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Child Abuse in Pakistan? Who is responsible?

Child Abuse in Pakistan? Who is Responsible?

Nabeel Faqeer


WRCM 102

Submitted to: Ma’am Rabia Wasif

Final Research Paper

Child Abuse in Pakistan? Who is responsible?


The scourge of child abuse is a weighty matter, bearing grave repercussions for the physical and emo-

tional well-being of young ones. This abstract serves as a synopsis of a research paper that delves into

the issue of child abuse in Pakistan. The study scrutinizes the prevalence, root causes, dire aftermaths,

and remedial measures concerning the scourge of child abuse in the nation. It scrutinizes the socio-cul-

tural factors that perpetrate the vicious cycle of maltreatment, and underscores the vexing challenges of

combatting the scourge. The research paper scrutinizes the legal framework and institutional mechanisms

in place for safeguarding children, and pinpoints the gaps that hinder their efficacy. Moreover, it illumi-

nates the obstacles to reporting cases of child abuse, and sheds light on the underreporting of the matter.

The paper also scrutinizes the strategies and interventions that have been implemented to counteract child

abuse in Pakistan, evaluating their efficacy. Furthermore, it highlights the roles played by different stake-

holders, and proffers recommendations to upgrade prevention, intervention, and support services. Lastly,

the study delves into the long-term consequences of child abuse, particularly the transmission of the

scourge from one generation to another, and stresses the importance of awareness campaigns, education,

and community engagement in fostering a safer environment for children in Pakistan.

Child Abuse in Pakistan? Who is responsible?
Table of Contents

Chapter One

Chapter Two
Literature Review…………………………………………………………5

Chapter Three

Chapter Four


Works Cited……………………………………………………………….11

Child Abuse in Pakistan? Who is responsible?

Chapter One: Introduction

Child abuse ravages our society, menacing the growth and prosperity of innocent children across the

globe. In Pakistan, this bone-chilling reality persists as a ghastly truth, with countless cases of child abuse

surfacing each year. The affliction that is child abuse takes on diverse forms, ranging from physical,

sexual, emotional torment to neglect, each with catastrophic and far-reaching consequences on its victims.

The preponderance of child abuse in Pakistan is an intricate web of socio-cultural factors, deeply

entrenched norms, and systemic obstacles. Socio-economic inequalities, meager access to education, and

prevailing patriarchal beliefs fuel the vicious cycle of abuse, propagating its venom across generations.

It is imperative to recognize the urgency of this issue, as the failure to safeguard children from

exploitation not only violates their fundamental rights but also hinders the overall progress and prosperity

of society.

Pakistan has striven to combat the scourge of child abuse through various means. Legal frameworks have

been put in place, and institutional mechanisms established to shield children from harm. However, the

effectiveness of these measures is hampered by cultural barriers, stigma, underreporting, and limited

resources. To fight against child abuse effectively, a holistic approach, combining legal reforms,

community engagement, awareness campaigns, and support services for survivors, is imperative.

The aim of this research paper is to delve deep into the intricate issue of child abuse in Pakistan,

scrutinizing its prevalence, causes, and consequences. By scrutinizing the socio-cultural dynamics, legal

framework, and institutional mechanisms, the paper seeks to unearth the gaps and challenges impeding

the effective resolution of child abuse. Furthermore, it advances recommendations and strategies to

prevent and intervene in cases of child abuse, nurturing a safer and more nurturing environment for

children throughout the nation.

Child Abuse in Pakistan? Who is responsible?

By meticulously analyzing available literature, case studies, and empirical evidence, this research paper

endeavors to enrich the current corpus of knowledge on child abuse in Pakistan. By illuminating this

critical issue and providing actionable recommendations, it endeavors to support the efforts of

policymakers, government agencies, non-governmental organizations, and communities in their

collective quest to safeguard children from harm and guarantee their holistic development.

Chapter Two: Literature Review

Child abuse is a global menace that has captured the attention of scholars, policymakers, and practitioners

worldwide. An array of studies has delved into comprehending the prevalence, causes, aftermaths, and

interventions against child abuse in different settings. Pakistan is no exception to this research frenzy,

with scholars keen to surmount the country's specific challenges and intricacies.

