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Complete the sentences by putting in the verbs.

1. My friend always______________ (want) to speak English.( use the present simple)

2. I ____________ (watch) this movie now. (Use the present continuous).

3. We __________ (understand) the concept in the book. (use present perfect)

4. She _______________ (read) the novel for three hours. (use present perfect
5. I __________________(wear) the coat last night in the party. (use the past simple)

6. They _______________(make) a call to me when I watched movie.(use the past


7. He ___________ (reach) his classroom five minute before the exams started.( use the
past perfect)

8. They ___________(write) the letter since 3 O clock. (use the past perfect continuous)

9. He _____________ (help) the poor the next week. ( use the simple future )

10. They ____________(play) the hockey tomorrow this time. ( use the future

11. I ________ (complete) the task by 23rd of March. (use the future perfect)

12. We ___________(travel) to USA since morning. (use the future perfect continuous)

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