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The Level of Reading Comprehension of Senior High School

Students in Camp Vicente Lim Integrated School

This study measured the level of reading comprehension of senior high school
students of Camp Vicente Lim Integrated School. The goal was to feature the age, sex, and
strand of the students. In addition, the extent of the level of reading comprehension and the
factors that affect the reading comprehension of the students was also revealed.

Furthermore, the design used allows the researcher to conduct a survey and to reflect
deeper on the study composed of 85 confidential senior high school students in Camp Vicente
Lim Integrated School. Based on the findings, 6% are senior high school students while
2.35% poor in figuring out clearly the meanings of some new words in the reading text, and
7.06% badly memorize words, phrases and ideas on given content. The level of reading
comprehension of the student is rarely that is interpreted as average comprehension and the
factor affects the reading comprehension is rarely that is interpreted as averagely affects.

The result of this study served as the basis for proposing an action plan that will be
conducted for the senior high school department. The plan has its specific objectives to
capacitate the students reading comprehension and how the possible factor that affect the
reading comprehension of the student will be minimize. It will also help them to be proficient
in comprehending important information and that reading is part of basic human needs.

Keywords: comprehension, reading, text

1. Introduction
This research aims to measure the reading comprehension of senior
high school students in Camp Vicente Lim Integrated School; reading
comprehension is the process by which we understand the texts we read. It is
the purpose of reading, why they teach it, and why they care about it.
It is also the prerequisite for meaningful learning from text. That reading
comprehension is one of the basic life skills knowledge for human.
Comprehension is key element of reading. Proficient readers do more than
decode the text on the context; they acknowledge and translate what they

We lead, we serve, we excel with a heart.

Address: Brgy. Mayapa, Calamba City, Laguna
Telephone Numbers: (049) 530-2090 / (049) 530-2098
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read. They set-up meaning from text. By reading passionately and conciously
and by reading a lot, proficient readers can learn from and enjoy what they
read, which stimulates them to keep reading.
According to Manuel, J (2022) that majority of the learners were at the
frustration level. Also, the perceived causes, origins and attendant variables of
the students’ reading level were non-mastery of the elements of reading,
presence of learners-at-risk, and no culture of reading.

Furthermore, the researcher opts to present the level of reading

comprehension of the senior high school students in CVLIS and recommend
modification, interventions, and trainings on reading comprehension for senior
high school students. This self-reinforcing cycle of knowledge, satisfaction,
and motivation is what the researcher aims.
2. Research Questions
This research shows the level of reading comprehension of SHS Students
of CVLIS and seeks to answer the following questions:

1. What is the profile of the respondents in terms of:

1.1 age
1.2 sex
1.3 strand
2. What is the level of reading comprehension of the respondents?
3. What are the factors that affect the reading level of the students?
4. Based on the findings, what modification should be done in the localized
reading program?

3. Related of Literature

In 2018, a research was conducted about comprehension on passages

and as per the result many students find it difficult to read hence their inability
to understand comprehension passages. (Barruko, 2018) and as per the
result the insufficient vocabulary hinders students’ performance in
comprehension of English was the primary reason in problem of reading
comprehension followed by the lack of reading materials for them to work on.

Based on the research, problem face by student in reading

comprehension of English text was majoring in three theme; 1. Problems from
the student self, 2. Problems from the teacher, and 3. External problems.
(Bilbao, M.E.M et al, 2016) According to Ventic, M.N et al, (2018) that majority
of the learners were at the frustration level. Also, the perceived causes,
origins and attendant variables of the students’ reading level were non-
mastery of the elements of reading, presence of learners-at-risk, and no
culture of reading. Moreover, that the overall students' performance in reading
comprehension was indexed at low mastery level. Suson, R. et al, (2020)

We lead, we serve, we excel with a heart.

