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I 12 Cranial Nerves

Olfactory & vomeronasal nn. (I)

II Diencephalon
Optic n. (II)

III Oculomotor n. (III)
Trochlear n. (IV)

V Trigeminal n. (V)
IV VIII Myelencephalon (MO)
IX Abducent n. (VI)
Facial n. (VII)
X XI Vestibulocochlear n. (VIII)
XII Glossopharyngeal n. (IX)
Vagus n. (X)
Accessory n. (XI)
Hypoglossal n. (XII)

Cranial nerves can be thought of as modified spinal
nerves, since the “general” functional fiber types found in
spinal nerves also are found in cranial nerves, but are
supplemented by “special” afferent or efferent fibers.

Special Visceral Afferent

Fibers conveying olfaction (in cranial nerve I) and taste
(in cranial nerves VII, IX, and X)

Special Somatic Afferent is applied to fibers conveying

vision (cranial nerve II) and equilibrium and hearing
(cranial nerve VIII).

Special Visceral Efferent

Cranial nerves V, VII, IX, and X innervate skeletal
muscles that arise from the branchial (pharyngeal) arches

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