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Official Whitepaper

Version 1.0 – March 17, 2022

Marani Network is a decentralized blockchain technology optimized to Non-Fungible Token also
to Fungible Token transactions. Marani itself is a female mascot came from the north pole and
she offers people to join and to secure the network of Marani to have a better transactions
inside the blockchain.
Marani Network made and established by the anonymous organization and foundation called
Marani Network Foundation, fond by the three blockchain specialist; Ray Grands, Fernata
Turbask and Gregory Valentin, they also called by the name of Three Musk Eater.
Marani Network first established on 2017 as the audit and smart contract creation services, and
now on 2022 Marani Network decided to built as a foundation to establish our own network
adopting a concept called Gamified Blockchain.

Marani Network will be it’s own-standing blockchain adopting CryptoNight algorithm which will
require a computing power from Computer’s Processor at the minimum of 8 cores and 16 thread
from processor’s specification. This is the efficient way to provide a wide and fast blockchain
with a single processor; it also saves a lot of electricity energy. Node Operator can also work on
their own job while idling the Node to validate the transaction.
However, there will be sanction if a Node Operator fails to keep the Node 24 hours uptime, the
sanction will like to make you loss the MNC (mean: Marani Network Coin).
How We Build from Scratch
A blockchain is not an easy stuff and instant thing to do, first we need to establish a good
community to have a wide exposure for Marani Network itself. Next after exposure, we will be
focusing on crossing our products to three different major networks like Binance Smart Chain,
Ethereum Mainnet and Solana Network. The purpose to do the cross network is to create some
good daily volume trades to the currency on different 3 networks.
And finally, after a good steps we made we can absolutely open application for Node Operator
to join and contribute to our own blockchain validation of transactions and building the most
efficient technology for NFT and Crypto-Token projects to lay with.

Node Operator
Node Operator is an individual or a group who contributes their computing power in purpose of
securing Marani Network by validating transactions inside the blockchain, Node Operator will
also earn reward from every block mined and a reward from receiving NFT Card by leveling up
their grades from Rock Level, Iron Level, Gold Level. Each level has different and variatives
reward for 30 days of staking the NFT Card into our Solana Network pool.

Node Reward : Levels

Node Operators are rewarded from everytime a block confirmed, beside of that Marani Network
will also reward Node Operator with NFT Card based on their current level on the network.
Levels are split into 3 sections; which are Gold, Iron, and Rock level those can be obtained by
keeping the network safe continuously and each NFT Card has the chance to drop atleast one
into your Node GUI.

The Golden Level – Is the top level of Node Operator which can give you
729% APR from our staking pool emission in form of Solana Network
governance token ($SOL).

The Iron Level – Is the lower level of Golden Level Operator which can give
you 302% APR from our staking pool emission in form of Solana Network
governance token ($SOL).

The Rock Level – Is the lowest level of all Node Operator level which can
give you 98% APR from our staking pool emissions in form of Solana
Network governance token ($SOL).
Node Reward : NFT Card Chance
The rewarding NFT Card can be obtained automatically by validating and found a block with
atleast some percentage to get one of them.
Golden Level Chance – The Golden NFT Card has 0.1% chance every block mined to get
atleast one NFT Card automatically sent to your wallet.
Iron Level Chance – The Iron NFT Card has 0.5% chance every block mined to get atleast one
NFT Card automatically sent to your wallet.
Rock Level Chance – The Rock NFT Card has 1% chance every block mined to get atleast one
NFT Card automatically sent to your wallet.

Marani Network will always refill the pool in Solana Network by 15% of total quota every week,
so there will be no worry if you do not have the chance to get side-reward from NFT Card.
The pool will be refilled with Solana.
But, how does it work? We mine blocks on Marani Network and receive the card on other
network? Well it’s simple, our Node GUI has cross-network feature which will need you to re-
confirm your Solana Network address in purpose to send side-reward (in this case is NFT Card)
to your Solana Wallet.
Please note that you cannot input a centralized exchange address to our Node GUI for NFT
Card reward as it will result to a permanent loss of your NFT Card Reward.

Node Reward : Block Reward

Node Operator will be rewarded for every block mined on our network, which means they will
get paid with Marani Network Coin if they succeed to validate a block within specific time. The
initial reward will be commenced on 5 MNC per block and will be halved every 3 years by 25%.
However, if you join a pool there will be a fee for the pooling service which varies from 1% to at
maximum of 3% depends on the provider.
Working for Partner
Marani Network is not only a blockchain technology, beside of that we are providing and offering
a good agreement to boost and get exposure on other project that assigned and working
together with our brand name through our package offers.

A project will get audited also certified with our safety levels to ensure the project’s safety to our
consumer, Marani Network also acting as a project launchpad and initial offering to public with
the safest protocol on cross networks. This offer will absolutely boost our consumer’s project
and get more exposure to their project.

Mining Block Reward

Every block on Marani Network will earn our Node Operator some of reward in the form of Marani
Network Coin ($MNC) our own primary and native currency for the network, however there is a scarcity
regulation to keep the spread of our native token limited and capped to exact amount.

Reward/block Halved for every Halved by

10 MNC 3 Years 50%
Marani Network (BSC Mainnet)
Project Roadmap
The official roadmap is a fully decision from the board of director to achieve good improvement
on our project (Marani Network), there will be some changes and updates to our Roadmap
without any announcement to this document, please always be notified to our document if there
is any changes in the future.

 Binance Smart Chain Smart Contract Deployment
 Introducing Marani Network and it’s functions
 Smart Contract Audit on Tier 2 Instance
 Reached our first 500 holders
 Community Events

 Reached our first 1.000 holders
 Community Exposure to channels
 Upgrading Smart Contract Security
 Tax changes
 Community Events
 Centralized Exchange Listing

 Adding another supportive mainnets
 Smart Contract Improvements
 Live AMA and Director Doxx
 Reached our first 10.000 holders
 Community Events

*Please note that our Phase will be added to this document later on future updates.
Token Allocation

15 5

DEX Liquidity
CEX Liquidity
Team and Development


*Team and Development tokens are locked for a designated time for atleast 3 months and it will be extended after
we decided to take funds in purpose to grow the project.

*DEX Liquidity is the liquidity we’ll put on Decentralized Exchange (i.e PancakeSwap,UniSwap and others DEXes)

*CEX Liquidity is the liquidity we’ll send to a centralized exchange (i.e Binance, KuCoin and others CEXes)

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