Address: Brgy. Mayapa, Calamba City, Laguna
Telephone Numbers: (049) 530-2090 / (049) 530-2098
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4. Methodology

The researcher used a convenience sampling  is a method of collecting

samples by taking samples that are conveniently located around a location or
Internet service.
This method is a non-probability sampling method where units are selected
for inclusion in the sample because they are the easiest for the researcher to

5. Discussion and Analysis

The preceding tables present the level of reading comprehension of
senior highschool students in Camp Vicente Lim Intergrated School.
Table 1.1: Age

Age Frequency Percentage

15-17 48 56.5%
18-20 37 43.5%
21-Above 0 0
Total 85 100%

Table1.1 Show the frequency and percentage distribution of the respondents

according to their age. Most of the respondents 15-17 years of age having 48 or
56.5%, and lastly 18-20 years old having 37 or 43.5%
Table 1.2: Sex

Sex Frequency Percentage

Male 48 56.5%
Female 37 43.5%
Total 85 100%

Table1.2 Show the frequency and percentage distribution of the respondents

according to their sex. Most of the respondents are male having 48 or 56.5%, and
lastly female having 37 or 43.5%
Table 1.3: Strand

Strand Frequency Percentage

HUMSS 21 24.7%
STEM 18 21.2%
H.E 11 12.9%
ICT 10 11.8%
SMAW 10 11.8%

We lead, we serve, we excel with a heart.

Address: Brgy. Mayapa, Calamba City, Laguna
Telephone Numbers: (049) 530-2090 / (049) 530-2098
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ABM 9 10.6%
EIM 6 7.7%
Total 85 100%

Table1.3 Show the frequency and percentage distribution of the respondents

according to their strand. Most of the respondents are HUMSS having 21 or 24.7%,
following STEM having 18 or 21.2%, then H.E with 11 or 12.9%, following ICT having
10 or 11.8%, then SMAW with 10 or 11.8%, following ABM with 9 or 10.6%, and
lastly EIM with 6 or 7.7%

Table 2: The level of reading comprehension of the respondents

Statement Mea Adjectival
n Rating Interpretation
1. Can fully comprehend the Average
purpose of the text 2.29 Rarely Comprehension
2. Could distinguish main ideas from Average
supporting ideas in the reading 2.32 Rarely Comprehension
3. Properly identifies the main and Average
detailed ideas in the text 2.41 Rarely Comprehension
4. Effortlessly recognize the total Average
meaning of the text. 2.34 Rarely Comprehension
5. Clearly figures out the meanings Average
of some new words in the reading 2.18 Rarely Comprehension
General Assessment 2.31 Rarely Comprehension

3.51 - 4.0         Always          Excellent Comprehension
                      2.51 -3.50         Often Above Average Comprehension
1.51 - 2.50        Rarely Average Comprehension
  1.0 - 1.50          Never Poor Comprehension

Table 3: presents the level of reading comprehension of senior high school students.
It contains 5 items, the mean, adjectival rating, and the interpretation of the mean in
each item. Statement number 3 obtained the highest weighted mean of 2.41, which

We lead, we serve, we excel with a heart.

Address: Brgy. Mayapa, Calamba City, Laguna
Telephone Numbers: (049) 530-2090 / (049) 530-2098
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falls on the description level average comprehension. This means that students can
properly identify the main and detailed ideas in the text.
Statement number 5 got the lowest weighted mean of 2.18, which falls on the
description level average comprehension. This shows that the student rarely figures
clearly out the meanings of some new words in the reading text.
The average weighted mean is 2.31, which falls on the description level of
average comprehension. This means that students have average comprehension.

Table 3: The factors that affect the reading level of the students

Statement Mea Adjectival

n Rating Interpretation
1. Ability to understand the words, Averagely
phrases, and information on text. 2.42 Rarely Affected
2. Smoothly memorize words, Averagely
phrases and ideas on given content 2.28 Rarely Affected
3. Tends to focus and immerse in Averagely
reading certain work. 2.33 Rarely Affected
4. Having prior knowledge on the Averagely
given genre of information. 2.29 Rarely Affected
5. Can analyze English language Averagely
properly through scanning. 2.29 Rarely Affected
General Assessment 2.32 Rarely Affected

3.51 - 4.0         Always         Strongly Affects
                     2.51 -3.50         Often Above Average Affects
1.51 - 2.50        Rarely Averagely Affects
 1.0 - 1.50          Never Poorly Affects

We lead, we serve, we excel with a heart.

