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Benefits of non-invasive ventilation in acute hypercapnic

respiratory failure

Respiratory and Critical Care Unit, University Hospital St Orsola-Malpighi, Bologna, Italy; 2Department of Specialistic,
Diagnostic and Experimental Medicine (DIMES), Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy

ABSTRACT AHRF is classically considered a main feature of

Non-invasive ventilation (NIV) with bilevel positive air- advanced chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
way pressure is a non-invasive technique, which refers (COPD), and the role of non-invasive ventilation (NIV)
to the provision of ventilatory support through the for its treatment is established.2 However, an imbalance
patient’s upper airway using a mask or similar device. between the increased elastic and resistive load and
This technique is successful in correcting hypoventila- the reduced capacity of the respiratory pump is not a
tion. It has become widely accepted as the standard unique feature of acute exacerbation of COPD
treatment for patients with hypercapnic respiratory fail- (AECOPD). Many other diseases may lead to AHRF,
ure (HRF). Since the 1980s, NIV has been used in inten- and therefore NIV has been also used in a wide range
sive care units and, after initial anecdotal reports and of other conditions associated with acidosis and hyper-
larger series, a number of randomized trials have been capnia, despite most of the studies having been con-
conducted. Data from these trials have shown that NIV ducted in patients with COPD (see Table 1).3
is a valuable treatment for HRF. This review aims to This review aims to discuss what is known from the
explore the principal areas in which NIV can be useful,
present literature and to summarize the main indica-
focusing particularly on patients with acute HRF
(AHRF). We will update the evidence base with the goal tions of NIV in AHRF in a practical way.
of supporting clinical practice. We provide a practical
description of the main indications for NIV in AHRF ACUTE EXACERBATION OF COPD
and identify the group of patients with hypercapnic fail-
ure who will benefit most from the application of NIV. NIV is considered the standard of care in the manage-
ment of AHRF secondary to AECOPD4 both in patients
with and without previous chronic hypercapnia.
Key words: hypercapnia, non-invasive ventilation, respiratory
acidosis, respiratory failure.
Since the late 1980s, NIV has been used in intensive
care units (ICU) and emergency departments. In the
first randomized controlled trial, Brochard et al.5
INTRODUCTION showed NIV significantly reduced the need for endotra-
cheal intubation (ETI) when compared to standard
The normal level of carbon dioxide (CO2) tension in
medical treatment among patients admitted to an ICU
the arterial blood (PaCO2) results from the relationship with AECOPD. The frequency of complications was sig-
between the rate of CO2 production and the portion of nificantly lower in the NIV group and the mean hospi-
CO2 eliminated by the lung with alveolar ventilation. tal stay significantly shorter. The in-hospital mortality
Acute hypercapnic respiratory failure (AHRF) is more rate was also significantly reduced with NIV. A subse-
commonly determined by a defect of this latter mecha- quent study confirmed NIV was associated with
nism (respiratory pump failure), when the respiratory reduced rates of ETI and mortality.6
muscles do not provide sufficient alveolar ventilation to Conti et al.7 compared NIV and invasive mechanical
maintain a normal arterial PaCO2.1 A rapid elevation of ventilation (IMV) in 49 patients with an AECOPD who
PaCO2 leads to a drop in arterial blood pH as a conse- failed standard medical treatment. In these very sick
quence of the lowering of HCO3_/PaCO2 ratio. patients, NIV was proven to be non-inferior than ETI
and IMV. Moreover, in those patients who could be
managed successfully with NIV, there was an advan-
Correspondence: Stefano Nava, Respiratory and Critical Care tage both in terms of reduction in ICU stay, readmis-
Unit, University Hospital St Orsola-Malpighi, Via G. Massarenti
sions to hospital in the following year and need for de
9, Bologna 40138, Italy. Email: stefanava@gmail.com
Received 3 September 2018; invited to revise 19 September, novo long-term oxygen therapy.
19 and 28 October, and 15 November 2018; revised 9, 22 and The application of NIV in general wards has been
30 October, and 18 November 2018; accepted 9 December 2018. also widely investigated in a number of studies. In the
© 2019 Asian Pacific Society of Respirology Respirology (2019)
doi: 10.1111/resp.13469
2 V Comellini et al.

