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Received: 19 July 2018 Revised: 6 September 2018 Accepted: 17 September 2018

DOI: 10.1002/er.4255


A comprehensive review on bioinspired solar photovoltaic


Ramalingam Senthil | Srinivasan Yuvaraj

Department of Mechanical Engineering,

SRM Institute of Science and Technology,
Chennai, India Researchers have derived inspiration from the biophotosynthetic structures in
nature and have started to synthesize the modified bioinspired solar cells copy-
Ramalingam Senthil, Department of
ing the evolved organic and inorganic material properties. One of the
Mechanical Engineering, SRM Institute of highlighted examples of bioinspired photo voltaic (PV) cells is the astonishing
Science and Technology, Kattankulathur, achievement of an increase in the absorption of integrated sunlight waves in
Chennai, India.
Email: unpatterned solar cells simulated from the wings of the butterfly. Further,
deployment possibilities of incorporating flexible cells on flat or curved sur-
faces for optimizing performance are also under progress. This article mainly
discusses the recent concepts of bioinspired solar cells at the research and
development level with the prospects and challenges that lie ahead in the
upcoming field of photovoltaic renewable energy cell technology. Different
potential materials found suitable for bioinspired solar cells construction are
reviewed with their particular challenges.

bioinspired cells, flexible cells, organic and inorganic materials, photovoltaic

1 | INTRODUCTION adapted from nature. Numerous research teams have

turned to nature and natural processes for improvements
“Bioinspired” is a newly emerging term in science that in various technologies and to make an artificial creation
denotes the study of structures and utilizing them for var- function just as adeptly as a living organism.1 The first
ious applications, which are inspired from the biological cyanobacteria on the earth was discovered over 3.8 billion
organisms found in nature. In recent years, research in years ago.2 The photosynthesis energy conversion process
bioinspired solar photovoltaic cells has focused on recov- from sunlight by plants and insects to generate their food
ering a broad spectrum of sun light to obtain maximum from CO2 and water/H2O is a strong motivating factor for
conversion into electric power at the fabrication stage many new generation researchers to use this sophisti-
itself, also combining the advancements in the field of cated technique as a benchmark to design and develop
nanotechnology. Many new sustainable engineering solu- new‐age solutions. Using photosynthesis energy recovery
tions to human problems such as clean energy recovery as a basic blueprint, researchers have successfully laid an
in an environment‐friendly manner is successfully initial bridge for the development of man‐made
bioinspired mechanisms for light trapping and its conver-
sion to electrical energy through PV cells. However, pho-
Abbreviations: BCL, Bioinspired compound lenses; BISC, Bioinspired
tosynthetic biological living materials have complex
solar cells; DSSC, Dye‐sensitized solar cells; LV, Leaf ventilation; MRS,
Modular robotic system; PCE, Power conversion efficiency; PV, Photo structures for optimized recoveries, developed through
voltaic; SEM, Scanning electron microscope; SPS, solar power satellite; natural selection, drawing inspiration from nature's
WCA, Water contact angle improvisations, researchers have attempted to use

Int J Energy Res. 2018;1–14. © 2018 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 1

