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Punishing drug users is not the best method to reduce drug use.

Drug addiction is an illness, and some

people are more exposed to it than others because of their social surroundings or even the way they
were raised. Drug users do not always commit significant crimes. Punishing someone for their
addiction won't make them feel better or help them learn any coping mechanisms.

It's normal for people who are battling addiction to feel ashamed, humiliated, or cut off from those
who matter most to them. Punishing drug addiction just makes people feel worse, which can encourage
them to use more drugs. 
The repercussions of drug use should be strictly implemented, with the ideal that they would
discourage the use, thereby decreasing the amount of unhealthy intake. However, punishments should
be taken to an extent, regardless of drug use being a crime, the same punishment may not apply to all
users. Therefore, implying that when apprehended, the circumstance and means of the user should be
taken into consideration.
     For those of a younger age, punishment may consist of a warning being placed on their record,
educational classes and occasionally suspension of privileges. With that, options may vary for older
adults and may consist of harsher or more demeaning repercussions, such as limited job opportunities,
frequent drug tests, and community services and (in severe cases) 5–10-year sentences in federal
prison. For a moderate crime committed by a student-athlete, I think a punishable crime would consist
of all contact with their team suspended for two weeks. However, I think parents and school board
should have required meetings for any student caught to discuss on and off-campus punishment(s) and
how it should be approached. If teachers and public supervisors were to catch an individual taking/on
drugs the reaction and procedure should be up to them regarding, warnings, punishment, or the
involvement of law enforcement. Defining this problem as a disease and one may need help, their
actions should be addressed and dealt with for the safety of the community in the form of given help
and consequence punishment.

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