Table 1 Indications for NIV in acute hypercapnic and the requirement of ETI and mechanical ventilation
respiratory failure (MV). For the more severely ill patients, typically with a
pH < 7.25, instead of being a preventive tool, NIV can
1 Acute exacerbation of COPD represent an alternative to ETI. There is no lower limit
2 Cardiogenic pulmonary oedema of pH below which a trial of NIV is inappropriate; how-
3 Obesity and obesity hypoventilation syndrome ever, the lower the pH, the greater the risk of failure,
4 Weaning from invasive mechanical ventilation and patients must be very closely monitored with rapid
5 Prevention of post-extubation failure in those patients access to ETI and IMV if not improving. Therefore, a
previously intubated cautious trial of NIV can be considered, unless the
6 Chest wall diseases and neuromuscular diseases patient is immediately deteriorating. When compared
7 Palliative care and do-not-intubate patients to IMV, successful NIV reduces the duration of ICU
8 Miscellaneous (very old patients, community-acquired and hospital stay, the number of hospital readmissions
pneumonia and bridge to transplantation) in the subsequent year,7 ventilator-associated pneumo-
nia and the requirement for tracheostomy.20 Coma has
COPD, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; NIV,
non-invasive ventilation.
been classically described as a contraindication to NIV,
but the clinically favourable response of a subset
patients with hypercapnic encephalopathy has made
largest one, it was confirmed that delivery of NIV in this statement questionable.21–23
general ward is feasible.8 In this multicentre UK trial Conversely, NIV is not recommended for patients
comparing NIV with standard therapy, early institution with AECOPD and hypercapnia who do not have
of NIV reduced treatment failure and halved hospital acidosis.4,24–28 Hence, in these patients with hypercap-
mortality. From a post hoc subgroup analysis, data nia but no acidosis, the pillars of treatment are medical
emerged suggesting a worse outcome in patients with therapy and, most importantly, correct titration of oxy-
pH 7.30. Thus, sicker, more acidotic patients should be gen, targeted to a saturation of 88–92%,29 as hyper-
monitored more closely in order to avoid delays in oxygenation is a cause of acidosis and hypercapnia.30
intubation. In recent years, significant emphasis has been placed
In a prospective pilot cohort study conducted by on the possible use of new techniques, such as high-
Fiorino et al. in a non-‘highly protected’ environment flow nasal cannula (HFNC). HFNC delivers a mix of air
in a medical ward of a rural hospital,9 NIV produced and oxygen with an inspired oxygen fraction (FiO2)
similar improvements in arterial blood gases not only ranging between 0.21 and 1.0, and with a range of pos-
in patients with mild, but also with severe forms of sible gas flows (1–60 L/min).The gas undergoes 100%
respiratory acidosis. The favourable results of this pro- humidification and is heated to approximately normal
spective study, and of another retrospective one10 may body temperature. Over the last 10 years, HFNC have
be related to the long-term experience of the staff with had widespread uptake in the adult population, due to
NIV and the improved technology of ventilators and its versatility and ease of use. The main fields of appli-
interfaces, compared with Plant et al.’s study.8 cation of HFNC are still the treatment of acute hypox-
The benefits of NIV and its non-inferiority to stan- aemic respiratory failure, that is not a specific topic of
dard therapy have been confirmed in a large number this review,31–33 or prevention of post-extubation respi-
of other randomized controlled trial (RCT) in many dif- ratory failure.34 The HFNC seems more effective than
ferent settings, in different countries and healthcare conventional oxygen therapy and non-inferior to NIV
systems.11 in most studies conducted among hypoxaemic patients.
Several large surveys showed that the use of NIV has Another issue is that of hypercapnic patients. However,
become widespread in the treatment of AECOPD in HFNC has also been recently proposed in hypercapnic
Europe and in the United States.12–14 acute and chronic respiratory failure. HFNC can pro-
Nowadays, NIV can be delivered safely in any dedi- vide several benefits in these populations, such as
cated setting, ranging from emergency departments, maintenance of a constant and accurate FiO2, genera-
medical units to high-dependency and ICU. Of note, tion of a positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP),
however, NIV should be performed by adequately reduction of the anatomical dead space, improvement
trained staff with the availability of appropriate moni- of mucociliary clearance and reduction in the work of
toring facilities because despite increasing experience breathing.35,36 It is presumed that these benefits may
with this technique, the rate of NIV failure remains help in reducing or at least in getting under control
high at 20% and 30% in patients with COPD admitted alveolar hypoventilation, making HFNC a valid support
to ICU, especially in those patients with severe dys- to use with NIV or as an alternative to it for the less
pnoea.15,16 A successful outcome is highly dependent severe patients (i.e. for patients who are hypercapnic,
on accurate patient selection and among patients with but not acidotic). However, this matter will have to be
COPD the severity of hypercapnia and/or acidosis after further discussed and confirmed in future RCT. During
initiation of NIV is a major predictor of NIV failure.17–19 an episode of AHRF, Lee et al. in a prospective obser-
As remarked in recent ATS/ERS guidelines,4 strong vational trial compared the effectiveness of HFNC and
evidence supports the use of NIV in patients who NIV and did not find any difference in intubation rate
develop AHRF (pH ≤ 7.35, PaCO2 > 45 mm Hg) due to and 30-day mortality between the two groups.37 Cer-
AECOPD. tainly, most of the studies showed that HFNC is consis-
Within this group, we can identify less severely ill tently better tolerated by patients than NIV, as mask
patients with a pH of 7.25–7.35. For these patients, NIV intolerance is one of the main causes of NIV failure,
could be useful to prevent the progression of acidosis leading to ETI. Optimization of the treatment includes
© 2019 Asian Pacific Society of Respirology Respirology (2019)
NIV and hypercapnic respiratory failure 3