different materials of construction to reduce carbon foot- energy based on a large band gap nanocrystalline semicon-
prints during the manufacturing of PV cells. ductor sensitized by a dye.9,10 Several organisms have been
Two major concerns of the fossil fuel‐based industrial- taken for references, their structures and compositions have
ized countries are the inevitable environmental pollution been well researched for modeling polymers and organic
and noxious greenhouse gas emissions responsible for the materials to mimic them. The main objective of this article
alarming repercussions of global warming and unprece- is to provide a comprehensive review on various techniques
dented rate of climate change. In this context, the impor- and methodologies inspired from biotic components and
tance of sustainable practices such as renewable the relevant approaches in the field of solar PV energy
photovoltaic developments cannot be stressed enough.3 technology.
Compound lenses in the eyes of some insects produce
an image that is far more detailed than what humans
can see, its hexagonal shape of packed papillae‐like 2 | B I OINSPIR ED S OLAR C ELLS
ommatidia, which contain internal photoreceptors and
effectively decrease optical reflectance.4-6 The field of Nature is an unending fount of inspiration to science and
nanotechnology along with other recent technologies human innovation in many aspects, particularly new and
has helped in the fabrication of high absorption and improved approaches to the development of products and
antireflecting surfaced PV cells of polished silicon in pho- technologies by emulating solutions provided by the nat-
tovoltaic modules, to restrict the reflection rate of sun- ural world. Much of today's modern sustainability is
light7 within 35%. inspired by the living world, which continues to motivate
Photo‐curing process is the formation of a thermoset researchers to deduce potential technical applications. A
network of polymers, which affects 90% transmittance and few of the recent techniques that have been successfully
5% to 8% of low reflection with an antireflection efficiency adopted are classified in Figure 1. The broad classification
of 4% to 7% compared with the flat bank coating. The effec- comprises bioinspired dyes, organisms, and structures.
tive use of this antireflection coatings with added wrinkles Organisms with the ability to capture or enhance the
pattern, which encloses the thin film solar cells will result optical properties are most sought‐after in the design of
in significant photovoltaic performance improvement of solar photovoltaic cells. Both nonliving and living mate-
4% to 8%. Also, the wrinkle pattern is used to ensure the rial structures have given a major boost to the field of
reduction of light reflection in the photoactive layer optical bioinspired solar cells (BISC).
paths. By achieving oblique light incident angle with a ver-
tical light incident angle, the productivity of the solar cells,
2.1 | Dyes
which are well defined for all weather conditions, showed
an excellent increase8 of 8.5%. Dye‐sensitized solar cells Conventional solar cells are progressively being replaced
(DSSC) are devices that convert solar energy into electrical by the alternative concept of DSSC; there is continuous

FIGURE 1 Bioinspirations

ongoing research to identify the optimally efficient mate- 2.2 | Wettability and superhydrophobic
rials for synthesizing of DSSC. 9,11-15 In the last couple of dyes
years, this cost‐effective enhancement to conventional
Dye application methods are also used to achieve the nec-
solar cells has received a lot of attention, and significant
essary properties of super wettability and
efforts have been made to attain higher efficiencies with
superhydrophobicity. Water contact angle (WCA) is used
DSSC. Photoanode is an essential component of DSSC,
for the characterization of the surface wettability.29
involving photon absorption for recombination and elec-
Superhydrophobic surface provides WCA greater than
tron transport.
150°. These water droplets are allowed to remove the
The modification of the anodes has a remarkable
dust, viruses, and bacteria during its contact with the sur-
impact on the efficiency of DSSC because the operations
face.30-32 Faraz et al33 described the fabrication of the
performed by photoanodes are more than that of dye
superhydrophobic dye and transparent Mn/
and electrolyte. TiO2 and ZnO are observed as encourag-
ZnO@polystyrene thin films during the casting of homo-
ing particles for photoanodes. Figure 2 shows the sche-
geneous Mn/ZnO nanorods and polystyrene. The
matic structure and working principle of DSSC. The
obtained particles were homogeneous and had optical
best performance of a photoanode depends on the surface
spectra of range 350 to 600 nm; the band gaps of 1%
area of the nanoparticles, and also on the absorption of
Mn/ZnO, and 2% Mn/ZnO nanorods were obtained as
the dye. The loss of energy after recombination can be
3.27, 3.42, and 3.44 eV. Moreover, the WCA for the
recovered by the semiconductor oxide interface. More-
ZnO@PS and Mn/ZnO@PS was found to be 107° and
over, the light scattering at the surface can increase the
151°, respectively.
photo conversion efficiency of the DSSC. The covalent
bond of semiconductor oxide is moved at an optimum
temperature to a position such that the photo excited
electrons can be injected efficiently from lowest unoccu- 2.3 | Organisms
pied molecular orbit of the dye to the covalent bond of
2.3.1 | Leaf
semiconductor oxide. However, the most suitable dopants
for both TiO2 and ZnO photo anodes have not been iden- Numerous living organisms with nature‐endowed special
tified so far.16 These materials are inspired by nature for photosynthesis abilities have proved to be the inspiration
the production of dye‐based solar cells. Table 1 shows behind the many developments exhibited in the field of
the different photoanodes with their corresponding solar PV modules. As the well‐proven technology, leaf
efficiency. structure has been an inspiration for the preparation of
Dyes are extensively available in various forms; a a flexible bioinspired Zn0.5Cd@PAN photocatalyst,
proper selection and extraction are to be carried for the which exhibits high photocatalytic H2‐production activ-
preparation of natural organic dyes. It is assumed that ity. Molecular diffusion or transfer kinetics is enhanced
fruits extracts, which have dark colors in them can be by a hierarchically porous structure. The porous chloro-
used for dye preparation. These dyes replace the usual phyll structure of the leaf facilitates the production of
dyes in the fabrication of DSSC and set to have some hydrogen. Light utilization efficiency is promoted by mul-
higher efficiency. tiple reflections and scattering effects. The integrity and
flexibility of the resulting photocatalyst ensure its separa-
tion and reuse.34 A flexible bioinspired ZCS@PAN‐Mat
photocatalyst was developed with a generation rate of
about 475 micromoles h‐1 per 50 mg of ZCS@PAN‐Mat,
and an apparent Quantum Efficiency of 27.4% at
420 nm. Flexible bioinspired Zn0.5Cd0.5S@PAN
photocatalyst is illustrated in Figure 3. H2 generation for
the evolution rate of ZCS‐NP, CS‐NP, ZS‐NP,
ZCS@PAN‐Mat, CS@PAN‐Mat, and ZS@PAN‐Mat under
visible light irradiation are shown in Figure 4.
The structure morphology of a leaf can be modified
into a hierarchical dorsal spine by variations in the
reacting ambience. These modifications are done to coun-
ter the effect of time and voltage on morphological con-
trol of Ag2S structures to determine the time and
FIGURE 2 Schematic structure and working of DSSC12 voltage influence on optical parameters. At permissible

