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Issue : 1 Rev. : 0
Date : 01/12/2010
Page : 1/8

for Astrium Suppliers
as regards Legislation for the Protection of the
Environment and the Health of Workers

The current issue is the electronic copy available through QUARTZ Corporate on line.
All paper copies are for information only.

The copyright in this document is the property of EADS Astrium SAS/Ltd/GmbH and the contents may not be reproduced or revealed to
third parties without prior permission of that company in writing.
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Filename ASTRIUM-E-0061 iss 01 - Revised Final for signature.doc
Ref : ASTRIUM.E.0061
Issue :1 Rev. : 0
Date : 01/12/2010
Page :2/8


1 OBJECTIVE ........................................................................................................................................................... 3

2 SCOPE..................................................................................................................................................................... 3

3 REQUIREMENTS FOR SUPPLIERS ................................................................................................................. 3

REQUIREMENT 1: GENERAL COMPLIANCE ......................................................................................................................... 3

REQUIREMENT 2: COMPLIANCE WITH CHEMICALS LEGISLATION ........................................................................................ 3
REQUIREMENT 3: CONTINUITY OF SUPPLY ......................................................................................................................... 5
REQUIREMENT 4: ISO ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM ..................................................................................... 5
REQUIREMENT 5: ENVIRONMENTAL-FRIENDLY DESIGN AND PRODUCTION .................................................................. 5
REQUIREMENT 6: IONIZING RADIATION ............................................................................................................................. 5

APPENDIX A - DECLARATION FORM .................................................................................................................... 6

The copyright in this document is the property of EADS Astrium SAS/Ltd/GmbH and the contents may not be reproduced or revealed to
third parties without prior permission of that company in writing.
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Ref : ASTRIUM.E.0061
Issue :1 Rev. : 0
Date : 01/12/2010
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This document outlines the minimum environmental and health of workers requirements applicable to all
Astrium suppliers established inside or outside the European Economic Area.
The document is made up of the text here-below and appendix A, which is a Declaration form to be used for
all Astrium’s procurements in all business units.


This document applies to all suppliers of Astrium SAS, Astrium Ltd and Astrium GmbH, for their three
business units Satellites, Space Transportation and Services (hereafter “Astrium”).


The compliance of Astrium’s suppliers with environmental and health of workers legislation have a key
impact on Astrium's overall compliance and must therefore be built in the procurement process.
Therefore, each supplier shall enforce appropriately onto itself and its own suppliers the following
requirements, taking into account the specifics of each procurement:


Products and services supplied to Astrium shall comply with all applicable laws, in particular those relating to
the protection of the environment and to the health of workers. Compliance shall extend to provisions of
environmental law pertaining to products becoming waste at the end of their life cycle.
Suppliers shall be able to demonstrate their compliance to Astrium for past, current and future deliveries at
all times.
Suppliers shall provide accurate and complete information in relation to their activities and supplied goods
and services, in order to enable Astrium to manage its own environmental and health of workers compliance
throughout the supply chain.
In case a piece of legislation provides for an exemption in the interests of defence or space industries (such
as EC Directives 2002/95/EC on the Restriction of the use of certain Hazardous Substances), suppliers shall
disregard that exemption or any opportunity to petition for such an exemption, unless otherwise explicitly
stated by Astrium (like for the forbidden use of pure tin material).
Suppliers shall enforce the requirements, as set forth in the present document, vis à vis their own suppliers
at all levels in the supply chain, and shall demonstrate it when requested.


2.1.- Suppliers shall maintain a permanent knowledge of chemicals legislation, as interpreted with European
Chemicals Agency’s (ECHA) guidance, and shall be able to demonstrate how the goods or services
provided to Astrium comply with chemicals legislation, taking into account Astrium’s specific uses of
substances and preparations.
2.2.- Suppliers, including chemicals producers, distributors, importers to Astrium, shall work with Astrium to
help Astrium fulfil its obligation under the chemicals legislation, as interpreted with ECHA’s guidance.