the appropriate selection of the interfaces (material, fit, In 2008, Grey et al. published the largest multicentre
size and type) in order to minimize complications such trial, in which >1000 patients were randomized to
as decubitus injuries and claustrophobia. Anxiety and CPAP, NIV or standard oxygen therapy. This trial found
delirium are important issues in critical care environ- physiological improvement in the CPAP and bilevel
ment, and their occurrence is high both in ICU38 and in NIV groups compared with the standard group, but no
respiratory intensive care.39 Delirium is associated with difference in intubation rate or mortality at 7 and
increased mortality especially in patients undergoing 30 days. Although a pH of <7.35 was one of the inclu-
NIV, as demonstrated by Chan et al., who reported an sion criteria, only <20% of the patients were affected by
augmented risk for the occurrence of early death of 4.4 a chronic respiratory disorder.56
in this group of patients.40 Five systematic reviews subsequent to this investiga-
Judicious use of sedation during NIV could be a tion concluded CPAP and NIV are equivalent and supe-
valuable option. However, although widely used in rior to standard oxygen in reducing intubation rate and
clinical practice, sedation during NIV has been investi- mortality, but still did not clarify which one of the two
gated only in a few studies.41–47 The current limited techniques should be preferentially used in patients
data available suggest that it could be safe and feasible. with hypercapnia.57–61 Hence, either NIV or CPAP is
Remifentanil or dexmedetomidine could have the most recommended for patients with ARF due to CPE, even
suitable overall profile, while benzodiazepines should in the pre-hospital setting.4,62 In case of hypercapnia,
generally be avoided, as well as haloperidol or atypical NIV could theoretically be the preferred choice for its
antipsychotics.48,49 However, more widespread applica- greater action on alveolar hypoventilation.
tion and the determination of the ‘ideal’ sedative or Moreover, clinicians should be aware that patients
analgesic drug to be used during NIV, as well as the with CPE presenting with severe hypercapnia
best route and modalities of administration, should (PaCO2 > 60 mm Hg) may require particular attention.
await the results of further RCT. Contou et al. demonstrated that among patients treated
for severe CPE and having no identified underlying
CLD, severe hypercapnia at admission correlates with a
longer duration of NIV without an increase in intuba-

