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Gastrointestinal Imaging • Original Research

Chung et al.
CT of Ventriculoperitoneal Shunts

Gastrointestinal Imaging
Original Research

Intraabdominal Complications
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Secondary to Ventriculoperitoneal
Shunts: CT Findings and Review of
the Literature
Jae-Joon Chung1 OBJECTIVE. The purpose of our study was to evaluate the abdominopelvic CT findings
Jeong-Sik Yu1 of various intraabdominal complications secondary to ventriculoperitoneal shunts for hydro-
Joo Hee Kim1 cephalus and to review the literature.
Se Jin Nam1 MATERIALS AND METHODS. The CT images of 70 patients (33 men and 37 women;
Myeong-Jin Kim 2 mean age, 48.5 years) who underwent ventriculoperitoneal shunt placement and abdominopel-
vic CT because of shunt-related abdominal symptoms were reviewed retrospectively. CT im-
Chung JJ, Yu JS, Kim JH, Nam SJ, Kim MJ ages were analyzed with regard to the location of the shunting catheter tip; site, size, wall, and
septa of localized fluid collection; peritoneal thickening; omentomesentery infiltration; abscess;
bowel perforation; abdominal wall infiltration; and thickening of the catheter track wall.
RESULTS. The mean period between the last ventriculoperitoneal shunting operation
and CT was 11 months (range, 1 week to 115 months), and the mean number of ventriculo-
peritoneal shunting operations undergone was 1.4 (range, 1–6). A total of 76 ventriculoperi-
toneal shunting catheters were introduced in 70 patients: 64 patients had a unilateral catheter
inserted and six patients had bilateral catheters inserted. Sixteen patients (22.9%) were patho-
logically diagnosed with ventriculoperitoneal shunt–related complications: 11 cases (15.7%)
of shunt infection, six cases (8.6%) of CSF pseudocyst, four cases (5.7%) of abdominal ab-
scess, three cases (4.3%) of infected fluid collection, and one case (1.4%) of bowel perfora-
tion. Microorganisms were cultured from the tip of the shunting catheter or peritoneal fluid
in 11 patients (15.7%).
CONCLUSION. On abdominopelvic CT, various intraabdominal complications sec-
ondary to ventriculoperitoneal shunt were shown, of which, shunt infection was the most
common, followed by CSF pseudocyst, abscess, and infected fluid collection.
Keywords: abdominopelvic CT, cerebrospinal fluid,
hydrocephalus, peritonitis, pseudocyst, ventriculo­

peritoneal shunt lacement of a ventriculoperito- may manifest as either local abdominal signs
neal shunt is the most common or increased intracranial pressure.
DOI:10.2214/AJR.09.2463 operation performed in the treat- Shunt infection remains a frequent and po-
ment of hydrocephalus. Intraab- tentially fatal complication of CSF diversion.
Received January 27, 2009; accepted after revision
April 12, 2009.
dominal complications after ventriculoperi- Therefore, a key issue in the treatment of
toneal shunt placement are most commonly these complications is early and correct di-
Supported by a research grant from Yonsei University located near the peritoneal end of the shunt agnosis of intraabdominal complications by
College of Medicine for 2008. catheter; more than 50% of patients require CT, MRI, sonography, or abdominal radiog-
1 shunt revision [1, 2]. The most common com- raphy. There have been several case reports
Department of Radiology and Research Institute of
Radiological Science, Gangnam Severance Hospital, plications have been infection of the shunt, about various abdominal complications that
Yonsei University College of Medicine, 612, Eunjuro, malfunction due to blockage, disconnection, can occur after ventriculoperitoneal shunting
Gangnam-gu, 135-720 Seoul, Korea. Address migration, and equipment failure, which are operations [8–11].
correspondence to J. J. Chung (jjchung@yuhs.ac). related to extraperitoneal retraction of the The purpose of this study was to evaluate
Department of Radiology and Research Institute of
catheter, development of an incisional her- the CT findings of various intraabdominal
Radiological Science, Severance Hospital, Yonsei nia, subcutaneous collection of CSF, and complications secondary to ventriculoperito-
University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea. peritoneal pseudocyst formation due to low- neal shunt placement for hydrocephalus and
grade infection followed by wrapping by the to review the literature.
AJR 2009; 193:1311–1317 omentum [2–4]. Other complications report-
ed in the literature include intestinal perfora- Materials and Methods
tion, CSF ascites, inguinal hernia, and intes- This retrospective study was approved by our
© American Roentgen Ray Society tinal volvulus [5–7]. These complications institutional review board, and the requirement for