TABLE 1 Various dye (ZnO) structures with their efficiency

ZnO Nanostructure Photoanode Efficiency (%)

Nanorods Nanorod arrays17 0.22

Nanorods Hierarchical structure of ZnO nanorods with nanoparticles 4.13
Nanorods Nanorod arrays19 0.84
Nanowires Nanoforest of hierarchical ZnO nanowires 2.63
Nanowires 3D multilayered ZnO nanowire arrays 5.20
Nanowires ZnO nanowires 1.62
Nanosheets Hierarchical ZnO nanowire nanosheet structure 4.80
Nanosheets ZnO nanosheets 6.06
Nanosheets ZnO nanosheets 1.82
Nanotubes ZnO nanotube arrays 0.93
Nanoflowers ZnO nanoflowers 1.38
Nanoflowers 3D ZnO nanoflowers28 5.12

FIGURE 3 Flexible bioinspired

Zn0.5Cd0.5S@PAN photocatalyst34
[Colour figure can be viewed at]

conditions of (1 V, 10 hr, 75° and 1 atm), the structures

exhibit promissory optical properties for solar cells35 as
shown in Figure 5.
Han et al36 enhanced mechanical strength and flexi-
bility by implementing grids of micro and nanowires by
the application of natural scaffoldings perfected by evolu-
tion. Two bioinspired networks were described for two
specific optoelectronic applications. Initially, they
described the first network by the metallization of leaf
venation (LV) present in all leaves. This natural optimiza-
tion process resulted in a quasi‐fractal (or hierarchical)
structure of LV.37 The second network has its application
in various fields, and it is observed to be like a spider's
web. The former network is used in the solar cell synthe-
FIGURE 4 H2 generation for the evolution rate of ZCS‐NP (i),
sis and was chosen from the plant magnolia alba (white
CS‐NP (ii), ZS‐NP (iii), ZCS@PAN‐mat (iv), CS@PAN‐mat (v) jade orchid tree). The leaf structure of this plant is as
ZS@PAN‐mat (vi) under visible light irradiation34 (λ > 420 nm) shown in Figures 6 and 7. An angular network was
[Colour figure can be viewed at] formed from this secondary vein.38