Cardiogenic pulmonary oedema (CPE) frequently leads

to acute respiratory failure (ARF), sometimes associ- OBESITY AND OHS
ated with hypercapnia, mostly in patients with a preex-
isting chronic lung disease (CLD).50 Around 20–50% of Respiratory involvement in obese patients is complex
patients with severe CPE have hypercapnia and this is and includes pulmonary abnormalities, impairment of
considered as a marker of severity associated with a central respiratory control and sleep-related breathing
higher risk of intubation.51 In general, in this subset of disorders.64 Although obesity is frequent in patients
patients, the rate of NIV success is very high (96%).52 with COPD, asthma and sleep apnoea–hypopnea syn-
Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) and NIV drome (SAHS), a minority of obese subjects develop
represent the first line of treatment together with stan- obesity hypoventilation syndrome (OHS), defined by a
dard medical therapy in acute CPE. body mass index (BMI) >30 kg/m2 and chronic alveolar
Nevertheless, CPAP can not be considered a ‘real’ hypoventilation leading to daytime hypercapnia.64
form of MV, as it does not provide support during the There is a paucity of data regarding the use of NIV in
inspiratory phase, but a constant positive pressure is obese patients, most of which arises from case series,
applied to raise functional residual capacity and open often retrospective, with limited patient numbers.65–67
flooded alveoli. NIV or so-called bilevel ventilation Rabec et al. showed that patients with AHRF and
(i.e. the combination of inspiratory pressure and expi- OHS can be successfully treated with NIV, as most of
ratory pressure) is, on the other hand, a ‘real’ form of them improved PaCO2 and avoided ETI.68 Similar
ventilation, and therefore theoretically more appropri- results were obtained by Duarte et al., who demon-
ate when the respiratory pump is failing. strated that in 50 morbidly obese patients with AHRF,
In the subset of patients with hypercapnia, a multi- NIV avoided ETI in the majority of cases.69 In addition,
centre study comparing NIV with standard oxygen, the hospital mortality for the IMV and NIV failure group
former decreased the need for intubation, and was was higher compared with those successfully managed
associated with a reduction in hospital mortality, and with NIV.
similar rates of myocardial infarction.53 Bry et al. showed that among 77 obese adults admit-
When a head-to-head comparison between CPAP ted in an ICU because of ARF, subjects with the most
and NIV was performed, NIV accelerated the improve- severe obesity or who experienced the most difficult
ment of ARF compared to CPAP but did not affect pri- initial ventilation were at higher risk of receiving long-
mary clinical outcomes (i.e. death and intubation) term NIV.70 However, NIV at home was effective and
either in overall population or in subgroups of patients well tolerated.
with hypercapnia or those with high B-type natriuretic Not all the patients with OHS, undergoing AHRF,
peptide.54 require long-term NIV, as a significant proportion can
Similar results were obtained by Bellone et al. dem- be managed with CPAP while others can be weaned
onstrating NIV was as effective as CPAP in the treat- completely.71
ment of patients with CPE and hypercapnia, but did Carillo et al. compared outcomes in patients with
not improve resolution time.55 AHRF due to OHS or COPD, who were treated with
Respirology (2019) © 2019 Asian Pacific Society of Respirology
4 V Comellini et al.

