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Let your heart feel for the afflictions and distress of everyone, and let your hand give in proportion to your
purse - George Washington.Trauma in the family,work stress, relationship issues, and loneliness,are one of
the few roots of emotional distress that a person faces in his or her life.First and foremost,what is the
definition of distress?According to Wikipedia,distress or mental distress is stress that encompasses the
symptoms and experiences of a person's internal life that are commonly held to be troubling, confusing or out
of the ordinary.This psychological distress can lead to a change in behaviour and negatively affect a person's
feelings, including their relationships and life.Society has been in decline ever since people are facing
distressing problems.There are a variety of problems that people face, such as traumatic experiences, health
problems, family stress, and many more.But the question is, "What is the most distressing problem that our
people face in today's society ?

Health is the response to the query.One of the main root causes of mental discomfort has been
health.The primary concern for citizens worldwide has been health since the outbreak of the Covid-19
epidemic in late 2019 in Wuhan, China.People have never been more concerned about their health.Health has
become a very important factor in one’s life.When an individual is free from any kind of physical sickness or
psychological distress and has positive interpersonal interactions, he is regarded to be in good health
condition.Leading a healthy lifestyle makes one happier, whereas practising an unhealthy lifestyle leads to
stress and poor mental wellness.

Health is critical but what's tied with distress and why does it offer difficulties? The phrase, "A
stressed man is an unhealthy man" states that stress is harmful to human health. Although stress is a constant
in human existence, it may become mismanaged stress, which wrecks havoc on the body and the mind.You
might get identified with diseases and issues like cancer if you live an unhealthy lifestyle, such as consuming
alcohol and smoking.This can result in monetary and interpersonal issues which can stress a person up.For
instance, you will experience psychological distress and might even have a mental breakdown when close
loved ones passes away from illnesses spurred due to a lack of awareness of health.Health is so essential and
disregard for it may result in mental distress.

This distressing issue has got to be resolved sooner but how?How may our generation aid in solving
this issue?Adolescents must first inform people in general about the significance of living an active
life.Although there have been numerous efforts in our nation, but are yet to be successful in spreading
awareness.How may this issue be resolved?The internet is the answer.Teenagers nowadays, who are mostly
active on social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram, assist in informing individuals on the need of
taking care of their health through infographic posters, videos, and other means.Therefore, today's youth can
contribute to reducing health difficulties in our nation, and social media has a significant impact on this.
Following each paragraph, I have reached a conclusion.One of the numerous concerns in a person's
life is their health.At the same time, it's crucial to take good care of your health.Health is like money in that
we never realize how valuable it is until we lose it.Distress, however, isn't much of an issue because it may
be lessened and handled in a variety of ways with the aid of the younger generations.Life is happy when
you’re healthy.

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