FIGURE 5 Time and voltage effects on the morphology synthesized at 75° and 1 atm and growth of secondary particles35

mimicked surface induced only 20% of reflectivity, gradu-

ally showing 10% increase in overall power generation
from such kind of cell, as discussed by Huang et al.39
Figure 8 illustrates the bioinspired leaf pattern with its
corresponding reflectance plot. This lotus‐inspired
bioinnovation has helped to develop solar cells with
self‐cleaning ability to reduce the manpower require-
ments at the site of large power plants.
FIGURE 6 Replication of vein over solar cell36 [Colour figure
can be viewed at]
2.3.3 | Common rose butterfly
2.3.2 | Lotus
The microscopic structure of the gossamer deep‐black
Another recent trend has effectively replicated the wings of the rose butterfly has inspired researchers seek-
superhydrophobic and dirt‐resistant properties exhibited ing the synthesis of new types of solar cells. They have
by the unique structure of lotus leaves in the self‐cleaning successfully designed more efficient thin film solar cells.
and antireflective surface of solar cells. The reflection rate Such cells are used to enhance their light absorption rate
of silicon is about 35% for a polished surface whereas the over the complete spectrum at variable angles of

FIGURE 7 An ink print of the leaf (left) and photolithography of the LV network (right)36

FIGURE 8 Bioinspired leaf pattern and its corresponding plot for reflectance39

incidence. This condition is favorable for lower cost pho- 2.3.4 | Firefly
tovoltaic installations and their potential applications.
The firefly algorithm based on the flashing pattern and
The wings of the butterfly have inspired the synthesis
behavior of a swarm of fireflies can be used to identify
of solar cells. The inspiration led to the development of
similar solar cell operating parameters. This algorithm
four geometrics: (a) an unpatterned slab structure, (b)
was used to extract the electrical intrinsic parameters of
ordered and periodically arranged holes with one diame-
photovoltaic arrangement (photowatt‐PWP 201) having
ter, (c) a perturbed structure, and (d) a correlated struc-
36 cells that were connected in series2,41 at 45°C and
ture. The fill factor was set to 50.26%, and the ordered
1000 W/m. Especially at low irradiance; such modules
structure had a hole with a diameter of 240 nm and a
help to bring out the optimal parameters for changing
period of 300 nm. The 2D Fourier power spectra of the
temperature. Several other computational algorithms
corresponding structures shown by the insects were
have also been developed from the natural performance
inspected and subsequently, the research was carried
parameters gathered from the observed unique behavior
out for adopting such parameters for fabrication of solar
of animals, insects, vermin, and features of microorgan-
photovoltaic cells. Figure 9 shows the replication of but-
isms. Bioinspired algorithms developed so far are (a)
terfly wing scales in synthetic polymers to produce the
genetic algorithm, (b) differential evolution, (c) particle
photovoltaic effect. Thus, the absorption of the incident
swarm optimization, (d) bacteria foraging algorithm, (e)
radiation has been successfully enhanced by mimicking
artificial bee colony, (f) cuckoo search, and (g) bat algo-
the structure of the wings of the rose butterfly. The
rithm. Ma et al observed that particle swarm algorithm
absorption increased to +200% when the angle of inci-
appeared to be the most efficient when compared with
dence was maintained at 50° for such newly designed
other algorithms.42 Natural pigments for efficient solar