NIV.72 Patients with OHS had less late NIV failure, reintubation; furthermore, a post hoc analysis of the
lower hospital mortality and higher 1-year survival. latter trial showed that ICU mortality was also reduced
Among patients with COPD, obesity was associated in the subgroup of patients with hypercapnia treated
with less late NIV failure and hospital readmission. with NIV. A subsequent RCT performed in this specific
Interestingly, both COPD and OHS patients were venti- condition has confirmed this important result.82
lated using the same settings, while in clinical practice Two smaller single-centre trials also randomized
the two groups commonly receive different levels of patients to receive NIV or standard treatment after
inspiratory and expiratory pressures. planned extubation.83,84 Khilnani et al. enrolled patients
Despite the large clinical use of NIV in AHRF due to with COPD only and found no differences regarding
OHS, we are still lacking RCT, and therefore no recom- intubation rate and ICU and hospital lengths of stay.
mendation has been given by the ERS/ATS guidelines.4 Ornico et al. enrolled mostly patients with AECOPD
and found a significant reduction in the rates of reintu-
bation and deaths in the NIV group.
WEANING FROM IMV In conclusion, promptly initiated NIV for at least
48 h in selected ‘at-risk’ patients may prevent post-
Prolonged intubation and MV are related to high mor- extubation respiratory failure, especially in those
bidity and mortality,73,74 and a strategy to accelerate the patients with persistent hypercapnia.
process of weaning is expected to improve patient
prognosis and to shorten the ICU length of stay.
In the majority of cases, withdrawal of MV is possible CHEST WALL DISEASES AND
immediately after resolution of the underlying prob- NEUROMUSCULAR DISEASES
lems responsible for ARF. However, there is a group of
ventilated patients, namely those with a preexisting In patients with neuromuscular diseases (NMD) and
respiratory disease and persisting hypercapnia, who chest wall diseases (CWD), the decrease in respiratory
require more gradual and longer withdrawal of MV. muscle strength (resulting in ineffective alveolar venti-
In patients with ventilator-dependent hypercapnia lation), altered rib cage compliance and weakness of
and COPD, NIV has been shown to be as effective as expiratory muscles (leading to inadequate clearance of
IMV in reducing inspiratory effort and improving arte- airway secretions) are causes of chronic hypercapnic
rial blood gases.75,76 Patients who failed a T-piece trial respiratory failure (HRF), that during exacerbations,
were randomized to either extubation, with immediate may lead to potentially life-threatening problems.85
application of NIV, or continued weaning with the The NMD can be classified into two main categories,
endotracheal tube in place. Overall, this study showed according to the clinical onset of AHRF: (i) slowly pro-
that when NIV is used as a weaning technique, the like- gressive NMD with acute exacerbation of chronic respi-
lihood of weaning success is increased, while the dura- ratory failure and (ii) rapidly progressive NMD. Motor
tion of MV and ICU stay decreased. neurone diseases, spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) and
A second RCT was conducted on patients with CLD, inherited myopathies (i.e. Duchenne muscular dystro-
intubated during an episode of ARF.77 This study phy) are the most frequent slowly progressive NMD,
pointed out a shorter duration of IMV in the groups while myasthenia gravis (MG), Guillain–Barré syn-
weaned non-invasively, although no differences were drome (GBS) and inflammatory myopathies are the
found in ICU or hospital stay or 3-month survival. most common rapidly progressive, and potentially
Further studies were performed over the following reversible, NMD.86
years. Burns et al.78 identified 16 RCT enrolling 994 par- Treatment of chronic ventilatory failure with noctur-
ticipants overall, mostly with COPD. Compared with nal NIV combined with mechanically assisted coughing
conventional weaning, NIV was associated with a sig- is the standard of care in adults and children with HRF
nificant decrease in mortality, ventilator-associated secondary to slowly progressive disorders and CWD.87
pneumonia, ICU and hospital length of stay and total Very little is known about the use of NIV during an
duration of MV, especially in the subset of patients with episode of AHRF, despite the fact that NMD account
a preexisting CLD. for about 10% of ICU admissions.88 Among patients
Considering these findings, recent guidelines4 sug- with neuromuscular respiratory failure, those without a
gest the application of NIV to facilitate weaning from known diagnosis before ICU admission have poorer
MV in patients with AHRF. outcomes.89
A recent Cochrane review90 found no RCT using NIV
to treat an acute exacerbation in NMD and RTD
FAILURE IN THOSE PATIENTS Flandreau et al.91 described the outcome of 87 NMD
PREVIOUSLY INTUBATED patients experiencing their first AHRF episode requir-
ing ICU admission. Among patients with hereditary dis-
Post-extubation failure is a major clinical problem in eases and acquired diseases, respectively, the rates of
ICU.79 Two randomized trials have been performed to NIV use during the ICU stay were 82% and 63% and
assess whether NIV is effective in preventing the occur- the intubation rates were 30% and 56%. At hospital dis-
rence of post-extubation failure in patients at risk, most charge, 46% of the patients were on NIV and 29% had
of them affected by hypercapnia after the removal of tracheotomy.
endotracheal tube.80,81 Both studies showed that the Vianello et al.92 showed that NIV combined with
groups treated with NIV had a lower rate of mini-tracheotomy decreased the mortality and ICU stay
© 2019 Asian Pacific Society of Respirology Respirology (2019)
NIV and hypercapnic respiratory failure 5

versus IMV in 14 patients with hypercapnic ARF due to despite these patients frequently experiencing severe
slowly progressive NMD. respiratory acidosis and hypercapnia with associated
An observational study found that NIV was effective encephalopathy, which are potential predictors of NIV
in avoiding tracheal intubation in 79% of the 17 NMD failure. We lack RCT in this scenario, but in observa-
patients enrolled.93 tional studies, the use of NIV in patients with ‘DNI’ was
Only three small studies have been published on the associated, at least in some subsets of patients (COPD
use of NIV in patients with MG,94–96 and only two case and congestive heart failure), with a surprisingly high
reports in patients with GBS.97,98 NIV was shown to pre- (>30–60%) hospital survival and a 3-month quality of
vent intubation in patients with myasthenic crisis, but life equivalent to patients treated with NIV and having
this effect was observed only in patients without no limitation placed on support.109
hypercapnia. The use of NIV is becoming increasingly popular in
While ‘chronic’ NIV is the standard of care in CWD patients with DNI or as a palliative tool in terminally ill
and NMD patients, we are still lacking RCT patients, but clinicians should have very clear goals
during AHRF. regarding therapy in these patients.


