STER Project Proposal For A Kindergarten and Training Parents, Care Givers 2023

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STER Kindergarten for child protection activities

Project Description

The following text describes activities of STER Kindergarten commits within project entitled
‘CHILD PROTECTION activities and capacity building trainings and awareness for parents and
care givers including opening one pre-school children kindergarten in Domiz1 camp for Syrian
asylum seekers with providing training and raising awareness for parents/care givers about children
rights and self-protection; (With the possibility to extend this project due to the funds to the
other camps of asylum seekers & IDPs as its very necessary and fundamental protection
project), to precise and specify this project will have two parallel pillars: 1- Opening a kindergarten
for pre-school children who are aged 4, 5, 6 years old. 2-Providing capacity building trainings and
raising awareness about children rights and self-protection for parents/care givers.

This document is an official annex to the agreement signed between The identified donor and STER
Kindergarten concerning the above-mentioned project.
It includes:
1) A presentation of the beneficiaries of the project targeted by STER
2) The objectives of the project to be reached by STER Kindergarten;
3) The activities of the project to be implemented by STER Kindergarten.

Based on article no (2) of the international children rights convention which declares: (All children have
these rights, no matter who they are, where they live, what their parents do, what language they
speak, what their religion is, whether they are a boy or girl, what their culture is, whether they have
a disability, whether they are rich or poor. No child should be treated unfairly on any basis).
The project will intervene in particular in Domiz1 camp as it’s the biggest and the most populated camp for
Syrian asylum seekers where STER Kindergarten will run and manage a kindergarten for pre-
school children who are aged four, five and six years old, that means targeting children before going to
formal schools as Domiz1 camp is the biggest and the most populated camp in Kurdistan region. Also,
there is a big need to such kindergarten. Children who are aged four, five & six years old, they still don’t
go to the formal schools, their time can be filled positively and effectively, those children of the mentioned
ages are in extreme need of child protection services, moreover to prepare them for the schooling in the
next years when they grow up. Domiz1 camp where there are some remote sectors are without any child
protection facilities/services, also those sectors are far away from the other child protection services as a
concrete example, like NEW ZOZAN sector which is located at the west of the camp. Implementing this
project (CHILD PROTECTION activities and capacity building trainings and awareness for parents
and care givers including opening one pre-school children kindergarten in Domiz1 camp for Syrian
asylum seekers with training and raising awareness for parents/care givers about children rights and
self-protection) will have qualitative & positive impact upon our beneficiaries in the camp. In this current
project all activities of STER Kindergarten will be implemented at Domiz1 camp in Duhok

The project implementation period is twelve (12) months (One year). The project will start on 05/1/2023
and end on 31/12/2023.

1. Beneficiaries

1.1 – Pre-school Children who are aged 4, 5, 6 years old and the parents/care givers.

The direct beneficiaries of the project are Syrian asylum seekers in particular (pre-school children who are
aged 4, 5, 6 years old; boys and girls) and the parents/care givers who are living in Domiz1 camp. The
project aims to enhance and promote (CHILD PROTECTION activities and capacity building
trainings with awareness for parents and care givers including opening one pre-school children
kindergarten in Domiz1 camp for Syrian asylum seekers with training and awareness for
parents/care givers about children rights and self-protection) in a safe, organized, prepared & tidied
methods by qualified and trained staff. STER Kindergarten will try to fill that gap as much as it has
the potential capacity. All activities will be delivered by STER Kindergarten. STER
Kindergarten will strongly encourage pre-school children with disabilities and vulnerable children to
be included within the kindergarten activities. STER Kindergarten will promote an environment of
tolerance, co-existence and acceptance to ensure an effective & positive impact for the targeted

At least 160 pre-school Children who are aged 4, 5, 6 years old and more than 250 parents/care
givers (mothers & fathers) will benefit from this project through conducting such activities which
are adapted to their gender and age.

