2
Lisa is on a sailing adventure and wants to reach a small island located at a bearing of 180°
from her current position. Unexpectedly, a dense fog has rolled in, greatly reducing
visibility. Lisa relies on her compass for navigation, which is functioning correctly.
However, because of the reduced visibility, Lisa couldn’t see the compass properly and thus
uses an inaccurate compass bearing of S40°E to navigate towards the small island. After
sailing for 5 miles, the fog clears temporarily, and Lisa realizes that she needs to change her
course in order to get to the island. How far should Lisa continue sailing to reach the small


To solve for x:
sin 40° = 5

5sin 40° = 𝑥

𝑥 = 3.21 miles

Lisa must sail 3.21 miles more to reach the small island.
Problem #3
During a parade in June in the city of Manila, Yunjin, a skateboarder, noticed a girl who had
a cool sticker on her own skateboard and she decided to skate toward her at a bearing of
58° at 28 miles. The girl, Eunchae saw Yunjin and was immediately intimidated and chose
to turn and skate away from her at the compass bearing of S38°E at 23 miles. Yunjin tried
to follow but knew what was best and instead turned away and went to her original
A. Find the true bearing of both Eunchae and Yunjin at their initial position
B. Find the distance between Yunjin’s initial position and final position
C. Also find the distance between Yunjin’s initial position and Eunchae’s final position.


32° 58°
W Yunjin

A. Find the true bearing of both Eunchae and Yunjin at their initial position
Eunchae = 147°
Yunjin = 58°
B. Find the distance between Yunjin’s initial position and final position
Since Yunjin went back, the distance between Yunjin’s initial position and
final position will be 0 miles.
C. Also find the distance between Yunjin’s initial position and Eunchae’s final
282 + 232 = 𝑐 2
√784 + 529 = 𝑐
𝑐 = 36.24 miles
B01 Atienza, Sachiel Beau Tier
For this performance task, each group was tasked to create 3 challenging, interesting, and
real-life problems with the use of true and compass bearing. I was assigned to recheck my
groupmates illustrations along with their solving process and answer. In doing so, I had no
difficulties rechecking as I understood the lesson well. We had no conflicts inside our group
as everyone did their parts and was cooperative.

B04 Consuelo, Martin

I volunteered to be one of the word problem creators in this group task. I first sought
advice from Aldrich, one of our group members, after creating a Word Problem. Aldrich
claims that although my problem is correct, the original solution was flawed; as a result, it
has been modified and repaired with his assistance. Paean provided assistance as well,
appropriately illustrating the Word Problem. Overall, I found it to be somewhat difficult
because I still find myself confused about some of the problems I had to solve. I'm grateful
that Aldrich and Paean were able to assist me in this.

B08 Gubat, Aldrich Paul

Although this activity was more difficult than the previous ones, the experience was
nevertheless rewarding. As the problem-editor of our group, I oversaw the checking and
editing of my groupmates' problems. I remember a particular moment when one of my
groupmates submitted an incorrect problem. Initially, I had some doubts about myself
because I wasn't entirely sure if his problem was wrong. I was struggling because I couldn't
tell if it was just me who misunderstood the problem. However, I realized that it was my
responsibility to inform him about the mistake and explain why he should fix it.

This particular moment in our group activity was memorable to me because it taught me
valuable lessons. The first lesson was to have the courage to speak up when something is
wrong. This is crucial when working with others to ensure effective communication among
group members. The second lesson was about changing my mindset when facing a
challenging math problem. After minutes of struggling to solve my classmate’s math
problem, I learned to shift my perspective and try different approaches until I found the
correct answer. Lastly, I realized how beneficial this group activity was for me.
Collaborating with my classmates allowed me to explore mathematical concepts from
different perspectives and learn new techniques, which deepened my understanding of