NIV may be used as a ceiling treatment, merely as a TRANSPLANTATION)
palliative tool to relieve dyspnoea, in critically ill
patients with end-stage disease. A European survey The proportion of elderly people among hospitalized
carried out in several respiratory ICU found that up to patients, including ICU admissions, is rapidly growing
22% of those admitted to hospital in a terminal phase in developed countries. According to recent epidemio-
of their disease, received this treatment.99 logical studies, very old patients (i.e. those older than
Palliative care usually concerns cancer patients, but 80 years) represent 10–15% of ICU admissions.110,111
also refers to subjects with end-stage chronic respira- A large observational study on 1019 patients needing
tory failure. Chronic hypercapnia and dyspnoea are ventilatory support showed that 376 (37%) received
typical features of the advanced phase of these respira- NIV. Among them, 163 (16%) very old patients
tory diseases and breathlessness also occurs in these (>80 years) received ventilatory support, with 60% of
terminal patients as a consequence of AECOPD or car- them managed with NIV compared with 32% of youn-
diac failure.100 ger patients. Hospital mortality was higher in very old
Patients and their families expect symptomatic relief than in younger patients but interestingly it did not dif-
of devastating symptoms, such as dyspnoea, pain, anxi- fer when NIV was used for AHRF due to CPE or acute-
ety and fear of death. on-chronic respiratory failure. The 6-month mortality
Despite the best possible medical management, was 51% in very old patients, 67% for patients with
almost all the patients with end-stage cancer or respira- ‘DNI’ and 77% in case of NIV failure and ETI.112
tory diseases experience breathlessness, and NIV can There are a few other smaller observational studies,
help relieve their suffering and eventually to die showing that NIV may be useful to treat AHRF in old
peacefully.101–103 A multicentre RCT showed a signifi- or very old patients, with an average mortality rate of
cantly greater reduction in breathlessness, especially in <40%.113–115
the hypercapnic subgroup of patients, when NIV was The only RCT in these patients was performed by
compared to standard oxygen therapy.102 Interestingly, Nava et al. enrolling 82 patients older than 75 years.116
the authors also showed that NIV might reduce the During an episode of AHRF in old patients with a pre-
dose of morphine necessary to palliate dyspnoea, existing CLD, the use of NIV was associated with a
maintaining better cognitive function. Overall, NIV had lower proportion of patients meeting ETI criteria, a
a similar rate of acceptance by patients compared with higher survival rate and faster resolution of respiratory
oxygen therapy (60%).102 Hence, NIV has become part distress when compared with standard treatment. The
of the therapeutic armamentarium of palliative use of NIV as a rescue therapy was associated with a
care.103,104 However, although it is considered a ‘non- lower mortality rate compared with ETI.
invasive’ technique, the use of NIV in a palliative care Concerning de novo ARF, recent guidelines4 were
setting may be controversial. First, this is because the unable to offer a recommendation on the use of NIV in
patient may not tolerate NIV well, with undesirable this area. Despite this, some RCT in patients with
side effects such as skin lesions, irritation of the eyes community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) have demon-
and claustrophobia. Second, it is thought that NIV may strated that NIV is associated with a reduced need for
unduly delay death.105,106 Therefore, the decision to ETI.117–121However, in real life, potential harms of NIV
stop or continue NIV in this scenario is not based on exist. For example, patients with pneumonia who
an ‘objective’ physiological variable, but only on the received NIV were 56% more likely to require intuba-
patient’s wishes. tion than patients with COPD who received NIV, and
A particular issue for using NIV as a palliative tool is no survival benefits were observed in Medicare patients
that of patients bearing a do-not-intubate (DNI) order comparing NIV and IMV.122–125
(patients with life-threatening ARF who refuse intuba- The treatment of respiratory failure due to pneumo-
tion/tracheostomy).6,107,108 In this respect, NIV may be nia with NIV may also lead to greater mortality than
used palliatively but also with a ‘curative’ aim. The lat- other modes of non-invasive oxygen supplementation
ter would be the case in a reversible cause of ARF, such as HFNC.31 Interestingly, only one study has
Respirology (2019) © 2019 Asian Pacific Society of Respirology
6 V Comellini et al.

