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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

Quiban, Daniela Mae STEM 11-3

Exploring Gender Equality and Feminism

"HeforShe" and "We Should All Be Feminists" are two distinct essays that address different
aspects of gender equality and feminism. The central idea of Emma Watson's speech about
feminism is to advocate for gender equality and to challenge the misconceptions and negative
stereotypes surrounding the feminist movement. She argues that feminism is not just about
women's rights, but about equal rights for all genders and creating a more just and equal society.
Watson also emphasizes the importance of men being allies in the fight for gender equality, and
encourages both men and women to embrace and support feminist ideals. While Ms. Adichie's
point about feminism is that feminism is about advocating for the rights and equality of women
and challenging systems and beliefs that discriminate against or oppress women. It is about
acknowledging and rejecting the ways in which society and culture often prioritize the needs and
desires of men over those of women.

There are several pieces of evidence present in Emma Watson's speech. Watson's speaks
about her own experiences with gender inequality and the impact it has had on her life. She
shares examples of times when she has been treated unfairly because of her gender and how this
has motivated her to fight for gender equality and Watson use anecdotes to engage the audience
and convey the gravity of the issue. She speaks about the pain and frustration she has felt as a
result of gender inequality and calls on others to join her in the fight for change. While Ms.
Adichie often talks about her own experiences with gender inequality and how it has affected her
life, which serves as evidence for the existence of gender inequality and the need for feminism.
She also discuss the history of feminism and how it has evolved over time, providing evidence
for the longstanding struggle for gender equality and the continued need for feminism.

The two speeches are similar in that both Ms. Adichie and Emma Watson address issues of
gender and gender roles. Ms. Adichie's speech, "We Should All Be Feminists," discusses the
ways in which society imposes gendered expectations on individuals and how these expectations
can be harmful to both men and women. Watson's speech, "HeForShe," similarly discusses the
importance of gender equality and the ways in which society often reinforces gender-based

Barangay Bulihan, Silang, Cavite

(046) 890-0133
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
inequalities. One difference between the two speeches is the focus of the speakers. Ms. Adichie's
speech is more focused on the experiences of women and the ways in which society often
imposes limiting gender roles on them. Watson's speech, on the other hand, takes a more
inclusive approach and addresses the ways in which gender inequality affects men as well as
women and the another difference is the tone of the two speeches. Ms. Adichie's speech is more
confrontational and passionate, as she addresses the ways in which society often dismisses or
belittles the experiences of women. Watson's speech is more calm and measured, as she
emphasizes the importance of working together to create a more equal and inclusive society.

The two speeches resonate with me for different reasons, The HeforShe resonates with me
more on a personal level because it addresses the fact that gender inequality affects everyone, not
just women. It speaks to the idea that men and boys can and should be allies in the fight for
gender equality, which is something I strongly believe in. It also highlights the importance of
understanding and acknowledging privilege, which I think is crucial in creating a more equal
society. While We Should All Be Feminists resonates with me more on a societal level because it
addresses the systemic and cultural barriers that prevent women from achieving equality. It
highlights the ways in which society is structured to favor men, and how that impacts women's
opportunities and experiences. It also challenges the notion that feminism is only for women, and
encourages everyone to advocate for gender equality.

Overall, Both speeches are important and relevant in their own ways, and I believe that both
HeforShe and We Should All Be Feminists have valuable insights and messages that can help us
work towards a more equal and just society.

Barangay Bulihan, Silang, Cavite

(046) 890-0133
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education


Calautti, K. (2014) Gentlemen: Emma Watson Needs Your Help To Fight Gender Inequality

Cole, N.L.(2020) Emma Watson 2014 Speech On Gender Equality equality-3026200

Emma Watson, British actor and UN Women Goodwill Ambassador, co-hosts a special event for
UN Women's HeForShe campaign. (United Nations, 2014,12:13)

Shukla, S. (2020) Why 'We Should All Be Feminist By Chimamanda Ngozi Adiche Is A
Mandatory Read
feminists- chimamanda-ngozi-adichie/

The renowned Nigerian novelist, Ms. Amanda Chimamanda talks about a worldwide
conversation about feminism. (TEDx Talks, 2013,25:59)

Barangay Bulihan, Silang, Cavite

(046) 890-0133

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