The copyright in this document is the property of EADS Astrium SAS/Ltd/GmbH and the contents may not be reproduced or revealed to
third parties without prior permission of that company in writing.
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Ref : ASTRIUM.E.0061
Issue :1 Rev. : 0
Date : 01/12/2010
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2.3.- For all articles†, suppliers shall provide Astrium with the duly completed and updated Appendix A
"Declaration Form". This Declaration Form shall be provided at first delivery, when there is a change in the
product, or when there is a change in Candidate List. If a procurement consists of several different products,
or similar products with different configurations, a Declaration Form must be completed by the supplier and
provided to Astrium for each article assembled in each type or configuration of product.
For existing articles – i.e. not redesigned as foreseen in Requirement 5 - delivered as such or assembled
into products / sub-assembly and containing one substance on the Candidate List to annex XIV of REACH‡,
suppliers shall provide Astrium with a completed and updated Appendix A "Declaration Form" with:
- the names, CAS numbers and weights of each such substance contained in the article,
- adequate data and advice to allow for a safe use of the article, until and including the waste stage of
the article.
2.4.- For all substances and preparations, suppliers shall provide Astrium with the appropriate Safety Data
Sheet (SDS), should a SDS be required by chemicals legislation. Should the SDS be modified within 12
months after any delivery to Astrium, suppliers shall provide an update of the SDS, and in particular
registration and safe use, at no cost to Astrium.
Classification and Labelling shall be in accordance to the provisions and timeframe of the CLP European
Regulation (Classification, Labelling, Packaging).
Upon Astrium’s request, suppliers shall provide Astrium with the evidence required by REACH and
necessary to allow for Astrium’s uses of substances or preparations incorporated into the products and
services delivered to Astrium.
Upon Astrium’s request, suppliers shall provide Astrium with all necessary data to Astrium for the fulfilment
of its own obligations under REACH.
2.5.- Data about registration of substances shall be cascaded up the supply chain. Astrium’s specific uses of
substances and preparations, if any, shall be flown down the supply chain, unless stated otherwise under a
confidentiality agreement, and shall be properly identified in Safety Data Sheet provided by chemicals
2.6.- Suppliers shall immediately disclose to Astrium data about new environmental or health risks or
hazards of substances or preparations incorporated into goods or services delivered to Astrium, or an
aggravation of known risks, relevant for Astrium’s uses of theses substances or preparations.
Especially, suppliers shall immediately disclose to Astrium:
• information about whether an authorisation for a substance incorporated into goods or services
delivered or to be delivered to Astrium has been requested, granted or refused;
• new restrictions of use for substances.
2.7.- Any expected change of the chemical composition of goods to be delivered shall be notified to Astrium
as soon as contemplated, and decision of the relevant further actions shall be taken as per the provisions of
the Contract and the applicable documents.
2.8.- Suppliers not established in the European Economic Area shall appoint an Only Representative (as
defined by article 8 of REACH) to fulfil the obligations befalling on importers of substances on their own, in
preparations or in articles, as set forth in REACH.

Article means an object which during production is given a specific shape, surface or design which
determines its function to a greater degree than does its chemical composition. Source: REACH Article 3 (3)

Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals
The copyright in this document is the property of EADS Astrium SAS/Ltd/GmbH and the contents may not be reproduced or revealed to
third parties without prior permission of that company in writing.
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Ref : ASTRIUM.E.0061
Issue :1 Rev. : 0
Date : 01/12/2010
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Should a new legislation, an amendment to an existing legislation or a proposal for a new piece of
legislation, pursuant to the protection of the environment or the health of workers, be susceptible to disrupt
the delivery of a product or service to Astrium, suppliers shall immediately inform Astrium thereof and shall
propose alternative solutions to ensure the continuity of supply of the product and/or service to Astrium in
compliance with the new, modified or foreseeable legislation.


ASTRIUM is certified to the applicable ISO 14001 standard. Under this certification, ASTRIUM is committed
to minimizing the environmental impact of its product and services. Therefore, suppliers manage their
environmental risks, minimize the environmental impact of their activities, products and services.


When designing products, or when re-designing existing products, Suppliers shall:
- reduce waste (including packaging), energy and resources consumption and emissions during
subsequent stages of the life cycle of the goods,
- provide for an easy dismantlement, recycling and disposal of delivered goods at the end of their life
cycle, when relevant
- avoid the use of ECHA’s Candidate List (to Annex XIV) substances and ban substances that are on
the latest ECHA’s annex XIV of REACH§,
- enforce any specific requirement stated in the Contract,
according to state of the art’s practices.
In case of re-designed product and / or production processes, changes are only permissible when ASTRIUM
receives prior notification by the supplier, on submission of quality / qualification reports and ASTRIUM's
acceptance thereof.


