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Choose the correct answer.

1. Seetha and her family (enjoy/enjoys) spending time together every


2. My little sister (love/loves) to play with her baby-doll.

3. We (eat/eats) ice-cream during a sunny day.

4. The cockerel (crow/crows) at dawn to welcome the sun.

5. An owl (hoot/hoots) at night.

6. Radha and Reetha (live/lives) with their parents in Rawang.

7. My mother (bake/bakes) cakes, pastries and biscuits for the party.

8. My brother and I (cycle/cycles) to the park every day.

9. A dog (bark/barks) and a cat (meow/meows)

10.The young boy (sing/sings) sweetly.

Fill in the blanks with correct possessive pronouns.

1. I have a bicycle. It’s __________ bicycle.
2. Mother and I have a laptop. It’s ____________ laptop.
3. The dog’s have bones. It’s _________ bone.
4. Vimal and Tayalan have a skateboard. It’s ________ skateboard.
5. You have a cat. It’s ________ cat.
6. We have a speedboard. The speedboard is ___________

their my your ours


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