2. Objective and outcome:

Objective: To contribute to the enhancement of life and social skills and strengthen the well-being of
Syrian asylum seekers children and parents/care givers who are living in Domiz1 Camp through their
participation, expression and socialization in a safe, friendly and stimulating space. Also, to harmonize
with the International children rights convention which was declared in 20 November, 1989, in particular
based on the 17th article which declared and addressed the child: (You have the right to get information
that is important to your well-being from radio, newspaper, books, computers and other sources.
Adults should make sure that the information you are getting is not harmful and help you find and
understand the information you need.). As well as contributing to strengthen & promote the child
protection, resilience, psycho-social support, education and self-protection domains for pre-school children
and parents/care givers of Syrian asylum seekers who are living in Domiz1 camp within Duhok
governorate through (CHILD PROTECTION activities and capacity building trainings/awareness for
parents and care givers including opening one pre-school children kindergarten in Domiz1 camp for Syrian
asylum seekers with training and raising awareness for parents/care givers about children rights and self-
protection). In addition to implementing this relevant project will uphold and advocate the main universal
protection principles and the child’s rights convention which was declared in 20, November, 1989.

Indicator and source(s) of verification


At least 160 pre-school Children who are aged 4, 5, 6 years old and more than 250 parents/care givers
(mothers & fathers) will benefit from this project through conducting such activities which are adapted to
their gender and age who will be registered within STER Kindergarten activities, trainings and
awareness sessions about children rights and other protection aspects.

Sources of verification:

- Monthly reports
- Activities photos
- Registration forms
- Attendance sheets
- Schedule of activities
- The ad hoc spot checklists

Coordination and partners:

STER Kindergarten will establish strong coordination and collaboration with all targeted and
related camp management and local authorities in Domiz1 camp to find a suitable and feasible
space/location as there are several empty & unused spaces of the previous organizations that left Domiz1
camp, STER Kindergarten will utilize and use the same space for all it’s activities of course after
dividing the space to various rooms, STER Kindergarten will work intensively to get the official
approvals from the relevant local authorities in Duhok, in addition to have close collaboration with the
related partners, organizations and other relevant actors in order to improve and develop the referral
pathways, so STER Kindergarten can refer any identified and vulnerable cases whether
mental/psychological or physical cases to the proper service providers in the camp.

3. Activities:

Activity 1. Pillar one: Opening a kindergarten for pre-school children who are aged 4, 5, 6 years old:
The following activities will be implemented in the kindergarten:

1-Recreational/fun activities:


Based on the international children rights convention in 1989 in particular the article number (31) which is
addressing the child: “You have the right to play and rest ”. The recreational/fun activities are composed
of two main activities which are: Music and Sport. The aim of the recreational/fun activities is to support
the pre-school children gain several different skills and talents while having fun. They are fun and
interesting, but they teach also pre-school children how to explore their creativity, enhance their
expression, observation and communication skills. Providing those pre-school children with psycho-social
support (PSS) through these effective and objective activities. Through the recreational/fun activities,
children learn social interactions, communication skills and motor skills. The music and sport activities
encourage children to explore their creativity skills, during the Music activities, pre-school children will
learn to play on some specific musical instruments such as (Tambour, drums, the popular Kurdish tambour
instruments). The sport activities will mainly explore team building activities through collective physical
games, aerobics, physical exercises and yoga.

The recreational/fun activities target all children (boys and girls) from the age of 4, 5, 6 years old. The
recreational/fun activities are inclusive promoting the participation and supporting the inclusion of children
with disabilities.

Human resources:

STER Kindergarten will allocate budget for 2 facilitators one for Music and one for Sport on full
time basis to run and manage the recreational/fun activities (Music & Sport). The recreational/fun
facilitators should have the required qualifications, certificates, skills and experiences of Music and Sport
in providing Music and Sport activities.

Number and frequency:

the recreational/fun activities (Music & Sport) will be provided through daily activities through a well-
planned schedule from 8.30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. based on two main shifts (morning shift and afternoon shift,
each shift will have at least two groups of pre-school children, each group will have around 20 children)
for five days per week from Sunday to Thursday.


