Scratch Worksheet With Task 2022

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Fill in the table below as you complete each task.

These tasks are all based on the tutorial videos on the Design Code Create website.

Take a screenshot of your code for each solution and place it in the table below.

To complete these tasks in Scratch, go to this link and make a ‘Remix’ of the project. Once in your new
Remixed project, click the Share Button and copy the URL. Paste that link below.

Project Link: (Insert link to your project)

Related Tutorial Task Screenshot of code/solution

Change the blue G to

green when the green flag
is clicked. Make it turn
back to blue one second

Make the blue g say “Hello,

welcome to Scratch!” for 4
seconds when the green
flag is clicked.

Make the costume of the

red e advance to the next
costume when you press
the ‘x’ key on your

Add a basketball court

backdrop to your Scratch
project. No code is needed
for this, just show a
screenshot of your Scratch

Add a new Sprite that

contains a purple M. No
code is needed for this, just
show a screenshot of your
new Sprite.

Make the green l move

around the screen to a
random position 20 times
and then finish at the
coordinates x: 129 y: 0
when you press the ‘n’ key
on your keyboard.
Make the purple M you
created earlier chase the
mouse on screen when the
flag is clicked.

Make the red e do 2 spins

when it is clicked on. Make
sure that it finishes facing
the right way up once it is
done spinning.

Create a simple new sprite

(this can just be a
rectangle) that will act as a
button. Make the button
change to the next
backdrop when clicked.

Make your blue G play a

pop sound effect and have
a whirl effect when you
press the ‘p’ key on your
keyboard. Pay attention to
the video to see how to
achieve this effect.

Make your red o bounce

when you press the ‘b’ key
on your keyboard. Pay
attention to the video to
see how to achieve this
effect. The movement of
the bounce does not have
to be gradual.

Make your yellow o

gradually disappear when
you press the ‘v’ key on
your keyboard and make
the letter return to being
visible 1 second after it has
vanished completely. Pay
attention to the video to
see how to achieve this

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