FIGURE 9 Replication of butterfly wing scales in synthetic polymers40 [Colour figure can be viewed at]

energy conversion were evaluated, and efforts were made property of fovea centralis in the retina of the eye, a part
to entrap the molecules in polyacrylamide hydrogel for of the human eye that is responsible for sharp central
increasing the power conversion efficiency (PCE). An vision. This concept was studied, and the vertical arrays
average photocurrent density of approximately 109 μA/ of the fovea centralis were replaced by silicon arrays in
cm2 with Voc of approximately 1.162 V and PCE of the form of a funnel that resulted in increased light
approximately 0.59% was produced by the light‐induced absorption by around 65% in a thin film solar cell, com-
I‐V measurements of the swollen induced hybrids, as pared with a conventional silicon film of same thickness
observed by Mandal et al.43 and 60% higher PCE than nanowire arrays whose absorp-
tion was about 2.3 times higher than the silicon mate-
rials.44 Solar cells with higher power conversion factors
2.3.5 | Human eye have been developed recently through such methods.
In their quest for new, better, and cheaper ways to improve
solar cell efficiency, researchers found that tiny structures
2.3.6 | Beetle
inside the retina of the human eye contain funnel‐like
inverted cones, packed very close to each other, and capa- Hoplia coerulea (Coleoptera) is a species of scarabaeid
ble of capturing very high amounts of light. The light fun- beetle that has a natural photonic structure with fluores-
nel array mechanism through 3D model, scanning cent molecules embedded within the multilayered struc-
electron microscope (SEM) image of Si light funnel array, ture of their scales. These molecules can enhance the
and patterned inverted cone image are shown in Figure 10. light absorption with their respective wavelengths. Draw-
This ability of our eyes galvanized researchers into taking ing inspiration from this insect, synthesis was done for
the underlying mechanism and adapting the concept to such fluorescent molecules formation. Certain properties
silicon solar cells to make them better at collecting light like the position of the planar emitting source, layer thick-
thereby boosting solar cell efficiency. ness, and the dielectric constant of materials can be
The human eye plays an indispensable role in the enhanced by implementing them in the solar cell fabrica-
field of light image trapping, which is achieved by the tion. Simulation of the emission properties of a planar

FIGURE 10 The light funnel array: A, a 3D model of the light funnel array B, scanning electron microscope (SEM) image of Si light funnel
array C, patterned frustum inverted cone image of the light funnel array. Scale bar is 1 mm44 [Colour figure can be viewed at]

emission source, which is embedded in a multilayer sys- polymers. The inorganic protein particles, minerals, fats,
tem is allowed by a one‐dimensional transfer‐matrix for- calcium carbonate, lipids, and pigments of the crusta-
malism and has been carried out by Van Hooijdonk et al.45 ceans were first removed using acids and chemicals. This
resulted in a crab shell made entirely of translucent chi-
tin, which was then immersed in an acrylic resin mono-
2.3.7 | Dipteran
mer. Following polymerization, an entirely transparent
In early 2013, drawing inspiration from the compound eye crab shell was obtained. Heterogeneous microscale crab
of the dipteran to improve existing solar cell technologies. shell chitin particles were used as transparent nanocom-
Chiadini et al46 proposed the production of silicon solar posites, which increased the transparency as well as
cells by bioinspired compound lenses (BCL) for perfor- reduced the thermal expansion of the polymer. The
mance improvement. The scalloped structured of the SEM images of the crab shell after removal of matrix par-
insect's eye can capture the light in all range of directions; ticles in micro and nanoscale are shown in Figure 13.
the common housefly is capable of almost around 270° Figure 14 shows the images of actual crab shell after
vision. Mimicking this, a bioinspired compound lens was removal of matrix substances and transparent crab shell
made along with fractal scalloping that could capture light after chitin resin process. The axial thermal expansion
in a range of 400‐nm to 1100‐nm wavelength and was suit- of chitin 48 was found to be only 21 ppm K−1. The techni-
able for both direct illuminations and diffused‐light condi- cally inspired reinforcement of a transparent polymer
tions. The various outcomes of this techniques are (a) light with a refractive index of 0.3‐mm chitin powdered parti-
coupling through multiple reflections on the first inci- cles was carried out. Obtained transparency of the nano-
dence of light over the textured BCL, (b) most favorable composites was stable over a wide range of
light incidence conditions whatever be the direction of temperatures with variations in its refractive index.47 This
incident light, the transmission through the silicon is provided a gateway for the use of nanocomposites in solar
made easier, and (c) improving the surface with layers of and optical appliances.
antireflection coating like double‐layer antireflection coat-
ing that performs best with the BCL layer.46 Figures 11 and
12 show the first and second stage BCL, respectively. 2.4 | Structures
2.4.1 | The solar power satellite
2.3.8 | Crab The solar power satellite (SPS) orbiting in space works
In the middle of 2011, the crab shell inspired researchers with optimal solar power utilization and has also derived
to propose a transparent layer using monomer and inspiration from nature for its self‐repairing process.
Modular robotic system (MRS) is used for constructing
these large SPS modules. As these satellites orbit in space,
which is inhospitable to human survival, the self‐
repairing feature is vital to support these technologies.
The MRS was built with identical basic modules inspired
from a honeycomb's structure on an improved design of
M‐lattice. Each module was taken as an endocrine cell
in this self‐repairing approach model. The digital hor-
FIGURE 11 The schematic diagram of the first stage BCL46 mone model provided every module with an evaluating
value to direct the locomotion in the self‐repairing pro-
cess, as noted by Zhen Yang et al.49 Figure 15 shows the
mechanical arm of the SPS with the degrees of freedom
and the major components.