B16 Yatar, Jairo Lance

Bearing. A word that we have been familiar with for the past years of learning. A topic that
was introduced in 9th grade, which provided me new knowledge. As soon as this group
task was given to me, I realized that doing it as a team is better than doing it as an
individual. This group task showed each one’s strengths, weaknesses, but has proved that
despite our differences we are all gifted mathematicians and fast learners. Additionally, I
learned that the importance of bearing in mathematics lies in its ability to facilitate
navigation, and even connect with trigonometry which can be applied in real life situations.
As a student, not only does bearing practice trigonometrical and logical skill. Bearings can
also symbolize the paths and decisions we take in life, especially when we choose to take it
further or take a turn. While the origin, represents our family and even God. Wherever we
go, no matter how far, if we go back to where we’ve been from, it’s always our family that
will be the starting point. They will always be the reason why we have been travelling this
far. A true family will extend you 5,000 miles to the north part of your life, a direction full of
motivation, passion, and love.

G09 Fetisanan, Paean Alexis

This performance task is a little bit difficult for me because sometimes I don't understand
the problems properly, I'm also confused about how to draw illustrations, but with the help
of my group mates, I can say that I can now solve some problems without being confused
on how to illustrate it. I can also say that our group did a good job in creating the problems
with true bearing and bearing with directions and even though I have some difficulties in
making and understanding the problems, I enjoyed it. This performance task not just
helped me but also help my groupmates to fully understand the topic of bearings and this
performance task also serve as our reviewer for the semi-final exam so it helps us a lot.
G13 Madamba, Jearl Leisje
In this performance task, I was able to get a better grasp on this lesson about true bearing
and compass bearing. Looking through the works of my groupmates helped me further
understand what I should do when confronted with these types of word problems. While
I'm not very confident that I can solve them, I plan to use this performance task as a way to
try and master how to solve world problems involving true bearing and compass bearing.

G16 Ocampo, Jaymee

Creating word problems involving bearing was a challenging task, especially when there is
a slight lack of understanding of the concept. As I set out to construct these problems, I
realized that I needed a solid grasp of the topic to present it accurately and effectively.
However, due to my limited understanding, I found it difficult to construct problems.
Fortunately, I had the support of my groupmates who were more knowledgeable in this
area. Their guidance helped me gain a deeper understanding of the topic, enabling me to
construct a problem that accurately reflected the concept of bearing. In addition to their
explanations, my groupmates also provided invaluable assistance with the illustration.
They helped create a visual representation that clarified the problems, and these
illustrations also made it easier for me to express the problems grasp the concept more
effectively. Through this collaborative process, I not only improved my understanding of
bearing but also learned the importance of seeking help from others. Sometimes, a group
effort can enhance our understanding and make complex concepts more accessible. With
the support of my groupmates, I was able to overcome my initial struggles and create word
problems on bearing that were both challenging and comprehensive.

G18 Salonga, Rhian Iya

Another Night of Groupworks and Math! I had a lot of fun studying and creating our
PowerPoint especially since I get to review the problems while illustrating the problems! It
was quite fun, and I love my groupmate's creativity on the problem like I literally cannot
lol. I am studying the problems a lot since I didn't get to make a problem myself, but I also
do not want to disappoint my members on the report. I once again am grateful to have such
great members! Love u guys mwah
G19 Sanchez, Laine Mark
In our second group performance task, I will admit that it was quite difficult to perform it
as some of us, including myself, were still confused with compass bearing. With these
problems, we did fight quite a battle and in the end, we were once again able to give our
best. Our problems, I would say are challenging and interesting and we all did our part in
rechecking and solving the problems that we have also provided. All of us had something to
do and we all complied, we even managed to converse with each other despite our filled
schedules and we managed to create a final output that was well put together. We were
well managed by our leader and in the end, there were no hars strings pulled between us
all. I would say this group performance task is a success to all of us. Both fun and

G20 Solano, Rihanna Laurielle

For this performance task, we had to create three real-life problems concerning bearing
and compass bearing. When it was announced that we had to accomplish the task by group,
I was confident that we could finish it without having a hard time. This time, I noticed that
the group was more active and almost everyone had the initiative to solve and recheck the
problems on their own without anyone's command. Personally, that made me glad because
I saw almost everyone helping each other while having a great understanding of the lesson.
Knowing that everyone of us has a lot of to-dos piled up, I'm thankful and happy that we all
worked together to finish the task.
Peer Evaluation

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