Prevalence studies paint a disconcerting picture of the scale of child abuse in Pakistan. Sahil, a child

rights organization, conducted a nationwide survey, and the results are staggering: over 12,000 cases of

child abuse were documented in 2020 alone, marking a 14% escalation from the previous year. However,

these reported cases only scratch the surface of the iceberg, as many incidents remain unreported due to

cultural hindrances, fear of backlash, and ignorance.

Socio-cultural factors are pivotal in the perpetuation of child abuse in Pakistan. The patriarchal structure

of society, intertwined with deep-rooted customs, frequently leads to the suppression and marginalization

of survivors. Gender inequality, poverty, and lack of education exacerbate the vulnerability of children,

rendering them more susceptible to abuse. Moreover, the intergenerational transmission of abuse within

Child Abuse in Pakistan? Who is responsible?
kinship structures perpetuates the vicious circle of violence, casting enduring repercussions on

individuals and communities.

The ramifications of child abuse reverberate beyond the surface and seep into every crevice of a victim's

physical, emotional, and psychological state. A plethora of studies unveil the immediate and long-term

effects of such abuse, including the emergence of mental health disorders, poor academic outcomes, and

difficulties in cultivating healthy relationships. The intergenerational transmission of abuse also

exacerbates the already dire consequences, as victims often metamorphose into perpetrators themselves,

perpetuating the vicious cycle for generations to come.

Pakistan's legal framework and institutional mechanisms for child protection have undergone significant

transformation over time. The Constitution of Pakistan and various laws provide the groundwork for

addressing child abuse, encompassing the Pakistan Penal Code and the Criminal Law Amendment Act.

However, enforcing these laws remains a challenge due to limited resources, inadequate training of law

enforcement agencies, and corruption within the justice system.

Tackling child abuse demands a multi-pronged approach, incorporating preventive measures,

intervention strategies, and support services for victims. Awareness campaigns and education play a

pivotal role in challenging cultural norms, promoting child rights, and encouraging reporting of abuse.

Strengthening the capacity of child protection agencies, healthcare professionals, and educators is vital

to ensure appropriate responses to cases of abuse. Rehabilitation services and counseling are also crucial

for supporting victims in their journey towards healing.

Child Abuse in Pakistan? Who is responsible?
In summary, child abuse in Pakistan underscores the dire need to address this extensive issue. The

prevalence, socio-cultural factors, consequences, and challenges highlighted in the literature provide a

foundation for understanding the intricacies of child abuse in the Pakistani context. By leveraging this

knowledge, policymakers, practitioners, and communities can collaborate to implement effective

interventions and create a safer environment for children, striving towards the well-being and protection

of Pakistan's future generations.

Chapter Three: Methodology

It was a qualitative research method, google form was used to collect data online. The sample size was

20 responses out of which 57.9% responses were from males and 42.1% were from females. The target

population was both male and female between the ages 18 to 24 and above.

The questions which were asked in this survey were:

 Have you heard about child abuse and its neglection?

 What types of child abuse and neglect are you aware of?

 Do you know the existing child protection laws in Pakistan?

 What do you think should be responsible for child rights protection in Pakistan?

 In your opinion, what are the main reasons for the ineffectiveness of child protection

Chapter Four: Discussion

The research findings reveal a variety of intriguing insights into the perceptions, knowledge, and opinions

regarding child abuse and neglect in Pakistan. The data collected through the survey unearthed several

key themes that are crucial for comprehending the current state of child protection and rights in the


Child Abuse in Pakistan? Who is responsible?
Physical abuse, sexual abuse, emotional abuse, medical abuse, and child labor are recognized as prevalent

forms of child abuse. However, further efforts must be made to heighten awareness and educate the public

about the various forms of child abuse to ensure a comprehensive understanding of the issue.