AJR:193, November 2009 1311

Chung et al.

informed consent was waived. We reviewed the of 70 patients (33 male and 37 female; age range, gutter (RPG), left paracolic gutter (LPG), midab-
medical records of all patients who underwent ab- 2–75 years; mean age, 48.5 years) were enrolled domen (paraumbilical area), pelvic cavity (below
dominopelvic CT after ventriculoperitoneal shunt in this study. acetabular roof), and abdominal wall.
placement from January 2001 to June 2008. The The causes of hydrocephalus in the 70 patients One abdominal radiologist with 14 years of ex-
medical records of 100 consecutive patients were were 14 cases of primary or secondary brain tu- perience reviewed all the abdominopelvic CT im-
reviewed. An attending abdominal radiologist re- mors, 12 cases of subarachnoid hemorrhage and in- ages, focusing on the site and size of localized flu-
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trieved the images from a hospital archiving sys- traventricular hemorrhage (IVH), 11 cases of trau- id collection, the presence of walls or septa in the
tem and conducted a preliminary review of the CT matic intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH) and IVH, six localized fluid collections, peritoneal thickening,
images of the 100 patients. cases of postoperative ischemic change, six cases of peritoneal contrast enhancement, omentomesen-
Among the patients reviewed, a total of 30 were postoperative hemorrhage, five cases of hyperten- tery infiltration, abscess, bowel perforation, bow-
excluded for the following reasons: seven patients sive ICH and IVH, four cases of IVH, three cases of el-wall thickening and contrast enhancement,
had no specific abdominal symptoms (staging tumor seeding, two cases of vascular ICH and IVH, abdominal wall infiltration, thickening of the
workup for underlying cancer [n = 4], evaluation two cases of ICH after infarct, two cases of congen- catheter track wall, and intraperitoneal free air.
of hypertension [n = 2], and falling injury [n = ital disease, two cases of meningitis, and one case
1]); five patients had no recorded clinical infor- of subdural hematoma. Two cases of vascular ICH Results
mation for an abdominopelvic CT scan; five pa- and IVH were from a case of moyamoya disease Abdominopelvic CT was performed in 70
tients underwent ventriculoperitoneal shunt re- and a case of arteriovenous malformation (AVM). patients for complaints of varying abdominal
moval just before the CT for shunt malfunction; Two cases of congenital diseases were from a case symptoms, such as diffuse abdominal pain
four patients underwent CT for evaluation of per- of congenital hydrocephalus and a case of Arnold- (n = 25), localized abdominal pain (n = 17),
cutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy tube place- Chiari malformation. aggravated hydrocephalus due to shunt mal-
ment; three patients underwent CT for renal or The window for abdominopelvic CT was from function (n = 9), fever with vague abdominal
ureteral stones; three patients underwent CT for 2 cm above the right hemidiaphragm to 2 cm be- symptoms (n = 6), ventriculitis with suspect-
urinary tract infection; two patients underwent CT low the symphysis pubis, with a 7-mm collima- ed shunt infection (n = 5), prolonged diar-
for gallstones; and one patient underwent CT for tion and a 7-mm reconstruction interval. After IV rhea (n = 3), palpable abdominal mass (n =
voiding difficulty. Inclusion criteria for the study administration of 120–150 mL of nonionic iodi- 2), subphrenic free air (n = 1), pus discharge
included abdominopelvic CT with previous ven- nated contrast medium (iopromide, Ultravist 300, from the operation site (n = 1), and hemato-
triculoperitoneal shunt placement and abdominal Schering), given by an automatic injector at 3–4 chezia (n = 1).
symptoms such as diffuse or localized abdominal mL/s, 3-minute delayed equilibrium phase images Twelve (70.6%) of the 17 patients with lo-
pain, fever with abdominal symptoms, advanced were obtained. All scanned images were sent to calized abdominal pain complained of lower
hydrocephalus because of shunt malfunction, ven- the PACS for interpretation. abdominal pain. Among the 12 patients with
triculitis because of shunt infection, prolonged di- The locations of intraperitoneal fluid collections lower abdominal pain, six had RLQ pain that
arrhea, abdominal wall mass, pus discharge from were divided into right upper quadrant (RUQ), was initially diagnosed as acute appendici-
the operation site, and hematochezia. After ex- right lower quadrant (RLQ), left upper quadrant tis, two (2.9% of all patients) of whom were
clusion of the aforementioned 30 patients, a total (LUQ), left lower quadrant (LLQ), right paracolic finally diagnosed with acute appendicitis.