At least monthly 168 recreational/fun (Music & Sport) activities will be provided for the pre-school
children who are aged 4, 5, 6 years old, (168 recreational/fun (Music & Sport) activities per month).
(8 per day x 21 actual days without holidays/weekends = 168 per month).

2-KURDISH Language:


As KURDISH language is the mother tongue and the first language of our pre-school children and their
community, in addition to KURDISH language is considered the main official and formal language in
Kurdistan Region governmental institutions, schools, ministries,…etc, so it’s so important to learn
Kurdish, moreover, the aim is also to prepare those pre-school children well for the official schooling year
when they will be accepted at schools formally at the first grade at school. The Kurdish courses will
include lessons and practice exercises on grammar, vocabulary, reading stories and conversations. The
Kurdish courses are based on various activities aiming at strengthening pre-school children level in
writing, reading, listening, pronunciation and speaking in Kurdish. All KURDISH courses are mixed-
gender activities and accessible for children with disabilities. STER Kindergarten will provide high
quality of KURDISH courses which are recognized by KRI ministry of Education.

Human resources:

STER Kindergarten will allocate budget for 1 KURDISH facilitator on full time basis to run and
manage the KURDISH courses. The KURDISH facilitator should have the required qualifications,
abilities, certificates, skills and experiences of KURDISH language skills and aspects including reading,
writing, listening, speaking, spelling, pronouncing, grammar and conversations.

Number and frequency:

The KURDISH courses will be provided through daily activities through a well-planned schedule from
8.30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. based on two main shifts (morning shift and afternoon shift, each shift will have at
least two groups of pre-school children, each group will have around 20 children) for five days per week,
from Sunday to Thursday.


At least monthly 84 Kurdish courses will be provided for the pre-school children who are aged 4, 5, 6
years old, (84 KURDISH courses per month); (4 per day x 21 actual days = 84 per month).

3-ENGLISH Language:


As English language is considered an international language to be learned, it’s the most significant
language of business, trade, economy and many other developed fields in the world. Moreover, ENGLISH
is considered the most important language in Kurdistan region as the second foreign language, in KRI,
there are many private universities, private schools & centres are using only ENGLISH in their official
curriculums because of the community strong demand to learn ENGLISH. ENGLISH courses are the most
interesting courses which will be conducted in the kindergarten in Domiz1 camp due to the parents major
request for English courses. STER Kindergarten will provide high quality ENGLISH curriculums
such as (LET’S GO, HEADWAY curriculums which are recognized by the most common ENGLISH
universities such as OXFORD & CAMBBRDGE). Moreover, ENGLISH is formally learned at KRI
official schools as ENGLISH is the lonely foreign language to be learned at KRI government schools,
therefore the aim is also to prepare those pre-school children well for the official schooling year when they
will be accepted at schools formally. The English courses are based on various activities aiming at
strengthening the pre-school children level in writing, reading, listening, pronunciation and speaking in
English through the conversation activities, grammar activities for example the basics of science, maths
will be learned in English, reading children stories. The English courses will focus on strengthening
communication skills and dialogues in English both in written and spoken oral forms.

The English is composed of courses that will be offered through different shifts according to children age
groups. All English courses are mixed-gender activities and accessible for children with disabilities.

Human resources:

STER Kindergarten will allocate budget for 1 ENGLISH facilitator on full time basis to run and
manage the ENGLISH courses. The ENGLISH facilitator should have the required qualifications, abilities,
certificates, skills and experiences of ENGLISH language skills and aspects including reading, writing,
listening, speaking, spelling, pronouncing, grammar and conversations.

Number and frequency:

The ENGLISH courses will be provided through daily activities through a well-planned schedule from 8.30
a.m. to 4:30 p.m. based on two main shifts (morning shift and afternoon shift, each shift will have at least
two groups of pre-school children, each group will have around 20 children) for five days per week from
Sunday to Thursday.


