PR Chapter 1 Final

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A Survey on Youth Lockdown Realizations



In the 21st century, there have been zoonotic corona virus outbreaks: SARS

(Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome) in 2002 and MERS (Middle East Respiratory

Syndrome) in 2012, both of which have caused a number of pneumonia cases. A

new epidemic of a novel coronavirus infection that started in early December 2019

in the Chinese City of Wuhan has been added to this list of problems. It infected

millions of people where they experience severe symptoms such as rough cough,

shortening of breath, and losing their sense of smell and taste. The rapidly spread

of the virus affected the Philippines. Which urges the Philippine government to

implement the first ever lockdown in the country. The health organization

collaborated with the government to help people prevent themselves from getting

infected. The news repeatedly reported the continuous increase of cases of the

CoVid-19, which enforces the government to carry out a decree where people are

obligated to isolate themselves, and to follow safety protocols until they create the

assumed cure.
The pandemic has brought some aspects of life to our attention. We’ve

come to the realization that we haven’t given topics like mental health and

environmental health they need. The majority of us have struggled to cope with the

confinement. We were not psychologically and emotionally equipped to handle the

circumstances. One of the effects of the isolation caused trauma and neglection of

the opportunities for a very long time. A lot of thoughts came upon us that gave us

loads of realizations while being locked up. Several realizations dawned on us,

leading to changes in living perceptions and experiences. These are the realities of

living in lockdown that may stick with us post-pandemic. It is safe to say that life will

never be the same as pre-pandemic. Values are changing. Habits are changing,

and some of us wish they could change their setting. Others vow to introduce

changes that would make their house a little more conducive for everyone while

living in lockdown. To say that the coronavirus pandemic has altered our way of life

would be an understatement. We had several epiphanies, which affected how we

perceive and experienced life. These are the realities of life under lockdown that

could follow us beyond the pandemic. It is a given that life will never be the same

as it was before the outbreak. Values are altering.

The researchers aim to provide persons with mental health issues during

lockdown with some action, such as aiding in their ability to articulate their thoughts

or how they manage their mental health while under lockdown. Once this research

is completed, the researchers assume to rebuild the opportunities that have been

neglected during lockdown. In addition, the researchers want to work on the youths’

mental and emotional health as it was very much affected for the extensive time

being isolated.

The researchers focus on how youths are going to adjust for being isolated for a

very long time.


1. What are the common realizations of the youth on lockdown?

2. What is the biggest concern in lockdown realizations?

3. What is the essential realization which is considered to be beneficial?


- To assess the lockdown realizations on youth.

- To determine the impact of lockdown to the youths’ mental and emotional health.

- To determine the effect on how youths’ cope with their lockdown realizations.


H₀: There is no essential realization which is considered to be beneficial.

H₁: The essential realization which is considered to be beneficial is for the youths’

mental health.

The general intent of this study aims to examine on how youths’ cope their

responsibilities with their realizations in Iligan City East National High School that

focuses with their mental and emotional health. This study will mainly identify the

realizations of every youth while on lockdown. Also, this study will help assess on

how the researchers identify the reason for their realizations and provide help for

them to be self-reliant, self-worth, self-confidence, and self-reflection in dealing with

their mental health.

This study will have limited respondents with a number of 25-30 youths. This

will be conducted within the school premises of Iligan City East National High

School- Sta. Filomena in the 2nd semester of this school year 2022-2023. The

researchers will be conducting an interview among the youths in ICENHS

students about their lockdown realizations after the past three years of being

isolated and how they came to that realizations. The people who will take part in

this study will be the researchers and the youths who the researchers will be

interviewing in the future. After the qualitative process, the researchers assumed to

achieve the expected objectives, that is to determine the progress of the youths

rebuilding their health mentally, emotionally, and physically.


This research will provide new ways on dealing with the youths’ mental health.

Specifically, this research will benefit the following:

COMMUNITY- with the mental health being healthy, the youths can be creative,

learn, trying new things, and take risks. With being mentally healthy, youths will

become better with coping with difficult times in their personal and students’ life.

HOUSEHOLD- with being mentally healthy - you are able to feel and experience

emotions including happiness, love, joy and compassion, and you will feel generally

satisfied with life.

Students will benefit directly from this research to adapt changes, build strong

relationships, and recover from setbacks when they are mentally stable. In addition,

being mentally healthy can reduce or eliminate anxiety and depression, reduce

stress, increase happiness and more.

PARENTS- with the ability of being mentally stable, youths are able to open up with

their feelings and thoughts to their parents. Also, being mentally healthy teaches

effective conflict resolution, reduce stress, promotes adaptability and resilience.

FUTURE RESEARCHERS- this study tackles information involving realizations as

an approach in becoming mentally healthy. Thus, the result of this study can be

used for future discussions on the expertise of realization in pointing the youths’

realizations especially during lockdown.


ALTERERED- to make different without changing into something else.

CIRCUMSTANCES- a condition, fact, or event accompanying, conditioning, or

determining another: an essential or inevitable concomitant.

CONFINEMENT- the situation in which a person or animal is kept somewhere,

usually by force.

COPE- to deal with and attempt to overcome problems: to deal with and attempt to

overcome problems and difficulties.

DAWNED- to become known or obvious.

EPIPHANIES- a usually sudden manifestation or perception of the essential nature

or meaning of something.

NEGLECTION- to fail to give due care, attention, or time to.

PERCEIVE- to become aware of through the senses. especially: see, observe.

PERCEPTION- the act or faculty of perceiving, or apprehending by means of the

senses or of the mind; cognition; understanding.

UNDERSTATEMENT- the act or an instance of understating, or representing in a

weak or restrained way that is not borne out by the facts.







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