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Area: Foreign Language Grade: 8th EGB Class: A JORNADA


O.EFL 4.1 Identify the main ideas, some details and inferences of written texts, in order to produce level-appropriate critical
analysis of familiar subjects and contexts.
O.EFL 4.4 Develop creative and critical thinking skills when encountering challenges in order to promote autonomous learning
Topic: A RELUGAR and decision making.
Unit Nº 3 DAY. O.EFL 4.6 Introduce the need for independent research as a daily activity by using electronic resources (ICT) in class while
practicing appropriate competences in the four skills.



Communication and Cultural Awareness

EFL 4.1.4 Demonstrate mindfulness, empathy, tolerance and an overall respect for
CE.EFL.4.5. Display an appreciation of and demonstrate respect for individual and group
the integrity of cultures in daily classroom activities.
differences by establishing and maintaining healthy and rewarding relationships based on
EFL 4.1.8 Use suitable vocabulary, expressions, language and interaction styles for
communication and cooperation.
formal and informal social or academic situations in order to communicate specific
CE.EFL.4.4. Demonstrate the ability to ask for and give information and assistance using
intentions in online and face-to face interactions. (Example: thanking, making
appropriate language and interaction styles in a variety of social interactions.
promises, apologizing, asking permission, chatting with friends, answering in class,
greeting an authority figure, etc.)

Oral Communication CE.EFL.4.10. Interaction – Interpersonal: Participate effectively in familiar and predictable
EFL 4.2.10 Sustain a conversational exchange on a familiar, everyday subject when conversational exchanges by asking and answering follow-up questions, provided there
carrying out a collaborative/paired learning activity in which there are specific
are opportunities to use repair strategies (e.g. asking for clarification) and sustain
instructions for a task.
conversational exchanges in pairs to complete a task, satisfy a need or handle a simple
Maintain and end a conversation to satisfy basic needs and/or handle a simple
transaction. (Ref. EFL 4.2.16)

CE.EFL.4.11. Demonstrate comprehension of main ideas and some details in short
EFL 4.3.1 Understand main points in short simple texts on familiar subjects. simple texts on familiar subjects, making use of contextual clues to identify relevant
(Example: news about sports or famous people, descriptions, etc.) information in a text.
CE.EFL.4.15. Express information and ideas and describe feelings and opinions in
Writing simple transactional or expository texts on familiar subjects in order to influence an
EFL 4.4.4 Write to describe feelings/opinions in order to effectively influence an audience, while recognizing that different texts have different features and showing the
audience. (Example: persuade, negotiate, argue, etc.)
ability to use these features appropriately in one’s own writing.
EFL 4.4.7 Use the process of prewriting, drafting, revising, peer editing and
CE.EFL.4.17. Show an ability to convey and organize information through the use of
proofreading (i.e., “the writing process”) to produce well-constructed informational texts.
facts and details and by employing various stages of the writing process, while using a
range of digital tools to promote and support collaboration, learning and productivity.

Language through the arts

CE.EFL.4.18. Use main ideas in order to understand, predict, infer and deduce literal and
EFL 4.5.1 Make use of main points in literary texts (authentic and semi-authentic, oral
implied meanings in short, simple, everyday literary texts (online, oral or in print).
and written) to understand short simple everyday stories, especially if there is visual
CE.EFL.4.22. Show the ability to work collaboratively and to participate effectively in a
EFL 4.5.9 Engage in collaborative activities through a variety of student groupings to
variety of student groupings by employing a wide range of creative thinking skills through
create and respond to literature and other literary texts. (Example: small groups,
the completion of activities such as playing games, brainstorming and problem solving.
cooperative learning groups, literature circles, process writing groups, etc.)

TRANSVERSAL AXES: Responsibility, Honesty, Respect, Peace, Justice, etc. PERIODS: 20 START WEEK:

