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LunaGrid; Considerations for Developing an Expandable & Distributed Lunar Power Grid

E.B. Williams, T. Arbuckle, J. Landreneau, Astrobotic (1016 N. Lincoln Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15233)

Introduction: NASA’s goal is to help create a must advance the electronics toward that objective
thriving lunar economy. A lunar power grid is foun- but also create a physical and spatial layout which
dational to that objective and would support the Ar- can accommodate that evolution. Designers must
temis missions. By providing power as a service on consider the obstruction which these in situ surface
the lunar surface it will be possible to substantially cables will create. Minimally insulated cables pro-
reduce the mass of surface equipment and the ex- vide a very low kg/km and also establish the paths
penses associated with delivering and operating and accommodations that will be needed for in situ
them. A prerequisite is the use of technology which cables while providing efficient traffic paths, similar
provides a path to surface operation of the first to terrestrial roads and power lines.
nodes within 3 to 5 years to support mission The electronics and transmission system utilize
roadmaps and provides power to customers at components and sub-systems which are modular,
≤120Vdc. The following sections describe the ba- such as the UMIC. In this context modular is de-
sis for several key characteristics of our LunaGrid fined as a component or subsystem that provides
service which can satisfy both near and long term a fixed amount of power, but when combined can
goals. provide the sum of their individual powers. Con-
State of Technology: The use of transmission verters, transformers, and cables will be modular.
cables with simple metallic conductors represents To maintain reliability these modular components
the strategy with the lowest program risk for lunar are configured such that if one fails, only the power
power transfer [1]. Transmission cables also have from that component is lost.
an existing supply chain to leverage. Several re- Each distributed generation node within the grid
cent publications have shown that AC transmission will have its own energy storage device so that grid
over long distances is the more feasible and relia- stabilizing storage increases as more generation
ble solution compared to DC transmission [1, 2]. capacity is added. Like the energy requirements of
The use of radiation tolerant transformers to a particular application on Earth, risk tolerance and
achieve the transmission voltage provides a more criticality of the application will dictate the appropri-
reliable solution compared to combining derated ate independent backup storage and generation
silicon or GaN converters in series. Existing AC mi- needs. Additional energy storage could be in a
crogrid controllers and algorithms, specifically specific node or within the user's system, much like
Droop Control, provides a robust solution for main- how hospitals have emergency power sources.
taining grid stability without the need for direct Finally, the electrical architecture is configured
communications between nodes for primary grid to prioritize conversion efficiency to the grid. As the
control (i.e. decentralized). This also provides an grid and lunar economy grow, multiple distributed
existing knowledge base and the benefit of experi- generation nodes (VSATs, FSPs) will be used to
ence with managing fault scenarios experienced in provide power to large power consumers or loca-
microgrid and “off the grid” applications on earth. tions. A large user requires power supplied from
The Micro-grid Definition and Interface Con- multiple nodes. However, if this is not the case, al-
verter for Planetary Surfaces (MIPS) team at ternative configurations are possible since the sys-
NASA’s Glenn Research Center (GRC) have rec- tem is modular.
ommended high voltage transmission at 3kVac. To References:
enable this solution, they have developed the Uni- [1] Barth C. and Pike D. (2022) Lunar Power Trans-
versal Modular Interface Converter (UMIC) which mission for Fission Surface Power. Nuclear and
provides bi-directional conversion between Emerging Technologies for Space 2022
120Vdc and 3kVac using modular components [3]. [2] Csank J., Thomas G., Granger M., Gardner B.
Expansion of the Grid: The grid architecture (2022) Powering the Moon: From Artemis Technol-
and infrastructure planning is based on progres- ogy Demonstrations to a Lunar Economy. Nuclear
sively adding more nodes over time but without and Emerging Technologies for Space 2022
knowledge of the exact geographic locations and [3] DeMinico M., Csank J. (2022) FY22 Micro-grid
power demand needed in the future. NASA’s Stra- Definition and Interface Converter for Planetary
tegic Framework seeks to develop large scale Surfaces (MIPS) Annual Review Presentation.
power transmission (>100’s km) using lunar re- STMD Game Changing Development Program
sources. Any near-term solution being developed 09/12/2022

LSIC 2023 Spring Meeting, April 24-25, 2023; Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Lab; Laurel, MD

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