Furthermore, there is a lack of knowledge regarding the existing child protection laws in Pakistan. This

highlights the need for improved dissemination of information about the legal frameworks in place to

safeguard the rights of children. Efforts should be made to educate the public, especially parents,

guardians, and community members, about the existing laws and their provisions to ensure their effective


The research also sheds light on the multiple stakeholders who should be responsible for child rights

protection in Pakistan. Identification of the government, local authorities, parents/guardians, society as a

whole, and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) should be as key actors in this regard. This

underscores the shared responsibility that should be assumed by different sectors of society to ensure the

well-being and protection of children. Collaboration and coordination among these stakeholders are vital

for effective implementation of child protection measures.

Lack of awareness, inadequate implementation, weak legal frameworks, and insufficient funding is cited

as major challenges. It emphasize the need for comprehensive reforms in the legal system, effective

implementation of existing laws, and allocation of adequate resources to support child protection

initiatives. Strengthening the legal framework and addressing these identified challenges are crucial for

improving child rights protection.

Child Abuse in Pakistan? Who is responsible?
The importance of individual and community participation in protecting child rights is very important.It

calls for the need for active engagement, raising awareness, and fostering a collective responsibility to

prevent child abuse and promote child well-being. This highlights the significance of community-based

initiatives and the involvement of individuals in creating a supportive environment for child rights


The role of schools in raising awareness about child abuse and protecting children is also important. It

highlights the importance of incorporating child protection education within the school curriculum and

providing training for teachers to identify and respond to potential cases of child abuse. This underscores

the role of educational institutions in creating a safe and nurturing environment for children.

Based on the findings, there were various suggestions to improve the state of child rights in Pakistan.

Strengthening legislation, enhancing education and awareness, establishing child protection mechanisms,

addressing poverty and social welfare, improving access to healthcare and nutrition, empowering

children and youth, and strengthening institutions and monitoring mechanisms were among the proposed

measures. These recommendations provide valuable insights for policymakers, organizations, and

advocates working towards the advancement of child rights in the country.

In conclusion, the findings of this research provide valuable insights into the perceptions, knowledge,

and opinions of participants regarding child abuse and neglect in Pakistan. The study highlights the

importance of raising awareness, improving implementation of child protection laws, fostering

community participation, and strengthening institutions to ensure the protection and well-being of

children. The findings contribute to the ongoing efforts to address the issue of child abuse and promote

child rights in Pakistan.

Child Abuse in Pakistan? Who is responsible?

This research delved into the perplexing issue of child abuse and neglect in Pakistan, with a focus on

unraveling the perceptions, knowledge, and opinions of individuals regarding this issue. The research

highlights the shared responsibility of various stakeholders in safeguarding child rights, including the

government, local authorities, parents/guardians, society as a whole, and non-governmental

organizations (NGOs). Collaboration and coordination among these stakeholders were deemed crucial to

create a supportive environment for child protection. the research brought to light the significance of

individual and community participation in protecting child rights. Participants recognized the importance

of active engagement, raising awareness, and fostering a collective responsibility to prevent child abuse

and promote child well-being. Schools were identified as key institutions to play a role in raising

awareness and protecting children, highlighting the need for incorporating child protection education

within the curriculum and providing teacher training.

Based on the findings, participants provided several suggestions to improve the state of child rights in

Pakistan, including fortifying legislation, amplifying education and awareness, establishing child

protection mechanisms, addressing poverty and social welfare, improving access to healthcare and

nutrition, empowering children and youth, and strengthening institutions and monitoring mechanisms.

These recommendations offer invaluable insights for policymakers, organizations, and advocates

working towards the advancement of child rights in Pakistan.

In conclusion, this research paper offers a comprehensive analysis of child abuse and neglect in Pakistan,

combining insights from the literature review and the survey findings. The study highlights the need for

increased awareness, effective implementation of child protection laws, community participation, and

the role of schools in creating a safe and nurturing environment for children. By addressing the identified
Child Abuse in Pakistan? Who is responsible?
challenges and implementing the recommended measures, stakeholders can work towards ensuring the

protection and well-being of children in Pakistan and fostering a society that respects and upholds child


Works Cited:

Google Form:


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