Evaluation: Activities / Techniques /

Methodological Strategies Resources Performance Indicators

Communication and Cultural Awareness ▪ New Curriculum EFL Communication and Cultural Awareness ACTIVITIES
for Sublevel EGB I.EFL.4.5.1. Learners can appreciate and
show respect for individual and group • Talk about people’s routines.
* Collaborating on a group project about routine. • Describe lifestyles.
differences by establishing and maintaining
* Completing group work in a fair and honest manner and ▪ I´T English time!
accepting the group’s decisions. healthy and rewarding online and face-to-
A1.1 • Makes a small description.
* Helping learners in the class who have a different skill set. face interactions. Learners can
• Describes actions happening at the
* answer the following questions. For example: what time? communicate and cooperate in a
moment of speaking.
What does she / he? How old is …? ▪ Audio links respectful, empathetic manner. (J.3, S.1, • Listen and fill the spaces in blanks.
* Playing games that practice classroom language, turn-taking, S.4) • Mention activities people are doing and
being polite, etc. clothes they are wearing.
* Comparing answers in pairs or small groups about daily ▪ Student’s book and I.EFL.4.4.1. Learners can demonstrate • Create a collage of different places, the
routine. workbook an ability to give and ask for information kinds of weather and clothes they wear.
* Working in small groups to complete a cultural project. About and assistance using level-appropriate • Group work: create a fashion poster
The clothes. What are they wearing? language and interaction styles in online or and talk about it.
Watching a video or reading a text about routines using ▪ Posters and pictures face-to-face social and classroom
present progressive tense. about the topic interactions. (J.2, J.3, J.4, I.3)

▪ Concept maps.

▪ Questionnaires.

▪ Interviews.

▪ Project Assignment.
Oral Communication ▪ workbook activities.
Oral Communication
▪ Notebook I.EFL.4.10.1. Learners can effectively ▪ Audio link activities
* Conducting a role play between two students on a given participate in familiar and predictable
topic. Using present simple (Example: talking about routines, everyday conversational exchanges in
▪ Quiz Time (SB) and Instruments for oral and written
finding common free time activities, playing a guessing order to complete a task, satisfy a need or
workbook. evaluation
game, etc.) handle a simple transaction, using a range
▪ Unit evaluation
* Working in pairs to complete an information gap activity. of repair strategies. (Example: asking for
* Asking classmates to repeat an answer or statement if clarification, etc.) (I.3, J.3, J.4) ▪ Vocabulary Quilt
needed to clarify something. (Example: Can you say that
again? Do you mean _____? etc.) Reading ▪ Mind Maps
* Asking for help in class when necessary. (Example: What’s
the answer? How do you say ___? Do you have an eraser? I.EFL.4.11.1. Learners can understand ▪ Oral interviews individual/ in pairs
Can you help me with ____? etc.) main ideas and some details in short
simple online or print texts on familiar ▪ Practical Exams.
Reading subjects, using contextual clues to help
identify the most relevant information. ▪ Writing Tests
* Reading a text and answering information questions. (Example: title, illustrations, organization,
▪ Unit evaluation
* Choosing from a list of words to complete gaps from a etc.) (I.2, I.4)
* Complete to a dialogue and identifying errors in speech or Writing
problems for communication. I.EFL.4.15.1. Learners can convey
information and ideas and describe
feelings and opinions in simple
transactional or expository texts on familiar
subjects in order to influence an audience,
while recognizing that different texts have
different features and showing the ability to
use these features appropriately in one’s
own writing. (I.3, I.4, S.3, J.2)
I.EFL.4.17.1. Learners can convey and
Writing organize information through the use of
* Writing your own answers to interview questions. facts and details and by employing various
* Looking at a picture and writing a description of what you stages of the writing process, while using a
see or how it makes you feel, then comparing descriptions in range of digital tools to promote and
pairs. support collaboration, learning and
* Making a text using sequence words to description events. productivity. (I.1, I.3, S.4, J.2, J.4)
* Completing the gaps in a sentence using verbs. (Example:
you ____English. / she _____a car / I____ in Ecuador. Language through the arts
* Sequencing sentences by adding words. (Example: I wake I.EFL.4.18.1. Learners can understand,
up. I eat breakfast. → First, I wake up. Then I eat breakfast, predict, infer and deduce literal and implied
etc.) meanings in short, simple, everyday
literary texts (online, oral or in print),
Language through the arts especially when visual support is provided.
* Listening to a song and inferring if it is happy, sad, etc. (I.2, I.3, I.4)
* Listening the conversation and fill the space in blanks.
*Creating literature circles where learners have the freedom I.EFL.4.22.1. Learners can collaborate and
to say anything they want about a text from class or outside participate effectively in a variety of student
of class. groupings by employing a wide range of
* Participating in classroom games in which problem-solving creative thinking skills through the
as a team is important. completion of activities such as playing
* Creating a crossword puzzle in groups about a fashion games, brainstorming and problem solving.
week, daily routines, celebrity, etc. (S.2, S.4, J.1, J.2, J.3, J.4)


Students with Special Needs Specifications of the Material to Be Applied


Teachers: Area Coordinator: Vice principal:

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