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The white lion is a rare species from the Timbavati region of South Africa. It is seen
by African elders as “the most sacred animal on the African continent,” according
to the African Conservation Foundation. Captured and hunted, the majority of
surviving white lions have been living in captivity. Successful efforts have been
made to reintroduce them to their endemic habitat.


When Europeans encountered white lions in the Timbavati region of South Africa in
the 1970s, they immediately saw their value and began to hunt them and take
them captive. Zoos and captive breeding operations exploited these unusual
creatures for their own gain. Because of these captures, targeted lion culling and
trophy hunting the white lion was virtually wiped out of their natural habitat.
According to the Global White Lion The white lion is held in high-esteem by
the local tribes in Timbavati. In this tribes, the white lion is regarded as a
divine animal which reveals that the presence of white lions has been
known even long before the discovery made in 1938. This animal is also a
famous sight in zoos and circuses globally. Due to the rarity of the white
lion many were sent into captive breeding and enlisted in circuses. Adult
white lions were not seen in their natural habitat from 1994 which led to the
initiative to re-establish white lions in their natural habitat. This initiative
was spearheaded by the Global White Lion Protection Trust (WLT), and
from 2004 the trust has achieved tremendous milestones such as protection
of the white lions. The white lion is classified ‘Vulnerable’ by the
International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN).


Este león tiene un cuerpo muy bien adaptado para la caza ya que es muy
musculoso, con las patas traseras bien adaptadas a la carrera y las
delanteras a agarrar y derribar a sus presas.

Su característica más famosa es la melena de los machos, de color

amarillo en los ejemplares jóvenes, y que se va oscureciendo con la edad
hasta llegar al marrón oscuro. 

Los machos pesan entre 180 y 251 kg mientras que las hembras pesan
menos, una media de 181 kg.

La longitud de los machos varía entre 2,77 y 2,92 m.

Viven de 13 a 25 años.

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