Fig. 1—51-year-old woman with large pseudocyst in abdominal wall.
A, Contrast-enhanced abdominopelvic CT scan shows about 13 × 10 cm pseudocyst in subcutaneous layer of right anterior abdominal wall with internal
ventriculoperitoneal shunt catheter. Smoothly compressed abdominal wall muscle is noted. Causes of hydrocephalus were subarachnoid hemorrhage and
intraventricular hemorrhage.
B, More caudal CT image shows pericystic irregular fluid collections (arrows) in abdominal wall. This patient complained of aggravated headache because of advanced
hydrocephalus from shunt malfunction. Subsequently, shunt revision was performed, and there was no growth of microorganism from catheter tip.

1312 AJR:193, November 2009

CT of Ventriculoperitoneal Shunts

Ventriculitis was suspected in five patients Fig. 2—33-year-old man with

localized omentomesentery
because of findings on brain CT or MRI ex- infiltration. Contrast-enhanced
aminations that were performed for acute abdominopelvic CT scan shows
and persistent headache or increased intra­ localized dirty infiltration in
cranial pressure. omento­mesentery of abdominal
left lower quadrant (LLQ) with
The mean period between the last ventric- adjacent peritoneal thickening
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uloperitoneal shunting operation and abdom- and minimal fluid collection.