At least monthly 84 ENGLISH courses will be provided for the pre-school children who are aged 4,
5, 6 years old, (84 ENGLISH courses per month); (4 course per day x 21 actual working days = 84
per month).

Activity 2. Pillar two: Providing capacity building trainings about children rights and self-protection
awareness sessions for parents/care givers:


Based on the fourth principle of the universal protection principles which declares as follows:
(*Participation and empowerment: support the development of self-protection, capacities and assist people
to claim their rights, including the rights to protection, shelter, food, water, sanitation, health, and
education). In order to promote child protection principles as well as children rights within the community
including parents/care givers, moreover, to enhance the self-protection of parents/care givers by raising
awareness sessions about fraud; Fraud which is a critical topic for Syrian asylum seekers, raising
awareness sessions about fraud is so significant to prevent/reduce fraud and do our best for our
beneficiaries in order to not become victims of fraud, smuggling and illegal ways. STER
Kindergarten has all the necessary materials, power points, presentations to cover the below topics in
details based on protection and child protection sources. The following ad hoc topics will be trained &
delivered to the parents/care givers of our beneficiaries via a well-planned schedule, the topics are as

Serial no Parents/care givers capacity building (The training & awareness topics) Notes
1 Raising awareness for parents/care givers about fraud, the mechanisms,
guidelines to self-protection from fraud based on UNHCR code of conduct,
fraud risks upon the community, its causes, its results, how to protect ourselves
from fraud and its perpetrators
2 International Children rights convention in 1989 and its 54 articles
3 Child Protection aspects, child definition, abuse types, what is protective
4 Psycho-social support definition with its details
5 Communication skills
6 Humanitarian principles & protection principles
7 Community Mobilization and community structures (Child Protection
8 Case management, referral pathways, service mapping
9 Planning for awareness sessions and campaigns
10 Resilience, its definition, its context
11 Gender based violence definition, what leads to GBV, causes, circumstances
12 Confidentiality in protection and child protection

Human resources:

STER Kindergarten will allocate budget for 1 qualified Capacity Building Trainer on full time
basis to plan, prepare, run and manage Parents/care givers capacity building (The training & awareness
topics). The capacity building trainer should have the required qualifications, abilities, certificates, skills
and experiences of Parents/care givers capacity building (The training & awareness topics). The capacity
building trainer will prepare, plan & facilitate the training materials, prepare the needed logistics, organize
training room and evaluate the process of trainings and awareness.

Number and frequency:

Parents/care givers capacity building (The training & awareness topics) will be provided through weekly
basis (twice per week) through a well-planned training agenda and schedule. Each training and awareness
topics session will have at least from 12 to 20 parents/care givers including men and women) for two days
per week.


At least monthly 8 sessions of Parents/care givers capacity building (The training & awareness
topics) will be provided for the parents/care givers including men and women), (8 sessions per

4. Budget:

Number of units Monthly Unit
Description Quantity Unit Total cost (USD)
(months) cost (USD)
1.Human Resources
Kindergarten center
1 month 12 1,400 16,800
Capacity building Trainer 1 month 12 1,400 16,800
Data base entry Officer 1 month 12 1,000 12,000
Recreational/Fun; Music
1 month 12 1,000 12,000
Recreational/Fun; Sport
1 month 12 1,000 12,000
KURDISH language
1 month 12 1,000 12,000
ENGLISH language Facilitator 1 month 12 1,000 12,000
Kindergarten cleaning
1 month 12 800 9,600
Kindergarten guard during
1 month 12 800 9,600
nights only
Sub Total 112,800 USD
2.Required logistics
Laptops for work 3 Pieces 12 1,500 1,500
Stationery, recreational, fun
materials, Kurdish and
English materials including
curriculums, books,
notebooks, with running
cost (including internet
credit, Amper electricity 1 Pieces 12 4,000 4,000
costs, posters, leaflets,
brochures with other
needed materials for the
kindergarten), a BOQ (bills
of quantities) will be
prepared for this purpose
Sub Total 5,500 USD

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