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Assoc.Prof. Dr. Manee Arpanantikul1

Mahidol University, Thailand
Amar Akbar2
Bina Sehat PPNI Institute of Health Science, Indonesia

Knowledge development, research methodology related to the philosopher's
framework, it was very important for a scientific discipline to realize the philosophical
orientation that is the basis for the development of theory and advancing science in Nursing
nursing.Science becomes knowledge with the publication of results, then continue to
grow as general knowledge and continued by wrote in textbooks, this ways would
make history to correct errors, science used physical evidence to answer questions and development,
depends on modern humans to draw conclusions from the evidence, science looks to philosophical
explain sources, nature, and physical processes that might be detected in the perspective
universe.In practicing nursing science, nurse should stand in professional character as
way to compete with others profession with several ways: 1) Legitimate job to brew
great denomination 2) Valid proof in specific practice area 3) Diverse nursing
knowledge in practice and theory 4) Control and standard in strong educational
arrangement 5) Set up official organization in practice and education 6) Define
interpersonal side in part of profession 7) Outrageously expand for ethical code and

I nte r nati onal Jour nal O f Nurs i ng and Mi d wif e ry S ci e nce (I JNMS ) , Volume2,
Iss ue 3, December
INTRODUCTION nursing philosopher where this method used
for testing, critical thinking, investigate and
Knowledge development, research
nursing profession development (DiBartolo,
methodology related to the philosopher's
framework, it was very important for a
scientific discipline to realize the
philosophical orientation that is the basis for
Science development, testing, and claim.
the development of theory and advancing
science in nursing (Chinn & Kramer, 2011). The natural desire of human for knowledge
was started from Aristotle metaphysic; the
Presently, nursing required to test the
Greek philosopher argues that human sense
foundation of philosophic discipline in order
makes the human do something that will
to understand the development process of
impact of human knowledge. Forward, sense
nursing science (Dahnke & Dreher, 2011),
of human being makes encouragement
study in the nursing doctoral curriculum
toward science and knowledge. Finally,
reminds periodic curriculum disclosure, it is
these desires drive human doing research
important for scientists to explore relevant
and thinking about anything in this world
phenomena, other competing nursing
(Lear, 1988).
scientists who become important points of
attention divert a discussion from the affairs Science becomes knowledge with the
of nursing science, so that the development publication of results, then continue to grow
of science will guide the legitimacy and as general knowledge and continued by
recognition of society from nursing to a wrote in textbooks, this ways would make
scientific discipline (DiBartolo, 1998). history to correct errors, science used
physical evidence to answer questions and
Philosophy of science provides a very useful
depends on modern humans to draw
frame of reference for understanding the
conclusions from the evidence, science
development of nursing as a discipline to
looks to explain sources, nature, and
educate students in the future related to the
physical processes that might be detected in
unique foundation of the profession and its
the universe (Ziman, 2011).
implications for scientific inquiry and
continuing the development of knowledge The aim of science is to understanding,
(Polifroni, 2018). The doctoral program will explain, describe, and predict the world,
produce nursing scientists to build science allows us to manipulate nature and
knowledge in nursing, and should apply knowledge as technology, and in the
understand knowledge development, end it will help people doing many think in

limitations of scientific methodology from the world. (Okasha, 2002).

I nte r nati onal Jour nal O f Nurs i ng and Mi d wif e ry S ci e nce (I JNMS ) ,Volume 2,
Iss ue 3, December 2018
Science is a human effort to and the fact that it can be operated
understand, understand better, the natural independently apart from technology, a
history of the world and how the universe common tool for all science is a note that
works, by observing physical evidence as a obscures the observe. Science is not a truth
basis for understanding. Knowledge-based and is uncertain; Scientists produce body of
on observations of natural phenomena and knowledge with enough certainty, Science
through experiments that try to simulate may never be able to state absolute truth
natural processes under controlled forever, science only provides theory. With
conditions, it refers to a system for acquiring that theory we will probably be civilized in
knowledge, this system uses observation and the future (Anonymous, 2015; Okasha,
experiment to describe and explain natural 2002).
phenomena, this also refers to the
Scientific theory characteristic should have
organization of one's scientific body to get
“Falsifiability”, it should be possible for a
the system. The word "science" often
scientific empirical system to be refuted to
describes as a system in the field or lessons
be an experience, if the theory has been
learned from the system. The purpose of
wrong there must be an empirical and logical
science is to get a theory; scientists want to
path to prove its falsehood. Thus, continued
explain the results of a term from the general
to verification until we find an inductive
theory, processed from scientific methods
error (Anonymous, 2015; Russell, 1935,
and produces products in body of knowledge
reprinted in 1979).
and theory (Anonymous, 2015; Okasha,
2002; Ziman, 2011). Science has a possibility for false or fake.
Criteria for being a science should have a
Science is not art. Instead it tries to achieve
group of features that might be loose, most
things that can be proven, imitated,
of them are dominated by most of the
conclusions about the natural world and
sciences, there is a part of the theory that
social science linked by efforts to achieve
may lack something but it still becomes
what can be proven, conclusions about
science, in another word, it differs with
social and human relations in the world. It
pseudo-science where science is impossible
was a business group to characterize the
to find (Okasha, 2002).
reality (Galilei, 1640, reprinted in 1979).
The theory sometimes conflict with many
Scientists wrestle to produce science, while
data, and there is no reasonable way to
engineers struggle to produce technology,
explain the conflict found, until it is finally
science leads to technology, and often it uses
rejected according to the perspective of
technology, but science is not technology
Kuhn, shifting paradigm, it will make a little