2.4.2 | Ruthenium
The ruthenium (II)–polypyridyl family is a unique class
of coordination complexes capable of reversibly forming
a long‐living redox active species upon visible light irradi-
ation.50 Addition of aphenol‐imidazole redox unit to a
reaction solution containing RuII–polypyridyl
FIGURE 12 Schematic diagram of the second stage BCL46 photocatalyst, increase splitting of water and thereby a

FIGURE 13 SEM images of a shell after the removal of matrix particles in micro and nanoscale47

FIGURE 14 A, a crab shell, B, after removing matrix substances, and C, transparent crab shell after chitin resin process47 [Colour figure
can be viewed at]

FIGURE 15 The mechanical arm of the SPS with the degrees of freedom (DOF)49 [Colour figure can be viewed at]

proligand is synthesized. It contains a phenanthroline transient absorption and fluorescence lifetime. These insol-
chelating unit, also referred to as PhenLH. The new uble substances show solvatochromic absorption symmetry
complexes, Ru (PhenLH)2Cl2 (Ru‐1) and [Ru between them and yield better photocatalytic water split-
(PhenLH)3]2 + Cl2 (Ru‐2), have two and three PhenLH ting abilities. These new complexes can form radical
ligands, which are synthesized and shown in Figure 16. because of three phenol groups. These complexes possess
The new complexes are found to have a long‐lived trip- photophysical properties and also form metal–organic
let state of 200 to 300 nanoseconds while measuring the frameworks thereby finding application in various fields.53

conjugated polymers.54 In this way, the intricate Japanese

paper‐folding art origami based solar cells are used for
space exploration missions.

2.4.4 | Graphene
Graphene has been successfully used by researchers to
develop new, transparent, and thin film technologies
because of its unique two‐dimensional honeycomb struc-
ture of carbon atoms. It is easy to fabricate BISC with
graphene. They also act as a photocatalyst with an ultra-
high surface area, flexibility, and recyclability. Organic
solar cells with many advantages are fabricated with
these graphene structures. Recent studies show that
graphene‐based solar cells reduce reflectivity by 20%
FIGURE 16 A, Ru (PhenLH)2Cl2 (Ru‐1), B, [Ru and thereby efficiency increases to 20%, a single layer of
(PhenLH)3]2 + Cl2 (Ru‐2), and C, two phenLh ligand51,52 [Colour graphene yields transparency of 97.7%. When graphene
figure can be viewed at] is doped with silicon, the material formed has more
advanced features than a normal solar cell made of
2.4.3 | Origami
The fields of nanosatellites and picosatellites receive a lot
2.4.5 | Multijunction solar cells
of importance because of their compact size and low
energy consumption. In a solar tracking system, while Multijunction solar cells find interesting applications in
optimizing the generation of solar electrical energy, small aerospace because of their higher power conversion effi-
satellites keep the required altitude. In normal tracking, ciencies and reduced material usage and also because of
one‐axis and two‐axis tracking cause deviation in the alti- their radiation resistance.56-58 While locating metamor-
tude of the satellites. To overcome this deviation and phic and lattice matched triple‐junction solar cells under
ensure maximum tracking, an origami‐inspired satellite concentrated illumination, an achieved higher efficiency
called NPU‐PhoneSat was envisaged. Figure 17 shows of about 43.5% was recorded.59,60 Yu et al61 demonstrated
the resting state and actuated state of the fabricated solar the amalgamation of bioinspired antireflective structures
tracking system based on the small satellites. into a monolithically grown triple‐junction solar cell
Active materials for the origami‐inspired active struc- Ga0.5In0.5P/In0.01Ga0.99As/Ge. The moth‐eye struc-
ture are commonly chosen polymers such as shape mem- tures served as an inspiration for these multijunction
ory polymers, liquid crystalline polymers, gels, and solar cells with a pitch of about 600 nm and depth of