6.1.- For all goods delivered to Astrium, suppliers shall, prior to each delivery, provide Astrium with the duly
completed and updated “IONIZING RADIATION DECLARATION” as set forth in Appendix A, with the
appropriate documentation. Notwithstanding reporting exemptions set forth in Euratom directive or national
legislation on ionizing radiation, suppliers shall declare all sources, i.e. of any nature, quantity, level of
activity, dose rate, type.

6.2.- Sources at the end of their use or out-of-date:

Suppliers shall recover any radioactive source or product containing a radioactive source delivered to
Astrium once it ceases to be usable.
The supplier has the obligation to recover without condition and on simple request of Astrium or its final
customer, any source which is no longer of use or which is out-of-date. A source is considered as out-of-
date at the latest 10 years after the delivery date as referenced at delivery.

When a substance is included in Annex XIV, i twill also remain on the Candidate List.
The copyright in this document is the property of EADS Astrium SAS/Ltd/GmbH and the contents may not be reproduced or revealed to
third parties without prior permission of that company in writing.
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Ref : ASTRIUM.E.0061
Issue :1 Rev. : 0
Date : 01/12/2010
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The copyright in this document is the property of EADS Astrium SAS/Ltd/GmbH and the contents may not be reproduced or revealed to
third parties without prior permission of that company in writing.
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Ref : ASTRIUM.E.0061
Issue :1 Rev. : 0
Date : 01/12/2010
Page :7/8

Does any restriction apply for the use of the following data? Yes No
If yes, please specify (National Eyes Only, ITAR, …)


Please note that this Declaration Form is applicable only to articles. For substances and preparations a Safety Data Sheet must be
provided. Please send completed form to the appropriate e-mail addresses, according to the material delivered:
Astrium GmbH - BU Satellites
Astrium Ltd - BU Satellites
Astrium SAS - BU Satellites
Astrium GmbH - BU Space Transportation
Astrium SAS - BU Space Transportation
Astrium GmbH - BU Services
Astrium Ltd - BU Services
Astrium SAS - BU Services
Supplier Details
Company Name

Supplier Address

Are you a European Economic

Yes No If yes, from which country?
Area based supplier?

Product Data
Astrium Part Number
Purchase Order number PO line item
Net weight of Item in kg

Information to be provided for ARTICLES

Identification of substances contained in the Article against:
Substances of Very High Concern (SVHC) as identified in the latest ECHA Candidate List.
The accurate fullfilment of this declaration by the supplier is required by Astrium to comply with Article 33 obligations imposed on the

I guarantee that the Article does not contain any substance as identified hereabove Yes No

I guarantee that the Article does not contain any substance requiring autorisation Yes No

If the answer to any above question is no, please complete the below table:

Weight Percent Authorisation number for Annex XIV substance

Name of the Substance CAS Number
(%) of the Article requiring authorisation

… etc.
I guarantee that if the article contains a Candidate List substance in a quantity > 0.1% (weight by weight), I attach to this "Declaration Form" the
safe-use instructions for the article.

I certify, to my best knowledge, that all of the information provided in the “Declaration Form” is complete and correct, and that it is based on
information on the ECHA website on the day of shipment of the applicable product. I further certify that for substances in the Candidate List that
are not included on this form, there is zero use of that substance in this product.
I certify that all substances used in this product, have either been registered with the ECHA, will be registered no later than the deadline defined
within the REACH regulation or that I have directed my suppliers to do so, as applicable. I further certify that those registrations include, or will
include, all of the uses to which the substances in this product are put.
Date of REACH Declaration Form:
Date of the Candidate List taken into account:
Date of the Annex XIV taken into account:


I guarantee the absence of any radioactive element (if your Preparation or Article contains any, please indicate the nature of the radioactive
element and the level of radiation, and provide all appropriate documentation and information in accordance with the applicable regulations)

Telephone number:

For Astrium use only Received date Validation date System input date
The copyright in this document is the property of EADS Astrium SAS/Ltd/GmbH and the contents may not be reproduced or revealed to
third parties without prior permission of that company in writing.
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Ref : ASTRIUM.E.0061
Issue :1 Rev. : 0
Date : 01/12/2010
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1R0 01/12/2010 Original issue

The copyright in this document is the property of EADS Astrium SAS/Ltd/GmbH and the contents may not be reproduced or revealed to
third parties without prior permission of that company in writing.
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Filename ASTRIUM-E-0061 iss 01 - Revised Final for signature.doc

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