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Git Buffer Overflow in Multiple Products -

CVE-2022-41903, CVE-2022-23521

Summary Git Buffer Overflow in Multiple Products

Advisory Release Date 15 Feb 2023 10:00 AM PDT (Pacific Time, -7 hours)

Affected Products Bitbucket Server and Data Center

Bamboo Server and Data Center

Atlassian Cloud sites are not affected.

Fixes have been deployed to Atlassian Cloud sites. If your Atlassian site is accessed via a b or an domain, it is an Atlassian Cloud site.

Affected Versions All versions of Bitbucket Server and Bitbucket Data Center are affected.
All versions of Bamboo Server and Bamboo Data Center are affected.
All versions of Fisheye are affected.
All versions of Crucible are affected.
All versions of Sourcetree for Mac and Windows are vulnerable.

Fixed Versions Atlassian recommends customers upgrade to the latest patched and supported version of Git
available. See specific instructions for each application in the respective sections below.

CVE ID(s) CVE-2022-41903


As TAM customers we provide you with early notice of critical security vulnerabilities. Please note this information will not be released publicly until 15
Feb 2023 at 10:00 AM PDT (Pacific Time, -7 hours) and that this information is embargoed until that public release. We provide this advanced
notification to allow you time to act to upgrade or otherwise secure your systems quickly. Please let us know if you have any questions.

Summary of Vulnerabilities
This advisory addresses a pair of critical security vulnerabilities in Git that affect multiple Atlassian products.

CVE-2022-41903 - Heap overflow in git archive, git log --format

Git Security Advisory - CVE-2022-41903

git log has the ability to display commits using an arbitrary format with its --format specifiers. This functionality is also exposed to git archive
via the export-subst gitattribute.
When processing the padding operators for formatting (e.g., %<(, %<|(, %>(, >>(, or %><(), an integer overflow can occur. This overflow can be
triggered directly by a user running a command that invokes the commit formatting machinery, or indirectly through git archive and the export-
subst mechanism.
The integer overflow results in arbitrary heap writes, which may result in remote code execution.

CVE-2022-23531 - gitattributes parsing integer overflow

Git Security Advisory - CVE-2022-23521

gitattributes are a mechanism to allow defining attributes for paths. These attributes can be defined by adding a .gitattributes file to the repository,
which contains a set of file patterns and the attributes that should be set for paths matching this pattern.
When parsing gitattributes, multiple integer overflows can occur when there is a huge number of path patterns, a huge number of attributes for a single
pattern, or when the declared attribute names are huge. These overflows can be triggered via a crafted .gitattributes file that may be part of the
commit history.
This integer overflow can result in arbitrary heap reads and writes, which may result in remote code execution.

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Atlassian rates the severity level of these vulnerabilities as critical, according to the scale published in our Atlassian severity levels. The scale allows us
to rank the severity as critical, high, moderate or low.
This is our assessment and you should evaluate its applicability to your own IT environment.

Affected Products
Git has released patches for both vulnerabilities for versions >= v2.30.7

Bitbucket Server and Data Center

Affected Versions
All versions of Bitbucket Server and Bitbucket Data Center are affected.

Patch Recommendations

Git Configuration Recommendation

For customers providing Git Atlassian recommends customers upgrade to the latest patched and supported version of Git
themselves available.
Please refer to the supported platforms page for a particular version of Bitbucket to find if it
supports Git v2.30.7+.
Customers using versions of Bitbucket Server and Data Center < 7.9 will need to upgrade
Bitbucket to a later version to support a patched version of Git.
However, for customers running Bitbucket 7.6, the Bitbucket Team has tested and confirmed
that Git v2.30.7 should work.

For customers using a All images in the support lifecycle for Bitbucket have been updated to use a patched version of
Bitbucket Docker Image Git.
Please re-download the images to pull the latest changes.
Similarly, customers that pin a Bitbucket image to a hash need to update to the latest hash
version associated with the respective image tag.

For customers using Git for The Bitbucket team has released version v7.21.9, which adds support for Git v2.39.x.
Windows Please update to the latest patched and supported version of Git available.
Currently, Git for Windows does not have plans to backport fixes for these vulnerabilities.

Bamboo Server and Data Center

Affected Versions
All versions of Bamboo are affected.

Patch Recommendations

Git Configuration Recommendation

For customers providing Git Atlassian recommends customers update Git at the Bamboo server and remote agents to the
themselves latest patched and supported version available.
Please refer to the supported platforms page for a particular version of Bamboo to see if it
supports Git v2.30.7+

For customers using a All images in the support lifecycle have been updated to use a patched version of Git.
Bamboo Docker Image Please re-download the images to pull the latest changes.

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Similarly, customers that pin a Bamboo image to a hash need to update to the latest hash
version associated with the respective image tag.

For customers using Elastic New AMIs have been prepared with a patched Git Version for Linux and Windows in
Bamboo supported regions in the upcoming Bamboo 9.1.3 release. Customers not wanting to wait for
the release can add a line to update Git in the image startup script at the existing image
configuration screen or download and use the AMIs before the official release..

For customers using Git for Please update to the latest version of Git for Windows
Windows Currently, Git for Windows does not have plans to backport fixes for these vulnerabilities.

Fisheye Server

Affected Versions
All versions of Fisheye are affected.

Patch Recommendations

Git Configuration Recommendation

For customers providing Git Atlassian recommends customers upgrade to the latest patched and supported version of Git
themselves available.
Please refer to the supported platforms page for a particular version of Fisheye to see if it
supports Git v2.30.7+

For customers using a Fisheye All images in the support lifecycle have been updated to use a patched version of Git.
Docker Image Please re-download the images to pull the latest changes.
Similarly, customers that pin a Fisheye image to a hash need to update to the latest hash
version associated with the respective image tag.

For customers using Git for Please update to the latest version of Git for Windows
Windows Currently, Git for Windows does not have plans to backport fixes for these vulnerabilities.

Crucible Server

Affected Versions
All versions of Crucible are affected

Patch Recommendations

Git Configuration Recommendation

For customers providing Git Atlassian recommends customers upgrade to the latest patched and supported version of Git
themselves available.
Please refer to the supported platforms page for a particular version of Fisheye to see if it
supports Git v2.30.7+

For customers using a All images in the support lifecycle have been updated to use a patched version of Git.
Crucible Docker Image Please re-download the images to pull the latest changes.
Similarly, customers that pin a Crucible image to a hash need to update to the latest hash
version associated with the respective image tag.

For customers using Git for Please update to the latest version of Git for Windows
Windows Currently, Git for Windows does not have plans to backport fixes for these vulnerabilities.

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Affected Versions
All versions of Sourcetree for Mac and Windows are vulnerable.

Fixed Versions
The Sourcetree team is actively working on updating embedded Git binaries to v2.39.1 for the next product release version.

Mac: v4.2.2
Windows: v3.4.12

While the Sourcetree team is working on updating the embedded Git binary, we recommend customers switch Sourcetree to use a patched system Git

Security Bug fix Policy As per our new policy critical security bug fixes will be back
ported in accordance with
/security/bug-fix-policy . We will release new maintenance
releases for the versions covered by the policy instead of binary
Binary patches are no longer released.

Severity Levels for security issues Atlassian security advisories include a severity level and a CVE
identifier. This severity level is based on our self-calculated
CVSS score for each specific vulnerability. CVSS is an industry
standard vulnerability metric. You can also learn more about

End of Life Policy Our end of life policy varies for different products. Please refer
to our EOL Policy for details.

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