FIGURE 17 The resting state (left) and

actuated state (right) of the fabricated
solar tracking system54 [Colour figure can
be viewed at]

about 900 nm, which resulted in the overall increase of conversion, and it has yielded good results in solar cells.
ultraviolet reflection of about 35% at 300‐nm wavelength. The future scope of this field can be adapting the results
The surface recombination was mitigated by the epitaxial of these inspirations and incorporate them in the previ-
layer on a cell that provided larger bandgap than normal ous methods using the growth of hybrid materials involv-
layers. Therefore, the omnidirectional enhancement of ing properties of organic and synthetic polymers for the
current production was enhanced by the multijunction production of solar cells that have higher promising inci-
solar cells. dent light absorption and power conversion rates. The
combination of the above techniques may further
increase the operation and performance of the solar cells.
3 | DISC USS I ON For example, not all the natural dyes are used in DSSC,
some of the investigations as suggested in dye's section
The research carried out in bioinspired field has resulted can aid their selection process. Similarly, incident light
in a greater selective energy conversion rate. For exam- absorption and transmission researches can be benefitted
ple, using one of the bioinspirations, as observed from by adapting these techniques. The selected bioinspired
a black butterfly, 200% increase of incident light absorp- solar materials are given in Table 2.
tion was obtained in pilot units40 with the temperature The potential applications of BISC are the maximum
at 50°C. Similarly, when graphene was doped with power point tracking in solar cells, anticorrosion behavior
quantum dots, an efficiency of 16.2% was achieved.55 of solar cells under the extreme climatic condition, self‐
Thin film technology, nanotechnology, and organic cleaning of solar cells, low reflectance and high light
polymers supported the research and fabrications of absorption rate, new designs of energy storage devices,
such solar cells that provide betterment of the cell per- production of biodegradable solar cells, shape‐changing
formances. Figure 18 shows the bioinspired computa- solar cell in space shuttles, and improvement of optical
tional algorithms. properties and performance of solar cells.
Recent trends depict that only one of the bioinspired The drawbacks in this field are the lack of necessary
techniques has been fully developed for power technology for mass fabrication, complicated analytical

FIGURE 18 Bioinspired computational algorithms developed so far41

TABLE 2 Bioinspired solar cell materials

Materials Inspiration Application/Functionality

TiO2, ZnO Plants Photoanodes of DSSC9,11-16

MnZnO and polystyrene Lotus Superhydrophobic dyes for DSSC30-33
Zn0.5Cd@PAN Leaf Photocatalytic H2 production34
Bamboo, SiO2 Leaf Self‐cleaning ability of solar cells39
Synthetic polymers Butterfly Light absorption in solar cells40
Polyacrylamide hydrogel Natural dyes Natural pigments for DSSC42,43
Silicon Human eyes, dipteran Light absorption as Si funnel arrays BCL44,46
Ruthenium (II)–polypyridyl Ruthenium Transient absorption and fluorescence lifetime50-53
Shape memory polymers Origami Space applications of solar cells54
Graphene … High transparency (97.7%), low reflectivity and
higher energy (20%) conversion55
Multijunction solar cells … High PCE56-61

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