inopelvic CT was 11 months (range, 1 week Ventriculoperitoneal shunt
catheter (arrows) is noted within
to 115 months), and the mean number of ven- localized infection area. Cause of
triculoperitoneal shunting operations under- hydrocephalus was postoperative
gone was 1.4 (range, 1–6). intraventricular hemorrhage for
In the 70 patients, 76 ventriculoperitoneal arteriovenous malformation and
patient complained of localized
shunting catheters were introduced: 64 pa- abdominal pain in abdominal LLQ.
tients with a unilateral catheter and six pa- Shunt revision was performed and
tients with bilateral catheters. There were 46 Staphylococcus aureus grew from
tip of shunt catheter.
right ventricle–origin shunting catheters and
30 left ventricle–origin shunting catheters;
six patients had bilateral ventriculoperitone- Of the 70 patients, 16 (22.9%) were histo- to wrapped mesentery at the catheter tip
al shunting catheters placed. pathologically diagnosed with shunt-relat- within 5 days of ventriculoperitoneal shunt
In the 70 patients, 87 localized fluid col- ed complications, which included 11 cases placement. Three cases of infected fluid col-
lection sites, of which 47 patients (67.1%) (15.7%) of shunt infection (Fig. 2), six cases lection were diagnosed by sonographically
had one fluid collecting site, 17 (24.3%) had (8.6%) of CSF pseudocyst formation (Fig. 3), guided aspiration of fluid. One patient with
two fluid collecting sites, and two (2.9%) had four cases (5.7%) of abdominal abscess (Fig. subphrenic free air was diagnosed with peri-
three fluid collecting sites, as well as six CSF 4), three cases (4.3%) of infected localized flu- tonitis secondary to a 5-mm bowel perfora-
pseudocysts were found. The locations of the id collection (Fig. 5), and one case (1.4%) of tion in the transverse colon due to the shunt-
87 localized fluid collection sites were the bowel perforation. Among these, all four cases ing catheter.
pelvic cavity (n = 55), RPG (n = 16), mid­ of abscess, three cases of pseudocyst, and two Eighteen patients (25.7%) showed a wall of
abdomen (n = 5), LPG (n = 4), RLQ (n = 3), cases of infected localized fluid collection co- fluid collection, 12 (17.1%) of which showed
abdominal wall (n = 1), RUQ (n = 1), LUQ existed in the patients with shunt infection. contrast enhancement of the wall. Seven cas-
(n = 1), and LLQ (n = 1). Among them, one Of the six cases (8.6%) of CSF pseudo- es (10.0%) showed internal septa within the
patient had fluid collections in both paracolic cysts, five were located in the peritoneal fluid collection. There were 30 cases (42.9%)
gutters. The locations of the six CSF pseudo- space and one was located in the abdomi- of peritoneal thickening, 19 cases (27.1%) of
cysts were the RLQ (n = 3), pelvis (n = 2), nal wall. One case (Fig. 6) of pseudocyst peritoneal enhancement, 34 cases (48.6%) of
and abdominal wall (n = 1) (Fig. 1). caused small-bowel obstruction secondary omentomesentery infiltration (Figs. 2 and 5),

Fig. 3—20-year-old man with intraperitoneal pseudocyst and inflammatory infiltration in abdominal wall.
A, Contrast-enhanced abdominopelvic CT scan shows 11 × 6 cm pseudocyst in abdominal right lower quadrant with enhanced wall and internal shunt catheters (arrows).
Small amount of fluid collection is also seen in both paracolic gutters. Causes of hydrocephalus were traumatic hemorrhage and postoperative ischemic change. CT was
performed because of abdominal pain.
B, More cephalic CT image shows inflammatory fatty infiltration in subcutaneous layer of right midabdominal wall with adjacent skin thickening. Adjacent small-bowel
loops show mild wall thickening with mesenteric haziness and fluid collections in both paracolic gutters. There was no growth of microorganisms from catheter tip and
shunt externalization was performed.

AJR:193, November 2009 1313

Chung et al.

Fig. 4—14-year-old boy with lumboperitoneal shunt, and a third ventricu-

intraperitoneal abscess. Contrast- lostomy [13]. The peritoneal cavity is prefer-
enhanced abdominopelvic CT scan
shows 3 × 1 cm lentiform-shaped able to the pleural cavity for insertion or re-
low-density lesion (arrows) with insertion of the shunt [6].
rimlike enhancement noted in left The most common causes of shunt mal-
anterior peritoneal cavity with
adjacent peritoneal thickening. function are catheter obstruction and infection.
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Cause of hydrocephalus was The incidence of ventriculoperitoneal shunt–

