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Version 2.1


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Review Process
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TT/CMMI/ENG/REV 2.1 2/10

Version No Nature of Change/Remarks Prepared By Approved by
2 Update Process Ho Kian Ping Daryl Choo 18/11/2015

2.1 Update process to align with ISMS Ti Hooi Suan Daryl Choo 01/08/2017

Amendment Record
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TT/CMMI/ENG/REV 2.1 3/10


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REVIEW PROCESS.............................................................................................................................. 4
1.0 PURPOSE AND SCOPE ............................................................................................................. 4
2.0 GLOSSARY ............................................................................................................................. 5
3.0 ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES .................................................................................................... 6
4.0 PROCESS FLOW DIAGRAM....................................................................................................... 6
5.0 LIST OF PROCEDURES ............................................................................................................... 6
6.0 PROCEDURE DESCRIPTION ....................................................................................................... 7
6.1. Perform Review.............................................................................................................. 7
7.0 MEASUREMENTS .................................................................................................................... 10
8.0 TAILORING OPTIONS ............................................................................................................. 10
9.0 QUALITY OF RECORDS ........................................................................................................... 10
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FT/CMMI/ENG/REV 2.1 4/10

Review Process

1.0 Purpose and Scope

The purpose of the Review process is to ensure that the outputs of various
processes in software projects meet their specifications and relevant
requirements. Examples of these outputs are as follows:
• User Requirement Specifications
• Software Requirement Specifications
• Software Design Specifications
• Project Management Plans
• Guidelines for Process Tailoring
• Project CM Plan
• Project QA Plan
• Project Risk Management Plan
• Master Test Plan
• Test Cases
• Installation Manual & User Manual
• Source Codes

A review process is a process where individuals/groups other than the author

of an output examine the output and identify defects and suggest
Defects of an output are deficiencies and discrepancies with respect to pre-
defined requirements, implied requirements and standards. Testing is one way
of identifying defects. However, many items cannot be ‘tested’ in a
conventional sense. Furthermore, in many cases, it is not possible to perform
complete testing, thus, reviews can be performed to identify defects. Review
can be performed internally by project team members or externally by
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2.0 Glossary

Abbreviation Description

CC Configuration Controller
CI Configuration Item
CM Configuration Management
CMP Configuration Management Plan
CR Change Request
PAL Process Asset Library
PM Project Manager
PMP Project Management Plan
QA Quality Assurance
SQA Software Quality Assurance
SRS Software Requirement Specification
UAT User Acceptance Test
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3.0 Roles and Responsibilities

Project Manager (PM) Identifies the reviewers
Author Prepare the review item
Reviewer To review the review item

The responsibility for effective reviews depends on the items to be reviewed.

The various processes identify the group of persons responsible for the reviews
of these outputs. Within a project, PM is responsible for ensuring effective
implementation of the review process, unless otherwise specified.

4.0 Process Flow Diagram


Perform Review


PM identifies the reviewers

Perform the Review

Defect Log
Findings will be recorded


5.0 List of Procedures

1. Perform Review
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6.0 Procedure Description

6.1. Perform Review

Entry Criteria 1. When an output is “complete” according to author

Inputs 1. Output/Deliverables/CIs
2. Supporting materials for review (e.g. specifications,
standards, checklists, templates)
3. Defect Tracking Log template with review objective

Steps 1. During project initial phase, PM identifies the

following in Project Management Plan:
▪ Type of documents that are required for
▪ Schedule, frequency and timeframe for
review activities; and

SQA appointed to participate in review(s) session

Templates: Project Management Plan
2. There are two (2) types of review methods:
• Offline review
• Walkthrough
3. • PM identifies the reviewers.
• The author informs the reviewers of an
output/deliverable ready for review.
• PM informs the review team about the schedule
for the Review Activity at least two (2) days
ahead of the Review and shall ensure that the
review environment (e.g. rooms, review
package, checklists, guidelines, standards, tools
and other relevant items) is completely ready
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4. The following checklists are used for review:

• The output / CIs
• Requirement Checklist
• Review Checklists, if available
• Source Code Guideline
• CM Checklist
• Defect Tracking Log
• CI Master List

Checklists: CM Checklist
Checklists: Requirement Checklist
Checklists: Source Code Guideline

5. Defect Tracking Log is ready for reviewers: -

▪ Review Objectives
▪ Project ID/Name
▪ Item to be reviewed
▪ Version no.
▪ Author name
PM states the review deadline for the reviewers in the
email and provides the Item Reviewed No.

Reviewers to enter the review effort data.

6. The reviewers perform a desk check on the

output/deliverable to identify potential issues.
7. The reviewer sends the reviewed items to the author
with the details of the defects found and logged in
the Defect Tracking Log (DTL).

Forms: Defect Tracking Log (for Reviews)

8. For Defect Type, Root Cause, and Severity definition,
refer to descriptions in the Defect Tracking Log under
Instruction tab.
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9. Author fixes the defects to the output/deliverable

based on the Defect Tracking Log. Upon
completion, author informs the reviewers and
updates the following fields:
▪ Defect Closed Date
▪ Status
▪ Resolution
▪ Phase Closed
▪ Remarks / Description of Resolution
10. The reviewer performs verification on the fixes of the
reviewed item.
All defects are tracked to closure by author and
verified by the PM.
Upon closure of all issues, the reviewer sets the
defects status to “Closed” in the Defect Tracking
11. The author informs the PM that the review is
12. Once the defects are tracked to closure, the
reviewed item/CI is ready to be baselined. The base-
lining criteria are followed. Author sends the baseline
CI to CC. CC ensures that the baseline CI meets the
requirement and checks-in the CI , DTL, and review
checklists into PAL.
13. Defect analysis is part of the project performance to
be reviewed during the Milestone Review Meeting
and the analysis result should be recorded in the
minutes of meeting.
Templates: Minutes of Meeting

Outputs 1. Defect Tracking Log (Defect List)

2. Revised Output/Deliverable
3. Minutes of Meeting
4. Change Request (if any)

Exit Criteria 1. Closure and verification of all defects in the Defect

Tracking Log
2. CR is closed (if any)
3. Baselining criteria is met
4. Reviewed items (CIs) and its Defect Tracking Log are
checked-in into PAL
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7.0 Measurements
1. Number of defects found in each review.
2. Defect density is calculated.

8.0 Tailoring Options

None identified.

9.0 Quality Records

Output / Record Retention Responsibility
Defect Tracking Log (for Review) Retained by PM until project completion
Retained in PAL for 7 years thereafter

~ End of Document ~

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