considered the use of NIV in CAP and AHRF in patients (electromyographie, electrical stimulation of the diaphragm and
with a preexisting CLD.119 Fifty-five patients were ran- mechanics) and pharmacology of the ‘acute’ patient. V.C. is Phy-
domized to NIV or standard treatment. Subgroup anal- sician at the Division of Respiratory and Critical Care Unit, St
Orsola-Malpighi Hospital, Bologna, Diagnostic and Specialty
ysis showed that patients randomized to NIV had a
Medicine – DIMES, Alma Mater Studiorum, University of Bolo-
reduced need for intubation and a better 2-month sur- gna. Her interests are respiratory failure, MV (invasive and non-
vival. However, this was not confirmed among those invasive), weaning from MV, lung ultrasounds, respiratory mus-
patients with ‘pure hypoxia’, suggesting that in AHRF cle and infections of the respiratory tract. A.M.G.P. is Assistant
associated with CAP, NIV may be of some benefit. Professor of Respiratory Medicine, Department of Experimental,
Many patients with cystic fibrosis (CF) develop respi- Diagnostic and Specialty Medicine – DIMES, Alma Mater Stu-
ratory failure from progressive airway obstruction and diorum University of Bologna, and Attending Physician at the
bronchiectasis and when the disease becomes more Division of Respiratory and Critical Care Unit, St Orsola-Malpighi
severe, hypercapnia may ensue.126 At this stage, NIV Hospital, Bologna. Her interests are causes and treatment of
respiratory failure.
may focus on alleviating both the symptomatic and
physiological effects of respiratory failure.1,127 Patients
with CF or bronchiectasis may suffer AHRF during an Abbreviations: AECOPD, acute exacerbation of COPD; AHRF,
exacerbation of moderate to severe disease, or indeed acute HRF; ARF, acute respiratory failure; CAP, community-
without any identified specific acute cause. In this pop- acquired pneumonia; CF, cystic fibrosis; CLD, chronic lung
ulation, NIV ameliorates dyspnoea and avoids ETI and disease; CO2, carbon dioxide; CPAP, continuous positive airways
its complications.128–131 Moreover NIV could sustain life pressure; CPE, cardiogenic pulmonary oedema; CWD, chest wall
until more definitive life prolonging treatment could be diseases; DNI, do not intubate; ETI, endotracheal intubation;
offered; NIV as a ‘bridge’ to transplant has become FiO2, inspired oxygen fraction; GBS, Guillain–Barré syndrome;
routine at centres capable of performing lung trans- HFNC, high-flow nasal cannula; HRF, hypercapnic respiratory
failure; ICU, intensive care unit; IMV, invasive MV; MG,
plant for CF.129,131–133 However, to date, only modest
myasthenia gravis; MV, mechanical ventilation; NIV, non-
evidence supports the use of NIV in patients with CF, invasive ventilation; NMD, neuromuscular disease; OHS, obesity
and there were no long-term data on its safety or hypoventilation syndrome; PaCO2, CO2 tension in the arterial
efficacy. blood; RCT, randomized controlled trial.

When respiratory pump failure occurs, leading to
AHRF, NIV is a therapeutic option of paramount 1 Davidson AC, Banham S, Elliott M, Kennedy D, Gelder C,
importance. Glossop A, Church AC, Creagh-Brown B, Dodd JW, Felton T
Large data sets from RCT conducted in populations et al.; BTS Standards of Care Committee Member; British Tho-
of hypercapnic patients demonstrate that the principal racic Society/Intensive Care Society Acute Hypercapnic Respira-
indications are AECOPD and CPE; however, benefits tory Failure Guideline Development Group; On behalf of the
have also been shown when NIV is applied to OHS and British Thoracic Society Standards of Care Committee. BTS/ICS
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