I nte r nati onal Jour nal O f Nurs i ng and Mi d wif e ry S ci e nce (I JNMS ) , Volume2,
Iss ue 3, December
progress if we easy to ignore the theory at humanistic philosophy, fairness, caring, an
the beginning of the problem (Ziman, 2011). honor for people, warm sense, personality,
client advocacy, capability skill in nursing
Science evolves as a manner for building
practice. Finally, Concern of nursing
knowledge through inquiry in various kinds
profession focused on nursing science,
of science, it uses scientific practice,
research and practice (Gortner, 1990, 2000).
analyzes, then describing how people use the
science to practice. Scientist assume in the In practicing nursing science, nurse should
future research result would be similar as stand in professional character as way to
previous research result, from this thinking compete with others profession with several
people use the way try to find the truth, and ways: 1) Legitimate job to brew great
this way is well known as philosophy of denomination 2) Valid proof in specific
science, it also uses as approach how people practice area 3) Diverse nursing knowledge
understand research method for construct in practice and theory 4) Control and
theory and open the realities. Scientific standard in strong educational arrangement
realism is the view of a subject matter from 5) Set up official organization in practice
scientific research and scientific theory that and education 6) Define interpersonal side in
already exists from the freedom of our part of profession 7) Outrageously expand
knowledge, and science aims to describe and for ethical code and action (Dahnke &
explain both observable or not from all Dreher, 2011).
aspects of the world (DiBartolo, 1998;
Furthermore, nursing science philosophy
Okasha, 2002; Ziman, 2011).
grow as basic state in scientific
Nursing science development for nursing methodologies for testing and theory
practice development to get sense, elucidation,
outlook, and recommendation (Dahnke &
People identify science as a specific pattern
Dreher, 2011). Nursing need for claiming
of knowledge that value plausibility through
and validating the Genesis nursing
certain methodologies (Polifroni, 2018).
knowledge, arrangement, system, and
Nursing philosophy should be show
pattern of knowing through knowledge
conviction tract of the nursing profession,
development for implementation in the
serve perspective for practice nursing skill,
nursing field (Carper, 1978).
knowledge and research in nursing for
examining the goal of the necessary As a practice discipline nursing face several
specialty of nursing profession (Gortner, problems on the field such as comprise
1990). The nursing value should be deeply systemic human interaction, a nurse in field
strong connected and brought duty to recognize more than they could convey to

I nte r nati onal Jour nal O f Nurs i ng and Mi d wif e ry S ci e nce (I JNMS ) ,Volume 2,
Iss ue 3, December 2018
others, in the history nursing knowledge has knowing, Emancipatory knowing (Carper,
not been express well, empirical knowledge 1978; Chinn & Kramer, 2011).
represent just partial nursing knowledge
Nursing practice as an art of nursing by
(Carper, 1978; Chinn & Kramer, 2011).
digging the meaning of raised Philosophical
Therefore, fundamental pattern of knowing scrape (Silva et al., 1995), valued nursing
can solve the problem when the design of science with philosophy of science (Gortner,
knowing was integrating and valued well 1990), and used philosophical way to build a
with nursing practice (Carper, 1978; Porter, develop nursing knowledge (Jacox, Suppe,
2010). Knowing and knowledge Campbell, & Stashinko, 1999). Art of
interconnected one another, knowing to lead nursing reunites nursing problem, nursing
the manner of view and understanding the epistemology and ontology which in the
world where knowledge associate to convey future can influenced shipped proficient
a design that can be share and deliver to value, scientific, ethical of nursing and
another (Silva, Sorrell, & Sorrell, 1995). The nursing student to grasp, criticism, and
method of transform knowing to knowledge extend nursing knowledge (Silva et al.,
through problem-based learning, clinical 1995).
supervision and structured reflection on
practice, this three-way set up to build
nursing student skill based problem-solving REFERENCES
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I nte r nati onal Jour nal O f Nurs i ng and Mi d wif e ry S ci e nce (I JNMS ) , Volume2,
Iss ue 3, December

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