congenital Arnold-Chiari related abdominal complications has been re-
malformation. CT was performed
because of suspicion of shunt
ported to be from 5% to 47% [14, 15]. In our
malfunction. Two shunt catheters study, 16 patients (22.9%) were histopatholog-
are noted in both sides of ically diagnosed with shunt-related compli-
abdominal wall with distal catheter cations. The most common distal ventriculo-
near descending colon. This lesion
was confirmed as abscess by peritoneal shunt complications include shunt
percutaneous needle aspiration, infection, subcutaneous collection of CSF,
and Pseudomonas aeruginosa peritoneal pseudocyst, bowel perforation, in-
grew from aspirated abscess fluid.
Shunt catheter was removed.
testinal volvulus [6], mesenteric pseudotumor,
migration of the catheter into the pleural cav-
four cases (5.7%) of abscess, one case (1.4%) For the treatment of ventriculoperitoneal ity and heart, and development of an incision
of bowel perforation, nine cases (12.9%) of shunt–related abdominal complications in the hernia [8–11, 16–20]. Other less-common ab-
bowel-wall thickening, 38 cases (54.3%) of 16 patients (22.9%), the following were used: dominal complications [21, 22] include bowel
abdominal wall infiltration (Fig. 3), and sev- antibiotic therapy only (n = 4), shunt exter- obstruction secondary to adhesion; subphren-
en cases (10.0%) of thickening of the cathe- nalization and antibiotic therapy (n = 2), ex- ic abscess, cerebrospinal–enteric fistula; un-
ter track wall in the abdominal wall. ploratory laparotomy (n = 2), shunt revision treatable CSF ascites; catheter disconnection;
Specimen cultures from the peritoneal tips (n = 2), sonographically guided percutaneous and extraperitoneal retraction of the catheter
of the shunt catheter or intraperitoneal fluid drain tube insertion (n = 2), removal of the through the mouth [10], umbilicus [4], blad-
were obtained in 21 patients (30.0%). The fol- catheter (n = 2), laparotomy and drainage (n = der, vagina, anus [11], or scrotum. Nonenter-
lowing microorganisms grew in 11 patients 1), and conservative treatment (n = 1). ic viscus perforations also can occur and can
(15.7%): five cases of Staphylococcus aureus, involve multiple organs, such as the gallblad-
one case of Pseudomonas aeruginosa, one Discussion der, stomach, liver, uterus, or urethra. Obstruc-
case of vancomycin-resistant enterococci, one The use of the peritoneal cavity for CSF tion of the distal catheter must be treated as an
case of Acinetobacter baumannii, one case of absorption in ventriculoperitoneal shunting emergency because it can lead to a significant
Micrococcus species, one case of gram-posi- was first introduced in 1908 by Kausch [12]. increase in intracranial pressure, resulting in
tive cocci, and one case of gram-negative coc- Other shunting techniques have since been associated complications that can cause con-
ci. In 10 patients, there was no growth. used and include a ventriculoatrial shunt, a siderable morbidity and possibly death [5].

Fig. 5—67-year-old woman with intraperitoneal infected fluid collection.
A, Contrast-enhanced abdominopelvic CT scan shows large amount of ascites with thickened and enhanced peritoneum (arrows) with ventriculoperitoneal shunt
catheter in left lower abdomen. Causes of hydrocephalus were subarachnoid hemorrhage and intraventricular hemorrhage. CT was performed because of abdominal
pain, nausea, and vomiting.
B, More cephalic CT image shows loculated fluid collections with thin wall in both sides of midabdomen. Dirty fatty infiltration is also seen in omentomesentery of
right midabdomen, with fluid collections in right paracolic gutter and mesentery. Micrococcus species grew from tip of shunt catheter. External drainage tube was
inserted for treatment.

1314 AJR:193, November 2009

CT of Ventriculoperitoneal Shunts
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Fig. 6—48-year-old man with intraperitoneal pseudocyst causing small-bowel obstruction.
A, Contrast-enhanced abdominopelvic CT scan shows approximately 6 × 5 cm pseudocyst in abdominal right lower quadrant with adherent and distended neighboring
small-bowel loops. Shunt catheter (arrow) is seen just below peritoneum. Cause of hydrocephalus in this patient was chondrosarcoma in skull base, and CT was
performed because of abdominal pain.
B, More cephalic CT image shows considerably more distended small-bowel loops with internal bowel contents and air–fluid level, suggesting mechanical bowel
obstruction. Laparoscopy confirmed small-bowel obstruction caused by adherent pseudocyst secondary to wrapped mesentery at catheter tip. Ventriculoperitoneal
shunt catheter was removed and reintroduced into another site. No microorganism grew from pseudocyst fluid.