Address: Brgy. Mayapa, Calamba City, Laguna
Telephone Numbers: (049) 530-2090 / (049) 530-2098
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Table 3: presents the factors that affect the reading comprehension of senior
high school students. It contains 5 items, the mean, adjectival rating, and the
interpretation of the mean in each item. Statement number 1 obtained the highest
weighted mean of 2.42, which falls on the description level averagely affects. This
means that students have the ability to understand the words, phrases, and
information on text.
Statement number 2 got the lowest weighted mean of 2.28, which falls on the
description level average comprehension. This shows that the student rarely
smoothly memorize words, phrases and ideas on given content.
The average weighted mean is 2.32, which falls on the description level of
average comprehension. This means that students have average comprehension

Table 4: Action Plan

Phases Of Goals/ Person’s Resources Time Frame
Implementat Objective Involved Needed
Phase I: 1. To 1. Reading 1. Time 1. Decembe
intervie Coordinat r 14,
Pre- w or 2023
Implementati reading
on coordin
ator 2. List of 2. Decembe
2. Reading progra r 14,
2. To Coordinat ms 2023
know or
ms of

3. To Reading Data of the 3. Decembe

Know Coordinator reading test r 14,
the data 2023
of the
test of

We lead, we serve, we excel with a heart.

Address: Brgy. Mayapa, Calamba City, Laguna
Telephone Numbers: (049) 530-2090 / (049) 530-2098
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Phase II: 1. To 1. Class 1. Readin 1. January

promot adviser, g 25, 2023
Implementati e English/L material
on aestheti anguage s
Proper c Teacher
student Facilitator for 2. Febuary
s Reading 101 24, 2023
Damages fees
Giving and time
seminar about
teaching basic
reading 101
Phase III 1. To evaluate Reading 3. Time
the Teacher and April 30, 2023
Post- improvement Students 4. List of
Implementati of students’ progra
on reading ms
Data of the
reading test

6. Conclusion and Recommendation

Based on the findings, 48 or 56.5% are ages 15-17 years old while 48 or 56.5%
are male then 21 or 24.7% are in the HUMSS strand. It implies that there is a need
to pursue further studies. It is also suggested that the school language teacher
should be inform about what the age, strand, and sex of the student that needs
guidance in reading.
Furthermore, the level of reading comprehension of senior high school students
are on rarely that is interpreted as average comprehension also the factors affects
the reading comprehension is on rarely that is interpreted as averagely affected.
With this, Camp Vicente Lim Intergrated School educators must vigorously promotes
aesthetic reading in order to stimulate the urge of the student to have reading habit
just like in Don Bosco Technical College, Mandaluyong City. Moreover, the factor
that affect the reading comprehension of students are on rarely that is interpreted as
averagely affected. That their ability to understand the words, phrases, and
information on text are on rarely basis, it is suggested that CVLIS institution should

We lead, we serve, we excel with a heart.

Address: Brgy. Mayapa, Calamba City, Laguna
Telephone Numbers: (049) 530-2090 / (049) 530-2098
Email Address:
have a organization or reading club similar to Marist School, Marikina City. there are
current project that caters in reading comprehension of students in CVLIS which is
called Project FAIR that is an outreach program in reaching out students to help
them in reading, more so it is suggested that CVLIS should continue this project and
keep it strengthend to help future student in reading.
Lastly, the study would benefit the educators to know the reading comprehension
status of the senior high school students and to lower the rate of students whose
reading comprehension is below average in the future. Moreso, it allows the students
to know the factors that affects their reading comprehension.


Barukko, J. (2018). Challenges of English Reading for Senior High School Students.
Problems, Solutions and Recommenadations,
Bilbao, M.E.M et al, (2016) Level of Reading Comprehension of the Education

Suson, R. et al, (2020) Basic Reading Comprehension in Philippine Settings

Iqbal, M. et al, (2015) Factors Responsible for Poor English Reading Comprehension
at Secondary Level



Tomas, M.J.L et al, (2021) The Perceived Challenges in Reading of Learners:

Basis for School Reading Programs

Totto, P.M et al, (2021) Reading and Writing Performance of Senior High
School Students https://al

We lead, we serve, we excel with a heart.

Address: Brgy. Mayapa, Calamba City, Laguna
Telephone Numbers: (049) 530-2090 / (049) 530-2098
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Manuel, J (2022) English Language Proficiency of Senior High School Students

Maztura, M.A et al, (2014)


We lead, we serve, we excel with a heart.

Address: Brgy. Mayapa, Calamba City, Laguna
Telephone Numbers: (049) 530-2090 / (049) 530-2098
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