Year 5 Model Questions

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Choose the best answer to complete the sentence.

1. _____________ is Haziqah crying ?

A. When
B. Why
C. What
D. Where
2. Fakhrul is _____________ his hair .
A. Comb
B. Combed
C. Combing
D. Combs
3. Is the mango sweet ________ sour ?
A. And
B. Or
C. But
D. Nor
4. The ladder is leaning ____________ the wall at the kitchen.
A. Against
B. Below
C. Along
D. Over
5. Aiman’s mother opened the window _______________ his room was stuffy.
A. So
B. And
C. Because
D. Although
6. My father has always stayed in a good health because he always exercise every day. As the
saying goes _______________________.
A. Actions speaks louder than words.
B. An apple a day keeps the doctor away.
C. Look before you leap.
D. Don’t judge the book by its cover.

Choose the best answer for each blank.

Pak Hashim was tired because he _____7___a few hours trimming the bougainvillea plants
in the garden. Now the garden look tidy. Pak Hashim was thirsty, so he took out _______8_______
bottle of tea that he had brought. After drinking, he decided to continue working
_________9_______ he was still tired.

7. A.Spend
B. spent
C. spends
D. spending
8. A.-
B. a
C. an
D. the

9. A. so
B. if
C. since
D. although

Choose the word that has OPPOSITE MEANING as the underlined word.

10. The classroom is always very quiet during the Art lesson.
A. Small
B. Noisy
C. Silent
D. Smooth

Choose the sentence with the correct punctuation.

11. A . Did you enjoy watching Mawi Concert?

B. Did you enjoy watching mawi’s concert ?
C. Did you enjoy watching Mawi’s concert ?
D. Did you enjoy watching Mawi’s Concert ?

Choose the correct answer.

Last week was Ummu’s birthday. She held a party at her house. She invited _____12____ classmates
to her party. Her mother baked a big cake with beautiful icing on it. She also prepared
______13_____ other foods and drinks. Her friends sang the birthday song _____14_____ her and
clapped their hands. Her mother cut the cake into several pieces and served the children. Ummu got
a lot of prizes. She was so _____15_____.

12. A. She
B. her
c. him
D. hers

13. A. some
B. much
C. a little
D. plenty

14. A. at
B. to
C. for
D. from
15. A. sad
B. happy
C. moody
D. angry

Read the passage below carefully and answer the questions that follow.

Encik Adam and Puan Noraini live in Alor Setar. Their three children Asyraf, Arif, and Nisha
go to Sekolah Kebangsaan Taman Sepakat. Every morning their father drives them to school.

Asyraf and Arif are members of the English Language Society. Every Wednesday afternoon
they attend meetings. Their English Language Teacher, Puan Rasna conducts interesting English
activities such as riddles, quizzes, singing, acting and language games.

Next Friday, the English Language society is organizing a trip to the British Council Library in
Penang. Their headmistress, Puan Salma insists that all members join in this trip. The bus will leave
the school on Friday at 7.30 a.m. “It is important for all pupils to know the educational materials
available at the British Council Library,” says the headmistress.

16. Who sends the three children to school?

A. Encik Adam
B. Puan Noraini
C. Puan Rosna
D. Puan Salma

17. The word “trip’’ in the passage refers to

A. the bus
B. the school
C. the visit
D. the meeting

18. Puan Salma is a

A. Pupil
B. Teacher
C. Parent
D. Headmistress

19. What can you see at the British Council Library ?

A. People singing
B. Educational materials
C. Language games
D. People acting
20. Which activity below is not conducted during the society meeting ?
A. Singing
B. Riddles
C. Quizzes
D. Dancing

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