Malfunction of the ventriculoperitoneal shunts. CSF loculation may present as re- The time from the last shunting procedure
shunt after initial placement occurs in ap- current ascites, a peritoneal cyst, an omental to the development of an abdominal pseudo-
proximately 25–35% of patients at 1 year cyst, or subphrenic or lesser sac loculation cyst ranges from 3 weeks to 5 years [16].
[23], and 70–80% of patients require at least [8]. Peritoneal CSF pseudocyst formation is There has been a reported case of pseudocyst
one revision at some point in their lives [16]. an unusual complication, with a reported in- formation 10 years after ventriculoperitone-
Cochrane and Kestle [24] reported the initial cidence of less than 1.0–4.5% [8, 26]. The al shunt placement. In our study, six cases
shunt failure rate to be 31% at 6 months for wall of the pseudocyst is composed of fi- (8.6%) of pseudocyst were detected, and the
experienced surgeons, with an infection rate brous tissue or an inflamed serosal surface time interval between the last shunting oper-
of 7% over the same period. In our study, the without an epithelial lining and is filled with ation and abdominopelvic CT ranged from 5
mean period between the last ventriculoperi- CSF and debris [8, 27]. The most common days to 25 months. The CSF pseudocyst can
toneal shunting operation and abdominopel- presentation of an abdominal CSF pseudo- either move freely within the peritoneal cav-
vic CT was 11 months; 52 patients (74.3%) cyst in children is elevated intracranial pres- ity or adhere to loops of small bowel, the se-
had an interval of less than 11 months. sure and abdominal pain, whereas local ab- rosal surface of solid organs, or the parietal
Among these 52 patients, eight underwent dominal signs, such as abdominal pain, peritoneum [8].
abdominopelvic CT within 1 week because distention, nausea, or vomiting, predominate CSF pseudocysts can be differentiated
of abdominal symptoms. One of these eight in adults [8]. from ascites by their characteristic displace-
patients underwent laparotomy because of An abdominal CSF pseudocyst was first ment of the bowel gas pattern on abdominal
small-bowel obstruction caused by small- described by Harsh [28] in 1954. Hahn et films and by the absence of shifting dullness
bowel mesentery wrapping around the cath- al. [29] reported that infection was the most [8]. Although sonography and CT can accu-
eter tip and pseudocyst. prominent cause of pseudocyst formation rately localize abdominal fluid collections,
Shunt infection remains a frequent and po- (80%) and emphasized that all cases of ab- differentiation of ascites from the aforemen-
tentially fatal complication of CSF diversion, dominal pseudocysts should be considered tioned cystic lesions may not be possible.
with a reported incidence of 5–47% [14, 15], to be caused by infection until proven other- Therefore, fine-needle aspiration of the lo-
and approximately 70% of shunt infections wise. The most common intraabdominal re- calized CSF collections under sonographic
occur within 2 months after shunt placement sponse to infection is sheathing of the peri- or CT guidance should be performed to in-
[13, 25]. In our study, shunt infection was toneal catheter. The CSF draining into these crease the diagnostic yield. Coley et al. [31]
confirmed by bacterial culture in 11 patients sheaths may produce large intraabdominal reported that although the sonographically
(15.7%). The most common organism was S. fluid-filled cysts [8]. The infection and sub- guided percutaneous aspiration of CSF
aureus. However, it has been reported that sequent high levels of CSF protein, allergic pseudocyst was not curative, performance of
7% of ventriculoperitoneal shunt infections reactions to immunization [30], liver dys- this procedure to alleviate the acute symp-
are caused by Escherichia coli [17]. function [19], and tissue reaction against tub- toms followed by elective shunt revision is a
Peritoneal fluid is either absent or pres- ing material and CSF protein [20] have been feasible alternative to the traditional treat-
ent in only a small amount in patients with known to impair the absorption of CSF and ment approach and could be helpful to limit
normally functioning ventriculoperitoneal to have a role in pseudocyst formation. radiation exposure to patients who were likely

AJR:193, November 2009 1315

Chung et al.

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